Just a Peek

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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A small story about an all too curious dragon getting involved with a rowdy stag and his ram lover for the night. This was a collab I wrote with six months ago with RVasil on FA and SF. Good guy and you should check out his other works! I totally forgot to post it here.

Please, enjoy the voyeuristic shenanigans!

Cabin in the woods.

The short phrase itself strikes fear in most people's minds upon hearing it, due to the fact that it's such a cliche in horror movies. Most people would prefer to go elsewhere, take a vacation at a sunny beach and soak up the warm sands. Others would probably go to something cultural like Asia or something. Me? I opted to take the cabin in the woods, mainly because I just needed to get away from it all. The hustle and bustle of the city was drowned out by the quiet peace and tranquility that surrounded me as I drove up the mountains. The idea of driving around for miles with no traffic to stop me felt so freeing, seeing as traffic in the city would have me grinding to a halt just to pass a single intersection, with many more to follow it.

The green scenery all around me was also a welcome change. Gone was the concrete jungle with towers reaching up the sky, but was instead replaced with good ole, organic, natural wood--not the cheap plastic kind they'd try to sell you off as natural at the depot stores. No, these were the natural, born from the soil types that reached up high to the sky, that had me craning my neck up just so I can see the top of the trees.

It was beautiful.

The air was fresh, and the fauna surrounding me just made everything fit together perfectly. I was honestly doubtful in taking this vacation, but all my doubts were taken away when I saw the cabin I rented for the duration of my stay. It was a cabin located by the wayside of the road, accessible through a dirt path that was clearly used for cars. The entire place gave off this rustic, homey feel to it.

It was the perfect mix of modern society meets nature as it blended perfectly with all the other scenery around it. I parked the car towards the side, next to a white car as well.

"Must be the owner's..." I thought to myself.

Turning off the engine, and stepping out of the car, my thoughts began to move to all the assorted activities I could plan. I looked to my left to see massive evergreens around me, the green needles dripping from the melting snow and ice that creeped around the branches of the dark pine. The mountains in the background were breathtaking and I took in a long breath as I imagined hiking up along the side and exploring the area. My feet crunched underneath the snow and I breathed outward, my breath coming out in a wisp of frozen air. Slinging my backpack up over my shoulder, I hiked up to the wooden steps, taking out the cabin's keys from my pocket. The doormat beneath my feet had a feral moose on the front with "Welcome home" in dark black letters across a red and black kashmier pattern. When I stuck the key inside of the small hole and gave it a twist to the left, there was a metallic click and I pushed open the door.

Although it looked like it was cut off from society on the outside, the rustic cabin was nothing more than an aesthetic choice. The place was purely functional, reaching up to today's modern standards. Walking into the living room, my shoes clunked on the bright tan wooden floor, the wood brightly polished and having a nice, clean smell. The living room had a TV, the flatscreen perched above an electric fireplace which sat silent. Reaching to my left, I clicked on a light switch, the light filtering over the room and making the wooden walls glisten; it looked to be made of the same wood as the floor and had a polished and pristine look.

Walking over to a leather recliner, I placed my backpack on the seat and gave a sigh as I looked out past two glass doors and towards the balcony. The balcony was fairly large looking and I could see the white snow clashing against the maroon of the hot tub cover. My tail began to flick back and forth excitingly as I remembered the picture of the large hot tub and was thankful I had some swimwear. Even though the swimsuit was a year or so old, it would still fit and I had every intention of squeezing myself into it to try out the hot tub tonight.

I made my way around to the kitchen, walking through small archway to check out the kitchen. There was the usual appliances; a refrigerator, stove, and very nice and spacious countertops. On the fridge, there was a list of assorted numbers to call for maintenance as well as the addresses of different gas stations and a convenience store.

A small note at the bottom said, "Rent will be paid every month on the 5th. If you need anything, let me know at 709-677-0616. Enjoy the area! I highly suggest taking a hike on the trails!"

Well, at least the landlord seemed nice. Getting a message on my phone, I reached into my pocket to see my friend from college had just sent me a picture, the bars on the top left of my phone mostly full and the wi-fi signal at a strong four bars. It was truly a home away from home, and I whistled happily as I explored the rest of the cabin.

I climbed upstairs and checked the room where I would be sleeping for the coming days. It was a modest king size bed, with a very comfy looking mattress. There was a personal bathroom, stocked with the usual amenities. Everything was clean and spotless, the upkeep the owner had done to the place was amazing, considering how far away this place was from the city. That was when I felt a rumble come from my stomach. I thought back to my drive and realized I haven't eaten anything in at least four hours. Heading downstairs, I decided to raid the refrigerator to see what I could eat. It was fully stocked, and I smiled gleefully, thinking of what I would be having for dinner. One of the benefits of renting a place near a friend and pulling some favors. Jim owed me for the time I bought him a plane ticket back in college. Calling him to come up here loaded up with food before I came was nice.

As I took out some vegetables to prepare for my meal later, I heard a sound. I cocked my head to the side. It came from the balcony. I tried to rack my brain as to what that was. The owner didn't mention anyone being here with the cabin with me. Was it an animal? Was that the wind? Thoughts of the whole cabin in the woods thing begin to creep up my mind, and I felt a sense of dread grip me. But before I could let my own irrational thoughts take hold, I shook it away.

I put on a brave face and decide to check out the source of the noise. I slid the glass window open and stepped out into the chilly balcony. The breathtaking view of the lake greeted me, framed perfectly by the trees. The forest that surrounded the lake acted almost like a natural barrier and the leafless trees looked almost eerie against the crystal clear water of the lake. Well, the water that could be seen shimmering on the surface; most of the lake was frozen. If I wasn't so concerned of what the noise was, I'd have taken a picture and posted it on Instagram to get all the likes.

"Oh, hello."

