Finding the Silver Lining Chapter 1

Story by Albeon on SoFurry

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#1 of Finding the Silver Lining

Well, here's my first story with an actual plot in a long time. I hope you enjoy it, as I'll be making it into a series. The plot will be developed more in future installments. This is mostly an intro piece. I'll probably have the next chapter out within the next couple weeks. If anyone has any commentary or critique, feel free to hit me with it. Enjoy the story

All characters are © to me

Finding the Silver Lining

Chapter 1

Hello my readers! I hope you're both doing well. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Well, I'm at it again. This time, I decided to change things up. Rather than a quick one-shot smut story, I've decided to make a story series with an actual plot, characters who are developed, and story lines that are involved with things other than sex. Oh, don't worry, there will still be lots of sex. Taking the sex out of stories completely in this fandom is like taking the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms. Anyways, I will be trying to release chapters for this story on a semi-regular basis. There will be three things affecting this: 1. I still have to work to support myself. 2. I still have very substantial health issues. 3. I've finally gotten the last of the inspiration I need for my novel, so I'm actually going to work on finishing that now that I know exactly how I want the plot to develop. FYI, the main character in this story is a Taiga dragon. Find out more info on the dragons in my universe here: Either way, I hope you enjoy this story and all of its subsequent chapters. As always, questions, comments, and critique are welcome and encouraged. Without further ado, here's the story.

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Zaryn sighed as he walked along the nearly deserted city street. He didn't earn enough money today to be able to afford a pricey inner city motel room, so he either needed to get to one of the homeless shelters or find a nice dumpster to spend the night in. Unfortunately, he'd come so close to hitting his goal that he'd pushed his luck and stayed longer than he should have. All shelters had a very strict 11:00pm curfew, and if you arrived later than that, you weren't allowed in. Zaryn knew he could make it on time if he flew, of course, but flying was illegal within the city after people complained about some avian and insectoid voyeurs outside their upper-floor windows. Spending one night on the streets due to being late would be much better than a month on the streets as all his money went to pay off some ridiculous ticket.

The grey and green Taiga dragon stopped for a second to think. The big LED clock in the darkened windows of the bank across the street said it was 10:47pm. Zaryn knew he was no less than 20 minutes away from the nearest shelter. He wouldn't make it. One thing he knew beyond any shadow of a doubt was that he didn't want to be anywhere near the locked shelter. Muggers, rapists, and gang-bangers, along with other unsavory types, liked to skulk around outside the shelters after curfew, hoping to waylay those who were just a little too late to get into safety.

Making a decision, the dragon turned off into an alleyway and began scanning for likely sleeping spots. After a few moments, the alley hit a T junction. Zaryn took the right turn and continued looking around. After only a few steps, however, he heard and felt someone step out behind him. Nervously glancing back, the dragon saw that a huge rhino man had emerged from the darkened doorway he'd just passed. Zaryn was a dragon, meaning he was strong and fast, along with other little perks. He was sure that he could take the rhino in a straight up fight. He decided against a confrontation and made for the end of the alleyway as quickly as he could without looking afraid. You could never tell who was armed...or alone.

Speak of the devil Zaryn thought, as two more figures stepped out in front of him. Blocking his path was a hulking grizzly bear almost as large as the rhino behind him, and a weedy little human with a malevolent glint in his eyes.

"You in some kind of hurry," the human called out.

Zaryn stopped dead and looked around. The rhino was only a few yards behind him, blocking access to the T-junction further back in the alley. The bear and human were about 30 feet ahead, with the alley exit being another 100 beyond that. The dragon glanced up and saw that the narrow alley was congested with fire escapes, clotheslines, and power cables. There would be no flying out of this.

Clearly under the impression that their quarry was frozen in fear, the human and bear approached. The bear stopped a few yards away, while the human stepped right up to Zaryn, eying him appraisingly. The dragon also felt some breaths on the back of his head, indicating that the rhino was right behind him.

"Time to inspect our new property," said the human, getting a sycophantic chuckle from his two hulking minions.

"Your what?" Zaryn had intended to keep silent, but being referred to as "property" shocked him into speaking. He'd originally assumed that this was just a shakedown, but it was now beginning to look much more sinister. The human, who had glanced up upon the outburst, hauled back and slapped the dragon across the face. Hard.

"You will speak only when given permission to do so," the man said viciously. "Otherwise, keep your fucking mouth shut!"

