Of Lions and Dragons

Story by Oniric on SoFurry

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Just a quick thing while I work on bigger stuff. Another old story, this one from around 2013 or maybe earlier.

Leo, a young and rather naive lion, has always fantasized about being swallowed whole and alive, and he finally gets the chance to fulfill his dream with a mysterious black dragon.

I wonder how many of you are into both vore and watersports. xP

"Are you sure about this?" Leo asked, giving a worried look to the huge dragon he'd just met a few minutes ago.

"Of course I am, I've done this a million times," the dragon answered. He was already naked, his body covered in black scales.

"But is it safe? I don't know if-"

"Trust me, you're going to love this. If you're curious, it's because you want to do it. You're not the first and you won't be the last."

The young lion fixed his eyes on the ground. Being swallowed alive... it made no sense, but he'd fantasized so many times about it...

"Look," the dragon said, in his deep voice. "We're going to do something else first, so you can relax. You have to take off your clothes."

"Is it... necessary?" Leo asked, hesitant.

"I won't eat your clothes, so you'll have to undress at some point anyway."

Sighing, Leo took off his jacket and then his shirt, leaving his torso exposed. The lion was quite big for his age, his back was wide and he also had a considerable belly and round breasts. The dragon looked at him and widened his eyes, he probably didn't expect the lion to be so big.

"You'll be quite a challenge," he said.

"Do you... still want to do it?"

"Of course! I've had bigger than you, and it's totally worth it," the dragon said, licking his lips. "Those too," he added, gesturing to the lion's pants.

Leo blushed, but said nothing. He took off his shoes and socks and slowly pulled down his pants, until he was in just his briefs. The dragon looked at him and made a gesture with his head, and the lion clearly understood that he had to take them off too. When he did, his small, barbed cock was finally exposed, already half-hard. Leo couldn't be more embarrassed. What would the dragon think? But the dragon saw it, and he just smiled.

"Come on, follow me," he said, and led the lion into a room. "Lie there."

Leo lay on the bed. The dragon stood in front of him, and to the lion's surprise, he grabbed his cock with his claw and began stroking it. Leo was completely stunned, but his surprise quickly gave way to excitement. Suddenly the dragon bent down and began licking the feline cock. Leo was in ecstasy. He leaned back and closed his eyes as he moaned in pleasure thanks to the dragon's blowjob. He'd never done something like that. He was too shy, and he'd never done anything sexual with anyone.

"Ohhhh my... It's so... It's so-"

The dragon put a finger on Leo's mouth and the lion understood that he should stay quiet, but he couldn't contain the occasional moan. He was about to reach orgasm, and suddenly the dragon stopped. He took the dick out of his mouth, waited a few seconds and began licking down its side, until he reached the lion's balls. Leo moaned again in pleasure. The dragon kept going lower with his tongue and began licking the lion's asshole. Leo moved away when he felt the intruding organ there, but when he opened his eyes and saw the dragon's face, he decided to trust him. The dragon kept licking, and little by little started to introduce his tongue. It had never occurred to Leo that something could get in there, and that he could get any pleasure from it, but there it was. The dragon's tongue kept penetrating the young lion's hole, lubricating it, until he suddenly stopped.

"Well, now it gets interesting," said the dragon.

"Are you going to eat me now?"

"Not yet. I still have to... season you..."

Leo watched intrigued as the dragon stood up, wielding a huge red member. As his genitals were internal, Leo hadn't seen the dragon's penis while he wasn't aroused. But now he was aroused, and Leo saw it, and it was gigantic.

"What... are you going to do?" the lion asked, worried.

"Wow, are you serious? How old are you, six? Did nobody tell you how kittens are made?"

"I know about it, I'm not a kid!! But... we're both male..."

"An irrelevant detail," the dragon said, with a wicked smile.

The dragon took Leo's legs and lifted them, leaving the lion's asshole exposed, and placed his huge dick at the feline's entrance. When Leo finally realized what was happening, it was too late. The dragon started pushing.

"Aaaarrrrg!! It hurts!!"

"Easy, it won't take long."

Leo cried while the dragon kept putting more and more of his member inside the virgin anus, until it was about halfway in. Then he pulled out, making Leo feel relieved, but also... empty. It didn't last long, as the dragon quickly resumed the mating. Thus, with deeper and deeper thrusts, pain gave way to pleasure, and Leo began moaning again. Suddenly he felt his asshole throbbing, and a big spurt of cum landed on his belly, despite not having touched his cock in all that time. Leo was still surprised by his strange orgasm, when the dragon had his own, filling the lion's rectum with an enormous amount of dragon cum, that gushed out when he withdrew his penis.

"So? What do you think? More relaxed now?"

Leo was panting like never before and couldn't speak, so he simply nodded.

"Good. Now I just need to give you the... let's say... final touch? And then we can move on to what you came for."

"Final... touch...?"

The dragon once again pointed his big red cock at Leo, now half-limp and dripping cum. And suddenly a yellow liquid came out of it, and Leo realized the dragon was pissing on him. In any other circumstance he would've been disgusted, but at that moment he just stood still, and let the dragon empty his bladder on him. The stream of urine went up his chest to his mane and his face, a few drops entering his mouth. The taste was bitter, and Leo spat it out. The dragon then aimed at Leo's limp cock, before returning to his chest.

"Spread it," the dragon ordered.

Leo obeyed and ran his hands through his chest, leaving all his fur covered in dragon piss and also his own cum. After a long time, finally the stream stopped.

"Well, you're ready. Sit down. From now on we won't be able to communicate, so just trust me and enjoy the trip. See you in a few hours."

Suddenly the nervousness returned to Leo's body and he started trembling. But he was already there and he wasn't going to back down now. He closed his eyes and lifted his face. He felt a wet heat on his face and knew it was the dragon's open jaw. That suddenly closed around his head. He felt the dragon grab him with his claws and lift him up, turning him upside down to get the help of gravity. Leo's mane was completely covered by saliva, and the dragon tasted him passionately as he kept going down his throat.

Once he'd reached the lion's shoulders, the dragon had to make a great effort to get the rest of him into his mouth, but he finally succeeded. Leo opened his eyes and saw only darkness. The feeling was incredible. He was surrounded by wet, warm muscles that moved rhythmically as he went down the dragon's throat. With his hands he touched the smooth walls of the esophagus and soon he had an erection again. Then he realized that his crotch had reached the dragon's mouth, and the dragon had stopped swallowing for a moment. Once more he felt the dragon's tongue on his cock, but this time it was completely different. The tongue alternated between Leo's member and his sore anus, which offered no resistance this time. Leo soon came again, and the dragon continued swallowing.

Suddenly his surroundings seemed to expand, and Leo knew he had reached the stomach. From the inside it looked much wider than from the outside, and although the air was heavy, Leo wasn't afraid of suffocating. The smell wasn't bad either, and the stomach liquids didn't seem corrosive.

For the first time in his life, but probably not his last, Leo was checking firsthand a dragon's magical powers. Knowing that he didn't have much else to do, Leo settled down, smiled, and relaxed as he enjoyed the dragon's amazing belly, until he fell asleep.