Knights of Rhea BK1 Ch1: Tavern Investigation 

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#1 of Knights of Rhea

As I rode my horse in from the dusty feilds of the village of Thea I gave a dark grumble.The dust of the trail clung to my figure like a second skin and it did nothing to improve my mood. Rumors of a Demon Fox in this area had brought me, one of the Church's of Arrissa's most decorated Knights out to this little backwater.

"Oh Lady Arrissa I ask for a swift hunt" I said in quick prayer to our Goddess as I wanted to get out of here and back to my family as quickly as I could. The wildlife of the area had suddenly started to grow out of control. The barren desert around this town turning into a thriving forest. At first it was thought to be a blessing from our lady herself. Then from passing travler's we began to hear reports of moving plantlife, people vanishing and tails of a fox with the darkest blue fur and mysterious flower designs upon their fur that spoke like a man.

As I moved further into town, in reguards to the late hour the taverns had begun to open and all the little ones had been ushered inside by their fearfull parents. At least the ones fortunate to have them. The rest of the street urchins seemed to be on the prowl tonight looking for a heavy purse to take or a trinket to liberate from it's owner. Around these young ones though I felt pity I did not offer charity. That would just encourage them after all. Though I admit I was suprised when a few women of the night started to come out.

My old tattered cloak hid the church insignia on my armor which in a way was a good thing. These simple folk tended to clam up around the knights so simpler garb was generally better at losening tongues. I turned my horse Dusk to the local livery and upon arrival looked for the owner.

"Whatcha doin?" asked a youth and I assumed he was watching the stable for the night. "I wish to stable my horse for the night lad. Is your father around?" I asked him and the lad scampered off to fetch him. While I waited I dismounted and patted the tired animal's neck and soon I heard the tread of boots.

Looking up my gaze alighted on a rather robust looking man with a long grey scar through his face. Though the eyes that looked back at me were keen showing that this indivisual at least still had their drive. "How can I help ya?" he asked as he threw the towel in hsi hands over his shoulder. "I seek lodging for my horse Dusk." I replied and at the way I spoke he eyed me suspiciously. "You sound right proper stranger. Not like people from these parts."

I nodded in response. "I'm passing through, I heard the forest had appeared down here and I figured it would be worth passing through it." As I finished speaking I put my fist and outstretched hand together and drew them to my chest in the universal sign of praise to our Lady.

"Name is Evvert and the fee to stable your horse is 2 gold peices, tip the stable boy if you want to have your beast brushed down and fed." he replied holding out his hand for the payment. I passed over the three gold coins mentally wondering why it was not a higher cost.

Evvert seemed to be satisfied and he clicked his tongue to the stable lad who grabbed the reigns. Dusk nickered then looked back at me and I soothed him with a patt on the head. "Easy boy. Follow the lad and he'll take care of ya." Before the horse was lead completly away I took my sword from it's spot and slid it around my waist. I felt better armed and with a final nod towards the horse master I turned to go to the tavern to see what information I could gather.

As I entered the building itself the band was playing and quite the busty lady was dancing on the stage in time to the music. Music I might add that I had not quite heard before. The instruments seemed to be made of wood and string yet they did not produce any sound that I was familar with.

It was enough to raise the hairs on my arm and I started to wonder if the music was demonic in origin. I cast a small rite to detect the presence of demonic activity and whether or not it was by chance or intention the woman on stage glanced my way. Her eyes were searching and it seemed she had detected my magic use.

The church had not informed me of any white witches or church affiliated magic users in these parts and while the girl might be a simple dancer she also might be so much more. She stopped her dance and came into stillness right in front of me. "Your from that church aren't you?" she said lightly crossing her arms in front of her and giving me a glare.

People around us stopped in their merriment to look at us and as they did She raised her hand and snapped her delicate fingers. Almost at once everyone around us returned to their former activities while I myself was reaching for my sword before I was stopped by an unseen force. "Nuaghty little knight. If you want to cross swords you could have simply asked. Meet me outside town in half an hour. I garuntee that you'll get your match in sword play." she turned and left the tavern and as the door closed I was able to move once more.

I opened the door and found the women in question gone. No figure hurried down the street and there wasn't anything on the ground to indicate signs of passage. I looked to the rooftops and there was no figure there either. Such a woman doesn't just disappear into thin air. At least not without help.

I turned back to the tavern and for the next 15 minuets I tried to turn up a fresh lead from the locals but it seemed as if the sword mistress would be my best bet. Though oddly the townsfolk seemed to be rather protective over the woman. So surely she wouldn't or couldn't be something sinister right?

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