Praxeum Jewel of Mercy

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#7 of Aboard The Praxeum

Another look at the Praxeum Adam and Eve project from the view of two best friends who lost everything but each other. -- This was originally an RP between myself and my friend Seracen.


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It had been terrible. So terrible. In only a few weeks, she'd lost everyone. Her mother. Her father. Her unborn baby sister. They were all gone. Jewel was alone. Even most of the kids in her school disappeared almost instantly. The infection spread faster than anybody could have predicted. And just as quickly as it had started, it was gone. The entire ship was... empty, and Jewel cried herself to sleep every night. Once the medical staff was sure the danger had passed, the survivors had been rounded up, shunted into one of the more populated housing blocks. Even that didnt make Jewel feel any less alone. Deep in her heart, she knew that three-quarters of the ship was still empty, populated only by the ghosts of those they loved.

The one silver lining was her new housing partner. Her best friend, a girl she'd known since her first day of school had survived. The white-and-blue furred wolf was elated even if deep down she ached.

She wasn't alone, at least not as alone as she had thought she was. Neither one of them saw much of the other at first. There was packing and unpacking to do. But Jewel knew that was going to change.

She pried open the last box, staring down at the contents within. Her mother's and father's personal effects. Most of their clothing had been recycled. All the baby-things had been taken away. But their pictures, their wedding rings, gifts to and from one another over the course of their too-short lives. A tear welled in her eyes, one she was glad of the isolation her bedroom afforded her for. Her friend wouldn't see her cry.

She brushed the tear away and replaced the lid on the box with a soft 'Good-bye' on her lips. She pushed the box under her bed and took a deep breath. Her breast swelled within the confines of her school uniform's blouse, then deflated as she let out a long, mournful sigh. Time to be strong. She spun on her heel, making her way out into the living room to flop onto the sofa and turn on the holo. Maybe they would be playing some of the older programming. It wasn't like any of them had any time to make anything new and besides, even holo-celebrities weren't immune to the plague. Movie stars were in short supply these days.

In the other bedroom, a vixen lay on the bed on top of the covers, fully clothed. Music played from speakers next to her but the sound barely penetrated the fog over her mind. Mercy was all to aware of the silence in the ship around her. It wasn't actually silent, but she thought she could feel the sudden, vast emptiness around her. It was inside her too. The plague hadn't left her family any more untouched than any other. Her father and sister, the only family she'd ever had, were gone. She was grateful that their passing had been peaceful, but it didn't make it any easier, not really.

She glanced over at the cupboard built into the wall. She'd stuffed their possessions in there the moment they'd been delivered, not evening opening them. She knew that she'd do it eventually, but that particular wound was a little too fresh. Making a small sound, she got up and turned off the music. The sound of the holo came through the door, muffled. At least Jewel is still her, she thought. She wasn't completely alone.

She glanced at herself in the mirror as she passed. Her uniform was rumpled and creased, not that she or anyone cared about such things in light of recent events. Her red fur was in need of brushing, but she had the same reaction to that as to her uniform. Pushing open the door, the vixen listlessly wandered into the room where Jewel sat in front of the holo. Her body took her over to the food replicator but she wasn't particularly hungry, and she couldn't decide on what to eat. Instead, she glanced at the holo and her mouth moved of its own accord. "Anything good on?" she said. Her own voice sounded a little strained but it still worked. Good, I wasn't sure about that.

Jewel spared only a glance at her friend as she shook her head. "Just reruns of The Bunny Bunch," she said, sitting up slightly. She subconsciously smoothed out her skirt and offered a small, sad smile at her friend. "Your fur is all frazzled," she said and stood up. "Sit down, I'll brush it." Not that there was much of her fur that wasn't tangled, but still, the vulpine's fluffy tail was in as sad a state as the ship itself. And besides, it would give herself something to focus on, too. She made her way into her bedroom to retrieve her brush then returned to the living room with a smile, a forced one but a smile nonetheless. "Come on, sit down and I'll straighten it out."

Mercy did as she was told, sitting in front of the chair and facing the holo. It was indeed old reruns, and ones she had seen before, but familiarity was something she could do with. Her tail flicked a little as Jewel gently began to brush it straight. The tangles vanished soon enough and Mercy sighed. It was a nice feeling, a relaxing one. It almost made her forget...she focused harder on the holo, on the brush passing through her fur. The fur of her tail was straight in no tome, the tangles gone and the fur shining dully in the lights from above. "Thanks," Mercy said quietly. "Want me to do you?"

After the fox's fur was straight and floofy again, Jewel smiled a little more genuinely and nodded. "Yes. Please." She passed the brush offf and turned away from her friend, extending her own knotted, tangled mess of a tail toward-...

"Citizens of the Praxeum," the captain said on the holo. The mare was almost as dishevelled as Jewel's tail, but she hid it well. "Starting in four days, a new protocol will be put into effect. Every individual of age has been logged into the ship's medical computer and has been sorted according to biological traits. Once the program begins, names will be called over the intercom every day. The individuals called will be required to report to the medical section of the ship to await further instructions. Thank you for your cooperation, and godspeed."

Jewel's eyes widened and her ears perked. That sounded... ominous. She turned, tilting her head to the side as she stared at Mercy. "What... do you think that's all about?"

Mercy mouthed the words 'report to the medical section' then shook her head. "I don't know," she said. "I mean, we're immune, aren't we? There's no chance we're infected, is there?"

She gulped, but tried not to let any anxiety show. She started to brush Jewel's tail, gently working the knots free of her fur. Her mind was running quickly and she started saying the thoughts out loud. "Maybe, since there's so few of us left, they being extra careful with everyone's health," she mused to herself. "Or, maybe, they just want to know who's...who's still here and how they are. It's nothing to worry about." The last part was more for herself than it was for Jewel. What are the chances of another plague? Zero, she told herself firmly.

Jewel's tail was done in a few more minutes and the vixen set down the brush.

She turned, giving her friend more access to her not-as-fluffy tail. Then she looked over her shoulder and shook her head. "I don't think it's serious. They aren't ordering us there as soon as possible, right? Just when our names are called. That's not an emergency. If it were an emergency, we'd all go to the hospital now." She nodded, affirming the statement for herself as much as for her friend. "Everything's fine. Routine checkups," she echoed then took another deep breath. "At least they aren't giving us any homework..." she mused aloud.

"I suppose you're right," Mercy said, feeling a little more confident. She kept brushing even though it didn't really need to be done; it felt nice to have something to do. More shows came onto the holo and they sat, watching them rather mindlessly until Mercy's belly rumbled loudly. She looked at it in mild surprise, as if having forgotten it could do that, then got up. "I'm hungry," she announced. "Pizza. I feel like pizza, want any?" She walked over to the replicator and punched in a code of pizza, then looked expectantly at Jewel.

She perked at that and smiled, leaping up to bounce around the sofa toward the replicator with her friend. "With anchovies!" she said, grinning suddenly. It was like old times, wasn't it? She blinked and tilted her head to the side. Her ears perked and she smiled warmly at her best friend. "This isn't going to be bad, is it?" she asked. "It'll be like a sleep over. Like we used to do. Just.... all the time." She smiled at that then clapped her hands. "We get to act like kids again!" she said, a wicked glean in her eye.

Mercy punched in the code for pizza, making it half anchovies. Her nose wrinkled at the smell as the replicator formed the food but she smiled at Jewel's enthusiasm. "Yeah," she said, smiling too. "A sleepover! It will be as fun as when we were kids." She set the anchovy half of the pizza in front of Jewel. "So, what first?"

She opened her mouth to speak then blinked at that. What first? She sat down on the floor across from her friend and stared down at the pizza on the table between them. "I don't know. Um..." She scratched behind her right ear thoughtfully and hummed. "I don't think we're going to be given homework for a while. We probably don't want to be causing any trouble after..." She left it hanging for a moment. Then she perked and grinned. "Did you see Scott at school yesterday? He dyed his tailfeathers!" She shuddered and gave a little moan for effect. "He's such a ....such a...." What was an appropriate, not-insensitive word for it?

"Fuckboy? Mercy blurted out, then started giggle. "That's probably not very nice, is it?" She bit deeply into her pizza, looking at Jewel with sudden realization. "Is he the crush that you won't tell me about, the one you've refused to tell anyone?" She pushed her plate to one side, leaning in closer to her friend. "He is, isn't he?!"

She blinked at that, her eyes widening as she was called out. "No!" she said, glancing down to stare rather intently at the pizza between them. "I mean... maybe... A little..." Beneath her fur, she felt her cheeks heating and finally she glanced up, if only for an instant at her friend. "Okay, you can't tell anybody, Mercy!" she said, stabbing a finger into the air between them. "Nobody! No one can ever know!" She reached down, plucking a piece of the pizza up in hopes Mercy would do the same and drop it.

Mercy held up a hand solemnly, palm held out, and put the other on her chest. "I do so swear to keep this secret," she said, then made a small X over her heart with a finger. She took another bite of pizza and they both ate in silence for a moment. Then she swallowed and said, "Of course, I can't promise to never bring it up again, but I won't _tell_anyone." She took another bite of pizza, smiling at the expression on Jewel's face, a mischievous grin breaking out over her own.

She knew Mercy. She was warning her that she would pester and beg for every detail until Jewel spilled the proverbial beans. She stared at her slice of pizza for a moment then swallowed her bite. "I'm not gonna lie..." she said in a small voice, "...I've thought about making him the father of my babies." She smiled sheepishly and took another big bite. She'd fantasized plenty of times of making Hank swell with her baby. She wasn't into girls, so she had never really fantasized about fathering a baby herself, but mothering one in Hank? She felt her heart flutter just thinking about it!

"Ooh, really?" Mercy said, taking another bite herself. She thought about Hank. He'd survived the plague, hadn't he? He'd be here somewhere, in this part of the ship. "I didn't know you were into the avians," Mercy said thoughtfully and she grinned. "So, you ever do anything with him? Ever sneak off and...?"

She could feel herself blushing a bit beneath her fur and she took another bite of food, although her eyes didn't leave Jewel's face, watching closely.

She shook her head, nibbling at her pizza in silence for several minutes. She pondered keeping the expanded answer to that question to herself but... All they had was time together now, wasn't it? What was the chance it would never come out? Besides, the person in her mind, he hadn't survived the pandemic. "Do you remember Mark's birthday?" Mark was one of their friends they'd hung out with intermittently since the first years of school.

"Was that the one with the silver balloons?" Mercy said. "Sure, I remember it." Thinking of a lost friend made her throat grow tight, but she pushed the thought down with another bite of pizza. Then she fully realized Jewel's words. She looked at the wolf suspiciously. "Did you..." she said, swallowing quickly. "With Mark?"

She glanced up, then down, then swallowed daintily. "No. We didn't... I'm still a virgin. But Mark and I snuck off after cake. We hid in his closet in his bedroom." Her panties were starting to feel uncomfortably tight as her sheathe thickened in memory. "We made out for a while. He felt me up all over. My boobs. My dick. My pussy..." She shuddered. "He made me put my fingers in his underwear. Well, not made me per se. I was nervous at first, but before I knew it, I was knuckle deep in his boyhood." She licked her lips, avoiding Mercy's gaze. He stroked me off till my knot swelled up then he... he..." She couldn't finish! It was just too embarrassing! She chomped another big bite of her pizza and looked away.

Mercy was leaning forwards again. This story was completely new to her. She had a vague memory of Jewel disappearing during that part, but she hadn't noticed Mark leave as well. Before she'd really begun to look for her friend, she'd reappeared again and Mercy hadn't thought anything of it. "Well, don't stop there!" Mercy said, although her own face was burning and her tail was moving to and fro behind her. "You know I hate unfinished stories." She felt a stirring in her panties at the thought of her friends in the dark closet, party noises drowning out any sounds that they might make. "Come on," she continued, "you've kept it in this long."

She stared up at her friend as she chewed and swallowed. "Then he leaned down and..." She chewed on her tongue for a moment the spat it all out. "sucked all of it in his mouth. He was practically swallowing it down his throat! I couldn't hold back and I... and I...." She whimpered lightly. "I came harder than I ever made myself cum before. He couldn't keep up and it... got all over him." She blushed fiercely beneath her fur. "That's why he was gone for a few minutes after I came back to the party." She smiled sheepishly then shook her head. "You've done stuff like that too!!!" ...Right? Mercy had done that, hadn't she? She certainly hoped so. The last thing she needed was for her best friend to think she was a slut!

Mercy blushed harder, sitting back. As if remembering that she had it for the first time, she took a bite of pizza, chewing and swallowing it as slowly as she could. When she looked back up, Jewel's gaze was still on her. "Not...not from that side," she blurted out, then swiftly took another bite of food, eating it as slowly as the one before. "It was after school, not too long ago." The memory was fresh in her mind. She probably would have told Jewel about it some time ago, but this had been just before the plague had happened. "Still a virgin," she said quickly, "but I went with Jenny, behind that building where the teachers never go and the camera is broken..." She blushed again, and took another bite, finishing the pizza.

She almost choked on her bite! Her eyes widened and her ears perked. Her best friend was a lesbian!? Of course, since all of them had both sex organs, it wasn't so uncommon, but still! She licked her lips and shook her head. Was this going to be a problem? She was sure Mercy wouldn't be trying to get a peek at her naked body or get between her legs, but... still! "Jenny?" A jealous flare she didn't expect burned in her breast for a brief instant as she remembered Jenny was one of the survivors. "What happened?"

The fire in her cheeks was easily visible beneath her fur, she knew that well. "Um, well, we were behind the building, where no one would see us, and we kinda started...making out," she said. "I still like boys!" she said, a little hotly. " I just wanted to see what another girl was like. Anyway, we were back there, and I think Jenny been with someone before. We both got hard and she kinda pushed me onto my knees and took her cock out, then told me to suck it."

Her jaw dropped to the floor. When she'd fingered Mark and he sucked her off, she couldn't hardly see anything. The closet was dark. But in broad daylight!? She just stared, shaking her head slowly from side to side. "Did you?' She asked as a hand dipped beneath the table to adjust herself into a more comfortable and hopefully less visible position inside of her tight panties.

Mercy grinned bashfully. "Yeah, I did," she said. "I don't think I was very good at it, but Jenny seemed to enjoy herself. It didn't take her long to cum, but that might have been because she didn't want anyone to come and find herself. Thing is, she didn't tell me so it kinda...went everywhere" she said as she motioned at herself.

She licked her lips at that, unable to not-picture Mercy's face covered in thick cum. She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment and shook her head. "Did you enjoy it?" she asked before her shut-up filter could activate. She clapped her hand over her lips and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask that! I'm not trying to say you're a slut or anything!"

"It's fine," Mercy muttered, before thinking back on the experience. Had she enjoyed it? "It wasn't bad," she said eventually, not meeting Jewel's eyes. "I mean, it would have been better if I'd been able to go home without smelling like Jenny. It's not like she did it back, and..." she blushed again, "I think it would be better with someone I like more than Jenny, too. She's not the nicest person around."

She smirked at that and nodded. Jenny was a bit of a bully sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. She licked her lips and tilted her head. "Then why'd you go back there with her?" she asked. "Were you so hooooorny you just didn't care whose dick you got in your muzzle?" she asked, poking her tongue out. "I take it back. You're a little slut fox, aren't you?"

