Rise of the Penny: Hex Falls

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Chapter 1

On a cold early morning December twenty third a massive crowd had gathered for the public sentencing of the global terrorist known only as HEX the last living human in the entire world. "Bring in the prisoner!" an old mastiff male dressed in a fancy suit demanded. Two prison guards wheeled in a small hand cart with a woman strapped to its sides. She was restrained with a straight jacket, iron cuffs, a collar, a muzzle, a butt plug, and a chastity belt because there were no precaution not taken with this dangerous prisoner as any hole left open could spell doom for thousands. "The most dangerous terrorist ever to have walked this green earth." The mastiff slobbered as he talked making Hex squint. "Oh how I've waited a long time for this, to see you, bound and gagged before me, helpless as I decide your fate, everyone you ever made suffer will get their revenge on you this I promise." The mastiff chuckled and reached over undoing the muzzle allowing Hex to stretch her jaws snapping them in an attempt to bite his hand.

"How can there be revenge when there is no justice, a puppet of the true masters of the state you waddle around a bloated sign of avarice and corruption, there will be no revenge because I can not be stopped." Hex cackled. "YOU CAN KILL ME BUT YOU'LL NEVER KILL WHAT I STARTED, I'VE BROUGHT PEOPLE THE TRUTH AND YOU CAN NOT DEFEAT IT!" Hex screamed out and the crowd assembled jeered, hand picked puppets of the state. "Your threats are meaningless to me I will return, I can not be erased by destroying my body, I am not a person, I am an idea, I AM A CURSE UPON YOU." Hex spat on the mastiff and was once again muzzled.

"Filthy whore, I'll be sure to pay you a special visit." The mastiff growled and turned back to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen today we rid ourselves of this scourge that has dominated our lives for decades, yes, unlike any criminal before the anarchist known as Hex will have her entire life turned into a live twenty four hour government funded reality program where you can see the minute to minute action for a nominal fee to your local municipality." The mastiff proclaimed and Hex rolled her eyes. "Have a merry first Christmas again." The mastiff smiled to Hex and motioned to have her taken away. She was loaded into a van and strapped into her seat transported to the most secure facility in the world, the Rejuvenation Hall built in the center of the government's largest outpost the Department of Justice.

"Sally?" Daz, a slender and handsome twenty four year old dalmatian male, gently shook a similar aged brown haired vixen's shoulder who was slumped over her desk sitting in her chair. "Sally wake up." Daz tapped his foot impatiently and looked at the back of the seat seeing Sally's bushy tail. He smirked and reached down gently grasping it in his fingers. "You have until three." He warned and began counting. "One, two, three." On three Daz yanked sharply at the tail making Sally fall forward knocking her chair out from under her. Landing on her nose she lay stunned butt in the air tail hiked high. Daz's eyes went wide, he didn't mean to do it that hard, he rushed over checking on his room mate. "SALLY!?" He bent down hearing her groaning at the whack to the snout. He also couldn't help but look over and see her exposed sex his own becoming excited, they were young adults after all.

"Daz, you idiot." Sally grumbled sitting up and rubbing her nose she sat on her legs her tail swishing furiously. "You could have just shook me." Sally had tears in her eyes, canines hated being hit on the nose, but Daz shook his head.

"I tried, you were out like a log, you were up studying all night again weren't you?" Daz took the lower bed and Sally had the top bunk. "Your bed isn't even disturbed, you know that's bad for you right?" Daz whined out of concern for Sally but she just brushed him off standing and fetching her underwear and socks. "Fine, when you collapse at work and end up getting punished I won't be the one to come and pick your ass up!" Daz had the only car between them and Sally abused the ever loving hell out of him because of it. The horny little dog would bend and twist at her beck and call but for how long was a vixen able to work on charm alone.

"Daz you don't mean that, I'm sorry, I won't sleep on the desk again." Sally churred and crawled over to Daz as he sat on his bed, his legs spread open enough that she could crawl up and place her head in his lap, Daz liked to sleep nude and he hadn't yet put any clothing on. "I'm sorry I won't be a bad girl anymore, do you want to spank me?" Sally wiggled her butt and pressed her warm nose against Daz making him pant and whimper. "Maybe I can do you a favor?" Sally licked his hand and Daz moaned leaning backwards about to pop a boner right there. "After work." Sally added standing up finding her lab coat.

Daz shook violently like a soda about to explode. He went to say something, gathering his breath to rebuke Sally for the years of sexual frustration and abuse. Ever since they were in high school she played with his libido well today it was going to END! Daz went to rebuke but Sally was already gone... damn she got dressed fast. Daz groaned covering his blossoming erection and looking out the window, below their dorm room, sitting in the car Sally waited sending a text to Daz "You coming?" Daz sighed in defeat and grabbed a box of tissues replying "One minute."

After maintenance Daz drove Sally to the Department of Justice ,using her clearance to get in, he dropped her off at the Rejuvenation Hall where Sally worked as intern for her scholarship in applied advanced medical sciences. Sally dreamed of being a doctor, one that could use micro-rejuvenation to recover limbs and body parts rather than requiring an entire full body rejuvenation. To be honest Sally hated the Penitatas system she saw it as an excuse to work out aggression towards criminals in a society approved way. She did think that criminals needed to be punished and this was better than execution but the entire world seemed all too happy to apply the paddle to some poor kids backside. Growing up she would be constantly reminded when she misbehaved that if she were a penny she'd be switched every day just for the fun of it, but being a biological child gave her some leeway.

Sally pulled her coat tight and adjusted her name tag, today was the big day, her first time overseeing a criminal rejuvenation. Sally had observed for a year, she knew all the settings, all the metrics and formulas, she knew she was ready. It was interesting how people responded to being set into the chamber, some people went out like adults with a stern face and a remorseless attitude, others broke instantly the weight of their punishment setting in and turned into blubbering children to match their new bodies. Hex was as far as Sally was aware, neither of those types, the reason Hex was so hard to catch was that she never spoke to anyone except during her viral addresses to the world where she'd hijack a bandwidth and forcibly take over every broadcast screen to display recorded rants against the state and video evidence of corruption and police brutality. The state was good at discrediting her making sure that anyone who even had a slight interest in her was investigated and apprehended it was very dangerous to say Hex's name without it being negative.

"Ready for your first big girl test?" An older salamander man named Grey Kleez asked Sally as she walked into the preparation and examination room. His role was Sally's mentor, who taught her everything, he was like a work father to her but he had this nasty habit from dealing with convicts post rejuvenation of baby talking everyone he worked with, so he really was a work daddy. "It only seems like yesterday you came in here, wide eyed and bushy tailed, eager and ready, and I had to hold your hand and make sure you went potty because you'd become so absorbed, you were adorable." Grey sipped his coffee and Sally sighed glaring at him.

