Taken by Her Brother

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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When her brother comes home in a foul mood, Fyr doesn't realise he's just going to take what he wants from her either way...

A darker AI tale featuring Fyr and Kao - sister and brother dragons in this story! I have to admit, darker works are right up my street and I love adding spice in this manner. There will be more to come with these two, but this NC story is a one-off currently.


This story has been available for early reading one month ago on Patreon! Please check the tiers on the following link if you would like to support!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © Fyrdrgon & Kao

Taken by Her Brother

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Kao snarled as he stormed up the path to the terraced house, the tiny garden in front of the ramshackle first home away from home that he shared with his sister hardly worthy of being called by such a name. The front door could have been broken down if he slammed it hard enough with his shoulder, he was sure, but, even between the two of them, they hadn't been able to afford anything else straight out of college. Alas, the dragons were forced to play the cards they'd been dealt and, well, Fyr wouldn't have said they were doing such a bad job of it, not really.

A job as a bank teller, however, had not been what Kao had envisioned on coming out of college, freshly graduated with honours and that usual cocky grin on his muzzle. In his younger years as a hatchling and then teenager, the world had been his oyster and everything seemed to have fallen just into place for him. He had the education, the dragoness and everything else his parents could have possibly provided for him. The real world, however, was not quite as kind and he was quickly finding the requirement to actually work for what he wanted in life a little...

Well, could he say tedious?

The blue dragon's scales glistened in the drizzle and he scowled at the door, stepping sideways to the lock and finding something disgustingly soft and squishy underfoot.


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Swearing - loudly, he wasn't shy about it - he scraped off his boot on the mat outside, making a face that would have made a babe squeal in horror. The neighbour - he didn't even know the old drake's name - was _forever_leaving his dog out into their garden and, well, the beastie did so like to leave a little trail of shit in its wake. Kao growled and rubbed his heel through the grass, but only succeeded in further smearing the dog turd around. Fucking brilliant, just brilliant. He bared his fangs at the door, although he had no personal grievance with that just as yet. Just what he fucking needed!

Finally managing to make his way inside, he left his boots at the door, automatically going to curl his toes into the carpet and finding it too bare and lacking any manner of plush feeling to do so. Grumbling, though his fussing was admittedly depleting with the warmth of his home, their sanctuary, washing over him with a comforting familiarity, he rubbed his black horns, chilled and aching from such a damp cold. Winter couldn't pack its bags and go quickly enough, as far as he was concerned.

"Fyr?" He rumbled, unable to put an edge of welcoming into his tone. "Are you home?"

"'Course I am." His dragoness sister's voice came faintly from the living room, rising over the sound of the television set - old and broken down, just like their rented home. "I had the day off, remember?"

Kao's muzzle twisted. Of course, she fucking had the whole fucking day off - lazy dragon! He stumbled over a pile of newspapers that both of them seemed to buy but were not all that good at actually getting around to reading and swore under his breath. Couldn't she have at least cleaned up a little? Would that have been too much to ask? The damn dragoness was even messier than he was!

Rounding the corner to the living room, he thrust open the door with a glare in his eyes and lips already parted to give her the talking to she surely deserved. But he found his sister, the red dragoness, sprawled on the admittedly small sofa with her bare legs kicked up over the arm. A mug was in her paw, but that was hardly the focus of his attention when the old T-shirt she wore revealed a strip of stomach and yellow stripes above the line of her panties. And that was the full extent of what she was wearing, the cotton underwear edged with blue lace that stood out against her crimson scales, impossible to ignore even as she jigged a hind paw.

Kao groaned and rubbed his temples. After all those idiot, bimbo dragonesses that day, had she really had to choose that night of all nights to prostrate herself like a sexual feast to be dined upon. His cock hardened, not for the first time that day, in his pants, barely tenting out the front as his boxer-briefs kept his arousal in check, if not completely. It was a necessary requirement of his undergarments at that time, considering all the busty dragonesses he worked with, all intent on batting their eyelashes at him and leaning over right where he had the perfect view down their blouses, yet no such means to do anything about it.

"Fuck, Fyr, you've got to be kidding me..."

The dragoness looked away from the old show on TV, startled and blinking as if a bright light had suddenly been shone in her eyes.

"What?" She licked her lips, a cup of coffee cradled to her chest as if a hatchling. "What's wrong? You look like shit."

Kao winced, but couldn't drag his eyes away from her long legs, muscle shifting beneath her gleaming scales as she tipped her muzzle down to take another sip of the hot beverage and let out a soft "ah" of pure and utter satisfaction.

It had been a long time since he'd made her make that sound in the bedroom. His brow furrowed and the brother opened and closed his mouth several times, oh so slowly sliding his gaze away.

