The Gift of Thrift

Story by Le_Trebuchet on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

A small, fitness-obsessed goldfinch recieves a new fasion acessory that leads him on a journey of physical as well as social growth. Story for my friend pufferville containing two of his characters as some rather mischevious shopkeepers.

Contains species to species TF, muscle, weight and height gain, male on male sex, and, well, daddy part growth.

Comments and critique appreciated, and enjoy!

Malachi didn't even know why he was in this stupid place. Well, he knew, but there was no way in hell he was going to acknowledge it. Even on the way in a weasel, not even a tall one, had given him a smirk when he'd gotten off the bus. Malachi was a buff dude even by his own standards and knew he could've licked the guy. The problem was he was a goldfinch, 5' 2" and covered in soft gold and black plumage. People should fear him, given all the time he spent at the gym and doing the MMA training.

It was the oddest thrift store he'd ever been in, not that there were many he'd want to be caught shopping in. He may never have gotten to be employee of the month often at the delivery company, but when he went out he wanted people to notice him. To see the tight tees and designer jeans he wore on his short frame. He could work a look, damn it. But the shifts were tight and the overtime was going to LeRoy just because... well, LeRoy was nicer. He didn't fight over who got what routes. And so here Malachi was, looking for bargain shirts in this weird new store. They seemed to have a lot of stuff for a place that had only opened a week ago. And never seemed to have any customers.

A tall lanky crow was flipping through a leather-bound book behind the counter and a rattling and shifting was coming from the back room behind the register. The crow had acknowledged Malachi with a tight nod when he'd entered but otherwise they'd not acknowledged each other. Finally Malachi had found a half-decent Going Out Shirt tight enough to hopefully get him a compliment that didn't end with "for his height" and brought it to the register. "Ah, to be honest I thought a man of your tastes would have picked something more... exotic," the crow said as he rang up the shirt with a grin.

"You're not helping bud," Malachi said, more acid than he'd meant it.

"Oh Cedras, hon, leave the poor guy alone," a voice boomed from the backroom. A hefty, bottom-heavy snake with mottled green and gray stripes slithered out of the back room faster than Malachi would have predicted a serpent his size would have been able. "Style is personal. Though I must admit I think you could wear something much more unusual. You cut quite an imposing figure."

Cedras, the crow, nodded slightly in agreement. "Do we have anything in the specials section, Gad?"

Gad the serpent gave a broad grin and without looking reached into a small wooden case under the checkout counter. "I've got just the thing for you, hon, if you're willing to put that sharp physique to good use."

Malachi didn't know what else he could work. His muscles had the sharpest cut of any fur he'd seen, even if they weren't as big as the true gym rats. Or gym oxen. And when Gad removed an old pair of opaque plastic Kangols from the box he almost winced. "Look, man, I don't know how often a guy like you goes into a gym but I'd get those knocked off my face in a heartbeat. And my eyes are fine."

"The lenses are just glass," Cedras said with a hint of a smirk.

"And you could just stop going to the gym!" Gad said brightly. "They'll really make you beak pop, hon. People love a guy with a big beak!"

"S'true," Cedras said quietly.

Before Malachi could jump back the pudgy serpent leaned forward and popped the chunky plastic frames onto his beak. Cedras thrust a mirror in front of his face and... he looked good. Smart. Warmer and more approachable. It was almost like he could feel new wheels turning in his head, wisps of a whole new way of presenting himself.

"Oh hon, they look great on you!" Gad said.

"Free of charge," Cedras said tightly but not unkindly. "In fact, the shirt's on the house."

"Go home, try out the new you! We hope to see you again!" Gad said excitedly.

As Malachi exited the store he pondered if the odd serpent had meant 'new look.'

Back home Malachi kept the glasses on. He'd flexed for a bit in the mirror in his bedroom, admiring how he looked like a guy one might want to discuss art or, like, race cars or something with while still cutting a sharp figure. He'd paused in his self-admiration and noticed the book that his sister had given him for his last birthday lying dusty on top of his dresser. A sci-fi epic that she'd raved about for its political nuance and realistic depiction of "how spacefaring and automation would transform society in the future!" It had sounded like a snooze, hence the dust. But the cover art was pretty cool. He liked war and action stuff, and the cover had a really cool illustration of a spaceship battle. He picked it up and read the back cover. It was about a physically weak captain who refused genetic improvement therapy and had to lead his troops to victory on skill alone. That... that sounded extremely his shit. He carried in into the other room to begin reading. But his stomach was growling, so he stopped in the kitchen on the way and made a plate of nachos much larger than he'd intended. Still, he set the whole thing down on his living room end table and began to read. He ate absently as he did so, though his belly rumbled more fiercely that it had on previous small snacking sessions. He hated empty calories almost as much as he hated being overlooked when he went out.

