The Origin

Story by Nesetalis on SoFurry

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The confusing origin of Omo Laud, the strange and very unique alien.

A schism in reality tore; ripples of gravitational waves screamed across the face of the universe as causality was violated. A spatial dilation occurred within that schism, a yawning nothingness gave way to something, and something gave way to everything. A microverse erupted into existence, and then evaporated into ours. The only thing that remained once the annihilatory energies spent themselves upon the walls of that schism was a single gleaming point of light, a surface of metal reflecting the awesome violence around it.

The wound in space collapsed in on itself, eroded away by the disintegrating microverse. Where violence which had dwarfed quasars once emerged was now stillness, Gravitational echoes and a shell of Electromagnetic screams were all that remained. Well, not all, there was also the vessel, a vessel which had crossed mega parsecs in a matter of seconds to arrive here, now. The engineering involved dwarfed that known by any species living in the galaxy now or any of those to come before. The gulfs crossed by that small vessel were more than spatial, more than ability and knowledge, they were the gulfs of eons; shortcutting causality through the creation of an artificial, collapsing universe.


"We have arrived, eldest," I announced with pride over my first solo transit. The silence around me was palpable, distinctly unnerving. Had I failed? I double checked my coordinates and the instrument readings. The star composition was correct, within tolerance. The position in the galaxy was close too. I double checked the position of said galaxy in the super-galactic cluster. Yes, that was correct; this was the Milky Way, in the latter 48thcentury undoubtedly. This was where we should find the origins of our great ancestor, Omo Laud.

"We are in the wrong quadrant, Palcherya, and yet the right time period! Founding can't be more than a handspan of ages. We have no time to travel the long way around!" Eldest sighed, exasperated. I tucked my tail in misery and shame as blood surfaced under my scales and left me so flushed as to blend in with the inky black beyond the screen. If only I could have truly disappeared into the night! "Well, in the time you have so generously donated us, you may lead the crew to the surface of the planet you have nestled us upon. Perhaps you shall get lucky and discover a lost secret? Hmm? Did this world call to you spawnling? Do you believe our great ancestors origin can be found here?" They spat the words with distain and gestured sharply, "I expect to not see, hear, or smell your presence until after next transit. You are not welcome on this ship for the duration of spool-down. Be gone!"

No one else said a word, no one dared even breathe. I straightened and turned to face the Eldest, their withered hide trembling with furious disappointment; I was their spawn, their bright one, and I had shamed them in my moment of trial. I bowed with knees to floor, muzzle to knees and tail tucked. When I rose again, I marched stiffly forth and tried so desperately not to flee or allow the threatening sob out. Behind me the door creaked shut and sealed with a soft suck; only then did I dare exhale and lean back against the wall. Tears ran fat and hot down my near black cheeks, I had to calm myself before I met the descent team, before I had to tell them... Tell them we were wasting our time here.

Black flesh faded to grey, then back to pale silvery blue. My tears dried, my emotions--though dark and miserable--were calmed and under control. I was one of the outstanding, I excelled in all that I did! This was but a single setback, perhaps an important moment, but not my only moment! I was still young, still full of potential future to make my mark. Eldest could detest me now, but I was still the best she ever bore and some day she would know it.

With emotions buoyed up, I marched through the ship. I had no need to rally anyone, they were already at the observation window inspecting our new home for the next six months. I downloaded the intimate scans of her; composition, seasons, cycles, flora, fauna, and bioculture. There was so much you could learn with sufficient instrumentation, but it was never enough to prepare one for landfall. Experience, that was what this was, experience; I'd never been down to a planet before, most of my generation hadn't even seen one. Yes, this was experience, important experience, things we would tell our descendants about when we were old and sagging.

"It is morning at our landing site, so good morning sybs!" I called to the crews who were preparing for departure. There were a handful of elders, but I declined to show them respect; I'd been given command of this descent. If the elders knew anything of my shame, they kept silent on the subject and even perked ears to listen; I took that as a good sign. "This world is, as you all should already know; possesses an abundant carbon life cycle. We are unlikely to find origin sign here; however, that does not mean we won't, nor does it mean we cannot be harmed! Take care, move about in no less than groups of two, remain in contact at all times." It was almost word for word out of the books, I caught a smirk or two on the elder's muzzles, but it was a kindly expression, one given to a child acting the role of an elder. I brought my tail up, then down sharply in a chop, "Move out! We will be surface side in twenty minutes, any longer and I'll have the laggard strung up before their peers. Be Gone!" I only realized I was echoing my Materna's words, after the fact.

