Coach's Boys - Chapter 3: The Early Dog Gropes the Pony

Story by Linkin Monroe on SoFurry

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#3 of Coach's Boys

Part three is here! Thanks to baseddook for reading over and editing <3

As always, comments are super appreciated! Whether it's feedback, something you'd like to see or just thoughts on the chapter and characters!

Chapter Three - The Early Dog Gropes the Pony

It was early in the morning, most of the town was still asleep. The sun was still a few hours from rising, but this was the time Randall Johnson found he was the most active. He took the time to get his work out done before any of his colleagues could wander into the gym and get in the way of his routine. His black tail flickered as he grunted and lifted the barbell from the bench press, the muscles of his arms and chest flexed as he snorted and began his next rep.

Sweat drenched his ebony fur, dripping from every pore. He only wore a pair of gym shorts to cover his modesty, not that it was necessary this early with no one around. His hooves remained firmly planted on the ground as he grunted and lifted while counting out loud to himself. He loved the burning feeling of his muscles straining, getting bigger every day, and even if he couldn't notice it right away, the chicks noticed.

The jock thought himself to be pretty charismatic with the ladies, his self-awarded winning grin made the girls giggle and blush at his handsomeness. Or maybe it was the way he recently braided his mane into dreadlocks and kept his fur coat glossy, soft to the touch. They didn't have to say anything to him, he knew in his head what they truly wanted. Just the sight alone of his well-endowed cock could impregnate any bitch in heat, and who wouldn't want to have his foals?

He felt himself stir at the idea of having sex, having imagined it since he could remember learning what sex was. He'd never actually been with a girl, or held up a conversation more than five seconds with one. In fact, most of the time he hung out with his best friend, Leon Richards, star quarterback of the football team last year, and both had returned for this season. He smiled, thinking about what a good friend Leon was and how he was always offering advice to the horse. He nickered to himself as he finished his set, sitting up from the sweat drenched bench press to cool down before his final set. He looked down and noticed his cock had slipped free of his sheath and hugged his inner thigh like a snake, the blunt head poking out of his shorts by his knee. Randall flushed and tried to push the head back, as if trying to stuff his cock back into his leathery sheath. He knew it was all in vain, no matter what, like his nickname "Randy Johnson" would suggest. He couldn't seem to keep himself from sporting erections. At least now he was alone.

Or so he thought.

A light turned on from the locker room attached to the gym inside the school. The soft sound of paw pads pitter pattering and claws clacking on the tile caused the horse to sit up in full alert, his ears flicking toward the sound and he looked in the direction of the noise. No one was usually here this early, unless it was Coach Collins preparing for a day of vigorous training.

The sounds came closer to the gym entrance, and as he stepped into the expansive room full of work out equipment, Randall was relieved to see that it was his Coach, a stocky rottweiler who had been coaching longer than any student had attended the school.

Coach Collins waved to the dark colored horse, who waved back from the flat bench press before lying back down to begin another set. The rottweiler furrowed his brow, the two tan dots above his eyes nearly touching as he crossed his arms, his biceps straining his polo. He walked over to the horse, unable to ignore the sizeable protrusion in the horse's gym shorts. He didn't call attention to it though, instead, he stood between the outstretched legs, watching the horse's form as he lifted the barbell.

"G'mornin... coach!" Johnson grunted in exertion, trying to keep count in his head. "Didn't expect to see... huff... you here so early."

"I don't normally come in so early, but Richards mentioned you to me the other day during our private session. Saying you've been having some issues regarding relationships, and suggested that I give you a tip or two. Least I could do for one of my boys." Coach Collins smiled, the memory fresh in his mind. Not only was Richards Johnson's best friend, but he was also a very good kitten when coach's knot was pounding the quarterback's tight, hot ass. The lion divulged confidential information about Johnson, the jock was as virgin as they came. Which surprised Coach Collins, as Johnson was by all rights, a stallion in his age. Anyone would be lucky to have such a handsome stud in their bed... a tight, hot stud that didn't know he was waiting for his cherry to be popped by his coach.