I nearly jumped out of my skin upon hearing the deep voice that came from the side. I snap my head around and saw a large deer smiling at me. He was standing from the opposite balcony, wearing nothing more than a simple bathrobe and suddenly I felt overdressed. His own cabin looked almost identical to mine besides the large stag fact. Then again, deers did have their winter coats to keep them warm.

"Hello!" I sheepishly greeted back. Embarrassingly, his deep, rumbling voice made me jump and caught me off guard . "Errr...I did not expect to have company nearby."

He gave a low chuckle, placing his large arms casually on the wooden railing that separated the balcony from the sprawling forest. When he leaned forward, the bathrobe moved up along his legs, and pushed his rump out. I gave a small blush and looked up towards the stag's eyes. He had a causal gaze, but his emerald eyes also had somewhat of a devious twinkle. "Well, I have been living here much longer than you have. I did not expect to have company, either. You're the first one in about a year."

I felt a shiver down his spine as his deep voice seemed to have a low growl to it. The stag did not even look that old, but he seemed to appear much more mature than his appearance.

"I found an article online that this cabin was looking for someone," I said, my tail flicking as I warmed up slightly to the stag even though he was barely wearing anything. I had to admit; it really highlighted his physique and I was growing rather jealous of how the robe clung to his beefy body.

"Ahh, you work in the city?" The stag asked as he looked forward towards the lake.

"Yeah. I work IT," I replied as I placed my arms on the wooden railing of the balcony and looked over at him.

He gave a grunt in response and nodded. "Pretty good field right now. You can do anything with that...and go anywhere. Guess that's how you ended up here," the stag said with a grin that showed his teeth. It was a charming, handsome grin and I found myself smirking like a fool back to him.

"Oh yeah. Nice and flexible."

"Like other things," the stag replied back with a devilish smile. He reached forward across the balcony and extended his hand. "I'm Joseph by the way."

The handshake took me enough off guard from his previous comment that I did not get the underlying innuendo and I looked at the extended hand hesitatingly for a moment, but took it and felt his firm grip.

"I'm Tim," I replied back with a shy chuckle, my hand lingering in his grip for a bit longer than necessary as we smiled at one another.

"Well, Tim it is a pleasure to meet you. Have anything you need brought inside?"

"Oh? Oh yeah, yeah. I just got done checking the place," I answered, looking back at the house. "Everything's fully stocked and in order, so I think I'm set for now. Though, I do still have to bring in my luggage." I looked outwards and watched the frozen lake through the forest trees. "I've been looking forward to this move for a long time." I turn my head and face him. "What about you? What brought you here?"

"Work for me as well, actually."

I gave him a confused look as my eyes scanned over his dark grey robe.

He chuckled in response. "I know, I know," he answered. "I look like I'm on vacation, which I kind of am, but isn't that how jobs are when you like them?" He shifted his footing and turned to face me, saying, "I'm an ecological scientist."

"You hug trees?"

He grinned smartly. "Sometimes. But to be more precise, I study the local flora and understand their living conditions." Joseph propped his hands on the railing. "We have a research camp not far from here. I go to work every now and then, check on samples and reports of my fellow team and come back here when the work is over." He gave a warm smile, his composure relaxing.

I nodded, and listened politely to the stag, my curiosity heightening about the deer, but not necessarily the subject matter . Listening to Joseph talk about it though, made it palatable, even downright interesting. I chocked it up to his deep, rumbling voice. It had a quality that was almost trance-inducing. "How's the progress going so far?"

"It's going great actually. The surrounding area is coming up with a clean bill of health. We're still running a few tests to make sure their aren't any odd mutations happening because of global warming, but so far, so good. And I-" All of a sudden, there was a loud buzzing sound coming from a small table nearby that sat next too a magazine. I could not quite tell what was on the front cover of the magazine since his phone was right on the front, but he held up a finger with a suave smile.

"Excuse me," Joseph smiled apologetically. "I have to take this."

"It's fine. It was a pleasure talking with you."

"Likewise. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other."

Again, there was that glimmer in his eyes. If I had to make a guess, I'd assume he was flirting with me. But nah. I shook my head. I stole a glance at him again, admiring his overall physique as he talked over the phone. The bathrobe he wore left little to the imagination with the way it clung to his body like a second skin; especially when he bent over to grab his phone on the table. It rose up his legs just enough to tease his rump, but not high enough to reveal it fully.

I gulped, and excused myself. I didn't exactly want to be called a pervert for ogling, especially after making such a good impression. Besides, he must have been wearing underwear underneath that...


I grunted heavily, taking out my duffle bag from my pack and hefting it all the way back inside to the cabin. I always prided myself in packing light for travels, but I had to pack extra for this trip, seeing as I was staying longer than normal, and I wasn't sure if they had a washing machine and dryer to use before I came. I was thankful that there was a washing machine inside what looked like a communal shed, but my back wasn't for having to carry all the bags.

I rested on the recliner, taking a moment to catch my breath. I could still hear the sounds of Joseph talking to--who I assumed was his fellow researcher--on the phone. An Eco Scientist, huh? Did that mean that there are other people besides Joseph? I quietly mulled the thoughts over as I began to unpack my belongings from the bag. But if that were the case, why WAS he wearing that bathrobe? Unless of course he was that comfortable with his co workers...

I then realized my line of thinking and my ears folded downward. Joseph's business was his own, as much as mine was. Before continuing to unpack my bags, I went to the door that led out to the balcony and opened it wide before reaching around the balcony door. I grabbed another door which I pulled outward until there was a metallic click. A mesh covering separated me from the outside world and I gave a content sigh when i felt the cool air brush over my scales. Looking outside, I noticed the brilliant orange and red dancing across the sky, and my muscles relaxed and my heart slow. I decided to turn off the air and start to open up the windows, letting the cabin naturally begin to cool itself out and turned off the artificial lights, simply enjoying the natural light that filtered in from outside.

