Commission - Attack of the Booty Monster

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#6 of Commissions

A horny elephant grandma finds herself babysitting her innocent little stepson...x files theme plays

another 20 page commission for anonymous! thankies! cries in gas money. not my usual genre but a fun challenge nonetheless! i hope those who enjoy this stuff enjoy my version of it! those who don't please PLEASE don't read on lol.Commissions are open!

Just wanna leave a tip? I love me some Ko-Fi!

Commission: Attack of the Booty Monster

By: byruble

"Uh... hoh..." A snoozing elephant tosses and turns on an old reclined sofa. Its worn down leather tears as her shoulders chafe against it, its metallic underpinnings squeaking and screeching with even the slightest of movements. A particularly booming snore explodes from her trunk.

"... Huh!?" The elephant awakens, groggy and disoriented. Her eyes scan her surroundings: A big bulky television on a dinky cabinet with a sitcom show running on mute, walls made of deep dark cedar wood, a shaded floor lamp that gives the room a faint warm glow and what appears to be an unfinished TV dinner on a metallic tray resting on her thighs consisting of hash browns, a greasy half-eaten burger and some fries.

"Ah... I must have dozed off!" The elephant states in her scratchy hoarse voice. She heaves her body upwards in a sitting position, her legs already relaxed on top of the recliner's footrest. Her trunk hovers over the food, giving it a quick tap and whiff. "It's gotten cold and a little hard... oh well. No sense in letting it go to waste, right?" She wraps her trunk around the burger and brings it up to her mouth. Her stumpy hands reach for the TV remote.

"Call now and order in the next five minutes to- *KSSHH* "Well you tell Martha to tell Jerry to tell William that I said Greg told me to tell-" *KSSHH* "It's not like that Maria... don't walk away from me! Maria! NOOOOOOO-" *KSSHH* "I'll do anything to sell you a car! Hell, I'll even smash my own balls with a paddle for you on live TV! Watch this! AAAHHH-" *KSSHH*

"Gah. Nothing to watch..." The elephant places her now empty food tray on the dusty floor. She grabs her curved rosewood cane next to the sofa and holds on tightly, hoisting herself up from her cushiony throne. "Ah... no bones cracking? Today is gonna be a good day!"

She limps her way to the closet door and observes the attached large body-sized mirror. Looking back at her is a completely naked gray elephant, tall but limp. The sheer amount of wrinkles and folds on her skin practically broadcast her old age with a megaphone. Her shiny bald head and short cracked tusks can testify to this as well. The floor's wooden planks under her stubby feet curve inward, her incredibly overweight body pushing them to their breaking point.

She turns and observes herself in a side profile view. Her breasts sag quite a bit, nearly resembling that of a low hanging scrotum on her chest. Her gargantuan butt also sags and is spotted with ample amounts of cellulite. Her nipples resemble small rocks, sharing their rigid hardness and pebble-like size.

She catches a glimpse of her vagina, a rarity for her since her bulbous belly prevents her from seeing it herself on a regular basis. It's very difficult to see past the unfathomable amount of tangled bushy gray hair covering the area but one can imply a wrinkly, meaty and foul smelling elephant cooch lies within. She gives it a nice deep scratch and lifts her stumpy hands to her trunk.

"Mmm..." She nods at her reflection. "I still got that feminine spice. It's a shame the fellas nowadays chase after broads that stink of chemical roses and fake fruit..." Her floppy ears flutter. "This is the scent of a REAL woman! All natural! I've nothing to hide!" Her hands gently rub her sagging breasts. "I could go for some raw lovin' right about now. Don't really care if its with someone as old as me either. Grandama needs some nice hard di-"


"Eh?" The elephant turns around, adjusting her hearing aid.


"Oh! The phone's really ringin'! I thought I was just imagining things..." She grips her cane and hustles towards the baby blue phone next to the sofa.


"I'm comin', I'm comin'! Hold your horses!" Her grumpy voice yells back. She situates herself back onto her throne.

"Eh..." She picks up the line. "Brienne speaking. Who's this?"

"Hey mom... you'll never guess who it is!" A chummy sounding voice responds. "It's your son! Bucky!"

"Bucky?" Brienne scoffs into the phone. "Nice try buster, but my son hasn't spoken to me in over thirty years !"

"Mom, really! I'm not joki-"

"Stupid pranksters!"


"Tch. Prank caller. It's gotta be." She grabs the TV remote and powers it on. "My son forgot about me long ago..."


"Huh?" She mutes the TV and picks up the line. "Brienne speaking. Who's-"

"MOOOOM! Please don't hang up!" The chummy voice pleads. "It's really me! It's your Buck-Bucky!"

"My Buck-Bucky?" Brienne furls her eyebrows. "No..."

"Yeah! It's been so long! How have you been?"

"Excuse me!?" Brienne hisses back, sitting up on the sofa. "You think you can just be all chummy chummy with me after ignoring me all these years? I don't think so!

"C'mon mom don't be like that. I send you letters all the time..."

"'All the time'? You mean one letter every year? MAYBE?" Brienne glares into the phone as if her son can see. "THIRTY YEARS, BUCKY."

"I live halfway across the world, mom! I can't afford to visit you!"

