The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau: Game 3, Finale!

Story by Terinas on SoFurry

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And so the mansion claimed another soul. Maybe now...

(The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau is best described as a 1-player cross between a kinky RP and a pen and paper game. The inital "Goal" is to discover exactly what happened in the strange mansion in the woods and get out with proof of what you found, before your mind and/or body is transformed beyond recognition by the forces within. Or at least to find an ending where your character is happy, one way or another. But "Bad Ends" abound, and the mansion is a sexy-dangerous place! Can our newest player find the truth, or will she get lost among the fetish-fueled denizens of the mansion and reach a Bad End where she ends up as another one of them? Or worse? Read on to find out...

This Moreau run has been completed in it's entirety, and will be uploaded bit by bit ideally on a weekly schedule until it is done. Relevant kinks involve girl-sex, pet play, hypnosis, transformation, and some light breathplay later on.)

Thanks if you read this, and if you like it, remember that comments make me smile and keep me writing. Have a nice night!


(Contained within is part of the Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau session for the user Katie on Telegram. If you're interested in doing the Mad Mansion for yourself, please be warned that there are spoilers ahead! Some details of the "Game" will be redacted for readers, to preserve some of the experience. However, there's still enough here to spoil your own session if you care about plot! If you don't, read ahead.)

(It's also worth noting that the Mad Mansion is a unique experience that is designed as being very Kink-Flexible! The fetish content you see in this run is NOT necessarily what you will experience yourself. If you don't like some specific fetish, please rest assured that you can play this experience without it.)

Chapter 4: Heat Cycles

Terinas: The hallways were dark. The only light coming from a few windows, the light of a setting sun leaking in from behind curtains. And from Ilya's office. Katie/Lupina could make out a sign nearby reading "Stairwell" with a door nearby it. And beyond that door, wonder of wonders, was a set of concrete stairs going up and down! A sign indicated she was on the third floor.

Katie: She quickly took the stairs down to the first floor, she might have felt she shouldn't be wearing clothes but she was still getting used to it, the idea thrumming in her mind but she still blushed and tried to cover some of herself up, following Ilya's instructions to where she might find the Doberman.

Terinas: The garage was a large parking complex, easily two stories tall, with a ramp from the first floor leading to the second one. For as large as it was, there were almost no parking spots that were actually filled. Three cars: A beaten up blue van, a bright cherry-red convertible, and a purple bug, were the only automobiles parked in the complex. But someone had converted one corner of the garage into a large workspace, with power tools, wooden worktables, and a large riding lawnmower currently jacked up over head.

A large, anthropomorphic bull with deep brown muddy fur was standing nearby it, hands wrapped around the base of the lawn mower. Nearby him, an onyx-furred stallion man stood by. The two of them turned to look at Lupina as she walked down, paw shyly covering her breasts. But as she drew close, her nose twitched. For she'd gotten a familiar scent.

Spike smelled of sweat and sex (especially hers) and motor oil and gasoline, and was currently underneath the lawn mower, turning a wrench. He was laying on a little wheeling cart, and the position he was in gave Katie a front-row seat for the bulge tucked just behind the front of his khaki white shorts. He grunted, every twitch of his body making that bulge rub back and forth in his shorts...

(Please roll a body check!)

Katie: (Rolled a 6!)

Terinas: (Good enough! Alright, you don't [REDACTED!] unless you want to.)

Katie: (I do want to, but she will try to put a handle on it, trying to keep herself under control but [REDACTED!] the longer she is around him)

Terinas: (Works for me. :p)

Katie: She walked cautiously but quickly, finding herself in the garage she looked at the two she didn't recognize, assuming that they must be [REDACTED!] and [REDACTED!]. She was about to try and walk away to find Spike before his scent caught her nose. Her eyes quickly found Spike as he lay beneath one of the cars and as she found him with her eyes she felt almost a pang of need inside her. She slowly stepped over and in a soft nervous voice she spoke, "S-Spike?" Just barely loud enough to hear.

Terinas: "Hm?" Spike rolled out from under the lawn mower, looking up. A slight blob of clear oil dripped onto his snout as he sat up. "Oh hey... Lupina, right?" His tail started to twitch underneath him. "Wow, you look amazing." He stood up, walking over towards her to sniff at and around her neck, a social gesture that Katie instinctively picked up meant he was excited to see her. The scent of precum starting to emanate from his pants was also a good tell in that sense, to be sure. "How are you feeling?" He was close enough that she could almost feel his waist grinding against one of her thighs as he began to pant. "I was just helping the guys work on a tune-up. What brings you down here?"

"Moooooo." Behind him, Katie/Lupina could see the big bull likely known as [REDACTED!] looking at her and making that noise, as if in approval. Before turning to the horse nearby and making a series of gestures and hand motions.. that ended with slap to the stallion's ass.

Spike grunted. "Don't mind them. They're [REDACTED!], so they don't really talk."

Katie: She nervously watched him approach and instinctively returned the sniffing gesture. As she smelled the pre cum she felt that pang again, that pang of need. She spoke softly in response to his questions, shy as she was nude before him, even though that felt so right. "I'm feeling fine, thank you. I... I came looking for you, Ilya told me you might be around here..." she left the reason she had come looking for him unspoken, unsure if she was truly coming to visit him because she knew him or because she... that feeling of need intensified. She watched the bull and stallion for a moment, finally her attention drawn back to Spike as he spoke, "O-oh." Her tail curling slightly between her legs, an unconscious sign of her already submissive nature towards him. She rubbed her legs together slightly, trying to deal with the itch that had begun between her legs.

