Pumping Chelsea 2
by tannim
March 01, 2017
"Miss Chamberlain! I, ah... didn't expect to see you back so soon after what, er... happened." Morris licked his lips, nervous at seeing the dog he'd practically raped last time he was alone with her on his...
Chelsea Chamberlain, Cub, Dog, Hyper, Hyper_labia, Hyper_vulva, Karelian_bear, Labia_stretching, Male/Female, Morris, Otter, Pussy_pumping, Stretching, Vacuum_pumping, Vulva, labia, pumping
New Tree for Tannim
by tannim
December 24, 2017
"This tree gets heavier every year, you know." Tannim tugged the tree out of its large box and hauled it up, ornaments jingling, rattling, and falling off the whole way up.
"Maybe if you took the...
Ball Stretching, Balls, Breasts, Briar, Christmas tree, Dragon, Female, Fondling, Goat, Hyper, Hyper Nipples, Hyper_labia, Hyper_scrotum, Labia minora, Labia_stretching, Llama, Male, Male/Female, Mew, Pussy, Scrotum, Snow, Sorrel, Vulva, Winter, labia, no sex, tannim, testicles, xmas