Soon the nachos were gone, and he felt less than fully sated. It was already time to go to the gym, and he'd only read three chapters. That was weird. Usually it took him at least five minutes to read an article in Men's Fitness. Nonetheless, he grabbed a protein shake for his remaining hunger and stopped to load up a podcast on his MP3 player before he left. He scrolled through the usual MMA and workout stuff, but some of the econ stuff looked interesting. Maybe if he gave it a try he'd have something smarter than his usual stories about himself to share when he went out. He downloaded a good handful and headed to the gym.

It felt good to work out, and he relished the clean burn in his physique from the reps, but he found himself able to use the seats without adjustment. Usually a guy of his height had to set everything as high up as possible, but he maneuvered into the equipment without fuss today. The podcasts were also surprisingly engrossing. If he searched his memory for the bits and pieces of news he usually ignored before the sports coverage started he could follow along with the talk of interest rates, subprime loan repercussions and international trade. Time flew by, and when it was time for work he was more distraught than usual.

He made sure to leave early enough to stop by a drive-thru and ordered an extra-large order of his usual Seed n Feed meal to calm the rumbling fuss his belly was making. He wolfed the whole thing down and blushed sheepishly when he noticed a coworker watching his binging in the parking lot. Usually he'd have rolled his window down and said something confrontational but when they waved and mouthed "nice glasses" he beamed with pride.

"Thanks!" he mouthed back.

The work day also flew by, and coworkers that normally avoided his surly attitude as he ricocheted around the distribution center listened with rapt attention as he explained what he'd learned about the Fed's big upcoming interest rate hike from those podcasts. Monty, a python delivery drier that often glanced at him with a sideways look of pity, clapped him on the back after their break-time talk. "Pretty cool, man. I'm glad I have someone to talk to about this stuff."

"Yeah, thanks!" Malachi almost felt himself struggling to say. His belly rumbled as they parted ways to return to work.

Their shift ended at 11pm, and he found a late-night drive thru to order a much more heaping helping than he'd otherwise have been willing to eat at this late an hour. He flipped through some economics websites on his laptop that he'd learned about from the podcasts, amazed at how much stuff affected his life that he'd not paid attention to. No, not stuff, he corrected himself. Processes, systems. Things with rules that could be understood and affected. He wondered what Monty would have to say tomorrow. His belly sloshed happily as he settled into bed.

Malachi awoke early and almost absently began preparing a huge breakfast. His pajamas were beginning to feel tight even before he sat down to devour the immense stack of flapjacks he'd prepared. It didn't take as long as he'd anticipated, almost as though each of his bites took in more food than normal. He flipped through news and economics websites on his laptop as he stuffed himself, not realizing he'd put the glasses from yesterday on when he'd awoken.

He had a fresh batch of podcasts as he headed to the gum, relishing each rep as he seemed to heave and lift with more power than even his already cut frame had managed previously. His belly rumbled often during his long workout, and he munched power bars almost subliminally as he jogged on the treadmill, his belly sloshing slightly as he ran.

He struck up a conversation with the ocelot jogging next to him, something he'd never felt the urge to do when all he had felt was judgmental eyes on him. He'd seen the cat flipping through a copy of The New Yorker in the locker room, and he blushed above his beak as the fellow commended his take on the incoming European trade deal. They proceeded to spot for each other as they repped and lifted, both giggling in a way that he'd not shared with another fur in some time. He practically beamed when the ocelot offered to take lunch with him, and finally they exchanged names with a chuckle at being so focused on policy they'd never thought to do so.

"I'm Franklin," the ocelot said with a grin. "I've seen you here before I think, never knew you were into this stuff. It's not a place where I felt I could share something like this."

"I'm starting to realize that," Malachi said and scratched the back of his neck.