"Yes Grey we're all little babies and you're the only adult in the world, goo goo gaa gaa daddy please." Sally was kind of tired being patronized by Grey but he just laughed continuing to sip his coffee.

"Don't be like that Sally, you know that I'm proud of you and you have the ambition and talent to realize your dream, what you need to do is grow up a little." Grey laughed at the end of his sentence realizing the irony.

"Lets get to work because today's a real big deal and this could be the start of my career." Sally only cared about her career everything else was a stepping stone. Daz, Grey, Hex, they were all tools she'd use to become the General Surgeon of Rejuvenation Sciences and work a comfortable job in the DOJO, the department of justice offices, creating new life saving and altering technology.

"Alright, keep your panties on." Grey grumbled and sat up in his chair looking over the file. He opened a blank form and filled out the spaces his keyboard clacking as he did so.

Name: Hex

Species: Human

Age: Unknown

Background: Unknown

Crimes: conspiracy to commit a coup against the state, treason, anarchy, murder, theft, illegal broadcasting

Sentence: Infinite rejuvenation age one to twenty

Chance of Parole: Denied

Level: Five star black

Grey whistled looking at the file. "Holy hell it would be more merciful to kill her, infinite cycle, meaning she'll never be a normal adult ever again..." Grey thought about what that would be like, constantly having to go through puberty and adolescence it was like something out of a Greek epic a punishment fit to be delivered by the narcissistic and cruel gods.

"She's a dangerous terrorist they probably don't actually believe any amount of hard spankings can erase her mental disease, criminals are born not made." Sally overheard Grey's musing and interjected with her own believe, bad was bad from birth and the Penitatas system didn't reform criminals it terrified them but however peace was maintained wasn't her concern she wanted to focus on the good rejuvenation could do not the bad.

"No sympathy for the devil I see." Grey finished his coffee and entered the registration information on his console

New Name: Helen Fett

Starting Age: 1

Sex: Female

Parents: OTK entertainment

Punishment Level: Severe (Daily spankings, caning, switching, level 3 Pain-ties, pre and post application of fire-bottom salve)


Grey looked over at Sally unable to decide what to do. "You know Hex is the last human in existence, should we, you know fix that?" Grey looked to Sally who didn't answer. "I mean we could give her a mercy and change her species over to something less... detestable?" Grey questioned and Sally didn't answer again. "Sally you need to make this decision." Grey stated and Sally spun around looking at him.

"I don't care if she's a human or not it won't get her any leniency because Penitatas aren't seen as children they're just child sized convicts, turn her into a giraffe for all I care she's still going to be beaten every day." Sally didn't like talking about the after of their work, in her mind her job ended once they were taped up and sent off to the reception room.

"Fine, fine." Grey lifted his empty coffee cup sighing he went to refill it leaving the entry blank as he hit enter to process the forms.

"Alright everything is ready we're ahead of schedule too." Sally smiled checking that the pod was prepped, the camera was set up, her clothing and papers were prepared, they were ready. Not a moment too soon as the back doors hissed open and a truck backed into the loading bay. Three armed guards wheeling out a sleeping captive. "Is she?" Sally blinked looking at Hex peacefully napping.

"GET UP!" A bull dog guard kicked the hand cart after unlocking Hex's binds throwing her to the floor face first, her legs unable to bend to absorb the impact in the restraint suit. The bull dog chuckled and walked over to the face down Hex sitting on her back making her squirm underneath his weight. "Come on, liberate yourself, throw off the shackles of oppression of my ass and set fire to the establishment rise like a phoenix." The bull guard chuckled rolling Hex around and pressing his crotch against her face. "I would love to take that muzzle off and face fuck you until you had buckteeth in your next life but even I don't stick my dick in that crazy." The bull dog whispered and stood up propping Hex up like a doll and instructing her to walk.

Hex's eyes were golden orange, a very rare color in humans, they looked like fire or a sunset and they were the first noticeable thing about her. She walked forward shuffling along as the ankle restraints capped her movement, every step one closer to her final destination.

"There used to be an old saying back when we executed filth like you it was walking the green mile well considering what you're in for I guess this is your red mile." The bull dog burst into laughed and Hex sighed rolling her eyes. She was brought into a sterile white room where the door closed behind her and disappeared, the point of no return. Inside Sally was waiting with an examination table.

"The patient is usually sedated, why is she awake?" Sally pointed and the guards shook their heads.

"Special order from the boss, he said no napping for this one we were allowed to sedate her during the ride but the president wanted her awake for every part of this, excuse me." The bull guard produced a syringe and stabbed it into Hex's neck making her eyes go wide as she felt herself be pumped full of adrenaline. Her body shook, her heart raced, and her pupils darted from every possible thing but after her convulsion Hex stopped moving.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HER!?" Sally screamed ripping the needle out of her neck and throwing it to the ground where it shattered, half of its contents wasted. "She is already sedated applying that much adrenaline will cause her to stroke out!" Sally grabbed Hex's face and looked at her dilated pupils, she wasn't going to let her first major prisoner die on her not here not now. "No more injecting her with anything I am the overseeing medical examiner I WILL DECIDE IF SHE REQUIRES SOMETHING," Sally barked and the bull dog snorted.

"Whatever, we aren't leaving, orders." The bull dog and his partner a large buffalo male sat observing. Sally sighed in frustration and began to remove all the restraints Hex had on her, disgusted at some of the measures as the anal plug dropped to the ground with a wet plop.

"Hex I am Sally, your medical examiner, I am going to give you a chance to do this in a mature manner where I will respect your personal pride and give you a calm and methodical examination, if you refuse I will have the guards restrain you and I will do a body cavity search and invasive examination which do you prefer?" Sally snapped her fingers wondering if Hex was responsive.

"Are criminals born or made, Sally?" Hex mumbled once her gag was removed.

"That is not the question I asked, are you going to co operate or do I need to restrain you?" Sally was terrified of Hex because she was a psychopathic killer who lured her victims in with sweet words and her frail appearance, but she had a job to do and she was going to do it.

"I will cooperate so long as you answer my question and if you refuse I will get difficult," Hex offered an ultimatum her golden orange eyes locking with Sally's green eyes.

" Oh the fuck you will." The bull dog moved forward drawing his taser and lining up a shot but Sally snarled making him holster it and watch.

"Criminals are born there's something inside our genetic code that decides if we're going to be law abiding citizens or murderers the only thing that prevents most of us from acting on those instincts is fear, fear of punishment or fear of becoming that which we hate but you're not afraid of anything are you?" Sally replied and Hex chuckled smirking confidently.