Terinas: "Oh, well, I'm flattered." Spike broke into a smug smile, as his paw traced down one of her arms. "And dressed-or undressed- like that, too." He grinned, leaning up to check her dog tag, as he held himself close enough to her for her to get a noseful of virile, male, canine. "Love the collar and the tag. I think it suits you." He grinned, leaning down to give her an affectionate kiss. "So what did you need me for?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Katie: At his comment about the state of her apparel she blushed heavily and looked down only to see his bulge and snap her head right back up. "Clothes just get in the way." She muttered to herself, this idea implanted in her mind. She mewled meekly as he ran his hand over her and her eyes went wide as he kissed her, her mind flustered with the growing itch between her legs and his affection. "T-thank you," she spoke, fingering the collar around her neck, "I... I... I came wondering if you could... show me around..." her words nervous and quiet, her legs rubbing together to scratch that growing itch as faintly, the soft scent of her newly sprang heat began to waft up from her exposed folds.

Terinas: His paw moved down, rubbing down her gray furry backside. "I'd be happy to show you the ins... and outs..." He said, giving her another kiss as he pressed closer to her.

Katie: Her fur stood on end, his touch electric as it ran down her backside, she couldn't stop the soft moan that slipped from her muzzle. She felt the kiss again as he moved closer and this time, hesitantly, experimentally, kissed back briefly, "Y-yes please..."

Terinas: Spike's touch was graceful. Gentle. He stroked down her body, kissing her lips and licking around her face like an affectionate canine, as his paws slid down her body and began to stroke at her lady bits. "Mmm... you feel as warm and wonderful as last time." he growled out, as he gave her a knowing grin. "But are you already moist?" The big dog pushed a finger slowly inside her, as the bull and horse watched in the background, making hand signs to each other almost as if they were talking about the performance of the two.

Katie: Soft sounds came from the girl as he stroked her, her body shivering at his touch, her skin sensitive as he ran across it. She mewled meekly as his hand found it's way down to her groin, her blush only growing more pronounced as time went on. She gasped as his finger slid inside her, her eyes closing for a moment as she bit her lip, why was she so sensitive, why did she feel so hot? Was this what Ilya meant by her heat? The doberman's finger would find her folds wet, the smell of a female's heat emanating from them as Katie gasped. She couldn't try to walk away but she did let out a whine, "Spike... there are other people here." Her voice a nervous whimper, full of embarrassment.

Terinas: "Your body doesn't care. Why should you?" Spike's voice was gentle, but firm. Katie could smell her own arousal, and things in her mind were telling her this was mating time. Her whole body felt warm and tingly, and the finger (soon joined by a second one) pushing inside her sent lightning up her spine. The big dog growled. "If you really want me to stop, I'll stop... but I don't think you do." He growled, moving his free paw to stop stroking her and began to unzip his shorts, letting a fat growing black doggy dick poke out of him.

Suddenly the scent of MALE canine mating musk hit Katie's mind like a truck. "I think what you want is to get on all fours." He growled, the phrasing half a command and half a suggestion.

Katie: Her breath came in pants, her embarrassment obvious but her need slowly began to override it, the heat inside her rising, pushing out all other thoughts as her knees nearly buckled from the second finger inside her, letting out a shaky cry of pleasure. Her words quiet, her voice meek as she spoke, "N-no, please d-don't stop, it... it... oh..." her eyes looking down at that thick doggy cock between her mat- his legs, it looks just as good as she remembered but oh the smell, it was just intoxicating. As he growled her knees did buckle, slowly sliding down onto her knees, and then dropping to all fours, she looked up at Spike and whined with need, the heat had overpowered her mind, and it demanded that it was time to mate, to mate with the powerful doberman. To submit to him, his bitch in heat.

Terinas: "Good girl. Good bitch." Spike bent down, putting his paws on her bare back as he let his pants fall to the floor. "So eager, too. You can smell your need in the air... gonna get big and fat with pups for me? Doesn't that sound nice?" His doggy cock pressed against her folds, pushing slowly inside her, stretching her vagina with how thick it was. He went slow, letting Katie feel every inch of dick, until he had slid up all the way to the hilt inside her. His knot yet unformed, Katie instinctively felt like she could take bigger things. Yet this still was stretching her a bit. Her first real shaft in... perhaps a while. Certainly the first one with her new equipment.

"This is what feels right, eh Lupina?" Spike grunted. "It's just so good to relax and enjoy ourselves. Clothes just get in the way. Modesty just gets in the way." He grunted, slowly sawing back and forth inside her, while rubbing his paws down and up her back. "Doesn't it feel so much better to just stop thinking and let instinct drive sometimes?"

Katie: She mewled at his words, her mind fixating on one word "bitch", something in her mind snagged that word from his sentence and pushed it deep in her mind, she was a bitch, a slutty doggy bitch, a bitch in heat... his bitch in heat. Her nose sniffed the air, taking in the wonderful odor of his mating musk, muddling her mind with the amazing scent. Moaning as he spoke again, it sounded so nice, she just couldn't fathom it for a moment but then another part of her kicked in, her body desperately wanting his seed so deep inside her, the idea of carrying his pups simply filled her with elation. As he pressed inside she could only gasp, her mind temporarily blank except for the exquisite pleasure of his doggy dick filling her, her mouth open with a silent gasp as he slid slowly in, pushing his entire length inside her. Her warm walls eagerly welcome the canine's member, gripping it tightly and trying to bring him to orgasm. Her only response being, "Y-yes Spike, I-I'm a good bitch!" Her words driven by her heat.

