Cafe Plaisir: Provocation

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#4 of Cafe Plaisir: Post Jaunt Shorts

"Stammerin', rude, dirty little limey, well," she grinned, toothily, showing off some well-used fangs, "I'm gonna put ya to work. Even though ya seemed shocked ta get yer ass paid for by a girl!"

A commission for wrince and a spiritual sequel to Lazy Fun with the ever-popular Neon!

What a commission it is, at that. What an event. What a surprise! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a shocking Plaisir first! Right there in the intro, right there is the very first explicit, on-screen girl-on-girl action we've ever had in a story in Plaisir. I know, I know, I was shocked, too! That's such a vanilla thing to be a Plaisir first, but... there you have it. Now it's posted! May it not be the last..!

That's just the first part of a very fun story, however. You see, Wrincewind rather enjoyed Lazy Fun and wanted to see more... harder, brattier... more wickedly cunning... and who was I to argue..? This may not be the last we hear of Lexi, either... there may very well be more yet to come...

For now... I hope you all enjoy this sordid little tale!

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom extra credit must be given for not only letting me use their tablet to draw the title picture but showed me how to make it twice as awesome looking! Amazing magic Wolf that they are...

Also credited in this part: wrince to whom belongs: Lexi Coldstone to whom belongs: Neon Staccato

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

Neon lay on her bed. She was casually playing one of her more sedentary games... well, more than one, in truth.

On her giant screen, she was playing one of those ultra-casual games where you just tinkered with something and made numbers go higher. This one had a farm motif. It wasn't important, she didn't much care about it, but the main point was that it was kind of obnoxious to be playing video games right at this moment. That was part of the other game she was playing. The two player game she was currently winning.

"Keep at it," said Neon, almost dismissively, "You might get somewhere."

The lump under her sheets moaned softly and redoubled their efforts. Neon tried not to moan appreciatively as she felt that tongue really going to work on her sex, probing, teasing, lapping around, never quite going in, never quite touching the sweet spots around her spade...

Oh, but she was determined to push her luck, this time...

Neon grinned. Well, if she was gonna push her luck around an electrical socket, she was sure in for a shock..!


The shock in question wasn't overly harsh, but enough to sting. Especially when applied right to the tongue..!

A moan came from under the sheets and Neon's grin widened as she saw her bedsheets light up yellow from underneath at certain points, highlighting where the Umbreon's legs, tail and ears were.

Of course, she liked that. So Neon did it again. The rings lit up brighter.

"How much do I gotta charge you up, nightlight..?" said Neon, teasingly, "I said get to work, didn't I..?"

"Mmm-hmm...!" agreed the Umbreon, then she really put her tongue to work! In went that feral tongue, lapping over her sweet spots and plunging deep, giving itself to her with gusto!

Through grinning teeth it might have been, Neon had to moan appreciatively, then. Couldn't help but raise up her back end to give the Umbreon better access. Which the Dark type immediately made use of, plunging her tongue deeper... moistening those already moist depths further... and good.

The game forgotten, Neon's paws slid onto the bed, where her claws dug into the sheets, worrying them to her pleasure. They were ripped up anyhow, from just that exact thing happening. Like marks of honour the bed bore...

Funny timing that was thinking about that. Given what happened next.

The Umbreon pulled back from her sex, then pulled back the sheets, revealing her full, yet feminine dark-furred face, her damp muzzle and her excitedly curious eyes, "Woah..." she said, in a soft voice, "There's some recent stretching happened, here, girl..! Some male's been mighty rough on you..!" She paused, smacked her tongue, her teeth showing in a dark grin. "...Still taste the blood..."

"Pff! I wish..!" said Neon, loudly, "That ain't half of what it should be! Damn Foxie and his damned Brit-tales manners..!"

"Foxie..? Brit-tales..?" repeated the Umbreon, "Well, I don't know who you're playin' with, Neon," before reaching forwards with a paw and folding the V-lips of Neon's spade to look inside by the lit ring on her forehead, "but these marks've got me mighty curious..."

"Yeah, well," said Neon, "That's as much as I get outta him an' I gotta rile him up for it, too..!"

"Looks fun," said the Umbreon, smiling and staring...

"Is fun!" agreed Neon, then frowned, "Know for a fact it ain't half the effort he gives Chai, though! That Ninetales and his silly chivalric manners or whatever thinks I can't handle it..! Won't even give me a shot at the high-score..!" Ever the competitive player, that had irritated Neon.

"Huh," said the Umbreon, still smiling.

"Anyhow! Speakin' of which!" said Neon, putting the agitation in her voice into firm speaking. This got the Umbreon's attention and her weird rounded-ears perked right up. With that attention thusly got, Neon went on, "Lexi; Who in the damn world told you to stop, huh..?"

The Umbreon smiled wickedly, with the look of one who knew that they'd earned some punishment. She set back to work immediately and with glee, sticking that tongue right back inside of Neon...

Neon grunted with satisfaction. Then grinned. "Deeper," she commanded.

The Umbreon complied, shoving her muzzle right up against Neon's sex and wriggling that tongue in, further.

Neon had to bite back a gasp of pleasure, then after a few seconds, growled, "Deeper, girl..."