There was an affordable bistro around the corner, and Malachi ordered extra fries and filling on his sandwich. He gnawed and swallowed ravenously, fighting to make enough space between his eating to share his ideas on the new bank regulations that would be heading to the House this week.

"Man, you can really eat," Franklin said. Malachi felt a flicker of anger cross his mind, but it evaporated when his, well, his friend said "you look good. You could stand to carry more on your frame, a big guy like you."

Big guy? Malachi wondered, and realized his normally tight polo was becoming downright restricting especially around his belly. He shoveled in the entire meal nonetheless, jotting down some books Franklin suggested in his phone for later review.

He'd brought the sci-fi novel to work. Even though annoyance nagged at the back of his mind when he was interrupted while reading, he was relieved to see Monty slither up to the table with him. As Monty rattled off his favorite current affairs magazines for Malachi to check out, the finch noticed his python friend admiring his muscles. "I, uh, I really like the way you get such a good cut on your arms."

"You work out?" Malachi said, and realized how mean it sounded once it was too late.

"Well, not really," Monty said nervously. "But I like guys with the physique. You're looking good, I can tell you've been making gains."

Malachi stuffed the last of the pack of vending-machine cookies he'd been eating into his mouth. He put his arms up and flexed, a big grin on his beak. His schnoz did indeed seem to be getting larger, but maybe that was just the glasses. He was enjoying the way they made people see him.

Monty blushed, then gently reached out and put a hand around one rock-hard bicep. He made a low, almost moaning sound, and blushed.

"It's not hard to get into going to the gym, if you want to try it out. It's like getting into econ or chemistry." Malachi thought his python friend would melt when they agreed to make a gym date for the next day. They exchanged parting sentiments in the parking lot, and Malachi found himself stopping for a double order of his favorite seedburgers on the way home. He finished the sci-fi novel as he devoured the whole order in bed, making plans to stop by the library tomorrow before hitting the gym.


He began to savor, to inhabit, to viscerally, deeply need his new routine. Up early, flexing in the mirror as soon as he'd put his lucky glasses on. Each day he pumped his arms and happily patted his growing belly. It had long since poked between his pajama top and bottoms and was swelling up to be a small potbelly. His plumage was greying, but amazing streaks of color were developing the likes of which he'd only seen in his more tropical avian companions. His small seed-gathering beak was stretching and widening, giving him what his new friends at work were beginning to call a debonair look that he rather enjoyed.

"You know what they say about guys with big beaks; they can sniff out bullshit!" he'd joke as they all laughed. Even his laugh seemed different somehow, fuller and more musical, and he's cut it short out of embarrassment. The cuffs on his pants were riding up day by day as the fabric strained with the new muscle he was developing. It helped hold up his growing belly, but even after he bought new more fitting pants he still relished the looks he'd get from furs on the street as his muscles and bulk rippled beneath his outfit. He no longer stood with his chin at the bottom level of counters at restaurants, and in fact could look most of the young clerks in the eye now as he ordered heaping loads of lunches and dinners between his daily activities.

Sometimes he snuck in extra meals, promising himself he'd work it off with Franklin or Monty at the gym.

He visited the library every other day, enjoying the feeling of people following his path between the stacks. He'd started with large coffee-table books on American history and popular tomes on economics but soon he was devouring the history of Sino-American relations and various global economic downturns. He would flip page after page, his muscles burning from his workouts all the way back at the start of the day and munching happily on packs of cookies or bags of seed. He'd fall asleep dreaming of his breakfasts in the coming morning, all the new knowledge filling his mind as his frame filled with new strength and power.

And there was no denying a very important detail: it was getting bigger down there as well. He'd always been proportional in his manhood, but for a 5' 2" guy that didn't amount to diddly. Now there was a nice meaty parabola peaking just over the top of his pajama pants each morning when he awoke. His balls were also growing, stuffing everything forward in the scarce real-estate of his trousers. His morning wood pulsed slightly with thick veins despite not even reaching a state of full arousal. He was... well, he didn't want to say it, for fear he'd awaken and it would all be a dream snatched cruelly away by the same world that had trapped him in a small and bitter form. But he was growing.