Eventually, I managed to unpack my belongings and place them in the drawers of the bedroom. I glanced at the wall clock, taking note that it was already nearing 6pm. A rumble in my stomach reminded me that it was time to at least get some dinner made. I made a beeline for the kitchen and began to prepare the necessary ingredients. A pot was soon placed on the gas range, with the fire underneath heating it up. I began to cut up the vegetables and even the meat to go along with my simple yet delicious meal. I got into a sort of rhythm, the sounds of the bubbling water and the knife I used crashing against the chopping board filling my ears.

Once I was done, I loaded everything into the pot and began to stir it. I glanced at the bubbling concoction then back to the clock. I decided that letting the uncooked veggies sit for twenty minutes would be enough. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I sifted through the internet casually and checking on what's been going on with the world when I heard a noise.

At first I thought I was hearing things, perhaps the wood of the cabin cooling or heating up rapidly and making noise.

Then I heard it again. It was muffled, low, and I would have probably not have heard it if I was not listening carefully. I looked around and saw it was coming from the balcony. Night had set in, and the stars were visibly twinkling against the blanket of the black sky. The moonlight that reflected off the lake created an almost other-worldly appearance; the light creating curtains of silky white that seemed to streak through the forest.

I peeked my head out through the kitchen and towards the living room, my ears perking at the sound of another soft groan. I could tell it was coming outside and specifically towards Joseph's cabin. I started to move behind the couch, kneeling on the leather seating and feel the cool material against my bare knees. As I looked out past the glass doors that led towards the balcony, I could see Joseph sitting in a relaxed pose on a rather long chair. He was still wearing his bathrobe, holding a small tablet in his right hand. His left hand was busy pushing at his crotch area, his gaze focused intently on the screen as the artificial light reflected off his features and large antlers. I could not help, but let out a small gasp, my ears flicking when I heard the sound of a low moan coming from the tablet.

"Holy f-"

I did not have time to finish the sentence when what I could only assume was a well placed burst of wind flew over the balcony. I could hear the whoosh of it as it passed through the tiny crack in the glass door. When it hit Joseph, I nearly bit my tongue when the cold wind blew towards the buck and through his velvet fur. His eyebrows furrowed before he spread his legs, and I caught a glimpse of Joseph's lower body; the stag wore nothing underneath the bathrobe and I had the sight of the stag's round, large balls as well as plump shaft flashing me for what felt like a split second before the image was gone.

You know that moment when it feels as if the only thing you can do is just kind of watch? Well, I was in that moment as the buck adjusted his posture casually as if it was a mere annoyance that he had to adjust himself. My heart was beating in my chest, my mouth becoming wet and my eyes going wide as I found myself almost craving to get another glimpse. I know it was something I should not have been doing; spying on my new neighbor during such an intimate moment, but I could not help myself. He was an attractive stud, and I found myself leaning forward in my awkward kneeling position, my knees feeling like wet noodles.

I felt the adrenaline rush all over my body and the blood flush across my face. Joseph was actually masturbating at the balcony.

I didn't know what to do, and my mind was full of assorted ways that I could approach the situation. Most people would shy away, and proceed to about what they were doing to give the guy his much needed privacy. I wanted to move, but a deeper, more devious side of me froze my entire body in place, my eyes glued to Joseph's figure illuminated by the lights from his side of the cabin as he sat there, enjoying his time.

I felt like a kid again, discovering porn for the first time and a new addiction.

The image itself wasn't clear, and looked as if I was looking through a fog. My eyes were squinted as I watched closely, trying to take in all the detail I could. I don't know when Joseph had started his personal time, but it looked like he had already started prior to me discovering him. I must have kneeled there for what seemed like hours, afraid to move since I thought if I blink the scene in front of me would disappear. That was probably the longest time I ever held my breath, but the pressure in my lungs building upward was like the pressure in my shorts.

Things only got hotter when Joseph idly stretched in his seat, raising his arms up and high and holding the tablet with it. You couldn't believe the sheer amount of physical power I dedicated to squint my eyes as best as I could to get a good look of him under the low light conditions. The best I could see that Joseph really was well built and sturdy; his muscles underneath the bathrobe bulging and powerful and I was curious that if he flexed in a thinner robe if the material would rip. My mouth watered at the idea of getting a clearer picture of the adonis.

My eyes flicked upwards and happened to glance the video he was watching. I had to stifle my gasp as best as I could, covering my mouth with my hands. The logo on the site was clear as I noticed the colors as if the computer screen was just waiting to accept a splash of color from a rainbow prism. All of a sudden, the moans that came from the tablet sounded a lot more masculine.

My mind raced a mile a minute at the bombshell of a revelation. But before I could even think about it, Joseph continued with his session. He lowered his tablet back on him and started back up again, this time faster. He intended to end his session, and I was more than happy to wait for the climax. My eyes were glued to his hand pistoning up and down his shaft. Although dimly lit, the silhouette I saw gave my imagination enough material to work with to visualize just how hung this man was.

Drool escaped the side of my lips.

Topping it all off, I could visually see Joseph stiffening up. The large deer arched his back on the chair, his hand firmly on his cock. An audible growl escaped his lips and I could see his hips rolling underneath his robe as well as his hand move in quick, firm strokes. I watched, my eyes wide as I imagined how thick his climax would be and how it would feel trailing down my own muzzle.

The deer eventually came down from his high, relaxing back fully on the chair, and he didn't bother to clean up. For a brief moment, he was contented to sit in his chair, his chest heaving and sweat dotting his tan colored fur, the outer coat as tan as the sweetest of caramel. Inevitably, Joseph moved from his position, standing up fully and acting as if what he just did was something . He grabbed his tablet and made his way back inside his own cabin. I honestly thought my fun was over, but the best was yet to come. The deer reached towards his chest and started to undo the bathrobe, his dexterous fingers working around the tie with an amused smirk across his face and my heart thumped loudly like a drum in my chest when the emerald green robe dropped to the floor of the balcony.

