After Dark, Part 1, Chapter 2 - "Oh... you seem to already know where we're going."

Story by tigger on SoFurry

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#4 of After Dark

[Warning. Contains a diapering scene and *gasp* penis.

Do not read if you're under 18, (or the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction.) If you do read it despite the above, for gods sake, don't tell me about it.

Do not read if you are bothered by gayness or diapers.If you do despite the above, only tell me about it if you liked it, or have something more compelling and constructive to say than "Hurr durr, babyfurs!"

Everyone else, please enjoy the long awaited second chapter.]

[editors note. Morphs have capitalized species names, e.g. a Tiger is a sentient/sophont two legger, like Issac, while a tiger is an endangered four legged large cat often found in zoos. I was doing it subconciously in the other chapter in some places, but edited it out. I'm trying it in this chapter, so let me know if it works.]

[edited to correct new chapter title.]


After Dark, Chapter 2 - "Oh... you seem to already know where we're going."

The two sat in silence for a while, the Tiger drying his tears, the human reaching over once or twice and patting his leg, letting him have space. The Tiger stared out the window for a long while as the girl beside him drove on into the fading light. After a little while, he pulled out his phone. "I have the directions to where we're going." he said, pulling up the navigational function and realizing that they had been traveling towards the dorm on the fastest route for several minutes. "Oh... You seem to already know where we're going.

She nodded. "I'll admit, I have a friend in the dorm." She glanced over at him, then back on the road. "They are expecting you. You know you're a bit of a celebrity in the Morphic community." He rubbed his face a little. "Yes, trust me, I know. I get IMs all the bloody time from people whom seem to know a great deal about me. I have no clue what all the fuss is about." he sighed, looking down at his phone, 5:03 to destination with current traffic conditions. "So... who is this Louis guy? Do you have his number? I... really wanna meet him."

She smiled a bit. "He'll be around. I'm pretty sure he wants to meet you too." she said, in a soft voice, watching traffic and turning the corner down University row. They drove in silence past the buildings with Greek letters on them as the Tiger digested that. Some of the buildings were well maintained, some dilapidated, most with humans that turned to stare at the Honda and it's occupants. Issac earfolded a little, and tried to sink his tall frame a little further down in the car, to no avail, trying to avoid looking out the window, though he couldn't help but smile as he noticed a four legged beagle being walked by his Beagle owner, both wearing matching sweatbands. "Do you know which one it is?" he asked, as they drove further into the dilapidated section. She nodded, and pointed towards the sign marking a cul de sac named "University Cove." Underneath was another sign. "No Exit." They turned, and approached a large, three story Victorian with a sign in front. "Unity Hall."

Issac's eyes adjusted for the creeping darkness as he looked about. The house was old, but well cared for, showing signs of re-modelling and additions here and there. The house had two wings to either side looked like they weren't in the original plans. There wasn't a single place where the paint was peeling or mismatched, though the chosen colors looked like they were whatever was on sale at the time. The landscaping was nearly wild, with large trees and bushes crammed in, though neatly taken care of, the small patches of lawn that showed through the jungle-like growth looking quite neat. A flag pole with an American flag, as well as the lotus symbol of the GAIA foundation hung underneath it. As the light faded past a certain point, a small automatic spotlight from somewhere on the grounds turned on, illuminating the flags.

From the entryway to the front door was a covered walkway tangled with honeysuckle and jasmine. In the windows were hung various flags, most national ones, Mexico, Australia, but some were stranger, including a large pentacle, a black, blue and white striped one with a heart in one corner, and a pride flag with a paw print in the top left hand corner. There were a few lotus flower symbols in the windows too... The GAIA foundation funded many scholarships, (including Issac's own,) so that was hardly surprising. There were a number of familiar small signs by the front gate, including a diamond shaped yellow Safe Place sign, a purple triangle, and a paw print all listed the dorm as a safe place for runaways of all sorts.

Issac got out of the car, scratching his head as he took in the sights of his new home, trying to take everything in. Mary slammed her door as she leant against the car, smiling at Issac as he stood there, a little dumbfounded. "Whatcha think?" Issac smiled a little as he looked the place where he'd be living for at least the next four years over. Inside the walkway and underneath the heavy jasmine laden canopy, Issac could see two wolves, locked in a passionate embrace. A horse and a housecat were sitting at a concrete chess table, locked in intellectual combat with glowing holographic peices. At the sound of the car door slamming, all four looked up, smiled, and waved to the two. Mary got out her phone and sent a quick voice message, "We're here."

