Shifting Consequences--Chapter 10: Dropping In

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#11 of Shifting Consequences

Zack and Glenn are about to mess up the sheets when something completely unexpected happen...

Zack and Glenn are about to mess up the sheets when something completely unexpected happens.

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 10: Dropping In

By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn

zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter),

When both of them are in front of the hotel they look at each other and nod. They walk confidently through the front door and as they pass the middle-aged receptionist, she speaks.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Gates. It's an honor to have you stay in the executive suite. Here's your room keys." She hands the cards to Glenn. "The room is on the fourth floor. Just take a left after you step out of the elevator. Enjoy your stay."

With a nod at the receptionist, they continue into the hotel. Glenn hands one of the cards to Zack. "That was odd. Does she think that we're Bill and Melinda Gates?"

"Probably; that's definitely random enough for something Mal had a hand in." Zack puts the card in his pocket as he calls the elevator.

"I wonder how nice this room is... This hotel seems to be for the upper crust." Putting his hand on the polished black marble that frames the elevators, Glenn sighs. "Places like this make me feel bad about rich people. Look at the gold leaf on that lamp shade over there."

"I think that's real gold. This hotel looks brand new, but it's trying to look posh and old-fashioned. A weird combination." The elevator opens and Zack steps in.

Glenn walks into the elevator and presses the button for the fourth floor. "Yeah, I think this hotel's a bit ridiculous." Pointing at the chandelier on the ceiling, Glenn frowns. "I think those are Swarovski crystals. Why would anyone build a hotel like this in the middle of a Madison suburb?"

"Because some company got rich and needed a place for their over-paid executives to stay?"

"That makes sense... Corporations are so broken. The top of the pyramid gets all the money. It pisses me off." When the elevator door opens, Glenn walks out. "We need a new subject."

"Hmm, I'm stumped. All I can think about is what we're going to do after we get in the room." The inside of Zack's vagina twitches with excitement as they near their room.

"I should have guessed." Glenn walks faster and pulls the room key out. "I want to see how nice our room is." After sliding the card through the card reader, a soft beep comes from the door. Opening the door, Glenn steps to the side. "After you, honey."

Zack giggles and walks in. He gets about ten feet into the room before he just stops and gawks at the interior. The room is spectacular. It has two chandeliers; marble and gold leaf are everywhere. The couch and love-seats are covered with rich red and gold paisley patterns. Windows are dressed with black and grey curtains that have intricate Victorian patterns on them. The carpet is a mottled cream color. A small marble dining room table is under one of the chandeliers with rod iron chairs around it. The ironwork is intricate and elegant. Zack sets down his backpack and starts to explore the room. Brown silk sheets are on the beds. The bathroom is almost completely made out of marble. He walks over to Glenn. "Where did all this money come from?"

"Huh? Oh, Zack, this is absolutely insane." Glenn puts down his backpack, pulls out his old laptop and its power adapter and walks over to an antique desk with a tree carved into it. "I have to find out what is going on with this hotel." He puts his laptop on the desk. Then he plugs the adapter into the wall and his laptop.

Walking over to Glenn, Zack looks at a stained glass lamp that is so intricate that he cannot imagine how it was put together. It looks like Glenn is just searching for news about a corporation moving its headquarters to Middleton.

"That fucker!" Glenn holds up his hands. "They make it sound like she just convinced Hallistec International to move their headquarters with her smile. Does no one report the truth anymore?"

Looking at the computer Zack reads the headline on the story that Glenn is reading. "Senator Lisa Hargrave brings a thousand jobs to her home state." "There has to be some reason they moved."

"Let me try to find better info. I don't trust that story. They're talking about Lisa Hargrave, the fake moderate democrat who has sided with Bush on every major issue-there has to be a catch." Going back to the results page and clicks on another link. He reads for a while before he speaks. "That's better. She gave Hallistec International multiple government contracts under the condition that they moved their corporate headquarters to Middleton Wisconsin-her home town."

Glenn clicks on a link to a related story and reads. "She agreed to get government funding for this hotel so that the heads of the international branches would have every comfort when they visited the headquarters. This hotel cost five million dollars to build-there's a spa, exercise equipment, an olympic size pool, and an indoor running track on the third floor..." A frustrated sigh comes from Glenn. "None of the major news sources have reported on this story. All the general public knows is that Lisa brought jobs to Wisconsin. I had to go to Reuters to get this."