It was brief, but the time was enough for the image of him walking back into his cabin in the nude to be burned into my thoughts.

His large cock pointed down to the floorboards, the sheer weight of it making it swing like a pendulum, in time with his steps. His shaft may have been already losing its erection and going flaccid, but it was still remarkably thick and long. His balls were plump and still filled to the brim, which was surprising in my mind as the sheer amount of cum on his chest looked like his balls should have been empty by now. White streaks of his pleasure looked like streaks of snow across his chest, some dripping downwards to trace his chiselled figure, and over his abs which looked like small hills across his physique. When he leaned over to pick up the bathrobe, some of the streaks fell from his cream-colored chest and onto the dark tan wood of the balcony. I was disappointed when the stag made his way back to his cabin and I bit the side of my mouth to keep from moaning out loud.

Joseph closed the door behind him when he walked inside, his adorable diamond tail giving a cute flick upward as if to tease me.

My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was ragged. My face was probably flushed and I must have looked like I ran in a marathon or something. My legs cried out to me in pain, given my kneeling position. I let up, standing once more and feeling the blood return to my legs. My crotch was wet, a visible, and large stain marked by a very, very, very stiff erection that demanded my attention glared back at me.

What brought my attention back to reality was the smell of something burning. It was like getting water thrown in my face before being shaken awake from a very realistic and pleasing dream.


Running with a raging boner nearly made me trip.

I gave a yawn as I stretched outward, my light blue scales of my stomach shimmering like the ocean as the morning sun filtered in through and made my scales glitter. My tongue trailed over my sharp fangs, and I felt the small points of the teeth as I threw the covers off of me. The sheets as well as the bedframe had an almost country-esque type feeling to them. The chocolate browns and light whites gave the room a calm atmosphere and it was difficult for me to shuffle out of bed and make my way towards the master bathroom. When I clicked on the light of the bathroom, I squinted as the harsh light assaulted my eyes. Luckily, the light browns and milky colors soothed my eyes and my claws clicked on the white tiles of the floor. I brought the knuckle of my right index finger up and rubbed my eye before looking up at the mirror of the bathroom.

I took a whiff and I could smell the musk radiating off of my body, the masculine scent making my smile twist into a grin. Even with the box of tissues I nearly went through, the scent of my assorted climaxes still lingering on my scales and I followed my treasure trail down until I found myself staring at a large wet spot on my racer yellow briefs.

I casually picked at a tooth with a long claw before licking over the long tooth, and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste that laid near the counter. Placing toothpaste on the bristles of the toothbrush, I made sure to add just the right amount before popping the brush into my mouth and beginning to brush off the fangs.

The refreshing taste of the spearmint added a nice cooling sensation which made me give a small smile before I walked over to the shower and turned it on with the pink toothbrush still sticking straight out of my mouth. The water spilled out of the shower head and I reached forward to feel the cold water bite into my hand. I pushed the nozzle further to the left, and gave the water time to warm up as I brushed my teeth.

Spitting out the toothpaste into the sink, I washed away the thick paste with the sink and stripped out of my briefs, my member flopping out and slapping against my chest. I gave a sigh when I felt the warm water on my muscles, the water unwinding the knots in my muscles. I gave off a hiss of pleasure when I lifted my arms upward and the warmth spread down each peak in crevice in my body. My tail flicked excitingly when I reached to my right to grab a bottle of body wash and squirted a healthy dollop on my hand. Its smell reminded me of tropical fruit and I gave a happy growl when I started to lather myself down, my hands trailing over the muscle on my chest, arms, and thighs.

As I stood there and let the water caress my body, my thoughts drifted to last night's activities. I couldn't focus much after being teased by that stag stud. Hell, I couldn't sleep last night, seeing as my mind was filled with nothing but him, and my cock responded accordingly. I must have gone through one whole box of tissue and that still wasn't enough. My fur was matted and I reeked cum by the end of it, each streak of white across my body a symbol of my fantasies. My balls were dry but my boner was still strong. I didn't remember when I had passed out from the exhaustion and the combination of stupor brought upon by countless orgasms. One thing's for sure however....

Joseph was a sexy beast and just the sheer thought of him made my body burn.

Just by the sheer mention of his name brings about the memories of last night and my member stood at attention. I glance down and sure enough, I was already half mast and fast approaching full length. I sighed, smiling to myself and let a hand trail down to grip my member. My hands moved on their own accord, gently squeezing and groping my needy cock. I shivered, the feeling like a warm breeze trailing down my spine and through my nerves like liquid fire. Everything was still sensitive from last night, but did it feel amazing. Before long, my breaths were ragged and I was leaning on the bathroom walls for support. My hands were a blur on my cock, and I bit my lips and closed my eyes, imagining Joseph once more.

His form, his entire body, hell his voice alone played along my senses, vibrating my ear drums and pushing against me in my desires. He was a random stranger I met in under a day but my body was already clawing at any chance to jump him. I felt slutty, yet...I didn't feel any shame at all. I knew what I wanted, regardless of how much I tried to deny it.

I breathed curtly, feeling me begin to reach my end. I found myself moaning his name, over and over, just imagining him behind me, his hands wrapping around my chest and pulling me close to his body. I could feel his built pecs pushing against my back and his tongue lick across my neck, and I could almost feel the fire in my backside as I imagined him taking me; pushing his maleness into me and begin to use me. He'd whisper sweet nothings into my ear, the words hanging on my mind like the sweetest honey.

My cock throbbed, pulsing in my grip as I quivered like a leaf as it spurted more pre onto the tiled walls. It just got washed away by the water rushing down my body, trying to cool me. I felt so dirty like some cock slut eager for the stud's seed.

"Oh fuck..."