The rabble was roused, the drop pods were boarded, equipment already loaded. We descended in record speed; departing the ship almost at once, only a few lagging behind the rest but all well ahead of schedule. We struck the atmosphere like twenty hammers, the echos of our arrival disrupting high altitude clouds and illuminating the dark face off to our west with our wakes. Then came the deceleration impulses, deafening and unbearable, ripping the air around us. Within fifteen minutes of departure, we landed in the open ocean not far from the shore. We sank, though not deeply; only sixty meters to the bottom, the water so clear and pristine that it was almost full daylight.

I felt nervous jitters swarm through my skin as the craft settled and rapidly cooled with clangs, pops, and creeks. The six others sitting with me looked no better; wide eyed and excited, even the elder. I glanced away and inspected the ship's feed; surface temperature tolerable, water only heated a few degrees, hull stresses minimal, pressure high but tolerable. I nodded to myself and signaled the clamps to release. "We have arrived, in record time!" I cheered, "Prepare for camp." The pod shuddered as the clamps let go and it began to draw air into reserve tanks. The chamber began to flood, rapidly, filling the space in which we sat.

Cold, it was so cold! The water was barely twenty degrees! I felt it rise over my feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs... I wasn't the only one shocked by the sensation; I could hear one of my sybs giggling nervously through clenched teeth. Seconds later we were submerged, pressure equalized, the entire craft drowned in fresh clear ocean water. My first real shock though, was when I opened my mouth to address the crew and tasted salt... I hadn't considered it, salt water of course, I knew, but--I had never left the confines of my tribe's ship, never tasted anything but clean recycled water. I could taste innumerable minerals dissolved in the ocean, organic molecules, strange compounds that couldn't be immediately identified. It was delicious--I inhaled, deeply, letting the water fill my lungs to bursting, then let out a deep sigh of pleasure; my shame utterly forgotten for a brief time.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" the elder asked, unbuckled and floating at my side with a smile, "Distilled ship swill has nothing on fresh ocean. Sadly, before long you'll go nose blind to it or become disgusted by how it flavors everything; either way you'll long for the pristine confines of home.

I wasn't so sure, but I knew better than to disagree. I gave them a non-committal grunt as I disengaged my harness and floated. The others were already beginning to exit through the underbelly of the drop pod and so I followed. They all knew what to do better than I, I was trained as pilot and officer, not ground crew--me being sent here was abnormal but not so much as to raise questions--no one would expect me to actually get my hands dirty. Instead I began to explore our new home.

There was a gentle current, no tide though due to the lack of a large enough satellite. The current slid up the coast from the south and brought the scent of warmer waters now cooled. The plant life in the area swayed and drifted in that current in a graceful dance unlike anything I'd ever witnessed in person; I was not used to my environment moving constantly and it left me slightly nauseous. The terrain below those plants was sandy and littered with bits of surface debris and old skeletons of aquatic life. Of course, there was plenty living aquatics everywhere, of all imaginable designs!

I caught a few, carefully, then released them after recording as much data as I could; this wasn't what we were after, but I wasn't going to ignore it simply because it didn't fit in with the Eldest's designs. My thirst for knowledge was growing by the moment with each new and incredible sight. A parasitic or symbiotic relationship between two creatures; I witnessed in great detail. It reminded me of my own family in some ways, which brought a smile to my muzzle. They, behind me, still assembling a residence, couldn't know how similar some parallel evolutions could be.

On I moved, onto the beach, leaving the others behind without looking back. I was so engrossed, so fascinated! Even the little bits of life residing in the surface sand was fascinating; intricate and tiny, with their own little worlds without recognizing the greater reality. You might wonder why I was so fascinated; but remember, I grew up on a sterile ship, not a single living creature except that which we purposely grew! Life was so impossibly chaotic, so intricate, so... so messy!

I met a larger form of that mess up close and personal a short while later as I was heading inland, through tall reeds and scrub. I'd been following a trail, pushed aside and dug up all the way from the beach. That trail broken in on a large clearing filled with boulders--or so I'd thought at first as I picked my way between them. Only once I was close to the center did one of the aforementioned boulders raise its head and stare at me with a decidedly intelligent and curious gaze.