"No one told you to move so far away from me!" Brienne clenches her fist. "Got anything else to say?"

"My job made me move here..."

"Excuses, excuses." She lets out a loud sigh, relaxing her body. "Just admit it. You're embarrassed having me as a mom... always have been."

"No! That's n-not... entirely true!" Bucky stutters. "Well... maybe a little... but come on! You know how weird it is to have a nudist as a mom? You know how many times I was made fun of when I was little? Those times when you came to pick me up after school... that was the WORST! Everyone laughed at me!"

"So you're mad at me for being a nudist?" Brienne scoffs. "I accepted the fact that you didn't want to join me. Why can't you just accept me for who I wanna be too? "

"I... I have!" Bucky responds with a slight stutter. "It just... took me a while..."

"Hmph. Well it's about time. I can't believe you... you...!" Her soon-to-have-been-an-hour-long-rant comes to an abrupt stop as a child's laughter in the background catches her attention. "Who's... that?"

"Oh yeah, mom. We got a lot of catching up to do..." Bucky's voice quiets down. "If you wanna hear, anyway..."

"Eh..." Brienne lays back onto the sofa, stretching her legs out onto the footrest, her default position. "You at least made the effort to call me... finally. That's gotta count for something." She turns off the TV. "Tell me, son. Tell me everything."

The light in the sky dims as the hours fly by. Brienne exchanges life stories with her son and goes through the entire emotional rainbow. The majority of their conversation centers around scolding Bucky for his less than optimal life choices.

"So that bimbo of a wife left you then?" Brienne leans closer to the phone. "Is it because you didn't talk to her for thirty years too?"

"Very funny, mom." Bucky fake laughs. "She just found someone... better."

"Better? That couldn't have been too hard." Brienne raises her eyebrow. "But... why did she leave you with her child? I can't imagine ever doing that..."

"Well..." Bucky sighs. "Her "new man" hates kids... so... it was either she leaves her kid with me or he gets put up for adoption."

"Oh!?" Brienne slams her fist onto the arm rest. "What a terrible mother! We should hunt her down and... and slap her senseless!"

"I know, right? The thing is... I actually love this little guy!" Bucky's smile can be heard through the phone. "Come here buddy! Say hi to your granny!"

"Gran... ny?" A childish voice squeaks over the phone.

"Oh, hello there precious!" Brienne wraps the phone cord around her hand. "What's your name?"

"Hi granny! My name is... Adrian!" The cub responds, giggling.

"What a cute name! How old are you, Adrian?"

"I'm four!" Adrian taps on the phone. "How can you fit inside this little thingy? Are you suuuuuuper tiny? Hehe!"

"Heh... yeah..." Brienne rubs her trunk over her gastral dome. "Believe me. I'm anything BUT tiny."

"So mom..." Bucky takes back the phone. "As you now know, me and my NEW wife have been planning this honeymoon cruise for a while. We're gonna be at sea for a whole week!"

"Yes, you told me. I hope you two have a safe trip." Brienne squints her eyes. "But... where will Adrian be staying? Hired a good babysitter, I assume?"

"Well that's kinda one of the reasons I called you..." Bucky groans to himself. "I was uh... wondering. Would you like to take care of him while we're away?"

"Me?" Brienne's voice cracks. "Don't you have someone else who's closer to you? It seems like a pretty long trip for a babysitter."

"Well that's the thing... you ARE the closest." Bucky clears his throat. "We just flew into town yesterday. The cruise departs from here tonight, so..."

"Oh, you're in town!?" Brienne's beady eyes glisten. "Will you all be coming to visit lil' ol' me, then?"

"Id love to but... it's kind of a long drive from your place to the docks. I'd have to drop Adrian off and head straight back here to catch the ship on time..."

"Of course." Brienne slumps back onto the sofa. "I guess I'll see you in another thirty years. Who knows? Maybe you'll make it to my funera-"

"Oh quit exaggerating mom!" Bucky huffs. "We'll be coming to see you once we return from our cruise. I promise!"

"I'll hold you to that, boy!" Brienne points at the phone.

"I know you will, mom... I know you will." Bucky responds monotonously. "So... is that a yes to the babysitting?"

"Well, I can't say no, can I? What kind of mother would I be?"

"You're the best, mom! Uhm... sorry... again. For all these years in the dark. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"I'll hold you to that, too!" Brienne points at the phone again, this time with her trunk.

"Heh. Alright then. I'll be dropping Adrian off in around fifteen minutes. Be on the lookout, okay? OH! And also... he has uh... peculiar taste buds. He's the kind of kid who eats veggies and mustard with a side of vinegar and apple sauce for dessert... so..."

"That just means he'll grow up to be big and strong! Unlike you!"

"I'm just roasting on the spit tonight, eh?" Bucky grumbles.

"Out of love, my dear. Out of love. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." Brienne waves good-bye to the phone. "Muah! Take care now!"

"Cya mom! And thanks again! Muah!"

"Ah..." Brienne hangs up with a soft sigh. "Well, that was a pleasant surprise, wasn't it? And here I thought my only son had forgotten all about his good ol' ma!" She grabs her cane and waddles off of the sofa. "Gonna be nice having some company around here... even if it's just my child's child. I should get the house ready for the little tike, but first..." Her stubby hand swipes today's paper with her legs crossed. "A quick trip to the ladies room!"

