A Taste for It

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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A Taste for It

She was waiting on the couch for me when I came home. Naked of course, she says that it lets her rusty fur dry naturally and stay soft and shiny. Unless someone comes calling, there's really nothing to complain about.

I love the way her eyes change when she sees me. They always perk up or return and sultry and knowing vixen stare.

"How are you today darling?" I asked, "Everything feeling alright?"

"You always ask that and I tell you that I'm always feeling just fine," she said.

"Well... fine is a relative term," I say, "I don't think I want you feeling fine at all."

She rolls onto her back and her ever so slowly growing womb becomes more apparent. It's crazy to think that it took me all of this time to finally settle down. I suppose my youth lasted a little longer than most is all.

"How would you have me feeling?" she asked.

I thought for a moment.

"You deserve nothing less than euphoria for settling down with a guy like me," I say.

She laughs that perfect laugh that she has before saying, "You always were so charming. You know, I had a lot of men calling at my door before I finally decided on you."

"Well, they were all young men," I say, "I was a young man once and I didn't know how to act. I'm glad you picked me out of all of them though. Not to say that I didn't have anything to do with it of course."

"Oh?" she asks, "And just what were you up to when I wasn't looking?"

"Let's just say that old men like me not only get more distinguished looking with age, but they also get to fight dirty," I said.

I knelt down next to her by the couch and she stroked the lightly graying fur at the end of my muzzle.

"You're not an old man," she assured me, "you're just right."

I shook my head before laying a hand on her soft belly.

"No, no," I said, "I'll certainly be an old man when whoever is waiting in here for us finally gets to meet me. Then again, it just might give him a lesson. He'll think, "Hell, if this old sap can find love, there's hope for anyone." That's a good enough lesson if you ask me."

"Him?" she asked, "Won't you feel silly if there turns out to be another vixen in the house?"

"Oh honey, anyone would feel silly with two of you around," I said before dodging a blow from a pillow, but purposely failing to avoid a well aimed kiss.

When our lips finally parted she said, "You trickster you," and guided my hand to one of her beautiful breasts. I lightly massaged it before bringing my mouth down upon the other and quietly kissing and licking. I loved the brush of her fur against my lips.

She guided my hand away and down her body until it eventually found its way to the tender crease between her legs. She dipped one of my fingers into her soft and warm center and I had to stop my ministrations and look at her simply astonished.

"I didn't think you still had a taste for it," I said incredulously.

"Well, maybe not as much as before," she admitted, "but it's not as if I'm dead or something. I still love the way you are with me; always so careful and gentlemanly. I'm still willing, but, perhaps just not ready to be as active."

"Well that's certainly understandable," I said before running a finger down the length of her smooth skin.

I couldn't help myself from softly biting at whatever I could reach on my glorious young vixen. Her arms, her neck; all of it got a light nip. Not nearly enough to hurt her, but just enough so that the small tips of my teeth would penetrate her fur and massage the soft skin below. I did this all while twirling my finger around her hard clitoris causing her gasp and moan. I so love it when she stirs me up the way that she does.

I left a trail of kisses down her side before I got onto the couch as well and buried my face into the fur of her thighs. I left some soft kisses at her entrance before she spread herself open for me. I licked my lips for a moment so I could savor this delicate treat.

I pressed the end of my muzzle into her pink folds and let my tongue snake out and explore some familiar territory. I sent it swirling around her most sensitive spot causing her to softly cry out and say my name. With every swipe of my tongue, my fangs would rub against her mound and add to the sensation.

Every shift she made would change how it felt for her, but I did my best to keep with my squirming lover. She grabbed one of my hands and we interlaced fingers. To me, there is nothing more important in the world than making her satisfied. I meant it when I said she deserved euphoria, and I was the one to give it to her.

All of our jostling and the look of a needy vixen in front of me was making me pretty wound-up. After a few minutes, I let out a low rumble and fruitlessly drove my hips against the cushions as I felt myself give way. Luckly, my little outburst didn't keep me from the task at hand and it only made me more determined.

I recalled that fateful day when she told me that she wanted to have my child. I was astounded by the idea of being a father. Such words coming from the mouth of such a lovely girl had to be impossible, but I knew that I wanted them to be true. For days afterward, we were panting and sweating in each other's arms. I don't think I can count the times that she offered herself to me, or that I stripped her of her clothes and simply took her on a whim.

She panted as she got close. I know that she doesn't pant until right near the end. I became more frantic with my actions wanting not to keep her on the cusp of the ride that she had in store for too long. I had done that to other girls, kept them on the edge until they begged me to finish it all or just ended it themselves. She was different though, no such torture was in store for her. She deserves release.

My lover tensed for but a moment before she finally gasped and let herself go. I sent my tongue down to her supple entrance for the first time to rub over the rhythmically clenching muscles. With every pulse or light contraction, a few small drops of her juices would flow from within her. I let them coat my mouth and tongue as I lapped at them with all that I could.

Life with her was made for moments such as these. Moments where she was sleeping in my arms, laughing with me over a fine meal, or shivering with excitement and calling out my name when we made love. Never before had I known of an adoration between two people as profound as what we shared. I would do anything for her even if it meant that I would be torn to shreds, because she deserved nothing less.

Though I needed a bath myself, I curled up next to her on the couch and placed a hand over her womb. We talked for a bit about life and how much we love the other. Then we both closed our eyes and enjoyed a short nap. The lesson that I want our child to learn isn't that old men can play dirty, or that anyone can find love. I want nothing more than for them to learn what real love looks like when they find it.

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