It was like one of those magic eye puzzles, one moment you're just seeing noise, and the next; it pops out at you. I was standing in the middle of a herd, a herd of beasts almost twice my modest height and a thousand times my mass. A quick inspection revealed six muscular, tough, hide bound legs, a wide flat tail that tapered to a nub of bone, and a head on a short neck, set further back on the body than one might expect. How had I not noticed the regular patterns, the six lumps of tucked legs, the curled under head, the tucked tail; every one of those so called boulders, were almost identical with only varying colorations, size, and patterning.

The curious beast before me roared, but it didn't exactly seem aggressive... and in the roar wafted an incredibly complex odor that gave me shivers. Others raised their heads and turned to look, some huffed and roared, others turned away. Then there was one single beast, larger than the rest, who rose and made his way directly toward me. This suggested confrontation. I circled the curious one, putting them between me and the nearing aggressor. The odor of this beast was so intense, so strange! It was nothing like the few animals I'd known on board.

That thought gave me pause; the scent seemed to be changing moment by moment, shifting to one extreme, then another. That tail rose and fell, exposing a glistening wetness beneath and the source of that incredibly variable and pungent scent. I was entranced still, staring at the curious one who was staring at me with those glittering green eyes full of fascination. Then the larger aggressive beast, circled, head down against his back and nostrils flaring.

Of course, scent, scent was how they recognized one another; and he had been down wind of me! I quickly adjusted my own odor, attempting to match the curious one's as close as possible. It wasn't a complicated process, just a question of simulating molocules and exuding them from my pores; any child could do it and had! I'd once spent a whole day smelling like a pine tree covered in water melon. I put It on thick too, in an attempt to cover up whatever odors I'd come down from the ship with, or picked up in the sea; anything that might suggest alien.

"No big beasty, I'm just another one of your friends, leave me be, ignore me," I whispered while remaining stock still. The aggressive beast approached until his blunt, heavy chest butted into me and almost sent me to the ground! I caught my balance though and held my position as best I could as that great head bent down and sniffed. I saw confusion, and curiosity fill that shimmery green gaze as nostrils twitched and inhaled. And then, before I knew it, he had bulled me over into the packed reeds and was crouching down atop, his tail tucked in to curl under my backside!

Bull, of course, a bull. Oh hell, oh-oh hell... She hadn't been curious, she'd been in heat, too addled to care that a strange alien had walked up to her. And I had just pumped out identical pheromones in such quantities as to drown any other scent! Panic set in as I tried to extract myself, but the middle pair of legs curled in, revealing blunt knuckled fingers under the hooves, that grasped with crushing pressure. Skin split where he pressed, muscle crushed. I screamed, helpless to resist his grasp or his strength! No chance of anyone hearing me, they were all busy deep under water, hours of travel away.

My fate was miserable and shame complete; I'd done just what I'd cautioned the others not to. So, it was a simple problem, simple, yet impossible. Somehow I had to escape from my captor, alive. I didn't have much time to think either as he rolled me back and forth, turned me about. Only briefly did I glimpse his underbelly and the sloppy gap within his wrinkled backside, tucked under his tail. I could smell other odors, similar but distinctly different from the female's. Or were they even male and female? I was applying an unknown archetype that lacked refinement. No, no, no distraction, no trying to escape the situation! Male, female, none of that mattered, all that mattered was how I would escape.

If he found the correct hole for his apparent intent, I'd be in dire trouble even worse than I was now. So I had to prevent that at all costs! I knew so little about his species however, that, the scant plan that crossed my mind was impossible to weigh. The next time he flipped me about and tucked his backside against my body, I shifted to press my face into the wrinkled flesh and greet it with open lips. I barely caught him in time as his tail prodded at my lower stomach and triggered a sexual spasm in my abdomen. But I did, I caught between my lips the quartet of prehensile nubs that circled passage.

Mushy, earthen flavors filled my mouth, faintly sweet and floral. So strangely interesting; long fibers from reeds--wadded and tangled--were dislodged and mashed into my teeth, half digested. The four nubs spread between my lips, and forced my jaw open, wide, as they engorged and caught in my jaw and cheeks. I could have bitten down, probably bitten through, but that might have enraged the beast; and all this was my fault anyway. I just needed to exhaust him orally, until he fell asleep, lost interest, or... oh ancient eldest, that was another preconception, what if he didn't exhaust? What if only a pheromonal trigger would reduce his state of arousal?

A mash of plant matter and trickle of moisture gushed over my gums and ballooned my cheeks as his tail curled in to smash my head into the wrinkled folds of his rump. I swallowed and swallowed, desperate to clear my mouth as best I could with it held so wide open. I didn't want it to backflow and clog my nostrils! At the very least, I found the experience strangely delicious and exciting; I might have enjoyed it, if not for the edge of terror that threatened to send me into panic mode.