Mercy stuck her own tongue out. "No!" she protested. "No more than the girl that got sucked off once! And Jenny invited me. I just wanted to know what it'd be like with another girl." The heat was coming back into her cheeks and she got up, taking her plate over to the sink, then turned and poked her tongue out at Jewel again.

That was it! She couldn't take it anymore! She wasn't sure why, but thinking of her friend's head bobbing on her cock had her hard as a rock! She jumped up and darted into the bathroom to... remedy that!

It was some days later when finally names were called over the ship's intercom system. They survived three cycles until finally Mercy's name came up, calling her to the hospital wing for.... whatever it was the Captain had warned them about days prior. When the fox came into the waiting room, there were a little over a dozen different people, most of them other women of every species. Each of them wrung their hands or stared at the ceiling or floor, almost as if afraid they would not survive this visit.

As nervous as all of the rest, Mercy sat on a chair in the corner, keeping her arms folded so that she couldn't wring her hands or start mussing up her fur. Instead, her leg bounced up and down like there was a pump beneath her heel. The hospital wings always had a clean, disinfected smell about, the scent of which filled Mercy's nose. White seemed to be the theme, with bright lighting that almost got rid of every shadow.

Mercy gulped as person after person was called into a doctor's office. They didn't come back to the waiting room and neither did they walk past. She knew logically that they were leaving by the other waiting room, but her heart still beat quicker with every name, until it was hers. "Mercy," one of the doctors said, looking right at her. The vixen jumped to her feet at once. "Follow me."

The vixen was led down a corridor and to an office where already another fur was leaving, sporting a fashionable new wristwatch! In the office, a rather endowed Giraffe sat behind her desk, rummaging about in a box there idly. When Mercy entered, the giraffe grinned, standing quickly to extend her hand. In doing so, her shirt strained against her ample bust. If Mercy didn't know better, she might think one or more of those buttons might pop free any minute! "Ah, hello there, young lady. Thank you for coming in today," the doctor said, a warm smile on her lips.

"N-No problem," Mercy said, quickly looking away from the giraffe's bust. There was a seat next to the giraffe's desk and she sat down in it, her back very straight as she looked around the room nervously. The doctor's demeanor did a little to settle her nerves, but she was far from comfortable.

"Is everything all right?" she said quickly, nerves making her speak faster and in a slightly higher tone. "There's nothing wrong with me?"

Dr. Coco gave a musical laugh and shook her head. "No! Of course not!" She smiled and sat on the edge of her desk. She reached into the box and pulled a little red one out with Mercy's name on it. "In fact, you're in perfect health. That's exactly what we need. You see, we've decided to start a new program ship-wide called the Adam and Eve Project. The goal is...." She hummed. "Well you may have noticed the population is significantly smaller than it should be. The ship is running on a skeleton crew. We cant sustain this for more than ten years." She offered a smile. "We have decided to... help nature along, as it were."

She shrugged slowly.

"Everyone of breeding age has been catalogued. You are going to be paired up with someone with an ideal genetic match once a week for the foreseeable future. You're going to impregnate what few men we have left and as many women as we can pair you with. Similarly, you're going to be expected to carry at least one child, as well." Then she realized she should let the girl register and process all of this information! She smiled warmly and tilted her head to the side, waiting for it to sink in.

Mercy's lower jaw dropped. She stared at the giraffe, stunned into silence. She knew that the population was low; of course it was low! But to be this low, low enough to require such measure...

She shut her mouth and licked her lips and spoke slowly. "You want me," she said, enunciating every word clearly to make sure she had them right, "to impregnate other people, as many as I can, while they do the same to me?"

The idea of having children, especially from her own belly, was an alien one. She'd never really thought about it beyond a very vague 'someday', for fantasizing about it while in heat. But for it to actually happen...the idea seemed ludicrous.

"I've got that right?" she asked the doctor.

Dr. Coco nodded, smiling excitedly. "Precisely!" She blinked, realizing she'd missed a point. "I am not asking you to whore yourself out, of course. We can do this one of two ways. It's all your choice. We can either harvest your semen artificially and use it to artificially inseminate those who chose that path, and in turn artificially inseminate you. Of course, there's very little fun in that path. The other option is to take this," she handed Mercy the box she'd retrieved, "and wait for us to call you back to the hospital. You'll come here and we'll pair you anonymously with another male or female. We'll tell you what role you're expected to fill and... well... you do it!"

Mercy made a face at the prospect of having to come here for the artificial option. She'd never liked hospitals, a feeling that had only increased because of recent events. She looked down at the little box, seeing the small screen there. "I'd rather the second," she said reluctantly, putting the box around her wrist. It was light enough that she could almost forget it was there. "Sounds better than the other one, at least. "Is everyone in the program? When does it start?"

Privately, she thought, Is Jewel in it?

As Mercy took the wrist-band from within the little red box, rather, Dr. Coco smiled and shook her head. "In a few more days, once we've finished handing out these signaling devices. Everyone of breeding age will have one, so you'll be hard pressed to guess who you've just had sex with." She winked slyly. "I would ask that when your signaling band activates that you drop whatever you're doing and immediately report to the hospital. It wouldn't be fair to your partner to make them wait for a long time."

She smiled again and tilted her head to the other side. "We have carefully planned the pairs out to match genetic traits needed for the next generation so... I have to ask that you refrain from having sex outside of the program. We're trying to play with the gene pool and we don't want any unnecessary or unexpected ripples."

"Not much chance of that," Mercy muttered to herself, then spoke louder. "Okay, I understand. How's this work though? You said anonymously." She was beginning to blush again thinking about it. "So, um, how's that happen? Won't I kinda know who I'm... who I'm having sex with?"

She thought about passing people in the halls, knowing that they were carrying her children, or she was carrying theirs. God, that would be embarrassing... she thought. And what if it's someone I know really well? I don't have any family left, but I have friends, and there is Jewel... There was a lurch in her stomach as she thought about being paired with Jewel, but she couldn't really identify the emotion that had caused the sensation. "Could you explain it?" she asked the doctor, fiddling with the new ornament on her wrist.

The giraffe nodded and folded her hands gently. "We're going to convert a wing of the hospital into comfortable bedrooms. We'll turn off the lights, pump scent-neutralizing agents into the air purifiers, and ask that you don't speak. If you do, we may not ask you to return." She tilted her head to the side, then the other. "We'll go to great lengths to ensure animosity. If only to ensure it doesn't get... weird passing someone in the hall you know you've had sex with in one capacity or another."

Mercy nodded slowly, thinking it over. It certainly seemed like a well thought out solution. She only hoped that it would work as well as the giraffe made it sound. If it didn't, there would be some embarrassing consequences in her future, as well as a lot of other people's. "Okay then," she said. "I guess that's okay then. Well, not okay, but better. Is there anything else that I should know? It starts in a few days, right?"

"Four days. Nothing you really need to know," Dr. Coco said, pointing to the box. "Keep the wrist band on at all times. When we signal you, come to the hospital, immediately. It's rude to keep your partner waiting. we'll explain the role we would like you to take when you arrive each time." She offered a warm smile and spread her hands to either side. "If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer anything you can think of!"

Mercy shook her head. "I think that's everything," she said. "I just need to let it sink in, I think." She looked back down at her wrist band and the blank screen that was reflecting the light from above. Four days, and it would light up. And then it would be time for her to have sex. Suddenly, a thought came to her and she blurted it out. "I'm a virgin," she said quickly, her voice a little loud.

Her brow raised at that and she tilted her head. "Oh? An attractive young woman like yourself?" She thumped her thumbs together for a moment then stood up. "Which part of you?" she asked, staring down at the young vulpine. It was hard to believe nobody had ever impaled themselves on her pole, or lodged herself between her legs.

Mercy blushed at the frank question, fidgeting a bit as her eyes flitted between the giraffe's face and the floor. "Ah, um," she stammered. "Both." The vixen met the doctor's eyes and then blushed harder. "I mean, I've never had sex with anyone," she said, the words coming out in a rush. "Not really." She felt like she was about to melt through the floor of the room.

She pondered for a moment then nodded and held her hands out to the seated vulpine girl. "Well," she said, gently grasping the girl's hands. "if it'll make the process easier for you, we can remedy that right now." The doctor's heart fluttered and she felt her panties tighten uncomfortably. She hoped the girl would agree. She was an attractive specimen, wasn't she? Young, beautiful. Fertile. She couldn't wait to burry herself balls deep between those orange legs!

The vixen looked at the giraffe, her mouth hanging open slightly. Her first impulse was to say no, to get out of the room, but she hesitated. Do I really want my first time to be in the dark, with someone I will never know? she thought to herself. Embarrassingly, she could feel a slight stirring in her panties, and her other sex was feeling a little warm Wouldn't it be better to do it now?. "Um," she said carefully, "won't it interfere with the gene pool ripples thing?"

The giraffe smiled and winked. "Genes of a doctor and a beautiful girl like you?" She reached up, unbuttong her coat slowly. As she pulled it open and draped it over the top of her desk, poor Mercy would find herself staring at a black lace bra, matching panties, and a garter belt and hose to complete the set! And there, nestled in those lace panties was a thick sheathe and an emerging jet-black dick. "Which would you like to try first?" she asked, setting her hands at her hips. Her tail idly swished behind her and Coco's eyes roamed up and down the vixen's body.

Mercy was a little speechless, her eyes drinking in the sight of the doctor. Her eyes flitted down to the cock in the lace panties, watching the fabric strain around it. She felt her own dick harden in her underwear, her folds growing wetter as she took in the sight in front of her. "Try?" she said in a daze. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. "First?"

Then she shook her head slightly. "Oh, I don't know..." She couldn't take her eyes away from the giraffe's cock.

Coco reached out again, taking Mercy's hands to pull her to her feet. "I think I know..." she said, slowly turning them both so Mercy's thighs and rump were brushing against the edge of the desk. She reached up, gently pulling at the fox's clothing in an effort to get her naked. "Just relax. I'm going to make sure there's nothing strange or awkward when we call you in on Friday."

Mercy gasped quietly as she was gently undressed, more of her fur being exposed to the cool air until she was only in her underwear. Her breathing was coming faster now, and gaze ran between the giraffe's contained length, her breasts, and her eyes. "O-Okay," she said. Nerves fluttered in her belly and her heart was beating rather fast but she tried to relax as best as she could.

Dr. Coco smiled and brushed her hand gently over Mercy's head. "Now, there's generally kissing involved." She leaned in close and licked her lips. "We can skip that part if you arent comfortable with anything... affectionate." She lifted Mercy up and sat her down on the top of the desk slowly. She hooked her fingers in Mercy's underwear and started to gently tug them down her thighs.

The vixen spread her legs to allow her underwear to come off. Her cock sprung free as soon as the panties were off, almost fully erect. Just beneath her balls, her sex quivered slightly, the lips shining in the light. Her eyes were still doing the rotation up and down Coco's body. "I don't mind," she said, her voice quiet as she continued to breath heavily in anticipation and nerves.

She grinned and reached down with one hand, stroking the girl's virgin cock gently from tip to root. Her other hand pulled her own panties aside, allowing her long black cock to spring free. She leaned forward slowly, pointing her length toward Mercy until the tip disappeared beneath her furry balls. Coco stroked her tip up and down along Mercy's dripping slit then leaned forward to press her lips gently against the vulpine's own. The instant the girl gave in and began to return the kiss, Dr. Coco pushed her hips forward, driving every last inch o that thick, long black meat into the girl, ripping through her maidenhead if it was still there in an instant.

The stroke along her cock made her gasp but she felt the blunt head stroke past her sensitive balls. Her breath hitched when she felt it rub against her folds, gathering the arousal that was leaking from her there. The giraffe leaned in and Mercy moved into the kiss as well, returning it clumsily. She'd kissed a few people before, mostly on dares, but never like this. She kissed back as well as she could and then the cock thrust into her. A sound burst from her, muffled by Coco's lips as she felt a pain in her sex, her walls forced wide around the large cock as it plunged deep into her body.

Coco pulled her lips away and smiled down at Mercy. She kept her hips still and watched, waiting for the girl to adjust to her size. She reached up and gently unclasped the front-latch of her bra. She pulled the fabric aside, letting her ample bosom hang free. She took Mercy's hands in her own and guided them up to her surprisingly firm breast. She trailed her tongue along her lips and moaned gently. "Now, we might be cheating here..." she said, tilting her head to the side slowly. "Your first partner between your legs won't be as big as this... I hope I don't ruin the experience for you..."

Mercy was panting, her walls trembling around the giraffe's girth. The pain faded quickly although she felt uncomfortably stretched around the cock inside her. She felt the warm, soft breasts enter her hands and squeezed them gently, feeling the nipples harden in her palms. "I don't think I could handle it if everyone was as big as you," she said, her voice a little breathless. Every shift in either of their positions made the cock rub against her walls, sending little sparks through her body. Slowly, she could feel herself adjusting to the cock inside her. "Nice," she moaned, squeezing down on Coco.

As Mercy began to squeeze down against her cock and commented on how it felt, Coco grinned and started to gently withdraw from her. When naught but her tip remained, she eased in again, taking up a slow, tender pace with the girl. She leaned down, gently pecking and kissing all along Mercy's lips and neck. "There are some species on board that are bigger than me. Mares, like the captain, are twice as long as me. About as wide, though."

Mercy moaned as the slow thrusts entered her. The kisses ran down her neck and she closed her eyes, focusing on the sensations that were running through her body. She had never felt anything like them before, not really. Her fingers, late at night when her family wouldn't hear, didn't compare to this. "Twice as long?" she panted, the words broken by a moan as a particularly sensitive spot inside her was touched, making her arch her back into the slow thrusts. "I hope they're only paired w-with the stallions."

Dr. Coco gave a soft laugh and reached down to stroke Mercy's hard cock again. her other hand reached up, exploring her young, round breasts. "No. We cant afford to keep the species segregated. They'll get paired with everyone else. It might be uncomfortable at first, but... you'd be surprised how good it feels, pressing against your belly and stretching you out from the inside..." Her hand drifted away from her cock, pressing against her firm belly for a moment as if in memory. A moment later, her digits curled around Mercy's meat again.

The vixen gasped, bucking into the touch on her cock while grinding back onto the length inside her. She felt like pleasure was assaulting her from every direction and moaned. The knot at the base of her cock swelled slightly and she clenched down hard with her muscled. "Mmmm...still," she panted, feeling how much she was being stretched by the giraffe cock, "if I can avoid it. There's not that much room inside m-me." She was panting more heavily now, feeling pressure build inside her. She knew what was coming, her cock hardening more as her walls clutched at Coco's length.

Coco smiled at that and slowly leaned down. Her long neck bend against itself and her lips made a B-line for the hot-red cock throbbing in her hand. "You'll be surprised how much room you have in you," she said as her lips slid down along that sensitive length from tip all. The. Way. Down. Her lips closed over Mercy's knot and the giraffe's long, nimble tongue started to squeeze and caress expertly against every inch of that hard tool.

Mercy gasped, throwing her head back as she moaned, eyes shut. The long, agile tongue squeezed her cock, especially around the knot, making her thrust into it on instinct. The same movement moved her up and down the cock inside her as Coco continued to thrust. Mercy was almost delirious, panting as she felt the closeness build in both of her cock and her other sex. "I...think I'm close," she gasped to Coco. The feeling of nearing orgasm in both ways made her feel lightheaded.

Coco moaned deeply and nodded. Or rather bobbed her head as she stared up between Mercy's breasts at her face. She grinned, suckling like a babe as she started to thrust more powerfully into the young girl's tight slit. The sound of their moaning and their hips slapping together mingled in the air around them, clashing and colliding in their ears as the two of them barrelled toward their climaxes.

