Songs that seem to change your life. Chapter Two.

Story by Axio on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I own all characters in this series, they are all copyright to me. I do not own Poke'mon, and therefore take no credit as to what my characters are.

This story contains fappable, M/M relationships, if you do not like gay sex or gay relationships, then why the heck did you even click in the first place? O.o...

This story is a tribute to Wolfwind. May your stories inspire us all~...

I woke up slowly, my mind enwrapped within the dense fog of sleep; dully aware of a bandage on my side, and a lack of pain whenever I inhaled. Something warm was gently gripping my hand, accompanied by the sounds of a sleeping person in the room other than me. Looking over to my right, my gaze traveled down the dark cherry skin of my arm to where my hand was. Wrapped around it was some tough, light green skin.

My mind, still being draped in a light shroud of slumber, began working. I guess it was all a dream... But then... why am I not in my room? Who else is in here besides me? Thinking about the sounds of that other person breathing, something clicked, and my mind recollected the events from earlier today. I became aware of a foul taste in my mouth. The taste you get when you sleep with your mouth open all night. I swallowed quickly trying to rid myself of it.

I had to go to the bathroom... My mind prioritized that and forgot about the light green hand grasping my own as I slid my legs over the left side of the bed, wincing as I strained my chest area. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few minutes catching my breath, and then began to lean forward in order to get off. There was a resistance from my right hand, so I tugged it free, stirring whomever was sleeping there. I froze as I heard movement.

"Ngg..." Rioku groaned and yawned, followed by a gasp, as his superb night vision picked out my figure, about to get off the bed. "Huh? Sanec? What are you doing? Don't get off the bed... You've just had surgery that probably saved your life! You can't get out of bed!" He shout-whispered to me, audibly distressed.

Why was Rioku in the same room as me, and what about surgery?? The fine details of the earlier day came back in small bursts, all the way down to the feeling of something pricking my arm before I went under the anesthetic's control. At least, I guessed it was anesthetics... It's the only thing that they would give me a shot of before surgery.

"... I need to go to the bathroom... And I'm hungry..." I whispered back, blushing at the darkness in accordance to his concern for me.

"Oh... umm... I'll carry you to the bathroom if you want..." I didn't like that idea... "But, don't worry, I won't come in, I'll just set you down at the door and then you can do your business..." He sounded embarrassed, as for me, the feeling was mutual.

I said "Umm... sure...", but my mind said 'You can hold me any day'. I wasn't that outgoing to actually say what my mind wanted to, though... I still wasn't sure about how Rioku thought of me... what if I messed it all up?

I heard him get up off the chair and walk towards me sleepily, then stopped towards my right and carefully lifted me off the bed the same way as he carried me back at the school. One hand supporting my back, the other supporting my legs.

He held me gently as he walked across the room carefully, careful not to touch my healing injury. I could barely tell because of the darkness... but... was that a smile on his lips? How could he be happy? He has to tote me around because I can't walk... He carefully stepped over a big blob that could only be my backpack. It was the only thing in the entire room that had my scent permanently etched into it... well, other than me of course.

He set me down in front of the bathroom, and I walked inside, groping the wall for a light switch until I found one. Closing the door, I turned on the light and my night vision was shattered, temporarily dazing me. I waited until it passed. When my eyes finally adjusted I looked in the mirror and gasped, I was in nothing but my gray and black plaid boxers. ... Well then... THAT was unexpected... I wouldn't have guessed that they would strip me down to my boxers for surgery. That's when I noticed little bumps every few inches of skin all over my body. What the...

(Author's note: The story will now take place with Rioku's point of view, starting from when Sanec closed the door to the bathroom.)

I stared into space for a while after light started shining out of the crack between the door and the floor of the bathroom, wondering about what the Glaceon had told me the day before.

[Flashback] "There's nothing I can really do... The break is too severe... too compounded to work with--", The nurse started to say something else but was cut off by my horrified remark.

"What do you mean there's nothing you can do?! I don't want to graduate high school while the only person that's ever confessed their feelings for me DIED before I got to know them, not to mention that it would be all my fault..."