Terinas: The dog pushing inside her grinned, rubbing her tummy as he stretched himself inside her. "Nnnngh... nice and warm and tight, bitch." His tail was wagging as he stroked at her, leaning down and whispering into her ears. "Doesn't this feel like heaven? No need for worries. No need for thoughts. Just wanting to be stretched out like a good bitch and filled with cum."

Before Katie/Lupina could respond, her nose was washed over with a new scent of arousal. A big fat equine cock was thrust into her face. [REDACTED!], the horse, had trotted around, undoing his suspenders and letting his pants drop to the ground. Leaving him buck ass naked as he grinned and began to rub the unflared head of his growing cock against Katies lips. "Oh geeze, guys..." Spike sighed. "Well, may as well suck him off, Lupina... when they get like this, they're pretty much in a mindless rut."

Katie: The thick cock pushing inside her forced her legs to spread wider, her chest heaving as she panted heavily from the powerful thrusts of Spike, she cooed as he rubbed her belly, her frame his to toy with as he rutted inside her. Her ears twitched as he spoke, so close and whispering in her newly canine ears, his words shoved their way into her mind, it did feel amazing, lost in the ecstasy as she was stretched like a good bitch, her heat running rampant in her mind, her only goal was to be bred by Spike once more, full of his pup. She was about to speak, more begging and gasping when her nose was filled with a powerful musk, it nearly caused her to drool simply from the masculine scent, her eyes finding the equine member and tracing it up to the horse that bared it, [REDACTED!] looking down at her, just as Spike began to speak she opened her mouth and began to suckle at his cock, eyes half lidded with pleasure and lust, her heat just so overpowering as she moaned around the massive equine cock, tasting his cockhead and beginning to work her tongue across it as she sniffed again, the heady scent of his cock filling her mind, the heat in her telling the girl that this was right: this was how it should be, wolfess bitch, eager to please, mounted and fucked, bred by the alpha. Those thoughts spinning through her mind as the inferno of her heat raged across her form, the small part of her conscious mind still awake was submerged beneath the waves of pleasure, her senses overwhelmed by all the stimulus.

Terinas: [REDACTED!] gave an approving whinney, as a splash of precum hit her tongue, the horse's PVC-pipe thick shaft stretching Katie's lips but feeling like it was always meant to be there. The stallion pushed back and forth inside her, cock pushing into her throat, his balls smacking gently against her neck. Two hands moved down to grip her head, scritching gently between her ears. The stallion snorted, as Spike slowly slid back and forth inside her, trying to nurse an orgasm out of Lupina without cumming himself. "That's a good girl." Spike whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "So eager to please. Such a cock-hungry bitch." He made it sound like an honor, not an insult. Spike was PROUD of her.

And then, something cool and slick was washing down between cheeks. With a loud "Mooooo." Lupina could hear the sound of the bull [REDACTED!], applying some oil of some sort to her body, and pushing two oil-slick fingers into her rear hole.

Katie: The taste of the the stallion's pre drove her on, almost as intoxicating as the smell of a powerful male, the thing her body desperately sought, a powerful male to mate with, Spike fit this well, his thick cock pushing her so close to climax in mere moments, her tight walls squeezing around him as he stretched her wide with his meat. Her tail wagged at his praise, swishing through the air behind her as the pleasure and praise was showered down upon her, pride swelling within her as he spoke, this was a good thing, she -was- a cock hungry bitch, and she loved it. Her fur stood on end at the sudden cool touch of the oil between her cheeks, lubing up her body as her tail slowed for a moment, and then his fingers found their way into her tight tail hole. Her tail flagged, sticking straight up into the air as her legs trembled, the combination of the horse's taste and smell, Spike's powerful cock working her so close to the edge, and now the painful pleasure of the bull's fingers pushing her over the rim, she came hard, legs shivering as she only avoid collapse from Spike's firm grip on her hips. Her mind awash in the bliss as her body worked entirely on her new mating instincts.

Terinas: The three males went to work on her, the big horse grunting and scritching Lupina between the ears, while his fat flared cock stretched her jaw and leaked precum on her tongue and down her throat like a leaky faucet. Spike, meanwhile, pumped into her from one side, repositioning himself to allow the bull at her rear door more access. "That's a good bitch." Spike said, stroking gently along Lupina's tummy while he pumped hard and long into her pussy. "Take all of it."

The bull's fingers squirmed and stretched around her rear, stretching the muscles back there and sending slivers of pain and pleasure into Katie/Lupina's addled mind. But a mere moment later, the fingers were withdrawn, leaving her with an almost lonely feeling of emptiness... which was also soon gone. The bull, easily the biggest of the three males, mooed out loudly as he pushed his fat bovine penis up against her rear, the lube-slick cock stretching her body out farther than the fingers had. Katie was being triple-stuffed.

Katie: As her climax began to slowly decay, the explosive release fading from her mind, she found herself climbing again. Spike's steady thrusting, pushing deep into her tight pussy, stretching he as he went, she had cum around his cock and it barely seemed to have phased him, his words still slipping into her ears, they twitched, yearning for his praise. She was a good bitch, of course she was, she relished being a good bitch, she would be a good bitch for Spike. Sucking at the flared cock deep in her mouth, drinking down his precum as he face fucked her, she moaned and tried her very best to service him, teasing the bottom with her tongue, sucking and swallowing around his member, bathing it in her saliva and clamping it inside her tight throat. As the big bad bull's fingers left her, a whimper of needy sadness slipped from her mouth, wanting to feel stuffed again. When she did her eyes went wide. Her body being stretched from three different males, fucking her anyway they could, her mind clouded with lust and heat, if she could speak she would be beginning for more, her body desperate for pleasure, tailhole clenching around the invading bullcock, her warm walls pulling Spike deeper inside, her throat constricting around [REDACTED!]'s equine cock as she swallowed, it all felt so good, overloading her with ecstasy.