Johnson blushed in embarrassment, thinking he had told the lion in sworn secrecy to not blabber to anyone, especially the Coach. Guys looked up to him as the stud on the team. He was a Thoroughbred stallion after all.

Coach Collins seemed to have read his mind, smiling down at the horse as Johnson continued to lift the barbell over and over again. "Don't worry, Johnson I won't tell anyone. Besides, Richards came to me last year and has drastically improved on the field and outside of it as well. Plus it looks like you could use a spotter."

Johnson struggled a bit with another push, grunting loudly as his biceps bulged as the black stallion completed another set. He sat up and wiped his brow with the towel that hugged over his broad shoulders. He glanced back at the bar, his arms were screaming at him to stop but he was addicted to feeling his muscles growing underneath his fur. He struggled to keep his composure as his cock rubbed against the smooth fabric in his shorts, feeling the slightest trinkle of precum ooze down his leg. Johnson nodded at his coach, laying back down and watched the tent in his shorts lift, the horse was certain his coach could see it. But it was natural for some guys to get excited when they pumped weight, so he shouldn't be too embarrassed, right?

Coach Collins definitely noticed the horse's bulge. It could have easily been mistaken as a lead pipe stashed away down his pants if someone didn't know better. He circled around the horse, ignoring his own waking arousal as he sniffed the air, catching Johnson's unmistakable musk. It was a bit more rich than his own, like freshly cut hay after harvest with a little pleasant cool sting of fall to tickle the senses.

Once he was ready, Johnson gripped the metal bar with both hands, waiting for Coach Collins to be ready to assist as the horse began another set. Coach Collins took a moment to look away from the impressive bulge in the stud's shorts and was surprised to see how much the stud was benching, thoroughly amazed the horse was lifting 315 pounds all on his own. Johnson snorted through his flaring nostrils as he tried to concentrate on counting the reps in his head instead of banging a sexy babe.

"So how is a stud like yourself still a virgin?" Coach Collins broke the awkward silence between the two after Johnson lifted the bar a few times with a few soft grunts.

"Coach... I uhhh... I don't really know if it's a good time," Johnson huffed as he pushed the bar up with a huff of exertion, feeling his pulsing cock spurt of precum against his thigh.

"You're young, handsome, and I hear horses are well hung. You're telling me you've never been with a girl? Or messed with any of your friends when you were younger?"

Johnson finished the set and looked up at his coach who leaned over the barbell. From his position, he could smell something that reminded him of the football field after rain. He could only surmise that it was the rottweiler's natural scent, the familiarity seemed to relax his panicked mind, letting the thoughts of being out on the field overcome the thoughts of naked females. He shook his head in response and added, "No Coach. The girls shy away. I think they're bashful about the possibility being with a horse..."

The rottweiler let out a hearty laugh at the horse's comment, his gut bouncing as the sounds of laughter echoed off the walls. He finally calmed down when the horse gripped the bar over his head. "Well Johnson, how about we do a little roleplay practice, okay? You seem the assertive kind of guy, the sort who knows you've got it, so you gotta make sure they know too. So I'll try to do that, approaching someone I'm sexually interested in, dripping in confidence. And Johnson, you don't have to do anything, just sit there and pretend you're a pretty filly that you would want to nail. Can you do that?"

The proposal seemed odd to Johnson, but getting some advice and conversation starters sounded like a good idea. He sat up and nodded, spinning around on the bench press and leaned his bulging arms on the barbell, feeling his massive cock swing in the loose leg hole but remained composed. Coach Collins stepped back and considered how to best approach the jock, and then it clicked.

He gave the horse the most charming smile he could muster and casually adjusted himself before the horse and then walked up to the snickering jock, bemused at the show Coach was putting on for him. "Hey, I couldn't help notice you standing all alone in this busy place. My name is Randall, my friends call me Randy. Would you like to be less alone in a more... secluded spot?"

Johnson sat there stunned at how Coach had approached and just so nonchalantly proposed to have sex, his face blushed when he noticed how close the rottweiler was to him. Coach stood in front of him, standing in silence when Johnson realized that it was his turn to play along. He decided to play the shy bashful game, and lowered his head and stammered, trying to do the best imitation of a girl that he could think of, even making his voice a little higher pitched. "O-oh, I dunno... I'm waiting for my friends."

