Druidic Rites Part Three: Peach in the Rain

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Druidic Rites Part Three: Peach in the Rain

In the shelter of a quickly dug burrow two young pups huddled together taking refuge from a sudden rainstorm. With each crackle of thunder the golden furred dog pup let out a little whimper and tried to bury his face deeper into his companion's shoulder. In contrast the wolf pup clenched his fists and glared at the sky as if daring it to come down and fight him. The Dustin's eyes softened as he glanced at the obviously frightened Momo, wishing he could better comfort the sheltered puppy. An idea suddenly struck the wolf pup and with a sly grin he set about deepening their burrow.

Momo was undeniably smitten by the wolf pup unable to stop telling his parents about how cool the wolf was. The wolf didn't have to go to some stuffy school instead listened to the elders tell stories in a tent filled with sweet smoke and then ran around in the woods. The wolf never seemed to cry even when he fell out a tree and got splinters in his butt, only letting out soft grunts when Momo pulled them out. Dustin fur was also really neat as it looked he was always wearing black socks and gloves; combined with his grey fur the boy seemed to disappear when he crouched down by a tree.

Momo did have the good sense to keep somethings about the wolf pup from his parents. Like the fact that the wolf pup's knot felt amazing lodged in Momo's butt or that the wolf was allowed to carry a knife. Dustin didn't see what the big deal was his flint knife wasn't shaped that well and only its handle only had a few markings since the bone wasn't thick enough for a full design.

Dustin thought Momo was the cutest boy in the world and loudly boasted about the puppy's big cock to his parents. They thought the dog pup was too soft and tubby, but they could not deny that the shamans felt great magically potential lurking in the boy. They did however force Dustin to agree to at least spend a little more time with the tribe's girls before he decided that none were worth mating with.

The time spent playing with the girls only made the wolf pup aware how well Momo's shorts accented his plump butt. Not to mention that while Momo seemed to hate school he seemed to know so much more about the wider world and how to manipulate numbers. The pup also kept his yellow fur clean and soft with faintly flowery soaps and oils. The boy might not have been able to stalk a deer, but he could expertly cast a fishing line and never seemed to have his lines snap.

Through it was Momo's love of fishing that had gotten them caught out in the rain in the first place. Upon learning that Dustin only knew how to spear fish, Momo had declared that he would show the wolf the wonders of fishing with a rod. Truthfully the wolf the boy quickly grew bored of just waiting around for a fish to bite. Watching the other pup's rump strain against his shorts while he reeled in a catch seemed to be the only really enjoyable thing about it.

It seemed that Momo had picked a well-known site as they were shortly joined by an elderly mammoth man. It did not escape the wolf's attention that the man also seemed to enjoy watching the puppies, if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by. Although that might have just been a side effect of what Mister Wanpaku referred to as their "stupid horny puppy auras" the boys' puppy lust having an odd interaction with their still developing magic.

However, before the wolf could try a different type of fishing the woolly fellow drifted to sleep. Still wanting to liven things up a bit the wolf whispered a naughty little idea to Momo's getting a nervous grin in return. Regardless as to if it was magically influenced the wolf pup still wanted to check out that bulge.

Creeping up to the large mammoth the boys gave him a couple of pokes checking to see just how deep his slumber was. Getting no reaction, the pups set about freeing the mammoth's dick thankful that he was wearing a pair of breeches loosely laced at the crotch. The boy's let out loud gasps once it the genetically was revealed seeing how even soft the mammoth dwarfed even the largest men they've seen. The mammoth's balls only somewhat smaller than their heads. Momo's nervousness vanished at the sight and was the first to get a taste of the dick, running his tongue along its bulbous head. Dustin followed grabbing a hold of the shaft suit eager to play with such an enormous dick.

Soon the cock was fully hard shining from the puppy slobber covering every one of its fifteen inches. The boys continued to lap at the tower of flesh watching in fasciation as the veins along its length throbbed and the massive tip pulsed. Their devotion to the cock was rewarded by a veritable shower of thick creamy cum raining down upon their faces and the mammoths gut. They then raced each other over as to who could slurp up the most of the salty treat, both keen to get every last drop.

The boys quickly fled the scene leaving the mammoth to awaken to his cock still out covered in tiny marks. The boys having been unable to completely resist the desire to nibble the meaty flesh in their frenzy to get the yummy seed. Mystified the mammoth chalked it up to a very pleasant dream, and blaming the marks on the insects flittering at the water's edge.

During their move to a new fishing spot the boys were caught out in the open by the sudden storm. They frantically fled back to the woods, but found that the trees provided sparse cover from the heavy downpour. The pups had finally created their own shelter by digging into a hillside.

Feeling Dustin moving Momo joined into his efforts to expand the hole. With the combined efforts of both boys they soon made their own small cave. Having enough room to move about Dustin quickly helped Momo get his wet clothes off, and then instructed the other pup to lay down. The wolf pup's own easily removed breechcloth then joined the Momo's pile, and he plopped down on top of the other pop belly to belly.

Dustin then keyed the other pup that he didn't simply want to share warmth by drawing the boy into a deep kiss. While their tongue's wrestled, the wolf pup also began humping and grinding against the other boy. Momo forgot all about the storm in liu of the canine puphood sliding against his humanoid cock. While Momo might have had a couple inches on the other pup he lacked the knot that was now rapidly growing at the base of the wolf's cock.

The wolf pup reached his limit first and with a long howl his knot began pumping out his juices onto the other pup's cock. Moving to a kneeling position Dustin gave his knot a few squeezes to get any remaining cum out before reaching down to smear his load more evenly onto Momo's puphood.

Dustin then aligned the cum covered cock with his hole and work it inside. The wolf's pup own cock sprang back to full hardness as he started to rock himself onto his mate's rod. Loving how the mushroom head mashed into his love button with each bounce. Momo quickly reached his own limit and squirted into the pup above him. Dustin paused his movements to just lightly clench down on the softening cock still lodged inside him. Bouncing with renewed vigor the instant he felt it starting to harden again.

The boys continued to milk orgasms from each other, occasionally reversing their positions, for as long as the down pour continued. Momo was keen to collect his lost fishing gear and to get his cloths dried before he had to head home. Slowly following behind the panic-stricken pup, Dustin decided that he didn't mind fishing that much, he would just need to learn to read or find some other way to amuse himself. The more chances he got to play with the puppy the better, his sheathed cock twitching in agreement as he watched Momo's freely bouncing balls.

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