The wooden wall theme stretches over to the generously sized bathroom, giving it an old school spa feel. The contrasting stench that lingers within is a mix of bad drainage and her overwhelming musk. The sink and bathtub are spotted with mossy scum and gelatinous grime, similar in appearance to the mysterious funk on her buttcrack. With a loud groan she plants herself on her browning porcelain throne.

"Ahh... let's see..." She unfolds the newspaper, flipping the pages with her trunk. "News... sports... stocks... ads..."

Her urine begins to flow down her mangled pubes. She presses her belly inward, forcing the urine into a powerful stream. Her butt experiences ample splashback.

"Oooooh yeeeaaaah..." Brienne sinks deeper into the toilet. "Nothing like a nice hot tinkle!" She continues flipping through the pages. "AH! Here it is! The funnies! Let's see here... 'Garfunkle The Lazy Cat'?" Her eyes squint as she reads the comic. "Hah... hahaha... AHAHAHA! He's such a little troublemaker! HAHA! Ah... reminds me of when I was a whippersnapper..."

Her dark-yellow trickle continues. A potent stench of ammonia, old milk and rotting eggs emanates from the toilet bowl, seeping up into her trunk. She inhales the foul fumes of her brew with a wide grin.



"Eh!?" Brienne's body tenses up at the piercing horn. "Is that... Bucky?" She forces the rest of her urine out, soaking her entire butt with her waste. Without washing or flushing, she hobbles out towards the living room.

*knock knock knock*

"I'm comin'!" She barks as her limping shifts into turbo. "Gimme a minute!" She reaches the door, her shaky hands slowly unlocking it.

A petite cub stands in front of the doorway with his paws on his backpack straps looking up at her. He appears to be a sort of wolf-fox hybrid. He shares a fox's long flowing whiskers, earthy hued paws and feet and their pointy prism shaped ears. His wolf traits include a stubby snout, shaggy white and grayish brown fur and a fluffy draped tail. He sports a t-shirt speckled with emojis, forest green shorts, light-up sneakers and a modestly sized cartoon themed backpack.

"G-Granny?" The boy asks with his soft childish voice.

"Oh my goodness!" Brienne clasps her hands together with a wide smile. "Aren't you precious? I am indeed your granny!"

"Granny!" Adrian throws his paws in the air.

"Aww come here my little- OOF!"

Adrian crashes head first into the thick folds of her meaty pussy, her forest of pubes seemingly swallowing him whole. He snuggles her flappy labia with his cheeks and muzzle, getting his fur sticky and creamy from the smegma within the folds. He pulls back and stares at the goop on his muzzle with crossed eyes.

"Whoa! What's this? It... smells good!"

"Wh-what? You... like that?" Brienne's eyes widen.

"Yeah! It smells like sausage and eggs! I love sausage and eggs!" Adrian licks some off the side of his mouth. "Holy cow! It even tastes like it! It's just a little sour..."

"My, my..." Brienne's nipples stand on end. She's never had anyone so excited about her feminine excrement, let alone lather their face with it. The very thought of her little stepson enjoying her like this sends shivers down her spine. "You can... h-help yourself if you want!" She bites down on her lip, knowing what twisted permission she was giving this child she just barely met.

"Oh boy!" Adrian plunges back into her wrinkly beef curtains, holding them open with his paws. He hums to himself as he loudly slurps away at every nook and cranny of her residue-ridden pussy, nearly ridding her of it entirely. The fur on his face and chin cake with her potent cunny cream.

"Ah! Th-that's enough now! You're making grandma feel... naughty!" Brienne's announces, her knees trembling in place. She quickly plucks the eager cub from her murky womanhood with her trunk.

"Okay granny!" Adrian wipes the remaining slime off of his face and licks it clean. "You taste so good!"

"My sweet child... you're the first to ever tell me that, you know?" She pats the sweat off her bald head. "Now... come on in and get yourself comfortable."

"Yes granny!" The little cub hops into the home, taking care not to step on the slippery mess he's created on the ground.

"If only men were as eager as that boy to give me a good licking like that..." Brienne smiles, scratching her chin. "No... I shouldn't be thinking about that. My goodness! My mind has really been in the gutter lately!"

"Granny?" Adrian tugs on the hairs of her thin crumpled tail.

"Ah, yes! Coming!"

Brienne shuts the door and helps the youngster unpack his belongings from his backpack. She pulls out his blue onesie pajamas, an LED yo-yo, a portable gaming console, and a list of food he likes to eat. She raises her brow as she reads the list.

"My child... you like eating celery sticks with... milk and fried rice?"

"Ooh yeah! That tastes super good!" Adrian's wags his tail. "You should try it!"

"Uhm... maybe later, honey." She puts the list away after reading a cereal and cumin recipe. "So... can you tell me a little bit about your daddy? Does he treat you well?"

"Which daddy?" Adrian asks as he takes off his light-up shoes.

"Oh, that's right..." Brienne's scratches her bald head as she contemplates her response. "You're uh... new daddy?"

"Oh! My new daddy is suuuuuper cool! We always play games together until we get tired and then we take a nap!" Adrian falls on the floor and pretends to sleep. "He has a really neat nose like yours! He uses it to reach things that are far away. He can make it dance like a little wormy too!"