Soon Monty was carpooling with him to work, and coming home after their shift. He'd watch Malachi eat ravenously, feeding his bulging belly and squeezing the finch's rock-hard arms with a giddy grin. They'd discuss what they were learning and what podcasts they were listening to, now planning to start their own. Monty hadn't intimate with Malachi yet, but he'd snuggled into bed once and gently rubbed the bird's belly while it made soft gurgles from his giant post-work meal. The python's tail had slithered back and forth slowly as his hands caressed his friend's paunch.

"You know what you're starting to look like?"

"What?" Malachi had asked tenderly, enjoying his full belly being kneaded by his friend.

"I used to know a guy from Australia. A Kookaburra. You've definitely got the beak!"

Malachi looked down the length of his schnoz, taking a moment to appreciate just how big it had gotten. Mostly he'd noticed he could finish a full meal in only four bites. But through the lenses of his glasses he realized his beak had grown almost as much as, well, his member.

"Speaking of growing..." Monty said, his hand tracing a gentle arc south down Malachi's chest into his woefully inadequate pajama bottoms. He slid it slowly, tenderly, beneath Malachi's waistband and gave the member within a squeeze. The kookaburra grunted and smiled, and when he turned his head to his friend the python was already bringing his mouth forward for a kiss.

They locked lips, Monty's fast thin tongue slipping wildly around inside his friend's mouth like his tail whipping back and forth when he slithered about at work. Malachi wrapped his strong arms behind Monty's back and held him, warm and close. They both moaned softly and his beefy embrace tightened. As Monty played slowly and gently with his friend's meaty cock he slithered over, steering the kookaburra onto his back.

Malachi released his grip and the python broke their kiss, looking slightly crestfallen, but the kookaburra quickly reached his own hand down to the slit that protected Monty's own member. They returned to their kiss, more passionately than before, and soon both were moaning and playing happily.

"We should do this more often," Monty said when they'd come up for air. "I'm glad you're learning to cut lose."

"It helps to have such smart playmates," Malachi said as he slid his tongue back into his friend's mouth.


Malachi was enjoying all the books he and Franklin had been discussing, but the DnD game seemed a bit silly. Pretend? He was learning and, well, growing as a person. He wasn't sure he was ready to come out of his shell yet.

"Oh, c'mon! My two friends who host are cool and they really wanna meet you!" Franklin had said. They were both watching Malachi flex his rock-hard pecs in the gym mirror. His sloshing belly shamelessly peeked out from between his tank top and gym shorts like a sleepy eye. He was now looking at his friend's forehead if he did not lower his gaze, and he'd been asked by some smaller furs to reach for books at the library.

Fearing disappointing his new companion, he'd agreed on the condition they could get seedburgers before heading over. Franklin drove, and Malachi was still devouring the last of his food as they exited the car. When the door opened his eyes widened worryingly behind his glasses. The tall, stoic crow from the thrift shop greeted him with a thin but warm smile.

"C'mon in, hon!" a familiar voice bellowed from the living room.

The thick snake was settled onto his rotund lower body like his own beanbag chair, munching contentedly from a bowl of cheeze poofs on the table with the map board. Cedras took his place behind the Dungeon Master's screen, smiling wryly. And seated next to a buff orca Malachi didn't know was Monty, eyes wide in surprise at seeing his partner at such an imaginatively indulgent gathering.

"I've been told you know each other," Cedras said more warmly than normal.

Malachi began to laugh, but it caught in his throat.

"Oh come now, hon, you strike me as someone who may be hiding a beautiful laugh," Gad said around a mouthful of orange paste. "Don't deny yourself just out of shyness. We're all friends here!"

Monty reached out and tickled Malachi's slope of a belly, and he felt none of the old resentment that had accompanied acknowledgement of his body for all those years. He didn't even feel the shyness of a moment ago. He felt so loved and happy he snapped his neck back and opened his now-enormous beak. The laugh that pealed from his throat was high but hearty, infectious and warm, and soon the whole room was doubled over, hand on their knees (or tail, in Gad's and Monty's cases) and howling along with him. They quaked and chortled and held one another, and Malachi was unable to hide how crestfallen he was when it finally ended.