Mercy's hips were moving in short jerks, thrusting into the doctor's mouth as she moved herself down on her cock. The pressure building inside her reached a peak and then exploded. She through back her head, giving out a string of yips and then a howl as sensation crashed through her body. Her muscles went weak, all except for the ones in her sex. They clenched down hard, rippling and trying to milk the shaft inside her in waves. At the same time, her cock convulsed, the knot expanding to its full size as cum began to spurt from the tip, her balls tightening and drawing close to her body as they were emptied.

Coco suckled expertly, closing her lips around the base of that swollen knot so as not to let even a drop escape her muzzle. She moaned against the girl's length as her own cock began to pulse and unload her own torrent of hot, sticky cum deep into the girl's belly. Her tongue scooped up each dab of vixen cum, swirling it around the girl's length to prolong the pleasure for both of them as they each rode out their intense orgasms together.

Slowly, the flow of cum slowed from Mercy's cock and she shivered at the feeling of the long tongue wrapping around her sensitive flesh, the post-orgasm sensitivity making the touch more intense. Inside her though, she could feel a rush of hot seed rush into her, filling her even more than Coco's length did and causing her muscles to clench down again. When the dual orgasms finally ended, the vixen's arms and legs were trembling and she was panting hard, drawing in deep lungfuls of breath.

The giraffe smiled breathlessly as she pulled her muzzle away. She stared down at the rubbery-limbed girl and tilted her head to the side. "You can't be finished yet, can you? It's rude to leave your partner unsatisfied... Though at the same time, if we ask you to be the seeder, we don't want you leaving the room with a belly full of cum, either." She winked down at the vixen and leaned down to gently kiss her upon the muzzle. "How was your first time?

Slowly, Mercy got her breathing back under control, looking up at the giraffe with wide eyes. "It..." she said, trying to find the words she needed to describe the experience. She had never felt anything like this before in her life. "Amazing," was what she settled on in the end, and she wasn't lying. She could barely comprehend where she was: sitting in the doctor's office with a belly full of cum and a thick cock stretching her sex.

She smiled at that and nodded. "Good. Now you'll know what to expect from it and won't be nervous. But you aren't done." She stared down at Mercy's retreating cock and hummed. "When you're ready, you're going to get that out o the way, too. No sense in awkwardly fumbling out in the dark with something you know nothing about, hm?"

Mercy looked up at her in confusion. "What do you--Oh." She blushed again, which was odd considering her current position. "That part too?" She glanced down at her sheath. Her cock was half hidden but as it began to harden again as she thought about what was to come. "Even when I've just cum?"

She hummed at that and gave a pouting shrug. "Well... if you'd rather save yourself for your first session in a few days... I understand." She slowly withdrew herself, gasping at the tight slick flesh trying to keep her buried in the vixen. When she popped free, she gave a little moan and stood up straight.

The vixen gasped and moaned as she was suddenly left empty, not a small amount of cum running from her used sex. "No, wait!" Mercy said as the giraffe stood. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Her voice trailed off as she looked up into Coco's face embarrassedly. More of the giraffe's seed was running off the desk onto the floor but Mercy did her best to ignore that.

Dr. Coco didn't seem to notice nor care that her essence was coating her desk and now her floor. Hell, with what she wore under her coat, this was probably normal for her. "You don't have to apologize." She reached out and took the vixen's hands to help her sit up. "You take all the time you need to recover. Then we'll have another... lesson..."

"I don't think it'll take that long," Mercy muttered quietly. Her eyes found Coco's breasts again and then flicked down. They were mostly hidden by her cock and balls but Mercy saw a hint of the giraffe's folds. Her cock jumped a little and she swallowed as she slowly got harder. The strong scents of sex and cum in the air didn't hinder her either.

That pleased the doctor immensely! She smiled warmly again and pulled the girl to her feet. Slowly she drew her into a warm embrace and lowered her head along her long neck to gently kiss the vulpine teenager's lips. She sighed pleasantly against her soft touch, turning them around little by little. Once satisfied she was in the right position, Dr. Coco sat herself on the edge of her desk, once again seeming to not notice the liberal coating of slick cum. She slid spread her legs wide and leaned back on her elbows. "Be gentle and slow at first. We aren't animals."

Mercy moved with her, turning slowly and kissing her back as well as she could. They broke apart as Coco sat down on the desk and spread her legs. The vixen's breath hitched a little as she looked down at the giraffe's body, and she swallowed nervously. Coco's cock, wet and reflecting the light, lay on her stomach but Mercy was looking lower, past her balls. There she could see a set of slick folds, slightly spread from the doctor's position. At once, her cock hardened the rest of the way, pulsing slightly in time with her heartbeat. "Okay," she said, a little nervously as she moved forwards, putting her hands on Coco's thighs and setting the tip of her cock against the giraffe's sex.

Dr. Coco moaned deeply at the first touch of the girl's hot length against her folds. Her balls twitched, lifting slightly up and away from the length before the soft, downy fur settled down against her sensitive flesh again. The giraffe smiled and nodded, reaching down to set her own hands upon Mercy's own as she laid back completely. "Slow and gentle. Sometimes men and women like a good pounding as quick and soon as possible, but I will guarantee most of the pussies you get yourself into over the next few years will want something they can wean themselves into.

"Slow and gentle," Mercy repeated, running her hands through the soft fur on Coco's thighs. Then she pressed herself forwards, pushing the tip of her cock into the waiting sex. She moaned in delighted surprise. This felt different from Coco's mouth, the hot, silky walls wrapping themselves around her. Her hips jerked forwards a little on instinct but she tried to keep her body under control.

Slowly, she kept pushing forwards until her half-inflated knot was pressed against Coco's folds, before pushing that in as well. There she paused, trembling slightly at the new feelings running through her.

he long-necked beauty moaned deeply and even gave a slight gasp as the underinflated knot popped into her waiting body. She lifted her legs, gently wrapping them around Mercy's waist to hook her hooves just above the girl's tail. She took Mercy's hands, guiding them back up to her ample bust. "You're... big for a fox..." she said through a deep moan. Feeling the girl's heartbeat pulsing deep in her core was sending Dr. Coco quickly toward another climax. It didn't seem to take much these days, but she welcomed every pleasant encounter eagerly. Especially ones with beautiful, wanton young women such as this girl.

Feeling the squeezing clutches of Coco's body made her moan, and she registered the compliment with another blush. "Th-thanks," she said shakily. She couldn't hold back any longer, dragging her cock back and then thrusting it back in. She tried to keep her movements controlled and gently, but wasn't sure how well she succeeded. She moaned again anyway, the feeling of pleasure shoot through her as she set up a slow pace. Every time her knot popped into Coco she moaned again, panting and pulling back with slightly more difficulty each time.

She moaned deeply, arching her back as the girl began thrusting into her. She pushed her breast up against the young vixen's palms and her inner muscles fluttered around her every time her knot popped inside. More than that, a little squeak passed Coco's lips each time she felt her folds stretched to accommodate the entrance or exit of the swelling root. Her eyes rolled into her skull and she rocked up to meet every movement to the best of her ability. "That's it. Just like thaaaaat!!!!" she moaned, arching again as a spot deep inside of her was suddenly pressed upon by the invading dick.

The vixen gasped as she felt the muscles clench and ripple along her cock, thrusting faster. Her knot grew a little bigger every time it popped into her until it was an effort to withdraw from Coco's body. With a growl, a sound that Mercy didn't know the source of, she through her body forwards, her almost full knot popping past the giraffe's entrance. There it swelled the last amount, locking it inside her as Mercy began to cum for the second time, her cock pulsing as it shot its seed into the doctor.

Coco gave another loud gasp as the knot popped in for the last time and stretched her wide. She arched her back, bucking furiously against the cock buried inside of her as she felt the rush of hot, fertile seed flowing into her belly. She grabbed her own black cock, pumping madly as she launched higher and higher toward her own end. It was when Mercy was finally coming down from her second orgasm that Coco's own was upon her. She moaned loudly as thick spurts of her essence erupted from her tip, coating both of their breasts and bellies in the sticky goo.

The motions of Coco's body, especially her sex, made Mercy moan with her. The giraffe's sex milked her shaft, holding the knot tightly. Then Coco's cock exploded for the second time, matting down both of their fur with the hot cum. The seed coated Mercy's stomach and breasts, coating her with the giraffe's scent. They were both breathing heavily as their orgasms ended, relaxing into a pleasurable afterglow. Every now and then, Mercy's cock would twitch, another small spurt of seed leaving it. Panting, she went to pull out of the doctor by she was stuck, Coco's folds not releasing her knot.

The doctor gave a little whimper at the tug and lifted her head to stare foggily up at her young lover. "No! No, no... You have to wait... for the knot to go down..." She gave a breathless chuckle and reached down to massage her groin just above her sheathe where the outline of the young girl's cock was clearly felt, as tangible as any bone in her body.

"Oh, right," Mercy said. She remembered that from a class or something. She suddenly felt awkward, locked by her cock inside this woman that she barely knew. Before she knew it, the vixen was blushing again. "How long does it normally take?" she asked hesitantly. "You know, for the...for my knot to go back to normal?"

Coco smirked up at her, purposefully flexing her inner muscles to squeeze and milk voluntarily at the invading member. "That depends... on how uncooperative your partner decides to be..." With a practiced care, Coco hugged Mercy against herself and carefully rolled them over so the fox was on her back upon the desk. Dr. Coco carefully straddled the teen's waist, rocking her hips gently to and fro. "You had best work on your stamina. Your partners may want multiple loads in their bellies."

Mercy moaned louder, clenching her fists as she panted. Coco's squeezing and her slow grinding motion were making her tense, expelling her breath shakily. "Multiple loads," she repeated, she could feel the cum on the desk soaking into the fur of her back now but that only made her cock twitch more, spurting the last of her load into Coco. "I don't think that my knot's going to go down when you're doing that," she gasped, thrusting up in small twitches of her hips.

"Very observant," she said, leaning down to press her lips wantonly against the fox's own. Her hands explored Mercy's bust, caressing and gently squeezing her breast as her inner muscles worked over the hot rod she sat impaled upon. A moan rumbled deep in her chest and her eyes rolled into her skull as she grinded in such a way to make that delicious knot rub against her G-spot.

Mercy kissed back, pressing into the touch on her chest, shivering as her sensitive nipples were played with, her knot was staying as full and round as ever and she made min-thrusts with her hips into Coco, each knot-tugging motion making her moan into the giraffe's mouth. She kissed back only breaking the contact to pant.

Coco slowly leaned upward again, sitting upright as she rocked against the writhing teenager. "After this, I expect nothing more than hull-shattering performances from you," she teased with a wink. She reached up and gently tapped the girls nose as her head rolled upon her long neck and her eyes rolled back into her skull.

Mercy made moaning howl as she felt Coco's muscles clamp down on her shaft yet again. She didn't think she had any more left but the feeling of the giraffe climaxing again tore another orgasm from her, almost painful with a few small spurts of cum leaving her cock and mixing with her previous load inside her.

Feeling another load of hot seed rush into her belly made Coco moan deeply as she pressed herself down hard against that invading piece. She gasped and shuddered, her body quaking in the throes of passion. She stared down at Mercy, smiling through her gasping breaths. "What a... wonderful young woman..." she said breathlessly, threatening to topple over at any moment.

Mercy's breasts were heaving as she gasped in oxygen, her muscles trembling with exhaustion. Every few seconds her cock twitched inside Coco, making her shift in slight overstimulation. "I don't think I can go again," she said in between breaths. Her eyes were still on Coco's chest, the giraffe's cock laying warmly on her stomach. Both were covering in a mix of seed, Mercy's fur especially matted and damp.

"That's good," she said, smiling warmly down at the young woman. "Because I have other devices I need to hand out." She winked and rested her hands leisurely on her own thighs, just sitting and basking in warm afterglow as they waited for Mercy's cock to deflate.

The scents in the air, as well as the view in front of her, kept Mercy knot full for a little longer than normal but eventually, she felt small enough to pull out. She withdrew her hips at the same time as Coco rose, gasping a little as her knot was gripped tightly before she popped free, some of her cum dripping free as she did so.

At the audible sound signaling their separation, Coco gasped and gave a little giggle. She licked her lips and crawled off the desk. "There is a shower four doors around the corner, to the right..." She smiled breathlessly and tilted her head. "Would you care to join me? I promise. no more knotting."

Mercy blushed again but she really did need a shower. The smell of sex and cum clung to her like a thick, heady perfume, and her fur was visible matted and sticky. "A-all right," she said, picking up her discarded clothes. Luckily, they were mostly fine and what little cum that had dripped onto them could be easily washed off.

Coco scooped up her own discarded coat and undergarments, then offered the kit her hand. "Come on then, I'll show you where it is." She winked slyly and tilted her head. "You are going to be a great boon to the Adam and Eve Special Project. I can tell!"

"Thanks," Mercy said, smiling shyly. She still wasn't too comfortable with the thought of breeding, and being bred, but now her head was fuzzy with the afterglow of her time with the doctor. She found herself wondering what the time next week would be like as she followed the doctor out of the room.

Coco led her down the hall to the right until they came to a junction, then down four doors round the right corner, as she had said. It was a door that said employees only, but she was with Dr. Coco, so it was obviously alright, thank goodness! The giraffe led her into what more resembled a locker room than anything in a hospital should. She set her coat over one of the benches in the middle then removed the rest of her lacy undergarments. Once she was naked, she flashed Mercy another wink then passed through a doorway in the back where a warm, steaming rain softly fell as if naturally.

Hesitating only a moment, Mercy copied her. She put her clothes carefully on the bench, then removed her wristband as well, setting it gently on top of her clothing. She wasn't sure if it was waterproof; best not to risk the obviously-important device until she asked the doctor. Steam was lazily drifting out of the doorway, the shower room beyond almost opaque as it made the locker room feel hot and humid. Taking a deep breath, the vixen moved through the door and into the shower, gasping slight as she was hit with the hot water from above. She felt it soak through her fur in an instant, loosening and carrying away the cum with it as it fled into drains set into the floor.

Soon, the giraffe emerged from the steam near her, lathered up and melting, it would seem. She held out a bottle to Mercy and tilted her head. "Best not to go home smelling of cum, yes?" she giggled at that and shook her head. "Might get more than one odd look on the way."

Mercy giggled at that and took the bottle, squirting a liberal portion of the contents into her hand then rubbed it into her fur. A gentle aroma filled the air as she worked it into her pelt. "That's better," she said, looking down at her body. She also cleaned off her thighs and the fur of her crotch, not wanting that part of her to smell of sex either.

Once the two of them were both clean, Dr. Coco smiled and urged the girl back into the locker room. She depressed a button in a panel beside the shower doorway and a wall panel slid aside, revealing nice, fluffy towels. She plucked a pair from within and handed one to Mercy. After she'd dried herself, Coco drew her lingerie back onto her luscious body and concealed it all beneath her thick white coat. "Well!" she said, at last. "Until next week, Mercy! I look forward to seeing you again!"

"Thanks for everything," Mercy said breathlessly as she left. "I'll be here whenever you say." Once the giraffe was gone, she dried herself off with the towel. It made her look especially fluffy, but there was nothing much she could do about that right now. She tried to wipe the cum off her clothes but wasn't sure how well it worked; she'd have to clean them as soon as she got home. She pulled them on, then left the showers. Just outside the door, she stopped and grinned to herself. She wasn't a virgin now, not by any sense of the word.