The flow slowed as at last his--I was almost convinced that it was--penis emerged; wrinkled as much as his back end had been, and symmetrically knobby, in groups of four. The head was cleft twice into four lobes, with great gaping holes in the valleys of those clefts. I probed at one with my tongue, curious, but only briefly for the beast had other desires. He emerged quickly, wrinkled skin growing tighter with each passing second as he forced himself down my throat.

It was a sloppy messy experience, much like the life I'd found on this world. His penis emerged, and with it the contents of his cloaca; spilling over my face and down my throat. I wasn't concerned with that, not really; there were no pathogens on this world that could harm me, nor was it likely to contain anything particularly toxic. Perhaps a little humiliating, perhaps a lot degrading, perhaps... perhaps I found myself enjoying that quite a lot.

I shook those thoughts from my head as my unintended lover continued to erect. I swallowed around him, choked a little on the medial ridges that slid passed, and continued to swallow as he emerged in full. It was beginning to grow uncomfortable, his length was well into my stomach and pushing against the opposite side while his girth was threatening to rip the flesh of my throat with each of his lusty throbs.

I was relieved to discover that his species didn't thrust, just like my own; he erected to completion, impaled me, then sat down. He literally sat, hind legs lowered to the ground, my face was mashed into his cloacal pouch, body half crushed between tail and his stomach. I could feel his rapid breaths swell against me, crush, then release to let me myself breathe. I'd never felt so... thrilled? Controlled? I breathed when he let me, I could move not an inch, I was connected to his filthy, pheromone reeking passage, and I was so completely impaled! Maybe... Maybe I should have let him...

No! I struck the thought from my mind as it surfaced, to allow another species to initiate breeding was our greatest taboo and our greatest shame. Our ancestors were scattered amongst the stars far and wide, sired by force by aliens of all shapes and sizes. We would never again let others choose our breeding! At least, I tried to convince myself of that as I felt myself clench, emptily, with desire.

My lover was rumbling a strange, muted crooning sound, and I could feel his spire twitching with throbs as he did. They rippled down his length from cloaca to tip and strained my throat. I tried to keep calm, tried to relax, but the sensations were overwhelming my sheltered existence. What would happen? Was he waiting for me to do something? The anticipation drove me wild! Again I clenched and wished he would release my arms so that I could touch myself.

The result was not exactly what I expected, nor necessarily desired. He held me, trapped, mounted over my face for hours. It was the longest, most patience testing experience of my short life. Even basic training held not a spark to what I endured, confined in his messy lap. His throbs grew more frequent, more intense; but slowly, oh so slowly. I tried sucking, swallowing, wiggling, licking, anything! He didn't notice, nor care; so I laid limp and yielding for what fate had in store for me.

Patience was something I'd learned well onboard. Patience was what I needed now, patience and perhaps a bath when it was over. Yes, a long bath, in hot water. His cloacal fluids had leaked down the entire length of his tail to soak my back. Even my belly was growing uncomfortably full with what he had force-fed me, and whatever was leaking from his phallus. The last thing I wanted was to evacuate myself while pinned helpless, but if this didn't end soon... I was squirming in place, so full and aching.

It did reach a climax, though not as soon as I would have liked! His vocals shifted to a rapid hooting and gasping while that pulsating spire began to swell. It was the flesh between the rows of knobs, inflating rapidly with--something until they jutted wider than the knobs even. It was entirely uncomfortable, straining my poor throat until I felt tiny pops and splits deep within, the pain was minimal though.

Down the shaft those swollen, packed urethras filled. It was at first soft and mushy, likely more feces packed up there; but after a while it became lumpy and... mobile. I'd expected sperm, or eggs, or... I don't know, I'd not expected wriggling, living--things. He held me trapped, mouth gaping between those cloacal graspers as he emptied his genetic legacy down my throat. It hit my stomach and... and My bowels came alive with tremendous movement in every direction!

To my utter relief, he spent himself in only a short time, but the contents he forced into me, strained my poor gut to overflowing. It gurgled and cramped as my cloacal passage inflated, quickly. Then it was over, just like that. He deflated rapidly, extracting himself from my mouth and releasing my face. He stood, dropping me bodily to the compacted sand and reeds below. Immediately I rolled over and curled in about my distorted, bloating, and SQUIRMING gut. Under my fingers I could feel it move, alive and trembling.

