Emerald Secrets Chapter 15: Gifts and Goodbyes

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#10 of Old SaH

Lyndis and Cordenth enter the Emerald ladies palace to confront her about the dragons father. The night takes a turn and Lyndis gets a special present that is not given to most mortals. Than she and Cordenth share a special moment.

Scales and Honor: Emerald Secrets

Chapter 15: Gifts and Goodbyes

Lyndis followed Cordenth carefully, making sure her boots made little to no sound as they touched the earthen floor. Her hands traced the golden leaf clasp that held her cloak together, the urge to say the activation word and become invisible almost unbearable. She took a deep breath, trying to shake the anxiousness running through her bones and making her shiver in her leather armor. She crouched low, hugging one of the vine walls, letting herself blend in with the shadows of the Emerald Ladies palace.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Cordenth whispered to her, slowing his advance to a crawl as his eyes shifted from side to side. It was like he almost expected his mother to leap out at them at any second.

"Yes." She snapped back quietly, thinking back to what had possessed her to help the green dragon confront the Emerald Lady. She tried to focus on the dragoness that had nuzzled her son so affectionately. Surely it would go something similar to that? She wrinkled her brow remembering she liked to _act_different in front of mortals.

"Shouldn't we have brought Lyyreth?" she whispered, carefully passing a vine pedestal that held a blinking multicolored eye that simply stared at her and sent a shiver down her spine. "Wouldn't he have wanted to learn about your father as well?" Plus having a second dragon along would have been helpful..Especially if we get the nasty Emerald Lady, instead of the motherly one.

"He...was too drunk." Cordenth chuckled, "Besides...I can always tell him in the morning." The dragon guided her with his tail around a corner of the corridor, the dark hallway lighting up with faint blue torches for them, casting them in a eerie cerulean glow. "Lyndis?" the dragon turned back round and stared at her with his bright yellow spheres. "Thank you for being here for me." His frills fluttered as they started to turn a darker shade of green.

That's why I'm here. She told herself.Because I actually care about him. "No problem Cordy." she replied casually, like it was no big deal for her to be risking her life. She strode forward to touch his cheek softly, planting a soft kiss on his snout. "I said I'd do it, and you decided to call me on it. Now I gotta pay the piper....er..well dragon in this case." She caressed his pebbly cheek with a smile, worry tugging in the back of her mind. "Do you think she will fight you on it? Was it wise to even bring me at all?"

"I don't think she will." Cordenth held out a paw, and stopping her for a moment. They sat their in silence for a moment or two. The only sound that lingered in the air was the sound of their steady breathing. "And I don't care if she knows about you now...It's my last day in the forest....and I think she knows anyway. The look she gave me the other night in my cave..I think she could smell you next to me."

Lyndis nodded as she resumed her crouch and reentered the shadows.

"Why are you even sneaking anyway?" Cordenth's tail flicked behind him softly. "I thought the plan was to confront her directly about it?" He snorted as they crossed the hall to a darkened room without any torches.

The only thing that Lyndis could make out in the room was the cauldron from the times before. It was billowing a thick smoke that was glowing a vibrant purple. "Habit." she laughed, standing up and taking a spot right beside the green dragon. She placed one of her hands onto his smooth scales, feeling him shiver as he took his next breath. "It's okay...she's going to listen." her voice lingered in the air for a moment as she watched the smoke flow around the cauldron. "Where is she anyway?" She turned her head to gaze out to the darkness surrounding it, finding she could see nothing of the rest of the room. It must be magical darkness. Since usually I can make out things...even if it is pitch black out.

"I don't know." Cordenth carefully made his way to the cauldron, every step of his seemed to take an eternity as she heard his breaths start to quicken. "She is usually here....I figured she would still be here...even now." he trailed off, his sight still lingering on the billowing black cauldron.

"Should we leave then? Look somewhere else instead of waiting around here for her highness to return?" Lyndis turned around to look back at the hallway they had come from. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge as her dragon neared the cauldron. "Come on Cordy, let's leave that cauldron alone. It gives me the shivers something bloody awful." She tore her eyes away from the hallway and back to her green dragon, who was now standing over the cauldron and sort of looked like how his mother did.

"Cordy?" she asked softly. He did not reply, or even take his eyes off of the object. She felt her throat grow tight as he continued to stare down into the cauldron, like he was transfixed and could not look away. "Cordenth?" she rose her voice with her next step, her heart starting to beat a tad faster.

"We could use it Lyndis." He mumbled, flicking his tail behind him. "We could use it to find my father." he looked up to her, causing her to gasp. For around his eyes had formed golden rings that were glowing faintly.

"Cordenth!" The booming voice of the Emerald lady echoed through the hall, making the green dragon bolt from the cauldron in a flash.

Lyndis found herself turning around just as swiftly. Her hand went to the smooth hilt of her rapier, her fingers curling around the metal. It took all her mental fortitude to resist pulling the weapon out and holding it aloft at the emerald dragon.

"What is the meaning of this?" Emerald Lady bellowed, stomping towards the cauldron. Her eyes were the brightest purple that Lyndis had ever seen thus far. The dragoness' snout was curled into a snarl. " You know that only _ I _ use that cauldron.....It is dangerous for _ anyone _ else to do so!" She snapped her jaws at her son, causing him to slink away from her like a scolded dog. "What even got into that little head of yours?"

Lyndis took a few steps back as the Emerald Ladies attention seemed to be solely on that of her son. She clasped the broach and whispered the word, "Houpe." She sighed as the familiar cooling sensation covered her body, letting her know that she was now invisible.

"I wouldn't have to try using it if you had just told us about our father! The one thing I have been asking year after year!" Cordenth shot back with angry eyes and a snarl. Lyndis could hear the pain in his voice, and she felt her eyes narrow as she glared at the Emerald Lady.

"You know I have my....reasons...the future.."

"I don't care anymore!" Cordenth smacked his tail against the ground, scattering up a cloud of dirt. "You said when we were older, we could know of him...But then that day came and went...Then you changed your answer to when we were leaving the forest...Well that day is tomorrow mother!" Cordenth started to pace in front of the dragoness, who unlike the previous times was now not snarling, not shouting.

Lyndis felt a small sensation of surprise about how reserved she was being right now. Does she actually regret not telling him?

"So I ask.." Cordenth than flared his wings, baring his teeth. "No...I_demand_you tell our father's identity!" The green dragon swelled up his chest, causing his scales to clink together softly as he continued to glare with fury at his mother.

Lyndis moved closer so that she could see the Emerald Ladies reaction. The look she could see on the dragoness' face could only be described as one of pity, sorrow, and possibly remorse. The dragoness stayed silent for a moment or two, her tail flicking behind her as she appeared to be thinking it over.

"I cannot...Now is not the time."

"Now you listen here!" Lyndis found herself shouting out against her better judgment. She felt the invisibility spell fade away from her, and gulped when the dragoness shifted her attention to her instead. She watched the purple glowing eyes narrow at her.

"What are you doing here little Lyndis?" she asked, her voice starting to fill with the anger that Lyndis had come to know over the past few days.

"I....I.." Lyndis stammered as the Emerald Lady took a step forcefully towards her. "Your son...The one you love over there..." She rose a hand to gesture towards Cordenth with an outstretched finger. "Is demanding you share something that he cares about...His father...something that all children should know about..What could be so bad? Or so life threatening that he has to remain ignorant of that focken fact?"

The dragoness froze with those words, her eyes still locked on Lyndis. Emerald Ladies tail swished behind her as her frills twitched on either side of her head. Lyndis could feel her heart threaten to leap from her chest, especially when Emerald Lady suddenly snorted. It almost made her stop talking in that moment, but she swallowed that fear down deeper and continued on. For you Cordenth. "So your going to tell your SON right now."

"Or what little one?"

"Or..Or.." Lyndis pulled out her rapier and held it out towards the dragoness' snout. "I'm going to stab you with my rapier until you decide to be a decent mother for a change." Lyndis snarled.

"How...How dare you!" Emerald Lady gasped, then snarled as she took another step forward. "Talk to me in such a way, in _my_realm." She snapped her jaws, causing Lyndis to side step away with her eyes still trained on the angry dragoness. "Tell me how to raise my own children!"

"Mother!" Cordenth roared, leaping to Lyndis' side with his wings flared out and teeth bared. "Step away from her this instant!" he snapped his jaws at his mother, who retracted her head until her neck was in the shape of an S.

"Hmmm." Emerald Ladies piercing eyes went from Lyndis to Cordenth as she said not a word more. She resettled her vast wings against her back, as she let out a heavy sigh. " So both of you make demands of me then...Regardless of what can happen?" She tilted her head to the side as she raised a paw. It was glowing with a brilliant purple light, the magical aura dripping of it like it was made of water. "No matter what I could do to you?" her snout snapped to Lyndis, who tightened the grip on her rapier.