She would be uninterrupted in her reverie all the way home. When the former virgin got there, she would find she was quite along. For at least another hour she would remain so until finally the front door hissed open and in stepped Jewel in her student flight suit. She slumped back against the door and groaned deeply. "Well that was awkwaaaaaard!" she said to no one in particular. Mercy would spy a matching wrist band on her friend's wrist that wasn't there that morning.

Mercy had changed as soon as she got home and she sat on the couch, watching the holo until Jewel returned. The vixen turned around as her friend came back. "So you heard," she said, standing up. "The Adam and Eve project." She blushed, hoping her friend didn't notice. "What, er, what doctor did you see?"

Jewel rolled her eyes and strode into the living room to flump down on the sofa beside her friend. "A giraffe woman with way too much cleavage hanging out who reeeeeeally needs to get laid!" She harrumphed. "Do you know what she did? After she explained all the sciency bits, she asks me if I would feel better with more experience going in. She was practically throwing herself at me!" she scoffed. "Makes you wonder if it isn't all just for her amusement..."

Mercy felt her face burn. "Yeah..." she said, then left the matter at that. She said nothing for a little, watching the holo with her friend before the silence grew too much. "Soooo," she said, stretching the word out for a few seconds. "What do you think? About the Adam and Even thing." Taking the remote, she turned down the volume of the holo a little so that they could talk.

The wolf shook her head. "I don't know... I mean it makes sense. I had to monitor our course for an hour today. Alone. It was... I mean, the ship is so understaffed now. What happens when we have regular die off? We wont be able to replenish as fast as we die off. It's only a matter of time now, but... If we all get pregnant and get everyone else pregnant, then in fifteen years we'll have doubled our work force. More than that, even. I mean, we'll have twice as more as we do now every nine months after that, right?"

Mercy nodded. "Yeah, we definitely need more people. It's like a ghost ship at the moment. I mean, everyone's living here, in such a small area. It'll more than double; we and everyone else will be pregnant pretty much constantly until they stop the program." She shifted uncomfortably, looking at Jewel. "But how do you feel about it? You know, breeding. You'll have to get pregnant, and get other people pregnant as well. You won't even know what children are yours."

"I know..." she said, folding her arms beneath her bust. "I am not happy with that part. I am not into girls! Like at all!" she said, groaning. "I really don't want anything between my legs but my husbands fingers... but I guess that's not something I have control of anymore." He licked her lips thoughtfully. "I don't want to end up in the brig. Obviously I'm going to go when they call me." She glanced at her wrist accusingly. "No sense in making it a living hell though. I guess I'll make myself enjoy it."

"Well," Mercy said, her brain not thinking about the words. "It's not like it's bad being with a girl..." When her brain caught up to her words, she snapped her mouth shut, hoping that Jewel hadn't realized what she'd said and turned quickly back to the holo, turning up the volume again. There was another of the kid's shows on the little machine and she tried to focus on that, her ears burning. "I get what you mean though," she said quickly.

"I know it's not bad but... It's just not for me, you know?" She sighed and gave a shrug. "I'm sure it'll grow on me." She smirked and tilted her head to the side, glancing at Mercy. "What do you think? Ready to let some random chick burry themselves balls deep inside of you and leave behind a little souvenir?"

"Um..." Mercy said. "Not really. Not, like, when I'm in heat. The doctor said that she'd call in a few days, so I might be in heat as early as then." She let out a long breath. "Unless I'm on the list for the other side of things, I guess. Have to wait and see I suppose."

"She told me something similar." Jewel hummed for a moment then shook her head. She refocused her attention on the holo and quirked a brow. "Is this the one where he actually catches the Roadrunner? Wasn't that one on this morning?"

Relieved to change the subject, Mercy focused on the holo as well. "I don't think it was this one? Maybe another; they all kind of blend together. Don't they?" They talked about the show on the holo for a while, discussing events that had happened and favorite episodes. Mercy spent a good ten minutes finding one that proved a point, and the two friends ending up watching several more.

Several days went by and finally it happened. It was in last period of school when her wristband began to blink, letting her know she was needed in the hospital. Probably a good thing too. This was one of the classes she didn't share with Jewel and was probably pretty boring without it. Then again, it was work study, so maybe not? When Mercy came into the main waiting room, Dr. Coco was there in her usual white lab coat and dark stockings emerging from beneath it. The giraffe smiled at the fox and tapped something on her datapad. "Glad you made it." She offered a knowing smile. "Your partner is in room forty-seven, down the hall," she said, glancing over her shoulder at the door that led into the rest of that part of the hospital wing. "Be gentle and make it memorable. For the right reasons, I mean. It's her first time."

"Room 47?" she repeated and the doctor nodded. Mercy was twisting her hands nervously, glancing around her. She was glad that she didn't have to speak to Jewel before coming here; that would have been far too embarrassing. But she was still nervous all the same. They won't know who I am, she reminded herself, and I won't know who they are either. She didn't know if that made it better or worse though.

She swallowed, cleared her throat, and then said, "Okay. Um, w-which part am I doing? I mean, you said she was a girl."

The doctor nodded and smiled. "Right, I apologize. You're going to be putting your beautiful kits in her belly this afternoon." She gave a knowing grin and winked. "Go ahead. Best not to keep her waiting, hm?" The giraffe turned, opening the door into the well lit corridor. "The lights will go out for a moment or two after you hit the unlock button on the door panel. You wont be able to see when the door opens. Six steps in front of you, there is a large bed where your partner is waiting. On the bedside table to the right of a bed is the switch I told you about. It's glowing red so it's easy to find. If at any time you want to stop, press the button and we'll send nurses in to separate you anonymously. If your partner presses the button, stop what you're doing and separate from her." She smiled warmly again and gave another of her signature winks. "Good luck, and have fun."

"Okay, thanks," Mercy said as the giraffe left, leaving her alone in the corridor. At least I'm not going to be the pregnant one, she thought to herself. Her stomach felt a little queasy, tied up in knots as she passed the doors, which had little plaques on them. They slowly counted up from one until she stood in front of number forty-sex. The panel next to it was glowing softly. Mercy looked up and down the corridor: empty. Figuring it was easier out here, in the light, she stripped off all her clothes, standing naked with the cloth hugged to her breast. With a few deep breaths to steel herself, the pressed the unlock button.

At once, the lights went out and the door opened, Mercy taking a few steps inside and letting her clothes fall to the floor. The door shut behind her and she took another breath. The air had a curiously flat quality, devoid of any scent but she thought there was a slight tang of heat in the air, even if all else was gone. Mercy took the remaining four steps until her shins bumped against something soft, hearing another breath hitch.

The soft something she bumped into shifted and she could faintly hear a body shifting and shuffling against the fabric covering the bed. It was pitch black, save for the softly glowing red button Coco had mentioned. What did the room look like? What did her partner look like? The female on the bed gave a deep breath full of a tangible nervousness Mercy would have no trouble detecting with her sensitive ears.

Lowering a hand carefully, the vixen felt for the bed. All of her senses seemed to straining now that she couldn't see. It felt weird not being able to see, hear, or smell anything. She crawled slowly onto the bed, remembering Coco's direction not to speak to her partner. Once she was in the center, she reached out a slightly trembling hand, feeling for the girl she knew was on here with her.

She would find a foot easily enough. The female gasped at the first touch but didn't move away. She stayed still, laying on her back on the soft blankets covering the bed. She was nervous, to be sure. She had never had sex before. At least, not with another woman penetrating her slit. She took a breath to calm herself then assumed the position, as they say. Her legs spread wide and already, with the nervous anticipation mounting, her length emerged from her thick, soft furred sheathe.

Mercy heard her breathing, her gasp as loud as a siren in the dark room. The only other sounds were those of the ship. The vixen gulped and ran her hand lightly up the female's leg. Her own cock was beginning to harden, poking free of her sheathe in the darkness. Mercy's hand went higher as the girl spread her legs until it reached something soft and wet. The vixen sucked in a breath and pulled her hand away, her length hardening further.

Her partner gasped again when Mercy's fingers brushed her dripping slit. Indeed, this female was in heat and her long fur of her inner thighs was matted against her flesh. How long had the poor woman been waiting? Her hands reached out, groping in the darkness for whatever body part she could get her hands on. Eventually they found Mercy's shoulders and gently grasped there, as if bracing for a shot or something else equally unpleasant. Truth be known, in her mind she was sure the 'it'll hurt the first time' was something akin to being stabbed.

Mercy hesitated a moment, then moved her hand back to the girl's folds, hearing the sounds she made. Her soon-to-be mate's arousal wet her fingers as much is it had her thighs. Gulping quietly, Mercy moved the girl's hands to her breasts instead, trying to think back to her first time, with Coco. Slow, she told herself, moving between the unknown female's spread legs. Mercy gasped a little herself at the touches on her chest and nipples, withdrawing her wet hand and stroking her cock with it, making sure that she was fully erect.

The girl nervously squeezed and held Mercy's boobs for several moments, then grew a little more emboldened and began to explore the soft swells of her chest. Hearing her partner stroking her own cock in preparation made the female moan both nervously and in a desire set deep in instinct. She spread her legs a little wider and squeezed Mercy's tits. This was it. She was about to get fucked and get a belly full of pups!

The harder squeezes om her breasts made Mercy arch her back into the touch. She reached forwards again, this time touching her belly before finding what she was looking for. Her small hand closed on the girl's cock and Mercy stroked her a couple of times as she set the tip of her cock against a warm sex. She had only felt it on one other occasion and it made her instincts howl at her to bury her cock inside her. Mercy resisted, remembering her own experience and how she had to go slow. Hips trembling slightly, she began to press forwards.

The girl moaned deeply as she was pressed into. There was no hymen to speak of, but the girl hissed and groaned as her body was spread wide by her first invading member. When their hips pressed together, she lifted her legs, wrapping them around Mercy's waist to keep her from moving for the time being. It ached having such a big dick inside of her! Thankfully, Mercy's nimble digits were making the ache rapidly bleed away. She lightly bucked against the stroking fingers, instinct and pleasure quickly replacing nervous discomfort.

Mercy kept stroking the girl's cock as she felt her tip get enclosed by a hot sex, moaning herself as it happened. The girl's hands were still on the vixen's tits but now Mercy moved her free hand to her mate's, feeling an ample bust beneath her palm. The darkness and anonymity were giving her a little confidence as she groped and stroked the female, letting her decide what pace they went at. Her legs remained around her waist, and Mercy didn't thrust herself, although the girl bucked into her hand which had the effect of Mercy slipping further into her.

The female's legs slowly relaxed, allowing Mercy a greater range of motion. Likewise, her hands began to explore the vixen, feeling the curve of her slender body from her breast to her wide hips and rump, then back up to her soft, yet firm tits. The young woman moaned and nodded, though she realized a moment later her unseen lover wouldn't see it. She thought about asking the woman to fuck her, but decided against it. She had been told not to speak, after all.

Mercy, feeling the grip of her mate lessen slightly, began to rock back and forth, slow and gentle. She barely withdrew from the girl's sex each time, and went only a little deeper with each thrust. She felt the hands explore her body, running through her fur in a way that made her shiver, giving her rump, hips, and its a squeeze. She kept her hand where they were, stroking the cock in front of her at an increasing pace, feeling precum drip onto her hand and slicken it. She played with the other girl's nipples as well, squeezing her chest back every few small thrusts.

The girl moaned deeply, rocking up to meet every thrust. Her breathing came in deep, needy inhales and low, breathless exhales. Her hands drifted down, gripping Mercy's hips to push her back a bit more, then pull her in a bit deeper with each thrust, guiding the fox at least in part in fucking her a little more fully

Mercy began to speed up as her knot pressed against the folds of the girl beneath her. She felt the hands guiding her and began to move her hips faster, and with more force. She kept her hand going though, rapidly stroking the girl's cock that that their moans mixed in the darkened room. Beneath her swinging balls, Mercy could feel her own folds dripping, matting the fur on her thighs, but that part of her wasn't why she was here.

Her partner's knot had also begun to swell between them. She moaned deeply as her body convulsed and spasmed around Mercy's invading cock. She arched her back and cried out. Her body quaked as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her, threatening to consume her completely with every inward thrust of that delicious, hard dick.

Hand still jerking off her partner's cock, Mercy knew that she was close. So was the vixen. She growled lightly thrusting harder so that her knot hammered against the folds in front of her, slowly working its way inside. She was panting from the exertion, from the need to knot her bitch as what instincts she had howled. Then, with a tremendous thrust, her knot popped into the girl, making Mercy yip and howl as her knot was squeezed in a vice-like grip.

Barely coming down from her climax, the female felt the bulbous knot force its way into her pussy, stretching her out even more. The sudden pressure and stretching sent her barreling over again. She arched her back almost violently up against Mercy and screamed, calling her pleasure and passions out for everyone to hear! Well, everyone inside of that soundproof room at least. And everyone observing through the monitoring devices, but that was neither here nor there.

Mercy howled out an orgasm, feeling the cock in her hand twitch and spurt seed as her own filled the girl's belly with cum. The vixen's knot swelled a little more, locking them together securely. Mercy, panting heavily, let her weight fall forwards, rubbing her belly against her mate's and slicking her fur with cum as she nuzzled against her. The motion made her cock shift inside the heated folds, making her moan.

Her new mate, first of many, wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Mercy in a tight, intimate hug. She quivered and gasped, unable to catch her breath even still as soft ripples of sweet after glow rushed through her.

Mercy hugged her back, smelling her fur, still with the curiously dead scent. Cum was matting their fur, although Mercy's was locked securely inside her mate's womb, hopefully fertilizing her in her heat. Mercy made a soft moaning sound, tugging slowly and sensuously on her knot of their breasts pressed together.

The girl beneath her wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Mercy urging them to roll slowly. When Mercy felt their weight settled on her back, the female lifted her torso away from Mercy's vulpine body, straddling her waist and the length still impaling her. Her hips rocked gently, almost as if unwilling to let that knot deflate even a little.

The vixen let loose a quiet moan as her knot tugged and pulled gently on the girl's folds. This position let her relax, her hips jerking upwards every now and then. Her mate continued to gyrate on her slowly, Mercy's cum still locked inside her by the knot but the girl wasn't finished. Mercy moved her hands in the darkness, stroking and touching until she reached her breasts again.

Hands pressed against Mercy's breast, exploring her body with a new confidence as the female gently rode the stiff knotted length. She gasped and moaned gently, keeping the same gentle, slow pace. Not that their locked and tied position offered opportunity for anything but that. Her back arched as that knot rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot inside of her. She ground down against Mercy, trying to rub that spot again, desperate in her need for more pleasure and more fertile seed.

Mercy began to moan in earnest now. Instead of slowing down as she expected, her mate was speeding up her movement, rubbing and grinding against Mercy's cock as much as she could while they were tied together. The sensation, especially as she'd just cum, was powerful but Mercy could feel another orgasm slowly building, her balls feeling like they had more to give. She began to move with the other female, hearing her gasp and move as she tugged at her knot, thrusting the tiny amount that she could. One of her hands dipped, stroking back over the girl's cock and then further down to her stretched folds, playing over the clit there.