"Haha! Yes, you could say our "nose" is pretty amazing. Why... it could even help you... FLY HIGH IN THE SKY LIKE A BIRD!" Brienne wraps her trunk around the cub's waist and lifts him into the air.

"YOOOHOOO!" Adrian spreads his arms and legs apart. "LOOK AT ME, I'M BIRDIE! I'M A BIRDIEEEEEE!"

"You kids are so easy to please." Brienne maneuvers him in the air for a couple of minutes, twisting and bobbing him around. Adrian makes unfitting airplane noises as he's lowered back onto the ground.

"That was so much fun! Daddy does the same thing except he runs around outside, too!" The jittery cub sprints around the house, his arms still flapping up and down.

"Oh, I'm far too old for that." Brienne pants, trying to catch her breath. She grabs her cane and points to the kitchen. "Come, come. Let's make you some dinner. Will you be okay with beef and broccoli with a side of rice and beans?"

"Yes granny!" Adrian nods and follows closely behind her.

The visible wooden log supports on the ceiling vault upwards, giving the kitchen a more roomy feel. There are several windows on the walls and ceiling, enough for the dusky sky's peachy glow to provide sufficient illumination without the need of artificial lighting. The fridge, sink, oven and microwave all seem to be severely outdated as is apparent by their harsh wear-and-tear and deteriorating beige color.

"Hey granny?" Adrian's eyes slide up and down the elephant's old wrinkly body as she prepares the meal. "How come you're nakey? I only get nakey when I take a bath. Did you just take a bath?"

"Oh, sweetie... I don't think you'd understand." Brienne chuckles, mixing the leftover rice and beans together.

"I'll understand! I understand lots of things!" Adrian huffs.

"Okay then, you little smarty pants." Brienne looks over her shoulder. "I'm a nudist."

"A... noooodest?"

"Yes. A nudist is someone who chooses to not wear clothes. We prefer our natural bodies as our clothing."

"Really? So y-you're nakey... all the time?" Adrian covers his privates. "Wow! I would be so embarrassed! Everyone would see my butt and my wee wee and then I would be be like oh noooo!"

"Why would that embarrass you?" Brienne raises her eyebrow.

"Well 'cause... 'cause the whole world will see!" Adrian spreads his arms to accentuate his point. "The whooooooole world!"

"And what's so bad about that?"

"Uhm..." The cub scratches his head. "I dunno..."

"See? It makes no sense to be embarrassed."

"Weeeeeell..." Adrian covers his mouth and giggles. "If you don't care if people see you nakey... can I see your butt?"

"Of course you can, honey." Brienne calls his bluff with a smirk.

"Wh-wha? I was just kiddi-" Adrian is cut off by the sight of his grandma lifting her tail and spreading apart her massive buttcheeks. A sticky web of goo tears down the middle of the cheeks as she does so.

"There you are." Brienne's presents her hemorrhoid covered anus to the boy. The small eyeball looking flesh bubbles crowd her tailhole, some leaking yellow puss down her inner thigh. The dry skin around her buttcrack resembles that of a dehydrated desert.

"W-whoa!" Adrian's mouth droops open as he lays his eyes on the impressive display. "That's what a butt looks like? It looks so cool!" He leans closer and takes a whiff. His eyebrows nearly burn off at the sheer intensity of the rotting odor. "Wow *cough*! It sorta smells like beefy popcorn!"

"Oh, dear..." Brienne's lets out a light giggle. "I take it that you like it, then?"

"Yeah! It's awesome!" Adrian's face gets closer to her alarmingly bulbous anus. His cheeks grow a bright pink. "Thanks for showing me granny! Mmmmmmuah!" He gives a nice wet kiss to one of her hemorrhoids.

"Mmm... anytime, honey." Brienne releases her buttcheeks. They slap together and return to their normally saggy position. "Go have a seat, dinner's almost ready."

"Yay!" Adrian skips over to the dining room table. "Oki doke!"

Brienne finishes cooking and brings the food over to the table. The meal's hearty aroma battles the kitchen's lingering odor. As a matter of fact, the whole house stinks of this particular odor-- Brienne's robust musk.

"Thith ith thuuuuper good!" Adrian compliments with his mouth full. "Thuuuuper duuuuuper good!"

"Slow down there, honey. I don't want you choking." Brienne advises, eating just as fast as he is. "What time do you normally sleep? It's getting a little late."

"Mmm... I thleepe... at thwee in the moaning!" Adrian swallows his food with a loud gulp. "Daddy lets me stay up late!"

"Oh no that just won't do. Little boys need plenty of sleep. Tonight you'll be sleeping at nine with me."

"Aw really? But it's almost nine already!" Adrian looks at his colorful watch with a pout. "Can I stay up a little while longer? Pretty please?"

"Hmm... fine. You've been a good boy. Good boys deserve to be rewarded!" Brienne points at his watch. "Thirty more minutes, okay?"

"Woohoo! Okay granny! You're the best!" Adrian gobbles down the rest of his food and darts out of the kitchen.

"That kid is so full of energy... he'll wear himself out soon enough." Brienne smiles, watching Adrian run around the living room.