My gorge rose, though hands clasped at my mouth as if to keep it back, it rose and sprayed between my fingers onto the ground before me. I was granted a view of the life he had sown in me; long, thin strands of slimy green flesh coated in mucous that ended in bulbous, gelatinous bodies like skinless grapes. Hundreds of them backflowed along with the rest of the contents he had pumped into my stomach. "Oh Palcherya, at least you didn't soil yourself," I said aloud, voice hoarse. I tried to laugh at my own wit, covered in alien shit, vomit, and gigantic sperm as I was.

It took me a surprisingly long time to collect my wits after that. I didn't feel quite right in the head, not exactly confused, simply disoriented. But I did eventually manage to rise to my feet and stumble toward the edge of the clearing. I could have called for help, could have in the beginning; but I couldn't do it--I couldn't reveal my shame to the others.

One of the beasts moved to intercept me, blocking my passage. They seemed overly annoyed at my attempt to depart, that I forced them to rise. "Wha... Why?" I asked them, as if they might respond. They didn't. I tried to circle them and they simply rose again to butt me back into the herd with their chest. I landed on my rump and stared up at the massive creature, bewildered.

If only I could have cleared the wool from my thoughts, I felt so very ill at ease. I tried again and again, but always a body was there, preventing my departure. Panic set in, a sense of claustrophobia and frustration I couldn't articulate. I was a genius, one of the smartest members of one of the most intelligent races known! How couldn't I get past a congregation of cows? In exasperation I fell back once more to the center of the herd and sat down, not far from where I'd spent the day with the bull. The sun was setting and nothing was making sense anymore; I laid my head down, closed my eyes, and just let myself fade into disorienting sleep.

The morning came early, pre-dawn in fact, and I was awoken by rough hands. It wasn't abrupt, for my dreams were full of caresses and strokes; he'd been exploring my body for quite a while it seemed. What woke me was the fact that he had made a decision. Those rough hands grasped my waist and dragged me bodily against his. I was still a bit confused, truth be told, and being jerked out of sleep was not conducive to clear thought. Before I knew it, I was straddling his tail with my groin smashed into the soggy, messy folds of his cloaca.

"N-No! Wait!" I begged aloud, as if that would stop him. He held me so tight, I couldn't squirm free, and then his cloacal fingers found my poor little hole and curled in to it, stretching it painfully wide and hooking behind the muscular sphincter that sealed it behind my triple labia. I was exposed, sensitive inner flesh gaping wide to the cool morning air. What was worse, was that his touch stimulated those sensitive nerves within, I was clenching and swallowing like mad within seconds, my cloaca a living thing beyond my control.

Why hadn't we changed this? We had the knowledge to manipulate our genome, why didn't we separate those nerves from our existence, or at least place the resulting physiological response under conscious control? It was one of the defining features of our race, our reproductive process was one of bestial violence and force, not tender passion. We could have changed it, but we didn't. So his touch awoke me, and my body obediently awaited his aroused flesh to bring about fertilization. I didn't even need his genetic material--only the stimulation.

The lamentations didn't matter, my thoughts were futile rage against the world that had birthed me. Above me the bull made a rumble of sound and dragged my hips back, smearing our cloacae together and lodging his four crotch digits deeper. That was just in time for his expelling gush, a sticky slosh that he ejected directly into my passage. The stimulation he already inflicted left my clenching bowels to swallow it rapidly while I hung helpless in his grasp.

Behind his evacuative flood came his wrinkled penis, emerging with such urgency. He was a different beast I realized, not the bull who had used my face the day before, but a younger one, spry and lusty. He bucked, not hard, not continuously, but he bucked, jabbing his quad-lobed spire against my insides, bruising. My wails were for nothing, he ignored me as a person; to him I was but a hole to breed.

Within minutes my rippling passage was starting to ache, fiercely. I'd never mated before, but I'd heard it described on more than one occasion; I knew just what I was in for and dreaded it. Already I could feel my entrance muscles cramping as they clenched against his cloacal fingers. Soon my whole abdomen would be a bundle of knotted muscles, cramped and burning with lust induced seizures. I just prayed that he would be faster than the older bull, half a day would kill me; two hours was enough to fertilize me.

His feculent emissions continued to spray into my bowels with every inch of his emerging spire. My stomach swelled around the involuntarily swallowed mass, pressure building and he wasn't even fully sheathed in my passage! Frustrated tears rained from my face, up over my horns as I dangled under him. I was already full from last night's endeavor, what he added built on it; my gullet strained to keep his mess in.