Issac peered over to her. "Your friend?" he asked, moving to open the trunk and look over his meager collection of boxes, bulked out by the fact that several of them contained 'necessary supplies', as it were. The Tiger wondered for a moment how he'd get those shipped here. The nurse from the institute had given him the number of the supplier and his size, but he was quite unsure about calling them. How would shipping to the dorm work? Mary smiled. "Yes. He'll be out to give us a hand in a moment." Issac nodded, thinking of his arm, already aching in its cast from all the packing he had done earlier, and wasn't thrilled about the next few hours of unpacking, even with Mary's help. His thoughts were interrupted by a hand resting on his shoulder. "Hello, gorgeous, good to see you conscious." A vaguely familiar voice said.

Issac spun around, looking up at the Wolf he'd been so eager to meet, blushing as he attempted speech, managing after a few eons a stuttery "H-hello," realizing for the first time that the Wolf, who was dressed quite casually in jeans, sneakers and a university top, was not only more heavily built than him, but was at least six inches taller, to boot. Not something common, for a six foot two Tiger. Three other Canines, who were following Louis, all began loading up a small blue cart with boxes, making short work and managing to load the whole load of boxes in one go while the Wolf pulled the Tiger back and out of the way with a gentle touch. "Take it easy, these ones are assigned to help you get things upstairs... no sense in jeopardizing your recovery there." he said, pointing to the Tiger's cast. "Uh... Okay." the bewildered Tiger said, as he was gang-pressed behind the squeaky cart by the Wolf and the manically grinning human.


The interior of the dorm was just as jumbled as the exterior. Modern Ikea-sourced flat pack furniture sitting side by side with jumble-sale chic. The Tiger took it all in in high speed as he was led by the Wolf and the human. "Plenty of time for the dime tour later, lets get you packed away." They turned left, down a narrow hallway that looked original to the house, following it into the new left wing. "Remember. Women are always right and men are left out." the Wolf said. "Left wing, men, Right wing, Women. You can visit if you're invited, but only between five to ten. No sleepovers." he said, smirking. "Unless you're in married student housing. We have a few rooms with couples."

The Tiger kept pace with the others, though he kept slowing down to look at various knickknacks, pamphlets, flyers, artwork, and other things framed, mounted, and sometimes just tacked up on the walls. Many of them detailed the four years prior to the Mosaic accords and the passing of the twenty eighth amendment. They stopped at the elevator, and while the Wolf pressed the up button, Issac rifled through the pamphlets left out there, having read all of them many times.

He picked up one to look at the familiar title. Mary looked over, and he handed it to her, "Basic questions about the Mosaic Virus answered. The GAIA Foundation's basic FAQ." He said. She nodded. "I read it online." she said, smiling. "A long time ago. Had a few more questions answered by my friend here." she said, indicating Louis, who grinned at them both. The Tiger looked between the two, "So... have you known each other long?"

Mary smiled. "He helped me change a flat tire, he's been coming in to say hello of a night when he can't sleep." The lift opened, a large industrial style one big enough to fit the all six and the cart in, the three Dogs staying quiet, looking warily up at the Wolf, then sneaking a glance at the Tiger and the Human, then down, having been given specific orders not to stare.

Louis smiled and reached over, patting one of them, a German Shepard, on the ears, causing the shorter Canine to break into a smile, lifting his eyes to the Wolf's. "Issac, Meet your new roommate, Neil Hawthorn. Neil, this is Issac Darkley." The young Shep's tail started to wag as he stuck a hand out to shake Issac's. "Very pleased to meet you." he said, as the Tiger fumbled a little, finally sticking out his left hand with a smirk. "Likewise." he said in a soft tone, grinning at Neil, tilting his head. "Aren't you a bit young to be here, though?" The Wolf chuckled and patted the young Shepard on his shoulder. "Boy genius here graduated High School at fifteen. Special permission from the dean to attend so young." Neil blushed hotly, ducking his chin. The elevator dinged, and the three Dogs walked ahead. They passed through the common room, which was furnished with worn but comfortable looking couches, bean bags, and also had a few round tables and chairs, each with seating for six. The room was deserted except for a male black cat and a female bobcat. Both looked up, smiled at Issac, then looked back to their movie, curled together on the couch.