"If it means standing with your son as he looks for his father?" Lyndis gave a half smile as her good sense screamed at her to stop. "Then hell yes." She held the rapier out further. "Now _dragon!"_She puffed her chest out proudly like Cordenth had just done. Like this would be her final moment on this earth. She could even see the snarl that was forming on the dragoness' snout. "Tell Cordenth about his father this instant!"

" How dar-" Emerald Lady raised a paw just as Cordenth roared at her in defiance.

"You hurt her mother and I will strike at you with all my strength. I will keep on doing so with my claws until I no longer draw breath." Cordenth growled in the back of his throat, "And you will cease to be my mother. I will even curse your name to the nine hells, hoping you join Tiamat in damnation."

"So.....Cordenth.." Emerald Lady spoke after a silent moment, her voice softer than it had been. Lyndis could see the anger, the fury of her eyes wash away in an instant. It was like the Emerald Lady had melted away before her very eyes and all that was still standing there was a mother looking to her son with hurt eyes. "I'm...sorry..I still can't tell you." She hung her head slowly, and Lyndis almost swore she saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Come on!" Lyndis shouted, only for Cordenth to cover her mouth with his fore-paw.

"I don't like the future sometimes..Things can turn our differently, if things don't go perfectly....Imagine this was the only way to keep you two from being killed..." She gave another deep sigh as she rose her head and turned her gaze to her son. "I can however offer you _some_information on him to satisfy your curiosity....I don't imagine it will effect the timeline that badly.....and Lyndis?"

"Yeah?" the half-elf crossed her arms with narrowed eyes.

"You're certainly brave."

"I bloody know that." She looked to Cordenth with a smile. "Someone needs to stand up for this guy." She gestured to the green dragon with a tilt of her head.

The dragoness let out a pleased rumble from her throat as she shifted her attention to her son once more. "She was certainly a good pick I think." She mumbled, raising her snout with a quick snort. The Emerald Lady sat down onto her haunches before them, resettling her wings against her back as she shook softly, causing her scales to clink together. "Cordenth." She hung her head low, keeping her eyes trained on her son. "I have watched you and your brother grow over the years...From the little green hatchlings that snapped at my snout in joy the first moment you saw me." her eyes began to grow larger as her voice became softer. "I saw you fly on your own for the first time, and explore my vast domain for days upon days.....And now we have reached the moment of your life I have dreaded..." She rose her head to stare at something far off like she usually had done. "I thought it would not pain me as much as it does in this moment....But here we are...and I wish tomorrow would never come." She looked back to Cordenth, and Lyndis almost fainted.

In the Emerald Ladies eyes were tears. Not fake things, but honest ones that were starting to drip from her misty eyes. "For tomorrow, you and your brother leave me forever."

"Don't say that mother..." replied Cordenth, taking a careful step, and moving his snout towards his her. "You sound like we will _never_see each other again."

Emerald Lady said not a word as tears continued to stream down her face. They rolled down her pebbly cheeks, and splattered softly on the ground below. She quickly snatched up Cordenth with both of her forelimbs and pulled him tightly against her. Her wings wrapped around them both as she draped her head over her child. "I love you Cordenth....More than the whole world...Your father.." She pulled away to look at him snout to snout. "Was a gryphon of the brightest white..With black markings like a tiger." She rose a claw to caress Cordenth's cheek softly, "And he had the brightest yellow eyes I have ever seen."

So that's where he gets his eyes from? A gryphon? Lyndis mind did a double take. How is that even po-

_"_How is that possible?" the green dragon wrinkled his snout. "You _hate_non-dragons."

"I don't _hate_them." Emerald Lady sighed. "Resentful? Yes. Think they are all like children that don't know any better? Yes."

"And my father? How did that happen?"

Emerald Lady blinked her eyes, fresh tears coming from them like a river of sorrow. The great dragoness could not tear her sight away from her offspring as her body visibly trembled at the thought. "One of my most shameful displays I have ever done...I changed him into a dragon to satisfy my needs..To.." She gestured to Cordenth. "Produce offspring...but he had not wanted to remain as a dragon..." she lowered her voice as it began to crack. "And in my anger I hurt the one I cared about...So I changed him back and let him go free."

"And why hide this from us? Why wait so long to tell me?" Cordenth narrowed his eyes and splayed his wings. His voice was filled with confusion, sadness, and pain. "Why?"

"Because I knew you would leave. You would want to go find him...and perish in the attempt." She tapped her tail on the floor. "The trip you plan to go on with your brother?"

"Yes? Although I might be reconsidering it." Cordenth snaked his head back to look to Lyndis with a fond smile.

"If you go with your brother...You will be set on the path to meet your father again."

"What?" Cordenth snapped his attention back to his mother. "How could I even trust you?"

The dragoness silenced him with a deep hug and a dozen or so nuzzles, combined with affectionate licks across his snout. Like instead of a grown dragon in front of her, he was her little wrymling once again. It caused the green dragon to lean into her touch and offer her small trilling noises. "You will simply have to trust me. Just like all the other times...Even if you don't like it." She licked him once more across his snout. "I_never_enjoyed keeping you here or hiding things." She sighed as her eyes went from him to cauldron in the center of the room. "The future sometimes is a very fickle thing. It requires precision, and a deft touch at times."

Emerald Lady held her son in silence for a time, before turning her snout towards Lyndis. "Now what to do with about this."

The way the dragoness was staring at her with a grin made the half-elve's hair on the back of her neck stand on edge. Lyndis found herself involuntarily taking a step back.

"What to do...What to do." the dragoness' tail flicked behind her menacingly as she strode over with a strut in her step, her son seemingly forgotten. Her eyes that had been filled with fondness for her son were gone, only to be replaced with the ones of a predator, a predator who was moments from victory. "You have the the affections of _my_son do you not?"

"Y-yes!" Lyndis shouted out, watching the powerful dragoness stride over.

"Mother!" Cordenth went to snarl.

"Oh hush now..I am not angry....Just.." She opened her maw wider and chuckled in the back of her throat. "Amused is all." She held up a claw, tracing a thin white line in the air. It glowed briefly as it lingered in the air.

What kind of magic is this? She watched the light follow the dragoness claws as she swayed from side to side.

"You are brave Lyndis, you saved my son..and apparently." She glanced back to Cordenth who was staring to Lyndis with a look of concern on his snout. "Have enchanted my son with your charms." She turned her attention once more to the rogue. "I think you might need a new perspective, one that will show you a tad of what your future has in store for you. A _gift_as it were." She pointed her talon right to Lyndis, the magic spreading from her claws like lightning towards the half-elf.

Lyndis' eyes widened as her heart quickened its already frantic beating. Her instincts kicked in, making her try to avoid the spell with all the quickness she possessed, but it followed her every movement and started to gravitate around her. She felt her body suddenly grow sluggish, as the spell started to circle her faster and faster, filling her vision with nothing but bright white. She felt panic spread through her, but found she could not move or voice her terror into the air.

"Mother! What have you done!" Cordenth roared out, almost as loud as his mother had done previously. Lyndis could have sworn his voice shook the very earth that was beneath her boots.

Lyndis fell to all fours as she suddenly heard the sound of a loud crack. She felt it had to have been her bones, but she had felt no pain. She tried to move her limbs, but found as though they were being held down by the very air themselves.

"I have not hurt her my son, I have given her a gift...Just watch." The Emerald Lady replied in a calming voice, that Lyndis admitted made even _her_start to settle down for just a moment.

Loud cracks once again filled Lyndis' ears as she could feel her limbs reshaping themselves. "What is going on?" she managed to shout out as her teeth suddenly grew more pointed, and longer than before.

"Mother...you didn't" Cordenth gasped.

She did what? Her growing panic only heightened as she suddenly felt two additional limbs sprout from her back, as more sounds of cracking filled the air. However once again, there was no pain to accompany the sensation. What did she do to me? Thoughts bounced around her mind, not stopping for a moment. With a few blinks of her eyes her vision returned to her. What...What happened? She rose her head to look at the Emerald Lady. The dragoness still had a pleased look on her face. "What happened?" She groaned, looking to Cordenth, who wore a dumbstruck look on his snout.

Lyndis pushed herself up, going to stand but stopped when she looked down at her arms. Instead of hands she saw snowy white scaly limbs, that ended in black talons. Dragon talons.....WHAT?_The panic that had started to recede suddenly came flooding back into her mind like a storm. She looked down to her chest to see that it had the same color white under scales. She peaked behind herself to find white, fluffy feathery wings. _No..No..No.._She grabbed at her face to find that it was now a snout. She traced along it to the top of her horned head. _I'm a....