After half an hour of jumping around, playing with his portable game console and performing sick yo-yo tricks he passes out on Brienne's crusty sofa, just as she predicted. She allows him the luxury of a short nap as she cleans up the soiled pots, pans and dishes. The starry night sky now takes the astral stage.

"Come now." Brienne lifts the drowsy cub up off the sofa. "Off to bed we go."

"But I gotta... change clothes... and I gotta..." The drowsy cub slurs.

"Too late for that, sweetie. See why being a nudist is so much easier?" She uses her trunk to rub his back.

"Yeeeaaah..." Adrian nods with half open eyes.

Brienne quietly opens the door to her bedroom. Unlike the kitchen this room has only two small windows which are shut with blinds. A dim nightlight provides sufficient visibility. The bed is enormous, taking up almost half of the room to accommodate its occupant's size. Strange dark stains can be seen throughout its white sheets along with an abundance of stray curly pubic hairs. The pillow covers on all her pillows are lined clear drool stains and mucus skid marks, giving the appearance of a design of some sort.

"Okay." Brienne tucks in the little cub. "Get plenty of rest. I'd like to show you through the forest tomorrow morning so you'll need all your energy. There's lots of pretty flowers and trees to see in the forest!"

"Hehe... oooookay... sounds... fuuuuuun..." Adrian words trail away as his eyelids grow heavier. "Goodnight... granny..."

"Good night, sweetie." Brienne kisses the cub on the forehead and joins him under the sheets, her massive body concaving the mattress towards her. Adrian slides down onto her lower back in a spooning position. He snuggles her tail and drifts off into dreamland.

The two snooze the hours away. Crickets, katydids and cicadas fill the air outside with their chirps, calls and buzzes. One by one, the rest of the wildlife interlace with this nocturnal orchestra to create fitting ambience for a perfectly crisp autumn night.

The slumbering elephant begins groaning, her body hunched forward, her arms hugging her waist. A large bubble is conceived deep within her guts. It slithering down her intestinal tract, accompanied by a low bass-like rumble. Her leg and tail slowly rise up into the air almost automatically. With a painfully heaved grunt, she lets loose a blast of gas from the depths of her bowls. A deadly cloud of broccoli, beans and hemorrhoidal fumes pollutes the air in front of the sleeping cub's face.

Adrian's fur is blown back from the sheer force of her flatulence. He coughs a little as a good portion of it forces its way into his mouth. His eyebrows raise and the corners of his lips curl up after taking the time to smell and savor the throat burning concoction. His boyhood springs to life.

"Uh... hoh?" Brienne cracks her eyes open. She feels a strange blunt object riding up her butt to her back. "Must be his leg..." She flips her weight over to face the snoozing cub. "What the... oh... OH MY GOODNESS!"

Adrian's little unsheathed penis has grown to be the size of a tuba, his balls now the width of two beach balls. A small amount of crust is gathered at the tip of the exposed mega dong, most likely collected while grinding on Brienne's buttcrack. The entire length of his shaft still retains the appearance of a young underdeveloped penis, despite its now alarming girth.

"I would've never guesses he would be so well... endowed!" Brienne gawks at the spectacle, her jaw practically big enough to fit it in. "So young, yet... so impressive!" Her head involuntarily leans closer to the throbbing meat pole. "What... should I do?"

"Oh... eugh... awoo..." Adrian whines, rolling around on the bed. His little fangs stick out as he bites down on the pillow, his tiny claws puncturing the bed sheets.

"Is this... a normal thing for him? Bucky didn't say anything about this... does he even know? It must be his first erection... I wonder what caused it?" Brienne's hand reaches for the cub's monument. "It's not going down... it just keeps bobbing around. Hmm... I wonder..." She runs her fingers down the shaft.

"Mmm... hehe... ah..." Adrian's frustration turns into joy. He stops his squirming for only a moment.

"I see... the poor child just needs some lovin'!" Brienne's eyes peer through the window blinds. "Wouldn't mind some lovin' myself... but..." She bites down on her lip and stares at the cub in distress. "How will he react? Will he be frightened if he knows I'm touching his willy? I don't know what to do..."

Adrian continues fussing about , growling and howling under his voice. His attention craving hard on points straight up to the ceiling, like a flagpole. His small feet shove the sheets off of the mattress.

"I can't just leave my poor little stepson like this!" Brienne gnaws on her nails. "I'll just be... very careful... and very quiet. It'll be fine, right? I'm only trying to provide this poor boy with some relief!"

She stands up and balances herself on the cushiony mattress, her hefty feet creating small craters in the sheets all the while. Her cooch hovers directly over Adrian, specifically over his penis, with wide open legs. His cock head scuffs against her hairy lips.

"Will it even fit?" Brienne licks her dried lips in anticipation. "We'll see... but what if he wakes up?" She turns her body around, her back facing Adrian. "Maybe he won't recognize me this way. I've always loved reverse cowgirl anyway."

Brienne hula-hoops around the head, smearing its entirety with her thick creamy smegma. She then begins carefully decent, squatting down onto the cub's hyper-sized cock with the utmost care. After only a few inches she feels her saggy meat flaps being split in two.