[/Flashback] I was angered, sad, guilty, for reasons that I had been trying to ignore... I noticed that Sanec had been showing subtle signs of interest in me... but... I brushed them off thinking that that was his way of being friendly... I didn't know what I was thinking when I asked him if he liked me... I just knew that the answer was yes, and that I liked him back... but how much, I'm not sure...

[Flashback] "Come on, there has to be SOMETHING you can do!" I had pleaded with the nurse desperately. She finally seemed to get the message that I wasn't giving up.

"Well..." She said slowly, letting me calm down. "There IS something I can do... But it's very risky... I'm not sure it will work..."

"What is it? Please, just do anything you can to save him, he's running out of time... His parents are dead and I've ignored him for so long, thinking that he was just a really nice person... He's been alone all this time, except for Chiran, who's probably the only reason that Sanec hasn't committed suicide already... Please..." I had ran out of things to say, but just because Sanec had a bad life before, doesn't mean I couldn't try to make it better now.

She sighed. "I could try an experimental medicine... It will save his life, but it will change him for the rest of his life, for the better or for the worse, I don't know."

"Yes, please... do it... save his life for me..."

"Okay... but you will have to leave the room... If you care so much about him for you to want me to do this, I doubt you'd want to see what I'd have to do to him to perform it." She motioned to the door.

I looked at the Machop who had confessed his feelings to me earlier. I walked over to him and bent over his small body, then kissed him on the lips. "...I'll be back..." I whispered to him. " I'll help you with whatever this experimental medicine does..." For a second, it seemed as if a smile dances across his face, but then it was gone, back to the peaceful slumbering face of one knocked out by drugs. Serene and unaware. I exited the room and hear it be locked behind me. After a few hours, I heard someone come in from the front entrance. It was Chiran, carrying Sanec's backpack.

"You won't believe what a pain it is to carry around his backpack all day... I don't know how he manages to walk with it... He seems so weak, but he's strong..."

I had hefted it up after a few moments, and whistled. It must have weighed over thirty pounds. "What's he even got IN here, anyways?" I set it down with a thud and unzipped it, pulling out several five pound dumbbells. Chiran shrugged.

"I guess he was training, to try and get a better body and impress you... He admires you, ya know?"

"I do now..." I looked around in his backpack, taking out the folders labeled Geometry, Biology, Geography, Spanish 2, and English. There was another folder with a few papers sticking out of the top. Written on one of them was 'ku'. "... What's this?" I pulled out the last folder and saw that it was labeled 'Drawings'.

"Umm... You might not want to look in there..." Chiran seemed frantic. There was something in the folder that he didn't want me to see.

[/Flashback] My thoughts were broken as I heard a slight gasp from inside of the bathroom, the kind of gasp when someone is shocked speechless by something. Then I heard Sanec breathe deeply and walk over to the other side of the bathroom. I let my thoughts wander again.

[Flashback] I looked at the small bit of paper sticking out the top that had 'ku' written on it before the word was hidden by the folder's edge. I slid it out of the folder slowly to avoid ripping it, and Chiran facepalmed himself, murmuring "Sanec's gonna kill me..."

Drawn on that paper, was me. It was of how I looked in the locker room while changing. I blushed deeply, as I opened the folder and saw more drawings of me, but one of them stood out. It had my name, and the word 'love' on it. It was a simple bust drawing, of my shoulders up. Underneath it, there were the words "Rioku, I love you" and in the corner, there was what I would guess to have been Sanec's artist's signature. It was a cross, but the vertical part of the cross turned into an 'R'.

[/Flashback] I heard the toilet flush, and Sanec washing his hands. He was still unaware that I knew he loved me... I intended to change that...

(Author's note: The story will now take place where we left off at Sanec's point of view, in Sanec's point of view.)

I stared at the small bumps on my skin that occurred every few inches on my skin. They were strange. They didn't hurt, weren't abnormally colored, or anything. They were just... well... bumps.

