Guild Relations, Part 8

Story by Maskopatol on SoFurry

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With their day's travel at an end, they were once more seated around a campfire for the night. Hetroth stared blankly into the dancing flames, thinking still of how the gods could be no more eternal than the ruins that dotted the world. He was finding his contemplations at an undesirable end, their worrisome subject still more welcome than the alternative. More than anything he simply didn't want his thoughts drifting to matters more carnal, as the presence of his two guild mates effectively prevented his and Varik's favourite pastime.

He realized he'd been throwing glances at the buck's lower regions during their travels, catching glimpses of parts most desirable to him as the thin cloth guarding his privates from sight occasionally swayed aside in the wind. It stirred his loins to an uncomfortable extent, and with the current situation, he would be unable to relieve his cravings.

As they slowly descended into their covers in preparation for sleep, Het sighed heavily even as Varik lied down behind him.

"What's wrong?", Varik asked in whisper.

"Just... nothing.", Het whispered back.

Varik paused for a while in thought, then reached down and grabbed at Het's crotch under the covers. "Is it this?", Varik asked with a somewhat smug tone.

"Yes.", Het said after a moment's shock, making sure their companions weren't watching.

Varik removed his hand from Het's parts for a moment, then pulled away and got up from under the covers.

"Uh. Varik?", Het whispered, looking up at the buck questioningly.

"Come.", Varik said and offered a hand. Het took it with a raised brow and got up himself, permitting the stag to lead him off and away from the campfire.

Once they were well away from any lights and ears, Varik pushed the hyena up against a tree and slid his hand down Het's pants, grabbing hold of his engorged gonads. Het couldn't help but continue to look towards the campsite, fearing someone would take notice, but Varik redirected the hyena's muzzle towards himself with his hand.

"Focus on me.", Varik said with a smile.

"Sorry.", Het said, feeling he may've been a bit overly paranoid. Varik simply brushed his cheek and lowered himself to his knees, undoing the hyena's belt as he did. With Het's pants now at his ankles, Varik took hold of the hyena's testicles in one hand and already erect member in the other, and gave the underside of his glans a passionate kiss, sucking and licking at the foreskin even as his other hand firmly massaged and pulled at Het's gonads. Het shuddered in pleasure with a stifled gasp, still fearing the attention of their companions.

Varik closed his eyes and took the hyena's cock fully in his maw, fitting its length within with little effort. It took no more than a couple minutes of pumping his manhood for Het to reach a leg-weakening orgasm, forcing him to use the buck's antlers for support.

As Hetroth's orgasm finally waned, Varik pulled away with a pleased smile on his face, giving the hyena's still firm member one last lick before rising to his hoofs.

"Come. Let us return before they take notice.", Varik said.

"What about you?", Het asked.

"I can wait.", Varik assured, and pulled him by the hand back towards the camp.

Stepping tentatively back to their place of rest, Het eyed his two sleeping companions. They did not even stir, which made him somewhat suspicious they were pretending. Yet as they sat down and Varik hugged him close, thoughts and feelings of unease seemed to slowly slip away.

Hetroth looked up into the black night sky, his eyes heavy with fatigue, slowly descending into a pleasantly deep slumber in the arms of the man he adored. Staring off into the dark of the starlit sky, however, he slowly began to notice something.

There, among celestial bodies bright, seemed to be a spot darker than others, just barely perceptible. It almost made him think his eyes were going, when he began to notice something different. The stars around seemed to swerve away from the darkness, continuously broadening their distance and consequently broadening the void between them.

It continued to widen and widen, the light of the stars steadily forming a circle around it. He thought the stars may finally reach the horizon, when he looked down to find the horizon was not where it'd been, and instead now seemed to form a circle much lower than he'd remembered it. It looked as if reality itself was being compressed down to a single point, and as it eventually became nothing more than a bright splotch of light below him, he felt himself turn back upwards again, unable to look away from the all-encompassing darkness.


Hetroth woke with a start, jumping up to a sitting position instantly. He was sweating, the fear of danger from his dream still dormant in his mind despite its lack of sense. Struggling to comprehend what it all meant or what it was, he closed his eyes and tried hard not to let the sights and feelings fade from memory.

