Cat Burglar 2

Story by Zeeb on SoFurry

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The city was shrouded in darkness. There was no moon tonight and no clouds, leaving the countless twinkling stars and city lights to illuminate the artificial landscape. Reflections of light bounced from building to building, window to window. Most of the structures were rather short and failed to pass on much light, but closer to the city center where the tallest work buildings and condominiums, the countless glassy sides bloomed with colors and from every angle possible in the concrete jungle. Once such building, a privately owned establishment that catered to the high earners, stood quietly among its fellows. Wind rolled off its glossy concrete and glass skin like water upon a leaf. Unnoticed amid the dancing lights and twisted reflections, a single shadow moved wrath-like down the exterior.

Isis moved quietly down the face of the building. Her body was suspended upside down, locked securely in a harness and attached to a cable that ran up the length she had traveled to the roof. A winch controlled the cable as it unwound and allowed the cat burglar to descend safely. Held upside down because of the harness strapped tightly around her body, the black cat controlled her descent coolly despite the blood rushing to her head and small cramps forming in her neck and shoulders.

"I'd better not get a kink in my neck from this," she growled to herself. A stiff neck wouldn't be good for her when she tried to sleep tonight and Isis despised taking pain killers unless it was important. A kink would be very bad indeed. But, even so, tonight it would be worth it.

Isis was a cat burglar. However, she had become something very different than the average thief. Whereas most individuals in her particular field of employment took things like jewelry, electronics and anything that looked expensive, Isis had adopted to a new idea. One that dismissed grabbing trinkets and things of material value. Isis, instead of stealing possessions from a homeowner, stole something far more intimate. When she decided to pay a homeowner a visit, it was their body that became the object of her desires. Simply put, the cat burglar stole sex from her targets!

The cat burglar padded stealthily along the windows. Her claws found every crease, every space between the ledges and tall windows. She made sure to take her time, to be sure of her next claw hold on the outside of this building. The harness would save her from a fall and certain death, but she needed to concentrate to make sure that didn't happen. Not an easy task considering why she was scaling the outside of a tall building like this in the first place.

Isis discovered her new hobby two months previously. When she visited the apartment of a human named Toby it had originally been to rob him blind. All of his precious belongings going with her, either to be kept or sold to someone that really wanted them. But when Isis had stumbled across the human himself sleeping in his bed, an idea had struck her; an epiphany! She'd crawled into his bed, aroused him in his drugged slumber, removed all her clothes and rode him until they both climaxed! Goddess it had been wonderful! Taking something, something so incredibly exotic and dirty and exciting had given Isis a rush like she had never experienced before and she liked it! Since that night she'd visited the human a second time, then moved on to three other apartments. Each time she fucked the owner in their own bed, left a note and disappeared without a trace. The only things she stole from her late night hosts now would be either a picture or an I.D. She never needed anything else because the cum they launched into her eagerly awaiting mouth or twitching pussy would be the ultimate prize!

Tonight Isis planned on visiting someone very special. In fact, as she continued down the cable supporting her, the feline remarked just how interesting her latest target was. Isis had chosen him from the time he'd been given on TV. As professional athlete, he'd led his team into victory during their most important match. The celebrations had attracted her eye and when they showed the training he endured to sculpt his body into a tool she'd not what so many others did. Isis had seen a specimen that demanded her attention. The thought of how he would feel under her made her drool, now just as it did then, and sent pangs of desire coursing through her body. She had to have him!

"And I'm going to get exactly what I want." Isis concluded as she pressed the stop function on her remote control.

The cable came to a stop. A balcony sat below her that was littered with confetti and popped balloons. A number of wine and beer bottles lay strewn over the carpeted floor, celebrations rarely happened without them and this one looked memorable. Isis clawed the harness landed amid the tinted glass bottled without a sound. She turned her back on the expansive view of the city and examined the lock on the sliding door. The moment she saw it her tail twitched in eager anticipation and a smile grew over her features. With a flick of her whiskers Isis slowly opened the sliding glass door, unlocked and silent as a whisper.

'Convenient. I might have just tried the front door. It might be unlocked too!' She thought coyly.

The condo before her was dark. Isis tip toed her way through the messy living room, ignoring the TV as it played an 80' music video on MTV, one of the biggest hits the Eurhythmics had in their heyday. Its weak light gave her feline eyes the advantage they needed to guide her through the unfamiliar territory. She snuck from room to room, looking for the bedroom until she found a firmly closed door. A gray cap with the symbols of a college fraternity covered the door handle. This had to be it! Isis took a deep breath, removed the cap, and opened the door.