"No." She moved to the table sitting down, laying her head back and closing her eyes. "You don't have the luxury of fear when you're the last human alive, they either want to put you in a cage or in a cell, there's little difference, it's no wonder my parents abandoned me when I was born I guess they thought death was a mercy." Hex continued to grin spreading her legs out and unfolding her arms letting them lay at her side, the sleeves of the jacket flopping as she did. "As I promised I will cooperation fully, thank you for entertaining me Sally." Hex turned her head and gave a genuinely pleased smile which terrified Sally to no end, more than her condescending smirk or insane grin.

"Thank you I have some questions for you now." Sally took out a clipboard and began to scribble some information down starting with the top of the sheet. "Are you or have you ever been genetically modified?" Sally looked at Hex trying to do a cursory appraisal, her body was so alien to the vixen that it was hard to tell if she had any gene mods, strength enhancers or optical filters.

"You're asking if I played god with my own body, despite being insane, no I am quite comfortable in my skin and I've never dabbled in species swap either I prefer my pink skin." Hex laughed and Sally frowned clicking off the box that said no.

"You know our skin is pink too we're not so different Hex but I don't wage a crusade based on my pigments." Sally commented back and Hex just laughed loudly. "Are you currently aware of what you stand convicted of and the punishment you are about to receive or do you require an explanation?" Sally knew this question was to test the mental health of the patient but it was pointless most lied or were actually insane needing transfer to a mental facility for Penitatas instead of being released back into the world.

Hex smiled smugly taking in a deep breath "I am a danger to your society and established power structures for that reason I am here I am considered dangerous because I am human and do not submit to the oppression of the state I am a symbol of resistance and so long as I remained free I will always be a criminal." Hex giggled playfully moving her hands around like she was making a snow angel. "You're going to turn me into a converted criminal, a Penitatas, and then place me in the care of some questionable individuals who get off on beating children because it is how this society filters punishment, retribution not reformation, I will learn nothing but come to fear the hand of my keeper so, you, hope." Hex cackled loudly spinning into a sitting position causing the guards to jump.

The guards reached for their guns but Sally threw the clipboard on the floor making a loud smack. "STOP INTERFERING WITH THE EXAMINATION!" She turned glaring down the guards who returned to the ready. "There's no need for these theatrics we all know that you're scared Hex, even you can not escape the law, you will be punished for your crimes so you act out for either sympathy or attention I don't know which nor do I honestly care." Sally walked over and grabbed Hex's chest pushing her down. She removed the constraint jacket throwing it to the side where it fell to the ground with a crash it was incredibly heavy used to detain bigger creatures than this woman lined with metal weights but she moved without any issues. Once the jacket was off Sally took her fingers and spread Hex's pussy open looking for any metal piercings using a wand to probe her inner folds. Hex shivered and moaned lewdly making Sally growl in frustration hating to think that she was giving any pleasure to this psychopath. She finished her examination and proceeded onto the next phase, evacuation.

"You have very skilled hands Sally, tell me that wasn't the first time you've ever put it inside someone." Hex cackled until Sally produced a tube from the machine that hung over the table sticking it forcibly down Hex's throat, lowering the mask from the console and strapping it onto Hex's face she prepared to anesthetize the patient. "Gack." Hex coughed until Sally withdrew the tube a little smiling mischievously.

"Sorry, was it too big for you?" She gave a satisfied chuckle and Hex flipped her off remembering that she agreed to cooperate and leaving it at that. Sally turned the machine on Hex's eyes widening as she was force fed a tasteless gel that filled her stomach and pushed it out causing her gut to bloat, thankfully it wasn't painful but it made her want to puke but as soon as the gel hit her stomach acid it turned to foam and solidified making it impossible to vomit. Hex moaned this time in distress feeling her insides squish and attempt to void themselves. She glared at Sally wondering the point of this, was it just insult to injury or was there a medical reason for this obtuse fetishistic ritual? Sally unfolded two stirrups putting Hex's feet in them and locking them down as if she were about to give birth. She reached below the table and Hex's eyes went wide, there was no way, she fought impotently the stomach foam limiting her movements more than the jacket did. Hex felt her bottom lifted and placed on a soft cushion of fabric and padding pulling the front up and pressing the tapes around her waist. Hex opened her eyes to see a thick fluffy diaper now adorned to her midsection.

The guards burst into roaring laughter the fearsome terrorist now a diapered captive right before their eyes, howling they stomped the floor and took out their phones. Hex didn't even respond she lay, patiently waiting for Sally to unshackle her ankles from the stirrups. Sally did but only after tying her wrist together with a plastic restraint her face neutral. "I take no pleasure in this but it's procedure, you'll understand why but don't worry at least you won't be awake for it." Sally moved to turn on the machine but the guards stood up stopping her. "She needs to be asleep the process is excruciating if you're conscious." Sally's ears folded she didn't want to think about the pain of being rejuvenated while aware it would be like being crushed slowly.

"Boss said no, now you've done your bit, leave." The bull dog growled and Sally glared at him looking almost sympathetically at Hex, her head hung low and her stance no longer bold, she was defeated at least she looked it.

Sally broke from the room her emotions conflicted, why did she feel sorry for that mass murdering psychopath, was it her pitiful appearance or that she was the last of her kind did her story reach her. Sally went to the bathroom and doused her face she couldn't have doubts she needed to be clear putting on a false bravado. Grey was the first to intercept her, Sally put down the completed form on his desk. "Surprised she behaved so well, maybe I'll give her a sucker when she's done her rejuvenation."

Sally looked at Grey, the seasoned professional, he would laugh at her if she told him she was feeling sympathetic it wasn't the way things worked so she put on her best facade "Yeah shove it in her big mouth, how dare she patronize me, are criminals born or made, what difference does it make!" Sally faked her outrage and Grey chuckled sensing it. Grey stood up and placed his smooth hands on her shoulders looking her in the eyes.

"You can't let them get to you, some of them are really good people who just messed up, some are really bad people who are ready to repent but our job as technicians is to remain impartial and give each one the same thorough and complete medical treatment before and after." Grey clapped Sally's shoulders making her shudder, the gecko man was taller than her due to just age but lizards generally got larger than most other species, despite being impressively tall Grey was a sweetheart. He would handle the post rejuvenation dealing with the regressed convicts who usually were sedated meaning a change of diaper and a quick physical exam as well as a wash down and dressing. He loved children whenever one of the front desk brought in their babies he'd hold and coddle and cuddle them as much as he was permitted, truly a kind and caring soul.

"Grey how do you do it?" Sally's ears folded back. "Send these children out to that reception room knowing what lies ahead of them?" Surely it was hard for a professed child lover to condemn what was essentially a child to a life of physical punishment and mental torment, being a child with the mind of an adult knowing how to do things but not being able, humiliated by having your bowel and bladder control revoked temporarily it was almost psychological torture.

