Lilmor Hyde

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My first story. Yey. Be warned, its a tad violent in the beginning. >.>;

I guess I should say 18+ and what-not. But its on Yiffstar. Hence that should be implyed. ^^

The Violent Crusade part 1: Lilmor Hyde

The fat, grungy, and richly clothed man wrung his hands in anticipation; his servants had promised him a good one this time. A very good one. A nekan, a whore undoubtedly, as was their entire race. But, his sources claimed, she was fresh. Young. Possibly even a virgin. And he couldn't wait...

A few moments later, the large gold leafed double doors to the man's bedchambers opened and in, on all fours, padded a small catgirl. She couldn't have been more than 10 years old, her body still that of an undeveloped child. Unlike some of her kind, this one was all but completely covered in fur with paws and a tail to match. Her fur was a creamy off white with no markings, another rarity. Like all kittens, her ears were very much oversized for her head. Her eyes would follow suit, huge circular pools of swirled amber. And she was naked. All-in-all, exactly what he had been promised.

"Enjoy yourself, M'Liege" The final and only words to drift from the door before it clicked closed once more.

The King would grin at the little girl, who was still looking about inquisitively on all fours. His voice spoke deep and slurred. "Well now... Lookit' what we've got here... You're a pretty one."

Oddly, instead of cowering or crying as most did, the little girl would pad her way towards the man, despite the rank odor he emitted. She would even go so far as top hop onto his lap, completely dwarfed by his glutinous frame, putting her forepaws to his chest and licking at his nose.

Caught almost by surprise, the King would burst out laughing. This was his first time having a kidnapped slave actually come to him without threats or physical pain... And even his breath (Which even he admitted wasn't the most pleasant) didn't keep the little nekan from him.

Not wanting to waste time, he'd rip off his button-up shirt, and undo his pants below the licking body of the little girl. His chubby hands would wrench his pants down in a single move; he'd flinch though, as the violent movement caused the head of his small, swollen member to get a case of rug burn. He'd remember that next time. It was to late to care now. His hand would guide his stubby little thing upwards as he licked his lips.

"Go on dear... You know what to do, I'm sure. Its in the blood of your race..." She'd respond with a quaint little cattish smile, glancing down for a moment to align herself before dropping herself onto him. Despite his small size, he completely filled the little girl, the supple walls of her canal gripping firmly to the flaccid flesh of his cock. She was just moist enough inside to be comfortable, not dripping wet as older girls.

Her legs dropped to his side to give herself a better position and she began to rise, resolute to do all the work herself. After a short 4 inch gain in elevation, she would plunge back down upon him, her inner flesh rippling as she took him fully within herself once more. As she continued to repeat the motion, the Kings hands would begin groping at her chest, searching for the tiny nipples beneath her silky fur.

She would continue pumping herself onto him, squeezing her legs tightly against his flesh to give her inner passage as much squeeze as possible; she knew he wouldn't last long with a girl as tight as she was. With each upwards pull she'd flex her internal muscle as much as possible, her flesh sucking to his like incredibly soft glue. She seemed to be attempting to milk his throbbing erection as though it was a cow, most of the pleasure from the up stroke as opposed to the down.

After a few short minutes, the mans hands would slide from her miniscule chest to her lower back and he would yank her onto him harshly, after a few seconds, she would feel him squirting inside her, his entire body trembling with the orgasm. Sadly, it seemed she felt none of his pleasure: her nipples remained soft, and her clitoris having yet to make an appearance from her folds.

After another few seconds, the king would flop back on his bed, head landing with a wumph on his pillow. The kitten would slowly raise herself from him, watching with distaste as his fluids dripped slowly from within her. Staying resolute to the last, though, she would crawl up to his side to cuddle up against his paunchy chest.

The King would throw a beefy arm around the little girl, pulling her up onto his chest with a grin, "You're a good one indeed, girl. Now, if the rest of the night..." He would yawn "Goes this well, I may have a permanent place on my staff for you..." He would yawn again and close his eyes, the little girl wrapped in his arms, "But for now, I'll take a nap..."

* * *

After a solid 10 minutes, the kitten would slide her lithe body slowly from his grasp, careful not to wake him. She would position herself above his head and grumble quietly to herself, something along the lines of how men only care for their own pleasure and how they are always to tired after a fuck to enjoy the finer side of cuddling.

She smiled, and leaned down to him, whispering into his sleeping ear, "Though it doesn't matter... Does it?" Her voice was rough, despite being whispered. She would slip a hand under his head, her ears carefully circling to room, making sure the guards whom were undoubtedly hidden somewhere had left their posts...


With her other hand she would carefully select a silken blanket, spinning it a few times to roll it up. She would, after a final ear-scan, cram the blanket into the open mouth of the monarch. He attempted to cry out instantly, his tongue meeting the velvety blanket. As he lifted his upper body to a sitting position, she would slip in behind him, bearing her elongated canines and digging them into his pudgy neck. Her hand would leave the blanket as he went to rip it from his mouth...

Before he could muster a cry from his throat, the little girls paw would slam into his windpipe with carefully perfected technique. His larynx crushed, he would no longer be able to speak... or breath. He would struggle to stand, unable to even gasp for lack of air. He would fall as soon as he went to stand, his blubbery mass unused to moving so quickly.

The nekan would continue happily suckling from his jugular. As happened to most, within 30 seconds of the initial bite, most of his blood would have gone missing, though he was yet to die. The Nekan would slip from his back to lean down to his struggling face.