One of Zack's fists is clenched. "Corruption like that is so ugly. Ever since Bush declared a state of emergency and took a third term the government has been spiraling out of control. I'm not sure we should stay here. This place is a clear reminder of the reason I had to run from the law."

Taking a deep breath, Glenn closes his laptop. "Let's just enjoy it. Live like rich pompous assholes for a night."

A grin forms on Zack's face. "We could take a shower in caviar and make love on a bed of million-dollar bills."

Glenn chuckles. "And shove silver candlesticks up our asses."

Laughter shakes Zack as he grabs the chair for support. "Let's go mess up the silk sheets."

"That sounds like a great idea. I can't believe we're going to have sex again already." Glenn picks Zack up and carries him toward the bed.

"I like where this is going." Zack looks up into Glenn's eyes.

"You're surprisingly light." Laying Zack on the bed, Glenn kisses him on the cheek. "I look forward to trying you on."

Zack's mind is distracted. "Wait a minute. How can I be lighter? Where does the extra mass go? It makes no sense."

"The god of absurdity gave you the power to transform. It's not supposed to make sense, silly." Glenn pokes Zack in the forehead.

A flurry of giggles comes from Zack. "I'm breaking the laws of physics. I feel awesome and scared at the same time."

Glenn unbuttons Zack's pants and pulls them off with his boxers. "My penis is tingling with excitement over what we're about to do. Make your clit big for me, and I could do without the breasts."

With a moan Zack turns his clit back into a pointy cock and causes his breasts to recede as he lets his body grow to its normal size. The sensation is very appealing. He pulls off his shirt and unleashes his draconic features. Popping and cracking sounds echo throughout the room as he attains his normal size. He can feel his bones and muscles stretching his skin as he grows in size. His horns and muzzle push out quickly and his body starts to become covered in scales. Just ten seconds later he is a male-form dragon herm.

Once Zack is transformed, Glenn stops gawking and hurriedly strips off his clothing. His proud erection bounces free of his boxers as he pulls them down.

"That'ss big! You must have given yourself more than muscles when you changed."

"Of course I did. Less talk, more fucking." Glenn approaches the bed and Zack slides toward him.

"I want to try it with my legss off the end of the bed and wrapped aroun-oh shit!" Zack moves to the side, barely dodging a suitcase as it falls from the ceiling. He rolls off of the bed when he sees a naked woman fall through a rift in space directly above him.

"MMMMMAAAAAALLL!" Bella hits the bed and bounces right into her suitcase. "Ouch! I was asleep, you bastard!" She pushes her suitcase off the opposite side of the bed from Zack.

Zack stands up next to the bed. "Hi, B-"

"Oh holy fuck! You must be Zack. You're making me wet just looking at you." She sniffs the air and nods. "Definitely want to have sex."

Looking at Bella's naked body, Zack licks his lips. Her voluptuous form is simply delicious. "Yeah, I'm Zack and I have a lot of questions... That can wait until after we all have sex."

Glenn nods. "So you're the one that did this to Zack."

Bella looks at both men and gapes. "Zack, you're willing to fuck me even after what I did to you?"

"Yess. We can talk about that stuff later." Zack climbs onto the bed and gets between Bella's legs. "Are you sure that you want to have ssex right now? You just fell from the ceiling."

Leaning forward, Bella plants a ferocious kiss on Zack's muzzle as she sticks two fingers into her cunt. When she breaks the kiss, she pulls her fingers out and puts them in Zack's mouth. "See how ready I am? Fuck me."

Zack's ears perk up as he tastes Bella's sweet tangy flavor. He runs his long tongue through her fingers. Bella starts to blush as her other hand starts to play with her clit.

"As long as you two have things worked out for the moment I'd like to join in." Glenn looks at Bella. "I'm Glenn and I'll be fucking Zack while you ride him."

"I must say that you have a beautiful penis, Glenn." Bella gives Glenn a once-over as she slides her fingers over her clit and moans softly.

"And you have beautiful hair." Glenn smiles.

"Thanks." Bella gives Glenn an amused smirk.

When Bella pulls her fingers out of Zack's mouth, Zack moves to the end of the bed and gets back into the position he and Glenn were in before her arrival. "Sstraddle me, Bella."

