Leave Them Breathless
Pleasure-filled gasps being driven from the kookaburra as the tiger ravaged him. head rocking back and throat trembling as that signature kookaburra cackle started to build.
All is Revealed
Kookie was in front of him in a flash, the kookaburra's hands falling to his cheeks, "hey maxie, it's okay we do..." max closed his hand about the avian's bill and motioned for him to shush.
Fantasy to the Max
A whispery sigh came from the kookaburra as he lay his chin on the banister. "yeah," kookie tried to smooth his feathers down a bit. "charming as usual."
Kioga: Diaplomacy 2 - Don't.
Move," reiterated the kookaburra.
The Gift of Thrift
Often the python just rubbed malachi's massive belly and giggled when the kookaburra teased him with his laugh.
Man, I Love Alaska
He snapped his fingers, and he and the kookaburra were gone. "no seriously, where's joe?"
Slaughter at Stringybark Creek - Prequel -
kookaburra's. with their laughing call pealing forth, joining in the chorus of the other birds, and in the distance, come the warbling cry of the lyrebird calling out to his mate, before the distant thunder of the approaching stagecoach team could be
The Ashen Monument
A dingoes and kookaburra manned the construction rigs that gouged new firebreaks into the ground. a trio of koala, skink, and taipan in foresting gear tore down well-loved but vulnerable trees and hauled them away where they'd do no harm.
Ties that Bind
"kookaburra," he whispered softly into panda's ear, citing the trigger word to undo the spell.
Ties that Bind
"kookaburra," he whispered softly into panda's ear, citing the trigger word to undo the spell.
In My Masters House - Chapter Two - A Husky Alone
A kookaburra landed in the nearby tree, and as it started its territorial 'laughter', kelsie's ears pricked forwards and she listened to the birds lovely call.
Discord's Belly
The front door of the shop opened not with the normal ring of the bell above the door, but with a call from a kookaburra. cocoa turned around, brow furrowed, and stared. standing in his shop was discord.