Spurts upon spurts of cum dribbled out of my cock. It shot out forcefully, surprising even myself at how much kick I still had left. My balls felt like they had no more weight to them at this point. I took a deep breath, riding out my orgasm, and I leaned against the wall, and let the cool stream of water wash away any trace of my session. My cock was already deflating, and I was able to think clearly again. One thing's for sure, though...

"Fuck, Joseph's hot."

Cooking breakfast was pretty much uneventful. Toasted bread, some jam, and some bacon on the side rounded off the morning. News was playing on the television, and I paid not a lot of heed to it, letting it serve as white noise above all else.

After I ate, I walked back up to my room and unpacked my laptop and charging cable out of my backpack. The shiny chrome of the case shimmered in artificial light of the cabin and I leaned down to plug it into one of the many outlets in my master bedroom. Plugging in the charging cable, I leaned down to notice a suitcase that was slid under my bed.

Pulling it out, I opened it up to find it stuffed with clothes, and to make matters worse, they were stuffed with dirty clothes. I cursed myself for just trudging up to the new place with dirty laundry from back at my house, but I zipped up the suitcase before opening up my small nightstand. I pulled out several small detergent pods while managing to avoid pulling out the condom and lube packets, and shut the small door before grabbing the suitcase and pulling it outside.

The suitcase nearly clunked down the stairs as I dragged it along with me as I tried to lift up the heavy case up, but to my dismay I still dragged it down the stairs. I gave a sigh of relief when I opened up the door and put it on the small wheels to roll it down the gravel roadway and towards the shack on the other side of the area. The wind felt cool on my face, the breeze kissing my skin and making me shiver. Luckily, I packed some sweaters and heavier clothes to keep warm. The sky was a murky grey, but the small flakes that fell gave the area a picturesque appearance, especially with the mountains in the background. From a distance, I could see clouds around the top almost highlighting the tip of the massive formation.

I could hear the sounds of the washing machine already running, the machine's hum easily heard outside of the doors. I continued onwards, opening the door to the shack. True enough, the machine rumbled at the corner and I the piles of clothes rolling in over itself inside was viewable through the glass. I lugged my bag inside and was thankful to find another spare washer free and wasn't being used. I went over to it, and began to load my dirty unwashed clothes inside. I whistled a small tune to myself, my mind moving to think of the activities I planned for myself for the day.

After making sure everything was in order, I stood straight up and reached over for the controls and turned the machine on. Soon after, the washer began to rumble alongside the other one and my clothes began to tumble in on itself and suds began to develop. I was about to leave it there in the meantime when I saw something at the corner of my eye. Atop the other washer was a basket of what looked like dirty clothes, the mixture of bright colors pulling my attention towards it. I did not even know whose they were, but there was something that seemed to catch my attention. A green bathrobe sat on top, the silky material looking like it would just off just above the knees. The realization hit me like a bag of breaks and I ran over to examine the contents of Joseph's hamper.

My heart skipped a beat.

It was a very skimpy looking red jockstrap. The waistband was thin, looking like it would barely cover the stag's hips if it was around him and it looked more for show rather than for athletic activity.

I gulped as I walked forward, my breathing starting to become more rapid. I quickly looked around before reaching over to touch the piece of fabric, feeling the thin starts that would have spread around Joseph's backside and connected to the front. What stood out the most to me was the smell that came off it, and I could already catch a whiff of it even from a distance away from the source of it; the pouch. It was not rancid or putrid or anything like that. It did however had an earthy, musky smell. I found myself taking a big whiff of it before the thought even registered in my mind.

The profound smell acted almost like an aphrodisiac on my body, the smell penetrating through my senses and making its way into my mind. Although I had just masturbated a few hours prior, I was already pitching a tent in my pants with newfound arousal. My hands acted of their own accord, one of them going lower to grope my growing erection. I looked around once more, making sure I was alone. God, he smelled musky, and perfect and my mind started to form an image of the stud stag as I brought the pouch to my muzzle.

The straps hung limp, their cloth brushing against my neck as I took another whiff, my eyes fluttering and I began to idly grope myself. I could still feel the sweat on the cloth, and my mind was beginning to fog with thoughts of the stag wearing his jock and me nuzzling up against his pouch. I gave a small mewl, my legs nearly buckling underneath my body as I kneeled on the tile floor, hunched over his basket like it was my lifeblood.

I knew what I was doing was wrong, and I could feel the sin of it burning pleasantly in my nose as I pushed the article of clothing softly into my muzzle. The quant room provided the perfect hiding spot for my debauchery, and my whimpers and slight moans echoed throughout the concrete walls of the laundry room. Right before my hand began to trail towards the zipper of my pants, the door to the laundry room opened.

Now, the door was fairly close to where I was kneeling and did not even hear the quiet, wooden door open due to the loud hum of the washing machine I knelt by. When I heard a deep, rich sound of someone clearing their throat, my mind snapped out of its trance and my eyes widened in shock at my predicament.

The jockstrap was still clearly perched on my muzzle, my boner sticking straight outward and it would take a completely oblivious person to not notice my grip around crotch area. I looked slowly to my right to notice a creamy tan in my view, and my heart thumped harder in my chest. I prayed to every god I could think of that it was not Joseph, but when I heard the deep, rich timbre, it eliminated all doubt.

"I see you found my laundry, Tim."

I wanted to sink into the floor and disappear, but I mustered enough courage to make my way up to the deer's gaze. I did not even focus on what he was wearing; the light blue muscle shirt and neon green gym shorts not registering in my mind. I noticed he had a smirk across his face, his eyes having that devilish twinkle that suggested he knew something that I didn't.


Joseph's rich chuckle reached my ears and he leaned down to grab his laundry. His tail flicked behind him as he smiled widely. "Stag got your tongue? You seem almost...at a loss for words."

I was completely stunned, a bright, red blush crossing my cheeks at the casual way he began to unload his laundry from the washer before walking over to the dryer. His gaze still watched mine, almost like a predator as if he was watching for my next move and waiting to strike. He seemed almost to read my mind and he said, "You can keep it if you want. I don't mind an admirer."