The slap, hard though it was, didn't really hurt Zaryn. His scales could protect him from much worse than that. The surprise was enough to cause a flinch, and he was trembling from trying to restrain his instincts from sending him into a furious attack. The human seemed to mistake these as signs of fear and submission though, and began poking, prodding, and rubbing the dragon's muscles.

"What species of dragon are you," the human asked, not pausing his inspection.

Zaryn hesitated. This might be an opportunity to get away. Dragons were usually pretty easy to tell apart. The fact that this man even needed to ask was a sign that he knew nothing about dragons, likely including their defenses. Luckily, Zaryn's color pattern was a bit unusual for Taiga dragons, meaning he might be able to sneak this one by.

The human didn't appreciate the hesitation, though. "When I ask you a direct fucking question, lizard brain," he said menacingly, "I expect you to answer it promptly."

"Mountain dragon," Zaryn lied. The human pulled out a smart phone and ran a search on Mountain dragons. Zaryn had to suppress a snort of laughter. The guy was reading a Wikipedia article. Taiga dragons bore a superficial resemblance to Mountain dragons. It only took a cursory inspection to tell them apart, but the human wouldn't get that chance. Taiga dragons had one very special defense mechanism that Mountain dragons lacked, and now the human wouldn't know to watch out for it.

"Age," the man asked in a bored tone, lifting the dragon's shirt and inspecting his scales.

"Fifteen," Zaryn answered. He moved his tail around in a way that would look like random agitation, feeling for the rhino's legs. When he found them, he got ready to act.

"Let's have a look at the goodies," the man said with a cackle, crouching down.

This was his chance. Zaryn pressed the tip of his tail against the rhino's calf and ejected the sharp, venomous spine housed in his tail, pumping the brute full of his paralytic toxin. The rhino could do nothing but grunt in surprise and fall backwards. At the same time he jabbed the rhino, Zaryn brought his elbow down on the back of the human's head, knocking him out. That just left the bear, who was still blinking stupidly, trying to figure out what just happened. The dragon sprinted the short distance to the bear and punched the dumb beast square in the gut. When he folded over, Zaryn's tail came up and gave him a dose too. The shaggy behemoth dropped like a bag of sand.

Zaryn let out a relieved chuckle and looked around. The whole fight had taken less than 10 seconds. The bear and rhino would be paralyzed for at least eight hours, and the human would hopefully stay out for a while too. The dragon felt the large duffel slung over his shoulder for a moment, making sure nothing was damaged. Satisfied that his belongings and livelihood were safe, he turned to leave.

"Holy shit dude! That was fucking badass," a voice rang out, scaring the bejesus out of Zaryn.

The dragon looked around for the source of the voice and saw a pair of yellow eyes peering out of a dumpster at him. The dumpster's lid flipped open, revealing a pudgy yellow lizard covered with black spots. The lizard climbed out of his hiding place, revealing a massive tail almost as large as the rest of his body.

"Who are you and why were you in there," Zaryn asked warily. He'd been jumped once tonight and he wasn't keen on it happening again.

"The name's Jason, but most people call me Semi," said the lizard. "I was in there because that's the dumpster for a crafts store, and there's some cool shit in there sometimes. I was about to get out when I saw those flesh traders coming down the alley, so I decided to hang out for a while."

"Flesh traders?" Zaryn had never heard the term before.

"Yeah," said Semi, stretching out and rubbing a few sore spots. "Slavers basically. They kidnap people, usually homeless people, and sell them to brothels and sweatshops."

"Is that legal," the dragon asked, disgusted.

"No, but neither is dealing drugs or murder, and they happen all the time too," said the lizard with a shrug. "How long have you been in the city? This is pretty common knowledge."

"Less than two weeks," Zaryn answered unhappily. "I know where some of the shelters are, got into some fights in front of them, and got a warning for flying in the city limits. That's the extent of my knowledge."

"Ahh...that's not good." Semi looked distinctly uncomfortable. "If you don't have a - LOOK OUT!"

Zaryn whipped around just as the human fired a gun at him. Luckily, the man wasn't fully recovered from his head injury and was firing from a bad position, so his shot went very wide. Unfortunately, the bullet hit a brick wall and ricocheted into the dragon's right wrist. The hard scales kept the warped bullet from penetrating, but it had enough momentum to do some damage. Zaryn both heard and felt the crack of a breaking bone.

Not intending to give the human an opportunity to fire again, the dragon charged forward and clubbed the man in the head with his thick, muscular tail. Then, for good measure, Zaryn dosed his would-be killer with toxin, ensuring he wouldn't move again until morning.