The bedroom was just as dark as the rest of the apartment. This time there was no TV or anything else that could give Isis light. She hesitated at the threshold and let her eyes adjust. It took her night vision ten minutes to fully kick in, the slit like pupils dilating fully so she could see in the darkness as easily as she could in the light. Isis saw now that the bedroom was impressive and large, lavishly furnished with expensive trophies and furniture, not least of which was the bed! A full king size mattress lay on the far end of the room. Isis listened closely. Slow breaths floated across the room and Isis frowned. Apparently things had become much more complicated. It did indeed look like her athlete was sleeping. It also looked like he wasn't alone.

Isis opened her eyes. This was bad. If there was more than one person in this room sleeping what might happen if they woke up? Shit! What on earth was she supposed to do? Isis thought very hard and then turned for the door. She walked as quietly back as she'd come to the door frame, avoiding the beer and liquor bottles. Isis made it to the door, about to leave entirely and forget the idea of coming here every again, but something occurred to her.

"The bottles? Maybe the booze has them all knocked out. No doubt that there was some really heavy drinking here tonight...Hmm." The idea was intriguing. Isis, still clutching the door frame, turned back and navigated back to the bed, avoiding the many glass landmines on the way.

Upon the bed lay the one she had been looking for. The black stallion. He lay halfway under his red satin sheets, tail trapped under his legs, the blanket abandoned on the floor. He lay quietly sleeping, taking deep, slow breaths. Isis looked at him and marveled. The television hadn't lied when it showed him working out. This male had a sculpted body from head to hoof! Everything was as if it were carved out of onyx; beautiful and dark and strong. Isis was drooling before she knew it and nearly missed the other set of breaths as she admired the stallion.

Isis titled her head and shifted her paws on the carpet and peered over his shoulder. Through the darkness she spotted another, smaller figure under the sheets. She could make out white hair and a slender figure under the satin that told her it was female. There were also spots on her skin and she had cutesy, floppy ears. Isis took another moment to examine the female's shape before she concluded it was a Dalmatian. Probably a drop dead gorgeous one at that! The black cat shook her head and smirked. That female must have had one hell of a ride!

The cat burglar watched the two sleepers, listening to them breath, seeing if they might wake up. It was safe as far as she could tell. She extended her index claw on the smooth sheets, gliding over the cool red surface covering the stallion's leg until she reached his waist. The digit curled under the hem and slowly pulled it down. When it reached his waist she licked her chops in anticipation. Her breath caught when the sheets revealed the large penis between his legs. He was half erect already! A pang of sinful delight hit her stomach and Isis threw back the sheet hungrily. The stallion boasted a massive tool that made his species famous, and rightfully so!

Isis watched the Dalmatian and stallion both, but neither of them even sniffled when the sheets fell away. The spotted dog was naked as well. Her tail lay flat on the bed, lifelessly failing to guard the lithe curves and swells of her thighs and buttocks. Her snatch was easy to spot and Isis reminded herself that females really weren't her thing, even though she might have made an exception at the moment! Her real target still lay slumbering deeply and made no sign of waking up any time soon. Isis felt safe enough, seeing them passed out like this, to continue with the real reason she'd arrived here tonight.

Isis pulled away and undressed. She let her clothes fall to the ground. Wearing as little as possible underneath the sexy one piece get up she had been a quick lesson in her time stealing sex from sleeping males. The less she had on, the less she needed to worry about later when she finished. Then the feline gingerly placed her weight on the corner of the bed and let it sag. Nothing from the sleepers. She climbed fully onto the expansive mattress. Still nothing. If either of them were going to wake up, they'd have done so by now. Isis crawled forth, easing her way between the black stallion's legs. She pushed against his knee's as she in front of him until his legs were spread nicely, revealing his cock. The equine had a large sac too, no doubt holding the hot, sticky cum she'd snuck into this condo for in the first place. Licking her chops again, she reached out and dragged her claws from his pelvis all the way down to his sac, letting each set move over his half hard shaft and balls before switching place.

The effect was immediate. The horses big dick sprang to life, pulsing as it filled with blood in response to the stimulation. Isis continued encouraging him to erection with strokes and squeezes. In less than thirty seconds he stood fully erect, the horse cock free from its sheath in all its glory. He was easily ten inches in length and that was considered a 'medium' among equines! Isis felt her own breath pick up at the sight of his marvelous cock and had her paw between her legs before she knew it, playing with her lips and dipping a finger into her cunt. She was already aching with need, her pussy lips wet and slick.

Isis knew she'd have that monster inside her very soon. But, in order for that to happen they both had to be ready. With her eyes moving back to the stallions face, she leaned in and slowly licked from the base of his cock all the way to the tip. As Isis watched him, she saw his face twitch cutely, but nothing more. He was not going to wake up. Isis immediately started lubricating his cock with her tongue, running it up and down the length and around his head. She circled his flare, grabbing the shaft at the base while massaging his balls to keep him still. She wasted no time slathering his hot, fat dick in her saliva. Isis's vision flickered between watching her tongue dance over his sensitive flesh and watching his face, but still no change in his sleep state. Hell, she bet that if she blew a sports whistle into his ear he STILL wouldn't wake up!