He gave that deep chuckle once again before walking over to me, my body beginning to shake and shiver as he reached forward and grasped the straps of the jock. He began to twirl them around his fingers, my heart pumping and my mind racing as blood moved through my body at a fast rate. Most of it was trailing down to my lower extremities, and he seemed to notice my excitement. His grin grew into a wide smile as he began to wrap the straps around the horns on my head before pulling the jock tight to my muzzle. He leaned down ever so close to my ear and whispered, "Besides, you look better with it on, anyway."

I couldn't help it and let out a small moan, my cheeks turning even redder before he gave chuckle and let the straps go. He pressed a button on the dryer, setting the clothing for a 60 minute cycle before beginning to walk towards the exit. "You are going to be such a fun neighbor," he said with an almost purr to his voice. He grabbed the knob to the door, his tail flicking upward as he showed off his toned ass, his muscles flexing tantalizingly as he opened the door and made his way outside. I could feel the cold air wash over my achingly hard and hot body, playing along the sensitive nerves like melting ice in a fire. I unwrapped the jockstrap from my muzzle and clutched it in my hand.

It was honestly a miracle that I hadn't passed out yet do the lack of blood going to my head. It was all directed towards my cock that was now plainly straining against my pants. There was a brief moment where I thought if all this was happening, that maybe I was still fast asleep and this was just a lewd dream my mind conjured up since I was so hung up on Joseph from yesterday.

The buzz of the laundry machine behind me nearly made me jump.

"Holy shit!" I cried out, realizing that it just finished washing my clothes and was proceeding to rinse it.

I sighed, sitting down at one of the benches and looking at the boner that was in my pants. I briefly glanced out at the door that was slightly ajar. Joseph's footsteps were still visible on the snow. My mind was all over the place but right now, I couldn't even think of anything remotely rational. My cock was doing all the thinking for me. "Fuck, this is going to be one crazy time here..." I mumbled to myself, taking another deep breath.

Aside from that one encounter with Joseph at the laundry shed, not much else happened after that. After my clothes got washed up and clean, I headed out only to find that one of the car's parked at the area was nowhere to be found. Joseph must have left to go to work, I thought to myself. A part of me felt a bit sad to find the stag to no longer be around, but another part of me was somewhat happy, since I was still recovering from the fact that he actually caught me sniffing his underwear.

Yeah...I'm not exactly proud of that.

But my god did it smell so fucking good. Just thinking about it made my boner pop back up again. Trying to carry a basket of laundry and my things above the steps were a bit of a hassle with something poking in your crotch, but I made do. Inevitably, I managed to get into my room and begin to arrange things into my dresser. It took a while, but I got it all done. Glancing up at the clock, it was nearing noon and I still had the day all to myself. My stomach growled at me, reminding me that I needed to get something to eat. I was about to head to the kitchen when a thought crossed my mind. I could probably grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants down the mountain pass, and after my initial excitement, I really did not feel like cooking. I passed a few restaurants here and there that had that rustic, small town aesthetic to them that made me curious to try.

It wouldn't hurt to get out of the house for now.

Grabbing the car keys, I stepped out and locked the door behind me.

It was hours later when I got back.

The beeping of the car as I opened up the driver's side door made my ears flick as I stepped out into the cool, night air. The star's above looked like small diamonds in the sky, their soft light beaming down to me and lighting up my driveway as I closed the door to my car and hit the key to lock it. My car gave a small beep to signal that the doors were locked and I whistled before fishing for the keys in my pocket.

While I was digging through, Joseph's deep, rich voice reached my ears and I looked over to his cabin to see him chatting with someone. The other person was a broad shouldered ram, his stature large and intimidating. The two wore light blue jackets that hugged their frames along with heavy looking pants that looked warm and comfortable. James was talking to the ram casually outside, their smirks and laid-back poses suggesting that they were content and relaxed.

I watched with a bit of interest, admiring the large horns on the bighorn ram before gripping my keys and shoving the head into the keyhole and giving it a small twist. I opened up my door with a long sigh and reached over to turn on the light. The taste of the sushi I had still lingered on my tongue and I licked my lips. The clayton and Alaskan were two of my favorite rolls and each were crafted so deliciously. I sat on my leather couch, leaning back to feel the cool material against my scales and gave a long sigh. I reached over to grope for the remote to the TV before a bright yellow piece of paper caught my eye.

I did not even hear the TV remote fall to the ground as I got up off the couch.

Getting up off the couch with curiosity biting at me, I walked over to the glass door and squinted to see a post-it note still as the trees outside. The deep blue handwriting clashed against the yellow and pulled my attention towards it. It simply said, "Keep watching and make yourself comfortable." The writing was neat and organized as if not written in a hurry, but in more of a slow, deliberate pace. I raised an eyebrow, looking rather confused until I saw the door to Joseph's balcony open.

I gave a small gasp, instantly figuring that this was one of the deer's tricks instantly and I crouched down, pressing my hands up against the glass. My heart started to race when I saw the ram step out first, his previous jacket discarded and I noticed that a light blue shirt was around his left horn. From my guess, it was his since Joseph still had his on, but his jacket was discarded as well.

Joseph reached forward, his fingers trailing across the ram's fluffy midnight black fur and moving across the ram's bulky frame. I shivered as I noticed Joseph looking over towards my door, his head on the ram's shoulder as the two embraced one another, his eyes twinkling mischievously and when his eyes met my own gaze, I held my breath when his mouth twisted into a smirk and he gave a mischievous wink.

I watched as Joseph's hand snaked down the ram's broad back, his hand moving across the muscle before moving into the ram's pants and I could see the handprint squeezing possessively. I could feel my boner rising again, my breath fogging up the glass of the door. I could see one word forming on his lips as I watched him closely, "Watch."