Suddenly I was filled with hope. Maybe... this is one of the proceedings of evolution...! Yes, that would be wonderful! I could finally be able to build my body the way I wanted to, enjoy looking at myself in the mirror... Have a bigger dick... I mentally murred at the thought, and felt my sheath stir.

I quickly banished the thought, if I released myself here, Rioku would smell it... and that could be catastrophic... The stirrings subsided and I let out a mental sigh, walking over to the toilet awkwardly.

After finishing my business, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, then turning off the light before opening the door, as to avoid ruining my escort's night vision. I opened the door and stepped out onto the carpet, immediately being scooped up by Rioku, making sure I exert myself as little as possible.

"Ah..." I managed to gasp out as he carried me towards the hospital-like bed.

"Sorry... did I startle you?" He stopped next to the bed and set me down gently. The bed was still a little warm, but was overall very cold compared to the warm arms of the Tyranitar I crushed on.

"No... but it was so sudden... I was expecting you to ask if I was ready before you picked me up..." I shivered, pain racking up and down my chest cavity as the muscles started to spasm and contract, causing me to wince lightly. He put a hand on my shoulder. This is new... He doesn't seem shy anymore... What if...

"What's wrong?" His voice broke me out of my thoughts. I blushed.

"Oh, um... nothing... it's just that the bed is sorta cold and it made me shiver... it hurt my chest cavity..." I said, embarrassed.

"Well then... I can fix that..." Rioku said after a short pause. "Move over."

I was mentally stunned. It was as if someone had just drenched me with blazing hot, then freezing cold water, at the same time. "Wha... What???" I stammered.

"I'll help you get warm again." I managed to see him smile in the dark. It was a good-natured smile. One that meant the possible start of a stronger friendship, and maybe much more...

I don't believe this... is this a dream? This can't be happening. I was blushing madly, hearing my heart beat in my ears, as I hastily made room for the extremely sexy Tyranitar. I didn't care that my sheath stirred when I felt his weight on the bed, I only cared about the promise of a better future, and as he got underneath the sheets and pulled me on top of his shirtless chest, I realized that he had feelings for me too. As he wrapped one arm around my chest, being careful of my bandage, and the other around my waist, his chest warming my back like a heat pad, I heard him whisper those four magic words...:

"Sanec... I love you..."

As I heard it leave his lips, my being overflowed with joy, for the first time in a long period of sadness and depression, I felt truly happy. I felt warmth spread through my body, and my skin began to shine... It felt like small pinpricks were slowly massaging my being, as cells multiplied, the light got brighter. I hadn't felt this happy ever, and it was overflowing from my body like a once-dammed river being freed from its cement boundaries. I felt my bones grow bigger, my muscles have layer upon layer of cells added to them as they multiplied, becoming more defined. I inherited the same build as Rioku, only a little different because he was still more than a foot taller than me. My body structure changed... I grew taller... over one foot... to 6'7"... And the extra body mass contributed to my weight, 196 pounds... more than double my weight before... My tail became re-absorbed into my body, and my spinal cord lengthened and stretched out. The last things to change were my private areas... It felt like someone was giving me the best blowjob ever... The light grew blinding, and I felt my dick come out of its sheath as it grew, going from what had normally been just a four inch cock of a Machop... into the sixteen inch meat monster of a Machoke... I moaned loudly as it grew thicker, going from one inch to four and a half in what seemed to be the feeling of cum building up inside it, my balls enlarging from the size of grapes to the size of medium-sized oranges, filling up with their full capacity of cum, which sloshed when I moved. My sack grew to accommodate them, but stayed tight enough to hug them close to my body, feeling wonderful... Then the feeling stopped...

The light started to fade as the rest of my organs became larger to accommodate my newer body size. My ribs became mended; I could breathe deeply and not feel the slightest pain. My skin retained its color, but my dick was now stained completely black. I was so happy, I didn't even notice that my boxers had ripped and my newfound length and girth now stood proud and tall, straight at the ceiling. I said four words back to Rioku...:

"I love you too..." I turned around in his arms and hugged him, the light fading completely. I didn't care that my warm erection was pressed between our stomachs, or that it reached up past both of our pecs... okay... maybe I did... Well, okay, I did a lot... I was completely aroused by it, and I reached my mouth up to his and kissed him, while he opened his mouth to let our tongues explore one another's maws. His tongue was long, rough and thin, while mine was flat and smooth, though not as long. We both moaned as we kissed, and I felt something hot spreading my balls apart gently... I immediately knew what it was: it was Rioku's godly cock sliding out of his slit and growing like a weed.