"Are you okay?" Semi was creeping forward, looking at Zaryn's arm with concern.

"Define 'okay,'" said the dragon with a grimace. "My wrist is broken. Just a simple fracture, but it hurts like fucking hell. It'll only take a few days to heal though. Perk of being a dragon."

"Among other things," the lizard mumbled, looking at Zaryn's tail. "Umm, don't take this the wrong way man, but are you homeless? I'm not trying to say you look homeless, but..." he indicated the dragon's tattered clothing and worn duffel, " kinda look homeless."

"Yeah," Zaryn sighed self-consciously. "I'm homeless...long story."

"That's fine man, I'm homeless too," said Semi brightly. "I was just asking because I have a place that I stay with some friends. I'm sure they'd be okay with you crashing with us, at least until your arm got better."

Zaryn thought for a moment. He wasn't exactly the most social creature, but having some people to talk to for a while might be nice. It would certainly beat sleeping on the streets. Without his right arm, he wouldn't be earning any money either.

"As long as it's no trouble, I'm game," he said.

"Great," the lizard said happily. "Follow me."


'Home' for Semi turned out to be an old, abandoned utilities station on the outskirts of the downtown area. It was a squat brick building with only two floors and few windows.

"How do you see anything in there," Zaryn asked after Semi pointed the building out from a few blocks away.

"Oh, it's great," said Semi. "We have heat, running water in the restrooms, electricity, you name it.

"How is that?" The dragon was astonished. He doubted that an abandoned building was a legitimate address for utility companies.

"It's a government building," Semi explained, "so the services were never turned off. As long as we don't use enough to get ourselves on the radar, we're good."

They walked a bit further in silence before Zaryn finally voiced a question that had been bothering him since the pair had left the alley. "I hope I don't sound rude," he began hesitantly, "but I've never seen a tail like that. What kind of lizard are you?"

Semi just laughed. "I'm a leopard gecko. This tail is how I got my nickname. It's like the trailer on a semi."

"Ahh, I see," the dragon said, his curiosity satisfied.

"My turn," said Semi casually. "Before we go in, I need to know how old you are. Just to make sure my friends...umm...behave appropriately."

"Well, it's a bit complicated." Zaryn was used to having to walk people through this part.

"How is your age complicated?"

"I'm 18 years old," the dragon stated simply, "but dragons mature at about 75% the rate of most other species. From a physical standpoint, I'm about 14."

"Aaaaand, from a legal standpoint," Semi prompted.

"Same as anybody else," said Zaryn, "I'm legal. I'm just not through growing yet."

Semi, who was already a head shorter than the dragon, just laughed. They had just arrived at the door of the building.

"I need you to wait out here for a minute," Semi said apologetically. "I just need to explain to everybody what's going on."

Zaryn nodded, so Semi went in, closing the door behind him. The dragon used the few moments alone to examine his injured wrist. The pain had dulled to a throbbing ache, and the joint was swollen. The scales at the impact site had been cracked, crushed, and otherwise damaged. They would probably fall out within a few days. Zaryn was able to determine that the very end of his ulna had been fractured. It was a simple fracture, so the bone didn't need to be set, but his wrist would need to be stabilized to prevent further damage. He'd just started to look around for some materials to make a splint when the door opened again.

Semi was there, beckoning Zaryn in. Just inside the door was a large, dim room that was lit by just a few low-wattage floor lamps. There were about a dozen chairs and sofas set up in a rough circle around a broad, low table. There were four people sitting around the table, who Semi began introducing. There was a female deer named Wine, Sushi, a small nurse shark who wouldn't meet Zaryn's eyes, a hyperactive fruit bad named Jaws who appeared to be undressing and raping the dragon with his eyes, and a cranky giraffe named Driver who seemed irritated at having his daydreams interrupted.

"There's also Spaz and Hangnail," concluded Semi, "but they're out and won't be back until we're all in bed."

Wine, the deer, looked over Zaryn curiously. "So Semi hinted that something went down between you and some flesh traders. Care to tell us?"

Zaryn launched into a quick explanation of what happened in the alley, aided and abetted by Semi, who seemed to think the dragon's story was a bit too succinct. When they reached the end, Sushi was gaping, Wine looked horrified, Driver appeared grudgingly impressed, and Jaws looked ready to vibrate himself apart at the seams.