Bella moves with grace as she positions herself above Zack. Her breasts swing heavily with her motions. "Glenn, you go first."

"With pleasure." Glenn calms himself and starts to push into Zack. The sensations that are coming from his penis are extremely pleasurable and alien at the same time. His body tingles as he continues to push more and more of himself in. When he feels Zack's pussy walls move around him, his breath catches in his throat-it's so tight.

Glenn takes a deep breath and shoves another couple inches into Zack. A hot flash hits him and he stops again. Sex has never felt like this-it's impossible to compare it to his other experiences. He grits his teeth and starts thrusting himself in again.

Zack moans and grinds slightly. "Ooooh! Feels ssso good." Glenn is entering him quickly and he can feel his pussy stretching to accommodate him. Warmth is rushing up his spine. Bella's face takes on an evil grin, and before he realizes what's happening Bella is half-way onto his shaft. He cries out and grabs the sheets. Then Glenn hilts himself within Zack and a hot rush of pleasure flows through Zack. He grinds against both his partners at the same time as he lets out a long moan.

"AAAAHHH!" Bella keeps descending onto Zack-her pussy is on fire with pleasure. Suddenly a bunch of Zack's pre is pumped into her. It feels warm and she gets an urge to plunge onto Zack's shaft. She gives into her urge and screams as her pussy clenches around him. Her hands fondle her breasts as the pleasure surges through her. "Ohh, Zack." The sound of shifting flesh causes her to look behind her. Glenn's body is getting bigger and more muscular as grey fur sprouts all over him. Her heart races-Mal said that one of her dreams was about to come true before he dumped her onto this bed. Is she going to transform? The thought of transforming into her sona causes her to hump against Zack wildly.

She takes another look at Glenn and sees his raccoon markings appearing. He's gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as Zack. Putting her hands on Zack's toned chest, she feels his scales. When she rubs Zack's nipples, she imagines how cool it would be if Zack had breasts for her to play with. Moments later she feels Zack's chest start to swell. "That's so hot!" She plays with Zack's breasts as they grow until something deep within her shifts. Her pussy feels like it is changing-getting more muscular.

The burning on her face is so distracting that she stops humping Zack. When she feels her face with her hands it feels as though the skin is getting more rubbery. Then her teeth start to ache and the bones under her skin push out. Zack thrusts into her and she feels pleasure push back against the pain. Her arm burns as the skin on it turns black and more rubbery. When her fingernails start to disappear her hands turn black. The skin on her belly turns white and her nipples turn black. A strange sensation comes from her nose as it moves up to the top of her head and becomes a blowhole.

Breathing through the blowhole feels strange, but the feeling on her spine is even weirder as a fluke pushes out of it. The stretching of her skin causes her to grit her teeth. Her heart soars-she's starting to look exactly like her sona. She starts to hump Zack hard as her breasts get a bit bigger and her hips widen slightly. Then an amazing sensation comes from the area just above her clit and she looks down at it. A slit is forming-it can't be! A black cock starts to emerge from the slit. Concentrating on the tip of the cock, she makes it move. Prehensile, just like a pointy orca cock. Her cock is well over six inches long now and it's still growing.

Pleasure wracks her body as pre squirts from the tip onto Zack's chest. There's no way it's going to get as big as her character's phallus... She flexes her cock and it continues to grow. It's so thick and so long-it's like having a prehensile tail or something. It is pushing its way between Zack's breasts as it makes its way toward Zack's snout. It has to be twenty inches long. She pulls her gaze away from her cock and looks over her body-she is now an anthro orca herm with a huge prehensile penis. She is now her sona down to every last detail.

This is amazing. Grinding against Zack, she gasps in pleasure-her pussy is so strong. Something wraps around the head of her cock and pre sprays out of it as she yelps and turns to look at Zack. His tongue is wrapped around her shaft and he's about to take the head of her penis into his mouth. As his mouth takes her cock in she feels a shock of pleasure that causes her to buck and chitter. She's not going to last long at this rate.

With Bella's penis in his mouth Zack is smiling to himself. She has to have such a dirty mind to want a cock this big. Zack decides to up the ante and presses his breasts together around Bella's cock. Bella responds by trilling and fondling her own breasts. Her penis is moving within Zack's maw. Heat in is crotch distracts him as his penis starts to feel more flexible. Soon it is moving and growing just like Bella's did. It feels so good that Zack is growling around Bella's shaft.