There was a pause this time... and Lexi complied. She pushed forwards again, her cold nose brushing sensitive parts as her muzzle began to part Neon's sex.

Neon was looking at the Umbreon thoughtfully as she did though, whilst biting back the noises of pressured pleasure she was aching to make... Speaking of Chai, looking at this Umbreon, she was having a thought...

"Y'know, Lexi," said Neon, with a growling purring, feralistic tone of rising animalistic energy in her voice, "Just might be you could help me with somethin'..." she said, teasingly.

"Mmm..?" said the Umbreon, looking at Neon over her rump, her muzzle thoroughly engaged...

"Y'see, this Ninetales friend-a-mine," said Neon, grinning, "He don't get that we feral girls..."

Suddenly, Neon pushed herself back, scrambling backwards with all four legs hard enough to lift Lexi's head off the bed, followed by the rest of her, and tumbling backwards, still trapped in the grasp of Neon's moistened sex, until she was right over on her back, with the Jolteon now halfway over her muzzle..!

"...Like playin' rough, too..!" finished Neon, grinning, "Think ya might be able to work with me on this, huh, Lexi..? Ya might just get a two-fer out of it! Like the sound of that, huh..?"

"Mmm..!" was the only, muffled noise the cunt-wrapped Umbreon made, "MMm-hmm..!"

"Good girl, Lexi..!" said Neon, starting to move her hips, riding up and down upon the Umbreon-girl's trapped muzzle. She looked down at those lively red eyes of hers (and the bead of Jolteon juice running so cutely down her cheek,) with her own purple eyes glimmering with wicked lightning as she looked down at the Umbreon, "Ya deserve a reward..!"

With that, she leant forwards and planned a clawed Jolteon paw, crackling with electricity, right on the Umbreon's sex..!


"MMMMMmmmmm...!" She moaned until she was almost squeaking. Those rings SHONE.

"Good gal," Neon grinned...

* * *

The next week.

October stared at the Waiter's Lounge.

It was said there was free food in there. Free food and coffee and comfortable seating, far superior to leftover table scraps and the wild berries of the woods. Even apparently lacking the attendant risk of Wild Pokemon (or worse) attacking him.

Of course, not much in those woods would risk attacking a Ninetales. Which meant October's occasional confrontations, with those significant few who would, were in turn somewhat risky. He had been fine so far, but...

The Waiter's Lounge, so tantalisingly tempting. So close.

He'd told himself that it was risky. That Clarice or others probably had the food drugged to ensure subservience and hormonal cooperation of the staff... but in truth he knew that was as unlikely as it was illegal and immoral and in truth, by now, despite a thousand worlds he'd experienced of broken promises and untrustworthy authorities that almost never felt their own rules applied to them, October had to admit he trusted the Café's management more than that.


He took a step closer to the door. He lifted a paw, slowly, trepidatiously... Paused.

Of course, last time he'd gone in there, he'd been attacked. Everyone had turned on him. A Fox didn't forget a thing like that.

Of course, that had been because Clarice had put a bounty on his head. Still, he was bitter that everyone, to a Mon, had turned on him in a chance to claim it.

Maybe they didn't deserve his company, in there... A certain part of him, perhaps his ninth tail, was screaming, 'Fuck them all. You don't need them or their table scraps..!'

...However, he'd promised himself not to hold a grudge. Neon, after he'd made up with her for her treachery, had also advised him that he shouldn't be too surprised, either, given that the majority most had heard about him was that he was a troublemaker. It was up to him to prove to them otherwise.

As if he hadn't done enough for them... thought another part of him.

Still. He had to make the effort, right? He had promised his friend.

His paw resumed moving towards the door.

He was going to do this. He was going to go in that lounge and eat around with the rest of the staff and see if he really was doomed to be an outsider, here...

'Hey, Red..!' the voice burst into his head, causing October to jolt and hunch up defensively at the intrusive thought-voice.

'You again..!' he mentally SHOUTED back down the link!

'Ow! Hey! Volume..!' whined the voice.

'We've talked about this!' said October, growling aloud as he thought, aggressively.

'We have! ...And I'm not stopping 'cos this is my job AND yours..! Unless you don't want the work, huh..?'

'I'm debating it,' grumbled October.

'I promise it's not Rain Flower, this time,' said the voice, with a slight giggle in it, 'It's a legit customer. Promise. Hand on heart. No bull. Right up your alley, too, from what I've heard...'

October growled...

'C'mon...' said the voice, teasingly, 'Get down to the Main Bar...'

* * *

October wandered into the Main Bar with a sense of trepidation. His eyes were darting everywhere. The Main Bar in the middle of the Afternoon Shift was as always a hive of activity. Customers and Waiters were thick on the ground. The moody pall of dry ice and pheromones made for a thick and intimate atmosphere.

Everywhere you looked, there were sexy sights. Happy people. Seductive Pokemon. Why, just over there, Firenze was making a woman swoon with his charm. Over there, a wealthy customer was enjoying a chuckle with Dextus, whilst Sinister kept refilling his glass whilst he wasn't looking, steadily drowning the man's inhibitions. He was going to be very sore, later.

He didn't see Rain Flower, though... that had him worried. Either she was engaged with someone, as she usually was... or... she was lying in wait!