"I try not to think about it, if I have to, I think about the next time I'll see them all grown up and better behaved and how every time I see them it's one step closer to never seeing them again well, except Hex we'll see her every eighteen years so I'm sure we'll become good friends." Grey chuckled and picked up his coffee sitting at his console. "Are you ready for work Big Girl?" Grey used his term of endearment for Sally, one she hated but just this once she let it slide.

"Yes Daddy." Sally responded sitting down and taking a bottle of water cracking the lid.

Hex was led by her restraints into a sterile white room, it looked like something you'd find on a space ship. It was said that originally aliens came and gave the people of earth the rejuvenation technology, Hex however had a different theory that this technology was scavenged on a crashed vessel and the crew was killed, she hypothesized that the technology would freely let you alter the age of an individual going backwards or forwards letting you breed soldiers or convert convicts but the stupid greedy fur balls that inhabited earth now only saw the limited potential, probably because they never figured out acceleration of aging. Hex's stomach hurt fiercely she felt like she was going to collapse, she had a strong core, she had been underneath twenty pounds of external pressure on her rib cage, but this was a whole new level it felt as if her innards were being pushed out. Luckily her restraints made her shuffle so she could clench everything that could be clenched, she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. Ultimately she knew though this was a losing battle as the rejuvenation would cause her muscle control to completely evaporate, still she would hold onto that small bit of pride she had left exposed to the world in a white fluffy diaper about to be punished, she knew the camera's were hooked up to live feed even if they weren't supposed to there was no way that this wasn't being broadcast. Hex looked at the camera and smiled confidently winking to the adoring or reviled public.

"Why is she smiling..." Sally zoomed the camera in curiously until Grey snapped her out of it.

"It's time, come on start the sequence and lower the pod." Grey took a serious tone, he was above all else a professional, funny and playful when there was time to be but now was work time.

"Yes sir." Sally responded sitting up and typing commands into the console on her screen. In the room a pod lowered itself from the wall on a hydraulic arm, it looked like a coffin, a long rectangular tube with a compressed lid which popped off with a hiss letting out pressurized air. Hex was loaded into it standing as if she were about to be buried her restraints cut and the lid clamping down. The lock hissed and Hex was sealed in. "Starting stabilization and fluid in three, two, one." Sally counted and pressed a button a thick solution pouring into the tube from the hydraulic arm. Hex's toes became wet, then her knees, and her tights, it was about when it got to her waist that she sighed in relief letting her bladder go, if she was going to be soaked why not. Hex felt the urine splash against her and relaxed her spine feeling the diaper swell up as the cold fluid met the hot fluid creating a warm balance as it ascended up to her chest and finally over her head. "Reading contamination, did she..." Sally shuddered repulsed by this creature. "Should we flush the batch?" She leaned over asking Grey but he was too busy chuckling.

"No, it's fine, she's sterile to begin with and worst case she'll just be extra soggy, even if she poops she'll just have to deal with it later, that diaper is sealed so only the inside will be contaminated, let her stew in it." Grey was too amused by Hex relieving herself thinking it would cause some kind of trouble for them. "What a naughty girl trying to make this difficult, oh well, we'll make her regret her mistakes after." Grey started to enter genetic information which was implanted into the fluid via a shock which sent a charge through the pod causing Hex to yelp her lungs filling with the fluid, however she didn't choke it contained oxygen so that an unconscious convict could breath. The shock was the final straw feeling her anus swell and expand Hex was immobilized unable to fight as her back filled and squished against her butt cheeks, she was glad she couldn't scream or she would.

"Gross." Sally was reading another bio contaminant detected in the pod. It was a natural part of the process but it didn't mean she approved of it anymore than she had to. She was happy Grey was the one that changed them she didn't think she could handle something so nasty. Sally disliked kids but she hated babies, babies were the worst thing that could happen to someone like her. Young and independent she had her whole life ahead of her, having a baby was a surefire way to destroy your dreams, even being around them was unpleasant the foul smelling, stick, grabby things. Sally shook the displeasure off and continued her work. "Grey I'm waiting on matrix, can you finish that up I don't want to let her sit breathing that solution we don't know how long it's actually safe to do that with." Sally continued to enter commands a blinking line waiting for initialization

"Yeah I'm almost done, I just didn't know what species to put but I think I got it." Grey entered the information into the form and hit enter another charge being sent through the fluid making Hex convulse but the fluid prevented her from swallowing her tongue, frozen in a suspended stasis Hex was free to think, receding back into her mind remembering her childhood, a tear forming in her eye as she grasps the horror of having to live through it again.

"Cognitive activity is normal, the patient seems to have calmed down, think she gave up?" Sally observed Hex's brain scans go into rem sleep levels of activity this usually happened when someone either passed out or resigned. "Guess even the mighty Hex is no match for medical science." Sally said proudly while entering the activation sequence she looked at the line of code and nodded, it was correct. With a stroke of the enter key the process began, she joined Grey by his desk wheeling her chair over and taking her water bottle and toasting Grey's coffee cup. "Procedure is a success."

Hex felt her mind slipping, whatever they were doing, it was tearing down her brain. Slowly the dark and cold recesses of the human's brain became blank and white, there was nothing, no memories, no trauma, no pain. Hex felt a sense of euphoria over come her, her face relaxing from its tensed relaxing and letting go as her muscles began to loosen without her control.

"Memory Upload at fifty percent." the computer announced, memories were just nodes assembled in a pattern inside of synapses all of our past experiences were just a dot pattern which our brain read through electric pulses, with the advent of the technology gained by the aliens earth had gained the ability to map and record memories for storage or transplant, Brain Banks, as they were known were popular tools in medical treatment of amnesia and trauma patients, a back up of all the current memories to the last medical exam or the removal of troubling memories were common, so too did the Penitata's process utilize Brain Banks however theirs were special as data didn't transplant from one individual to another, you couldn't take someones memories and put them in your head, every single individual had a unique signal they used to decode their memories and to read properly the memories had to be read in the same signal that wrote them.

In that same token a Penitatas's brain was different from their original form so memories had to be formatted once the new brain wave was observed this process was called implanting and it was the crux of the entire Penitatas reform system. A Penitatas was physically a child their body was weak and their motor skills lacking, their muscles reset rather than regressed starting from zero and needing to be retrained however their minds were that of an adult with memories of freedom, their past lives, and the mistakes they made to end up where they were. This mixture of physical feebleness and metal awareness meant that a criminal could reform through proper reeducation during the span of an adolescence or in some more extreme cases a few. To make the adult memories fit the child's body the key information had to be compressed and reformatted, Penitatas actually lost a lot of functional information in this process like where they lived, numerical codes, and most academia. In some cases particularly gifted criminals would be child geniuses but still a whopping seventy percent of all information obtained over a lifetime was lost, the remaining thirty was personal information like their history and identity, common information like speech and functional training, and of course their crimes. These three components made up a Penitatas's starting memories and without them the entire system would collapse because the children coming out of the pod would be entirely different entities than those coming in. A completely innocent and unique individual.