Terinas: It was at this point, when the girl was triple-penetrated, that the three men all really began to get to work on her. Spike moved a paw under her body to her thigh. The stallion moved a hoove-hand under her chest, stroking her right breast. The bull lifted on the other thigh. The three randy males lifted her up in the air, suspending the changing wolfess up. With his free arm, the bull reached back to grab some bungee cords from the work table, and looked at Spike. The doberman nodded knowingly. "Now hold still, Lupina... that's a good bitch." He wagged his tail as the wolfess felt bungee cords wrapping under her legs, and being affixed to the ceiling.

Terinas: Spike grinned slowly sawing into Lupina's pussy, while at the same time, holding her steady while his compatriot, the bull, worked to get her legs and waist supported by the bungee cords. With every thrust the bigger male dog made into Katie, she felt her body bouncing back and forth. Pushing that equine cock further down her throat. "Here..." Spike handed another bungee cord to the horse giving her a mouthful. "If she starts to get a bit too fangy, tug on her collar with this." He grunted as he leaned down and licked at Lupina's body, giving her reassuring licks as she felt another bungee cord hooking around her collar, using it like some kind of crude stretchy leash. At the same time, more cords were fitted around her breasts, rubbing against her fur and flesh whenever Spike and [REDACTED!] began to hump into her.

Katie: Her mind kept fogging, trying to focus for a moment until Spike bucked deep inside her once more, words flowing through her mind, heat, male, wolf, dog, bitch, breed, pups, flowing through her mind at a rapid pace, unable to do much but try to push her hips back against his, trying to push him deeper inside, her body wanting him deep, heat driving her mind and actions, that desire to breed, to breed, to breed with a dominant male, to breed with her alpha male, to breed with Spike. As she was lifted and suspended she began to mewl around the stallion's cock, the cords rubbing across her, exciting her skin through her fur. As Spike licked her she cooed, muffled by the stallion cock, her fur standing on end, the licking felt so good, laying his claim across her body, it excited her so much. As she was rutted into, suspended in the air, the gagged on the stallion's cock, her eyes beginning to water as she tried to cough, not sucking for a moment, trying to catch her breath as he thrust into her maw. The ecstasy of the three males working her over pushing her to another climax, soon she would orgasm again, her mind falling deeper and deeper into the painful pleasurable bliss.

Terinas: With every moment that Katie seemed to grow distracted or seem to stop suckling, she got a tug on her "leash", cutting off breath down her throat. Her horse lover was very insistent that she keep focusing on his cock, snorting and stomping a hoof, whinnying slowly as he held her in support.

With her suspended from the ceiling, the three men began to start pumping, each of them varying their pace: Sometimes all three would jackhammer into her rapidly, sometimes they'd all go slow and let her feel every inch. More often than not they wouldn't coordinate, with the bull grinding slow into her ass while Spike hammered into her pussy rapidly and the stallion just stood there, letting Katie worship his cock while the momentum from the other two thrusting into her made her slide up and down it.

Soon, all 3 of Katie's holes were saturated in precum, her nose only able to smell sex and three sweaty, horny men. Time lost all meaning. The bull came first. The big brown male tesened his body, and Lupina could feel him trembling. "MMMMOOOOO!" He cried out loud, firing a load into her ass that made her stomach puff out slightly from the size of it. As he signed, stroking her bottom, his excess juice leaked out of her bottom, dripping on the floor. Shortly afterwards, His stallion comrade joined him, shuddering as another huge load of spunk flooded her throat and mouth, filling her body and making her nearly incapable of breathing entirely.

Spike came next. "Nnngh... ffffffuck!" He whimpered, as he spurt inside her pussy, his knot sinking inside her, streatching her cilt and locking him inside her. His instincts were up and one orgasm wasn't going to be enough. He'd fuck her until they were both passed out.

Katie: She struggled for breath around the thick horsecock, the tugging of the leash cutting off her air as she tried to keep sucking and worshipping the equine cock. Her body hitching several more times as they continued, reaching her climax repeatedly, around her seventh she felt the big bull fill her tailhole with seed, causing her to cry out around the stallion's thick cock. It was an effort, trying to keep sucking, keep worshipping, but if she failed she didn't get to breath. As the second man came in her mouth she began swallowing. His torrent of cum flowing down her throat, he tasted exquisitely, it was so good, trying to swallow and breath at the same time, cleaning his cock with her maw as she went. As Spike released inside her she barked around [REDACTED!]'s cock. Spike's knot slipping inside of her caused yet another climax to tear through her body, clenching everything down once more. It felt amazing to be bred by the doberman, her body yearning for more of his seed, locking them together as he continued to fuck her, crying out and begging for more.

Terinas: The two canines rutted long after their other two partners pulled their cocks out of her, spurts of post-cum hitting her ass and her face in turn. Leaving their scents clinging to her fur. Lingering reminders of how good a bitch she was. Spike, however, was much more insatiable. He kept humping into the suspended bitch, long past the point of words, hammering into her, cumming again and again, his fur caked in sweat just as much as hers. It wasn't until he brought Katie to her thirteenth orgasm that he lost his stamina, wobbling and falling on top of her, the bungee cords cradling both of the dogs as he lay on top of her, gently stroking and petting her body.

(Make a Mind check and a Body check! The two have nothing to do with each other)

Katie: (Rolled a 13 and a 5)

Terinas: (Ok. Do you want to auto-fail either of them?)