The voice had promised that it wasn't Rain Flower a third time. That didn't mean it wouldn't be. It just meant that if it was, October and that voice would be having words. In person. Possibly on person.

So he was keeping up a wary eye. If he caught sight of her-

Cue Ceylon walking past his field of vision. Not that he was unthreatening, he was just not currently relevant.

Okay. If he caught sight of Rain Flower's aggressively bright shade of blue, he was out of here.

He made it all the way to the Bar itself without getting intercepted.

"No freebies," grumbled Jack at him, in passing as he made his way about serving customers.

October scowled, "I'm not- I wasn't even..!" he sputtered, indignantly, "I'm serving a customer..!"

The Typhlosion hovered long enough to mutter, "Oh yeah..? Well when I see you servin' 'em, you see drinks. An' not before..!" before off Jack went, chuckling to himself on foiling October's apparent duplicity.

October growled and stared at the retreating Typhlosion's back, muttered a few choice words, himself.

The nerve of the big fiery bastard. Just because he was usually in here trying to mooch a drink off of someone didn't mean he always was! If they only actually paid him then he might not always be mooching...

Which was just about when something fluttered caught the corners of his vision as he began to scan the room for anything that might be a Customer or Rain Flower.

Ribbons! He saw a Sylveon! It was Colin, sat on his own and waving at him almost anxiously!

October started to smile at the sight of his friend and took one starting pace towards the Sylveon.

"Hey, there!" said a bold, smooth voice from beside him.

October glanced down and saw an Umbreon. A most curious one.

It definitely wasn't Chai. This Umbreon wasn't much taller, but they were definitely fuller, at the face and on down. They had the look of one who enjoyed indulging themselves, maybe a little too much. More curiously still, they had some kind of chain wrapped about their body a bit like a harness. Not a thick one, it was quite fine and set off against their fur rather nicely, in fact. It was an odd fashion statement, all the same.

"Hello..!" said October, looking at them, quite curiously.

The Umbreon was looking him up and down, appraisingly. "No apron on ya..." she commented. Referring to the aprons the waiters generally wore as uniform on here. His was frilly and black (and damaged and dirty) and also back in his room.

"I was called from off-shift," said October, raising an eyebrow at the statement, "None on you, either..."

"Shouldn't be one on me," said the Umbreon, firmly, raising an eyebrow right back, "I don't work here, pleasure Mon..."

"You don't..?" said October, like an idiot, he instantly realised. He winced at his own stupidity, then tried to rally with, "Ah, sorry, with those chains of yours..."

"I work at the Range, pal," said the Umbreon, somewhat testily, "I come here to unwind. Nothin' wrong with dressing up for night out, huh..?"

"Indeed not," said October, quickly, "Do excuse me, but they work rather well! You do look the part around here..!" He said it pleasantly, meaning it as a compliment on the Umbreon's ability to get in the groove, as it were.

"What's that meant to mean..?" she asked, sharply, peering at him, lowering her posture and swishing her tail, looking irritated, "Huh..?"

"Ahhh..." October was caught out, reeling. When you worked here, it was all too easy to forget that 'prostitute' usually delivered in some slang term or other, was generally an insult, for some reason or another. "I was just... complimenting your style..!"

"Cute," said the Umbreon, frowning slightly, then smirking, giving him a superior look, "That's funny."

"Cute? I'm not cute," said October, drawing back a bit and wondering where she might be seeing the cuteness in a nearly four foot tall crimson and black Fox, then blinking and asking, ears going back, "It is..?"

"You weren't sold to me as 'cute,'" she said, sharply, then she formed a smile, that superior smile, again, but bigger, "but I can work with it."

"You're my customer..?" October blurted in surprise, then, "YOU ordered me..?"

"I did..." said the Umbreon, trailing off and narrowing her eyes in a dangerous way that suggested she might be reconsidering her order, but then she smiled again, "and I'm not lettin' ya off the hook just because ya turned out to be a dork..."

"Dork!?" repeated October, his tails suddenly flaring up behind him in indignance, "I'm not-"

"Stammerin', rude, dirty little limey, well," she grinned, toothily, showing off some well-used fangs, "I'm gonna put ya to work. Even though ya seemed shocked ta get yer ass paid for by a girl!"

That gave October pause. He supposed he was. Funny that; when he tallied up all of his customers so far, including the one that hadn't paid and ran off... He supposed he really shouldn't have been. Curious.

October took a deep breath, determined himself to salvage this situation and his manners, to boot. "Please excuse me," said October, "If the lady would-"

"No," said the Umbreon, brusquely.

"No?" repeated October, blinking, caught out again.

The Umbreon grinned, "You're gonna hafta earn my forgiveness..."

That gave October pause. Again.

The Umbreon turned and started walking away, "Come on," she said bluntly, "...and keep calling me Lady. In fact, ye're callin' me that for the rest of the night, got it..?"

October cringed a bit, then started following, rallying up as best he could. "Ummm," he said, "If you'd like me to get a room and escort you to it-"

"I know where the room I'm stayin' is," said the Umbreon, sharply, "You just walk behind me and keep your head down, my cute little bad boy..."