Coach Collins grinned at Johnson's impression and leaned over, his face close to Johnson's longer face and kept smiling. "You can bring them too, plenty to go around. Do you know what they say about equines? You don't need a BMW when you're hung like a horse."

Johnson felt his cock suddenly twitch with renewed vigor, it was becoming painfully erect inside the tight confines of his gym shorts. Coach made it sound so easy, and the way he talked, he was a natural at this. "I-I bet you say that to all the girls," Johnson continued, turning his head to the side to hide the growing blush under his black cheeks.

Coach Collins's smile turned into a smirk, he had the jock right where he wanted him. "And what does the pretty filly say to the hoss too hot to trot who's asking you if you want go ditch your friends for a ride you'll never forget."

The stallion gulped as he looked Coach Collins right in the eyes. The canine's expression made his stomach do a roller coaster loop and butterflies insue. His mind wanted to respond "Yes" to Coach, but he wasn't actually a girl. He swallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth to say something, anything but yes. "B-but Coach... I-I'm not... gay." He whispered the last word, almost as though he were trying to hide another secret, a repressed side of him. He couldn't possibly be gay, he liked girls and the way their ample breasts moved and their soft curves. But as his eyes wandered over his coach's body standing in front of him, he couldn't help but notice the rottweiler was just as aroused as he was. Johnson's mind raced when he considered doing something with another guy, his football coach! He imagined what coach looked like underneath that tight polo that hugged his body and those impressive arms coach must have been proud of, and the twitching tent in the front of his shorts, Johnson at least considered the possibility he could be bi.

"No, you're not gay," Coach Collins's paws grabbed the resting barbell and leaned closer. He felt like he was a youngin' again, trying to hook up with a boy his age to get his cock in their tight ass. "You're a pretty little filly I want to get alone and give you a ride you'll remember."

'That's right,' Johnson recalled. They were simply roleplaying, Coach was him, and he was the girl. He wasn't sure why, but that prospect caused his cock to flex again, even harder than before, threatening to rip right through his shorts. Johnson looked around with his eyes, his breath caught in his throat as the stud standing over him waited for his answer. "We are alone," he whispered in his girly voice, his trembling hands reaching down and let them feel up his coach.

Collins let out a groan of approval as he felt those masculine hands feel up throbbing bone and he looked down at the black stallion, his ears flat in submission as he rubbed the bulge. He'd never touched anyone like that before, feeling the heat and weight of their genitals. Coach was huge. He'd caught glimpses of the rottie's front in passing out on the field, but that didn't even compare to being this close to it.

"Is that a yes pretty filly?" Coach Collins breathed as he felt precum start seeping through his pointed tip and shorts.

In the back of his mind, Johnson fully understood what coach meant and intended when he asked the question. He found himself wanting to pull his coach's shorts down, but lacked the same confidence he needed to approach a female. He hadn't expected his first time to happen in the gym of his school, he imagined some girl in his bed, bouncing on his lap. 'Well, maybe that could still be my first time,' he thought. First time inside a girl. He could have a lot of first times, but this first time would be spent with the handsome canine before him. He nodded his consent and touched the waistband around coach's hips and pulled it down, watching in amazement as the rottweiler wasn't wearing anything beneath and the fattest, juiciest looking red bone flopped out into the open. The length alone nearly reached halfway up his forearm.

"Holy fuck..." Johnson swore under his breath as he wrapped a hand around the top of the cock. He could have easily put the other on it, and still couldn't cover every inch. The shaft looked much different than his own. He'd never seen a canine's dick, even though there were quite a few of them on the team that walked around naked in the locker room. He gave it a few experimental strokes, much like how he touched his own when he masturbated. Coach sighed out in relief as he was touched by the inexperienced jock, his nub tail wagging behind him as he oozed precum into Johnson's palm.