"Dude dude dude!" The bat had jumped up and was now spastically pacing and bouncing in front of Zaryn. "Do you really have a poison switchblade in your tail? That is sooo awesome! You have to show us! Please!!! Pleasepleaseplease!!!"

"Jaws, chill out," said Wine. "Go smoke a bowl and fucking wind down a little bit. You look like you're on speed."

The bat pouted for a moment, until Zaryn decided to take mercy on him. Waving his tail around in the air until everybody in the room was watching, he ejected his spine to its full five inch length. He even milked out a drop of alarmingly bright orange venom to slowly drip to the floor. Satisfied that he'd duly impressed his audience, he retracted the spike into his tail.

Jaws' mouth was hanging open in amazement. "I want your body," he said quietly.

Zaryn felt a blush creeping up his cheeks as the multiple meanings of that statement sunk in.

"Okay," Semi said, "before this goes any further, Zaryn has a broken wrist. Driver, do you still have that brace?"

"Yes," the giraffe said petulantly, "but I need it if I'm going to draw for more than a couple hours, and I need to draw to earn my money."

"Just for a couple days Driver," Semi said patiently. "Zaryn's got this super...dragon healing thing going on. It won't take as long for him to heal as it would for somebody else. Right?" The gecko looked at Zaryn for support.

"Yeah, it's just a fractured ulna," the dragon said. He was getting uncomfortable with how much he felt he was putting these people out. "It should be healed within three days."

"Fine," sighed the giraffe, giving up the fight, "if it's only for three days, take it." He reached down into a bag beside his armchair and pulled out a brace, which he tossed to Zaryn.

Zaryn pulled the brace on with a wince and a few grunts of discomfort. It was a couple sizes too small, but that would work in his favor to stabilize his wrist.

"I understand how you feel man," said Zaryn, looking at the moody giraffe. "I can't do my work without my right hand either. I'll make it up to you somehow."

"Do you have some way of making money Zaryn," said a quiet voice. It took the dragon a few moments to realize that it was Sushi, speaking for the first time.

"Uhh, yeah...I do," Zaryn said. "I'm a busker."

"You make coffee," Jaws asked. The bat was wandering around the dragon, examining him closely.

"No Jaws," said Wine patiently. "A barista makes coffee. A busker is a street musician." She directed her attention to Zaryn. "What instrument do you play?"

"I doubt you would have heard of it," the dragon answered. "It's called -"

"JAWS, FOR FUCK'S SAKE," Driver's yell cut off the answer. Zaryn had stopped paying attention to the bat, but he now noticed that the mischievous mammal was looking under the base of his tail. "Stop trying to molest Zaryn! He just fucking got here!"

The bat made a small 'eep' noise and scampered back to his sofa.

"Umm, how old is he?" Zaryn was whispering into Semi's earhole to keep anyone else from hearing.

"An adult, supposedly," Semi answered, glaring at the moping bat.

"I'm just excited," Jaws whined. "I almost never meet other people who can fly and dragons are like the coolest things ever."

"It's fine Jaws," said Zaryn calmly. "It's fine for you to be curious. I know dragons aren't common. If you want to know something, just ask though."

"The Q&A session will have to wait for tomorrow," Driver interrupted. "We need to figure out where Zaryn's going to sleep."

"Spaz and Hangnail's beds are out," Wine said. "They haven't even met him. It's not really polite to have them come home to a stranger in their beds."

"Oooohh, me! He can sleep with me!" Jaws was bouncing up and down again.

"NO!" The shout came from Wine, Semi, and Driver all at once.

"He'd like to be able to sleep without being molested," said Driver.

"I wouldn't molest him...while he was sleeping," the bat said innocently.

"Haha, I see what ya did there," Semi said drily.

The dragon was tempted to say that he was fine sleeping with Jaws. The bat would probably show him a good time. He wanted to make a good impression, though, so kept his mouth shut. It wouldn't do to be thought of as a slut.

"He can't sleep with me," Driver said. "I'm on a glorified cot."

"My bed's bigger," the lizard said slowly, "but my tail is like a second person already. It would be a bit cramped with the three of us."

"I'm fine with sleeping on a couch," said Zaryn helpfully. He was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable with how much trouble he was causing his new friends.

"HA! Yeah right," said Wine. "Tell me, which one of these 'couches' would you like to sleep on?"

Zaryn looked around and let out a defeated sigh. There were several couches, but they were really only loveseats. He would have to be 12 years younger in order to lay down on one of them comfortably.