"Memory Upload at ninety percent." The computer announced again and Sally watched the pod with interest her tail flickering. "So I understand giving her memories of her crimes but why does she need her past, it sounds to me like she had a terrible past wouldn't it be more kind to erase it?" Indulging into her sympathy a bit Sally proposed the idea but Grey shot it down immediately.

"If you stole something you'd be a criminal but if you can't remember why you did it even if the reason was bad doesn't that absolve you of your crime somewhat?" Grey took a pretzel stick from his lunch bag and snapped into it. "At some point our histories become the singular motivation for our adult selves, would you be where you are right now if you had no past?" Grey chewed his pretzel with loud crunches making Sally's ears flicker.

"Alright I get it, what did you make her anyway, is she going to be human again?" Sally never did hear what Grey decided on

"No a seraphim." Grey responded and Sally's eyes went wide.

"You just traded one extinct race for another, what would possess you to revive the Seraphim for that!?" She couldn't believe it no one had seen a seraphim for nearly a century and yet he casually decided to make the worlds most dangerous criminal one, one who could never produce, so he was just going to preserve the species by locking it in the cycle of rejuvenation.

"Well I could give you a long ethical speech about how Seraphim were originally aviary human hybrids that evolved into Harpy but I'll go with my original thought, she's a little angel." Grey sipped his coffee and Sally covered her face with her hand. The two sat in silence until a klaxon buzzer went off the computer flashing red


The screen blinked and Sally's nose twitched, she had no idea what was going on, a look of panic consumed her as she slammed her butt down into a chair and started typing frantically. "No No NO!" She shouted grabbing the monitor, there was nothing she could do the system was automated and she authorized the procedures activation they'd have to shut it all down and start from scratch. "GREY!?" Sally shouted and Grey was already on it typing away.

"Memory purge in five, four, three, two, one." The count down stopped and Sally covered her head like an explosion was about to go off then the buzzer stopped.

"Memory reallocation complete, subject is ready for rejuvenation, starting in three, two one." The computer pleasantly informed that the crisis had passed and the pod began to receded into the wall. Hex watched her mind completely blank, no responsiveness, her vitals still holding as the bod was dropped through a tunnel coming to stop in a wide cavity deep beneath the ground, a glowing orb of black substance hovering in the center of a chamber. The pod hovered due to stasis suspension the time in the area frozen from the presence of the large chunk of Anti Mass. A radioactive element that was physically harmless instead the radiation given off by the Anti Mass ate away a persons Tachyon count or to be more figurative removed sands from the hourglass of their life. Hex felt it pull at her, tearing at her body, the pain was immense as her bones and muscles were stretched out as if she were being compressed across time and space like entering a black hole. Slowly she began to regress the tachyon particles in her body vanishing as they were absorbed by the Anti Mass. Thirty years old, then twenty seven, twenty four, twenty two, sixteen, fourteen, nine, seven, five, four, three, and then two. Shrank down do to a fourth of her size her body shriveled and squished the pod receded, a tether attached to it pulling it back onto the hydraulic arm. The diaper she was wearing that was tight and constricting was now baggy and loose her chest had deflated and her hair elongated turning from raven black to golden orange, her eyes a crystal blue. The pod was brought out of the wall compartment on the other side of the chamber in the post examination room.

"Grey what happened, the Brain Bank didn't download." Sally was watching the scans, she observed it herself there was no mental activity Hex was completely blank. "There should be at least rem!" Sally was panicking again slamming her fingers down looking for some trace of the digital representation of Hex's memories.

"Sally relax, the system confirmed that transfer was complete we never did it with the subject conscious so maybe she went into shock." Grey tried to assuage Sally as she scoured the data banks looking for the files, they weren't there, they had to be in Hex then there was no other place they could be. "Come on we still have a job to do." Grey smiled as they got to his favorite part of the job throwing on his rainbow colored lab coat and grabbing a stack of sweet candies for good little Penitatas to have. It was generally recommended that Penitatas not eat in the first few hours after rejuvenation as their new stomachs weren't able to handle food until the foam gel passed through their bowels purging them of any contaminants. Sally stayed in the observation room unwilling to give up her search for .HEX memory files

Grey approached the pod and motioned for Sally to open the compressed lid, Sally entered the sequence and the fluid drained lowering Hex to the ground her tiny legs touching the bottom of the pod before falling down on her backside, a sickly wet squish escaping from her diaper. The pod hissed and the lid slid up revealing the Cherub, Seraphim had three stages of development Cherub was the first these were infants, toddlers, children, and preteens, next were the Angel which included teenager, young adult, and adult, last were the Archangel who were elders. Grey reached down and picked up Hex holding her in a towel to wipe off the fluid his nose wrinkled at the stink of her full diaper. "Someone is a stinky little girl." Grey cooed and brought Helen to a table laying her down long ways on the grated floor lifting the tabs on her diaper and stepping aside as the front fell down and the contents spilled out. Grey grabbed a hose from the examination table and began to spray Hex's legs, thighs, and waist cleaning her and throwing the overburdened diaper away. Now staring at a bare naked little angel he spread her legs and cleaned her folds and lips then lifted her and washed her backside and crack satisfied when the stink finally evaporated. "Look at you, so perfectly plump and pleasant." Grey picked the damp little girl up holding her over his shoulder checking her spine and elbows, brushing aside her hair to reveal a set of golden orange colored aviary wings, sprouted from the shoulder unlike the harpy, a seraphim had wings on their back shoulder blades instead of their under arms. "You are adorable." Grey was fit to burst he didn't even imagine she would turn out this cute from her previous form, her rosy cheeks and flabby appendages adding to her over all cute appearance. "Sally, come take a look at this darling." Grey called over the monitor but Sally was too focused on finding the memories.

"The download went to the Brain Bank like normal but, it looks like the process was rerouted, it didn't store in the brain bank so..." Sally heard Grey and looked up, he was shoulder coddling a buck naked baby girl with golden wings and long golden orange hair. Sally had never seen a human child the adult that they came to know and despise was a monster but as a baby Hex was actually pretty cute. "Why is her hair that color, Hex had black hair didn't she?" Sally noticed and Grey shrugged, maybe she had it died, or maybe the genetic modification caused her recessives to switch so black hair became blue eyes and golden eyes became orange hair, it was a little too hard to say because documents on humans were, scarce to say the very least.

"Can't rightly say all I know is she's a cutie." Grey responded and laid Helen down sliding a new smaller diaper underneath her bottom and lifting her legs giving her the ceremonial Penitatas wake up call. Raising her backside high Grey let out a swift clap as his hand smacked into her chubby bottom ringing out in the empty room like a crack of thunder.