"How does it feel to die, ~sir~?" She would give him another few troubled moments before placing a foot to his neck. She would snap his spine with a force unimaginable for a girl her size. She would remove her foot from his neck carefully, not wanting to get any of the quickly congealing pool of blood on her carefully tended fur.

Her seductive swagger would manifest before she had even reached the door. Pausing only to double check herself for blood, she would gently undo the latch and slip through as small an opening as she could.

Of course, the first thing her eyes would focus on would be the guards. A pair of them. Both young, tall and strong; obviously hand picked for looks as much as ability. They would both give her a puzzled look, the blonde one on the right opening his mouth to speak, "Wh--"

"Shh!" the girl would cut him off, her eyes growing as she did in that little-girlish hush look. Whispering as quietly as she could manage. "He said I was so good, I was to entertain his personal guards for the night. The only catch was that he had to fall asleep first... It would be such a ~pity~ for you both to wake him..." She would follow the little speech with a healthy wink and a tiny giggle.

Upon the hesitation of the guards, she'd cock her head, reaching out to grab both by the hand. "Come on silly's! I don't know where your barracks is...!" Despite an odd roughness to her voice, she sounded like the perfect innocent child. And, of course, the guards exchanged looks and nodded to each other. Then lead her away from the large double-door.

* * *

Opening the door to the barracks, the men would wake the others and quietly explain why they had disturbed their oh-so wonderful sleep. Soon the entire barracks was alive as a the full 20 man troupe formed a rough semi-circle around the closed door and the little nekan, who's ears were twitching cutely as she was scratched by the blonde guard she'd met outside the Kings door.

"Why don't I dance for you all? That way you can all get my attention at the same time, instead of having to wait?" Her suggestion seemed reasonable enough; the men were all handsome and well off enough to get sex whenever they desired. But some sort of dance... That was new. Stepping slowly away from the scratching, the feline would take a few steps forwards, placing herself as close to the center of the circle as possible. Closing her swirling green eyes, she would begin.

Her arms would cross before her chest, holding gently to her hips as she began to sway. As she steadily built up momentum, her hands would slide slowly across her silky fur... gently rubbing her inner thighs. Her hands would caress herself for one shuttering moment before traveling up her gyrating frame to caress her tiny breasts. As her hands ran over her fur-covered nipples, her right shoulder would thrust outwards, as would her chest. The matching arm would do the same in a smooth motion forwards, unbending itself in a sort of beckoning posture.

Her beckoning hand would slowly pull back to her mouth as her left hand would begin snaking itself back and forth across her chest, heading down towards her stomach. She would openly begin to purr at her own gentle caress, her right hands fingers splitting apart as they came to her mouth. Her eyes would open just a crack as she ran her tongue across her fingers, the pink of her tongue a happy contrast to both the cream of her fur and the green of her eyes. As her hand left the mouth for her shoulder and an eventual slide down her left arm, the left hand itself would again be found at her swiveling crotch.

A single finger would dip into herself, just barely, sliding upwards through her fur as her hands would come together before her chest, gently clasping at each other. Her hands would join her swaying, the ball of furry-fingers moving against the swing of her hips. Her fingers would gently open themselves, forming an almost butterfly...

But she would gently fall forwards, her pawish hands splitting from each other so she would land on all fours. The move wasn't near as coordinated as the rest of her dance and seemed almost a mistake. Her eyes would flash fully open... A momentary look of fear...

When the door would open. Not a burst of motion, nor a slow, careful move. Just a casual entering of a person. And this person happened to be a woman. Tallish, at about 5'9, with cascading locks of long blonde hair framing an young looking face. She had a gymnasts body; moderate in the chest, but lithe and strong. She was wearing black dress pants, which were tight enough at the top to show off her thighs, but loose enough overall to not impede her movement. A simple white tank top was thrown over her torso. The only odd thing about her were here two moderately sized cat ears... They were the only part of her that looked in the least like a nekan.

"Hello there boys. I'm afraid its time for me to take my kitty back home." The woman's voice belied her age. It was a little deeper and rougher than would be expected. The girl on the ground would tilt her head back at the woman, her swirling green eyes slowly misting over...

"Merrow?" The nekan girl would say in such an impossibly cute way that it could only be managed by a true cat.

"Well shit. Looks like today's my day to be Deus Ex Machina." She'd bend over and scoop up the little girl. Finally, the men would get over their awkward stun and refastening-of-pants-fest. The two guards behind the woman would draw their swords as she turned. They knew she wasn't supposed to be here. As she turned her back, the men behind her gave a little gasp and fumbled for their weapons, which they had failed to put on after waking. On the back of her tank top was emblazoned a large stylized fist, with "VH" imprinted across it.

"Look kiddo's. Unless you want the Empress of VaMPHuNT's foot up your collective ass's, followed by a rather substantial army coming and pillaging your little country here... You'll let me out. " Despite the harshness of her words, the woman's voice and stature were still friendly. She would simply walk forwards, brushing past the guards, who were to busy attempting to figure out what to do to stop her.

She'd begin meandering down a corridor, past the slain bodies of those who had stood guard there, and into a courtyard; all the while speaking gibberish to her feline companion, who rolled and stretched in her arms. Nowhere in her eyes or actions was the stealthy assassin.

As the Empress's black angelic wings ripped from her back and she took to the sky, she would quietly whisper to herself. "My poor little brain damaged kitty..."