The way she said it... like as if to an underling... a servant. It made October bristle...

However, he knew he had been rude, even if unintentionally... and he supposed he was here to serve at the customer's pleasure, even if he generally retained a bit more of his dominance and dignity when doing so.

He had gotten himself into this mess and he had to go along with this, but that didn't stop him from grumbling.

In fact, as he started to follow behind the Umbreon towards the Guest Quarters, much as he didn't like being a follower and worse, with the way she was waggling her hips as she walked, all but making a meal of that shiny black feral spade of hers in front of him, as she did... and that great big, overindulged ass of hers. Oh, but HOW did he want to sink his teeth into that already...

When she looked back over her shoulder at him, he was practically bristling and looking half-ready to strike!

"Good boy..." said the Umbreon, mockingly, with half-hooded eyes.

October's own eyes narrowed in return.

She snickered.

Barely containing a growl, October noticed Colin looking his way from across the room. He mouthed the word 'Customer' at the Sylveon and got a sad nod in response.

* * *

The door closed heavily and they were left in the room. Like many others in Plaisir, it had identical, pleasant furnishings. Bed, TV, basic furniture.

Unlike many customers, the Umbreon had clearly planned on staying at least the whole night (much as customers usually tended to, anyway, despite intentions,) judging by the big four-hooped quadruped-friendly backpack she had sitting near the bed. It was rather big indeed, must have been a lot for the Umbreon to carry in on her own. She looked set for a week, judging from that.

He didn't get a really good look at it, though, because as the door closed, so went the light. Which was unusual. The lights were generally left on.

"Would the Lady like me to get the lights..?" October asked.

"What, you're scared of the dark..?" said the Umbreon, derisively.

October growled, "That's not what I said."

The Umbreon's rings lit up. A stark yellow light that October was accustomed to the sight of. Though her rings were perhaps a little whiter in shade than Chai's.

"There ya go, cutie," said the Umbreon, "I'll protect ya from the scary darkness..."

His internal flame flickered again with irritation at her tone. October frowned at her, then closed his eyes, doing his best to chase the frown away. It wouldn't do to make faces like that at a female, after all...

"Awww, ya do feel better..!" said the Umbreon teasingly, "Ya massive wuss, cutie! In fact, that's your name, now; Cutie!"

His heart fluttering with angry flames, October fought a very hard battle not to scowl at that one.

The Umbreon jumped up on the bed, stopped at its edge, turned her head to look up at him. "Walk up to the bed, Cutie," she commanded.

October wasn't exactly feeling inclined to be cooperative, at that moment, but again, he didn't exactly have a lot of choice.

He walked up to the bed.

"Good boy," said the Umbreon, casually, smiling as she enjoyed the advantage of height sitting on the bed was giving her. Then she suddenly frowned at him, "Now, sit!"

Sit!? Sit! A surge heat from his Ninetales' pride erupting through his body, October's eyes briefly flashed with a green light as he considered the indignity of that one. He was NOT a DOG!

Yet, again, he didn't have much of a choice. He growled, softly, unable to hold the sound quite back, then moved his rump hesitantly downwards. With a delay and a shake halfway down. He moved his unwilling rump and his agitated tails down to the ground.

"Good boy..!" said the Umbreon, mock-cheerily, "You can obey simple instructions, Cutie!"

With glowing eyes, he glowered at that.

"Now... lick ma paw," said the Umbreon, suddenly, lifting up a forepaw and putting it in front of his muzzle.

His Ninetales pride flared and the flames within his burning heart demanded to be let loose for THAT slight. He fought them down. He fought them down because that's what Firenze would do. He would be a gentlemon and October didn't want to disappoint him. So - whilst controlling the ferocious heat within - he glared at her and then forced a smile. It came out toothy and wrong. "Very well, Lady," he said, with politeness in his voice (but a politeness which was strained so thin that it had long since given up its metaphysical pretensions, because it was stretched over Very Sharp Teeth.)

Yet without much of a choice... having started with his paw in his maw and ending up on the back foot... or the forepaw as the case might be...

October put out his tongue and slid it under the black pads of the Umbreon's forepaw. Naturally, it tasted of Umbreon, girl and Café Plaisir's floor... a particularly overpowering cocktail of flavours.

"He actually did it..!" said the Umbreon, suddenly grinning, laughter in her voice, "I can't believe he actually did it..!"

October heated... and reddened. Was he being teased..?

"Hah hah, he actually did it, you are a dork, Cutie..!" chuckled the Umbreon, the she suddenly shouted, "Now suck on it..!"

October's eyes were bright and baleful as he glared at the Dark type, meeting her firm and deep red eyes.

He had to be careful not to judge her by the standards of Chai. Surely not all Umbreon were wicked provocateurs. This situation seemed very reminiscent, however. Given that by this time, however, Chai would generally be under him and crying out as he was roughly penetrated, October was decidedly erring on the side of caution. So he hoped.

For now. The safe course was cooperation. He was sure he could handle this. His pride demanded that he handle this. He was going to handle this.

He took the paw into his maw... and though he couldn't stop himself from glaring at her, sucked on the thing, awful Café Plaisir floor taste and all. The bony and sharp Umbreon paw feeling somewhat like he were sucking on barbed humiliation.