He'd never imagined adventuring as an adult could be so much fun. He was a tall, muscular barbarian Ox alongside his friend the beagle bard, draconic mage and a housecat pirate. They plundered a tavern where the innkeeper had stiffed them on rooms for the night. Malachi made the room howl with laughter again when he managed to kick away the ladders the city watch was trying to use to board the ship they were stealing. And when the pirate, played by Franklin, fell overboard and was savagely mauled by a shark during a storm after failing a saving throw it was Malachi again who dove in to save him (after they'd all had a giggle, of course).

When the night was over and everyone rose to leave, Gad laid a hefty hand on Malachi's buff forearm. "If you don't mind crashing here tonight, we want to have you plan our next session, hon. You did really well for a new guy!"

Malachi cast a glance to Monty, but the python nodded with sly approval. Cedras and Malachi moved the living room furniture back to its normal arrangement while Gad returned most of the books to another room. When Gad returned, however, he slithered in with a massive glass bowl of green Jello.

"We're both very glad to see your transformation working out well," Cedras said. "In addition to providing reasonable prices on daily goods we're able to help out those in need of a new perspective in life. And you've not squandered your gift, my good man."

Gad gently placed the large bowl of Jello onto the coffee table and smiled, scooping up an enormous spoonful of the quivering desert. "There's just one last inhibition you need to leave behind to enjoy all these new nerdy possibilities."

"Oh, I've been eating all day and I don't know if taking it this far..." Malachi began, but Gad cut him off.

"Now hon, you'll never learn to love fantasy if you don't learn to blur the boundaries a little bit," Gad said. He approached uncomfortably quickly with the spoon, and Malachi opened his mouth just in time to avoid being jabbed in the eye with the jiggling payload. It was a big enough scoop it almost filled his whole beak, and as soon as he's swallowed it Gad was scooping another. Cedras steered him to a chair and massaged his shoulders firmly, not restraining him but making it hard to stand.

"Oh nooo!" Gad squealed as he hefted another heaping spoonful. "It's a slime monster! Roll your saving throw!"

Gad shoveled and shoveled, the bowl never seeming to empty much as the serpent fed Malachi's long, powerful beak with all it could hold. He felt his belly gurgling and straining to hold all he was being fed, groaning and distending out inch by inch to droop over his belt line and beginning to fill his lap. His member was beginning to stiffen painfully against the zipper of his jeans. It had grown so big now he could feel the top of its ark peeking up out of his beltline, its veiny girth pressing into his fattening, feathery belly. He didn't know how much more he could take but he wanted it to keep going. And going, and going.

He was vaguely aware Cedras had released his shoulders and could hear the crow removing his clothes.

"You're a good man, Malachi," Cedras said from behind him. "You've used our gift well. And if you want to we can send you on your way with one last experience before you complete your journey.

"Ooooooh..." Malachi moaned as he rubbed his enormous, swollen belly. His dick felt like it would explode and it wasn't even hard yet. "Yes! Let's do it!"

Gad spooned one last especially massive glob of Jello into Malachi's beak. "You defeated the monster with a critical hit," he whispered in a sultry tone. He shifted his blubbery lower body to bring his groin level with Malachi's. Two fat cocks, each eleven inches long and thick as tamales flopped up and against the kookaburra's overfilled belly and he could feel the serpent's heartbeat through their stiff, veiny mass. Cedras had moved to stand by Malachi's left shoulder, and thought the big-beaked kookaburra was tall enough now that he had to look down to see it he was awed by the crow's girth. His penis was ten inches long and thick as a soda can. The crow's massive shuddering cock quivered in the air, the veins standing out like garden hoses and his duct distended to the girth of a fat finger from all his pent-up seed.

"Help us out a little, hon, and we'll return the favor," Gad said.

Malachi sucked Cedra's member deep into his throat without a second though, gulping it down greedily and then pulling back. He savored the feel of every veiny ridge tickling his throat as it slid out and the beefy fullness as he gulped it down again. He sucked and swallowed, pulsing his esophageal muscles and watching the crow tilt his head back in absolute ecstasy.