The group walked down the hall and the Dogs unloaded the boxes in short order. The Shep looking up at the three. "Er... I'll go... study." he said, giving a tiny gulp, then fled along with the other two Canines, leaving the three to file into the room alone, Louis shutting the door. The human and the Tiger looking around while Louis smiled, watching them. Two beds, with perhaps six feet of space between them, a mini fridge and a tiny microwave occupied one corner, along with a sink. There was a large square table with a small dividing wall down the center, with a screen on a swivel arm, and a cheap keyboard hooked to it. Underneath were drawers, and more drawers occupied the space between the bed and the desk, under the large window, which had blinds that were mostly-closed. The beds had identical covers on them, and he knew that if he sat on his, it would rustle. At the end of each bed was a large closet, and a round bucket with an odd lid mechanism that made Issac cringe a little. Diaper pail.

Louis chuckled at him, reaching over to squeeze Issac's good shoulder, helping him with his backpack. "No need to unpack right away, if you don't want." he said, smiling. "Want to just order some pizza and watch a movie?" Issac shook his head. "If I don't unpack now, I won't. I spent two years with boxes of stuff sitting in my closet at the orphan-... the institute." He said, folding his ears a little as he looked at the collection of boxes stacked at the end of his bed. Of course, the first one on top was the last one they had packed to go here, and he scrunched his nose up at the idea. "Um..." Mary's eyes followed Issac's, and she grinned. "He knows too." she said, patting Issac's ears, the Cat slumping.

Louis walked over, squeezing his good shoulder again, pulling him in to a light hug as the Tiger curled against him. "It's okay. Trust me, you're not the first or the only one in the dorm. You should know that by now." The Tiger shivered, somewhat shocked at his own behaviour in front of the two... he was showing vulnerability, something he'd not normally do in front of anyone... except maybe family. "I k-know, just... I've spent the last six years in a place with hardly any morphs." he swallowed, looking up into the Wolf's large blue eyes, his own just a little wet. "I forgot."

Louis smiled. "Well, lets just say that you're in good company." he said, walking over to Neil's bed, and patted it. It crinkled, and Louis turned, grinning at Issac's shocked expression. "We pair people based on it, silly." he said, chuckling and walking over to lift the box, undoing it. "Anyway, there's a storage room with large sheds in it down the hall for anything we can't fit in here." he said, opening the box with a claw and smiling. Mary chuckled, "Come sit, Louis and I can handle it. Just tell us where to put stuff away."

Issac did as he was told, blushing as he settled on his own bed, which rustled a bit. He indicated the drawers by his bed. "T-the padding in there, please." he said, in a rather small voice, earfolding, and the Wolf and the human began transferring the crinkly folded disposables into the top drawer, putting the changing supplies in the second. Louis grinned and lifted the pacifier out of the box, giving the cringing Tiger a slightly questioning look, Issac reached out, took it, and put it in his pocket, unable to speak, and Louis reached down, putting his hand behind Issac's head. "You okay, beautiful?" He asked, in a soft tone, stroking at his ears, causing Issac to give a tiny flinch. "Y-yeah." he said in a soft tone, his voice a little strained. Louis' face fell and he immediately sat on one side of him, Mary on the other, each wrapping an arm around him.

Issac sighed and rubbed his face. "I'm being stupid. Don't mind me." Louis hugged him tightly and wrapped an arm around Mary as well, who pressed her nose against the Tiger. "We don't." he said. "You've not lived with other morphics before, you don't know... diapers are... kinda normal to us. Take me, I had two younger brothers... both still wet the bed. I helped them change until I moved here. It's just not... an issue for me." he smiled, hugging him close and nuzzling at the Tiger's ear, making him blush and curl his chin further. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, hun. Heck, there are at least five or six people in this dorm who have to wear 24/7... and probably another dozen or so who do so without needing to. Mosaic messes up sometimes, so to speak." he grins. "We don't have perfect nerve connections to those muscles. Some of us can be trained, some can't. You get used to it."