"Dragoness." Cordenth gasped, as she stumbled backwards in a daze.

"What did you do to me?" Lyndis screamed, falling to the ground with her tail thumping on the ground.

"I think it would be obvious dear." The Emerald Lady looked at one of her claws, before spreading and refolding her wings. "I turned you into a dragon."

"You...You.." Lyndis struggled to find the words as anger and confusion welled up inside of her. Lyndis quickly bolted away from the two dragons and bounded down the hallway. She pushed from her mind the question on how easily she was navigating on four limbs. She choked it up to instinct or the spell the dragoness had used. She eventually came crashing through the vine covered main door, and barrow ling into the night air. She grasped her head as the overwhelming sensations made her skull ache.

She sprinted past the frozen statues of stone people, the smell of mold stinging her nose. Frantically her claws dug into the earth as she entered the forest, the sounds of birds above almost deafening to her. She eventually collapsed onto her stomach, claws trying to cover where her ears had been. How is this even real?_She knew that dragons could change into other forms, but make others change their forms as well? She felt cold snake its way into her body as she had never felt so powerless before in her entire life. She had been controlled before when she still lived with her parents, but this? This was control on a whole new level that left her quivering in terror. _Please let this be a dream._She clenched her eyes tightly shut. When the sounds and smells did not fade she opened her eyes. _Of course it's real._She held up one of her forelimbs, inspecting the four digit limb, and the segmented scales on it. _I'm a dragon. She felt her tail twitch by itself and drag along the earth, as her vision began to get blurry.

Lyndis held back a sob as despair crept it's way into her chest as she turned her now long neck to inspect every inch of her new white scaled body. Her fears were confirmed as her eyes traced along every scale, every feather on her wings, and all her talons. There was nothing left of her, not a single inch that she could hold onto. At least I still have my mind._She latched onto the thought like a piece of driftwood in the sea._Everything else was shaped to meet the Emerald Ladies wishes.

I was a pawn. She felt tears start to form in her eyes as she thought to Cordenth, and how warm, fuzzy, and loved the dragon had made her feel. _Was that even real?_She felt herself bare her teeth out of instinct as she felt a flash of anger spring forth. _Or was it all just another manipulation by her? To get what SHE wanted?_She glared up to the star filled sky, sniffing as the first tear flowed down her scaled cheek, and dropped to the ground below her._How can I do the rest of our quest like this?_Her brain asked her as she lowered her head. _Do we even have enough time for me to learn to use my magic in this form?_Another thought came to her head as she narrowed her tear filled spheres. _Or was this a way to keep me here?_Then it dawned on her, and her eyes widened. _The perfect choice....for a mate!_She remembered the dragoness' words about dragons ruling Drenedar._She meant MY dragons..my Hatchlings._She felt her stomach somersaulted as she clutched her sides, expecting to throw up. She continued to sob as her feathered wings shivered in the air, and her limbs quivered.

"Are you okay?" Cordenth's concerned voice filled the air, and brought a brief reprieve from her thoughts as he took a tentative step towards her. It was soft, but not soft enough to not be heard by her new dragon hearing.

"What do you want?" she found herself snapping at him, her words coming out in an angry hiss.

"I know your mad...confused...overwhelmed..." Cordenth locked his eyes to hers, his bright spheres full of kindness and understanding.

Lyndis felt her nerves settle down for a moment as he took another step towards her. She took a deep breath to find his scent was overpowering. The smell of dragon mixed with pine made her mind start to settle, and her nerves unwind. It was like his mere presence and smell could relax her into a state of complacency. _Did...Did she enchant me to like her son?_She hung her head and folded her wings.

"Lyndis?" he swooped in to caress her with his forelimbs, and wrapped his warm wings around her. "It's okay." He grabbed the back of her scaled neck gently, and stared to stroke along the smooth surface.

"Cordenth." she tried to push him away half-heartily. "Your mother...look what she did." She could feel herself start to mist up again, the feeling of powerlessness overpowering to the once mortal.

"It's okay."

"Why would she even do this?"

"Do you not like being a dragon?" He tilted his head to the side, and offered her an affectionate kiss on the snout.

"I did not ask for this!" She pulled her snout away from his and snarled. "Imagine for just one second Cordy that everything about yourself was focken gone in an instant! If your focken mother wanted to prove she was in control of the situation...Good focken job!" Her eyes started to leak again as she found herself lost within his bright spheres. "I can't even keep my true form without _her_permission." She closed her eyes and wrapped her neck around the green dragon she cared for. She found him comforting, the same way a warm fire did on a cold night. "You see what she did right?" she said softly as she clutched the green dragon tightly.

"What is that?" he replied, nearly in a whisper.

"She manipulated us the entire time...Me...You..She wanted you to be with me." She bared her teeth as she repeated the dragoness' words. "For your kingdom will be ruled by dragons, and you will welcome them with loving arms." She pulled back from the embrace to place her snout right on the green dragon's own. "She expects me to bear _your_young."

"T-that....That can't be it." his frills started to turn a dark shade of green before her eyes.

"Is it even real? Or did she enchant me to fall for you?"

"You fell for me?" Cordenth backed away in surprise.

Did I just say that?_She turned her snout away, feeling heat rise to her face. She tried to not think about how he made her feel, and how at ease his presence set her at. _But that is silly...We have only known each other for...It's like one of those stupid stories you read...

"You don't have to be ashamed about it." Cordenth snaked his snout closer to hers and offered an affectionate lick across her snout. "And it _has_to be real....I just know it. There is no way a spell can make my heart to somersaults like the way you make it do....Even if it _was_a spell, I would not care." he placed a green claw on the underside of hers snout. "Because I care for you."

"Thank you." she smiled, staring into his affectionate eyes and feeling her head start to feel all fuzzy. She felt her wings quiver when he pressed his snout to hers in the mortal gesture of a kiss. She closed her eyes and just let herself melt into his embrace, and letting out a pleased sigh. Would it really be that bad to spend my days with him?

"And if I thought you were beautiful before..." Cordenth purred in his throat, causing her to chuckle. "You are even more so now."

"Did you not like me before?" She asked, running a claw along the side of his snout tenderly.

"It's...complicated..Before I found you attractive for different reasons...now you match what dragons initially consider attractive in out own kind." he nuzzled her again, ridding her mind of any confusion she might have had with his words.

Lyndis said not a word and only returned the gesture with a pleased croon escaping her maw.

Cordenth kissed her again, his tail winding around her to intertwine with hers. When they broke away she found her mind was still doing loops as her heart beat erratically. "Now if you will follow me to the sky." He wrapped a wing around her, and started to guide her through the forest. "I would like to go dancing with you."

"How will I be able to?" she found herself asking as she stepped over a log in the path. Despite what the Emerald Lady had done without her permission she found herself excited at the prospect of flight. "I have never flown before."

"Just like you are able to navigate so well on four limbs." replied the dragon as he moved a low hanging branch out of the way for her. "The spell she used should be giving you a basic instinct on how to move. I am hoping that applies to flying as well."

"Won't I ruin our dancing if I cannot fly as well?" she brushed up against the green dragon, causing him to lean back against her with a purr.

"It should not throw us off too much. So don't worry your scales about it."

They emerged to a clearing from all the trees. It was a great faded green field, dotted with dark reds and blues. Lyndis eyed the ground and spied sign of movement, and sections of upturned earth. _Did this clearing form just for us?_She looked to Cordenth, warmth filling her heart at his calmness, caringness, and hoping none of it was projected by a spell. _Did you make this clearing? Or did your mother?_She hated the idea that she would be guided once again by the dragoness into her son's waiting limbs.

"Don't worry." he said softly, moving his nose to be inches from hers. "I made the clearing, not my mother...There will be no more meddling by her tonight."

"How can you bleeden believe that?" Lyndis tilted her head to the side, flicking her tail against some grass.

"I swear on my very scales Lyndis...the half-elf who makes my heart flutter something awful."

"But how can you be sure? When she can snatch my very form from me?"

"She said it was a gift." he replied with a nuzzle against her neck. "Trust me..I yelled at her when you scampered off from that room."

"Some gift." she replied, snarling internally. Leave it to that dragoness to ruin a childhood dream. "Permanently though? How will I-"

"It's not permanent." Cordenth cut her off as his frills fluttered and turned a darker shade of green once more.

"What?" she gasped softly in shock. "How long will I be like this for?"

"It will only last until tomorrow she said..When she returns you back to your original form. Mother wanted me to tell you to _enjoy_your gift."