"Ooooh that's a good filly," Coach Collins praised as he basked in the moment as Johnson became more comfortable with touching another male's prick, panting softly as he held the barbell. His eyes looked down at the jock, sitting spread eagle on the bench. Those poor shorts couldn't possibly take another second of the strain of the cock begging to be released. Sure enough, the next time the equine's shaft flexed, a loud rip could be heard as it tore right through the middle of his gym shorts, violently swinging up to slap Johnson across the stomach, flinging precum the entire time before it splattered over the stallion's sweaty abs. The ruined shorts fell in tatters on the floor and Johnson sat as naked as the day he was born in front of his Coach.

In the split second of the event, Johnson let go of coach and tried to cover himself up. But he knew it would all be in vain. There was no way he'd be able to cover up his entire rock hard shaft. His balls hung low under his musky sheath, the blunt tip of his cock head easily touched his sternum. Precum flowed freely from his pulsing urethra, mixed with his already sweat covered chest. If Coach was huge, he was monstrous.

Coach Collins broke character and whistled in amazement. He knew horses were big, and "Randy" Johnson was no exception. "Damn son. You're definitely not a little filly. Have you ever considered the fact you're not having any luck with girls is because you'd literally split them in two?"

Johnson blushed at the compliment, his raging erection throbbed even harder, screaming for attention. His tail flicked behind him as he snorted through his flaring nostrils. "Coach... If I can't dip my cock in pussy, what kind of stallion would I be?"

If he wanted that jock bent over, he would need to swing the conversation from talking less about girls and more about guys. "Well, have you ever thought about Richards?" Coach offered a different approach, knowing just how much the quarterback would love to feel that massive cock inside his ass. "You two clearly spend a lot of time together, during practice and outside of school. You seem very comfortable with him, you even told him your little secret. Have you ever stared at his firm ass? The way it bounces when he shows it off in the locker room. Or how his cock might look? How those barbs may feel, tickling your sweet, untouched tailhole?" 'At least, not untouched for much longer,' Coach mused.

"B-barbs?" Johnson asked quizzically, his small brain tried to picture steel fencing wrapped around his best friend's cock. He'd never actually given it much thought or looks while in the locker room or the showers.

Coach Collins noticed the horse's confused face and smiled and explained further, "Richards' cock has small fleshy barbs along the shaft, intended to stimulate the clitorus. You do know what that is?"

Johnson nodded as the image became more clear to him as the rottweiler explained.

"Of course, you do, cause you're a good filly. Richards doesn't bend that way. No, he prefers to be bent another way, usually with something thick and juicy destroying his tight pussy and prostate." Coach Collins murred to himself, his cock was throbbing in Johnson's hand.

"P-prostate?" the jock asked, his ears pivoting forward at attention.

"Better to show you than tell you. Lay down pretty filly and this stud will do all the work," Coach Collines proposed, reaching down and guided Johnson to lay flat on his back, lifting the jock's legs up to rest on top of the barbell. Laying with his legs outstretched, Coach Collins got a good look of what he had to work with. Under those massive, pent up balls was the tightest and fattest ass Coach Collins had ever set eye upon. And in the center of those massive cheeks, above a beautifully braided tail that swished as if to draw attention to the spot, was the jock's puffy donut hole. Glistening with sweat from the horse's intense workout, it clenched and relaxed. It looked so delicious, Coach wanted to push his muzzle against it and voraciously eat the jock out.

Instead, he reached down and began to fondle the horse and let his middle finger rub over the fat taint underneath those low hangers. Johnson's reaction was instant, the horse jolted and gasped as he felt the rottweiler's intimate touch to his nether regions. "Oooh c-coach..." he moaned softly, his eyelids fluttering as pre shot over his pecs. Tingling sensations shot up his spine, making him flag his tail in delight and let out a playful nicker. He couldn't see the rottweiler's paw from his position on the bench, but he could feel them on his sensitive asscheeks.

Coach Collins's fingers wandered down the horse's fat wide rump, the tight cleft was dark and damp with sweat, the tight donut was like a dark hole, a deep void beckoning him to fill it. He let a single digit circle orbit the ring, watching it react, the flesh clench in and then puff back out. Johnson groaned and stamped a hoof on the ground, his cock flexing and slapped his belly with a wet splat. Coach began to pant softly, his cock eager to get inside the virgin, to feel those inexperienced muscles clamp on his cock and show the horse how good it felt to be one of his boys.