The girls gasped loudly at the fingers at her length and clit. Her hips bucked and her hands squeezed tightly against Mercy's bust in response to the incredible stimuli. She moaned deeply, her body spasming and quaking almost violently as another tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her form. Indeed, another torrent of hot white cum splashed across Mercy's belly, breast, and face as she came hard around the stiff cock invading her pussy.

Mercy moaned and gasped as her breasts were squeezed, the girl's sex squeezing and milking around her cock powerfully. That sent Mercy over the edge again as well, her back arching as she thrust hard back into her mate, her cock pulsing again. The second load of seed joined the first, still kept in by her knot which felt like it had swollen again in size. They were well and truly tied now, and even the gently grinding and tiny thrusts become difficult, so tightly were they locked together.

A low, deep moan reverberated in the girl's chest and she collapsed forward, utterly spent on her anonymous lover's cock. She heaved and panted, laying exhausted upon Mercy's chest for a good long while. Finally, as that vulpine cock began to shrink and the knot deflated, the girl reached over and let her hand fall heavily on the safety-switch. It glowed green and a moment later, the door hissed open. Unseen figures swept into the room to fetch the girl. They had to literally lift her off of Mercy and take her away. Moments after the door hissed open and closed one more time, the lights in the bedroom came up, leaving Mercy alone in the lavish hospital room.

The bright lights were blinding as they flicked on and Mercy quickly shut her eyes, before squinting around. Eventually, her eyes adjusted to the brightness and looked down at herself and the bed, blushing. The fur of her belly and breasts was matted and sticky with cum, mostly her mates, but it was nothing compared to her crotch and thighs. When the knot had shrunk, cum had spilled out over her, not to mention the mess both of their sexes had made. There were several large, wet patches on the sheets. Her muscles stiff and sore, the vixen got to her feet and went to the door, poking her head out into the corridor beyond. She quickly gathered up her clothes, making a face as she pulled them on over her cum-covered fur and went out.

Luckily, Mercy would have no distractions or interactions on her way back to the housing unit she shared with Jewel. Luckier still, Jewel was not home when she got there! Good! A shower was no doubt in order. With extra shampoo. And extra lather. When she emerged, Jewel was just coming home. Beneath her jumpsuit, her fur was drenched in sweat. She rubbed her brow, huffing ever so slightly.

When she saw her friend's fur matted and wet and smelled the sweet fragrance of soaps, she groaned and nodded. "Yeah. Me too..." she said, disappearing into the washroom herself. Almost a half hour later, she emerged just as clean and feeling quire refreshed! She grinned, a spring in her step as she bounced out into the living room and jumped onto the sofa. "I got to learn how to fly a fighter today!"

Mercy smiled, not just because it really was cool, but also because of her friend's obvious enjoyment and excitement. "Wow!" she exclaimed. The fighter pilots were elite on the Praxeum, although there weren't a lot of them left. Judging by the sweat that had covered Jewel, she had had a busy day. "Hard work? You sound like you liked it?"

Mercy breathed in the scent of Jewel's soap, listening to her talk as she began to move around, collecting more plates and glasses for dinner. She could hear Jewel's stomach growling from across the room and she was quite hungry herself. . Fucking that girl in the hospital had been tiring. She blushed at the thought and hid it by turning her face away from Jewel slightly.

She grinned and nodded. "It was great! I mean, I didn't get to fly a real fighter but... simulators, count, right?" she shook her head and set about helping her friend set out dinner. Whatever Mercy had in mind, it sounded delicious after the workout she'd had that afternoon! "I never would have guessed sitting in a chair and jerking a stick around would be so... so.... tiring!"

"Good it was a simulator," Mercy said. "I don't think it would be very good for you to go flying out in space without any practice. When you were, ah," she said, blushing a little, "jerking a stick, did you crash a lot? That's what they're for." She went to the food replicator and chose a random dish. Some kind of curry was made, smelling delicious, and she took a bowl over to Jewel.

"What?" Jewel asked, her ears perking. "No. The joystick, you dork." She rolled her eyes. "It's what you fly the ship with. Not this one. The little ships. This one's different. Big computer console." She grinned again then happily took the bowl of curry from her friend. Oh good! She hummed hungrily then went to the living room with her glass and bowl in hand. "This smells so delicious! I am so hungry I could eat an entire room's worth!"

Mercy trailed after her, sitting next to her on the couch and turning on the holo. "So," she said, blowing on a forkful of the curry to cool it. "Are you going back to the simulator tomorrow?" She popped the curry into her mouth, letting out a small sound of pleasure as she tasted it. It was pleasantly spicy, and tasted delicious. She'd have to remember this number on the replicator.

She shrugged curiously, swallowing her spoonful of curry, then another, and another still before she answered. "Maybe? I don't know what they're going to have me doing, but I cant see them dumping me into the snubfighter program for a day then yanking me out and putting me back on the bridge. That seems pretty wasteful to me."

Mercy nodded thoughtfully. That certainly made sense. With a start, she wondered what her own assignment would be. She hadn't heard yet, maybe because of her activities today. "It looks like your moving up," she said with a grin. "Jewel the fighter pilot. You're going to be the real upper class soon. That or captain or something on the bridge."

She smirked at that and grinned. "I think I could get used to being called captain." She winked at her friend and tilted her head. "What about you? What have you been doing in fifth-period?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she munched and nibbled at her curry happily.

Mercy's face suddenly grew hot. She wasn't sure whether or not she should tell Jewel or not. She hurriedly put another fork of curry into her mouth, chewing slowly to buy herself time. "I was...uh," she said, stammering badly. Then she slumped a little. She wasn't going to lie now. "At the hospital," she said in a quieter voice, eating another mouthful.

The question made her squirm a little in embarrassment but she had already resolved not to lie. But how had it been? "Nice," she admitted, almost surprising herself with the word. "Maybe even fun. There was another girl there, and she was the one in heat. They turned off the lights and..." Her voice trailed off. "I suppose she'll be pregnant soon. But I don' know who she is."

She stared at Mercy, nibbling lightly for several minutes. Her ears quivered ever so slightly and she nodded. "I'm still so nervous about this whole thing...." She shook her head and stared down into her bowl. "Glad to know you had fun mothering a pup in some girl."

Mercy flushed again. "What do you mean?" she said, putting her bowl to one side and turning towards Jewel. She sought out the remote for the holo and turned the volume right down so that they could converse clearly.

"I mean," she said, setting her bowl down in her bowl, "I still don't like the idea of letting someone cum inside of me. Not really." She sighed heavily. "I know it's going to happen. Probably more than once until my belly starts to swell." She stare down at her white belly fur beneath her tank top. "It's... I'm not into girls, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Mercy said, and looked down at her own belly. The chances of making it through the program without being knocked up were zero. "Well," she said haltingly. "Maybe you'll be doing the mothering most of the time. The boys are doing it as well. You might only have to be with a girl once or twice."

"Yeah, but the population is so lopsided, I'll be with other girls more often than not." She shrugged and leaned forward to set her bowl on the table. "At least I'll be doing the mothering more often than not too, right? I mean, it's not like I'll be unsuitable for both roles once I'm pregnant, right? I might be a blimp, but I will still be expected to burry my dick in some girl, right?"

"Right," Mercy muttered. That was probably true. Being pregnant wouldn't remove them from the roster completely, just one half of it. Then she remembered what she'd been told earlier. "Well, actually no," she said, a little uncertainly. "You might only be invited to, um, do the mothering part once or twice. The other half you'll have to do though."

She nodded. "Great. So I might fuck one boy or girl twice, but I'm gonna get fucked once a week for the next few years." She ran her hands through her fur between her ears. "I guess being pregnant is the best thing for me. Then at least it's over with for a while?" She sighed then shook her head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be putting all of this on you. It's not your fault and you don't deserve my attitude."

"It's fine..." Mercy said, her voice trailing off as they listened to the muted sounds of the holo. "Unless," she said suddenly, " know... enjoy it. You might want to go back. Maybe you can talk to the doctors, get paired up with the boys most of the time." She blushed a little. "Since we're not allowed to do anything outside of the hospital at the moment."

She groaned again and nodded. "Yeah. You're right. I'll talk to Dr. Coco next time and see if I can't get boy-only couplings." She smiled and reached over to set her hand on her friend's knee. "Thanks, Mercy. You always know how to make me feel better."

Mercy smiled and patted her friend's hand. "That's what I'm here for," she said. She picked up her dinner again and turned up the volume on the holo, letting the noise from the show wash over them both as they ate in silence, Mercy thinking to herself. She didn't really get not liking girls; they were just boys with a few extra parts, but it was Jewel's decision. Maybe she could ask Coco too, on Jewel's behalf. The giraffe did like her, maybe she'd do the vixen a favor. Mercy blushed again as she through what she might give in return and munched on her dinner, smiling slightly to herself.

The subject was largely ignored for the next week. Seven and a half days after her first trip, Mercy's wrist band would trigger again, this time in the middle of their lunch hour. Jewel blinked, winking at Mercy as she got up to leave. "Go get 'em, you sexy vixen you!" she teased as her friend left the school galley. No one would stop her. Everyone knew the drill. Blinking wristband meant they were needed.

She would find her journey to the hospital wing uninterrupted. When she came into the waiting room, Dr. Coco was there waiting, pouring over some report or another on her datapad. When Mercy came in, she smiled and waved her forward. "Welcome back, Mercy!" she said. "Come on, let's get you situated in room twelve, shall we?"

"Hi," Mercy said as she entered the room. Her eyes travelled over the giraffe's form and she had to fight another blush, her cock stiffening slightly in her panties. Her body definitely still remembered her first time with Coco. "Ah, before I go in," she said, twisting the hem of her shirt, "there's something I wanted to ask." For a moment she wondered if this was overstepping some bound but Jewel was her friend. When Coco motioned for her to continue, Mercy said, "My friend, Jewel. She...she doesn't like girls, not in that way, at least. I was wondering if maybe she could be paired with the boys, at least most of the time?"

Dr. Coco smiled at her vulpine patient and folded her hands over her pad in front of herself. "Oh, is that so? There are so few boys left. Most of them are already paired off in the schedule. Maybe we can do some re-arranging but your friend Jewel has already been here once already. She didn't show much protest then." She shrugged and turned to lead her young ward into the hospital proper. When they came to room 12, she keyed the door open and led Mercy inside. It was empty, of course except for the two of them. When the door closed, she turned and considered the vixen. "This time you're scheduled on the receiving end of the program."

Mercy felt a rush of confusion. Jewel's already been here? With a girl? Then she heard the rest of Coco's words and her breath hitched. "The r-receiving end," she repeated. She was suddenly thankful that she'd lost her virginity to Coco. Losing it to a stranger that she'd never know, in the dark, didn't seem that appealing. Still, her second time would be like that. And this one'll stick, she thought. A part of her knew that this had been coming. She'd been feeling rather more, well, horny the last few days and looking back, it was clear she was coming into her heat. Now that she thought on it, her sex had been rather wet this morning... "Okay," she said to Coco, and went inside the room with a deep breath.

Dr. Coco smiled, watching the girl for a moment. Perhaps a moment too long. "If you'll undress and make yourself comfortable, we'll send your partner in as soon as she arrives." She turned and stepped toward the door then stopped. She turned, glancing at her patient ponderingly. Finally she nodded her decision and said "I am not supposed to do this, but... I suggest you take deep breaths and relax when she enters you. She is rather... endowed." She flashed one more warm smile then left.

An expression of surprise and slight anxiety crossed Mercy's face. "Thanks," she said, smiling a weak smile back then entered the room. The lights were still on, for which Mercy was grateful. She slowly undressed, setting her clothes carefully to one side. Part of her was procrastinating a little, but she was eventually naked, and crawled onto the bed.

She wasn't sure what position to be in but eventually settled with simply laying on her back, had propped up to look at the door. She felt exposed like this and kept her legs tightly shut, shielding her sex form view. Then the lights went out. Mercy gave a soft yip of surprise and her heart started hammering in her chest. Any moment now, the door was going to open...

Then it hissed open. A second later it closed and... were those hooves clip-clopping toward the bed in the darkness? The bed shifted and a hand reached out, groping blindly in the dark for her body. It settled on her calves, then the other joined it. Gentle, experienced hands glided up her legs, gently easing her thighs open. Instead of simply diving between her legs and burying her cock in the vixen, the mare leaned forward, nuzzling up along her thighs to the young vixen's sack and sheathe. Her hot breath bathed Mercy's growing cock and a moment later, her soft lips closed over the tip, suckling gently like a foal at the tit.

Must be one of the equines, Mercy thought, then her mind grew hazy as she let out a tremulous moan. The soft breath tickled her cock and sheath, and the warm, soft lips sealed on her tip. A tongue licked slowly at her balls and she moaned louder, more of her cock disappearing into the mare's mouth as it grew erect, small dribbles of pre- leaking from the tip. Mercy soon found out that the mare was quite adept at this, the vixen bucking her hips up into the soft muzzle, her hands alternating between running through her mate's fur, clutching at the sheets, or rubbing and touching her breasts.

The mare descended all the way down to Mercy's unswollen knot and her long, nimble tongue slathered all over the hot rod. The mare's fingers caressed her full orbs, caressing each in one hand while the other explored Mercy's dripping slit. Her digits traced along her netherlips for a moment then slowly began to sink a pair into her waiting body, pushing deeply into her in slow, gentle strokes as she suckled on the vixen's hot cock.

Mercy made a small moan as her walls parted around the two fingers. Together they almost felt like a cock themselves. Her cock jumped as her sex was slowly, gently penetrated, the fingers slowly thrusting in a steady rhythm. One of the mare's other fingers found Mercy's clit and the fox jumped, seeing stars as she sucked in air. "Oh," she gasped, forgetting for a moment about the no talking rule but there was just too much pleasure. Her cock was dripping pre, the knot beginning to swell and her folds were wet, getting wetter as the fingers continued to thrust inside her.

For several long minutes, those fingers spread Mercy open, delving into her depths to explore every fold and sensitive spot within. Finally they withdrew, leaving Mercy quite empty for the time being. The bed shifted and hands gently spread Mercy's thighs wider . She still seemed so far away from her, but Mercy felt a large bulbous head press against her slick folds, nudging her balls up and out of the way se the mare stroked herself gently up and down Mercy's sensitive slit.

The warm, blunt tip of the mare pressed up against her, Mercy shivering and moaning at the soft pressure against her slit, the nudges against her clit making the vixen gasp and hump back. The need was beginning to burn inside her, even stronger. Her heat was making itself known now, demanding that she find a cock to breed her as soon as possible. Luckily, there was one right here. She pushed back against it hungrily, although a part of her was still anxious over how it would fit inside her small body. She would have had difficulty knotting another canine; the mare's cock was that thick or thicker for its entire length.

The mare didn't enter her. Not yet. Instead, she shifted forward carefully and nuzzled into Mercy's ample bust and the soft fur of her neck. "We'll do it on three," a familiar, yet still so alien voice whispered. "Ready? One.... Two-..." Suddenly their hips slapped together. Something deep inside of her gave way a bit painfully as that thick spear of horsemeat plunged balls deep into her belly.

Mercy heard the voice and started, trying to figure out who it belonged to. She pushed those thoughts aside though as the count began, preparing herself. She began to breathe in on two, but that was when the mare acted, thrusting into her. Mercy let out a short yip of pain as there was a sharp stab inside her. She felt fuller than she could image, her body stretched taught around the mare. It was uncomfortable, her pussy straining but exhilarating at the same time. She trailed a hand over her stomach and Mercy could swear that she could feel the clear shape of the cock in her belly.