"Mmm... yeeaah... I'd love some... curry flavored ice creeeeaaaam..." Adrian mutters in his sleep.

"Sleep talker too, huh? This should be interesting..." Brienne lowers herself a little more onto the cock. "AH! YOWZA!" The eager head slips right in, thanks to her oily smegma. Her pussy hole now the diameter of a tire. "Th-that was unexpected!"

"Thassa... biiiig... pizzaaaaa. can I add more... honey mustard?" The cub mumbles with a wide smile.

"Is he still hungry or something?" Brienne shakes her head. "Gotta go nice and slow... this is a lot of meat to take in. It's been too long..." Her pussy inches down onto the cock at a glacial pace, like a sloth deep throating a banana. Her slippery vaginal juices leak down the shaft, pre-lubing it as it glides inside of her. "Gah! My goodness... he's only halfway inside me and I can already feel him hitting my belly!"

"Noo mister crocodile... string beans will save the world again... and my socks are soo tiiiiired..."

"This boy... has some strange dreams." Brienne chuckles. "I wonder if he's feeling any of this at all? I know i am..." She releases a few forced groans as the hyper-sized cub cock displaces her organs during its ascent. Almost there. To relieve her knees of the strain, she plants her hands onto the bed, grasping the sheets with all her strength.

"There... we... GO!" Brienne miraculously stuffs the final few inches inside her and finds herself resting on top of the cub's massive knot. Her belly protrudes outward, the ambitious cock head clearly in sight. "Sweet googly moogly... it's all the way in!" She places her hands on her hips. "Behold! The mighty strength of a woman's hoochie!"

"Wha... huh?" Adrian cracks open his eyes. His head tilts at the confusing sight: His enormous weenie buried balls deep into a plump cellulite-covered butt.

"Oh that silly boy... I wonder what he's dreaming about this ti-"


"EEP!" Brienne slams her face onto the bed. "Uh... uhm... I didn't think he'd wake up!" Her eyes dart around the room as she devises a way to save herself. "Uhm... F-FEAR ME LITTLE BOY!" Her voice takes on a low throaty tone. "FOR I AM... THE... BOOTY MONSTER!"

"Booty M-Monster?" Adrian ears paste to his head. "But you smell just like granny!" He takes a light whiff. "Sour sausage and eggs!"

"THAT'S BECAUSE... THIS IS HER ROOM! WE ALL SMELL LIKE GRANNY!" Brienne's voice cracks, her back folds puddling with sweat.

"Then where's granny!?" The cub demands, wiggling for freedom. "What did you do to my weenie!? It's so big now!"

"DON'T KNOW! SHE... STEPPED OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING! AND UH... IT WASN'T ME." Brienne elevates her rump, revealing to the cub his entire goo covered cock. "WANNA KNOW MY FAVORITE SNACK?"

"Evil bananas!" Adrian shouts with confidence.

"WHAT? NO... THAT'S SILLY! IT'S LITTLE BOY WEENIES! MWAHAHA! INTO MY COOCHIE WE GO!" Brienne plummets back down onto his massive erection, her smegma sufficing as a slick lubricant.

"Oof!" Adrian grunts as her enormous butt slams onto him. "Noo! N-Not my weenie! I need it to pee!"

"TOO BAD!" Brienne thrusts herself onto him again, this time a little softer.

"Ah... hah... mmm... wait! S-Stop! Please don't eat my weenie!" The cubs pleads as he tries to fight his mixed feelings.

Brienne continues her slow thrusts, still trying to get used to the cub's massive size. She can feel the head of the beast knocking at her navel with each one of her pumps. Her steady pace continues, the stretching nearing completion.

"Mmf... oh my stars..." Brienne mumbles under the blanket. The stinging feeling of being split in two finally subsides after a minute or two. She now begins to feel the pleasure of the cub's girth as it explores her aged womanhood.

"This feels... so weird..." Adrian pants as his small body tries to sort the pleasure he's feeling away from the fear. He gets a crystal clear view of the action: The big wrinkly Booty Monster gobbling his oversized weenie over and over, leaving more of its squishy "saliva" trailing down to his knot. The long frizzy hair from its "moustache" sticks onto his cock like magnets as it works its way up and down his length.

He takes this moment to realize his wee wee is still intact even though the monster has been gnawing on it with its slimy mouth for quite a while. If anything his wee wee has gotten a little bigger! His entire body relaxes itself as he finally takes in this pleasurable feeling.

"You big... mean... Booty Monster..." The cub lazily mumbles with half open eyes and a wiggly smile. "You'll never... take... my wee wee..." He grips onto the sheets, his feet firmly planted on the bed.

"I think he's starting to get into it..." Brienne whispers to herself. "I... GROW HUNGRIER! NEED MORE OF YOUR WEE WEE!" She picks up the pace, delivering at least three deep pumps per second.

"Ah... d-don't go f-faster... noo..." Adrian half heartedly pleads. He rests his head on his arms, now completely relaxed.

The lucky cub experiences every inch of the booty monster's warm clammy mouth with utmost ecstasy, especially considering this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to him. The fleshy walls clamp on tightly to his girth, barely giving it any room to breathe... not that that's a problem for the elated cub. His slippery precum dribbles down his shaft and onto his pelvis, making a squishy wet sound every time the booty monster slaps the base of his cock with its rubbery lips.