A shiver shot down my spine, and I had to put a hand on the glass to steady myself. It did not even occur to me what I was doing; I was starting to idly grope myself as I watched him slide the ram's pants down to unveil his muscular ass. He gripped the globes in both hands, hefting them upwards before spreading them for his audience...me. The hole in between them looked tight and pink, and I nearly came when the ram started to grind back against Joseph, his little tail flagging. I realized that Joseph was making a flicking motion near the ram's rump, and he mouthed the phrase, "Turn off your lights."

I hurriedly ran over to my switch and turned them off, and noticed small flakes falling from the sky when I went back to kneel near the door leading outside. I looked over to see the warm puffs of air between their mouths as they heatedly made out on the balcony, their hooves making prints in the snow and I also noticed Joseph's emerald eyes twinkling just as bright in the dark.

I've seen my fair share of pornography, and I thought I had seen it all yesterday.

But this...

I was in a trance, and I did not even realize that my hand was moving on its own as it began to unravel the buckle on my pants. I don't think I was so frustrated with how to remove a belt in my life before. Thankfully however, the belt gave way and I haphazardly threw it to the side, taking off my pants along with it. My eyes darted immediately back to the scene happening before me. I don't think I could have ever forgive myself if I missed a single second of the magic that was happening. The two were still pressed together and I briefly wondered how on earth they were still breathing. Eventually, the broke apart, their heated breaths visible through the snowy atmosphere. Joseph took the initiative however, moving the two of them to the side. Their closed were scattered across the balcony at this point, their bodies on full display for me.

Joseph was a hot freaking fuck that would put anyone to shame.

But this ram, whoever he was, was an equally great catch to boot. I bit my lip, my teeth cutting into the soft skin and as I idly groped myself. In all my times of going out on dates, I don't think I ever saw anyone who could even remotely reach the level of physical beauty these two had. "Holy fuck, he's hot..." I mumbled to myself, ogling the ram with no shame whatsoever.

I noticed Joseph's eyes watching me closely as he pushed the ram up against the border of the balcony and staring at me intensely with that smirk still on his face.

He wiped some saliva off his cheeks before bring his right hand up towards the ram's mouth and sticking his fingers inside, and I could see the ram's eyes flutter as his fingers seesawed in and out of the tight orifice. Joseph still watched me, the snow making his green eyes sparkle and I shuddered as he slowly slid his fingers from the ram. I imagined a slick squelching sound when he pulled them out along with a small pop and nearly doubled over, my body leaning forward as he trailed the spit soaked fingers down the ram's back until they were right underneath the small diamond shaped tail.

I heard the bleat through the glass when he started to push, his biceps flexing as he began to open up the ram. I could see the massive beast shutter as the deer plunged into him, and Joseph's mouth opened up into a small groan when the ram gave a gasp and wrapped his arms around the buck, pulling him close. I could almost hear the squelching as Joseph pushed in deeper, and I could see Joseph's other hand move upward towards his lover's broad left pec, pinching the nipple lightly with a small grin.

I could see everything, from the ram's back flexing as his most private spaces were ravaged down to how his tail flicked above his cute rump.

My underwear was drenched at this point, and I had to lay back down the floor to stop myself from cramping. I looked around desperately and found solace at the wooden chair in the kitchen. I stood up and darted immediately, grabbing it and placing it right where I was earlier, so I could be comfortable while I was enjoying this show. I took off my briefs, letting my stiff and hard erection free and sat on the chair and leaned back. My eyes were glued back to the two lovers at the balcony and my hands were all over my erection.

The two started to really get into it and I watched as the stag turned the massive stud around to bend him over. The ram positioned himself, his body facing me as he reached forward to grip the borders of the balcony. Even though it was cold out, I could see droplets of sweat dripping from their bodies as Joseph pulled out his fingers from the ram, slipping them out of his lover with a slick pop that I could only imagine. He was grinning like a fool as pulled out a bottle that was as big as a simple shampoo bottle. I could tell it wasn't anything like what I was thinking of, and especially not when he clicked it open and began to squeeze out a healthy amount onto his hand before rubbing it into his rock hard member.

I began to stroke my own maleness slowly and subconsciously along with Joseph, and gasped like the ram when he rolled his hips and began to push his thick shaft into the ram. I noticed the ram grip the wood of the balcony hard enough that his knuckles turned white as Joseph slowly rolled his hips, leaning over the ram's massive body as he whispered sweet nothings into the bottom's ear.

Joseph made sure to look back up at me, watching me rub my rock hard maleness ever-so-slowly as he continued to push into his conquest. I glanced up to him just in time and see him mouth to me, "You're next," before he began his rhythm. From where I was seated, furiously masturbating, I felt the power behind his thrust.

Although slow, there was a certain power behind it that rocked the ram to his core, and I could see the ripples throughout his built body. I saw it in the ram's face; his mouth opened to form a lewd 'O', and hot breath came out of him in sync with Joseph's thrusts. I even heard him through the glass, his yelps of pleasure mixed in with his groans were like music to my ears. The ram's thick cock bobbed back and forth, flailing helplessly as his backside was ravaged by the more dominant deer. I could hear Joseph's balls slapping against the ram's, their bodies being pushed against one another as Joseph pounded into him.

Joseph on the other hand was looking strong and mighty, his hands possessively holding the ram. He began to quicken his pace, his hips becoming a blur as he went back and forth, burying himself to the hilt before taking it out and just leaving the tip. The cycle repeated itself endlessly and I was loving every moment of it. My cock was aching for sweet release, but I mustered enough self control to contain myself. Joseph gave me a glare and shook his head when he noticed that my speed was beginning to speed up. He wanted me to savor every moment of this.