"Well...this changes everything." Lyndis sighed, her anger for the dragoness starting to fade away. The dread that had a grip on her heart scattered into the winds as she let out a heavy sigh. She looked to the green dragon before her, and her world narrowed to his handsome scales. "Cordenth." she smiled, moving a claw to caress his face. "Thank you for everything...I would have never thought I would meet someone like you in this place." She brought her lips to his, and offered him another kiss that made her heart beat faster, and caused him to offer her a pleased trill in return.

"You want to go dancing now?" he coughed. "Before this kissing leads to...other things."

So your mind did go there after all. She brushed up against him with a soft sigh. "I would love_to go flying with you, o handsome dragon you...and don't feel bad about...the _other_things." she chuckled, giving him a quick kiss. Letting out a pleased rumble from her throat to the dragon she loved. _Loved._Her eyes widened, as the thought surprised her. However with the next nuzzle he gave her she felt that thought scatter away. _I don't care.

"Now I will take you into the sky." he turned to gesture to the stars above with a sweep of his forelimb. "We will hold each other in the other's limbs, and fly together.

Lyndis gazed out to the twinkling sky, that with her draconic eyes looked more vibrant than she had ever known previously in her life. They were almost like diamonds in the sea of black. "That sounds beautiful." she spoke softly, already imagining the wind caressing her face with each beating of her wings. She found herself surprised that her voice was filled with such fondness, a fondness she had never known for anyone else before this moment. She found herself melting into him as the dragon grabbed her maw with his claw, and dragged her into a kiss. His tongue even found a way into her mouth,and swirled around her own.

"I think...if you want to go flying. We need to stop these romantic gestures." She gasped, pulling away with a half-smile. "Or we will never leave the ground, and stay trapped within each other's embrace."

"That doesn't sound that bad actually." Cordenth chuckled. "However I would very much like to show you the dragon dancing before you are forced to turn back to your mortal form."

Without another word she bolted into the sky with him. She found that her wings carried her fine, but lacked any precise, quick movements that the green dragon could preform. He had flew by her, and reassured her it was because the spell gave her the basics, and everything else was with practice. She grabbed hold of his limbs and let him guide her across the moon-lit sky, far above the forest of despair. They climbed, dove, turned, and spiraled over the vast green quilt, the rest of the world seemingly melting away. Lyndis felt her heart grow warm with each passing moment, and pressed herself closer against his black scaled chest as they flew. It was breathtaking, exhilarating, and made all her senses fill with delight with each beating of their wings.

"That...was incredible." she found herself gasping as they finally finished the dancing, and were now gliding gently in the air. She closed her eyes and let the current carry her in it's embrace.

"I am most glad you enjoyed it." he gave her a pleased croon as she felt him pass inches from her. His wing-tip gently brushing against her own for a brief moment.

"Truly a once in a lifetime experience." she smiled, angling her wings and starting to enter a turn. "A shame that I will be like this only for one night." she turned her neck to offer him a smile. "Because that was as I say again...Focken incredible." She landed in a clearing, her paws touching the ground softly. She could not resist smirking at how well she had done for her first ever landing.

"I know.." Cordenth landed beside her, his head starting to hang. "It makes the journey I will be heading out on, that much harder now."

"Because your leaving me?"

The dragon nodded without a word. "I want to meet my father...but.."

"Hey." she stopped and pressed a talon to his nose. "You go find that feather butt dad of yours, and we can find each other afterwords." She offered him a quick nuzzle, hoping she did it right as she rubbed her scales against his. "Does that sound better?" Her next breath of him made her scales shiver. It was like his scent was even stronger now. She felt her talons twitch as her blood start to quicken, and her cheeks start to turn red.

"That it does." he pressed against her with a soft pleased croon. "It will be tough though..Without you now...and especially Lyyreth.

"What about Lyyreth?"

"Oh.." The dragon replied sheepishly. "I was forbidden of telling him about our father."

"What! Why?" Lyndis gasped.

"Because...Mother said that If I told him about it, there was a very good chance that he would die. She told me she could not explain further." Cordenth wrinkled his snout. "Because that would ruin the future she has foreseen."

"That dragoness...honestly..That is her excuse for everything!" Lyndis flared out her wings, and scraped one of her claws against the stone.

"Yes, but it has always been with a heavy heart she tells us these things." he grumbled, "So I am going to trust her again."

"That's your choice Cordy." She sighed, closing her eyes and leaning against the dragon who was oh so warm. She flicked her tail behind her, letting whatever this shivering sensation was flow through her body. If she was not mistaken she heard his own breath quicken as he held her closely against him. "Now...Since I have this form..I should learn how to fight in it." she opened her eyes and quickly bolted away, crouching low and entering what she thought might be a playful stance. She waggled her haunches and brought her snout close to the ground.

"You really want to wrestle then?" he turned his snout away from her with a snort, his frill a dark shade of green. "Why spend our time doing that?"

"What if we are attacked?" she gasped, leaping at him, only for him to bound away from her. "And I am left as a defenseless dragoness?"

"Defenseless?" he smirked, evading another one of her bounding pounces. "You are hardly that."

He had her there. When her paws tasted air again she cursed herself for not being able to maneuver her form better. "You're not even trying to wrestle me back!" she laughed chasing after his tail.

"It...it.." Cordenth turned around as she finally caught his scaly hide. He was spun to the ground and pinned to the grass beneath her. He just looked up to her, blushing as he did so. "W-well it looks like you won." he snaked his snout up to offer her a kiss, one that she returned without a single thought.

"I think you let me pin you." She settled down onto his body,kneading her claws softly onto his scales and laughing to herself when he groaned slightly. "You just love the idea of a powerful dragoness pinning you beneath her don't you?"

"N-No." the dragon clearly lied, his eyes shifting away from her.

"Aha!" she tapped his snout with her talon, her tail thumping behind her. "I knew it." she offered him another quick kiss. "You like being pinned!" she teased.

"Yes." he hissed in laughter.

"It's okay." she sighed, settling her head next to his and taking another deep breath of his scent. It swirled around in her head and made her feel all fuzzy and warm. If she did not know any better it reminded her of-. Her eyes widened as she felt nether lips start to quiver and wetten. Hes arousing me. Just by his mere scent? She took another sniff before giving him another kiss. When all of it simply increased she was certain. The handsome dragon pinned beneath her was making her all hot and bothered, and if the way he was squirming and blushing beneath her he was as well.

"What's the matter Cordy." she asked coyfully, tapping his snout with a talon. "You look a tad uncomfortable right now."

"It's just...you smell....really good right now." he groaned, flopping his head back onto the grass.

I wonder why? She chuckled to herself as she pushed herself off of the dragon, and gazed out to the field of green around them. Noticing that there was a collection of fireflies now dancing in the night air over the slivers of grass. Is it possible you can smell my arousal right now? She shifted her flank, practically feeling a droplet of her secretions leak down her backside. "Would you want to retire to your nest for the evening?" She arched her back to the dragon that had pushed himself back onto all fours.

"Tired of the flying and the wrestling are we?" he sighed, striding over to her.

"Sort of." she brushed against him, playfully smacking him with her tail. "But I kind of want to spend the night cuddled against you, held within your paws. She closed her eyes and could already picture his gentle and tender embrace as he traced her scales with his own paws.

"T-that can be arranged." she saw him gulp when she opened her eyes. "Lyndis?"

"Yes?" she asked, spreading her wings wide in preparation for flight. She could already feel the anticipation once more building in her scaled chest. It would certainly be hard to go back to flying without wings of her own. Was that what you wanted Emerald Lady? For me to simply not want to go back to myself? To stay with your son for the rest of my life?

"Would you be against wearing one of my mothers scale necklaces? But one of my own?"

Lyndis tilted her head to the side. The idea seemed strange to her as worry crept into the back of her mind. "So you can spy on me or something? Just like your mother does to her subjects?"

"No...It would be a way for us to stay in touch." Cordenth's frills turned a darker shade of green as he looked briefly away. "It would even allow us to combine our dreams together, and feel as though we are right beside each other no matter the distance between us.

"So I could spend every night feeling like I was wrapped within your paws?" she asked, the worry fading away to be replaced with excitement. "Because that would be bloody fantastic!"

"Yes." He nuzzled her softly. "That is exactly what I am saying."

"Then I would _love_to have one of these scales of yours. Do you already have one made up or something? Or is there some sort of ritual that needs to be done?"

"We can make one up when we get back to my cave." He spread his own wings after offering her a quick peck on the tip of her snout. "Just try to keep up Lyndis." he bounded into the air with a smirk, his tail playfully smacking her across her nose.