He at last was fully emerged, smaller than the older bull, but reached deep enough to make me rather uncomfortable. Every throb was a visible bulge in my stomach and jabbed his head against the other end of my digestive tract. My poor cloacal passage though was going wild, milking him, swallowing him, squeezing and caressing him. Staring up at my abdomen, I could see the outline of each involuntary ripple as it moved from crotch to ribs in waves. It was hypnotic and even pleasant--at first. It was extremely pleasurable even, that was the problem.

Arousal for one of my kind meant a flood of hormones that took over our motor control and placed it in the hands of our reproductive urges. I felt myself growling and bucking against him, urging his pleasure on while I took a back seat, helpless to control my own actions. Those muscles rippled in violent waves ever more intense, before long they were cramping end to end, but the milking never stopped; couldn't stop so long as he remained within me. The initial pleasure faded into agony, buffered only by my dissociative mind. I was told, it got easier, as you got older and stronger and those muscles were trained by repeated use. I'd none of that training.

It was well over two hours by the time he reached his violent peak. I was a mess, body screaming in pain, mind numb, face mussed with vomited filth and precum. I'd felt my own fertilization hours ago, and that too was adding to the incredible pressure within my tortured gut as my egg pouch swelled with life. It wasn't a sexy, magical experience, it was just another involuntary spasm in which my own reproductive cells rushed together, fused, and began to divide.

His orgasm came with a bellowing and bucking as he urged his own reproductive cells to swim their way up his urethral passages. I could feel them writhing and trembling in his phallus against my inner walls, reaching every inward until at last... He exploded into me, and continued to do so for many long minutes; thousands of those large swimming macroscopic sperm cells were deposited in my aching depths. My whole belly rippled and jiggled like gelatin.

When he at last withdrew, his leavings in my gut churned and began to follow him out; hundreds of swimmers washing back up my cloaca, trying to find their female mate anywhere they could inside of me. I even felt them attempting to squirm up my throat. Both ends swallowed, trying to keep them in; it was no good. Within seconds of him pulling out, My back arched on the ground, and filthy fluid, writhing ejaculate, and clumps of plant matter sprayed free from my bowels and throat. The pressure in my belly at last relieved, I collapsed, limp and motionless in the puddle silently weeping myself back to sleep.

One by one the males of the herd took their turns with me, each younger than the last. It was the females who prevented me from leaving, even when they got up and traveled, I was force marched, though I could not understand why they wanted me there. Worse, with each passing day my confusion grew more and more acute until there were periods where I couldn't have told you who or where I was. The lucid moments were the worst though, those times when I looked down at my swollen, bloated gut, my scales drenched in alien waste and semen; I wanted to die.

One lucid moment came, where I found myself on my knees behind one of the females, under her tail with my face mashed into her cloaca. I was laughing, smiling, face drenched in alien arousal. She tasted so good, felt so warm and inviting on my tongue... at least until I realized what Iw as doing and recoiled. I couldn't have told you why, or how it had begun. Slowly the lucidity faded and I returned to my oral ministrations, burying my muzzle as far as it would go in her loose, sloppy passage. She was undoubtedly enjoying herself; whatever the reason for my inscrutable actions.

Last thing I remembered was standing up and pressing my pelvis against her undertail as my cloaca began to evert... then it was lost to a haze of pleasure, pain, and confusion. I'd never tell a soul what I did, even if I could have determined why. It was bad enough, being fertilized by a beast, I would not compound my sins with attempting to fertilize a beast myself!


"Eldest, we have found her." The exploration lead announced.

"Is she alive?" returned the distant voice.

Someone knelt and gingerly pressed a hand to the back of the filthy, battered, and starved spawnling's neck. "I have a pulse, she is alive. And I can confirm that it is Palcherya. I'd know her horns anywhere." There was a pause, and then the woman added, "She has recently given birth."

"I see. Hunt every last one of them down," the Eldest commanded, voice bitter. "Bring her back, I begrudge her weight in fuel, but I will not leave one of our own to rot planet bound."

The woman nodded and looked to the others, "Find every spawn, slay them. She has broken our dearest laws and her children are forfeit. In Omo Laud's name we shall not let her genes continue." Then she gathered the ruined child into her arms, so filthy and reeking of beast and vomit. She turned her nose away and shuddered, "What kind of pathetic creature could do this to herself?" she asked quietly, then began marching back toward the shore and the waiting launch craft.