We broke the kiss, and I stared into his eyes... "Have you ever done this before?"

"No..." His eyes were lit up with love that burned with passion.

"Neither have I..." I lifted myself up and sat on his stomach, my knees on the bed. I carefully turned around and saw the beating monster that Rioku harbored. It was a bit more than twenty inches long, and just about five inches thick. I suddenly got many ideas of how we would spend our nights together as a couple, as well as cuddling, kissing, snuggling, and sleeping.

"Do you know what you're doing?" He asked me slyly.

"... Nope... Not in the slightest..." I replied lustfully... honestly, I really didn't know what I was doing, I just knew that I wanted to make Rioku happy. "But I have a pretty good idea..." I remarked while gazing at that long, throbbing staff of Tyranitar meat. I got up on my knees, turned so that I was facing it, and bent over so that it was inches from my nose, although my erection wasn't that far from Rioku's nose either.

"Getting a little forward are we?" Rioku said coolly. When hormones take over, it seems like all doubt of the other disliking something you say/do becomes completely obliterated. You become more daring, and you do things you would not have normally done without a boner. We were experiencing that now, as I leaned my mouth forward towards that gleaming pole that would put a dildo to shame, and I licked the tip. Beneath me, Rioku shivered and moaned loudly, pre dribbling from the tip. I quickly licked it up, savoring the taste as I swallowed it gleefully. It tasted divine... and I wanted more... But I wanted to experience what it felt like even more, so I looked back at Rioku and slowly lowered the tip of my own throbbing pole towards his mouth. Before I got there, he surprised me by snaking out his tongue and slipping it inside of the sticky urethra of my dick, wiggling it around. I immediately moaned loudly, feeling it tickle the inside of my cock and go deeper. I laughed and moaned at the same time as he stuck his tongue into my dick as far as it would go. I was panting so hard, that one action had put me so close to the edge...

Without thinking, I engulfed Rioku's warm phallus and shoved it as far down my throat as I could, opening my mouth way past what should have been its limit but it kept getting wider as I pushed down, taking Rioku's cock into my throat. I heard him moan loudly and take the tip of my cock into his mouth and stretch his tongue even farther down the tube embedded in my hot meat, his moans vibrating it from the inside.

I kept on going down his sweaty shaft, until my nose met those snug balls of his. I marveled at them. They were the size of small watermelons. How on earth did he walk around without hurting himself? I would have thought about it longer, but I had other things on my mind. Like that giant love pole that was nudging the part where the esophagus ends and the stomach begins. How in the world was I still breathing? The five inch thick meat was shoved about twenty inches down my throat, yet I was still able to get ample oxygen... How???

I felt Rioku's tongue start to make its way out of my dick, and he moaned into it as he took more into his throat once his tongue was out. He had at least half of my dick down his throat and was still engulfing more, moaning all the way... I made the lowest sound I could around his dick, because low sound waves cause more vibrations. More vibrations means... yum...

I reached down and fondled his giant glorious balls, massaging them and coaxing them to let me have their juices, they were so warm, just like the rest of Rioku. They made sloshing sounds whenever I squeezed them the right way, too, and soon I had a mouthful of tasty pre from my efforts. I kept the swallowing motion going, the rippling of muscles furthering the milking process of Rioku's sweltering meat, as he finally got the rest of my dick down his throat, and decided to stick his tail up his ass. My hole seemed to be on fire suddenly, as I realized that Rioku was pushing his fingers in one at a time, loosening it up for what might follow our blow jobbing. I moaned deeply around his dick and slowly started to come up, him wincing as pre squirted freely from his Tyrannosaurus-Sex as the pleasure suddenly lessened, until I only had the tip in my mouth, and I was milking out all of its scrumptious juices. His pre tasted like the nectar of the Greek gods... and his dick had the flavor of their ambrosia... I could only imagine what his liquid silver tasted like... for now...