Issac sighed. "It's not just that... " He trailed off, and they sat in silence for about a minute while Issac tried to get the words out. "Sometimes... it.." he pulled out the pacifier, "It makes me feel better." he said. "Some nights," he trailed off, swallowing. Louis stroked his arm. "Some nights you actually enjoy getting diapered?" Issac's ears folded, and he gave a small whimper, but finally nodded. Louis smiled. "You're not the first in that regard, either... not the only one in the dorm, either. Wait a week, there'll be guys in t-shirts and diapers sitting on the couch holding baby bottles... not everyone who wears them, but at least.. Oh, I dunno, half?" Issac's jaw dropped, and Louis smiled, stroking his ear.

"It's.. just not a big deal, here. We're all used to it. As a society, the Morphics around here have gotten over the whole. "Men must never show weakness ever, or it makes them lesser." Issac squirmed. "I'm not... used to it, that is. It was very different in the place I used to live." he said, in a quiet voice, and Louis chuckled. "Well... we'll fix that. Might as well get you ready for bed now. Lights out in two hours." he said, reaching for the drawer and pulling out a diaper. Issac whimpered a bit, and Mary grinned. "Want me to leave? I'd offered to do that for him." Louis gave a soft "Oh," and a grin, looking to the Tiger in his arms. "What's it going to be, Iz? I don't mind either way... and I'm sure Mary doesn't either."

Issac looked up at her, then at Louis, the two new friends he'd made only today already closer than he'd been to anyone in his whole life... he thought abit about how his mother had railed at him constantly about his bedwetting, even after it became known that it was common in nearly half of the mosaic children. How his father had just immediately changed the subject whenever it came up, or when anything about his strange son came up. He thought of the jeers of his human schoolmates, when his secret had come out, and of the many tears he'd shed, suckling on that pacifier alone at night. And now this Wolf wanted to diaper him... the same one that kept calling him beautiful. Was his motive simply to shame him somehow? Was there a camera? Or did he just want to get a look at him naked?

Did he really care if the Wolf did? The second he had looked up at him in the store... he felt like he knew the Wolf... that he wanted to be around him for a long time... After all, they met in a situation where they each saw the other in a life or death situation. Most people don't get to see that ever in a relationship... Louis and Mary both had moved to help him, despite the fact that they were still at risk... and he liked them the second he started talking to them.

After about ten seconds of all this running through his head, he finally shrugged and gave her a tiny smile, biting his lip shyly. "Up to you." Mary chuckled a bit, "Alright, kiddo, I'll leave you two alone." She said, moving to get up. Issac put his hand on her shoulder, and she smiled. "I'm just going out to the lounge... I'll be back." she said, and he nodded, blushing as she walked out and closed the door behind her, still snuggled against the Wolf, who wrapped both arms around him now, being mindful of his arm and moving Iz's head to look into his eyes, concern on his face. "You sure about this? I mean, we've only known each other for-" the Tiger moved his head forward, and pressed his nose against Louis's, causing the Wolf to cut off with a soft smile, tilting his head to one side to press his lips against the Tiger's.

They clung together, each one's heart racing... finally, the kiss broke. Louis panted a little, saying. "Well, I guess you're sure. The Tiger mumbled something unintelligible, and Louis chuckled, lifting Iz's chin and moving his ear right next to the tiger's mouth, and Issac repeated, in a whisper. "T-thank you." He chuckled, and gently rubbed the Tiger's ear. "You're the one I should thank, cutie... You're the one that stopped those thugs... anyway. if it's any consolation, I'll try not to enjoy myelf." he grinned. "Now... c'mon, lets get this on you." he said, standing up and wiggling the rustly bundle in his hand, making he Tiger squirm, Issac thinking,_ that's no consolation._

He gently moved down on his knees and pushed Issac back on the bed, the Tiger shivering as he complied. Louis first took off his shoes, the sensation of someone else doing that hitting Issac on some deep level he didn't quite comprend... the sensation was... odd, unusual... but comforting. He then lifted Issac's legs, that alone causing the Tiger to gasp and tense a little, pulling his pants off to reveal spider-man underwear underneath. The sight caused the Wolf to giggle and Issac to hide his face, whimpering. "Oh, beautiful... it's okay." he said, reaching over and stroking Issac's belly, chuckling more. "You're so adorable when you blush." he said, smiling widely, his smile fading as he noticed the telltale puckers in the Tiger's fur indicating some large scars underneath, running his fingers over them. "Oh, dear... what happened here?" Issac let out a small sigh. "C-car crash... when I was twelve." he said, in a tone that pleaded no more questions, and the Wolf nodded.