"Thanks so much for pointing that out."

Pushing her legs off the arm of the sofa - it took a great effort of will to not slide his paw up that perfect thigh - Kao flopped down beside her, doing his best to not drink in the delicious sight of her body like much needed liquor. His throat tightened. Drink. He needed a drink.

Fyr put her mug aside and leaned against him, shoulder bumping his. The drake shuddered, cock twitching and spilling pre-cum. Yes, she was his sister, but they had an arrangement of sorts...

A very good arrangement. He smirked and straightened, just a little. Perhaps it was time to see just how far that arrangement stretched. After all, it had been a particularly crap day and he didn't know how much more of a half-naked dragoness flaunting herself before him that he could actually take.

Boldly, he slunk an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him: Fyr giggled.

"Kao, what are you doing?"

Was that a flirty edge in her tone? His heart leapt to his throat, where it stayed, pounding with every drop of blood that hadn't already fled to his crotch.

"Just spending time with my sister," he murmured, laying his head on top of hers. "You must have been so lonely here all day by yourself..."

But his words were not the true focus of the conversation as he ran his paw up her leg, teasing lightly over her scales as he hooked his claws into the waistband of her panties.

And then it all went wrong, Fyr pulling away from him with a sidelong look and a shudder that had his cock softening as if it too knew just what had happened and how he'd pushed too far. Kao's mouth opened, but Fyr got there before him.

"Honestly, Kao, I thought you actually wanted to talk to me for once." His sister made a face. "Is that all you think about? Sex? You know there's more to life than that, right?"

The drake pressed his lips together and shook his head, wings mantling over his back as he fought not to flare them out, his body instinctively wanting to make him seem larger and more imposing.

"It's been a shit day, Fyr, c'mon..." He whined, trying to take her paw in his. "Just a quickie, you don't even have to do anything."

"No! I don't want to right now!"

She pulled completely away from him and scooted all the way to the other end of the sofa - which wasn't very far at all, admittedly - folding her arms over her chest. The nipples that had been perking through the thin fabric were therefore hidden and Kao's eyes snapped back up to her muzzle, a tiny muscle jumping and twitching right at the corner of her jaw.

"Fyr..." He could only try. "You don't know what it's like. A paw doesn't feel so good anymore. I just need some fun, some relief. I've told you how bad it gets for me, I need it. I need you."

She grimaced.

"No, Kao, I'm not doing that now. I'm tired and it's been a long day."

He stared at her, lower jaw hanging slack.

"You've been off today!"

"And you think I haven't been working on other things?" Her eyes narrowed, daring him to challenge her. "I have my online courses. I'm not done learning yet, studying. I'm going to get somewhere, Kao, and that takes work."

Leaping up, she stormed from the room with her tail swinging behind her as if to keep the space to her rear clear and ensure that there was no way for him to follow her closely. However, Kao was hot on her heels, barely aware of the fact that his body had left the sofa.

"What the fuck, Fyr?" He snarled, lip curling back from the line of his teeth. "You know you didn't spend all day on that!"

"I needed to relax too!"

She threw him a nasty look back over her shoulder and, for the first time, he noticed how the edges of her scales had lifted ever so slightly on her neck. A well-known sign of draconic stress, he automatically raised his paw to his own neck and felt the same edges there. Well, at least that made two of them. His heart twisted. What if their arrangement wasn't working out anymore? What would they do then?

"Me too," he hissed, though it came out softer and more sensual, eyes relaxing at the corners. "I need to relax too and, oh, Fyr, all I want to do is relax with you."

He grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck as the dragoness paused at the entrance to the kitchen, one foot over the threshold.

"It's been so long..."

Kao didn't need to finish the sentence for his sister to know exactly what he was getting at, but her reaction was far, far from the one he'd been hoping for.

"No, Kao." Although her voice rang gentle, her words stung. "I don't want to do this anymore. You're going to have to understand that and just let it go this time."

She paused and he chanced that, even through the roaring in his ears, vision greying, Fyr's eyes glittered with moisture.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this."

And then she was gone into the kitchen, letting the badly painted door swing close on her heels and him staring like a teenager caught with his pants down and cock, well... Kao closed his jaw with a sharp snap and growled, anger rumbling up from deep in his gut. Hot, it burned through his veins and clutched at his throat, whispered arguments rising to a screaming cacophony bouncing madly off the walls of his skull.

Just who the fuck did she think she was to turn him down like that - humiliate him? Kao snarled, tail winding back and forth like a feline stalking its prey. How many times had he turned her down when she'd been the one needing him? Not a single fucking time, that's how many times! He'd always been there for her, pushing his muzzle between her legs and giving her the release she craved. Long, slow thrusts or sharp, short, needy thrusts and gave her everything she needed and, if her words back then were to be believed, more still!