Katie: (If the physical is for staying awake then yes)

Terinas: (The physical is not for staying awake. Either way, you pass out)

Katie: (Now I'm curious, ok, I'm going to fail the physical one)

Terinas: (Ok. Congrats. Lupina is now gonna be a mommy. Likely this won't come into any relevant effect until the end of the story, but for now it means she enters heat more immediately)

Katie: (Thought so, that mixed with how her mind is shaping out will probably [REDACTED!])

Terinas: Katie couldn't keep awake. She felt herself blacking out, from exhaustion, need of fluids...and so many other reasons. She blacked out, her mate holding her in his big strong arms.

"Oh. How... interesting..." A deep, masculine voice spoke, looming over the two unconscious dogs.

Katie had vague flashes of consciousness, feeling her body being spread along a table. Feeling restraints mounted around her legs and arms. Around her neck. Feeling something pushed into her wrists. An IV? Feeling other things injecting into other parts of her body. Feeling a cock- no, a rubber toy, pushing up against her clit. Pumping into her. Sending her pleasure. And then a visor pressed over her head. Her ears pushed in with earbuds.

"You are a bitch. A good wolf slut. You are a bitch. A good wolf slut. You have always been a good wolf slut... your memories are slowly becoming changed to fit that. You have always been a good wolf slut. You don't ever want to remember otherwise... Feel your tail... your fur... your breasts... feel a cock spreading your legs... you don't ever want it to end... you exist to be someone's bitch. It makes you joyful..." Her body was changing... her hands and feet had given way to fuzzy gray paws. Her tail was fully grown and lusciously furry... her face growing out into a long muzzle... Her humanity a fading whisper.

End Chapter 4!

Epilogue: Puppy Mill

Katie: She was sitting on her bed at home again, sitting and slowly breathing. Finally realizing where she was she looked about, her room was as before, just like when she'd left it. She let a deep breath and sighed, hanging her head she noticed something, no fur, she was back to what she was before, that caused a strange pang of lose in her mind. Standing and walking over to her mirror she examined herself, fully human once more, leaning in close to the mirror she looked at her body once more, and then something began to happen, the fur slowly appeared again, starting at her chest where it had the first time, and spreading across her body, covering her quickly. She yelped, only able to watch as her form in the mirror was consumed by the fur once more, her tail coming into being behind her, her ears those of a wolf, her heart rate quickening with panic, trying to scratch at her arms like it would just peel off. She was hyperventilating, breathing too quickly, not getting enough air, she whimpered and curled up, trying not to look at herself. As she was about to lose herself in the surging panic attack a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, and held her, the furred arms slowly caressing her, she nearly screamed from the sudden unexpected touch until the smell reached her nose, Spike. His voice in her ear, "Shhhh, hush, no panic, no crying." Simply holding her and comforting her, her panic beginning to abate, her heart beginning to slow. As she calmed he continued to speak softly into her ear, calming her, relaxing her. Eventually he began to lift her, pulling her back to her feet, "Look," he whispered, guiding her gaze to the mirror, hesitantly she followed his hand, staring into the mirror, looking at the new face peering out. The face was recognizably hers but it was that of a wolf, she moved her hands up to her face only to find that she had paws, the most surprising revelation of all was that none of this scared her, it all felt so right. Spike standing behind her in the mirror, his hands on her shoulders, "Look Lupina, look at yourself, you are beautiful." She gazed into her new visage and found she was thinking the same thing, she was beautiful, more so than she'd ever been, it was wonderful. Spike slowly turned her around, holding her close, "Come with me Lupina, let me help you feel better." Pulling her over to her bed, laying her down across it, slowly spreading her legs, he was her mate, he would help her, he would make her feel so much better... In reality Lupina mewled softly and rolled over on her bed, lost in the most wondrous dream she had experienced in years.

Terinas: The wolfess woke up feeling warmth along her stomach, spreading down to between her legs. She felt blissful, almost euphoric. Like she was new growth, a growing plant, something developing within her waiting to emerge. She was practically euphoric. As her mind slowly grew less foggy, she realized that, almost on reflex, her paw was rubbing at her clit. By the smell and the warm wetness of her sheets, in her sleep she'd brought herself off to at least one orgasm... dreaming of Spike.

She was awake, in a bedroom of some sort. Around here were things: A large comfy king size bed. Many pillows and warm (once-clean) sheets. A dresser nearby. A glass table with chairs around it. A walk-in closet and bathroom. And a computer desk without a computer in it. She was alone. Naked, fuzzy and alone. But her pelt carried with it scents of last night: She smelled horse spunk, especially around her lips. She smelled bull lust, especially around her rump. She smelled lion. And the rabbit as well. The nurse. But those were more distant smells. More than anything else, she smelled Spike. But only on her fur. Not in the room.

Katie: Slowly her hand slid away from her groin, panting softly as she let out the built up moan, soft sounds of pleasure leaking from her for a moment until she was able to concentrate once more. Looking about the room, this new place, she was curious, but her thoughts were constantly drawn back to two things, that beautiful warmth along her stomach and between her legs, and Spike... her... her mate. That is what he was, he had claimed her long ago and she knew that she was his. She wanted to find him, to speak with him, to learn more about him, but for now her curiosity about... was it her bedroom? And if so, what was inside it. Moving about, opening all the drawers and checking both the closet and the bathroom, reaching for her collar as she went, she hadn't checked if it was still about her neck but she instinctively assumed it was, why wouldn't it be?