The ram gripped the railing of the balcony for dear life, his eyes closed and his face flushed with crimson red. I heard him cry out for mercy, but Joseph didn't waver, serving only to quicken his pace further. The larger stag knelt down, holding the ram tightly before his pounding became deeper and more pronounced. He looked up at me, my body language almost begging like the ram to just let my load go. He gave a smirk and nodded, and I felt the pressure that I was holding back feel like it was pouring out of me in an instant.

"Fuck!" I cried out, unable to take any of it more. My cock erupted jets of cum, the stream directed towards the balcony glass door. It splashed across the glass, dripping down towards the floor. The rest of the spurts painted my chest white, streaks of them looking like stripes.

I don't think I've cummed that hard in my entire life.

I was able to break through the haze and dizziness of my mind blowing orgasm when I heard the two lovers at the balcony cry out together. The ram came, his cock beginning to spray his own cum down towards the wooden floor. It even leaked down to the ground below, the white dripping into the dirt and mixing in with a snow. Joseph roared in a guttural tone, briefly becoming animalistic as he pounded the ram's ass mercilessly. Streaks of cum began to leak out from the ram's backside, dripping down to their legs. Inevitably however, Joseph's thrusts slowed down and he took a breather, his short, curt breaths coming in white puffs of frozen air, content to leave his cock buried deep inside the ram's ass. He leaned forward and the two locked themselves in a kiss, the ram flushed and completely exhausted from their endeavor. Joseph smacked the ram's ass, the blow echoing out throughout the environment, before gently removing himself. It took a moment, his cock popping free of the ram's hole with a dull pop and the large ram gave a small sigh. From my perspective, I could see a small stream of white pouring from his backside, splattering onto the wood below. His huge cock pointed downwards, still leaking cum freely. It was still semi erect and no doubt could go for another round. However, he walked towards the side and grabbed their strewn clothes, tossing it over to his friend. As the ram dressed himself, he turned his back to me and I could see his beautiful fur was matted and streaks across his toned rump.

I gave a long moan at the picture, my hand moving back to my cock, but not before I heard a small click. All of a sudden, the TV that was in front of me turned on, the bright light making me cringe and blink. Even worse, my claw must have also hit the volume and it was turned up nearly to max. I nearly doubled over trying to get to the remote, but it was too late.

Joseph excused himself, heading back inside, leaving the mysterious ram by himself on the balcony. The ram gathered up his own clothes and was about to head inside, when he stopped; hearing the loud volume of the evening news and he saw me with my naked, cum covered chest hunched down fighting with the remote and an erection. It was rather comedic for the time, but I certainly was not laughing.

He turned to my direction and locked eyes with me, his own eyes going wide in surprise.

I froze as if I was looking down the barrel of a gun, and promptly got a grip on the remote before turning off the TV, back into the shadows.

His eyebrows furrowed as he processed what just happened, and I prayed that he did not notice me. I was momentarily relieved when he began to wipe off the cum with his shirt casually, moving it across his beautiful chest, and I made my way back to my chair to sit my naked, shameful ass back onto it. Unfortunately, I completely missed the grin across his face as he did so.

When I moved my eyes to look back up, my own locked into his ocean blue ones, a stark contrast to the playful green that Joseph had. These were intense, cool, and calculating. I quivered, my body reacting appropriately and I found myself staring at the way his body seemed to move beneath all the muscle. He leaned up against the border of the balcony, his arms in a relaxed pose as he bent forward with his ass sticking out. He reached his right hand forward, beckoning me down to him.

I shook my head slowly, my eyes as wide dinner plates and he gave a fake melancholy expression. His left hand moved downward towards his cock, moving across the muscle of his chest before wrapping around his shaft. He had that cheeky grin still across his face as he started to stroke himself back to full hardness, giving me a show. He wiggled his cock teasingly before grabbing it and flicking it in my direction. I could see dots of white fling themselves at me and roll down the wood floor, his devilish grin exactly the same as Joseph's before he gave a sultry wink.

And with that, he excused himself, heading back inside and leaving me with my mouth agape and wide open.

I sat in the chair completely stunned at the turn of events. My chest was covered in my own pleasures and rose and fell as the afterglow started to move over me, and I began to pull my underwear over my ankles. I could feel my muscles starting to unwind and my body begin to cool down. My mind that was once moving a mile a minute began to become clear and I idly fondled my balls as my eyes started to begin to feel like tiny weights. The visuals of tonight were almost like a blanket, so much happening that it was hard to pin down one moment. The feeling ran down my whole body and down to my still aching member. I was done for tonight; that was enough mischief for a while.

I was just about to get up off my chair and get ready for bed when the sound of my doorbell ringing made me jump. My heart began to pound again and I could feel my body tense. I had a feeling I knew who was just behind my door and ready to pay me a visit.

And I shivered in anticipation.

I didn't bother putting on underwear. Just slapped on my t-shirt and put on my pants. I didn't care if the cum clung onto my shirt. I was going to wash it anyway. I walked up towards the door and opened it, and sure enough, Joseph was there, and I gave a sigh of relief.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"Of course I did," I replied. "That was um...you were amazing." Words were failing me. It was hard to think straight when you were in front of the guy you were heavily fantasizing about.

Joseph's brow rose and he took a quick whiff of me. "I can still smell the cum on you." He grinned. "Well, I'm glad you enjoy it. If you're not busy tomorrow evening, I'd like to keep you company if you were interested."

He was surprisingly coy with his intentions, I had to admit that. "Of course. I'd love to."

"Looking forward to it."

And with that, he turned back and headed back to his cabin. I closed the door behind me and locked it once more. I cursed under my breath.

"This is one hell of a vacation..." I mumbled, before going back up to my room.

I brief glanced back towards the now empty balcony, remembering where the ram was; to where he was beckoning me like a siren leading a ship astray. He was just as promiscuous as Joseph was.

First Joseph and now this.

My cock twinged just as the sheer thought of it. It throbbed back to life, straining against the fabric.

Tonight was going to be one long night.