"Try to relax, son. This may feel a little strange, but I promise I won't hurt you unless you ask me to," Coach Collins warned him as he pulled his fingers back and collected some precum from his dripping cock.

Confused, Johnson tried to sit up from his position on the bench. He felt awkward and exposed to be upside down on the bench with his legs propped up by the barbell. He didn't get very far when he felt something new: his puffy tailhole being stretched open from the outside as Coach Collins slowly worked a single digit in and out of the jock's pucker, working just the first joint, then the second, then curled his finger once he was knuckle deep in the horse's ass. The stud squealed suddenly when he felt the foreign but wonderful feeling of his prostate being played with, unable to keep his voice down. Coach Collins smirked as he played the horse like a fiddle, and Johnson couldn't help but sing along. The sounds escaping his mouth was music to the rottie's ears. For having been a virgin, Coach Collins was surprised at how quickly the horse's donut became accustomed to his fingers and relaxed, as if asking for more.

Not wanting to disappoint, he added a second finger, opening up the horse's rear passage using nothing but his own natural lubricant. The hole loosened up faster the more he worked it, teasing the horny stud's prostate so the horse leaked more over his gorgeous body. The fluid had covered the sweaty jock's chest and was dripping off the bench and pooling onto the floor beneath it. Coach Collins couldn't have his gym be ruined, not by such a virile stallion. He pulled his fingers out, watching that empty puffy ring clench, begging for something to fill it.

"Now, Johnson, this is how you fuck those pretty little fillies you've spent your whole life chasing," Coach Collins said to the horse, grabbed Johnson by the ankles and lifted the horse's lower end even higher and pressed his tapered tip to the needy pucker.

Johnson had watched enough porn to know what happened next. He never thought how it would feel to be in the bitch's role, but when he felt the wet tip push right up against his hole and push past his sphincter, he whinnied loudly. His voice echoed off the concrete walls of the locker room, unheard by anyone but it's occupants. His sore muscles he'd been working out strained as he tried to focus on his breathing exercises, that's all this was. Just another muscle being worked out... by a bigger muscle burrowing deeper inside his untrained anal muscles. He sucked in air before he felt something fat and wet against his lips. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring at the blunt end of his monstrous shaft, the flared head glaring at him like a cyclops. Coach Collins lifted the horse's hips up, with room to spare and was looking down at the pretty filly.

"Guess you never thought you could suck your own dick, Johnson," the rottweiler grinned down with jowls drooling onto the horse's already drenched body. He didn't wait for a response when he drove his powerful hips against Johnson's wide rump, diving deeper into the jock's ass. The force pushed the horse's hips forward and Johnson got a taste of his own cock. Every inch brushed past his lips and over his tongue, giving him an overwhelming amount of pre to either spit out or swallow. He followed natural instinct and began to suckle, moaning at the feeling of what it felt like to have a throbbing cock in his mouth, while also receiving head for the first time.

Coach Collins growled and buried his bone inside that hot ass, plunging his shaft in and out of that stud's welcoming ring. He lifted a foot to balance on the bench press, the other planted firmly behind him as he drove in and out of Johnson's tight sphincter. The snug tunnel massaged every inch of his cock and in turn, he rubbed over each sensitive nerve ending inside of the stallion.

Johnson's mind was so far gone, lost in the moment of lust for his coach and the feeling of the canine's cock in his ass, he couldn't think of anything else he might want. Gone were the fantasies of girls and impregnating them with his massive horsecock. He surprised himself that he was craving the feeling coach's cock deep inside him, rubbing against his swollen prostate in passing when those soft fuzzy muscular hips pressed flush against his rump. He wanted to bite his lip, but he had too much cock in his mouth to do so. He swallowed wave after wave of his own precum without a second thought, just going with the flow. Maybe Coach was right, maybe he hadn't had any luck with girls because he was gay and didn't even realize it. His fuzzy thoughts turned to his best friend and how the lion looked on the field, and then his mind wandered to after practice, to the locker room, with how the lion laughed and joked, slapping asses as he walked past his teammates before heading to the showers. His brain recollected the expression on Leon's face as he walked by the stocky defensive players, the look of lust and want. He wondered if Leon had ever looked at him the same way.