The mare grinned, feeling those soft digits exploring her tip through the taut flesh of her lover's belly. She nodded slowly, though Mercy wouldn't see it. She wanted to say 'that's right, that's me plugging your womb, little girl' but of course she didn't. She leaned down, nuzzling gently into Mercy's neck and against her cheek. She remained quite still for several minutes as the teenager adapted to the invading length. Finally, she lifted her firm torso off of the young vixen and began to withdraw her length. It went and went! Then it went some more until finally the tip threatened to leave her empty. The mare didn't give a moment's hesitation, she eased forward again, driving every last inch of that thick cock deep inside once more.

Mercy was acutely aware that her womb had been penetrated as well and she gave a quiet moan at the full feeling that gripped her. If anything was going to sate her heat, it was this thick cock. She squeezed down on it with her muscles and then it began to drag itself back slowly. The hips and large balls pressing against her disappeared and the emptiness grew inside Mercy. Only the tip was left inside her, pausing at her entrance. Even that momentary pause was enough to make Mercy whine. She wanted it back! Her wish was granted as she was thrust into again, moaning in new pleasure as she was stretched again.

The mare's hips pistoned slowly, driving that slab of meat into and pulling it out of the teen at a gentle, slow pace, though each stroke was the full length of appendage. She leaned down, closing her lips over the vixen's left breast. She suckled gently at the pert nipple there and dragged her flat teeth over the sensitive numb as she took her.

Mercy gasped and grabbed at the mare's head as she felt her nipple sucked, the teeth especially making her moan. She still felt a little too stretched but was beginning to move against the mare. Her cock was getting ground between them, still leaking pre- into Mercy's fur but she didn't care. She squeezed the equine length inside her, feeling the pleasure run through her, arching her back into the mare's touch.

She showered her ministrations on Mercy's other peak for several moments then lifted her torso away from the vixen. She stared down into the darkness and grinded their hips together for a moment. Her hips drew back and as quickly as the first time, she drove her length back into the vixen. Bouncing off of Mercy's body, she drew back only to slam her hips back in again. Hard and fast, she began to breed the vixen in earnest!

The vixen cried out at the sudden change in pace but she never thought once about hitting the panic button and ending the session. Discomfort flared again inside her at the rapid pace the mare was setting but it was quickly drowned out by the rush of pleasure. Mercy made a yipping sound in between moans, feeling the impacts of the cock deep inside her. She clutched at her breasts and the mare, getting overwhelmed by the sensations running through her. Not even Coco had made her feel like this.

This pace didn't last forever, be that fortunately or unfortunately. That pressure deep in her belly began to worsen. It was starting to get harder and harder to pull herself out of and push herself back into the vixen's womb with every thrust as her head began to flare. Then it was impossible. The tip of her cock mushroomed greatly, creating an unnecessary seal and an obscene bulge in Mercy's tummy as she plummeted into oblivion. The mare threw her head back and whinnied loudly as her grapefruit-sized balls tightened against her dripping slit. Load after thick, fertile load rushed into Mercy's belly, gushing into her womb with no hope of escaping the tight seal her abused cervix made around the invading member. It went on for what felt like hours, or maybe just seconds, rushing into her as though someone had turned on a hose.

For her part, Mercy let out a loud howl. The first spurt of cum inside her was like an electric shock, overpowering the discomfort the flared head created inside her. She howled, her back arching full of the bed as she ground against the equine length inside her. Her cock reacted as well, swelling and then spurting her seed all over her body, adding more musk to the air. Mercy fell back to the bed, gasping. She felt her belly with one hand quizzically, then whined with quiet shock. None of the cum was leaving her, and this mare had a lot of it. The vixen could actually feel her stomach growing beneath her fingers as the mare pumped her full of seed.

For ever and ever it went on until finally the flow stopped. Mercy had quite the belly on her! If she didn't know better, she might have thought she was already going to foal! The mare atop her gasped and panted heavily, nickering in soft afterglow. She leaned down, consuming Mercy's lips in a deep, passion-filled kiss as their bodies slumped.

Mercy kissed her back passionately, then groaned slightly as she felt the mare's weight rest on her. It would have been unpleasant with her small frame normally but her cum-filled belly didn't like the pressure at all. She giggled as she felt it, and without thinking said, "I might need to be plugged up when I leave!" Realized she'd broken the rules, she snapped her jaws shut, blushing in the darkness and waiting tensely.

That oddly familiar voice chuckled and gave one last kiss upon the lips. "You aren't done yet, are you?" she whispered. "I have the rest of the day off. I plan on enjoying it." She grinded her hips against Mercy's, rubbing that thick cock ever so slightly in and out before she gave it a slow tug. She schlopped free and rolled onto her back. Another breathless chuckle left her lips. "After a short break..."

A veritable bucket of cum leaked from Mercy as she left, and although her belly shrunk, it didn't disappear completely. Her body kept a lot of the mare's cum. The vixen made a soft whining sound but didn't reach for the button. She didn't dare speak, not wanting to break the rules again but she clumsily kissed the mare, showing that she didn't want to leave, not yet.

The mare kissed her back, slowly but surely regaining her strength. Finally after several minutes, she rose to her knees and gripped Mercy's own. "Up," she whispered insistently. Once Mercy began to move, the mare helped maneuver her up onto her hands and knees. Grinning, the mare knelt behind her and pressed her length deep into her abused pussy once again.

Mercy moaned, raising her tail high as the cock pressed into her again. She had more control in this position and rocked back slowly, sliding more of it into her stretched sex. It entered her easily, especially after the last time and she moaned, panting as the empty feeling went away, replaced with a stuffed sensation instead.

The mare's hips slapped against her rump and her ample sack thumped against her clit and her own fuzzy pouch. The mare grinded herself against Mercy for several moments, reaching around beneath the young girl to cup her hanging breast against her palms. She squeezed and groped Mercy gently, then tweaked both nipples simultaneously. Too soon, her hands returned to the vixen's hips and she was withdrawing, guiding the vixen to rock forward as she pulled back. Then the mare lurched forward, slapping their hips together sharply one more time before slowly withdrawing once more only to slam into her again a second after.

Mercy cried out again, sensations assaulting her from every side. She pushed her breasts into the mare's hands, arching her back as her nipples were played with. The sensations made her squeeze the mare's shaft. With every thrust, Mercy moaned, her clit getting stimulated by the equine balls. The vixen's cock hung beneath her, throbbing and leaking pre- as she rocked back against the cock inside her with a now familiar need burning inside her pussy.


The following weeks were much of the same. One or the other of them would be called in once, sometimes twice a week to fill some other woman's belly. Neither would be required to go in again as receivers, but the reason for that became clear soon enough. Their bellies had begun to swell though with whose baby was anybody's guess. Jewel sat on the couch, home early from school that day. No work study. Most of her pilot training was in books now, much to her chagrin. Still, that gave her amply time to sit at home, as she was now. Watching the holo while a hand gently rubbed her swollen tummy peeking out beneath her tight white tank top.

The sound of the Holo was audible as Mercy made her way to the front door, entering it a moment later with an audible huff. She had yet to find her own specialization on the ship but she was distracted by other occurrences of late, namely her own growing belly. It had swollen dramatically, the doctor predicting a large litter of pups. Mercy was grateful that they'd be like her at least, although it would give a clue as to whom the other parent was. Being on her feet for too long was tiring and she sunk onto the couch next to Jewel with a sigh, the vixen's hand going to her own belly as she did so. "Hi," she said.

Jewel grinned at her rather large friend and turned to face her slightly. One of her hands shot out, caressing the enormous globe tenderly. Her own belly was big, but nothing like Mercy's. She was only carrying one wolf, after all. Not a flock of foxes. "Hi," she said, smiling excitedly at her friend. "I've been sooooo bored!" she whined. "It sucks they won't let me take any more classes than the basic ones..."

"Well, I told you they wouldn't," Mercy said, relaxing back into the soft cushions. "Too dangerous, isn't it? They want your baby safe and sound; that's the entire reason we're both pregnant." She smiled at the soft touch to her belly. "Don't worry," she continued, yawning as she looked towards the Holo. "You'll be back in the ships in no time, whizzing around out there. Just need to have your baby first."

She sighed heavily at that and nodded. "For a couple months at least. Then I'll be right back here, blowing up like a balloon..." She rolled her eyes then smirked. "Hopefully not... thiiiis much!" she said, gliding her hand in a wide circle around her best friend's expanse. "If I do, I'm never getting out of bed."

Mercy laughed at that. "I_manage it," the vixen said. "Hopefully it won't be so many next time. The doctor said that this was quite rare, for me to have so many at once. One or two is the norm. Three is very unusual. 'Lucky' was the word she used; I get the feeling I became a prime subject for the project. I'm going to be spending a _lot of time pregnant. Might be why they haven't assigned me to anything important yet."

She snorted at that, grinning wickedly at her friend. "Well, you can be the lucky one. Maybe I'll be... incredibly unlucky and it wont take anymore. More time in the cockpit, please. Less time... puking, or having to pee every half hour... or getting kicked in the ribs!" she said, harrumphing again as her hand continued to explore. "Still, being only on the giving end of the program is nice."

As if in response, one of the pups inside Mercy jerked against Jewel's hand. Mercy thought she would have been used to the rampant sex by now, but she still blushed as she said, "I liked the receiving side. I mean, both ways are nice but..." She shrugged. "These consequences are not as enjoyable though. At least I'm not sick all of the time, like others."

She pouted and shook her head. "Enjoy that. It isn't fun. At least I got over it quick." She turned her attention back to the holo, silent for several minutes. Finally she spoke again. "I had a weird dream last night. I dreamed I kept the baby instead of giving it up to the nursery housing. It was kinda nice. It kind of made me rethink that whole thing. Maybe I will keep one of them."

Mercy shifted slightly. "You will? Odds are that this program will go on for a while, maybe years. Do you want to keep this one?" she asked, laying her hand on Jewel's tummy as she did. She had thought about it herself a little: how could she not? She wasn't sure about it though; raising a child, or more than one, on her own and while she was still young was daunting.

"Probably not this one," she said, laying her free hand over her friend's. "I... I'm not ready to be a mother. Not really. Not yet." She hummed at that and shook her head. "Maybe the last one. Maybe not. I'm still not sure. That dream made me think about it though. But it was all the good stuff, you know. Not changing diapers or waking up a few times a night."

"Not the most realistic dream," Mercy remarked, "but yeah, I get it. I'd like to be a mother someday, although...maybe not like this, not even knowing the other person. Makes it easier in some ways; at least everyone at the nursery will be the same." She shifted, reaching up to fee a breast tenderly. Her bust had increased in size, her shirts staining more these days. "Might need some new clothes," she mused.

She smirked at that and rolled her eyes. "I know the feeling," She lifted her hands away, cupping her own laden bust. "I'm running out of stretchy shirts!" She reached over, playfully palming her friend's tit. "Not as big as-..." she stopped, feeling a bit of pressure against her palm. Her cheeks heated beneath her white fur. "You're not wearing a bra, are you?" She knew it was her best friend. They'd never really had any hard boundaries, to speak of... but feeling her friend's bust stirred Jewel's sheathe, something that hadn't really ever happened before the program. Or before that day, for that matter.

"N-no, I'm not," Mercy said, her own face heating up beneath the fine fur of her face. "Uncomfortable," she muttered. Those had become too uncomfortable, her breasts feeling very sensitive, the nipples especially so. When Jewel had palmed one, the vixen had had to fight very hard not to squirm where she sat. Far from feeling bad, the gentle touch had made arousal flicker through her, something that was happening more and more often of late. But...Jewel, she thought. They'd always stuck by each other, but this was entirely new territory, at least where it concerned the two of them.

She nodded slowly in understanding. Her own boobs were getting uncomfortable too. Her nipples rubbing against the inside of her bras, even the sports bras she wore most days. And so confining! She knew she'd have to get more, probably sooner rather than later and-... Her eyes widened as she realized she was still squeezing her friend's breast. She jerked her hand away with a nervous laugh and shifted where she sat. "Speaking of having to pee every half hour," she lied, hefting her weight up to walk hastily toward the bathroom. "I'll be right back, uh... in a few minutes. I wanna see how this ends," she said, indicating the holo that was just starting a new program that moment.

When she came to the bathroom, she leaned on the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. Mercy? Really? Just from a touch? It made some sense, though. All of their interactions with sex had been tactile, what with the lights being off. Feeling boob-flesh beneath her hands must have set off her body, trained to fuck under certain stimuli. She stared down at her skirt, lewdly tented in front of her, she pulled the fabric up and out of the way with one hand while the other shoved her panties down her thighs to free her throbbing teal flesh. She couldn't think of her best friend like that! Curling her fingers around her length, she started to pump rapidly, thinking of someone's legs wrapped around her. A tight, wet pussy milking her length, coaxing her knot to swell. Soft moaning gasps in her ear as she drove her lover to orgasm. That ginormous belly rocking with every thrust and-... No, not Mercy! She had to think of anything but Mercy!

Mercy was still blushing hard as Jewel released her, although a sudden urge to ask her to return flashed through the vixen. That she managed to quell before the thought reached her mouth. She laughed, the sound a little forced, as Jewel made her way to the bathroom. As soon as she was gone from the room, Mercy turned the volume on the Holo up then reached beneath her belly. She flipped her own skirt up over the swell of her tummy, moving by feel, the sight of her crotch obscured by her pregnancy. She knew that she shouldn't be doing this, not when Jewel could return at any minute, not to mention that she was in a semi-public communal area that they both shared, but her body demanded to be touched.

She stroked her fingers over her cock and sex through the thin fabric of her panties. Two wet spots appeared in seconds, one over her entrance and one at the tip of her cock. Giving a low groan that she hoped was masked by the hollow, she squirmed her panties down her thighs, stroking over her folds while her other hand went straight for her cock.

Harder, faster. She started to not care that she was picturing her friend. She needed to cum, get back in her sheathe before things got awkward! She crouched over the toilet, stroking herself until she felt her inevitable release. She bit down on one of her arms, muffling her moan as her thick ropes of cum splashed into the bowl. For several moments she came hard but it soon abated. Breathing deeply, she flushed then stood, straightening herself out as bets as she could. She smoothed her fur out and took a deep, calming breath. There. Better. She opened the door and moved back out into the living room. When she saw her best friend rubbing her pantied crotch on the couch, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. More than that, she was hard again in an instant!

The plan to use the Holo to disguise her moans worked well, but it also meant that Mercy had no idea that Jewel had returned. Her eyes were closed, mouth open as she panted. Without the fabric barrier to stop her, the vixen had slid two fingers into her sex, thrusting them slowly as her other hand rapidly stroked at her cock, pre- flowing liberally from the tip. She was lost in the pleasurable sensations, though she wasn't sure if she was in control of herself. She couldn't seem to stop, even though Jewel would be back any second and if she climaxed in the living room, there would be a very awkward mess. Still she kept going though, thinking on Jewel, especially the way her thin shirt had clung to her growing chest...

Lust took hold quickly enough. She bent over awkwardly, pushing her panties down to her knees. Once they dropped to the floor, she stepped forward quickly, her mind tenting her skirt in that moment. She knelt down in front of her moaning friend, unable to hear any of it for the loud holo. She pulled her skirt out of the way with one hand while the other gripped her length. Awkwardly, she shimmied forward on her knees until her tip pressed against her friend's wet hand and dripping slit. Once she was certain she was close enough, her free hand dropped her skirt and pulled at Mercy's hand. She stared down at her dripping coal beneath her friend's fuzzy sack and throbbing length, single minded in her determination to sink herself knot deep inside of that hot tunnel.