The Umbreon chuckled.

You know, he didn't mind feral paws, so much. One of the nicer types. Didn't have a great love for them, but they were nice. This paw, this paw, however, was pissing him off.

"Ah-hahah, woah," said the 'Lady,' "Gettin' hot in there.. you got a hot tongue, Cutie..."

It could get a damn sight hotter, very quickly, thought October... Briefly wondering how she'd handle a cooking temperature...

The Umbreon started rocking her paw. The made October pause. She kept doing it. He looked up at her. She was grinning, wickedly. A scarier sight in the sharp reflections of her yellow light from her rings on her black, shiny fur...

He glared up at it, angrily.

She kept rocking the paw against his unyielding maw, nearly cutting her pads on his teeth and nearly shredding his tongue with her claws at the same time. "Almost wish I was male, bet this maw's pleased a few..."

October growled and drew back, then, coming off the paw, spat, "I beg to differ..! Only those who've earned-"

"Sssssh..." said the Umbreon, though her grin was big and excited, like someone looking at a pile of treasure they'd just discovered, especially with the colour of her teeth in that yellow light...

"You owe me, don'tcha..?" said the Dark type, softly, "For your rudeness... so why don't'cha put that pleasin' tongue of yours to work..."

She drew up, shuffling forwards and rested her forepaws atop her knees, balancing upwards. It made a real show of that ample form of hers. She wasn't slim and sexily slinky quite like Chai was, but still, she didn't lack for an Umbreon's sensual shapeliness in spite of that... and those chains of hers, linked over her belly, helped show off that glossy form. In fact, that was a nice amount of Bre', all told. That glimpse of that sex of hers was distracting, too.

"Lick my nipples," said the Umbreon, "lick 'em all. Do it."

He looked up at her... Nipples? Did he hear that correctly?

"Like a cub," she said, grinning down at him, wickedly.

Oh that... freaking... Umbreon.... if she wasn't a girl... he'd already be...

His flames erupted inside him again... and thinking he might explode he had to pause and pant several shimmering breaths to let some of the furious heat out.

She cackled, softly as he fought desperately for control.

Firenze... Firenze would be disappointed in him if he didn't act like a proper Ninetales, but... but...

"C'mon..." she coaxed, sneering down at him.

Barely wrestling his pride down, October growled, but he did as she said, pushing his muzzle close and putting his tongue out, pushing it through that short but ticklishly firm Umbreon fur to lick over one of the Umbreon's nubs. The flesh was curiously musky...

She chuckled, throatily. "Ahehehehh, that's it, Cutie, get on with it... oh DAMN that tongue's hot!"

'You're lucky it's not cooking you,' thought October, privately. He lapped a few times, then moved onto the next one, scowling as he did it. That was before he'd moved onto the third one and suddenly gotten his head petted with a paw.

"Good boy," she said, again.

She very nearly got flamed in the nip for that one. He was scarcely able to help it, too.

She cackled as if she sensed it.

By the time he was done, he had both of her paws on his head. "Good boy," she said, again, "Aww, Cutie, you're workin' so hard to make it up to me..!"

He grumbled. He glared, but he kept his quiet.

"So you think," said the Umbreon, "But you're only gettin' started..!"

Still holding October's head, she let herself fall back. His head was pulled down. She fell back quite deliberately, bouncing off the bed and shuffling back towards the edge, pulling October's muzzle all the way down such that his nose was suddenly pressed against the wetness of her sex. His next breath was literally smothered with the sexual musk of a female Umbreon in her prime.

His inner flame fluttered in the vapours of that pheromonal soup. It was heady, alright... and whilst that cooled him, just a little, it didn't do anything for the other fire starting to burn hotter, down below...

"You'd better please me and please me good," demanded the Umbreon, "or you're gettin' punished, Cutie..."

Punished!? His flames surged again and he growled out loud...

She snickered, too!

...Now that would be going too far! He was happy enough to do this... or at least give it his best shot, given that his main experience here came from a brisk lesson by Sinister and Dextus on which it had been very hard to focus... but the thought of being punished made him want to be uncooperative.

Suddenly he felt claws on his scalp. "Get to it..!" barked the Umbreon.

Growling as he did, October did just that. He put his tongue to work, pressing it against the v-shaped labial folds of her sex...

She moaned at the heat of his tongue, claws flexing on his head.

...Wow. That was a strong taste. He wasn't wussing out, but holy... Her sex, clearly excited as it was, was very moist and very ah... aromatic. To wit; it tasted distinctly as though this Umbreon had prepared for this day by determinedly not washing for a week whilst apparently rolling around in dirt, gun oil and apparently, he lingered over one stray particle caught near the edge, cordite.

"That's right, it's your Lady's pussy," said the Umbreon, grinning at him, wickedly, "you've got your face in it and now you're gonna lick it with that hot tongue of yours 'till it's clean and raw..."

Here, October felt he had some hidden advantage. Much as he had the instinct inside him to be a prissy, preening creature like any Ninetales, he really wasn't. October was a scruff... and like any semi-wild animal, didn't mind a bit of natural musk.

