Xmas: New Tree for Tannim - 2017

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#128 of Tannim The Dragon Pictures

It's xmas time, a time for trees

When guests come over for candy and teas

Happy to help, but happy to shame

for having a tree that's both nasty and lame

"Get rid of it, they say with disgust."

"Ok ok, for you I trust."

They make it go, then make it better

by buying a new one with all of the trimmings.

"New lights, new tinsel, new topper on top.

No popcorn, no semen, and no nasty old glop!

Just bright new things that don't smell in the least

So out with the old and in with the new.

At least it was cheap.

We saved a good dollar or two.

Sorrel and Briar go to Tannim's for xmas. They want to help put up his tree, which he wasn't really going to bother with this year but, hey, why not? They weren't quite expecting it to be so old. They weren't expecting it to be quite as nasty either. Still, they came for a tree and they plan to get one, after some fun in the snow anyway.

There is no sex, but there is general hyper external genitalia play in a surprisingly non-sexual way.

I wrote this based on an idea by MarauderOctobot

I had planned to incorporate three ideas from my not really a raffle raffle thing, but I ran out of time and this was all I managed. There was going to be sledding and a bake sale of some sort with hyper play.

New Tree for Tannim

by tannim

December 24, 2017

"This tree gets heavier every year, you know." Tannim tugged the tree out of its large box and hauled it up, ornaments jingling, rattling, and falling off the whole way up.

"Maybe if you took the decorations off it instead of leaving them all on each year it wouldn't do that." Sorrel pulled with him, though she was more in the way than helping with her shirt pushing up against it.

Briar tugged a handful of old tinsel strands off it. "This stuff is really getting gross. They're covered in... I am going to assume it is dust as I don't want to consider any other option." The goat tossed a sticky clump of once shiny tinsel into the nearby trashcan wiped her hand. "At this point, I think it's better to just get a new tree."

When the tree was vertical, the dragon stepped back. He shifted his foot and nudged some of his his scrotum off to the side so he wasn't stepping on it anymore before giving the tree a good look. It wasn't in good shape.

Sticky tinsel was matted against the heavily bent wire 'pine needles'. Ornaments were dull with age, dust, and other material he would not admit to. A star hung from the top with two of the points broken. A myriad of lights covered it, left on for years whether they worked or not.

He smiled proudly at it. "I've had this tree almost thirty years now. Never took anything off it after the first few."

"You never took anything off, but by the looks, blech and SMELL of it, you certainly GOT OFF on it." Sorrel looked at the tinsel sticking to her chest and hands and everything else it touched. After braving the sniff, she snorted and turned away. "This thing really stinks, Tannim. I agree with her, it's time for a new one. And it's also time to wash my hands."

Briar moved next to him and pat her friend's back. "I think after Thirty Years, it's time for a new one anyway, no matter how much sentimen... is that a popcorn chain? It's got mold on it, Tannim! You're getting a new one, TONIGHT."

Tannim looked it up and down, then sighed. "Fine. I saved a lot of money by keeping that raggedy old thing. It probably is time to get rid of it." He perked up. "And I don't have to haul it out myself! Since you are making me get rid of it then you have to help me drag it outside." He liked the look of distaste on Briar's face, then called to the llama in the bathroom scrubbing. "You too, Sorrel. There's no rush, it can wait until you're finished washing your hands."

Sorrel peaked out the door. "I'm not touching it again without gloves!"

"You've never been bothered by dirty stinky stuff before, miss I didn't wash my cunt for four months one year." Tannim pulled some rubber gloves out of the hall closet while speaking. "I didn't complain when playing with your ribbons, did I?"

"I knew where they had been and what had been on them. There wasn't any rotten food down there on ME!"

Briar made a face and squeezed her legs together around her long wide inner labia hanging down to her ankles from under her knee length dress. "Please don't mention that. That was just as awful as this tree. I still can't imagine how you put up with it. My blankets itch like mad after just a few days without washing!"