He tugged down the Tiger's childish underwear, easily lifting the Tiger up with one hand to pull it off his tail, pulling them both down to his knees, pondering his next move. "Do you wear PJs? or what?" He squirmed. "I got some... usually slept just padded in the orphanage, since I had my own room." he pointed to the backpack, and the Wolf nodded, pulling off his pants and underwear completely, his eyes flashing over the Tiger's privates, a quick peek... he wasn't oversized, but nicely proportionate, and the Wolf couldn't help but sneak a second glance while the Tiger's eyes were still on the ceiling. "Well, we'll get you in to those when we're done." he said, smirking. "Just one pair? I'll have to get you some new ones... spiderman ones, perhaps?" Issac eardrooped, and Louis stroked his belly. "Sorry, hun, just teasing... Something cute, tho. You need to get more relaxed here... you're among family."

Issac paused, thinking about that while Louis reached over to remove the changing supplies he'd just stashed in the drawer. "Family..." he said, in a whisper. "Hmm?" The Wolf replied, and the Tiger just chuckled. "Sorry... it's been a long time since I had family." The Wolf ahhed, and turning back with a pack of wipes and some barrier cream, the latter already being squirted on his fingers, applying the cream to the Tiger's fur. "You really should shave." he said, with a little chuckle, causing the Tiger to squirm quite a bit... it wasn't the first time he'd been changed by someone else... nurses, male and female, had done that for him for nearly a week, and the nurse at the institute had occasionally done that too, prior to him turning thirteen... but this was different.

He squirmed softly, curling his toes, shivering at the sensation of Louis's hand... he was being quite tame, rubbing the stuff over his hips, avoiding his privates... He paused for a moment as he noticed the sheath he was about to rub lotion on was getting a bit snug, but pushed on, rubbing the lotion on efficiently and quickly, causing Issac to make a small, stifled noise that would have been a gasp, had he not stopped it. Louis grinned, rubbed it on to the Tiger's sac as well, then moved to wipe his hands carefully. Issac tried not to squirm, and when Louis turned back with the unfolded diaper, there was about an inch of pink flesh peeking out of the Tiger's sheath.

He took a deep breath, and managed to ignore it. He lifted Issac's legs up in the air again with one hand, fastening the thick diaper around his tail with the other, sprinkling powder in the back of the diaper before letting him down carefully and pulling the padding up between his legs with a nervous grin. "I did promise not to enjoy myself... though I guess I never said anything about you." Issac shuddered hard at the sensation of the padding pressing his legs apart, keeping his eyes closed. "S-sorry." he whispered, "C-can't help it.", The bulge became more noticeable while Louis taped him up, the Wolf chuckling. "I... really, really don't mind." he said softly, stroking Issac's belly. "And I won't take it as an indication of anything other than that you were comfortable, unless you tell me otherwise. It happens. Even my brothers'd occasionally pop boners when getting changed." he said, grinning.

Issac shivered as he sat up, facing the kneeling Wolf. "I... I dunno, but..." he swallowed, looking into the Wolf's eyes, his own completely vulnerable as he placed a hand on his chest. "I've known you for half an hour, maybe... but... I feel like it's been longer. I want it to be a lot longer..." he shivered, and Louis wrapped his arms around him. "Me too... but there's no need to jump in to anything... Lets just keep it innocent for now. I'll help you get padded, and we can get to know eachother better before we start boffing, 'K?" he grinned, "But I like you too... a lot." Issac blushed harder, but managed a grin of his own. "O-okay." he said.