...and gun oil was probably good for him, as a Fire type with an internal flame to feed. Especially one burning as hot as his was, right now. So; He went to work with gusto, deciding to put this unexpectedly good fortune in enthusiasm to work.

He started licking away, determinedly. She seemed to like the heat of his tongue, because the paws on his head started to stroke with a quick urgency and she moaned. He was pleased she was pleased. Because he had no idea what he was doing.

She was determined to ruin it, though. "Oh, Cutie! Oh, damn...! Good work, boy! Good work..! Mmmf..! Maybe you're not such a wuss..! Maybe you're a good little servant..!"

He growled and made his licking more insistent, his fire burning yet-more furiously with his growing temper as he yet-more aggressively plunged his increasingly hot tongue into the musky depths of the Umbreon-lady's parts.

Which just made her mockery higher in pitch, "Ooh! Yeah..! Good boy! Good fuckin' boy..! Aaah! Yeah..! Mmfff..! Mfff! MFf...!" she started to shove her hips against his muzzle, forcing his tongue deeper as she began to roughly use his face, "Good boy..!"

This was undignified. This was unbecoming of a Ninetales to accept such treatment... and more to the point, he was really wanting to do terrible things to her ass, right around this point, as it happened..!

"Ahh..! Hot..!" gasped the Umbreon, "More..! C'mon you fuckin' teacake! Gimmie that tongue, boy..!"

He growled hard, rattling furious vibrations right down his burning-hot tongue.

She moaned and gripped his head tighter with his claws as she insensibly uttered more inane insults that only made him burn hotter and hotter.

He took it and he went with it because he was sure he had to. That iron certainty was starting to melt, however, as even the will of steel had to melt before the burning fire of a Ninetales' pride. Right now, it was definitely softening and losing definition.

At some point, she climaxed. You could tell because sexual Umbreon fluids were steaming off of his muzzle and also because of the lines she was carving in his head. He thought he might be bleeding.

Eyes literally glowing with indignation by this point, October could only try and weather it with the very last of his melting reserve as she mashed her sex against his muzzle and gripped his tongue as if she were trying to bite it off with that shiny black sex of hers. Looking as much like obsidian as Umbreon flesh tended to, it practically looked up to the task...

"Good boy, good boy..!" she was still saying and growling like an animal as she was.

Panting furious, shimmering hot breath in a manner not much less bestial, the Firenze-forged portcullis over October's temper now began to drip and run.

Then she was sitting up, breathing heavily as she did and looking down on him. Out of breath, she suddenly and quickly said, "Now lick my ass."

Pulling back out of her now-steaming sex October huffed, catching up on a need for oxygen and venting shimmering-hot breaths. What little of her female juices hadn't evaporated dripped from his chin onto the floor. Lick her ass, huh? Well. Despite the way she'd said it, that didn't much bother him either. She was in for a shock if she thought that was going to catch him out... even if... even if the thoughts of her hygiene were suddenly starting to creep up in his mind and making him think this wasn't quite as normal for that- oh Fortuna she was going to have-

The Umbreon moved suddenly and quickly. There was a bit of a jingle. Blinking, October suddenly realised that she had unlinked the chains around her back end, pulling out a key section that unlinked the rest of the chains...

He thought, dumbly, 'oh, it's a loop!' as the particular loop in question, which had been so nicely framing the Umbreon's hindquarters, was quite suddenly thrown over his head. Then just as suddenly, the Umbreon was yanking on a single length of chain running under her ass which was tightening up the loop around his neck- choking him!

October felt the sharp, biting squeeze of chain-links around his neck as his muzzle was pulled down right in front of the Umbreon's none-too-fresh smelling behind..!

It was a choke chain! She had disguised a choke chain as dressing and now she had LEASHED him..!

Furious temper just barely starting to surge anew despite a sudden lack of air, trying to growl and gurgling, October pulled back..!

"Woah, boy, woah..!" shouted the Umbreon, pulling him back again.

October's body was naturally far stronger than the Umbreon's paws. Unfortunately, that just pulled the loop around his neck much tighter... and she wasn't letting go.

It hurt, it hurt a LOT and none were more vulnerable to suffocation than Ninetales, with hungry internal flames to feed as well as regular breathing. As a creature that hated restraint, October's adrenaline only fired all the harder, pulling the Umbreon right off the bed in his struggles..!

"Gah..!" she shouted as she tumbled on the floor, "You fuckin' beast..!"

October, whose noose was loosened by the fall and a subsequent shake of his neck, gasped, then growled, "Get that off of me!" he demanded, "I'm not into that! I'm no dog..! Not tamed creature..! Unbind me at once..!"

The Umbreon grinned up at him, "Well, I like it on ya, boy! What'cha gonna do about it..?" She pulled it tight around him again. Not so tight he couldn't talk, but when he tried to shake it off again, she kept up that tension.

His internal flame catching its breath and roaring into fury, "Take this off of me..!" the enraged Ninetales demanded, his tails flaring up, his eyes glowing and his back bristling like the angry predator he was!

"No," said the Umbreon, grinning up at him with eyes that were suddenly very wide, a higher pitched voice that seemed to find the situation hysterical, "I want you to pleasure me on the end of a chain, what'cha gonna do about it..? Huh!?"