"Oh when I catch you Cordy!" she shouted out in glee as she pounced after him, her wing-beats swiftly carrying her into the air. She caught up to him easily enough with the next few beats of her wings , in the back of her mind she suspected that he was not _actually_trying to get away from her. "Got you!" she roared, touching the back of his scales with a claw as they flew over the forest canopy. Her eyes scanned the tapestry of green for the waterfall, the one that Cordenth called his home.

"Oh no!" he gave her a fake groan, turning his snout to smile at her. "Whatever shall I do?"

"Give me all your treasure?"

"I think _that_might be crossing a line."

"Nonsense, you were powerless beneath my paws back there." she repositioned herself so that she was flying right by his side, practically wing-tip to wing-tip.

"Only because I was playing with you." he angled his wings once the waterfall came into view, and started their descent towards it. "If we were actually wrestling for real, I would end up on top."

"And if you were on top what would you do to me?" she laughed, watching his frills change color as he blushed. They landed with a quick back-wing, and he had still not answered her. "So Cordy what _would_you do? You have not answered me." She brushed against him with a laugh, delighting when he closed his eyes and shivered. "Think I still smell good?"

"Delightful." he gasped, and when he opened his eyes they appeared to be in a haze. "Really hard right now...It must be the spell."

"What must be the spell?"

"Er...Nevermind...let us go create that necklace for you." Cordenth quickly wrapped a wing around her and started to guide her along the smooth rock path to his lair. She noticed with her next few breaths that the dragon had started to produce a musky sort of smell. Not an unpleasant one by any means, it made her own body shiver more in delight, and her already wet nethers dampen some more. It was hard for her to not think about how handsome Cordenth looked right now in the moon light. How his scales would carefully clink together, his muscles moving back and forth. For a moment she pictured him holding her carefully with his claws and gently moving her tail out of the way as he lined up his dragon-hood with her-.

"Well here it is." Cordenth smiled, having somehow brought her to his cave, and came back with a green scale that was connected to a thin chain of gold.

I was so lost in my lust I was.._She shook her head, trying to regain some semblance of herself. Trying to unwind herself from the lewd thoughts of the green dragon having his way with her. _Would that be so wrong? She heard her mind whisper to her, causing her to give out a small pleased sigh. No...No it would not..."How..how does it work?" she stammered out, hoping that the dragon had not noticed her momentary delay.

"It's really fairly simple actually." He took a step forward, holding up the scale before her eyes. It appeared to be one of his own. "We just both have to touch it, and I say the activation words. Then whenever you slumber and wear it. The necklace will try to connect our dreams...If I am sleeping at the same time."

"And no matter the distance." she smiled. "I will always have you by my side."

"Precisely." Cordenth nodded, as she reached out and grabbed hold of the necklace like he was doing.

Lyndis looked up into the dragon's eyes, and taking a few more deep breaths. Taking in more of the scent that was driving her currently wild with need. It was all she could muster at this point to not throw herself at the dragon. The thought popped into her head for the briefest of moments that possibly the Emerald Lady had done something to her with the spell. Made her desire her son more then ever. _But I already found him handsome..and attractive..._She gave a pleased sigh as she traced his scales with her eyes. "Ready?' She asked softly, he returned her words with a nod.

His eyes never left hers for even a moment as he began to speak in a language of hisses and growls. It seemed despite her being a dragon she still could not understand their language. He moved his other claw in small circles, as a faint glow radiated from his digits. The light remained in the air for a few seconds with every rotation or movement that he did, and the entire time Lyndis felt her nerves start to stand on edge.

She felt a small little warm sensation on her spine. It slowly radiated out towards her wings, running through her limbs and condensing in her claws. When the warmth reached her head she let out a small gasp of pleasure, it turning into a trilling noise as she closed her eyes. For the next few moments it was like her entire body had been plunked into a warm bath, that was washing away all the hardships of a long day. Her tail quivered in delight, and she found herself struggling to keep upright.

"Lyndis!" Cordenth caught her softly within his limbs when she went to topple over.

She opened her eyes softly, blinking them a few times to look at the concerned green snout of the dragon she cared about. She imagined that if they had longer, she might eventually come to love the green bastard as well. "Thank you." She blushed, gently breaking from his embrace and standing on all fours once again. She shook her body as the warm feeling had started to fade away to her disappointment. She frowned slightly, wishing that it would have lasted for just a few moments longer. However that faded when Cordenth held up the green scale before her eyes. It looked the same as it did before on first glance, but as she focused on it she came to realize that it was faintly glowing. "I already loved your scales." she gently took the golden chain from him, and dangled the piece of jewelry before her. "I will cherish it always." She broke her vision away to offer the green dragon a kiss and a nuzzle.

"Your welcome." he returned her touch, and ran a claw along the backside of her neck. His talons tracing her scales in just the right way to make her let out a small pleased rumble from her throat.

"I can rumble?" she laughed in surprise as the dragon had started to guide her through his treasure and towards the bed of soft blankets. "Since when can I rumble?"

"All dragons can oh surprised half-elf." he chuckled, running his enticing hide against her gently. "You just have to know the right spot to touch is all."

"What spot can make you rumble like that?" Curiosity lingered in her words as they settled down onto his bed, pressed up against one another. His snout was mere inches from hers, his frills fluttering on either side of his head. "Is it...here?" she rose a claw to stroke the soft membrane of his frill, giving a pleased croon when the dragon closed his eyes and sighed at her touch.

"T-that is a good spot." he flicked his tail behind him, the scaled limb brushing against hers. "However it can't make me rumble."

"How about here?" she did the same thing that he had done to her, tracing her talons on the backside of his neck. She tried to mimic the exact same thing that he had done. She watched his pleased reactions as she worked, and when she had gotten down to the base of his neck he gave a low rumble, his tail intertwining with hers.

"T-thats the spot." he moaned softly, his snout curling into a smile.

"Your adorable you know that right?" she snaked her snout close to his and gave him a quick kiss on his pebbly cheek.

"I...try at times." he replied through groans, as she had not let up with her touching for even a moment. "I...will have to get you back for this you know."

"I can think of how." she replied innocently, ignoring for a moment that she had not gotten drier.

Cordenth lightly brushed her claw away from his neck, and instead moved his snout towards hers. With hardly any effort he pushed her down gently onto his bed, his tongue licking along the scales of her neck. The slimy pink eel, brushed against her scales in just the right way that made her tingle and gasp with each passing.

"C-Corenth." she moaned out, eyes closing shut as pleasure radiated from his ministrations. Her body was telling her she needed the handsome dragon right now. To have him grab her flank tightly within his claws, and passionately mate with her without a second thought. "T-that feels so good."

"Mmmhmm." the dragon replied, licking down her neck and onto her chest. "I can tell." he snorted, working his was down from her chest towards her belly. For a moment Lyndis thought he was going to snake his tongue down towards her ever wettining tunnel, but he stopped half-way there and made his way back up to her snout and offered her a deep passionate kiss. She felt her mind start to melt under his passionateattention, as she caressed him with her claws.

With their maws locked with one another she took a deep breath, and the musky scent that she had smelled before was multiplied. It smelled so good that it lit the rest of her increased senses on fire. She NEEDED him now. When she felt something hard and wet brush against her scales, she knew that he needed her too. "Got..you worked up do I?' she gasped as he broke their kiss.

"S-sorry." he replied sheepishly, blushing as he pulled his head away from her. "I..could not control myself...You must."

She silenced him with another kiss as she dragged his snout closer towards her, and they settled onto their sides. "Shhh...You have nothing to apologize for...So what if your cock decided to join the party?" she nuzzled him gently with a laugh.

"How could it not? When I have a beautiful dragoness in my bed? She is nuzzling against and smells like arousal." he replied. "I thought it was the spell...I did not think you would want to..since.."

"Cordenth." she grabbed hold of his snout with her claw, giving him another passionate kiss as she pulled herself tighter against him. "If you wish to mate with me, just say so."

"I..do." he replied.

"Hold on...Could I get pregnant in this form? Become trapped as a dragoness for the rest of my life?"

"You..are not in heat." Cordenth moaned, his claws guiding her till he was draped over her. "You do not have to worry about _that_detail."

That was the phrase her oozing entrance wanted to hear. Without another thought she curled her neck back to offer the dragon a passionate kiss. One that parted his mouth and allowed her to snake her tongue into his waiting maw. "Then what are you waiting on Cordenth? You have a princess in your cave." Lyndis rose to all fours, padded a short distance from the bed and without shame moved her tail out of the way to expose her dripping nethers. She let out a soft small sigh as she turned her neck to give the male the best "Come hither" look she could muster with her snout. "Wet...and waiting." she said with a soft lust filled growl in the back of her throat. Her eyes went to the green dragon and watched his own spheres stare directly at her waiting portal with a look of need. Like he was a dying man, and her snatch was the water he needed to survive. Cordenth gave a pleased rumble from his throat as he rose to join her.