Louis smiled, and reached over a long arm to snag Issac's backpack, removing the pajamas, which were still in their packaging noting the hospital store tag on them. "Plaid? These won't do. I'll have to get you some more." he said, smiling. "Want help?" Issac nodded. "They snap in the arms, and in... in the crotch, too." he said, blushing again, feeling he might do his inner ears some permanent damage if he kept this up. Louis grinned and unfolded them. "That's funny, I was going to get you some of those, too." he said, pulling the Tiger's shirt off and smiling, stroking his belly and causing the Tiger to break in to a small purr. "Love that sound." he said, chuckling. "I know there's meant to be enmity between cats and dogs, but I've always loved cats." he said, grinning. "I had a bunch of little ones, anyway. Haven't met a Tiger before."

Issac squirmed a bit and smiled. "I've never had a pet." he said, as Louis offered the pants legs for him to step in to, letting the Wolf pull them up, then stood to allow Louis to pull his tail through, shivering a bit as Louis gave him a pat on the rump, the whumping sound making the Wolf smile wide. "Not too uncommon. Most parents of mosaics didn't want animals anywhere near them or their kids... it's too bad they didn't realize just how much animal dander flies through the air on a regular basis." he smirked, and helped Iz with the shirt on, unsnapping the short sleeve and the body of the shirt a bit to allow his sling through, then snapping it shut. "There... set for bed. Now... Want some pizza?" he grinned. "I'm buying." Issac grinned. "S-sure."


The three sat out in the common room, munching on pizza and watching old Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns in 2D, Issac giving a soft playful humph whenever either of them patted him on the rear, which happened at least once every ten minutes, the two cackling at the noise and causing the Tiger to grin. They had the room to themselves, and only the occasional person wandered by, occasionally stopping to greet the new arrival and clumsily try to shake his hand. He was a pseudo-celebrity, after all. Halfway through the second episode, a Squirrel lady walked in, big bushy tail making swooshing noises as she walked. "Well! Issac Darkley! Good to meet you." she said, and Louis paused the TV with a wave of his hand. "Issac, meet your new RA, Miss Rebecca Cooley, one of the first blended people, and Issac gasped, sticking out his good hand to shake. "Oh! I've read about your story... You were there at the first court cases..." he swallowed, smiling. "Sorry. I know you probably don't remember much from then, but what is it like?"

She smiled at him, grinning a manic grin as she stuck out her left hand, shaking his with a chuckle. "I remember every second.. my parents told me how important it was... even to a four yearold, getting to see if you could go to school with regular kids, or even be treated as a real person, was important." she chuckled, "I remember clear as day, talking to the judge. I told him, "Please, I want to go to school like my sister does, when I'm older." and the old black man smiled and said to me, "Little girl, when I was a little boy, nine judges got up and said that it was alright for me to go to school with white kids... What sort of man would I be if I didn't let you?" She smiled and sighed. "Well, anyway. It seems you've made at least one friend here... Louis said he'd take you under his wing, so he's officially your buddy here unless you want someone else." she smiled. "Are you settling in okay?" Issac nodded and smiled, squeezing Louis's arm with his good one. "Yeah... I think I am."

Rebecca smiled and pulled out her phone. "Alright, give me your number and I'll add you to the dorm system." she said, "Your phone is your key, just point the camera at the barcode by the door and it'll automatically send the unlock code." He gave it to her, smiling a bit. "So... any rules I should know about?"

She chuckled again. "Doors are locked at ten, no new guests after 2 am. No booze, no weed, and no smoking, in the rooms. You can do that on the patio if you're over 18, and if you supply a minor, your tail will be at the Police station quicker than you can chase after it." she grinned, "Other than that... careful about taking pictures and sharing them. Photos are okay, but keep them for yourself, not to share online. The full rules and regs should be in your orientation email." she smiled. "Anything else?"

He smiled back, "I think... I think that's all. It was good meeting you, Ma'am." She rolled her eyes. "Please, Rebecca, or Cooley, not Ma'am. I'm only twenty four and nobody under thirty should be Ma'amed. It's bad for your health." she said, turning to go. "You take care, now." she said, eyes flicking to the two around him with a soft grin. Louis smiled and wrapped his arm around the Tiger.

"He will." the Wolf said softly, squeezing Issac close as the Tiger curled against him.

*** To be continued in Chapter 3 - "New Day Tomorrow."