"NOOOOOO!" Helen squirmed and squealed her eyes jumping to life looking around she felt a surge of fear and her breathing quicken. Her legs were being suspended but she was set down and something was being pulled up against her crotch and waist, it was warm and dry. Trying to sit up she felt the fingers of a larger individual around her waist pressing the tapes together and turning to look she saw a big black skinned salamander man with a bright rainbow colored lab coat, the red and yellow colors made her smile and giggle. "Pretty." Helen forgot her fear and looked at the big black lizard man

"Good morning sweetie, did you have a nice nappy?" Grey knelt down to become face level with Hex smiling as she reached out and grabbed his face rubbing his cheeks and nose. "I'm going to ask you some questions, can you be a good girl and answer me?" Grey produced a candy. "If you do I will give you this nice candy okay, but if you're naughty and don't I'm going to spank your bottom again, okay?" Grey warned offering the candy in a friendly tone and the spanking in a low hiss, a classic child psychology method.

"NO! I'll be good I promise." Hex's speech capability was quickly deteriorating with women it wasn't a hard adjustment, their larynx would reset and for a few days they would lose the ability to speak beyond simple words then they'd need to be taught speech again but because of their memories containing speech they would have enough to quickly regain proper speech but they always reverted in duress going from solid sentences to squealing protests of I be good, sowwy, and pwease no, when put over the lap. Grey sat next to her prepared to follow through if she was difficult.

"Okay what's your name sweetie?" Grey needed to check that the memories of her past life were present, she should have responded with her actual name then she'd be informed of her new name it was a very simple procedure.

"I am.... um, I... uuuuh." Hex blanked her happy smile turning to visual frustration. "I don't- I don't." Hex's shoulders began to rise her chest heaving and her eyes watering. "I don't know!" She began to cry leaning her head back and sobbing openly grabbing at her eyes with her tiny fists rubbing them furiously.

"Oh, no." Grey frowned and motioned for Sally to come down immediately pointing at the ground, the universal signal that he was being very serious. Grey's face was stone and stoic as Sally walked out with her white coat trailing behind her the door to the observation room shutting behind her nearly clipping her tail. "Sally I need to you to stay with her and try to see if you can jog her memories we might have a bit of an actual serious issue." Grey was visibly concerned, his usually unflappable image replaced by a man who looked like he had seen a ghost or was about to become one.

"Grey I'm no good with kids you know..." Sally began to refuse but Grey took her by the shoulders and sat her down next to the crying Hex giving her a look that bespoke the urgency of the situation. Sally looked at her mentor and nodded giving a heavy sigh looking to the bawling cherub beside her. Grey went back into the control room leaving Sally and Hex alone. "Hey, young lady, you need to stop that right now or.. you're going to be in serious trouble!" Sally did her best impression of what she thought Grey did calling her own father in for mental reference but she hadn't seen him in so long that her recollection of him was worse than Hex's memories. "Stop, stop that right now!" Sally stammered and stumbled Hex's bawling getting on her nerves. "STOP ACTING LIKE SUCH A BABY!" Sally shouted and Hex ceased her bawling sniffling and hiccuping.

"But I am a baby." Hex responded rubbing tears down her arms. Sally looked down at Hex and how miserable she was, was this the same terror of the globe, anarchist and psychopath that went into the pod?

"No you're not a baby, you're a Penitatas, you are a criminal who is going to pay for their crimes by serving time as a child, you may look like a baby but you aren't one and you need to remember that." Sally corrected Hex but she was more convincing herself, the golden haired little baby next to her was a hardened criminal not a sweet little girl that was an act it had to be.

"But I don't remember." Hex whined starting to cry again. "Why can't I remember my head hurts and my tummy feels funny!" She complained and cried and Sally shook with building rage, how badly did she screw this up.

"SHUT UP!" Sally snapped grabbing Hex's hand and dragging her over her lap pulling the back of her diaper down. "You're a criminal, you're just trying to trick me but I know what you need, I know what all you little monsters need." Sally raised her hand but Hex squealed out trying to escape her crying turning into screaming and wailing as she held her bottom with her other good hand and covered it with her wings.

"NO PLEASE I SOWWY I DON'T KNOW DON SPANK ME PLEASE I DON'T KNOW I CAN'T REMEMBER PLEEEEEEASE!" Hex bawled and Sally's eyes widened realizing what she was doing she set Hex back down her diaper still pulled back and sat quietly beside the now hysteric child. "I" Hex was crying so bad she couldn't speak in full sentences "WAN" every word she broke out her mouth moved but no noise came out "GO!" Tears streamed from her eyes soaking the table "HOME!" Hex completely broke down her wailing filled the room and Sally covered her ears unable to bear it anymore.

"No more, please, I'm sorry." Sally was the one being punished by the high pitched screeching of the young Hex her tail curling up and slowly wrapping around the child, just instinct, something inside her chest was guiding her actions not her brain. She enveloped the bawling babe in her fluffy tail leaning over she kissed the top of her head. "That was scary and wrong, I'm sorry I scared you but we can't understand you if you cry like that so how about we stop, and we'll try to answer the questions you can okay?" Sally's voice filled with a warmth she didn't know she possessed, she hated talking to kids but this one, maybe she wasn't so bad.

"K-kay." Hex calmed down feeling the warmth of the bushy tail and the soft kiss grabbing onto the tail tightly making Sally tense. "I wanna go home, I want my mommy, I want my daddy, I wanna go." Hex sniffled rubbing the tail into her eyes. Sally shivered feeling her tail become wet and sighed patting Hex on the back gently letting her finish her hiccups.

The door slid open revealing an even worse looking Grey. "The memories they're just gone..." Grey didn't know what was going on he was sure he set them up to go to the right place. "Sally, Hex is, dead." He didn't know how to define it, erased, deleted, misplaced, whatever you termed it the personality known as Hex was no longer present in the world she had been wiped away like so much filth, now in her place was a completely new entity an artificially birthed child who had no recollection of the evil deeds committed by Hex the final act of complete anarchy by the mastermind terrorist. "I don't know how she did it, maybe she knew about the process." Grey was astounded the rejuvenation sequence codes were kept a secret there was no way to know them, you'd have to be an utter genius to figure it out alone. "Someone intercepted the memory download to the Brain Bank and put dummy files in it, they're just." Grey held his hands in front of his face. "Thousands of pictures of cub porn, really disturbing ones." He shuddered having seen some pretty fucked up things but this was top ten material. "I don't know what to do Sally." Grey leaned against the wall clutching his head. "When Oswald finds out he's going to kill us." Grey muttered and looked at Sally coddling Hex. "Well who knew you were a natural."