Glenn is giving Zack a thrashing. His heavy furry balls are slapping against Zack each time he thrusts. The size of Glenn's cock is amazing. It's spreading Zack wide as it goes deep inside of him. The moans from Glenn cause Zack to feel even hotter. He looks up to see Bella's mouth frozen in endless pleasure as she pants. Pushing harder against his lovers, he suckles on Bella's penis.

Bella cries out when Zack starts to wiggle his thick penis within her as she rides him. "Fuck YES!" She pulls a breast up to her mouth and licks one of her nipples with her wide tongue.

Zack constricts his tongue around Bella's shaft and starts to thrust his mouth repeatedly onto the end of her shaft. Her cries of ecstasy egg him on as he feels warmth build in his crotch. It won't be long now. Bella is moaning so loud that he can't even hear his own moans. Glenn's panting heavily as he continues to thrust powerfully into Zack. Zack growls deeply around Bella's shaft to as he moves his penis within her-he wants to taste her cum.

A jolt of pleasure shoots up Bella's shaft as Zack growls. Then she feels his penis start to move wildly within her and sparks of pleasure come from her pussy. Zack slams himself into her and her clit gets hit in just the right way. It goes off like a blasting cap and sets off her whole body.

She bucks wildly and hits Glenn with her fluke. She screams as cum starts to pour into Zack's mouth. Her pussy squirms along Zack's shaft. As her body is wracked with pleasure she hears a muffled roar from Zack and feels his seed pour into her. It heightens her orgasm and she clenches her entire body.

As Zack cums he tries to swallow all of Bella's seed, but some of it sprays out the sides of his mouth. It tastes fruity and salty. She looks beautiful as she orgasms on top of him-her pussy is gripping his cock hard. The feeling of filling Bella with his seed causes him to tingle as his pussy cums around Glenn's shaft. He pulls at the sheets and keeps swallowing. Eventually Bella's shaft stops pumping and he is able to swallow the last bit.

Zack moans as Glenn's warmth starts to fill him. His great shaft spasms as it empties itself into him. Zack feels warm all over as if he is lying in a tropical ocean. The pleasure is in every part of him. He has been fucked so hard that he can barely remember his name and his stomach is full of Bella's thick essence. The afterglow he feels now is so strong that he doesn't care about the fact that Bella's shaft is still lodged in his maw.

Glenn growls as he cums hard. Zack's pussy is massaging his cock as if it wants his seed. He'll give Zack every last drop. The soles of his paws and the tips of his ears burn with with pleasure. He feels like someone set fire to his fur. Zack's pussy is giving him sensations he's never felt before as it milks his cock. Vaginal sex is more fun than he thought it would be, even though it's still not something he's completely comfortable with. His mind slowly loses its focus as his orgasm continues. At the end he's left with a wide smile and a feeling of extreme well-being.

For a solid minute or two Glenn just pants along with the other two furs. Eventually, he pulls his long shaft out of Zack and hears a loud pop before his and Zack's juices starts to pour out of Zack's cunt. Climbing onto the bed he lies next to Zack and kisses him on the cheek. "You were wonderful, my dear."

Looking at Glenn, Zack winks. Bella's huge phallus is still in his mouth. He can see Bella is barely aware of her surroundings. After a playful nibble on her cock, he moves his mouth off of it.

She looks down at him and smiles warmly while she rubs his breasts. "Thanks for that, tiger. I'm spent."

"I'm not a tiger, I'm a dragon. And you're welcome." Zack looks down at Bella's shaft as it plays in between his breasts.

"You're a tiger in bed." She lies on top of him so that their breasts are touching and her penis is pinned between them.

Before Zack can utter a response, she kisses him passionately. Her wide muscular tongue pushes his thin tongue around like a rag doll, but he likes how it feels. The sensation of his breasts pressing against hers causes him to feel warmth in his cheeks. It feels great. Her penis undulates slowly as they kiss.

When she breaks the kiss he looks into her eyes. "How did your pussy get so sstrong? It felt really good."

Giving his penis a squeeze she says, "That's an attribute I gave my sona. I'm glad you liked it."

"You may be even naughtier than me." Zack chuckles.

Bella kisses him again. "You think?"