"Oh, but that it was like being near orgasm constantly." Sorrel slipped out and pressed her chest to Briar's back. "Scratching after resisting for an hour or two was better than sex."

The goat grabbed a pair of gloves from Tannim and grabbed the tree. "And stunk almost as bad as this tree. Anyway, lets get this over with. It's bringing back memories I don't want."

Wearing gloves, both ladies helped drop it back into the box. It took a while to maneuver it around the room and through the front door. They left it on the side of the road, where Tannim drew the word FREE in big letters on it. His helpers played in the thick falling snow, throwing snowballs at him as he worked.

Sorrel slipped up behind him after they had pelted him with enough snowballs to get him to ignore their presence and spied his testicles in the snow just a few feet away. She waited a few seconds to make sure he hadn't noticed her, then scooped them up with a handful of snow and SQUISHED the snow tightly together. His head jerked up and back to look and she was just barely ready in time to throw the snowballs right at him.

Briar hit him with a different snowball to the hip just as Sorrel threw hers and it drew Tannim's attention away from his real balls for a moment. When he looked up after seeing his scrotal rope shifting on the ground, the bigger snow and flesh ball splat right against his forehead. He stumbled backward from the impact and the ache in his groin from her hard throw and both women bent over laughing.

When he looked up his balls were hanging over his muzzle with snow chunks falling from his face around them. "Good shot, Sorrel." He grabbed his nuts and flung them right back at her, but she was ready and just caught them. "Want to try again?"

The llama looked at them in her hands, tossed them up a few times, then tossed them over her shoulder. "Not if you're just going to enjoy it."

Briar picked them up instead, rolling them around in the sticky wet snow as though she were going to throw one herself. Sorrel bent down to do the same, then shrieked when the goat lunged forward and stuffed the fleshy snowball up her own too short skirt. While she jerked her skirt of to scrape the freezing snow from her groin, she accidentally pulled her long thin inner labia out of her pussy, making it feel even colder with her hot wet flesh meeting the cold wet snow and air on the ground below.

Sorrel grabbed at her labial ribbons and hauled them up, but there was still plenty of snow between her legs and Tannim's testicles were stuck to her thigh with a thick pat of snow around them. "HEY! NO FAIR!"

Dragon and Goat both darted over to her and grabbed at one ribbon each. The two pulled them apart in opposite directions and all Sorrel could do about it was grab her labia at the root against her vulva and keep them from pulling her open enough to make her pussy itself gape. Cold air wafting up there was intense.

"How do you two keep so warm with your bits hanging out in this?!"

Tannim playfully sprinkled unpacked snow onto the two inch wide flap he was holding. "I think hers are thicker and wider so they hold the heat better while I rather like the cold biting my testicles. You do look cute squirming when the snow hits."

"She does, doesn't she?" Briar sprinkled snow on the one in her hand, then scooped up a big handful, packed it a bit against her belly, and simply wrapped her friend's cunt lip around the grapefruit sized lump of snow.

She watched the llama's muzzle gape in surprise and used the moment of cold shock to scoop up more so she had more to wind up. The dragon pulled back on her seven foot long labia so Sorrel couldn't grab her until Briar had wound four feet of her genital flesh around the cold snow blob. When Sorrel finally did manage to grab the snow, Briar just packed around her labia tighter.

"Quit that! EEP, no more snow, Tannim!"

Tannim stood up and carried her pussy ribbon over to her. "Alright, you can have it. Try wearing it like a scarf." He picked his own scrotal rope up and wrapped it around his neck, dodging his wings each time. "I've found it's a great way to carry my scrotum around in this weather."

The squealing of tires made everyone dive into the snow away from the road. When they looked back and wiped the snow from their eyes, a short mew had already floated the box into his big pickup truck and was already climbing back in. He turned back, flipped them his middle finger, and sped off. They only just heard the "It's mine now, suckers!"

Briar was up first and she helped Sorrel up. The llama rubbed her sore chest where her long teats had taken the brunt of her fall. Her friend's much larger breasts had also took the full force, but she kept from rubbing them to look around for Tannim.