"How dare you!? I said I don't want this..!" roared October, snarling down at her and casting green and orange lights from his burning eyes and maw, "and I've told you it's not okay..!"

"Yep, ahuh," said the Umbreon, nodding as those points of light reflected in her wide, glassy red eyes.

His furious temper finally starting to mesh with his wicked wiles, the crimson kitsune snarled, dangerously, "...and you still won't take it off..? Knowing that consent for fetish activities is one of the few rules we have here? One of the core rules of BDSM play as Ceylon described it to me..?"

"Ahuh," confirmed the supposed 'Lady,' still grinning with apparently arrogant excitement.

Shimmering with heat and still snarling, October looked very much the agitated Ninetales that he was, now with at least half a valid justification behind him at that. His glare increased along with the intensity of the glow in his eyes as the temperature of the room around him subtly increased, "Yet... you still want me to pleasure you..!?"

The Umbreon had her legs spread wide. Still laying on her back, open and vulnerable. So loudly she was almost screeching, "You bet..!" she declared.

"Then I'll tell you what I'm prone to do..!" growled October!

He suddenly surged forwards, jumping upon the Umbreon and pinning her, forcing the breath from her body with a grunt. "I'm inclined," he declared, shuffling back, "To be..." He lifted up, pressing his large vulpine member, itself shiny and black, tapered and stake-like in shape, lengthways over the Umbreon's sex. Pre dripped from the tip. "...A good boy..." October finished with a sadistic, snarling smile that wouldn't have been out of place on a Dark type, itself. The very heat of his body made the juices of her sex sizzle.

At first she seemed to be panting in fright at his heat and fury... and the Umbreon stared at him with widening eyes for a few seconds... then she frowned, swirled the jingling chain around her foreleg, getting a tighter grip and yanked, pulling him downwards, so that his larger muzzle was pointing right at hers. "I say, bring it," huffed the Umbreon, huskily, through her fangs.

Well, there was nothing for it, then. Still fighting the chain, October lined himself up, sticking a foreleg carelessly on the Umbreon's body, holding the Dark type down as he lined up the pointed tip of his cock to her sex and then, with the urgency of a feral creature teased past the point of patience with civilisation, pushed forcefully inside!

Overheated juices hissed off into the air as spade lips stretched and deformed with his thickening taper. Ninetales dick was generally quite considerable to an Eeveelution and this Umbreon was no exception. As those inches of thick, pointed meat speared her sex with searing heat and an uncommonly animalistic determination, she cried out and moaned. Her grip on the chain loosed and October could breathe, again.

Grinning savagely as his first, brutal thrust bottomed out, October pressed his advantage, rocking deeper and deeper into the Umbreon girl with only the slightest edge of consideration remaining about her being a girl.

She cried out in time with each thrust, every movement, higher and higher in pitch. Each time, he got a little deeper into that moist, yet straining sex and October's length was tapered in girth. It got thicker and thicker right to the knot.

Starting to win satisfaction back from the provocateur, he realised that he was probably being just a bit too rough. He started to go easier on her... After all; just because she smelled like Chai, just because she was an Umbreon, didn't mean...

"Harder! Fuck! Harder..!" yelled the Umbreon, commandingly, her rings flaring brightly with each thrust. Then she yanked the chain. It bit into his neck, again.

'Well, alright then.' Angrily, October shoved in, HARD, rocking her body up against the bed which slammed into the wall! His instincts screamed with delight as he showed the Umbreon which of them was the bigger predator, after all.

She cried out and grit her teeth as she stretched deliciously over his member. With some chivalry remaining October was caught between brutal pleasure and immediate concern... The chain loosened as he made sport of her body.

Until after a few excessively rough thrusts he started to slack off again... and so the chain tightened again. She didn't learn, did she?

In response, he thrust in so hard, then, that his animalistically yelping Lady was shoved up against the bed so hard that he heard the plaster crack on the back wall. Off loosened the chain.

Oh. It was like that, was it..? Okay. She wasn't like Chai... Chai liked to play with his dominance, male to male. This Umbreon was willing to push far different buttons. Gleefully. Especially the ones that crossed the line.

Well then.

He started fucking her with a sadistic glee, working his length into her in such a way that she could barely come to terms with a given portion having been fed into her, then, with a weighty pause, he would pull back, only to shove in again and push it in deeper, grinding it firmly into the extra territory gained, making his cock throb at the apex of each stretching thrust, making her feel how much he was enjoying every inch of her. From the way the light of her rings was growing, she was enjoying every inch of him, too...

Moaning and making animalistic cries with every thrust herself, the Umbreon's only response was to keep an even tension on the choke chain and press her shaking legs against his body. As if trying to push him away, only without bothering to actually do that.

Though as he got it deeper and deeper into her, though as she sat up and stared at that knot creeping dangerously closer to her sex, his Lady grinned at him, then started pulling the chain again, a steady, even pressure.

She pulled the growling Fox's muzzle right down to hers, even as she was being physically jolted by each of his continuing thrusts. He didn't let up.

Her eyes were softer now, no longer frowning. She almost looked submissive... and the pupils were huge, like she was deeply excited.

Unfortunately, her actual voice said, "Good boy." Then she yanked on the choker and licked him on the side of the face.