Johnson's trip down memory lane was suddenly interrupted when he felt something thick press against his rump, and he ask his mentor what it was but his medial ring slipped past his lips, and the only place for his flared cock head to go was further into his mouth. He groaned as it stretched out his throat, nearly hunched over himself as Coach Collins continued to thrust that fat fleshy round bulb against his puffy pucker. He wasn't sure what coach was thrusting into him, but he wanted more. He wanted to feel it push against his prostate.

"Gods, Johnson... you're such a good mare," Coach Collins praised the horse's hospitable rump. It swallowed up every inch he had to stuff it with, driving his hips mad, he bucked so hard that wet loud claps of dog on horse could be heard echoing off the concrete walls. "Just born to be some stud's pretty filly."

The jock couldn't respond, nor would he. Being Coach's filly sounded wonderful. He would be anyone's mare if they made him feel as good as the coach did right now. He wondered what barbs would feel like against his prostate, and that made his cock jerk as he imagined Richards in Coach's position, the most handsome and popular guy in school, filling him again and again with team spirit. He looked up at the coach with lustful eyes, drooling on his cock as he felt his guts begin to rise, another euphoric roller coaster loop and his plump balls pulling up tightly to his sheath. Coach Collins was getting more feral with his thrusts, slamming into Johnson's rump until he felt that fat rounded knob push past his ring. A wet pop followed by a satisfied snarl resulted in a surge of warmth that spread from his ass and into his guts while spit was flung onto his face. Coach kept pounding on his rear end during the entire orgasm, his knot pressed firmly on Johnson's prostate.

It was just moments after Coach Collins tied the knot that Johnson couldn't hold back and got his first taste of cum. The horse felt his balls tense up as he clenched hard on the knot without realizing it, milking it for all its worth as his own load shot up his veiny shaft. The equine cock was so far down the horse's muzzle that he couldn't even taste the initial volley of jizzum. It was only after the second and third rope, that it bubbled up from his throat and filled his muzzle.

"Start drinking pretty filly," Coach Collins ordered, watching the horse's shocked expression as he got his first taste of salty cum. "That's your protein shake of the day."

Johnson tried to do as he was told, taking long gulps to keep up with his intense orgasm. Being the inexpereinced cock sucker that he was, it didn't take long before white strands of cum leaked from around his lips and dribbled off his chin. He wasn't sure how long his orgasm lasted, but his belly felt bloated from how much cum had been pumped into him from both ends. Coach remained hilted inside him, his dark fuzzy balls pressed firmly to the horse's rump, feeling the soft stray tail hair tickle them as it flickered about. He panted as he looked down at the exhausted horse, reaching down and with a single big tan paw, lifted the middle of the barbell up with the horse lifting with both of his hands and lay the metal bar to rest.

Pulling off his cock, the beast satisfied for now began to soften and slink back into his sheath. Johnson rested his arm on his slightly distended stomach, feeling cum slosh inside him. He groaned as he felt the warm fluid move around his guts. "Th-thank you coach..." Johnson heaved between heavy intakes of air, his lungs exhausted from the longer work out. That was all he could come up with, even though he wanted to say more. His first time had been even better than he could have dreamed of.

"If you're going to thank me Johnson, use your mouth," Coach Collins grinned with a wink, knowing that he could find the horse any day if he ever woke up with a morning wood that just couldn't wait for the sun to rise with it.

Coach's Boys - Chapter 4: The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Cum

**Chapter Four - The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Cum** The football team whooped and hollered as they were dismissed from the field, ending another successful day of long and tiring practice. Their voices carried through the concrete...

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Coach's Boys - Chapter 2: What Goes On In The Office

**Chapter Two - What Goes On In The Office...** It was the dog days of summer, and this day was no exception. It would go on to set a new record which would keep its place for years to come. It was a day most people would spend indoors, in the...

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Coach's Boys - Chapter 1: Tryouts

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