Terinas: Her collar was about her neck, little tag still reading "Lupina". However, a second one was on it, set to the left of it. A little heart reading "Spike loves" so that the other tag, identifying her, completed the sentence with her given name. It even smelled a bit like him. Examining the room, she found a few things: In the walk-in closet was a deep blue bathrobe and a black silk teddy. There were some other clothes as well, a tight pair of booty shorts and a shirt cut polo shirt, all in colors she liked. The Bathroom had shampoo and conditioner that promised "Gives good sheen for coat and fur" as well as some soap and a loofah. Near the door, on the floor, were a few chew toys, some of which even squeaked, as well as a chewing bone.

On the computer desk, which was sadly lacking in a computer, there was a tub of ice with a bottle of wine chilling in it.

And then the door opened up, a few moments later. Spike, doberman that he was, was walking in, wearing a black tactical vest and a pair of gray shorts. His ears perked as he saw Katie walking around. "Oh!" he whimpered. "I was, uh, expecting you to sleep for a bit longer... hey babe." he said, waving.

Katie: At the feeling of her collar still around her neck she let out a sigh of relief, it felt like it belonged there, as if it would be uncomfortable without it. She'd say she felt naked without it, but she was supposed to be naked. But then she say the second tag on her collar, and felt a pang of emotion, he, he loved her? She.... she wanted to love him too. To love her mate, her heart fluttering slightly in her chest as she examined the tags. As she perused the rest of the expansive room she didn't put on any of the garments, examining most things she could find until she ended up back in the main area of her new bedroom. As the door opened she jumped slightly, not expecting it to just open, and it would have set her on edge, if she had immediately smelled him afterwards, Spike's smell conjuring up wonderful images in her mind, setting her at ease. His presence caused her heart to skip a beat, she had been thinking about him, her new instincts telling her to go to him, but he had come to her. In fact he had intended to visit her while she was asleep, this revelation caused a small blush to enter her cheeks as she couldn't seem to meet his eyes, "H-Hello, Spike, y-you want to be her wh-while I was asleep?" Her hand coming up to her collar, absentmindedly rubbing at his tag. She hadn't noticed her tail wagging behind her, put as soon as his smell had reached her nose it had begun to swish back and forth in obvious excitement.

Terinas: Spike was wagging himself, his face getting hot. "W-well, I was bringing some breakfast. I didn't want to scare you, but I wanted you to wake up to stuff I thought would make you happy." He said, before opening the door again and wheeling in a cart. The smell of seared pork and cooked vegetables hit Katie's nose. Bacon. Breakfast potatoes. Even some eggs done in an omelet. "But after our ride last night, I wanted to let you rest..."

Katie: Her cheeks had flushed red as well, somewhat flustered at his sudden appearance, and all the signals in her head, telling her to go to him, to run to her mate, to... to.... no, she would hold herself back, for now he had been kind, and she would... she would... she was too flustered and blushy to come up with any kind of plan for interaction or anything. Her nose sniffing the air as he wheeled in the cart, she was finally able to meet his gaze, her eyes a maelstrom of emotions, "I... I... Th-thank you, Spike, d-do you want to bring it over here?" gesturing to the side of the bed, where she promptly sat, trying to conceal the fact that she didn't feel steady on her feet anymore, her body unsure how to react to all her senses and instincts, so many focused on the other canine in the room. Her other hand going to her lower belly, piloted by instinct, slowly rubbing at the warmth she felt inside.

Terinas: "Yeah, sure." Spike walked in, taking off his tactical vest to reveal a dull gray shirt, and then wheeled the meal over towards her. He let it stay right next to her bed. "Breakfast in bed, babe. Don't mind me. I already cheated and ate a little bit, so it's all for you." He sat down, watching her, tail wagging. "Hey... thanks for last night." He blushed. "I didn't expect you to be so forward, but...yeah."

Katie: As she watched him, her tail picked up speed as he grew closer, visibly excited by his proximity, she continued to rub over the warmth inside her, it just felt right, to caress this part of her, to feel that blissful sensation of growth deep within her that she knew he'd put there. As he sat down she sniffed at his neck, the social gesture of greeting, a way her mind told her to show how excited she was that he was here. She then began to take in the scents of the meal, but as he finished speaking she couldn't stifle the small laugh, "M-me? Forward? You came up to me a pressed your hand between my legs before I did anything!" soft, awkward laughter, it was funny to her, but the situation was still awkward between them, neither truly saying anything, talking, but skirting around the edges of the bigger issue in the room.

Terinas: "Yeah well... you didn't run." Spike said. "You coulda backed out at any time, and you chose to stay. To enjoy." He looked away. "Look, I'm sorry about you getting dragged out here. Weren't my call. I just... wanted to make you comfortable."

Katie: The laughter died out, into a less comfortable silence, Lupina unsure of what to do until she slid closer to him. "Well... that's because... I feel safe around you... you are strong, caring, you wouldn't let anyone hurt me... right?" her thoughts leaking from her head to her mouth. Then she looked up at his last remark, questioningly, not wanting to -say- anything, but still curious.

Terinas: The doberman pinscher nodded and growled a bit, as if to punctuate his point. "Babe, i'd see the whole mansion burn if it meant keeping you safe." He looked away. "I mean, I wouldn't want it to come to that, but I... you..." He whimpered. "You're really important, you know? Never felt someone I clicked with this quickly." He looked up. "Come on, eat a bit. You need your strength, right?"

Katie: At his words her cheeks burned even more, tail softly thumping against the bed behind them. "Th.... Thank you Spike, I... yes I'll have some food, thank you for bringing it to me, you're sweet." she wanted to ignore the food and just be with him, but that wasn't smart, she was hungry and thirsty, needing to bring her strength back up after last night, and possibly for that wonderful warmth inside her as well, her left arm staying right where it was, rubbing across that sensation of growth and life.