"You alright?", he heard Varik ask. He looked up to see him standing over the remainder of their campfire, tending a small pot with some meal.

"Uh. Yes.", Het said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He realized it was past dawn. "Rough dream.", he added.

"Oh? What about?", Ivid asked, revealing her presence to Het's dimmed senses. She and Roeterik sat upon a rock, eating away at some travel rations.

"I... don't know.", Hetroth said.

"Oh, come now. Embarrassed at what gave you night terrors?", Ivid asked.

"No, it was just... bizarre. Like nothing I've ever seen before.", Het said, running a hand over his forehead. "And yet it filled me with dread.", he added.

"Well, it was just a dream. Or at least I think so, since you refuse to describe it better.", Ivid said with a shrug.

"Ever dreamt a darkness swallowed up the night sky?", Het asked.

"No? What do you mean?", Ivid asked.

"I just... saw this spot of darkness that grew until it enveloped everything around.", Het said.

"Maybe it's an omen.", Ivid said.

"Hm?", Het questioned.

"An omen?", Varik echoed the question with a raised brow.

"That you're heading for trouble.", Ivid suggested.

"Or maybe it's an omen you're being surrounded by the dim.", Varik suggested with a roll of his eyes. Ivid looked at him with a frown. Roeterik merely smiled.

"Varik.", Hetroth said sternly with a look of annoyance on his face.

"Sorry.", Varik said as he pulled the pot off the fire. "Some stew before the road, perhaps?", he proposed.

"Any meat in it?", Het asked.

"If you put some of your rations in your portion, then sure.", Varik said. Het nodded mellowly. "The two of you want some?", Varik asked towards the two other Artificers, but they shook their heads. "So distrustful.", Varik whispered to Hetroth.


Half their day's journey went by for the most part without greater disagreements. Their subjects of talk for the day seemed to circle around the weather, and how they hoped it wouldn't rain. Or at least those were the parts Het could remember, as a lot of what Varik spoke of seemed to be something he'd already heard before.

As they walked through a particularly overgrown part of the forest, they found a roadside hut. Although 'hut' seemed an inadequate term for the size of it. It seemed to stretch out in height more than in breadth or width for some reason, and it looked quite ornate for a house in the middle of nowhere. Upon its door was a crudely drawn eye in white paint.

"What's this place?", Hetroth asked, not entirely certain the buck would even know.

"Oh? Fortune teller's. Care to make a stop and see what the future brings?", Varik asked with some hint of irony.

"They don't work, do they?", Ivid asked, seemingly wanting to bring in guild dogma again but not exactly certain herself.

"They do. Just that they don't tell us very useful things.", Varik noted.

"I wouldn't mind trying it.", Hetroth said.

"Go on, then.", Varik said, putting a couple coins in Het's palm. "Although I must warn you that a fortune teller living out in the wilderness is most likely not that good even amongst fortune tellers.", he said.

"Well, may as well try, if only for comparison's sake.", Het said and walked up to the odd hut. He paused for a second in hesitation, looking back at his companions as they began to settle around a set of tree stumps, then went through the door, his nostrils instantly filling with incense. "Hello?", he called out, hoping for a response.

"Coming!", he heard a soft but slightly raspy voice call out. From up the stairs down came a bare-pawed, brown lizard of some kind, much to Het's surprise. It was one thing to find a hyena in the canine kingdom, but a scaled one was quite another. He'd always thought it'd be too cold for them. "Here for a look into the future?", the lizard asked, beckoning to a table nearby.

"Uh, yes.", Hetroth said, taking a seat as the lizard did likewise. Upon the table sat a black ball, seemingly like a black pearl the size of a fist.

"My name is S'hah. Anything in particular you wish to know?", the lizard asked.

"Well... for starters, where am I going?", Het asked. S'hah took a moment to closely look at the ball, then peered up.

"Primum, to the All Knowing.", S'hah said.

"Yes, but why?", Het asked again, trying to ignore how he'd seemingly guessed that. The lizard looked for a while into the ball once more, taking a moment to discern something.