Sally had moved from holding her tail around the little cherub girl to holding her in her arms cradling her. "We tell them the truth, they can't feel that it's justified to give this child the same punishment as Hex, I'm sure Mr Fet is a good man and he'll understand maybe we can put her into an orphanage and someone will adopt her, how about you Grey you always wanted kids of your own instead of just obsessing over others." Sally had no desire to see Hex hang around, innocent or not she was still a pants shitting baby that would drag her down from her dream job.

"Oh Sally, you're so young and naive, you don't know Oswald he's not the understanding or caring type, let's assume he doesn't blame us he's going to treat that child like Hex whether she remembers or not, he paid the state for the right to adopt her and he's going to get his investment, like it or not she's going to be brutally punished on live television because that is what Oswald wants not to raise her but to exploit her to him Hex is a product like any other consumable resource." Grey knew of the deal Oswald signed he was powerless to stop it but he didn't agree with it one bit.

When Hex was around Oswald Fet was a prime target of her campaigns showing the world his corruption as his media empire was a front for the state to control the consumption that the populace had available to them, only state approved news, only state approved shows, only state approved advertising it was either through Fet or nothing. He controlled all the ISP so he could throttle anyone he didn't like or that spoke out against him rendering all the smart technology derived from the aliens pointless he had the entire world in the palm of his greedy scaly hand. When Oswald learned that Hex had been captured he dumped a cool billion for the rights to her, he was going to have his long and methodical revenge on the woman who tried to ruin him. From one side of the monitor to the other Oswald could think of no better punishment than turning Hex into a symbol of his power everyone who watched the show would know, this is what happens when you mess with Oswald Fet.

"Then what, do we just keep her here and set up a playpen and take shifts?" Sally asked stroking Hex's hair, all the crying plus the regression of her metabolism had made her incredibly tired which was why she was so cranky after just waking up. She was sleeping soundly against the soft white belly fur of Sally nuzzling into her. "Stop that." Sally looked down but Hex was already asleep her thumb in her mouth snoring softly."Gross..." Sally shuddered but couldn't move her, she felt warm and soft where she was and as much as she hated it, Sally liked the feeling of a baby on her belly.

"Maybe." Grey started to form a plan. "Maybe he can kill one of us but not both." Grey stood up and walked towards the door. "Sally take her out to the parking lot and call your friend you'll need to move fast." Grey spoke like she was going to be outrunning a bomb. "Hey kid, I'm proud you managed to grow up a little, who knew all it would take is the world's worst convict in your lap." Grey chuckled and dropped his rainbow lab coat striding out in a button down and slacks, Oswald Fet was waiting in the lobby for his pickup, a young twenty something feline on his arm.

Sally wanted to object. "I'm against!" but Grey was gone. Sighing Sally reached into the drawer below the table and pulled out a medical gown sitting Hex down on the table she took the gown and tied it up sticking her arms through the holes. "Where are we going mommy?" Hex asked sleepily and Sally shook her head.

"I'm not your mommy mister Grey is going to sort things out with your Daddy and then you'll be going with him to..." Sally didn't finish her sentence she almost didn't want to scare Hex. "To go home." Sally forced the words out looking at the darling crystal blue eyes her heart cracking in half when she saw the overjoyed smile Hex was wearing.

"Okay I'm sleepy now..." Hex nodded back off and Sally sighed burying her feelings. She reached out and picked Hex up cradling her in her arms walking back into the control room. A field of monitors showed the front desk, back door, reception area, rejuvenation hall, and the examination rooms most were empty beside the reception area where Mr Fet, two receptionist, two large very intimidating looking guards... the same ones that brought Hex in, and Grey were talking. There was no sound just video, Sally sat in a chair holding Hex printing out her paper work, she was sure that Grey was over reacting Mr Fet would take Hex to... that terrible place and she'd be punished every day, for something she didn't ostensibly do, and justice would be served.... right? As the printer took a while to hum to life Sally bounced Hex around in her arms humming softly to the sleeping babe.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized knowing that she couldn't hear it, even though she never wanted kids before, even though she thought they were disgusting and annoying, even though this was possibly the most dangerous child in the world. For that moment, right then, frozen in time and space nestled between her breast and her arms Sally's heart beat like a mothers and the little darling in her hold was her baby. It hurt physically to think about letting go, this precious second would be over and Sally would go back to being selfish and childishly stubborn about getting what she wanted through any means. She wasn't mean or hostile but calling her cold wasn't far off from the truth, Sally was a logical thinker and removed herself from emotion because she knew her emotions were often her downfall. In this purely emotional situation she was weak, helpless, completely enthralled by the darling baby angel in her arms, golden feathers spread against her fur and a soft warm head against her arm.

Watching the monitors to try and distance herself, if she looked at the sleeping baby she was going to start crying, she watched Grey walk up to a Komodo Dragon man his mouth moving as he explained something. The face of the Komodo Dragon went from pleased, to worried, to annoyed, to livid. His nostrils flared he raised his arm and pointed at Grey shouting with his mouth opening wide then one the guards behind the komodo dragon grabbed Grey and lifted him against the wall holding him by his neck. Grey thrashed and squirmed before convulsing and going limp, the receptionist were next being lifted off camera and their legs stopping mid squirm. Sally's eyes went wide, what did she just witness, the casual murder of her coworkers. Her hands moved instinctively to brace Hex's head turning her on her side and burying her face into her chest. "Oh, oh no, this isn't good." The Komodo man pointed towards the other doors turning and locking the front door behind him then the guards disappeared. Sally's heart began to race, her tail flailed wildly her ears fell flat to her skull and she started to whimper like a kicked puppy. "He's going to kill me, oh no." Sally panicked as she was prone to do thinking about how she could hide then an idea crossed her mind, if she left Hex and ran for herself maybe Mr Fet wouldn't pursue her maybe he thought Grey was trying to hide her but all he wanted was Hex and she had no obligation to protect her.

Sally turned setting Hex on the table placing her down gently so as not to wake her. She grabbed her bag and stuffed it inside her lab coat texting Daz to come pick her up immediately but when she finished the text Hex reached her little arms out feeling the cold table instead of the warm embrace. "Mommy" She whined in her sleep and Sally froze, she couldn't, she couldn't leave this little baby to face that man, not after he just brutally murdered her coworkers. Sally began to dial the number for the police but a text message appeared on her phone.

"Don't try calling them, they'll just make it worse" - D

Sally blinked looking at her phone, who was D, how did they have her number. She shook her head now dissuaded from calling the cops instead she picked Hex back up and ran towards the parking garage using the loading dock as a short cut, it was the farthest part of the building so it would take a while to reach there on foot for people unfamiliar with the layout. Sally stood waiting in the parking lot, Daz was never late, she tapped her foot and checked her phone sending another text. "Daz I'm sorry about earlier today, please it's an emergency, pick me up I'll repay you after I promise!" She wondered if Daz was ignoring her after her 'playful' blue balling earlier today.