Tannim shook his head and flapped his wings once to propel himself up to his feet. "Wow. I bet he thinks he STOLE that from us! That mean old mew is in for a big surprise when he unwraps his new gift. I do hope he likes it."

Sorrel squeezed herself some more before standing next to him. "Can we go now? I want to get warm." Snow fell to the ground from her coat when she shook the hem. "A whole bucket of snow went down my coat!"

Unwrapping the llama's labia from around the clod of packed snow, Briar agreed. "Yeah, same here. That's enough playing in the snow for now. It's time for shopping!"

Tannim kicked at the snow and scooted away. "Umm... I don't actually have the money for a new tree. I spent way too much on things for other people and myself."

Sorrel snorted. "Of course. Dragons always hoarding their money instead of buying things. Well, we could cut one down from somewhere."

"Or we could old saint Nick one from a store." Briar looked from face to face as they walked back. Neither of her friends looked amused. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad a pun."

"I don't steal things." The dragon stared at her for several seconds before turning away. "Well, not unless its easy and nobody will miss it."

"A tree is only about seventy bucks right now." Briar rubbed at her own sore chest on the way through the door. "I guess I could pitch in to get one. We DID kind of make him get rid of his tree."

Twenty minutes of tree shopping later found none at even close to that much. Store after store wanted about a hundred or more. There were plenty of options in shapes and sizes, but all of them were too expensive for any of them to want to pay for.

"Sheesh, it's like the raised the prices overnight just because it's a week from xmas!" Briar kicked at a plastic stand in annoyance.

Sorrel kicked a different one on the other side of the aisle. Both kicked trees wobbled. Both kicked trees bumped signs hanging from the ceiling over them. Two quite large signs rocked far more than they should have.

Tannim backed away, stepped forward and grabbed both his friends, then jerked them back with him again as the signs rocked just a bit more and the cabling system holding them snapped. The heavy over-sized decorative "SALE" signs fell down onto the stack of trees and smashed the cheap aluminum dividers holding them up. A crowd gathered around to watch tree after tree topple over with fake branches, cheap cardboard ornaments, and display pieces going everywhere.

Dragging the newly purchased tree back into the house was much easier than taking the old one out. It was a bigger tree, but the branches were all in a bag, which made it easier to move around. Many of them weren't even bent too badly!

"Can't beat 99% off." Tannim pushed the tree upright, then heaved it up for Sorrel to push the stand under it. "We can put the special branches in the back toward the wall."

It took some time to re-populate the tree with the correct number of limbs, minus the three that were missing, but when they were done it looked reasonably good. Some tweaking with a pair of pliers and green twist ties fixed the more damaged branches. A few nails fixed a slight break to the tree trunk.

Briar hit another nail in just for good measure. "Ok, I think that's it. So, everybody ready to get decorating? At least those were reasonably priced without the... uh... mayhem discount."

Sorrel dumped the bag of cheap plastic ornaments onto the couch. "I guess. They're kind of crappy. Maybe we should have kept some of the ones from the old tree."

Tannim tossed the tinsel into a bucket, or tried to, most of it missed and just hit the floor. "Yeah, I had a lot of fun ones. Even the one Tosh made of my last year for the tree topper. I loved how he made the coil that held it up. Really should have thought to keep that one. It was so perfect. I hope that guy likes it when he opens the box."

"I'm just glad he didn't run us over when he stole it." The llama hung a poorly painted house ornament up. "Should we do the lights before we do the decorations?" They all looked at the neatly wrapped new lights still in their packaging, then Sorrel giggled. "Or we could just pull the cords out and hang those up like ornaments."

"It would be a lot easier." Tannim cut the bottom of one and tugged the cord out. A second cord hung out with it. "Oh, it's a two pack. Well, this one is yours, Sorrel. Two long thin cords hanging out ready to play with."

She snorted, but took the pack and hung it up. "Thanks. Maybe I should write my name on it."

The rest of the packs were also two packs and they were all hung up with just the same spread evenly around the tree. There were only four of them total, so they didn't cover much, but they put out quite a bit of light when they were turned on. It was funny looking, but pretty.

