TNR chapter 2

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of Nekir and Rain

It was late that day of escape that Nekir awoke.

"You alright Rain?" Nekir asked feeling something out of place.

Rain sat there looking at him with one eye.

"Rain what are you doing?" Nekir asked as Rain drew a symbol on the ground.

The fire that Nekir had set up earlier had suddenly turned a dark shade of violet.

"Rain what on earth are you doing?" Nekir asked feeling as if it was not from this earth.

"Its to help my mom find me..." Rain sighed as she slumped down on Nekir.

"And who is your mom?" Nekir asked feeling he would meet her soon.

"Her name is Opite..." Rain said.

Nekir kissed Rain on her muzzle.

"What was that for?..." Rain asked.

"Because I like you." Nekir said mimicking the way Rain had said it.

"Oh funny boy..." Rain said with a weak smile.

"Anything I can do to help?" Nekir asked feeling as if he was useless.

"Well there is one thing..." Rain said looking Nekir over.

"And?" Nekir asked already getting an idea of where it was going.

"You could help me restore my love energy..." Rain said as she blushed.

"And how exatly is that done?" Nekir asked looking back at Rain with a tilted head.

"Well we, make love..." Rain said putting it out there and obvious.

"Where you planning this?" Nekir said as he inched closer and planted a kiss on Rain's muzzle.

"No..." Rain murred back into his kiss already feeling better.

"Why didn't you just tell me to do this?" Nekir asked.

"Because, it isn't like I really can do anything right now..." Rain muttered hinting towards a more dominate side of her.

"So I get to do anything I want to you?" Nekir said as he ran the back of his hand along Rain's muzzle.

"Yes, anything you want..." Rain murred at the thought.

Nekir rubbed up and down Rain's pink chest scales as he kissed up and down her neck. Rain crooned and kissed him when his lips reached hers.

"Lovely little dragoness." Nekir said giving her a pet name.

"I might be stuck this size." Rain said at last not having to exhale totally after speaking.

"Feeling better?" Nekir asked already hearing the difference.

"No, I am feeling hungry." Rain said looking at the dead deer that lay not but 4 feet from the fire.

"What kind of person would I be if I starved someone I care about." Nekir said as he got up.

"Thank you." Rain said with a polite nodd.

"Are you going to be fine?" Nekir asked, wanting a distraction from his butchering work.

"I think I will be." Rain said.

"On what condition?" Nekir asked nearly complete.

"That A, I don't die of hunger, and B, I don't die of a broken heart." Rain said as matter of fact.

"I get the hunger part, but who would break your heart?" Nekir said as he put deer steaks on the fire.

"You breaking it right now!" Rain said complaining.

"Oh! You mean me!" Nekir said loving the fact that one could love a dragoness.

"Yes you!" Rain said looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Well the lovely little dragoness is going to need to eat first, before using her energy on other things." Nekir said as he fished the deer steaks out of the fire.

"Is that a threat, or a promise?" Rain asked with a raised brow while she was given a broiled deer steak.

"Which ever love, but if you don't get better I can't fuck you brains out." Nekir said with as straight a face as he could.

"Guess I will just have to get better then." Rain responded with more than a little smile.

"Guess you will." Nekir said as he helped Rain eat.

Nekir helped Rain eat her food. Rain finish and promtly thanked Nekir.

"Nekir I finished." Rain said looking at Nekir with a different kind of hunger.

"Oh! And I suppose that the dragoness would want me next?" Nekir asked already knowing the answer.

"Why does it matter to you?" Rain asked trying to get his opionion.

"Because who says I didn't want you first!" Nekir said think back to all those times he jacked off to dragoness.

"Humm, you can be a willily one." Rain noted as she looked down at his already growing size.

"Wetter the better." And true to Nekir's words, Rain already had a little storm surge going on down south.

"Humm, stop teasing!" Rain said as Nekir slowly took off his pants.

"Why you can't move." Nekir said to remind Rain that this was his show.

"I can still breathe fire." Rain said looking crossed at him.

"Yeah, but its got to be hard to fuck characoal." Nekir said as he finished undressing.

"Well, fortunatly for you, I don't want to find out." Rain said.

"Fine you will be glad you chose me." Nekir said, and then added under his breathe, "Over characoal."

"Please just fuck me senseless now." Rain said as if it happened everyday.

"Alright my lovely little dragoness." Nekir said as he teased against her fold with his cock.

"Aww, damit! Please stop teasing me like that!" Rain said growing hotter.

"And what will you do if I don't?" Nekir asked just wanting to know.

"Well I would die of loss of love magic." Rain said making it sound serious.

"Really now, You would up and die on me?" Nekir asked sadisically as he thrusted into Rain.

"Oh! That is the ticket!" Rain cried out as she was taken.

"You want me to fuck you harder?" Nekir asked.

"What is stopping you now?" Rain shot back hoping to give him gusto.

"Your tail." Nekir replied.

"Is it now?" Rain asked as she moved it.

Nekir didn't even answer, he just thrusted even harder.

Rain roared as she clenched around his cock with her hot and needy vaginal walls.

"Tell me what you feel is right." Nekir said as Rain was able to rock back against his thrusts.

"This!" Rain roared as she looked at Nekir in hope.

"Oh! This!" Nekir said just before he planted a kiss on Rain's muzzle.

"Mmmm." Rain hummed against Nekir's kiss.

"The dragoness feeling better?" Nekir asked feeling himself near his climax.

"Much better, uh! Oh, Yeah!" Rain roared as she came across Nekir's lap.

The spasming was to much for Nekir and he groaned as he came deep into Rain shooting strings of hot seed into her womb.

"Sleep now?" Rain asked.

"Go ahead Rain I need to get dressed." Nekir said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Bring me a blanket?" Rain asked seeing if he would comply.

"Sure, let me make one first." Nekir dress and proceded to tan the hide of the deer using the nearby sulfur water as the curing process.

"Oh, handy man." Rain mocked as he approached.

"I could just not give it to you." Nekir said as Rain looked at him pleadingly. "Fine, your dragonet eyes win."

Nekir laid down the blanket on Rain and patted her on the muzzle as she crooned at him.

"Now what do you want?" Nekir asked actual glad to be useful.

"You." Rain said looking back up at him.

"Excuse me?" Nekir asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"Will you sleep next to me? For warmth?" Rain asked looking at him with the dragonet eyes again.

Nekir sighed and climbed in next to Rain laying down right in front of her. She crooned against the back of his head and put a arm over him.

"You are never going to let me live this down will you?" Nekir asked feeling embarrassed.

Rain seemed to think it over, "Nope."

"Fine lovely little dragoness, do you think we can get some sleep now?" Nekir asked only to realize that he was asking a sleeping dragoness. "Me next mister sandman..." Nekir fell into sleep also.

TNR chapter 3

A sharp sound off in the distance, a quiet pain, a deep yearning, and an unfulled lust. Nekir was stiring in his sleep as the light vail of silence was lifted from the peace of the cave. Something was moving off in the distance making the sound of the...

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Wow, I really have fallen far. Life used to be so great, so full of life, so... joyous. Now look at me, not a penny to my name, no job, no wife, and no kids. The only escape I can find is booze, wasting money I don't have on booze, only to be reminded...


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