"Trying to leave, Miss Yoles?" Oswald asked his tongue slithering out from his mouth and hissing with the words ending in s. "What a terrible mess we find ourselves in." The parking garage was poorly lit, a singular cone of light over every twelve spaces leaving gaps of darkness and breaks of visibility. Oswald calmly strolled through the spaces interchanging between concealed and exposed, his crimson eyes ever present. "You and your partner botch up a simple procedure and then he has the gal to come out and tell me that not only does she not have the memories of her past life but that I should spare her and find another criminal for my show." Oswald chuckled. "THE IDIOCY!" Oswald shouted making Sally tense her tail curling around her defensively. "You see, its not about me, or you, or her, or anyone else it's about return on investment." Oswald hissed walking closer. "I spent a billion dollars on little Helen right there why, because the public wants to see her pants around her ankles butt to the camera getting paddled and whipped and caned and switched and swatched and WHATEVER these perverts do one another and they're willing to pay, TOP dollar for it." Oswald smiled rubbing his fingers together. "Not to mention the factories full of Perfect Paddled Princess Hex dollies we have lined up, we bought out the Penitatas's premier toy manufacturer sure that we would sell millions and now." Oswald scowled he was close enough to see his black and yellow scale pattern reaching from the tip of his snout to the tip of his tail. "I'm being asked to let her go because, how did he say it, she didn't do anything to deserve it." Oswald chuckled making Sally shiver. "Do you know what I think of that sentiment?" Oswald spit on the ground before Sally's feet making her jump. "Who cares?" Sally didn't notice when she was surrounded, she only knew once a pair of hands came down on her shoulders the bull dog and the buffalo from before.

"You fucked up girlie." The bull dog chuckled licking his jowls.

"Now I'm a kind and compassionate man. I understand how the female brain works, its inferior chemicals triggered by the sight of a chubby little baby and the smell of a fresh diaper, I get you I do but you see, what you hold is not a baby it is indeed property, MY property in fact, I bought the title to her and she is my possession and well you seem to be contemplating stealing my possession, my compassion does have it's limitations." Oswald snapped and the bull dog and buffalo began to press making Sally's knees buckle. "So to you my dear Sally Yoles, this is my offer, hand over my property and pretend like everything went according to plan, do an interview, some media statements you know the whole nine yards, then we will not kill your friend and you will only be sentence to one cycle for impeding justice." Oswald put his finger up to show the one option and only one option. "You have ten seconds." Oswald put ten fingers up and slowly lowered them. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one." As Oswald said one a drone shot by his head making him duck, it turned to face the group and Sally got another text.


Sally took the advice and hit the ground shielding Hex from the blow with her arms as the opened fire spraying a potent pepper spray in a crop dusting path over the assembled group Oswald included. Sally took the chance and bolted for the exit bursting through between two parked cars to find Daz waiting on the outside in the street. "Holy shit Sally I was calling you for ages, what the fuck is going on, the whole buildings on lock down and I can't reach your cell!" Daz watched as Sally held something close to her body and ran to the car slamming the door as she closed it. "Sally?" He looked in curious as to what was going on, the entire place was crazy.

"DRIVE DAZ!" Sally turned shouting causing him to yelp and take a seat quickly starting the car. The car pulled out as the drone continued to circle around dropping concentrated pepper gas on Oswald and his goons. Reaching out Oswald caught the drone and looked at it eyes watering from the chemicals he crushed it in his hands and turned to see a car drive away. "Follow them, but don't kill them, no I want to know who's helping our little friend." Oswald coughed and turned to face his men who were still rolling on the ground choking, there was still other business to attend to. Oswald climbed the stairs to the control room where Grey was sat tied to his chair his favorite coffee cup in his lap. "Mister KLEEZ." Oswald leaned against the captive geko male, the superior lizard. "You have turned out to be such a massive problem that I find myself at a precipice I have never seen before, I am not sure exactly HOW to kill you." Oswald paced the floor. "Now I will give you one last chance, tell me where the data from Hex's scan is, I paid you a considerable sum to re-rout it to my personal database so that I can see what I want to know, now the money was transferred but I have no data so WHERE IS IT!?" Oswald screamed grabbing Grey and kicking him into the rejuvenation chamber through the observation glass shattering it across the sterile room and sending Grey falling.

"I don't know, someone stole it, they got into our system and hacked it they.. they put it somewhere else!" Grey coughed, he knew taking that offer was bad, he knew that it would only hurt him but it was so much money, he could open that orphanage with that kind of money he never had to look at another criminal child again he could achieve his dream! Grey crawled on the broken glass hissing as it cut his soft flesh.

"I see, well that is unfortunate mister Kleez because I paid for information and I will get it." Oswald walked over the console and opened the wall panel to retrieve the pod, a hydraulic arm sticking out over a pit one of the guards picked Grey up and dangled him over the pit. " I heard an interesting theory that without the shielding of the pod a targets tachyon's could be devoured to the point of embriotic regression you are going to test this hypothesis Mister Kleez, if you survive you're free to go." Oswald signaled to drop him and Grey plummeted down the chute ending up in the Anti Mass chamber. He stared at it, like a fallen star it glowed with a celestial light. He felt himself fall backwards despite standing still, all time stopped in the area because at the end of nothing there was only stillness all the tachyon particles in the area had ceased to exist, back further and further, his body curling as a thick shell formed around him and his clothing fell off, further and further back until an egg remained where Grey Kleez one floated staying stationary and timeless. "Boring." Oswald motioned and a pod was pushed off next barreling down and smashing the egg splattering what would have one day become Grey Kleez against its side. Oswald had the pod pulled back up and wiped his finger on the side tasting the yolk. "I like mine better sunny side up." The komodo snarled and turned to his men. "FIND THEM NOW!"

In a dark room in a remote location the crinkle of a thick diaper filled the silence of a quiet room only the glow of monitors providing illumination sitting in a chair with an entire server to her back was a teenage feline rubbing her padded crotch through a thick diaper. "Yes, mommy gave me a mission If Dee doesn't do good she'll punish her." Sitting on the right side of the screen was a file labeled .HEX

To Be Continued

Punishment Game Episode 2

Punishment Game Round Table/ Red Bottom Quiz Show Foreword Seems like the first chapter went well, I've already gotten some requests for chapter two so I'm going to try and pull a double for you tonight and release 4 episodes of PG. If you...

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Punishment Game

Punishment Game Episode 1 Start/Keys and Locks Foreword: Hello everyone it's Am Bi Go Us back from their hiatus of 3 years, yeah a lot has happened and I've come back to provide you the very best in innovative story telling. Before leaving I...

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"What would you have me do?" Missi laughed softly and shook her head. "You have positioned me from the start to make this choice and now you ask me like I really had some say in the matter, something tells me someone like you Jessie wouldn't just hire...

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