Once he was good and ready Isis prepared herself for the fun part. Her tongue stopped lapping over the tower of flesh as she crawled over him. The now practiced position of lifting her hips above the stallions cock and shifting her legs on either side of his waist brought her pussy lips against his head. The slick petals of her sex rubbed him, making him slicker as she reached between her legs to grab him once again and keeping him steady. Then she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and let gravity take its course. A low groan escaped her lips while he penetrated her. Her slippery, wet pussy lips parted before the head of the stallions horse cock, stretching wide, wider than she'd gone in a long time. It was uncomfortable at first and she had to stop three inches down, her pussy not used to the object inside it. When she felt the warmth melt away any displeasure she had, Isis continued downward once more. She didn't stop this time until she felt his furry pelvis brush against her clit when she bottomed out. Isis gritted her teeth and let her head fall back in ecstasy, breathing deeply to try and keep her wits about her.

The stallion's length in her cunt felt like a hot spear filling her up, filling every crevice of her tunnel and pleasing her. He was snug inside her passage, filling it tightly enough that, when his cock pulsed she could feel it against her inner walls. Isis moaned again and cupped her own breasts, rolling and tweaking her nipples between claws as she ever so slowly began to rise back up. She felt the stallions cock grind against her vaginal lips as it left. She rose up and up, nearly letting him pop out of her sex before stopping to catch her breath. Goddess it felt so good! She loved feeling so full, so crammed with horse cock that she shook in delight as she descended once again until she was balls deep with her pussy wrapped around the black stallion's big fucking cock.

Isis moaned softly, not daring to go any faster lest she make more noise. They may not have woken up, but as Isis looked down at the stallion's eyes she could tell there was no danger. How could anything happen now? Especially now that...

Isis inhaled sharply and tensed. 'Shit!' she thought frantically, 'Oh shit, his eyes! He's awake! He's seen my face!' The thought of going to jail smashed into her like a ton of bricks. Everything she had, everything she owned was going to be taken away from her and she'd be thrown behind bars. She'd have nothing, her life was going to be ruined, and all because she decided not to leave when she had the chance. The only thing that could make any worse would be if-

"Is...This a d-dream?" He managed to whisper. The stallion slurred so badly that Isis almost didn't understand him and it took several seconds for the words to register in her panicked brain. Could...he really still be asleep? The feline locked eyes with him and saw the vacant, glazed stare. She didn't see him look anywhere else but foreword and, suddenly, realized she might be okay. He wasn't asleep, but he wasn't quite awake either. That half way point dreamers reached on their way to the real world every morning. Isis pondered this quickly before another realization came to her. Whatever party went down in this condo earlier in the night, there was a lot of alcohol. A LOT of alcohol. The black stallion was probably still wasted past the point of being blacked out.

Isis knew exactly what to do.

The black cat released her stranglehold on his cock and brought a paw from his chest to the side of his muzzle. She leaned in, brushing her whiskers against his shaved muzzle and pressing her tits against him, her lips teasing over his ear. Isis's breath washed over his sensitive ear as she whispered seductively. "Yesss," she purred, "This is a dream. You're having a wonderful, wonderful dream. Relax, my sexy stud, you're safe in your bed where nothing could possibly happen to you. Safffffe."

Isis felt the waves of terror and stress roll off her shoulders like water over a leaf. She wasn't going to jail after all. In fact, things were going extremely well. Isis felt a new kind of thrill run through her as she continued whispering into his ear, reassuring him how safe he was, how relaxing and good the dream felt. He was completely under her control! Isis liked this feeling, this sensation of power, of complete dominion over another person. The idea of it made her pussy spasm and clench which drew a sharp moan from the black stallion as he listened to her warm, comforting words.

"Your safe. Safe in bed, feeling good." Isis whispered and continued. "You love how good it feels, being asleep and dreaming. Do you know what the dream is about, my stallion? Your having sex." She squeezed his cock as tightly as she could and slowly raised her hips for effect. He responded with a deep groan, eyes fluttering blissfully as the image of him making love filled his mind as Isis continued to whisper, into his ear.

"Someone has come to you. Someone that's burning for you. She's horny and she's crawled into your bed and started fucking you. Doesn't it feel good? She's riding you and moaning for more, more of your big horse cock. You can feel her, can't you? How slick and tight her pussy is? Do you like it when she rides you like this?"

Isis started raising her hips higher, letting more and more of his cock exit her body before slipping back down again. She was so wet right now that there was barely any friction between her walls and his shaft. Goddess! He felt so hot and big though! He stretched her out and she loved the feel of every piece of her cunt grinding against him, sucking him in like a piece of candy every time she went down and nearly refusing to let go when she raised. Again and again, each time she timed her thrusts to another phrase or word that sent him deeper into sleep, back into the real dream she knew he must be having. She leaned back and looked into his eyes and saw the glazed irises staring back and felt a spasm rocket through her middle. Isis gasped and shook, purring louder as a mini orgasm rocked through her body!