"Yes... yeeeessss..." Brienne silently whimpers from the sheer pleasure of getting stuffed by her young stepson's red rocket-- no, crimson missile. "I needed this... so badly..." She begins gyrating her hips, trying to give the little cub a more sensual experience.

"Oh my gosh Booty Monster! That feels... really... really gooooood..." Adrian moans, his eyes crossed from the delightful vaginal massage. He finds himself being tugged around from the Booty Monster's circular movement. "Please... keep eating my wee wee..."



Brienne's movements irritates her bowels, causing them to push out another silent but deadly putrid gas cloud right onto Adrian's face.

"Oops..." She bites down on the sheets and rides out the long silence.

"... Woooowie!" Adrian inhales the gastric cloud with a large grin. "It smells like the sewers! I love that smell!"

"What..." Brienne feels the cub's cock harden to the point of becoming steel itself. It twitches inside her, looking for room to wriggle around. "Oh my... I see... he really likes my toots!"

"Ooh, Booty Monster..." Adrian licks his lips as if lapping the fart particles off his fur. "You're not so bad... you smell so good and make me feel suuuuper good!" He feels his hips thrust up into its meaty lips, displacing its mushy innards with his towering erection. "Let me help you eat my weenie!"

"Oh my... he's getting into it..." Brienne grabs her breasts and twists her stony nipples. "I love it when a man takes charge..." She sits in place, allowing the cub to have his way with her.

Adrian's technique is sloppy and unrefined, but pleasing and predictable: Quick short strokes that rub her g-spot... and her back. His tongue droops out of his mouth, a bit of drool running down his cheek. He gazes up at the ceiling as if in a trance. The lewd adhesive sounds of the Booty Monster's "cheeks" clapping together gets him aroused further, unclear as to him as to why.

"Oh, Booty Monster... can we be friends forever?" Adrian asks, his voice fading in and out. "I can let you eat my wee wee wheneeeeeever you want..."

"Ooh!" Brienne feels a powerful jolt of excitement run down to her pussy folds. "UHM... YES! BOOTY MONSTER WOULD LIKE THAT! YOU'VE BEEN A GOOD BOY!" She bites her lip and rolls her eyes back. "Such a good booooy..."

"YAY! I... I love you Booty Monster!" Adrian flexes his rod and begins humping wildly, like a dog in heat. "Oh this feels soo magical! I don't ever wanna stop!"

"Yikes!" Brienne grapples the mattress itself and braces her legs. "He's... shoving me off the bed!"

Adrian's hyper weenie is now completely caked with his grandma's rancid smegma. The entire rooms reeks of her pussy cream's "sour sausage and eggs" scent with a hint of her concentrated anal odors. The entire experience is heavenly for the little cub, if his near-hypnotized state is any indicator.

Brienne is on the same boat but in a different ocean. It's been decades since she's felt a cock worm its way up her tight pussy, especially one of this magnitude. She makes sure to savor every inch of her stepson's wee wee, relaxing her velvet walls as it enters her and squeezing on it as it exits. She is at the gates of her own personal nirvana.

"B-Booty Monster... I'm getting kinda tired... can you- OOH WHOA!"

"RELAX, BOY. BOOTY MONSTER WILL TAKE IT FROM HERE!" Brienne's pussy lips clamp down onto the base of the cub's cock and, with grunty deep breathes, accelerates her humping, plunging down onto Adrian's cock roughly five times a second now. This pace feels a lot better for Brienne since her g-spot and clit are now being rapidly stimulated.

"Oh! S-Slow down! Hnng..." Adrian clenches his teeth, the pleasure nearly overwhelming him. "My marbles are feeling really tingly!"

"Tingly?" Brienne asks herself. "He's not old enough to... can he even... huh..." She scratches her double chin. "I wouldn't be surprised at this point!"

Adrian curls his feet and pulls on his ears. His creamy willy twitches in delight during this deliciously brisk massage. His knot knocks at the Booty Monster's already widened mouth, stretching it apart a bit more with each deep pump it receives.

"B-Booty Monster... I feel like... like I gotta pee!" Adrian warns as he feels a surge of tingles revolving around his balls.

"OH? THAT'S NOT PEE... THAT'S MILK! MY FAVORITE MILK!" The Booty Monster drizzles dubious amounts of liquid down the shaft, as if actually drooling. "GIVE IT TO ME!"

"Milk?" Adrian squeaks. "I don't make milk! I'm not a girl!"

"OH, YOU'LL SEE..." Brienne now focuses on getting the cub to orgasm. She moves her hips around like she was earlier to try and aggravate her bowels. With a bit of butt shaking and jiggling she feels a familiar discomforting rumble return to her stomach.

"Mmm... Booty Monster, can I p-please stick my marbles inside you? I want them to feel good too..." Adrian requests looking at her hemorrhoids as if they were actually eyes.

"Is he talking about his knot?" Brienne's pupils shrink. "There's absolutely no way THAT can fit inside me... is there?" She stuffs her face back in the sheets. "UHM... YEAH, OF COURSE. THE MORE OF YOUR WEE WEE I CAN EAT THE BETTER!"