Ornaments went next, with each being placed at random around the tree, even on the special branches in the back that were twisted at odd angles. They bought enough for good coverage and there had been a wide variety of old cheap ones the store had accumulated for years that the sales people had been VERY happy to dump off on them for practically free. Tannim played with a nut cracker crocodile for several thoughtful seconds before hanging it near the top. Others showed little red and green eggs, a soldier, some strange sleighs, snowbeasts, festive fruits and snacks, penguins, wreaths, and for some reason, even a few small decorated christmas trees. The trees were pulled off when they looked too silly hanging from another tree. They chose to leave the drunk santa bent over with his pants pulled down and tail up, though. Anatomically correct and comedic ornaments were rarities.

"Tinsel time!" Sorrel grabbed a handful out of the bucket and threw it at Briar.

"Thppp. Hey! Not in the face! Bleh, it's like sucking on hair in your mouth." She grabbed a handful of her own and threw that back.

Tannim grabbed more and threw it into the air over both of them. Soon silver strands were falling all over, some on the tree, but most over each other. The little bit in the bucket ran out quickly, but there was plenty on the floor and they were happy to use that to keep playing.

Tannim blasted both ladies in the chest with two well thrown handfuls, only to stagger back with a wad in his mouth when he opened to laugh. Briar and Sorrel both stooped for more and grabbed two handfuls each. They threw it at the tree instead of the coughing dragon, then laughed themselves when a long coil of scrotum landed on the tree as well as the tinsel.

Sorrel snorted in amusement. "I thought that handful was heavier than usual. Looks like we're putting up a garland tonight, Briar!"

The goat pulled more of their friend's soft scrotal rope into her hands and tossed it onto the tree. "Yup!"

It took Tannim some time to cough out the tinsel and by the tie he did the girls were on their third trip around the tree with his scrotum. He didn't fight it. Their hands felt good and having it pulled on was always welcome. Watching two lovely women playing with his sack was never bad and was even better when he could have done similar with them had he wanted to.

"Those stiff pine needles feel really strange." Tannim adjusted some of his sack on the tree. "Little prickles all over. They don't hurt, but they are very distracting and are making it itch."

"Oh, do you need us to scratch?" Sorrel stuffed another coil into the higher branches while Briar set his testicles themselves just under the point of the tree. The llama squeezed a handful of scrotum and tree branch together and twisted both back and forth to crush the soft flesh into the harder artificial spines. "How's this?"

"Erf... very nice."

Briar didn't scratch, she just kept adjusting the placement of each coil around the tree, making some loose enough to sag down between branches while tightening others to droop less. Only when she was satisfied did she stroke his sensitive green rope. She was more interested in getting the tree set up.

Backing away, with her hand tracing it's way along the garland to her friend's groin, Briar gave it a good look. "It certainly looks different. Just a bit more tinsel and then a topper and I think it'll be done!"

Sorrel joined them to look at it. "It's a lot prettier than the old one and," She sniffed her hand, "it doesn't smell like rotten spunk at all! Seriously... how did you get THAT on your tree?"

Tannim shrugged. "A lot of crazy things can happen around xmas and you never know where something will fire if you're working it right."

He stood up high enough to slip the cute blushing naked reindeer trying to hide it's bare groin and breasts tree topper up, then plugged that in too. The deer's nipples and balls lit up, making it easier to see that the point of the tree was going into it's wide stretched pussy. The tip of its dick peaked up above it's hand while it's embarrassed cheeks glowed bright with everything els.

Briar crossed her arms under her large breasts. "I still can't believe they had that topper."

Tannim shook his head. "I can't believe you spent thirty dollars on it."

"I can't believe it cost more than the tree."

"Was worth it, though."

They all laughed.


*PDS* Tannim and Ginger: The Dragon's Jewels - 2012

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TMNT Master Splinter's Nights: A Night with Michelangelo - 2017

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TMNT Master Splinter's Nights: A Night with Donatello - 2016

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