When Jewel appeared in front of her, Mercy gave a small cry of surprise and embarrassment, freezing in place, which was so happened was with fingers inside her sex and her hand on her now-slick cock. She was going to say something, stammering wordlessly, when she saw Jewel remove her skirt, tugging at the vixen's hand a moment later. Mercy's eyes widened in surprise, but any second thoughts she might have had were extinguished by the burning need in her sex. She allowed Jewel to move her hand, heart thundering in nervous anticipation. She couldn't see beyond her belly, but she felt it more than well enough.

When Mercy's digits vacated the delectable dripping cunt in front of her, Jewel smiled and pressed herself knot deep into her friend in one slow stroke. Once their groins, and their bellies were pressed together with one vulpine cock sandwiched between them, Jewel looked up at her friend's face and gave a soft moan. She spoke, but scowled a moment later. She turned and fetched the remote, muting the holo. She refocused her attention on Mercy and gave a soft gasp. "You're so tight!"

The vixen moaned, wrapping her legs around Jewel and squeezing her closer, deeper into her. "Ngh...N-not for lack of trying," she said, smiling a little nervously. "P-paired with a mare the first...ah...time." Jewel filled her completely, though in a different way to the mare. This seemed more natural, stretching her out pleasantly. She clenched and gripped the canine cock inside her. Their pregnant bellies pressed against each other, one of Mercy's pups giving another kick. Her cock was pressed hard between then, ground against both of their fur as the knot pressed against the vixen's folds.

She moaned deeply, leaning forward to press her hands against Mercy's gravid tummy. She caressed the globe with a small smile, as yet not thrusting or moving. It was nice, sitting in this most intimate embrace. "A mare?" she asked, groaning. "I had someone with a knot. Big one too." She winked at Mercy and looked down at their tummies. She couldn't see it, but she could feel Mercy's dick twitching against her globe. "Probably not as big as yours." She looked up again, reaching forward to try and tug Mercy's shirt off. She just had to see her friend's tits!

Mercy giggled at the compliment, her cock twitching again as it lay pressed between them. She felt the tug to her shirt and moved to help Jewel, lifting her arms and squirming until the shirt was up and over her head. She threw it to one side, heedlessly and it vanished behind the couch. Her breasts were free now, nipples hard and erect in the cool air. Bared to Jewel's gaze, the vixen shivered, her tunnel clenching on the canine length inside her.

Jewel moaned gently at the gentle clench and at the sigh of her best friend's tits. She licked her lips and reached forward, exploring the laden swells with her gentle palms for the first time. She leaned forward and nibbled gently at one of her hard peaks, suckling gentle as in a few months her own pups would. She lifted her muzzle away a moment later then leaned forward to gently brush Mercy's lips with her own. "You taste good."

Mercy smiled and kissed Jewel. Then, hesitating for a moment, she reached forwards, laying a hand on one of Jewel's own breasts. The hard nipple poked against the palm of her hand as she caressed it gently, feeling the softness. With a quick movement, her hands then went to the hem of Jewel's own shirt, tugging upwards over the wolf.

Maybe a little reluctantly, Jewel pulled her hands from Mercy's bust and lifted her arms up over her head so her friend could remove her own shirt, letting her bra covered boobs out for some air. She blushed lightly beneath her white fur and rocked her hips ever so gently against Mercy's own. "It's a little weird doing this with the lights on, isn't it?" she asked meekly.

Mercy's eyes were drawn Jewel's breasts and she blushed as well. "Um...yeah," she said. It was only the second time after all that she had seen the person she was having sex with. The only other one had been the doctor. The vixen shivered slightly as the cock inside her rocked back and forth slightly, her cock ground between the two of them. "We could turn them off," she said, a little hesitantly.

Jewel nodded. "Computer-...." She hesitated, staring at Mercy for several moments, then shook her head. "...Never mind." She smiled then leaned forward and brushed her friend's lips with her own. "I kinda wanna keep looking at you."

Mercy smiled, kissing Jewel passionately for a moment before breaking away. "Why don't we make this equal?" she said, reaching up towards Jewel's bra. "You see mine, now I see yours. Deal?" She gave her breasts a gently squeeze through the fabric.

She moaned gently and arched her back. As she pushed her bust against her friend's palms, she reached behind herself and unhooked the clasp. Her ample bosom sprang free of the fabric and a moment later, Jewel discarded it. Now as topless as her friend, Jewel smiled and reached up, covering Mercy's hands with her own. "Might have to make this a regular thing, yeah? When we're not expected to get pregnant for the program, I mean..."

"No complaints from me," Mercy said, squeezing down with her sex as Jewel grazed something sensitive inside her. She let out a small gasp, squeezing down lightly on Jewel's tits. She smiled, running her fingers along the soft fur on her chest. "They wouldn't want us messing up the allocations for the gene pool. Outside it though..."

She grinned at that, nodding enthusiastically. "Outside of that, I think I might enjoy getting between your legs whenever you'll let me." Again she blushed deeply beneath her fur. "Even let you between mine from time to time. I have to learn to enjoy it more, right?" She moaned gently, starting to rock with full, slow strokes into her best friend's tight tunnel.

The vixen gasped, moaning softly and rocking her hips back towards Jewel, the knot bumping lightly against her folds as her own cock pulsed slowly. "Whenever you want, I'll spread my legs," she panted. "This is nicer than the breedings, seeing you and everything. Maybe it'll let you enjoy it the other way more." She let out a louder moan. "And I'll be happy to let you see if it does." The thought of Jewel's tight sex made a pulse of pre- wet the fur of their bellies.

The warm, then cool feeling against her swollen middle made Jewel look down at the cock sandwiched between them. Or it would if said cock was visible between their tummies. As it were, there wasn't much to see but white and orange fur. She licked her lips and nodded, leaning forward to nibble at one of Mercy's pointed ears. "I'm willing to try, with you."

Mercy smiled again, nuzzling gently against Jewel's neck as the wolf leaned over her, breathing in her scent. Her ears twitched at the gently nibble that Jewel was doing and she moved her arms around her, hugging her close with her legs as well. The motion drew her a little deeper into Mercy, the vixen hugging her close.

She growled deep in her chest at the two of them drew closer together. She leaned back, breathing more deeply as her hands dropped to Mercy's gravid belly. "It won't hurt the baby if I...?" she asked, grinding insistently against her friend as she debated.

The grinding against her made the vixen pant softly, her own hips moving against the other girl's. "Do what?" she said, a moan just behind the words as they left her mouth. Her hands joined Jewel's on her belly, squeezing her hands lightly.

The grinding against her made the vixen pant softly, her own hips moving against the other girl's. "Do what?" she said, a moan just behind the words as they left her mouth. Her hands joined Jewel's on her belly, squeezing her hands lightly.

"If I really fuck you like I want to..." She shook her head slowly. "My knot's starting to swell and I wanna pound you till it swells, but I don't want to hurt your baby either." She smiled lightly then looked down at their union, or in its general direction hidden behind their swollen middles.

"You're not going to hurt them," Mercy said. "They're safe where they are. Go all out; I want to feel your knot." She ground back against it, clenching down hard on her shaft. "Go as hard as you can," Mercy said, leaning forwards to kiss Jewel again.

Almost like she didn't believe it, she stared down at Mercy for several moments then nodded. She straightened her torso and helped Mercy lay more fully on the couch. Once they were both possible, she drew her hips back and gave pause, almost like she was giving Mercy one last chance to back out. When no protest came, she slammed her hips against Mercy's, driving her thick cock deep inside almost instantly. Before she even had time to react, Mercy would feel it plunging into her again, and again quickly! panting and moaning, Jewel curled her fingers tightly in the soft fur of Mercy's belly as she rutted her like a bitch in heat.

Mercy arched as the first forceful thrust entered her, her muzzle opening in loud moan. The cock inside her seemed to fill her completely, spreading her walls wide around its length. There was a pleasant strain as it's girth entered her but before Mercy could do more than clench down on it, it was being driven into her again. Loud cries and moans filled the room as Mercy lay beneath her, panting heavily, her eyes closed. Her hands were at her breasts, squeezing gently as Jewel pounded into her. "Don't...stop," she gasped, head thrown back.

Jewel was not about to stop. She moaned deeply, feeling her knot begin to swell more and more with each thrust. Each time it slammed against her friend and forced her nether lips wide, Jewel yipped, her toes curling tightly against her pads. She fought it, struggling to force down the immense pleasure filling her body as her friend's tight tunnel squeeze every last inch of sensitive flesh throbbing between her legs.

A small string of yips interspersed with load moans burst from Mercy as she was knotted, her folds forced wide. There was a moment of discomfort and then the knot was locked inside her. Her hips bucked once, tugging on it but her body wouldn't release it, her pussy clenching down around the entire length of Jewel's shaft. The sensation of being knotted was overpowering and brought Mercy's climax rushing ahead like a train, only a few seconds away.

Almost in unison with Mercy, Jewel felt her furry sack tighten against her groin and her dripping slit. Her length gave another final swell before her molten seed rushed into her best friend's canal. She threw her head back, howling loudly as she came hard into her best friend, harder than she could ever remember cumming in her life!

Mercy was already on the edge but feeling the jerk in Jewel's cock then the sudden flood of heat sent her into her climax. Her howls joined Jewel's, bouncing off the walls of the room as she bucked and arched into her before falling limp to the couch. Her mind went blank for some time. When she finally blinked stars from her eyes, the vixen was aware of a sticky warmth coving her belly: her own cock had made a mess. Her sex was still clenching down irregularly on Jewel, every so often encouraging a new spurt of seed. In her belly, some of the pups kicked gently against Jewel, aware of their mother's pounding heart.

Jewel was panting heavily, her hands exploring her own swell and the enormous globe pressing against her. She struggled to keep her weight off of their tummies while not simply slumping and yanking uncomfortably on the knot tying the two together. Sweet afterglow. Next time, they were doing this in a bed, where they could both lay down! A soft moan flowed from her muzzle as she shifted her weight and in turn shifted her overly sensitive cock inside of Mercy's throbbing body.

Mercy's breath hitched slightly as the knot tugged lightly at her, the cock inside her shifting and rubbing around inside her. Every so often, her pussy would ripple down its length, Mercy giving a small moan each time. "That was amazing," Mercy said, breathing heavily still, even if she hadn't been the one doing all of the work.

Jewel nodded her agreement, but still didn't trust herself to speak. After several more moments, both of her hands roamed Mercy's shifting and kicking belly. "Amazing," she agreed then leaned forward, capturing Mercy's lips in a soft, gentle kiss. "We should have done this a long time ago..."

"One good thing to come of the ship's population dropping," Mercy said, kissing her back softly. "Pushed us together into the same house and...this." She smiled. "Don't know if I would have been brave enough to do it if we'd still been best friends living apart. Big step..."

She nodded and gave a breathless laugh. "That's true. Hell, I was so nervous when..." She shook her head, not wanting to think about dead friends. "Anyway, now we can do it as much as we want." She smirked and looked down between them. Her belly gave an audible rumble and she giggled. "This is all high in protein, right?" she asked, dipping her hands down to the sticky matted fur between them.

"Oh, um...yeah, I think so," Mercy said, looking a little lost. "Why do you ask?" There was a flutter of excitement in her chest though at the thought of being able to repeat this, over and over for as long as they wanted.

he grinned, a wicked and mischievous look in her eyes. "I might have a snack in..." she glanced down again and shifted her hips, "...whenever we dislodge...." she smiled sheepishly up at Mercy. "It usually only takes a few minutes but... I'm so turned on right now, we might be like this all day!"

Mercy laughed. "I'd be more than happy to do that," she said, wiggling her hips a little. "Feels very nice here, knotted together. Very intimate. I'm happy to give a snack though." She leaned forwards to try and kiss Jewel. "Maybe I'll get one in return later."

She grinned again, one more with that mischievous glint in her eyes. "I will gladly give you as many snacks as you want." She leaned forward and licked gently at Mercy's hard nipples. "For now... maybe a drink..." She closed her lips around one of the firm peaks and gently began to suckle.

A loud moan left Mercy and she closed her eyes, caressing the back of Jewel's head with her hand. She hadn't realized the feeling of pressure that had been present in her breast until it began to lessen, the feeling of her friend suckling and drawing the milk out of her making her lean back into the cushions, more quiet moans and sighs leaving her.

She suckled gently at one breast, caressing and fondling the other for several minutes until the flow abated. Then she switched sides, suckling at the other while fondling the first with her gentle hands. Her free hand lifted to her own, smaller bust and gently pinched her nipples, squeezing and cupping her breast in ways she most enjoyed as she showered her best friend in erotic affections.

The vixen kept caressing the back of Jewel's head as it moved, her other breasts feeling comfortably empty now. As felt sensitive though and she moaned again as Jewel groped it slowly. "Thank you," she said softly, feeling more relaxed than she had in a long while. With each suckle at her nipple, she clenched a little around the knotted cock, enjoying the attentions.

As the flow stopped once again, Jewel lifted her head away from Mercy's bust with a smirk. "If you keep squeezing me like that, we're liable to be stuck here for weeks." She tapped her friend's nose then leaned back as much as their compromising position allowed. She reached down between them and curled her digits around Mercy's throbbing length. Slowly, she stroked from tip to root, staring her friend in the eye the entire time.

"I can't help it," Mercy said, motioning towards her tits. "Feels nice when you do that." She sucked in a breath as her cock was grabbed though, looking into Jewel's face. Her length was sensitive from cumming recently and she let out a panting moan as she was stroked slowly. "Want to make a bigger mess?" she said, smiling as her cock twitched, a little pre- running over Jewel's hand.

She smiled with an innocent little shrug. "Am I going to make a bigger mess?" she asked, tapping her chin with her free hand. "How am I doing that, exactly?" She gave Mercy's cock a gentle, but firm little squeeze about her knot and leaned forward enough she could sandwich the throbbing tool between their middles. She slowly gyrated, rubbing her tummy-fur against the sensitive flesh.

"Ooh," Mercy sighed, her cock throbbing harder as her cock was ground between soft, wet fur, ticking a little with firm pressure between them. Her sex rippled again at the stimulation and she rocked her hips almost unconsciously. "Now it's not me that keeping us tied together," she said, hands on her belly as more pleasure washed over her. "When it's your turn, we really are going to be knotted for a week."

She smirked and gave a slow shrug. "I think I can live with that." She leaned forward, capturing her friend's lips in another gentle kiss, this one deeper than the last. "Might make our teacher a little concerned that the two of us aren't showing up to classes, but...." she winked. "Worth it."

"Definitely," Mercy said, then kissed her deeply, losing herself in the act while it lasted. When they finally broke away, Mercy smiled again. "Damn, you've almost got me ready to go again," she said, "and we haven't even separated yet!"

Jewel gave another breathless laugh and nodded, leaning forward so their bellies pressed together. "At this rate, you'll be pregnant again before you even give birth to these guys!" she said, her blood flow not near sufficient to her brain to logic how that sentence didn't make any sense.

Mercy laughed. "You might get in trouble with the captain if you do that," she said. "I doubt she'd be happy with you breeding me. Unless..." She suddenly blushed a little and she fidgeted. "Unless they were to pair us together. In the breeding program, I mean."