She felt herself clench in anticipation as she spied his dripping dark pink maleness, a firm rod of flesh jutting out from a field of onxy scales. Droplets of his preseed was pitter pattering against the stone as he padded over to her.

"That I do." he said softly. "And when she is so inviting, how can I not sample her?" he grabbed her flank with a claw, and snaked his snout towards her waiting lips, and gave them a swirling lick with his tongue.

Lyndis gasped and kneaded the floor with her talons as dragon's thick tongue made her feel like electricity was running through her nerves. "Ooooo..what a gentledragon." she crooned as he dove his tongue into her passage and began to lap away at her fluids.

"Mmmhmmm." he replied, delightfully licking, slurping at her pussy with his tail wagging behind him in delight.

Lyndis groaned and twitched at his lovely ministrations, her eyes briefly glancing to his cock throbbing and dripping before her. Part of her wanted to return the favor by wrapping her snout around it, but it was disappointingly out of her reach. With the next passing of his tongue inside of her she let out a passionate moan, and rose her hind quarters for the horny male. "ooooo....Cordenth.." she moaned softly as his tongue probed her, gently brushing against her clit. It made her legs quiver as her portal clutched his slipperiy organ in bliss. She gasped and shut her eyes, with her wings fluttering out of her control. Now she had had oral sex before, but this, this was something else entirely. She just let the dragon work her body into a needy, dripping frenzy, that send pleasure radiating through her. "D-don't you want to wait for.." she moaned out with her tail twitching, as the green dragon's constant brushing of her pleasure button practically had her begging the green dragon to mount her and plunge his maleness into her needy body and quell the burning need in her loins.

"Patience." he mumbled between slurps, obviously not wanting to stop teasing her with his tongue.

At this rate...I'm going to-. She felt her body tremble as she could feel the sensation of her climax quickly approaching with each stroke of the dragon's slippery eel of a tongue. "I'm going to....Cordenth."

"Do it." he growled in pleasure, tightening his grip on her flank and redoubling his efforts. His tongue pressed against her clit and continued to work her over.

It was like a wave that struck her and made her unbashfully let out a loud moan of pleasure. It radiated off the cavern walls and let anyone who could hear it just what was going on between the pair. Her body shivered as her pussy clenched around the dragons wiggling tongue, and drenching him with her liquid excitement. Her climax radiated through her for several more moments of pure bliss as she scratched lines into the stone below her, and was left gasping and moaning as he gave her vagina a few more licks. It caused her to moan some more as his tongue teased along the now hyper sensitive folds.

"Sensitive?" he asked with a coy smile, slurping the dripping womanly fluids from his snout

with a swipe of his tongue.

"Y-yes." she moaned, as she felt him change his hold on her, and rise up onto her back.

"Are you sure about this my princess?" he asked softly as he lowered his head next to hers. His maleness rubbed the lips of her slick passage with his tapered tip.

She offered no coherent answer as the mere tip was sending rippling waves of delight down her spine, and almost made her push back and force it inside of her. If his cock is better than his tongue..I'm in for a ride. "I'm ready for you my dragon." she turned her snout to offer him a quick kiss as he pressed himself into her lips with a steady firm push. She broke away with a gasp as his cock spread her folds wonderfully, causing her whole body to light up in pleasure as he pressed himself further and further into her sodden depths.

"Graaah." she moaned out when the first of his ridges made it's way into her. Everyone that popped into her rubbed her insides in just the right way to make her quiver, and sing his praises. "Cord..." she groaned as he sheathed himself inside of her depths.

"Ready to be mated?" she felt him playfully nip her neck with his teeth, causing her to groan.

Her body clenched around his throbbing maleness, feeling his strong heartbeat through his firm breeding pole. "Take me." she moaned, gasping as he pulled all the way out to the tip, and then plunged back into her depths with a forceful thrust that made her struggle to maintain her footing. She cried out as he growled lustfully, re-positioned his placement and picking up the pace of his thrusts. "Gaahh...Grr.." She closed her eyes and gasped as he hammered her g spot over and over again, reducing her to a writhing wet mess that was crying out in bliss at every thrust. She roared out as he touched her deep inside like she had never had before.

Despite the constant mind shattering cock that was battering her entrance, he grabbed her even tighter and intertwined his tail with her own. He let out a pleasured purr from his throat as he worked her body up to another pleasure filled high.

Lyndis could feel the wave of climax soon approaching with each thrust of the dragon. The pleasure wrapping itself around her mind and whispering to her to surrender to the dragon that was claiming her as his own. "Oh Cordenth." she moaned softly, looking to him and seeing how her moans were spurring him on to press his way harder into her. His cock felt amazing to her, like her pussy was made just for it. It wrapped his maleness like a glove, clenching, stroking, and squeezing him like it desperately wanted the seed he would give her. When her climax came her lips began to flutter, and her portal clenched down onto his maleness as she let out a roar of pleasure.

Despite the milking of his cock Cordenth nipped her neck again. "So tight.." He groaned out with closed eyes. "So good."

His thrusts, pushing into her and causing her to spasm and twitch like a bitch in heat. Yet the dragon still pounded away at her depths, with determination to seed her. _How much more can he?_She barely thought as her body started to meet his thrusts, wanting more of him as the sounds of their mating sounded off the halls, intermixed with their moans and gasps of bliss.

Every breath was mixed with the carnal smell of their mating, and her recent orgasm. The musky scent caused her already lust filled senses to climb every higher with each thrust, and smack of his scales on her own.

"Lyndis." she heard him gasp as his cock seemed to grow in size, stretching her already sensitive folds even more as a hard ball of flesh at the base of his cock battered against her entrance, demanding entry to her temple.

He has a knot. She felt her heart swoon as his next forceful thrust was accompanied with a bite around her neck to hold her still. Her lips widened enough to grant him a slight foothold in the effort to conquer her pussy. She roared out in half anguish and pleasure as he thrust harder and harder against her needy body until with one powerful thrust she accepted his knot in it's entirety. Her lips locked firmly behind the hard flesh as her body shuttered in ecstasy.

If the last two orgasms were waves of pleasure, this one was like a hurricane of the highest order. It was if his cock was a key to unlocking a realm of delight she had never known. Her tunnel rippled and gripped his cock tight once more, causing her dragon to roar out and start to shoot ropes and ropes of warm sticky dragon seed into her waiting depths. Her pussy worked for him, milking the spurting dragon for all he was willing to give her, and warming her insides to no end. Her orgasm left her gasping, moaning, and dripping onto the cavern floor. She closed her eyes and focused on his heartbeat, the warmth inside of her, and the constant squirts of dragon jizz into her portal.

She gasped out, still quivering in tingles of pleasure as his cock continued to spurt small trickles into her, and her pussy continued to squeeze at his length demanding more. "That..." Words were hard to come from her mouth as she continued to clench at his flesh and moan her approval. "Was incredible."In the back of her mind she realized it would be hard to go to anything less than a dragon cock after this.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." he replied gasping, and resting against her back with a smile. He nuzzled her tenderly as he ran a claw along her scales gently. "I certainly felt that you did...You practically squeezed me dry!" He laughed, licking her neck as another spurt of cum shot inside her.

"I've...never...taken a knot before." she laughed, returning his smile. She let out a deep breath as she felt him shift again, her insides fluttering and continuing to caress his maleness.

"And?" he smirked, nuzzling her with his neck. Causing her to press into his touch, giving him a pleasured croon from her throat.

"I don't think I could go back to not having one to finish me." She sighed in content, perfectly fine to stand here with the dragon that had bred her so passionately. "But..how long will we be stuck like this?"

"Most likely long enough for us to regain our energy for another romp." he chuckled, starting to awkwardly move with her as she padded her way back to the bed.

She moaned, groaned, or gasped with every pleasurable step on the stone. She blushed as she felt her fluids dripped onto the ground, and her pussy clenched again around the knot locking her to Cordenth. "Enough energy for another round?" she gasped, carefully laying with him onto the soft furs of his bed. "I don't think I will survive." she giggled, leaning back on the warm dragon and offering him a passionate lick on his snout.

"We don't have to if you don't wish to." he smiled back, returning her lick with his own. "I think we are satisfied for the night, and I certainly am not here for just a good mating."

"Lets see how I feel in a bit my wonderful, handsome dragon." she closed her eyes and squeezed his cock with her pussy again, causing her tail to twitch. "I....have a feeling I might want all you can give me."

"That sounds pleasant my delightful princess." He rumbled, settling down his snout next to hers, and giving her a pleased snort.