He snatched one of Gad's meaty cocks in each hand and began to pump slowly, savoring the smoothness of his hefty friend's cockflesh and feeling all the ridges and bumps tickle his fingers as he massaged them slowly, firmly, up and down. Both his beneficiaries moaned and gasped, savoring the touch of their charge as he gobbled and kneaded with more expertise than even they had expected. He pleasured to the limits of his flesh, and then he felt Gad's two penises thicken in one last burst of girth as they shuddered in his hands. Seed spurted up and all over the Kookaburra, splattering the right side of his face as he was still turned to gulp down Cedras' member. He gave one final, pulsing gulp as Gad's seed splattered his face and felt the crow's duct swell as his spunk pumped and pumped down into Malachi's sloshing belly. He cawed and squinted his eyes, and Malachi's belly sloshed audibly even over the moaning of all three. His belly filled and filled, straining to just a hair over discomfort as it finally accepted the last drop of Cedras' juices. It was full and tight, and after he released Gad the weary but grateful serpent gave it a light, playful swat. It resonated with a sound like a tight snare drum.

"Ooooh... Please... I'm so full..." Malachi moaned when Cedras had removed his cock from the kookaburra's beak.

"Of course, hun, but that's why we'll help you now!"

Cedras returned behind the chair but leaned forward, locking Malachi's beak into a deep kiss as he lifted his companion's heavy, gurgling belly with both his strong hands. He kneaded and caressed it as he lifted, and gad maneuvered his fat hands to flop Malachi's fat cock loose from its prison. It swelled and swelled, larger than Malachi had ever dreamed, and when it had engorged to the still-not-fully-erect size of a tube of cookie dough Gad swallowed it down his fat throat. He gulped and suckled with the strength only such a massive creature could have managed.

Malachi felt his cock fatten and shudder, and he could see his pulse jolt through it so fiercely that Gad's shoulders shook. He could not see his member but could feel even Gad's massive throat straining to contain it. The pressure built and built, and his massive balls sloshed with the pent-up seed they were incubating. Finally Gad slid forward in one last, massive swallow and Malachi's duct swelled as his seed blasted out torrentially. Gad gulped and gulped, massaging Malachi's penis with pulsing caresses as he drank every drop down into his belly.

Finally he was dry, and Gad slid back. Malachi's shaft released with a wet pop, and Gad fell back against the coffee table, knocking the empty Jello bowl to the floor. His belly was fatter than normal, and Malachi marveled at his massive, wet, vainly cock poking a good four inches from the end of his stuffed belly. All three of them laid in various states of exhausted collapse, panting slightly.

"Well hon, how's life on the nerd side?" Gad said before rattling off a massive belch.

"I take it you want to play again next Tuesday?" Cedras asked.


Malachi was too happy these days to even remember the bitterness he'd once stomped around with. He never hurried to buy new clothes, partly because his transformation had trickled to a stop and partly because he enjoyed the constant thrill of the attention he was getting. Everywhere he went he seemed to have had his clothes shrunk onto him with a hair dryer, his belly protruding in a grey-and blue feathered sag over the beltline of his shorts by a good two feet.

The bulge in his pants tented his zipper, pointing accusingly at anyone he spoke to. He'd crept up and up in height, now standing a good head taller than the furs at work, his usual restaurants and the gym. He was 6' 6" and relishing being asked to reach items from shelves and turn off ceiling fans. And just seeing so much farther in crowds than he'd ever been able in his angry years. Every line of his hard, veiny calf and thigh muscles pushing out visibly through his ashen feathers streaked with marvelous blue and green highlights. His biceps and triceps pulsed as he flexed for his admirers at the gym, and a different crowd would marvel as he consumed his meals at his usual eating spots. And those vintage Kangols still drew compliments.

Monty was a fixture most nights at home, even though he was having to train up to take in everything Malachi could give.

Often the python just rubbed Malachi's massive belly and giggled when the kookaburra teased him with his laugh. Sometimes he'd carry his boyfriend around the house in his massive arms, rocking him in a gentle embrace atop the swell of his massive belly.

Franklin was enjoying their podcast. They'd been invited to give guest talks at the nearby university, and Malachi was only a few classes away from qualifying to be an adjunct professor. More than anything he loved the respected way furs would listen to him when he spoke, asking serious questions on the latest trade deals and employment policies that he would explain with care.

And of course, every Tuesday was DnD. Gad was coming up with some incredible new types of Jello, and Cedras had made a passing comment about a special piece of flair that may be able to help Monty see the world in a new way. It looked like an old brushed-brass lighter, but when Cedras had handed it reverently to Malachi he'd felt it buzz with warmth against his palm.

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