Birthright By Blood

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#1 of Birthright By Blood

Rated Extreme for later Chapters. Right now would love to know what you think. Or you can predict future happenings in the comments if you so desire.

Birthright By Blood.

Chapter 1 Grandpa's Passing

Percival eyed the young fox across from him who seemed to be breathind deeply nd evenly. He wasn't asleep to judge by the sense of strong concentration coming from him. Around him the grass and such was waving as if it was in a high wind.

Percival's age showed through his silver fur and grey eyes though one would be mistaken to think him not as bit as capable of any elder of the pack if not more so. His power did not come from fighting though he could do that. His power came from the world around them. The forces of nature under his utter control. Though his grandson would miss him terribly he knew that soon it would be time for him to pass. He had done his part to ensure a good future for the next generation and his age was catching up on him. Though his grandson could not see him he culd already sense the Grim Reaper huanting his steps waiting paitently as only death could.

However that was not the concern of his grandson young Sukura. The fox unlike him seemed to be restricted to a single branch of the elements and though he was limited in scope he made up for it in creativity. As I continued to watch I smiled quietly seeing the flowers around him burst into bloom unnaturally fast weaving together into a dense wall of protection around us that quickly rose. Once it was comfrotable enough to stand within he rose and faced me.

My gaze was sad though I quickly hid my emotions. "You know the reason behind this ceremony my son." I siad quietly to him. "I do." he replied moving closer to me and sitting close. It both broke and touched my heart that even though he knew what would happen with the ritual he would still conduct it with me.

Out came my ancient knife and though my hand shook my cut was clean. Sukura hissed in pain before moving his palm for the knife which I relinguished to him and let him make the similar cut. Our paws joined together and our blood willing flowed between the two of us as I spoke.

"Ancient ones from across time, space, and creation I honor you. I thank you for the power as I've been gifted. The long life I have lived and the fruits it has bourne. Now it is time for another to bear my gifts and I ask in your assistance in their transfer." As I finished speaking both me and my younger companion seemed to be teleported from our bodies to a higher plane.

Lanvel the god of Foxes smiled kindly at me while the twin wolves both gave us a Respectfull Glance. Which I found odd but wasn't going to comment on. The Bat God gave us a nod while the Rabbit god of time gave me a gentle look.

For me it was as if I was in the company of much needed old Friends. Though for the youngster he simple inclined his head looking respectfully at the floor. I sat with Sukura our paws still joined as I soft spoke once more.

"What once was mine is now yours, my gifts yours to weild Forever more. In this ritual may they find their new vessel and resting place." I felt the blood leaving me rapidly and the youngster cradling me tendlery as the strength left me. He was crying softly but he still held firm. The last words I spoke to him were thus.

"Peace be unto you my child. May the sun and the moon light your path, may you never act in anger, may my powers be used wisely and when it comes time to pass them on do not leave the next generation wanting. This is my final blessing for you." and with that I passed into death's embrace.


In that moment I cradled the former body of the elder close and broke into quite sobs. The gods were kind enough to let me have my greif but after a bit I managed to subside and complete the ritual with the last final words. "I thank you for your gift dear elder and with it's acceptance I promise to carry out your will to the best of my ability. Peace upon you as you pass from the realm of life into paradise."

With my final words I was once back within the dome the elder's body rapidly cooling against me as nature ran it's course. I stepped out of the dome and I cocentrated giving my grandfather a natrual burial under the foundations of the pack that he loved so much.

With a heavy heart I walked home mercifully I did not meet a soul. Once there I moved to my room and curled in my blankets I finally let go and let my tears soak through the fabric. As if sensing my distress my flowers came from the dirt floor and wrapped tenderly around me as if they were a long lost lover.

With their petals they gently brushed away my tears as they fell and long after the tears had faded they staid close to me. Come the next morning I managed to compose myself enough to know that it would be the right time to inform the Alpha of the passing. Though of course I wouldn't say anything on the ritual that occured. The wolves had their secrets and so did the Foxes. I cocentrated and my nine tails smoothly melded into one a sensation I had long since gotten used too. Then with a small cut to my palm I muttered the spell shrouding my physical apperance once more making me seem nothing more than a weak scrawny fox. While that wasn't far off from the least so far as scrawny goes I wasn't quite ready to shed my mask.

Make everyone beilve i was nothing more than a weak fox that was feeble and had just lost their dear grandfather. Possible only the Alpha would know that not all was as it appeared but he wouldn't publicly draw attention to it. After all Grandfather had been the person in the shadows for this pack many many years. So it would be bad form to insult his memory like that.

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