They did end up having another mating that night, it started out practically when the dragon had softened enough to pull out of her sodden hole. He had kissed her, made out with her, and was soon thrusting back into her willing body. Once more she was left a writhing beast calling out his name as her body milked him. It ended up just like the previous time as he shoved his knot once again into her body, shooting another large load of dragon making batter straight into her waiting depths. They collapsed onto his bed, gasping for breath and nuzzling one another.

"Ready for slumber my beautiful dragoness?" He purred softly. His tongue flicked across her neck once more, with the tenderness reserved for the most loving of mates.

"With your cock buried inside me?" She smiled, leaning into him and just savoring his continued spurts. "That..sounds...lovely." she closed her eyes with a pleased rumble, and pressed her cheek against his.

"Sweet dreams." she heard him say softly between his sensual licks, and when he finished he settled his snout next to hers.

"Good night." she mumbled back, flicking her tail behind her as she felt sleep begin to take her away. The thought occurred briefly to her that this was the emerald ladies plan the entire time. _To never want to leave your son....I...I think I love him..._She gave a deep sigh, as the idea did not frighten her in the slightest.


When she awoke the next morning, the sun had already started to shine it's golden rays through the waterfall into the cave. Lyndis let out a yawn, blinking her eyes as she still felt the green dragon she adored holding her with his paws. She let out a pleased sigh as she snuggled up against him. I'm glad that wasn't a dream."Cordenth." she said softly, pushing his snout with her paw gently. "We have to go see your mother so that I can be turned back to normal."

"Do..we have to?" he groaned, opening one eye lazily. "Can we not stay like this all morning snuggled close my beautiful dragoness?"

"No lazy scales." she broke free of him, standing to all fours and shaking her scales. "I have an adventure to go on...and _you_have a quest of yours to get on." She arched her neck to smile as Cordenth pulled himself up from his bed.

"Course you remind me." he wrinkled his snout.

"Hey." she brushed up against him gently, and grabbed the small necklace he had given her. "We have this remember?" she held it out to him, and offered him a tiny kiss. "It will be like we have each other EVERY night."

"That will be the only thing to keep me warm through the lonely nights." he sighed, returning her affections as he started to guide her through his treasure and out to the morning air.

"Will we be able to do anything...lewd? She asked, pushing against his shoulder as she sighed at the morning sun's warmth.

"That can certainly be arranged if you want." Cordenth purred.

"How could I resist a strong, charming dragon such as yourself?"

"You know how to make my frills turn green." He laughed. "But same goes for you. The enticing princess of my dreams."

"With this amulet, that will_literally_be the case." She spread her wings wide, the feathers making the green dragon's eyes go wide. "Whats the matter?" She smiled. "Did you not see them in the night?"

"I did not see them _this_clearly. They are....beautiful..stunning.."

"Oh Cordy." she blushed, "You are such the gentlemen."

"Gentledragon." he corrected her, spreading his own wings and leading her into the air with a chuckle from his throat. With his next wing-beat he had brought her through the trees, passed the clearings, and towards the vast palace of vines that the Emerald Lady called hers.

Lyndis looked down to the forest of despair. In this light, and with the dragon she cared for flying beside her, it truly felt less scary.For I found you Cordenth..A treasure hidden among this forest...a secret gem.. Part of her imagined herself within the forest, here with Cordenth...Ruling over all of it. She shook her head softly as they neared the Ladies palace. Her eyes were drawn to the green dragoness, who was standing at the front of the vast structure, the sun practically sparkling off her emerald scales.

"Well if it isn't the two love dragons." Emerald Lady said with an amused tone as they landed close to her. " How was your evening Lyndis?" she sniffed the air, a coy smile coming to her snout. "Had fun I take it?"

Damn her....is nothing private?"We did have fun, if you must know." she held her head up and glared at the dragon. "I rather enjoyed being a dragon."

"And if I said you had to stay that way for the rest of your days?"

"I..." Lyndis' thoughts stumbled...Cordenth had said.. "Cordenth said you would turn me back!"

"I did....It was simply a question."

"Oh.." Lyndis sat down onto her haunches, her tail flicking behind her. She placed a talon to her chin, thinking it over. For the most part it had been a most enjoyable experience. She looked to Cordenth, remembering how sweet the night and what they had gotten up to. "I actually don't think I would mind." She sighed finally, causing the dragoness to laugh deeply.

"Just as I thought little mortal. Consider yourself lucky, most are not given the _honor_of getting to experience what it is like to be a dragon." Her laughter died down as she lowered her snout. "Now calm yourself Lyndis, I will turn you back to yourself...But...When you ever set forth in my forest...this is the form your body will take."

"How is th-" Lyndis snapped her mouth shut as Emerald Lady continued to smile. Of course...this is her domain."Very well. I can agree to that."

"Very good." The Emerald Lady held up a claw and preformed the same movements that she had done last night. The same white magic flew from the very ground to wrap around Lyndis once again, and in a matter of moments the white dragoness had changed back to her normal self.

"I'm me again!" she exclaimed in joy as she spun around to inspect every inch of herself. She made sure to count all her fingers, and run hands through her hair. Everything seemed to be in order, nothing missing at all. "Cordenth!" She turned to the green dragon, running to him and offering him a tight hug against his onyx chest. "Thank you..Thank you."

"No..thank you Lyndis." he pushed her away gently and pressed his snout against her lips.

"Makes me want to skip to the future." Emerald Lady rumbled, turning away from them. "Farewell Lyndis...and Cordenth?"


" Watch over yourself and your brother...He already said his farewells to me."

"I love you mother." Cordenth bound over to her and nuzzled her affectionately, causing the dragoness to curl her neck around his with a sigh.

" I love you as well little one.." She caressed his face softly, and pushed her nose to his. " You are always welcomed to return to my forest...and." her eyes went to Lyndis for a moment. " She is as well."

"Thank you." Lyndis gave a slight bow, finding that part of her actually was proud she had earned this _honor_that the dragoness had bestowed onto her.

"Now..I suggest you go get her things, and find your brother. They headed out towards the forest edge closest to Entis. I told them to await your arrival." Emerald Lady broke away from her son with a disappointed sigh. "Do this before I find myself trying to force you two to stay here in my domain."

"As you wish mother." Cordenth strode over with a smirk plastered on his snout as he crouched for Lyndis. "Care to hop on princess?"

"I guess I can." She punched his scales playfully before climbing up his scales, and swinging a leg around his neck. She settled into position as his frills folded against his back so that she was not squishing them.

"Ready?" he asked, arching his neck to gaze at her.

"Of course!" She cried, wrapping her arms around his scales. "To the sky Cordenth!"

"Right away!' Cordenth pounced into the air on the flap of his wings. "Farewell mother!" he roared out when they were above the trees. The dragoness offered a roar of farewell as Cordenth brought them further away, and closer to the village that contained her things.


Lyndis had quickly gathered her things from the inn, slinging the leather pack over her shoulders. She grabbed the golden leaf clasp, and attached it to the grey cloak of invisibility that she flung around her. _I will never forget this place...Ever._She made her way out into the hallway, practically sprinting down the stairs and heading out the door. She offered a quick wave to the inn keeper before her eyes fell to the waiting green dragon that had won her heart. _The good._She thought back to him, the warm nights, the dancing, and the parties.

"Come on. Everyone is waiting on us." he smiled, crouching lower for her,

"Oh!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I almost forgot!" She slung off her pack and placed it on the ground, rifling around in it to procure a large blue scarf with white diamonds stitched into the cloth. She spun around and held it up to the dragon. "You were kind enough to give me this green sash...I figured...you should have something that reminds you of me."

"That's....Thank you!" he replied happily as she wrapped the scarf around his neck and tied it tightly. "It's lovely Lyndis...I will treasure it." he smiled, showing off his sharpened teeth.

And the bad. She thought as climbed onto his back and settled back into place. She remembered the Emerald Ladies threats, the deaths, and revelation of the fort. She gripped Cordenth's scales tighter as he took them back into the sky and towards the forest edge, and her friends. He bound over the tree tops in a glide, and she felt dread starting to build in her chest. For a brief moment she considered heading out with Cordenth instead, telling Veledar that he had to find a new rogue, for she had fallen for the green dragon beneath her. That his lack of presence would be too much for her.

But I can't do that to them._She sighed, remembering her reason to get into the city. _The best Rogue ever! Her words echoed in her mind, causing her to frown. She lowered her head to Cordenth's scaled neck to listen to his steady heart as the forest's edge came into view. _If only we had a few more hours._She peered down from his scales when he turned, to see that her friends were gathered around Lyyreth, already mounted on bay horses. They seemed to be chatting away with the green dragon, wit Veledar throwing his head back in a chuckle.