"Thanks... Booty Monster!" Adrian begins to thrust back despite being fatigued, motivated by the thought of his knot being wrapped around the warm caress of those hairy beefy lips. He figures if his wee wee feels this good inside of the Booty Monster, then shoving his entire knot inside should send him into an outer space of pleasure.

"Oof!" Brienne experiences the full impact of his beach balls trying to force their way in, her saggy boobs almost smacking her in the face with each shove. "This little fella is really going all out, isn't he? I'll make his first time with his grandma-er... the "Booty Monster"... a memorable one!"

"Okay, I really feel like... I'm gonna pee!" The tingle from the cub's balls travel up to his cock head, signaling the inevitable mess to come. "I don't wanna pee inside you! That would be super icky!"

"TOO BAD!" Brienne lifts her tail and puckers her butthole. "I WANT ALL OF IT INSIDE ME, LITTLE BOY!"


With enough of a thunderous boom to shake the entire room, Brienne unleashes the mother of all butt burps directly into Adrian's wide open mouth. The helpless cub takes it all, his tongue even browning from the projected crums of her anus. He closes his eyes, basking in the vile smog's humid embrace.

"Smells... soo... SOO...!" Adrian cocks his pelvis back with eyes shut tight. "GOOOOOOOD!" Using all the power his tiny body can muster, he catapults his knot deep into the inky depths of Brienne's pussy, gliding inside effortlessly like slurped up jello.

"GYAAA! YES!" The pierced elephant hollers in pleasure, her hole now the size of her entire obese body, practically a just a cock sleeve at this point.

This final push is enough to send the intoxicated cub over the edge. Without any warning, a torrent of translucent white liquid explodes from his impatient fire hose of a cock straight up Brienne's tight flesh tunnel.

"Is he... cumming inside me?" Brienne's belly begins to expand with the cub's viscous spunk. "But he's so young... what a gifted little boy!" She slowly rolls her hips around his girth, trying milk him for everything he's got. "Mmm... there's... so much of it! Why, I could even feel it... mmf... oh my... MMF... OH MY *BURP*!"

The cub's unrelenting tsunami of jizz travels up Brienne's throat at an alarming rate and begins to pool in her mouth. After a short futile attempt to hold it in, an ocean of cub seed explodes from her mouth and trunk. The spectacle resembles two powerful milky waterfalls.

The sweet and salty taste of her young stepson's thick cum sends her into a frenzy. Her fat thighs begin to tremble, her widened pussy lips contracting harder than ever before. A chain reaction of wonderfully warm tingles detonate throughout her body, leaving her in a trance-like state of euphoria.

Her powerful orgasm encompasses her butt with its sensational wave of pleasure, the convulsions mixing around the contents within her bowels. A familiar bubbly feeling begins to form in her stomach. Her tail lifts up once more, but a little more than just gas escapes the quivering anus this time.

The cub's eyes widen, glued to the spectacle in front of him: A sizzling pile of beefy, moldy, near-rotting poo spewing out of the Booty Monster's cheeks like a squashed bottle of mustard. The butt chocolate fills the concave bed around the cub, eventually submerging him leaving only his head exposed. He lies in this hot mud bath, leisurely whiffing its rotting methane clouds. He can't help but notice tiny yellow spores dancing in the air, most likely from the mold on the greenish poop.

"Hah... hah... ooh..." Brienne wipes the lingering spunk from her mouth as the rush of Adrian's white torrent finally dies down. "I've... never cum so hard in my entire life... hooh...HOOH!" She takes a good look at the bed sheets below her. "Oh my... goodness! What a mess! I hope Adrian is-"

"Mmm... nom nom... nom nom..." The exhausted cub audibly sucks on one of Brienne's steaming turds like a popsicle. Several grains of rice and broccoli stems are sprinkled inside of it from their meal earlier. A dopey smile forms on his face. "Thanks for the snack... Booty Monster..."

Brienne remains quiet. Her euphoric state prevents her from responding in her "Booty Monster" voice. She instead relaxes on top of her poo covered bed, enjoying the sticky sounds of Adrian's little mouth chomping down on her homemade fudge.

Every square inch of the bedroom now enveloped with a thin film of the lingering odors of old moldy meat, greasy smegma, steaming turds, and, of course, Brienne's overburdening natural musk. One would take care not to enter this room without a HazMat suit, less they would leave the room with breathing problems.

Adrian's knot is still locked inside her with no signs of dying down. His satisfied wee wee twitches around, still eager to receive more of this warm fleshy massage. He gently closes his eyes and slowly drifts back into dreamland.

"Nighty night Booty Monster... thanks for... eating... me..."

"AHEM." Brienne attempts the voice in her dazed state. "THANKS FOR THE MILK, KID. YOU REALLY DID ME A FAVOR THERE."

"Can we... do this again... tomorrow?" Adrian's words slur together as he struggles to stay conscious. "I wanna show you... to granny..."

"UH..." Brienne plops the side of her head onto the soiled sheets, finally able to relax after this messy ordeal "SURE THING."

Adrian nods without a word and gives in to his drowsiness, still sucking on the thick turd like a pacifier.

"I got him for a whole week, huh?" Brienne rubs Adrian's cock head through her protruded belly. "This old granny's gonna make good use of her favorite little stepson..."