Inner fires surging once more, he shoved in right to the knot, which collided with her sex with a wet slap and began to sizzle. She shrieked as things stretched harshly and overheated. Something definitely felt like it had pulled on his pointed tip and given, a bit. He might have felt blood. He shuddered with feral pleasure and bloomed with heat.

He felt her orgasm, again, clenching around his cock as she made insensible, yammering noises.

He briefly paused. He wondered then if all Umbreon were masochists. He doubted it, but it was currently two for two.

Of course his pause earned him another yank on the choke chain.

That earned her a redoubling of his thrusting.

In the end he had basically no choice but to thrust into the Umbreon like a beast without a care in the world for her safety. He rested both forepaws on the Umbreon and put his weight upon her, making it difficult for her to breathe, then handling her roughly, pulling her into each thrust, used her body, viciously. The choke chain slacked off as he slammed the knot against her again and again. By now the Umbreon's rings were flashing so brightly that the room was practically strobing.

By the time he was getting ready to finish, she had almost let it go and he was practically upright.

"Here you go," he growled, "My lady..." he looked down at her with glowing eyes, furious with his raging lust, "Just as you ordered..!"

"Mmm..?" she just about had time to questioningly ask.

October threw his hips forwards and his body upwards, taking his paws off her body. This had the effect of concentrating the weight of his body onto the knot that was straining to get into that ferociously used Umbreon sex.

Funnily enough, with a squeeze so sudden and sharp it kind of hurt for both of them, October's knot popped in.

Hot Ninetales seed exploded into the Umbreon's sex at the same time that the rearing Ninetales unleashed hot Ninetales fire-breath up into the air as a wave of exultant pleasure roared through his body! A peak of dominant excitement and the explosive climax to all that anger and frustration, burning it all away in a blazing peak that made every inch of his body feel hot and alive..!

Suddenly the universe was a great place, again. He was happy, alive, a prideful Ninetales atop and inside of a screeching, yet contented Umbreon. Everything was back in balance and all was well as the room glimmered in the glow of rings and flames.

Tranquility in fury. Blessed blasting bliss. Hot, wet feelings. Oh, yes.

All was well.

Until.. he heard the single pair of forepaws applauding them, over their mutual and continuing growls and moans.

October was still cumming, still gasping, still shaking as he looked over his shoulder and widened his eyes in shock.

How long had Neon been leaning against the back wall..?

I mean, she was hard to see, kind of. Yellow fur in yellow light and all... but seriously.. how..?

He was seriously spooked. If he wasn't very, very busy and engaged at that moment, he might have been somewhat freaked out!

Neon was grinning toothily, "Looks like Nightlight there's brought it out of ya, after all, Foxie! Made ya realise some of us feral girls need rough love, too..! Ain't that right, Lexi..?"

"Wha..?" October just about managed to say.

Underneath him, 'Lexi' giggled between gasps and sighs. "Yup!" she giggled, "Got a load of toys in that bag I didn't even have to use..! Real easy to wind up!"

October almost frowned. It was impossible to frown when you were freshly knotted to someone, though. It was a matter of biological priority.

"Y'know, on watchin' that, I think your worst might be a bit much for me after all, Foxie, Chai can keep his high score," said Neon, tapping her chin, thoughtfully, as if reviewing, then she grinned, "Great fun to watch, though! Thanks for that! Damn! Kind-of-a savage beauty to it, don'tcha think..?"

"What... where did you..." October managed to gasp.

Neon grinned, "I was in the bag the whole time, you dumbass. You seriously got into that. Hope you learned your lesson, too... because we're not done with it..!"

"Lesson..?" gasped October, "Done..?"

"Eyup," said Neon, leaning forwards until she fell gracefully onto her forepaws, "You act soft around feral girls and you can bet some mean girl's gonna take advantage of you, Foxie." Then she started advancing on the pair of 'em, "Speakin' of which..." she grinned, wickedly, "I promised Lexi there a twofer... and I saw some great toys in that there bag..."

October gulped.

The two feral Eeveelution girls cackled, wickedly. In a way that immediately made October think that perhaps indeed it was probably better in future if he concentrated less on the gender of a partner and more upon two things; Secondarily; Their species, for an Umbreon was not a Human nor a Jolteon nor a Ninetales. Primarily, however; their personality. For every individual was after all different.

...and that realisation was what had made him gulp.

Because irrespective of gender, indeed...

...He knew he was in for a rough night, with these two individuals!

Cafe Plaisir: The Box

It was mid evening at Cafe Plaisir, after his shift and his daily walk and berry luncheon, during which the skies had darkened over the woods... Soon after, he had come back into the Cafe with a threatening raincloud running right on his tails and...

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Cafe Plaisir: Fair Turnabout

There was a soft rubbing, between the sheets, that night. That strange new bed, peculiarly comfortable. Still alien, still new, still not his bed... ...but there was something quite familiar within it. Something warm. Something he'd grown...

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Cafe Plaisir: A Visit from Sagittarius

In the middle of a forested field an orb of golden light gradually appeared, coalescing seemingly from nothing and growing large as its brightness grew... Then when a certain size was reached, the orb began to shift and move, gaining solidity, slowly...

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