I moaned and gasped as Rioku had managed to pry my hole open enough to stick his entire hand in and locate my prostate, jabbing it and prodding it with his fingers as he made his tail thrust into him fiercely. I could feel myself getting closer, so I started going up and down Rioku's length all the way, faster and faster, getting rewarded with a big glob of pre every time he bucked, which I accepted with an extra hard suck. I had started bucking my hips fiercely into his mouth as well, and his fingers danced along my prostate while his tongue, which was long enough to reach my balls when I thrust in, was working wonders. I felt my balls draw up towards my body, a tremendous feat considering they weighed about a pound each, and let Rioku know by letting him go all out on my throat, bucking as hard as he pleased, giving him an extra hard suck whenever his tip was all that was left.

I felt the pressure and warmth build inside my dick and balls, and I held it back, wanting the moment to last as I went all-out on Rioku's throat. Soon, I moaned out as hard as I could, then rammed my cock home into his maw and released my hot seed, coating the inside of his throat with what seemed like a gallon of my cum, all the while he was swallowing it all and massaging my balls, coaxing them for more as his belly was filled.

I then saw his monstrous balls rising, which made the concept of the world being round seem like a fairy tale, and the thrusting of his tail got deeper and faster. Soon, he roared around my cock, which he was still suckling, and let loose jet after jet of his beautiful, scalding seed. His tail rammed into his ass and stayed there, while I swallowed his hot juices obediently as it all came, but I had doubts about if I could hold it all inside, the rate I was being filled up...

After what seemed like and eternity of the Tyranitar roaring and blasting his hot seed inside me, it finally slowed, only to pick back up again as the final spurts got out, then stopped completely. I had swallowed it all, and it tasted wonderful. We were both panting heavily; sweat dripping from my body and mingling with his, the smell of our mixed musks overpowering the other smells in the room. I enjoyed the feeling of his hot seed in my stomach, and would miss it once it went away... but there were plenty of ways to fix that...

I turned back around and lay right beside him, panting in the ecstasy of the moment, glad I could be sharing it with him.

"So..." He said in between pants, "are you still hungry?" He made note of the comment I had made earlier about being hungry when I accidentally woke him up.

"Not anymore... and I don't think I ever will be, with you around..." I said it and it immediately sounded corny. We both laughed, and I noticed my voice sounded a lot deeper than before... then it actually hit me... I had evolved... I hadn't noticed it due to the sheer happiness of Rioku confirming my hopes and dreams... of him loving me... I hugged my new mate, and he hugged me back. We snuggled for the next few minutes, until I felt something throb against my stomach.

"You're such a stud, Rioku... You're still rock hard! After all that... I admire you..." I said, petting his massive length.

"Well, seeing as I'm still horny, how about we fix that." He winked at me.

I yawned and looked at the clock in the room, its green analog numbers lit up as a 3:52a.m. "Let's do it tomorrow... We don't have school for a whole weekend after we get through tomorrow's regimen..." I kissed his cheek lightly and snuggled up closer to him. He was still so warm, and after his erection went back down, I snuggled up even closer, without that giant pole in the way.

"Okay. So then... Good night, Sanec..." He said softly. He rubbed the three little crests that were on the head of every Machoke as we fell asleep.

After a while, I felt the need to say something. "Hey, Rioku?" I asked, wondering if he was still awake.

"Yeah?" He said softly into my ear.

"If this is a dream... I don't ever want to wake up..." I said, pushing my head into the crook of his arms.

"..... I understand completely....." Was all he said before I fell asleep as the happiest Poke'mon in the world.


Thanks for reading this installment of Songs that Seem to Change Your Life! Please, feel free to comment and vote <3~, Seriously, your guys' input decides the fate of this series! DON'T LET IT DIEEEE D:... It's so fun to write! <3....