The dragon's jaws parted and out came a long, roiling hiss that seemed to curl sinuously up from his core, heated and ragged as it burst into existence. He placed the flat of his paw on the kitchen door, but his fingers curled into it without active through, claws scraping through the already decrepit paint to add just another claw mark to the door that truly was long for its time. His cock swelled hard and eager once more, a wet patch of pre-cum soaking through his underwear, and, somehow, the top button of his work trousers had come undone. Kao snarled.

If she wouldn't give it to him, he'd take it himself.

The slam of the kitchen door bouncing off the wall made Fyr jump, at the counter with a spoon in paw.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Kao! What the hell are you doing?"

But the dragon wasn't thinking straight, taking in short, needy gulps of air that only served to deliver her warm, feminine scent - intimately that of a dragoness in need, even if she didn't yet know it - to a part of his mind more feral and ravenous than he could ever have imagined. Fyr took a step back, resolve wavering in her eyes as her brother advanced, paws hanging at his sides, alternating clenching into fists and then releasing again a moment later.

Fyr swallowed, though the lump in her throat made the reflex nigh on impossible.

Something was wrong.


Something was very wrong.

He didn't look like her brother anymore, but that was hardly something the lust-addled drake was about to take note of as he lunged for his sister with a dull roar. The bare bulb in the kitchen shuddered as he grabbed her, slamming her chest down on the very counter that she had been preparing herself a coffee over mere moments ago. She cried out in pain, brain struggling to catch up with what was happening as her arms were bent painfully back beneath her body. The spoon clattered noisily to the torn linoleum, but neither of them noticed as the bulb swung and light danced sickeningly over their little, shared kitchen.

When her mind did catch up, however, it was to the sensation of her brother's hard cock pressing up to her backside, suddenly feeling far, far too exposed in a mere pain of flimsy panties. She worked her jaw, but no sound immediately emerged, terror clawing up from the farthest reaches of her mind.


"Kao!" She shrieked, an edge of fear causing the pitch of her voice to rise and rise. "Let me go! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Her brother laughed, though it didn't sound like any laugh he'd given ever before.

"Taking what I want, sister," he crooned, pressing heavily between her shoulder blades to keep her pinned as the dragoness heaved and twisted. "You're wet for me already, you want it."

Fyr's cheeks burned, breath raking through her lungs without satisfying the burning ache there. Her vision pulsed, threatening to grey as it shivered and swayed before her very eyes. Trying to press her thighs together, she yelped as he kicked her hind paws apart again, claws scraping over her ankles to leave raw lines of pain in her cut up scales.

"That's not true," she said, or at least tried to say as the words stuck in her throat. "I don't want it. I don't want you like this. I never wanted you like this."

But her body was a different breed to her mind and she couldn't help that her loins yearned for her brother every time he entered their home, the deeply masculine scent of him forcing her senses to succumb in a way that only he could encapsulate. She'd only thought to wean herself off him a little bit, to take away just a little bit of the need from her own heart. Who knew what would happen to them in the future and how long their arrangement would last, after all? But Kao was larger and stronger and it seemed that the decision had been snatched out of her own two paws.

And yet she fought and snarled and threw every curse and insult to his ears even as she wheezed, tears building up in the corners of her eyes. She didn't acknowledge how they dripped onto the counter as her brother laughed cruelly, unzipping his trousers with a sharp, short rip. And she barely registered either the feeling of her panties being yanked down to her thighs, only enough to show off her soft, feminine folds to the hungry gaze of one who wanted to abuse them.

"Keep telling yourself that, sister. We're doing this my way this time."

The weight of him holding her in place drew a sharp line of pain through the muscles of her upper back and the dragoness squealed, trying to kick out but missing her target. He only needed one arm to hold her down as his other clearly worked his cock out of his trousers, the drake letting out a long, low growl that rang through with feral need.

"Please don't," she whispered, shuddering as his cock slapped her bare buttocks. "You don't want to do this, not to me."

The drake's paw curled around her shoulder, claws biting deep.

"Oh, but I do."

With a rock of his hips, Kao found the familiar warmth of her passage and drove in with brutal intent. Fyr screeched for, as prepared as her body had pretended to me, reacting to his touch, she was nowhere near wet enough for him. But Kao didn't care about that. All he cared about was the fact that he had a dragoness that he deemed as ready and lustful and he was. And, well, if she wasn't, that was hardly his problem to concern himself with.