I woke, slowly, the pain in my body tremendous, the confusion in my mind somewhat less; which made the suffering only worse. My memories were fractured and confused, but full of pleasant depravities and insane urges. As I came around further, I realized I was not alone, but surrounded by my peers. I was saved! I started to grin, but it arrived stillborn, no one else looked happy to see me. I was back aboard the ship, and no one was pleased to see me...

"W...What...?" I tried to ask.

"Ammonium thiosulfate," someone said, scolding. I knew it from chemistry studies, one of the sulfer-nitrogen compounds that could adversely affect our neurochemistry; people were known to get highly addicted to the substance.

"I don't understand?" I quietly told them.

"One of the side effects of prolonged usage, is memory loss. How long have you been addicted? Where did you acquire it?" They sounded angry, furious even. I could understand; an underground drug circle on board a tribal vessel could be very bad. But I'd never even smelled the molecule before!

"I've never done it! I don't know what you're talking about!" I insisted.

"Seven hundred and sixty three. That's how many of your children we had to put down. You were only down there five seasons! Seven hundred and sixty three lives you wasted by pleasuring yourself with... with disgusting beasts!"

Eldest intervened with a cold and angry voice, "enough of this. The wastrel obviously hasn't a brain cell left to her. Space her and we will depart at once and never return to this Omo forsaken rock!"

"E-Execute?" I stuttered, baffled. My slowly churning thoughts eventually began to piece it together. Ammonium thiosulfate; I had scented the molecule before... in the animal's cloacae... "N-No you don't understand... Please, It was an accident."

Someone barked a disgusted laugh, "Trip, fall, and land on an animal dick, huh? I found you, covered in animal semen, shit, and afterbirth--with a smile on your Omo damned face!"

I shuddered in self-disgust, realizing what I'd done at last, just as hands clasped my limbs and dragged me backward, head first into a cramped cylinder. "N-No... Oh please Omo save me! Please!" I begged, someone struck me across the mouth before I was shoved bodily into the chamber, arms crushed to my sides. I could feel blood trickling down my teeth and jaw, lip split through, but I didn't make a sound. How could this have happened?

They sealed the end of the capsule below my feet. I could see the distorted figures around me, shoving the capsule backward, into the magazine. There were gestures of rejection and shame, vaguely recognizable through the crystal. Then the audio began to play, listing my sins one by one and in great detail. Included in that list was the computer generated name of each and every one of the children who had been sired on me by the animals, and the physiological details and genetic potential of each and every one. All were incredibly high, for they were effectively just clones of myself and my genetic potential was off the chart!

Suddenly it struck me; the moment they launched me, my name, and the names of my children would be struck from the record. I would cease to exist, cease to be... for all intents and purposes, my potential was zero. I howled then, in rage, shame, frustration, and horror. This was worse than death, worse than the shame of what I'd done. This was a horror beyond anything I'd ever envisioned.

There was a lurch, and suddenly I was staring out in to cold black space with the unnamed star dead above me. The computer's voice gave a final farewell, "You have sinned against your tribe and are now exiled to drift until the end of your days, forgotten, alone, and unwanted." Then it went silent, exiling me to drift. Of course, they had aimed my drift directly into the star, no chance of my genes ever spreading that way.

Beyond my feet I watched as the universe tore; felt the birth agony of the microverse as gravitational shockwaves. Then it swallowed itself into non-existence, the ship going with it. I wailed in lamentation, screamed until my vocal cords tore, clawed at the crystal shell around me. There was nothing left to do, nothing at all, and no hope. I would run out of air long before I hit the star, probably freeze or burn to death before then... Death was assured.


The voice had called me, urged me, drove me. It knew me in such a deep an intimate way, as if it were one of me and I was not truly alone in the universe. It called me, it drove me, it urged me; I came. I crossed forests, mountains, seas, and deserts, exploring my home like never before, searching for the voice. It promised, soon, soon, but I wanted to find it now! I didn't want to be alone ever again. Of the entire world I lived on, I was the only being like me, nothing even came close.

Years I searched and finally, finally the voice told me "I am here, be at ease my slave. Soon you will serve me as you have always dreamed."

I followed the voice's urging and climbed to the top of a mesa, out of the protection of my cave. High in the sky a single star burned bright, brighter, blinding. I did not look away, awash with the glory of my god as it descended! So brilliant, so beautiful, so graceful.... Then came the roar, god's voice like I'd never heard it before, in my heart, in my bones, shaking my teeth!