"You follow a tribal-looking buck.", S'hah said. That much told Het that at the very least the lizard seemed a skilled seer. Or had been looking out the window before he had come in.

"Yes, but to what end? What is to happen in the All Knowing's guild that I am being lead there?", Hetroth asked, trying to get an answer.

S'hah once more gazed deep into the ball, then pulled back but said nothing. He then gazed in again, but once more pulled away without a word. He sat there for a while, contemplating something, then leaned in again.

"I'm afraid you cannot know.", the lizard finally said.

"What? Why not?", Het asked.

"I can only see the future. I cannot see what would've been had I not told you.", S'hah explained.

"So were I to know, I would avoid it?", Het asked.

"You would alter course. Yes.", S'hah confirmed.

"And you yourself know?", Het asked on.

"I do.", S'hah said.

"So why not tell me now?", Het asked.

"I've committed to not telling you. Else I wouldn't have seen it myself in the first place.", S'hah said.

"So nothing you see can be changed?", Hetroth asked on.

"It will not.", the lizard said.

"That's not a very useful ability.", Hetroth noted glumly.

"It is not.", S'hah admitted. "And you have to be very dispassionate and disciplined to see anything.", he added. "The one thing I can do is give news of future fortuitous events. People seldom try to avoid them.", he said.

"So what good news can you tell me?", Hetroth asked.

"Well...", S'hah began and gazed into the ball. "You're going to have sex with the buck tonight, it appears.", he said with a raised brow. Hetroth shirked and blushed at this. He took a couple glances and moments to think before he spoke again. "Your travels will become lighter for the rest of your journey.", he said.

"Uh. What does that mean?", Het asked.

"I'm sorry, we keep certain phrasings vague so that you do not do something that'd prevent what is to happen. Else..."

"You would not be able to see it. Right.", Het said with a sigh. The lizard returned to prying further future events from the ball, his efforts seemingly requiring multiple attempts.

"Your guild will want you back, although not in the way you imagine.", S'hah said next. This reignited Het's attention.

"What does that mean?", Het asked, rising in his seat. He quickly slumped back when S'hah looked up at him, realizing the answer would be the same as before.

"Well, the most else I can tell you is that you will have an interesting couple days.", S'hah said. "Other than that, I can tell you how the world ends.", the lizard added.

"It... is going to end?", Het asked somewhat in disbelief.

"Yes. Long, long time from now, and nothing anyone can do, apparently. It's the one fortune I can tell anyone.", S'hah said.

"I think I'll pass.", Het said contemplatively.

"As you wish. Now, was there anything else?", S'hah asked.

"I... suppose not. Honestly I find it troubling more than anything to know of events I cannot change.", Het said.

"I understand. It really is quite disquieting.", S'hah admitted with a frown. "Now then, 3 crowns.", the lizard said.

"What? Oh! I thought you started telling some fortune again.", Het said with a nervous laugh and pulled out the coins.

"You don't seem the kingly type.", S'hah said with a smile and palmed the coins. "Now run along. I'm about to have a visit from a noble who thinks I'm some kind of miraculous oracle.", he said, running a palm over his scalp.

Hetroth raised a brow and slowly went out the door, only to freeze in surprise as before him he found an ornate carriage, pulled by 6 solflights, swift, feathered reptilian creatures on two legs, their driver a bored-looking blue and white feathered avian. Before Het could so much as gawk at it more closely, from within emerged a middle-aged, brown wolf with slicked-back, dark brown hair, dressed in black and silver raiments decorated so finely he radiated nobility, his gait and the silver scepter he held in his cloaked arm amplifying the impression further.

"Greetings.", the wolf spoke softly. Hetroth merely nodded uncertainly, somewhat taken aback by the lupine's overwhelming presence. "I take it you've paid a visit to the oracle S'hah.", the wolf said.

"I have.", Hetroth managed in somewhat of a stupor.