Crushing Fyr's cheek into the counter, Kao hissed as he thrust, rocking his hips back and forth with a familiarity that was both shocking and terrifying under the circumstances. What felt like it should have been right was wrong, very wrong, the ridges of his cock driving thickly into her, stretching her out but in every wrong way possible. Her entrance burned without due preparation and she cried as he took her like a slut in a whore-house, tail forced up and over her back so that he had full access to the only part of her that he was interested in.

The drake groaned, lower jaw hanging as ropes of saliva hung down to her back, the T-shirt bragging rends through the fabric.

"You're even better when you're - ah," he grunted, "taken!"

The dragoness' tears wetted the counter and she cast her eyes over the saucepans and mugs still yet to be washed, trying to think of anything else as her own brother raped her. It was impossible to stop her body from responding, the pain blessedly, thankfully, easing as her passage slickened with her own juices, but she loathed every twitch and clench of her pussy around that invading shaft. It should have been in the bedroom - their bedroom! - that he was taking her, by her own free will and volition.

Instead, it was in the dirty kitchen with a beast on her back that didn't care for her pleasure and was intent only on using her as a hole to get off in.

No, no... The dragoness' head spun. It was wrong, all wrong! How could something so wonderful have turned so dark? He was supposed to look after her - protect her! He was her brother! But that very brother snarled and hissed like a dragon of a much lower class as he bent her tail up painfully, drops of blood wetting her T-shirt from where his claws had pierced her scales. Her pussy loosened around him, welcoming him and his driving need even as her mind screamed.

"Say it."

Kao's paw closed around her throat, forcing her head up from the counter as her eyes bulged.

"W-what?" She choked out, trying to yank her head away as the deep-set pain in her neck grew by the second. "Y-you..."

But she could not get out further words, her brother slamming her hips painfully into the counter with every raw thrust he delivered.

"How much you want it," he hissed, though closed his paw tighter, hardly allowing her room to breathe as he claimed her. "You know you need it, you know this is your place - always beneath me. Say how much you want me to fuck you."

That little spark of rebellion took hold of her heart, but, as she parted her lips, it was as if he knew that she wasn't going to say what he willed her to. And, before she could get out the scathing words from the tip of her tongue, Kao's paw tightened yet again on her throat, leaving her hacking and spluttering, saliva gleaming on her lips.

"Play fair, sister. That isn't how you play my game."

And, oh, how she knew it. She knew it in every sharp jab of his hips, how her brother's breath came quicker with every stroke of the shaft that she had, once, loved so much. Her juices squelched around his cock, abject betrayal, and Fyr strove to twist her head away, yet it was all to no avail.

She could only do one thing.


She fought with the words, bile rising up in the back of her throat. But he released her throat just enough for her to speak and she took the chance to gulp down sweet, blissfully clean air.

"Well, sister?"

Kao could hardly get the words out himself, chest on her back as he bore her down, one paw on her hips. He knew she wasn't going anywhere, not when he could cut off her airway again and so, with tears streaming down her cheeks, Fyr choked and gulped and hurled out the words he craved to hear.

"I want you to fuck me," she whispered, faltering on each and every word. "I love you fucking me."

Kao chuckled throatily, cock deep inside her as he kept as much of his thick length inside her as possible, thrusts deep and shallow.

"I couldn't hear that, sister. One more time."

She took a deep breath.

"I want you to fuck me."


"I want you to fuck me!"

He made her scream and, through her tears, Kao roared, wings flaring out proudly, as he climaxed, filling his sister with seed that she had no desire for. His balls slapped her cunny as he jammed every last inch of his cock inside her, but there was no orgasm to be had for the dragoness that he had made no attempt to please. Fyr sobbed as his cum trickled out around his cock, cunt stretched lewdly and not at all pleasurably.

When he dragged his cock from her, he growled in complete and utter satisfaction - self-satisfaction - and patted her on the rump as if that would make up for everything he'd done and more.

"You are a good fuck, Fyr, you know that, don't you?"

Crying too hard to respond as she slithered to the floor, Fyr shook her head and hid her muzzle in her paws.

"You should have expected this," he said, tugging his trousers back up, though he didn't re-do the button at the top, perhaps allowing for more pleasure, for himself, later. "If you're going to walk around here flaunting it, you should expect to get fucked like that. You loved it really."

Fyr did not, could not, respond and pressed her fingers over the back of her skull, nose tucked between her knees. Her panties tangled around her ankles, but she couldn't find the energy in herself to move even a single muscle. Every bit of energy she had was spent on surviving and she wasn't so sure she could do even that anymore. Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, Kao fluttered his fingers at her in a mock wave.

"Have a nice night, sister."

Leaving Fyr to whimper and sob into her paws, her brother's cum trickling from her cunt, he whistled a tune to himself as he took her place on the sofa with a beer in his paw and switched over to a show he preferred. She always watched the worst things.

She'd come around.