Semi was smirking at him knowingly. "You'll just have to sleep with Sushi," the lizard said.

The shark looked positively alarmed by this development. "I dunno guys," he mumbled. "I move around a lot and I snore...I wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable."

"Don't worry," Zaryn said soothingly, "I sleep like a rock." Jaws got an odd look on his face when he heard that, but wiped it off quickly enough.

"Umm...okay then," Sushi said resignedly.

"Alright folks," Semi said, "Now that that's settled, it's after midnight. Time for bed."

Everybody said goodnight to each other, then went off to their respective rooms. Semi and Driver appeared to share, while Jaws and Wine seemed to have their own rooms. Sushi led Zaryn through a door in the back of the main room, revealing what looked to have been an office. Now, most of the space inside was taken up with a king-size mattress that was sitting directly on the floor. There was also a plastic set of drawers that appeared to hold a few sets of clothes and a cardboard box that had some belongings in it. The whole room was lit by a set of white holiday lights wrapped around a metal pipe running from the floor to the ceiling on the far side of the mattress.

Sushi mumbled something unintelligible, the skin on his face darkening perceptibly.

"Sorry, but I didn't hear a thing you said," Zaryn said.

"I said I usually sleep naked, but I can keep my clothes on if you want," Said Sushi a bit louder.

"No, that's fine," Zaryn said through a yawn. "My scales ruin clothes if I'm rolling all over in them."

"Oh, mine too," said the shark with another blush.

Without another word, they both started stripping down. It was rather anticlimactic after all. Both the dragon and shark had internal genitalia hidden behind barely-noticeable slits. Zaryn pulled a large, green microplush blanket out of his duffel bag and put his dirty clothes into a trashbag that was stuffed into the duffel. Sushi climbed onto the mattress on the side of the lights and patted the other side for Zaryn to enter.

"It's good you have a blanket," said Sushi quietly. "It's supposed to get pretty chilly tonight."

Zaryn hopped into the bed next to Sushi and covered up. The shark pulled the plug on the lights, plunging the room into inky darkness, with only a little light creeping in under the door. After the exhausting events of the night, it didn't take long for Zaryn to drop into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Zaryn woke up to a strange, silver-green twilight. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he realized the color was from the morning light from the single window filtering through his wing membranes. He had wrapped his wings around his body to conserve body heat, something common among Taiga dragons when conditions became cold. This time, however, there was a guest. Sushi had been cocooned inside the wings' warm embrace and was currently nuzzled up to Zaryn's chest. The dragon also had his arm wrapped around the shark, hugging him close.

Zaryn, like other dragons of his species, had full control over his erections. This was fortunate because his current predicament would have had him extremely hard. Sushi wasn't so lucky. Based on the musky smell and the damp, throbbing presences pressed into the dragon's belly, the shark was currently sporting major boners in his hemipenes.

While Zaryn was perfectly happy with his current circumstances, he was a bit curious about how Sushi would react when he woke up. The dragon decided to relax, close his eyes most of the way, and wait for the shark to do just that. It wasn't a long wait. After about 15 minutes, Sushi stirred, grumbled something about warmth, and opened his eyes.

The shark's head whipped around for a few moments as he tried to figure out what was going on, but he quickly calmed after remembering who his bedmate was. Sushi nuzzled back up to Zaryn's chest and let out a contented sigh, a cute smile plastered on his face. The dragon felt, rather than saw, Sushi reach down and grip his twin members, grinding them into Zaryn's belly and splattering precum along the scales.

Zaryn figured that now would be as good a time as any to make a move. Relaxing several muscle groups in his groin, he felt blood rushing in to fill his draconic shaft. It took less than a minute for the scaled slit to part, allowing inch after inch of tapered silver cock to slide out. The dragon directed his prehensile tool up and between the shark and his belly. As the still growing erection began to push against Sushi, Zaryn heard a gasp of surprise followed by a moan of arousal.

Finally, the silver spire was fully erect and extended to its full throbbing 12 inch length. It was positioned so that it was wedged between Sushi's hemipenes, which felt to be about 7 inches each. Zaryn anxiously waited to see how the shark would react to the appearance of his dragonhood. He wasn't disappointed.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Sushi began grinding against the dragon's cock, lubricating it with a steady stream of pre from his own twin shafts. After a few thrusts, Sushi dipped his head and began lapping at the tip of Zaryn's dick, slurping down the stream of juices that was oozing out.