"An dats da time I beat dose bears inta submission. Shoulda seen da look on da face of dat gryphon!" Merlia smacked her knee as Cordenth back-winged and landed with a bump. "Course we celebrated in da way gryphons do." the dwarf gave the others a wink.

"Nice of you to join us finally." Veledar exclaimed, holding his snout high with a grin. "Thought you were just going to abandon us, would have had to go hunting you down for that _fee_that you owe me."

"Oh yes, that extravagant fee that I must pay _you_despite the fact you hired me." Lyndis laughed, shaking her head as she dismounted the green dragon.

"I already explained the fee structure dear Lyndis. You should not have a problem paying it anyway...considering you are a princess after all...I thought you would have remembered." The red dragon sighed, his blue eyes going to the green dragon's scarf. "But I guess fooling around with Cordenth here made you forget your commitments to your _first_dragon.

_If you only knew what we got up to._She stifled a giggle as she and Cordenth shared a quick glance to one another.

"Dey did wat?" Merlia shouted, spitting out some water that she had just taken a swig of from her waterskin. The dwarf pointed right to Lyndis, and then to the proud looking green dragon. "You and he? HAH!" she smacked her knee as she laughed loudly. "You'll have to tell me about dis later lass! No leavin out da juicy bits on me!"

Lyndis once more looked back to Cordenth with a coy smile. "I assure you I will let you know of_all_the _juicy_bits." She laughed, causing Cordenth to fidget and snort in reply.

"Are we going to be off now brother?" Lyyreth spoke up, striding over to be beside his brother. "I was just wishing them good luck in their quest before leaving. Was thanking them for allowing us to start out lives."

Cordenth looked to Lyndis, blue scarf flapping in the breeze that washed by them. He lowered his snout and gave her a passionate kiss on her lips.

"I will see you again." she said softly, her hands caressing his head.

"You can be sure of that." he replied just as softly, his eyes filling with sorrow. He gave her one extended lick across her face that made her laugh. "I love you Lyndis." he said louder, his tail thumping behind him.

Wait what? She was taken back for a moment, running her hand along his chin. She was about to deny or not answer, but she remembered the past few days. How he made her heart flutter so with his mere presence, and how she had enjoyed speaking to him each night, cuddling, and feeling so safe and secure.It might be crazy..but I cannot wait to continue this thing we have together. "I love you as well."

"And now I am ready!" Cordenth happily shouted after he gave her a kiss and let out a loud trilling noise. The green dragon then turned his attention to the rest of the group and lowered himself into a bow before Veledar.

"oooooo." the red dragon gave a pleased croon, his frills twitching happily. "Not even Lyyreth offered a bow...hey." Veledar snapped his snout to Arcturus, who had shoved him on his shoulder.

"Shhhh." the paladin placed a finger to his lips.

"Thank you for helping us get on with our lives." Cordenth spoke, ignoring the red dragon. "And thanks for showing us the way." Cordenth rose up. "I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that you are all my friends, and I wish to give you _all_my name.

"Mine as well!" Lyyreth added with a snort, smiling as he did so.

"And I will miss you all deeply." Cordenth turned to Lyndis with a slight frown. "Some of you more than others."

"We will miss you as well." Arcturus smiled, patting his bay horse beneath him. "It's a small world sometimes. Perhaps it won't be that long until we meet again."

"I certainly hope that is the case paladin of Bahamut." Cordenth spun around and unfurled his wings wide. "Coming Lyyreth?" he asked, arching his head as he waggled his tail and tensed his muscles. His brother said not a word and quickly was at his brother's side with his own wings flared and ready to take flight.

"Lyndis?" Cordenth looked to her one last time. His eyes filling with fondness and sorrow at the same time.

"Yes?" She gazed back to him, dreading the next few moments more than ever before. She ran to him with her arms wide, and allowed the green dragon to pick her up in his paws as he arched his snout close to hers.

"I love you my dearest emerald, and my heart will yearn for the day we see each other in the flesh once more."

"As do I my brave scaled knight." she smiled fondly, feeling her heart start to stretch and began to ache. She ran a hand up to caress his pebbled face once more as he pressed his snout against hers in a kiss. She closed her eyes and let the emotions swirl around her, and for a brief moment all that existed was her and him. Nothing else mattered except the sound of his breaths, and the feeling of warmth. They broke the kiss and lost each other in the others spheres. "Guess I will have to settle with you being the dragon in my dreams." she laughed with blurry eyes, tapping the green scaled necklace around her neck.

"That I can be." he licked her, his own eyes starting to drip the same crystalline tears. He set her down, gave a quick nod the others, and bound into the sky with a mighty flap of his beautiful wings.

Lyndis watched the dragon she loved climb higher and higher into the sky, only increasing the pain her heart was feeling. The first of her tears fell from her eyes when he was passing above the forest and he let out a loud roar of good bye. She let out a small cry as Veledar returned their roar with one of his own.

"I'm actually going to miss them!" Veledar suddenly exclaimed almost the moment that he had roared. "I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO MISS THEM!"

The bull Asterion snorted beside her, drawing her attention to the man who was holding the reins to the horse she was expected to ride. "Here is your horse half-elf, it is best if we head out right now." the warrior snorted.

She looked to the leather saddle, and the soft fur of the mount. She felt herself sigh in disappointment at how it was a not a dragon to ride. She wiped the tears from her eyes and slung herself up and over the horse, her eyes stopping to stare at the fluttering green sash around her waist.

"Come on Veledar." Arcturus suddenly spoke loudly as he gestured to his neck. "Just change your size and hop up."

"Ugh..do I have to?" grumbled the red dragon, already placing one of his white talons to his snout.

"Not unless you want to get caught." Arcturus laughed, patting his shoulders again. "Or is that what you want?"

"I have been smaller....much less resplendent." Veledar snorted, his voice dripping with irritation.

"Come now. Your resplendent in any size you take. Besides dearest dragon, you don't want all of Lumara to dazzle at your beautiful scales."

Veledar stopped the spell he was going to do to offer the paladin a pleased croon. "See? You should say such pleasing things all the time." He snaked his head close to the paladin with a mischievous grin before offering him several affectionate licks across his face. "You're going to make my wings turn pink."

"Yes, yes."Arcturus laughed, pushing gently against the dragon who was offering him such loving affection.

"Look out lad! He is trying ta kiss ya!" Merlia shouted, joining Asterion as she rode a small tan furred pony. "Now we best take you lot, and Ulga here." the dwarf patted the pony. "And be off ta dat city of yours."

"Oh stop your cackling you smallish harpy. I was merely showing my paladin here that his words were most pleasing to me." Veledar snorted at Merlia before turning his gaze back to Arcturus. "And thank you Arcturus." The dragon then let loose a pleased rumble from his throat. "I find you most resplendent as well."

"Oh come now." Arcturus laughed as his face started to turn red like it did. He patted his shoulders one more time. "Now stop your cuteness and hop up onto my shoulders."

You have got to be kidding me. Lyndis wrinkled her brow as she saw Veledar cast the same fond look that Cordenth had offered her. She crossed her arms in irritation at the two as Veledar shrunk down and settled around the paladin's neck.

"Go forth my steed! Carry your glorious overlord to Entis!" the dragon gave a cute roar.

"I am not your steed!..And you're not my overlord!" Arcturus chuckled back as he pulled his horse passed Lyndis' own.

"That is a matter of opinion." Veledar laughed, tapping the paladin with a paw.

She willed her horse to follow the laughing knight and dragon across the fields of green. She closed her eyes and let the wind caress her, and bring the smell of adventure. In this case it smelled like cut grass, dragon, mixed together with horse. She opened them as they rode up a hill and she could make out the tiny dot in the distance that was Entis, the city of light some called it. She knew this was their destination, the reason that she had set out with the red dragon, but she found herself looking back towards the forest of despair. Her eyes found the tiny dots that were the dragons that had come to know, and found herself wishing she had gone with them instead. Someday we will meet again Cordenth...and I pray that day will come soon.

Emerald Secrets Chapter 14: Emerald Party

Scales and honor: Emerald Secrets Chapter 14: Emerald Party From the back of the dragon, even the fire far below looked beautiful as Arcturus gazed out to the landscape below. He breathed in the fresh air, letting it pool in his lungs before exhaling...

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Emerald Secrets Chapter 11: Preparation

Scales and Honor: Emerald Secrets Chapter 11: Preparation Veledar was having a nice dream, well one for a dragon anyway. He was circling high in the sky, the wind flowing beneath his wings. Down below he saw hundreds of soldiers of various races that...

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Epilogue

Epilogue Infinity had found a sheltered spot not too far from where she had helped Lyyreth rescue his brother. It had been hours since that confrontation with the hunters, the deaths she had cause were still on her mind. _Was it really necessary?_...

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