Terinas: He got up and left the room. After a few moments, he came back with a pitcher of ice water as well. Spike was mostly silent as Lupina ate, answering any questions she had but mostly just watching him and giving only cursory, terse answers. After she'd finished, he stood up. "So you know I'm the lead of security here, right?" he wagged his tail. "It's mostly us dogs. Me, [REDACTED!], and [REDACTED!]. I wanted to know if you'd want to meet the others..." He grinned and looked away. "Or if you'd rather we just have the day to ourselves. I don't have to work today."

Katie: She ate her fill, enjoying the delectable cooking, it was all done fabulously, even as the doberman was very quiet, mostly keeping his thoughts to himself, she was just happy to be near him, to be around him, his presence made her feel good, made her feel safe, safe and comfortable. As he spoke he nodded, he had told her that on the first day, god that felt so long ago, as if weeks had passed, it had only been two days. In response to his question she blushed again, her tail wagging hard as she spoke, "H-Honestly, I just want to be with you, if you want me to meet [REDACTED!] and [REDACTED!], then I will gladly join you, but if you want to stay here I will as well, I... I just want to spend my time close to you..." Her new found instincts telling her to stay at her mate's side.

Terinas: Spike reached over and began to lick at her face, a sign of affection. "Then today I'll just stay with you. I made sure to get the day off." He nodded. "Do you mind if I get in bed with you? I'm not gonna do anything you don't want to." He wagged. "I just want to hold you. To remind you I'm here and you're safe."

Katie: As Spike began she joined him, the two dogs licking at the other's face, affectionate, caring. As he asked she beckoned him into her bed, "I don't mind at all." her arms outstretched for the bigger dog. Her cheeks still red, but her eyes yearning, she wanted him close, to feel him against her, to have the doberman hold her, to lie against her loving mate. The wolfess gesturing for him with open arms.

Terinas: Spike nuzzled into her, spooning up behind her, rubbing her tummy and wrapping his arms around her. He was acting on instinct. Canine urges telling him to protect his mate, intermingling with a preexisting fondness for Katie/Lupina and a growing love of her as a person and her body. After a few moments, he settled down, nibbing one of her ears and breathing words into it. "You know, when I first saw, you, I thought you were beautiful."

Katie: Soft cooing came from Lupina as the other canine wrapped himself about her, she the little spoon as his arms rubbed her across her torso, but most importantly that lovely spot, the one that felt so warm. Mewling quietly as he stroked her form, her protective mate so close to her, pressing against her, her instincts drawn to him as the fire of affection and love grew. As he began to play with her body, nibbling at her sensitive ear, she cooed, "Th-Thank you, you said something along the lines of that..." then her sentence trailed off, her mind remembering that first day, but not entirely, some parts broken and missing. "Spike? When I came here... or... was brought here... I was scared..." she looked back at the doberman, "I don't remember why... why was I scared?" it bothered her, she could think back to the day, and remember how good it felt to be with Spike, and how excellent the food tasted, but the rest was a blur, except for the emotions, and one was fear, she couldn't remember why she was so afraid, and that worried her.

Terinas: Spike got quiet. His ears drew back. He even whimpered a bit. His paw moved away from her tummy. He drew back from her, rolling on his back. He looked away, as if wrestling with something. " were taken. Dragged out of human society." he said, quietly. "To be a test subject here. Like me. Like everyone in the mansion." he was quiet. "It's a long story. They told me to guard you. Didn't seem fair. Someone unlocked the door to let you out when you passed out. Yesterday you seemed to chose to stay. I'm... glad you did." he said, lamely. "Look, I'm sorry."

Katie: His hands leaving her, his body moving away, she almost felt a pang of loss as he rolled over onto his back, away from her, had she done something wrong? Then as he spoke, she listened nervously, taking it all in, everything he said, all off his confession to her, telling her what happened, why she was here. Her eyes began to leak with soft tears, she remembered the fear now, she remembered her panic, her attempts at escape, the thoughts causing her to slowly begin to bring her legs to her chest, the fear causing her to curl up. One arm searched out and found him, clasping his upper arm, "... Hold me... please..." Searching for comfort and security, and finding it in Spike.

Terinas: "Y-yeah." He said, pulling her close and holding her. "Yeah." He said nothing else, cuddling against her and closing his eyes. "It's ok. You're here now. I'll keep you safe. I don't want to lose you." He said, gently. His arms were firm but soft. His grip around her waist and along her chest, not pressing too tightly but letting her know she was being held. He cared about her too much already to lie to her, and he was never sold on this whole operation.

Katie: The smaller canine cried softly, crying for the life she couldn't remember, the fuzzy pictures that came up when she tried to recall her previous life, she couldn't remember her mother, she couldn't remember her father, she couldn't remember herself. But if she couldn't remember herself, than this was her wasn't it? She was Lupina, not... not... whoever she was before, and if there was anything certain about Lupina, it was that she was Spike's mate, and that she loved him. She rolled around in his grasp, turning to face him, burying her head into the larger canine's chest, and just crying it all out, trying to make sense of all the thoughts swirling in her head, trying to find something to latch onto in the maelstrom, and the only pillar of calm in this unending storm of her mind, was Spike, so she clung to him, and hoped that he would do the same.

Terinas: "Yeah... I know how you feel, babe." Spike sounded a bit despondent as he petted her back, stroking her gently. "It gets easier if you accept it. It doesn't make it right, but it gets easier." He gave her a gentle lick, pulling her on top of him, holding her and letting her press into his black chest. He put a paw on her tummy and looked up at her. "But I'm gonna take care of you. I... think I love you."