The light faded as the engine cut out, the roar halted, and the ship landed on struts. It was half rusted through in places, patched over with a thousand welds; held together with string and tape. I did not see that however, what I saw was a glistening chariot that had arrived on a pillar of fire; my god come to earth, come to take me away into the heavens.

A door opened and a figure was outlined in illumination, tall, imposing, unfamiliar. They strode forward, down the steps and straight toward me. The voice that spoke was less majestic, less incredible, yet it was real; not just in my head, "Ah, so you are here, aren't you. Quite an amazing specimen, I bet I could fetch quite a prize for you at a swap..." He gestured toward his feet, and I understood immediately, the image broadcast to my thoughts.

I fell to my knees before him, pressed my lips to his grungy boots and planted a kiss on either foot, then looked up, beaming. He was so beautiful; plump, wrapped in leather, belted together, patch over one eye with a gleaming light in it, like the light of heaven. Out loud I tried to say his name, "M-mahsh-her."

"Good try pet, we'll get you speaking properly in no time. Now open up, I haven't gotten out of that damned pilot seat for seven hours!" Again I was urged mentally, and my maw opened wide, gazing up with wonder as he began to undo the belt at his waist and withdrew a glistening, translucent phallus of sea green flesh. I'd never seen anything like it, every vein visible, pulsating and swelling as he erected. I was still staring in astonishment when it twitched and his urethra gaped, swelling open from base to tip before my very eyes--and his urine sprayed free.

It was my first taste of Master's nectar, as he called it, his gift and his mark. I tried to drink, but he sprayed back and forth, coating me head to toe in it, staining my flesh, and my soul! Once he had slacked, I leaped to my feet, barely as tall as his waist, and jumped high enough to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. I knew hugging, I knew kissing, he had shown me so many things in my dreams over the years... I felt I'd always known him. I hugged him, I kissed him, I pressed my virginal sex against his waist; milky yellow arousal oozed free to stain his shirt.

"Damn it, down. Now I need to wash this... No, you're my slave, you wash it. Come, let me show you how to do a load." He lead me inside, dragging me by the wrist. I came willingly, in rapt awe. It was to a small alcove he lead me, in which there was a confusing array of machines and packages. He stripped and dumped his soiled clothes in my arms and pointed to the machine, "That load goes in there. Then you put the Omo powder in and turn this dial..." I was staring at his face, paying no attention to his hands. "Damn it. Omo, Load, here. Got it?"

He projected a thought into my mind, and I grinned, nodded, and announced, "I Omo Laud!"

Aloud he lamented, "It is going to be a long six years before we reached civilized space!" he placed his face in his hands, rubbed, sighed, and started again... "Alright, Omo, sure, you're Omo. And you're going to learn to do my laundry, and then I'm going to take you to bed and rail that tight little cunt of yours. You kept it virginal for me, right?" I nodded, "Good girl. Alright, put the laundry load here..." Hours later, after I finally figured out how to manage the washer, he discovered to his disgust; I had no tight little cunt but only a painfully powerful cloaca that nearly ripped his penis off before he got free. Later I learned oral sex very, very well.


Bootstrap paradox; going back in time to give yourself the ability to go back in time, or in this case, going back in time looking for your ancient ancestor, and giving birth to your 100 times removed great grandmother.

Though this solves the origin of Omo, it does not solve the origin of Omo. Omo gave birth to tens of thousands over the years, through many brutal and unpleasant scenarios; those tens of thousands gave birth to hundreds of thousands. And then those millions of descendants go back in time to discover the origins of their species...

_The origin will never likely be known however, due to the actions of one foolish spawnling; Palcherya, who ends up giving birth to her 100 times removed great grandmother and founder of their race. Paradox. _

The Sky Queen

With a rush of indescribable joy and pleasure; I was chosen. There were tears in my father's eyes and jealousy in my sister's. Mother looked away, shoulders shaking. I turned back to the chieftain with the biggest of grins; he returned it and gave my...

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The Service of a Queen

Hunger had clawed at my belly for as long as I could remember. Thirst, I quenched in the slippery mud around me. The pain though, that I couldn't reach, it was so deep in my passage and so diffuse and all-encompassing as to leave me crippled. It came...

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Aviophobic Entomophily

It could have been anyone--anyone at all. Why did it have to be me? I was on my way home from work; a short walk, three blocks only. Nothing seemed amiss, no lurking figures nor strange noises. I wasn't even alone, three others passed me by with polite...

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