She smiled at that and leaned forward, kissing Mercy gently upon the snout. Then again on her chin. And finally deeply upon her lips. "I am starting to think I would like that. Our bellies big like this, but with each other's pups." She grinned, gently rotating her waist to rub their bellies. Of course, that caused her cock to move ever so much within Mercy's tight tunnel, hardening again the knot that had at last begun to deflate.

Mercy gave Jewel's arms a soft, playful swat as she felt the knot swell back to its original size. "See? You're the problem here," she said, jerking her own hips a couple of times to tug on the knot. "I'll ask the doctor though, when I go in for my checkup. They might say we're compatible and let us pair together. Then we could do it _without_being pregnant."

She laughed at that and shook her head. "You sound like you're on a first name basis with the doctor! Did you decide to go into medical after all?" she asked, starting to gently rock her hips against Mercy's again, thrusting her knotted cock into her as much as was possible.

"Um, maybe," she said. "I think it would be a good job." She thought back to the giraffe, and her first time. It was getting a little hard to think clearly with the cock and knot inside her rocking back and forth gently. "Have to be very smart for it though, and it's a lot of responsibility. Maybe part of the science team. I think I'd be better at that." A small moan left her as the knot brushed against a sensitive spot.

She too moaned gently, smiling as her hands drifted up to Mercy's laden breast. She cupped those swells, hefting their weight against her palms as she stared at her rotund best friend. "Maybe you'll get to pick who gets paired with who. Then we'll always get put together."

The vixen moved her own hands towards Jewel's chest, holding them gently and tweaking the nipple gently. Now she was really finding it hard to talk coherently. "Don't think...good for ship. Nice thought..." Her body arched into Jewel's touch, pressing against her.

She gave a gasping moan as Mercy's body squeezed her knot and throbbing length in just the right way. Her back arched and her length gave a short spurt of pre-. "So what?" she asked, leaning forward awkwardly around their bumps to try to kiss and suckle at the vulpine tits in front of her. "It'll be good for us."

"Yeah," Mercy said, sounding a little dazed. She shook her head slightly, moaning as her nipples were gently sucked. "All right. I'll join the science team, and talk to the doctor. I'm sure that they'll put us together." She lifted Jewel's head, kissing her passionately before breaking away, smiling. "And if not, they still can't stop us from enjoying each other's company."

She lifted her head away and grinned at Mercy with a growing confidence and wicked glean. "I intend to enjoy your company every single day!" she said, rocking herself a little more vigorously against her friend. "I'm so close....!"

The thrusts and grinds that she was making, small as they were with the way they were tied together, had brought Mercy to the edge yet again. She clutched at Jewel's arms and then through her head back, howling out a moan as she began to climax again.

Mercy's body squeezing and milking her knot sent Jewel over the edge again. She yipped and moaned deeply, leaning forward to nuzzle and nibble at the hollow of Mercy's throat as she filled her belly with another hot load of copious cum.

Feeling another wave of warmth fill her made Mercy gasp again, relaxing beneath Jewel. The sense of contentment that filled her was so complete that she almost drifted off to sleep beneath her friend. "I can see why they wanted you as a breeder," she mumbled, eyes lidded. "You got a lot of stamina."

Panting heavily, the white wolf smiled down at her friend, on the verge of passing out as well by this point. "It's easy when you've got a smokin' hot vixen wrapped around your dick," she said with a breathless laugh. "If it means spending all day with you, I hope I never have another pilot class again!"

Mercy laughed a little breathlessly. "You'd miss it," she said, smiling. "But I'd never leave this apartment if you stayed here. We still have responsibilities for the ship." She kissed Jewel tenderly and then laughed again. "Now we have to wait for your knot--again!"

The door hissed open and Jewel waddled back into their apartment. She cradled the enormous swell of her belly as she made her way to the sofa then turned and carefully, precariously leaned, tilted, and ultimately dumped her weight onto the cushion there. She groaned deeply, shaking her head as she slumped back against the couch. She turned, looking at her much larger friend. She shook her head and buried her head in her hands. "Why do they have to keep calling me iiiiiiin!?" she wailed, shaking her head more vigorously. "I almost fell, stumbling through the dark to find the bed! Thankfully the boy who they paired me with helped me onto the bed and did all the work. I couldn't even move!"

"Take it as a compliment," Mercy remarked. "If they keep calling on you, then they like your genes." The vixen moved forwards, sitting down on the couch in much the same manner as Jewel. Here at home, she didn't bother trying to keep herself presentable; it was too much work. When there was only Jewel there, she was dressed only in panties, leaving the rest of her fur bare. "Besides, that's not so bad. The last boy they paired me with didn't want to stop. He pinned me down. I was the one that had to tap out in the end!" She'd been called in a few times as well but the amount was decreasing the closer she got to her due date. Resting her hands on her enormous belly, she looked at Jewel. "Still, enjoy yourself?"

"I mean, yeah... as much as I can. It's nice that I get to be the one doing the fucking," she said, one hand absently reaching out to curl against her friend's belly. She ran her other hand through the fur between her ears, then rolled her eyes. "It's getting a little hard on my back though. Thrusting that much weight back and forth is... difficult." She glanced at Mercy and quirked a brow. "It's probably worse on you. Or was worse on you when you could actually move without having someone roll you from one place to the next."

Mercy gave her friend a soft swat on the arm, although the hand on her belly felt nice, on of the pups kicking against it. "I do not have to be rolled," she said indignantly. "Just...helped...every now and then." She waited for a moment, her own hands joining her friends as a pup or two got excited for a moment. "I hear they stop calling us in when the due date is close. I think that was my last one. Soon they'll be out..." She gave a soft groan and carefully got to her feet. "If it means they stop jumping on my bladder, can't come soon enough. Want something to eat? I was just about to get food."

She shook her head with a smile, rubbing her belly with a warm smile. She opened her mouth to comment, to say she wanted to wrap her lips around Mercy's cock and suck her dry when she felt something... odd. Her middle tightened and her nethers gave a fluttering quiver. She shook her head then grimaced as another uncomfortable wave of tension rushed down her body. She groaned deeply, almost doubling over as the front of her maternity dress suddenly darkened, barely soaking up the rush of fluid that poured down her legs.

Over near the food dispenser, Mercy gave a sigh. "Come on, you have to eat at some point. You can't go all d--" The vixen glanced over towards Jewel, and her muzzle fell open in surprise and shock. She dropped the plate, letting it smash into fragments on the floor. "Oh my god," she said, standing still. "Oh my god!" she said more loudly, coming over as fast as she could. "Really, before me?" she said, a little indignantly, then she shook her head, rushing over to let Jewel lean on her. Questions and words began to fall from her muzzle in a steady stream. "How are you? What do you feel? We should go to the hospital! Or should we wait? Should we call the doctor? At least I get practice with this, I suppose. Do you want to sit?"

She groaned, starting to breathe quite heavily. "Ow! OW! Hospital! Not here! Doctor Coco! No practice! No sit!" She groaned loudly and grit her teeth ."Fuuuuuck! Baby's coming! She gripped her friend's neck tightly, almost painfully so. "Sit! SIT!" As the pair waddled to the sofa and deposited Jewel there, the door gave a three-tone beep neither of them had ever heard before and hissed open.

The Giraffe doctor that Mercy was... quite familiar with and a half dozen other nurses and such poured into the room. "The wristwatches said..." But hearing Jewel groan deeply and cry out as another powerful contraction it answered Coco's question immediately. "Yep! Congratulations, Jewel! You're gonna be a--"


Mercy winced at the tight grip in her neck but endured it, helping her friend go to the couch. She sat her friend down, fidgeting nervously and a little agitatedly. "What do you need?" Mercy said hurriedly but the door burst open before Jewel could reply to her question. She staggered back hastily, her heart beating fast as the nurses crowded around her friend, jewel's loud yell made her jump. "Is she okay?" Mercy asked Coco anxiously.

Coco didn't reply right away, busy looking at Jewel's wristband. Mercy gulped, trying to slow her heart, holding her belly protectively. "I said, is she--AAH!" The vixen shuddered, almost doubling over as there was a sharp pain in her midsection, followed by a gushing feeling as her water broke.

As the pad Dr. Coco was holding started beeping, the giraffe craned her head back at the second girl. "Oh my!" She tapped on the pad for a moment and stood up to help Mercy carefully to the floor. "Don't you fret, hun, we'll get another set of nurses in here and get your babies in your arms!" She grinned, clapping giddily as she glanced from one writhing, moaning girl to the other. "What luck, your daughters are going to have the same birthday!"

Jewel was far too focused on breathing and following directions to care what the obnoxious long necked-- OH GOD, THAT WAS A BIG ONE!

A contraction ran through the vixen and she cried out, feeling her body seize down. Her children were kicking and struggling inside her; she could still feel that clearly. "Daughters?" she gasped, feeling a couple of the nurses surround her. She was about to ask how Coco new that when there was another contraction. Mercy gave a yipping cry, barely noticing as the door beeped again, another team of nurses rushing into the room.

"Right," Coco said, pressing the screen of each of their wristbands in a series of practiced taps. There was a acknowledging beep from each of them. "We're going to take you both to the hospital section now."

"There's no time, Doctor," one of the attending nurses said, peering between Jewel's spread legs, "She's already crowning! This pup's coming whether we're here or there!" Jewel cried out again as another nurse was urging her to push.

Mercy shuddered, eyes closed as she felt herself dilating but she looked up. From her position on the floor, she was at eye level with Jewel's sex. Between her friend's spread legs, the pointed muzzle of one of her daughters was visible before a nurse blocked Mercy's view.

"Let's get you up," one of them said to Mercy. The vixen didn't resist as she was helped into a chair, crying out as she felt one of the pups begin to press into her tunnel, kicking and ready to be born.

Minutes, hours, years, Jewel wasn't sure how long it lasted. It was agony! It was... oddly satisfying when she felt the mass stretching her pussy beneath her sack suddenly give out, letting her begin to retake shape. A moment later, a small voice whimpered and began to cry. The world materialized slowly and a nurse was wrapping a little orange, wriggling bundle in her arms. Nurses were pulling open her blouse and a moment later, she felt little lips suckling at her teat. She couldn't look away from the beautiful little creature she had carried and given birth to.

Dr. Coco smiled at the new mother, then turned and refocused her attention to Mercy. "Alright, your turn. One more big one, hun! PUSH!"

Mercy felt one of the pups enter her pussy, letting out a loud cry. Then there was hand of the doctor on her shoulder, the order to push. She concentrated on that and did so, pushing hard with a loud howl. She concentrated on gasping in breathe, howling it back out a moment later as her daughter was born agonizingly slowly. It seemed to take an eternity, her sex feeling stretched beyond its tolerance, but then her pup was free, its squalling cries joining those of Jewel's daughter a moment later. Panting and gasping, Mercy nevertheless smiled as her squirming child as placed in her arms, her daughter immediately rooting around, muzzle sealing tightly onto a nipple and suckling hard.

"Excellent job," Coco said softly to the both of them, "but we're not done yet."

Jewel looked weekly at her friend, still cradling her newborn... what was it? They had neglected to tell her! The nurses had all rushed to Mercy to help. She frowned, but quickly lost interest, watching her friend instead. What a beautiful little thing! One little pup and two more to go! She smiled, trying very hard to figure out which she wanted to watch more, her friend or her baby.

Mercy had eyes only for her newborn daughter, suckling at her breast with firm pulls of her little mouth. Then she gasped as another contraction shot through her, crying out again as her body clamped down, another daughter moving towards her cervix. A nurse gently pried the first child away from Mercy, leaving her to concentrate on giving birth to her second child.

What with the stresses of childbirth stifling the flow of milk, the first little pup from the attractive vixen was transplanted over to Jewel who cradled her... niece?... and allowed her to suckle at her free breast. She smiled at her little niecelet and turned her eyes back to her friend. She wanted to utter words of encouragement, but she was just so exhausted.

The nurses that weren't with Jewel were speaking encouragement to Mercy as another pup cresting, crying and squalling as it entered the world. The nurse put it onto Mercy's chest just like the previous one but there was no break for Mercy. The contractions didn't stop for a moment this time, her third and final daughter born right on the heels of the second. Exhausted and aching, Mercy panted as two of her children nursed fervently at her breasts, looking around for the first. Her eyes locked with Jewel's as she spotted baby vixen on her friend's chest, eyes still closed as it nursed.

Jewel smiled at her best friend, slowly losing any energy left to stay awake!

Coco was tapping idly at her pad, humming and muttering under her breath for a few moments. She smiled and nodded. "Four baby girls and two healthy mothers... why don't we let these six get some rest?" As the nurses began to file out, Dr. Coco leaned over to Coco and winked, pointing to one of the pups suckling at Mercy's breast. "This one's got an interesting fur pattern on her.... impressive neck, doesn't she?" she asked with a sly wink once again. "Call us if you both need anything at all!" Then she was gone, leaving the new family alone at last.

For a minute, Mercy just lay on the chair, looking down at her two beautiful children, still suckling on her breasts, slowly draining them. Her sex ached but she ignored it, standing with a small groan, her arms holding her babies in place. The three steps to the couch where Jewel was seemed to take an inordinate amount of effort and she sunk gratefully into the cushions next to her friend. Their four daughters were in a row, three with the orange-tan fur of their mother, Mercy, looking all but identical. "So..." Mercy said, letting the word trail of tiredly. She didn't know what to say.

She smiled, and leaned over as careful as she could and kissed her friend's cheek. "I think this one has your eyes," she said weakly, glancing down to the little vixen she gave birth to. She smiled at the four of them, then smirked at the wee giraffe on the end of the line. "Not that one, though..." she teased

Mercy chuckled tiredly. "Who knew that I was the one that knocked you up?" she said with a smile. "Guess it proves that their system works; our identities were hidden." She lifted the little giraffe up a little, the baby keeping its muzzle tight on her nipple. She laughed a little. "And I guess that Coco liked me a lot." The little giraffe was the spitting image of the doctor already.

She gave a weak laugh and nodded, leaning over to kiss Mercy's cheek. "I guess so. I hope that little one doesn't get picked on because she's different from her sisters," she said, then smiled and leaned down to kiss both little heads suckling from her. "Everything's changing now, isn't it?" she asked, then furrowed. "...No, I guess not. We were already fucking pretty regularly, weren't we?"

"Yeah," Mercy laughed, "but that needn't change if you don't want it too. As for her being teased, there'll be so many new children running around from so many mothers and fathers that no one will care. If we keep them." Her face fell a little bit as she looked down on the little faces suckling at her, then over at the two on Jewel's breasts.

Her teal-tipped ears drooped and her eyes too dropped to the little heads suckling from their breasts. She shook her head and gave an audible whimper. "I can't give them up, Mercy. I wanna keep them. I want us to be a family." She whimpered and looked up at her friend again then leaned over and laid her head on Mercy's shoulder.

Mercy had to fight a sniffle, blinking back extra-watery eyes. "Neither do I," she said, nuzzling against Jewel. "I can't let them go; we'll be a family, the six of us, if you want." She moved Jewel's muzzle gently, giving her a long kiss. At that moment she wanted nothing else than to stay here with Jewel and their newborns. "We'll keep them," she whispered again.

She nodded at that and tilted her head to the side. "Then we'll keep them and be a family." She smiled warmly and kissed her friend again. "Now... let's all get some sleep, huh? That was.... a lot of work... and I only had to push out one!" She giggled at that and leaned down to kiss each of their little heads, then Mercy's cheek.

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