After a time her tears ran dry, finally looking up at her mate, eyes red with the amount of tears they had shed. The occasional sob bubbled up from her throat as she tried to calm herself, just lying against him, feeling his warmth, the security of their close proximity. Nodding slowly at his words, he would take care of her, keep her safe, he loved her. It felt so good to hear those words, as she pressed up, licking softly at his muzzle, trying to pay back the comfort he had given her, "I... I know that I love you..." she spoke softly, gazing into the other canine's eyes.

Terinas: He nuzzled at her. "Then I think we'll turn out alright." He gave her another affectionate lick, as he patted her back and held her. "Once your changes finish, you'll still be able to remember who you were before. It won't feel as important though." He rocked her gently, before leaning down and kissing her on the lips. "Stay with me. I'll keep you safe. I'll do my best for you to be happy here. With me." He held her. Spike actually had a few tears in his eyes. He really hadn't ever felt this attracted to anyone before. And, almost entirely spoiling the moment, Lupina could feel something fat and fleshy pressing between her thighs, just below her private bits. Spike grumbled. "Dang Judas erection... it's just because you're so close, I swear!"

Lupina: Lupina nodded, they would work things out, he would keep her safe, she would stay with him, and they could be happy together. Then she felt the flat fleshy protrusion from between his legs, his doggy cock pressing against her thigh. As he grumbled she move in and silenced him with a kiss, it was strange with her muzzle, but a kiss nonetheless. She hadn't felt it until now, that fiery need for her mate, the searing want between her legs. "We are mates now Spike, so please," she slowly opened her legs for him, "Let's enjoy each other a different way." Her eyes full of amour as she opened herself to the other canine.

Terinas: (Aaaand I think I'm going to call it here. The experiment anyway. We can keep playing out the scene, but I think at this point Lupina is pretty well and truly a denizen of the mansion)

Lupina: (I think that makes sense)

Terinas: (Thank you for playing!)

(Alright! So here's how this works. First of all Congrats! You're one of the few whose had the patience to play through the whole way to an ending! You got an ending on your terms, and though you didn't solve the mystery, you had a lotta fun, didn't you?)

(Second of all! Freeplay is now unlocked! The Full Story is now unlocked! I can now freely answer any questions you have, if you have any, and if you ever want to play a scene with any of the characters in the Mansion, you can ask me and if I've got time, I will)

Lupina: (That I did, I really did like that ending, made me feel all warm and tingly inside)

Terinas: (You got the "The Security Guard's Lover" ending!)

(Lastly, we need to give this an ending. If you want to contribute to the ending, as a creative exercise imagine what you want to have Katie/Lupina be doing/her ideal scenario a few months, then a few years from the ending you got)

(And then post it. After that, I'll post one last thing wrapping things up)

Lupina: (I've got a few questions first before I start on this, the first one being, what will Katie's children look like, as in, are they born more like pups or more like human children, and for that matter will it be a single child or a litter, just wondering if you already have some established ideas in the lore)

Terinas: [REDACTED!]

Lupina: Months later Lupina could be seen lying on her side, lying next to the doberman, the two of them intertwined, looking over at their child, the small anthropomorphic wolf pup not yet fit to crawl, the two canine's watching him sleep. The two curled together, enjoying each other's touch, both keeping quiet as to not disturb the small pup. Sharing a quiet kiss as the pair gazed, the two sharing the moment together, a moment they would not forget for sometime.

Many years after, Lupina was the mother of four, her role at the mansion singular, taking care of her young and her mate. Spending all of her time with her children and Spike, raising her young to the very best of her evidently considerable abilities. The four children, three boys and a girl, her lovely pups, each one of them taught and raised by Lupina and she alone, flat refusing anyone else's influence upon her children with only two exceptions: Spike, of course, why would she ever deny him, and Ilya, the rabbit who had helped her so much through the process, and who she trusted deeply. With her heat rearing its head often enough, and Spike's rut doing the same, there was quite a likely chance that their family would continue to grow, and Lupina didn't mind, she loved caring for her children, and her mate. It turned out Spike was right, she did in fact turn out to be quite happy here, staying by her mate's side, raising their pups, a good girl, a good mother, and a good mate.

Terinas: And so another tale of the Mansion draws to a close. Once more, the truth remained shrouded in mystery. The doors to the Mansion closed as another denizen joined its ranks.

And then another. And another. And two more. Sheesh!

Seriously, I'm blushing here!

Ok, someone needs to get a bucket of cold water for the happy couple...

Er, um, yes. But anyways, the words to focus on there are "happy couple". For though Katie did not find egress, and though the truth never came to light, she did find something else: Joy. Fulfillment. Someone to love. Who are we to say she hit a bad ending?

For she got everything she didn't know she wanted.

"The Security Guard's Lover"


The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau, Game 4, Finale!

Chapter 5: Milkmaids Terinas: The snake hissed, his tongue tickling her beak as he began to loosen his coils. "Good girl. Now then, it issss almost time. You will waken when I count to three and clap, remembering nothing of your trance here....

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The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau, Game 4, Chapter 4

(Contained within is the Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau session for the user Zarrow. If you're interested in doing the Mad Mansion for yourself, please be warned that there are spoilers ahead! Some details of the "Game" will be redacted for readers, to...

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The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau, Game 4, Chapter 3

(Contained within is the Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau session for the user Zarrow. If you're interested in doing the Mad Mansion for yourself, please be warned that there are spoilers ahead! Some details of the "Game" will be redacted for readers, to...

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