The unsocial love part2

Story by scrawny_husky on SoFurry

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#2 of The unsocial love

Thomas looked up and saw the most beutiful human female he ever saw and said "im sorry so so sorry i got a little excited"

"its ok my name is Samantha" she said

"Hello my name is Thomas" he stated while holding out his fuzzy hand

"well umm thats a nice shirt" she said

"you look nice too" Thomas stated but what he was thinking that she was georgous. He looked she was wearing a blue mini skirt, and white sweater vest which was also a belly shirt. Her shoes were black.

"want to have dinner with me as an apology?" Thomas asked thinking he was a dumb ass

"sure" she said with a smile. Samantha kissed Thomas on the cheeck and left for home

"oh my god" Thomas said just amaszed. There was a hardening in his pants so Thomas started to sprint home. When Thomas got to his 4 room apartment he closed the door and rushed to the bathroom to "Releif" this hard feeling. Thomas was happy but he had to clean his bathroom. After he finished cleaning he passed out on the couch but woke up to samantha standing infront of him."why are you here now it isnt dinner yet is it" he asked

"no but there is somthing i couldnt wait to tell you" she said

The unsocial love part3

She told him she loved him then left like that., He wonderd why or where. Thomas found samantha 1 month later frozen in a ally near school. He asked her why she was there she said "My parents died i cant afford school" Thomas said "I can pay for...

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The unsocial love Intro

One day in the country Jade on the the planet Verus (Vear-us) there was a boy, a boy of pittbull decendence, a boy that was... unpopular. This boys name was Thomas. Thomas always wore the same outfit every day and bought it in bulk like anyone else in...

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