The dragon thought it was high time he got in on the fun. Placing one hand on the shark's ass and the other on the back of his neck, Zaryn let out a deep rumble of pleasure before speaking.

"Good morning," the dragon purred.

"Z-Zaryn...I-I didn't...this i-isn't-," the shark stammered, clearly in a panic.

As adorable as Zaryn found Sushi's flustered stammering, he decided to end his friend's suffering. Rather than trying to cut across the stuttered stream of apologies, the dragon decided to take a more direct route to calming Sushi down. Leaning down, Zaryn pressed his lips against the shark's, silencing everything but a small moan. The kiss lasted for several long seconds before Zaryn pulled back.

"Better?" the reptile asked with a smile.

Sushi just nodded and giggled. Zaryn decided that they'd better finish up before someone came along and interrupted. Reaching down, he grasped both of the shark's pre-slickened shafts in one large hand, ignoring Sushi's delighted squeal, and pulled them downwards. Pressing the pointed tips to his tailhole, he slowly guided them both into his inner passage. Zaryn had taken some objects in the backside before, but never a living cock, much less two. The sensation of hot, throbbing flesh slowly spreading him apart as it ground against his prostate was almost more than the dragon could handle.

Once the two dripping members were wedged firmly in his ass, the dragon placed his hands on Sushi's narrow hips and pulled him forwards. The shark let out a long, shuddering moan as his most sensitive bits were slowly engulfed in the clenching heat of Zaryn's tailhole. Before long, the rough scales of Sushi's slit were pressed against the smooth ones of Zaryn's ass.

After his cocks were hilted, Sushi seemed ready to take over. The shark set up a long, slow thrusting rhythm, pulling his twin spires almost entirely out before thrusting them back in to the hilt again. Zaryn was squirming and moaning from the assault on his ass, but his lover decided to up the ante. Sushi grasped the massive, drooling silver cock before him and pulled the pointed head into his mouth. The shark ran his tongue back and forth over the sensitive tip of Zaryn's dick while using one hand to stroke the shaft.

Aside from some mutual masturbation, Zaryn was essentially a virgin. He wasn't able to handle this much stimulation for very long. It only took a couple minutes before the dragon was sent tumbling over the edge. His instincts said to accompany his release with a roar, but, not wanting to terrify his partner or the others outside the room, he held the noise in, transforming it into a deep bass rumble that shook the mattress and vibrated his body. Sushi was treated to load after sticky load of hot dragon seed being pumped into his maw. The shark proved himself to be quite a trooper, swallowing the vast majority of the salty treat.

Sushi, while more experienced than Zaryn, could only take so much of the sensory assault he was feeling. The combination of warmth, heat, orgasmic clenching, and oddly pleasurable vibration from the dragon's suppressed roar pushed the shark to his own complex. With a series of grunting moans, Sushi proceeded to fill Zaryn's ass with salty shark cum.

After several seconds of packing their respective breeding fluids into each other's digestive systems, the orgasms finally tapered off. Sushi, with a noticeable bulge in his belly, pulled his softening members out of Zaryn's tailhole. Zaryn clenched immediately, keeping most of the shark's seed from leaking out. Sushi pulled the dragon's face down and gave him a tender kiss, allowing Zaryn to get a taste of his own spooge from the shark's tongue.

Sushi soon broke the kiss and pulled back. He knocked lightly on the inside of Zaryn's wing. The dragon withdrew his wing, letting a rush of cold air in and all the steamy, musky air that had been trapped in the wings out. Sushi grabbed his discarded shirt from the night before and proceeded to wipe himself clean of the pre and jizz that had dribbled and squirted on him. When he finished, he tossed the shirt to his companion, getting dressed as Zaryn cleaned himself.

Zaryn got off the mattress and pulled out a fresh set of clothes. Since his clothing had a complex series of buttons and snaps to accommodate for his wings and tail, it took the dragon quite a bit longer to dress than Sushi, who had walked out of the room without a word once he was clothed.

Now fully dressed, Zaryn stretched, hearing his joints pop and crack, and headed for the door. It was time to face his new friends, and the dragon knew he smelled like a used condom. Oh well, nothing to be done about it now. He opened the door and stepped out towards the group of smirking faces turned towards him.

End of part 1.

_ Well there we go. Most of the main characters have been introduced, a plot has been started, and sex has been had. I actually have most of the next chapter written too, so that should be out in the near future. I hope everybody enjoyed. Perhaps some of you are wiping up. Regardless, I'll see both of you in the next story. Thanks for reading!_

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