"Ohhhh yessss...oh, you're really -ahh- giving it to her good! Keep fucking her, just like that. You're -hahh!- starting to feel close. The closer you get to your -nngh- climax, the farther back into sleep you go. Deeper and closer...Deeper...-hah- that's right! G-good boy, you're getting v-very -uhnn ahh- close. Your -hahh ahh!- just about...j-just about to-uhnnnhhaahhhh!!"

It happened so fast the Isis was nearly caught off her guard. The stallion groaned and thrust into her pussy, lifting himself off the soft mattress to bury his cock into her body. The shaft spasmed once, twice, then the head exploded, signaling her lovers orgasm orgasm. Isis followed closely after him and clamped on his cock. Her pussy rippled and milked on his shaft, pulling string after string of his hot, yummy cum into her snatch. She could feel him painting her walls with his spooge, absolutely coating her insides with his load. Isis rolled her eyes and fell into convulsions of bucking and spasms, her body a mess of nerves firing off all at once as she rode the massive climax from start to finish.

When it passed Isis inhaled deeply and opened her eyes. The stallion, her black equine lover for the night, had passed back into sleep. For a moment she was sad to see him gone into oblivion and not see through the orgasm till the end. The hard cock inside her had already begun to soften and she squeezed it with her pussy muscles a few times before deciding to lift herself off of him. His cock slipped from her cunt with a wet splorch and if she hadn't cupped her palm against her opening, all of his cum would have dribbled out onto the bed. That would have undermined everything she'd done tonight and Isis wasn't going to leave without her prize!

The pile of clothes was scooped  into her other paw before she retreated into the bathroom. Working one handed she fished out a glass vial and pressed it to her groin, relaxing her muscles and letting all the cum from the stallion ooze into the container before capping it tightly. She placed it on the kitchen counter and quickly stepped into the shower. This was all part of the ritual. Ever since the second time with that human Toby, she used the shower of each male she visited after getting their cum into a vial, proof that she'd taken each of them in their sleep and milked them of their seed. Once she was good and clean, both inside and out, she shut off the water, dried up and got dressed.

Outside the bathroom it was still dark. Isis hadn't bothered turning on any lights and could still see clearly into the bedroom. The black stallion and his Dalmatian hadn't moved an inch. Alcohol could be a really handy tool when it came to keeping someone asleep...but Isis hadn't gotten off completely scot free tonight. The stallion HAD woken up and it scared the ever living hell out of her. She could have been caught and arrested had he been fully conscious. Yet, despite that, she'd talked him into sleep once again as he lay under her, being ridden and loving it. Had she really done that hypo-speak all by her? Isis paused after she'd reached the open door to look back at the large bed and its sleeping inhabitants. Yes, yes she had!

"Definitely something to look further into...It might come in handy." She purred to herself before slipping out the door.

Isis scribbled her customary note and pinned it to the fridge. Her elegant scrawl stood bodily out against the pink sticky pad she'd managed to find. The sultry thief took her time and composed something she knew he'd understand, even in the midst of the worst hangover of his young life.

Sexy Stallion,

There's more to that dream you had than you might think. You gave me quite a ride and I might just have to steal a second from you in the future. Perhaps you'll find yourself in another dream just like it someday.

Your friendly neighborhood cat burglar,


Once the note was completed and pressed to the smooth refrigerator door, Isis stole out of the kitchen and onto the balcony where the harness was waiting for her, swaying patiently in the wind. She strapped and hooked herself up and keyed the remote from her pocket. The harness connected to the cable began to rise as the winch began retracting the steel cable, pulling the black cat burglar up and away from the condominium and her latest conquest until she vanished like a ghost into the night, never again to visit this place or the black stallion that had given her so much pleasure.

"I'm totally going to try equines more often. No wonder everybody loves 'em!"  she giggled before disappearing into the night.

In Flight 'Emergency.'

  The beach. That seemed to be perfect. If there was any place in the world that Ralph wanted to be right now, it was a beach. A beach -in the middle of spring- with plenty of booze, topless females running around him and... "Are there any questions...

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Cat Burglar

*Click* 'Perfect!' The balcony door swung open without a sound. Slender black claws eased it fully open and then closed it just as quietly. Soft moonlight spilled through the small panes of glass, illuminating the room beyond and casting a long...

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Two Diamonds in the rough.

This is my first story. All characters are mine etc. all the normal rules yadda yadda. I hope you enjoy it! Based on an encounter on SL! -AFfurre] The Phat Cat Jazz Club was very busy tonight. The owners had gone through a lot of extra trouble to make...

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