"A fellow truth-seeker.", the nobleman said with a smile. "Although somewhat unexpected from one bearing that sigil.", he noted, nudging his cane towards the hyena's red loincloth. "But manners! My name is Filithus Reffus.", he said with a curt bow. Hetroth recognized the family name as one dealing mostly in wine and other alcohols. A lucrative craft for any and all times.

"Uh. Hetroth. Sersa.", Het said, uncertain if the name would actually mean anything to the noble.

"A pleasure.", Filithus said and moved past the hyena with a stride of confidence. "Oh, and might I ask, where is it that you travel without steed?", the wolf asked.

"We travel to Primum.", Hetroth said, hoping the noble wouldn't ask why.

"So those 3 are your companions?", the wolf asked, nudging his cane towards the dormant group. Hetroth nodded. "A curious party.", he noted, then seemed to contemplate something for a while. "I do not believe in coincidence, and I think you could use a ride. I wouldn't mind the company.", the wolf said.

"Oh. That's very generous of you.", Hetroth said, trying his best to sound polite.

"Await my return. We set off once I've commuted with the oracle.", Filithus said and briskly moved inside the hut without another word.

Somewhat stunned, Hetroth made his way towards his travelling companions. They were all eyeing him curiously.

"Someone you know?", Varik asked.

"Not at all.", Hetroth said. "He's offering us a ride to Primum. Once he's done here, that is.", Het said.

"Huh.", Varik said, raising a brow.

"Just like that?", Ivid asked.

"He said something about not believing in coincidence. I don't know.", Het said, sounding tired of trying to justify the actions of someone he'd just met. "I wouldn't mind a ride, though.", he added.

"May as well." Varik admitted, looking at the ferret and mutt. Whatever reason they might've had for remaining alone had evaporated 2 days prior.

With everyone in agreement, Hetroth joined them in sitting and waiting.

"Who even is that anyway?", Ivid asked, looking at the large ornate carriage and beasts attached to it.

"Filithus Reffus, apparently.", Het said.

"Huh. King Booze.", Varik noted. "So anything interesting the fortune teller told you?", he asked.

"Apparently were I to know why we go to Primum, it would not happen.", Het said.

"Then it is most fortunate I haven't said anything.", Varik said with a smile. Hetroth rolled his eyes. "Anything else?", the buck asked.

"Well, seems as though he predicted we would ride with this wolf.", Hetroth noted. "A bit vaguely, but he says that's the only way to keep certain things from not happening.", he added.

"What?", Ivid asked.

"Nevermind. Not really sure why telling it straight would prevent this.", Hetroth said, eyeing the carriage curiously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about.", Ivid said, palming her temple.

"Well, you see...", Varik began, but stopped when he noticed the wolf leave the building. "I'll explain later, shall I?", he concluded, seeing the wolf wave them over.

They approached Filithus with some apprehension. "Greetings. I am Filithus Reffus. I offer my modest carriage as transport.", he said with a pronounced bow.

"I am Ivid Coll, Artificer seeker.", Ivid introduced herself. "And I hate to question generosity, but is there any particular reason for it?", she asked.

"A fair question. You see, I am of the belief that everything in our lives is destiny. I was destined to, among other things, encounter your somewhat odd-looking group. And very little would come of it were I to simply glance your way and make nothing of it.", the wolf explained, although to limited understanding of the listeners.

"So you believe the gods have pre-planned our lives, is that it?", Hetroth asked.

"I believe the gods themselves follow destiny. It is inescapable.", Fil said.

"Well, if you say so.", Hetroth shrugged.

"Having visited the oracle, you should know this. What he sees cannot be changed, no matter what.", the wolf said. "And what names has destiny bestowed upon the remaining two of you?", he asked, now looking towards Varik and Roeterik.

"I am Roeterik Rinlenn, Artificer guardian.", the cream-coloured dog said.

"I am Varikas. Just Varikas. Of the All Knowing, I suppose.", Varik said.

"Oh, and this here is my driver, Koriko Hak.", Fil said, waving towards the avian sitting atop the carriage, who responded with a curt nod toward the group. "Now with introductions out of the way, let us board and tread fast.", he said, opening the door.

One by one they entered, taking up seats where possible. It was quite spacious for a carriage, although it still likely wouldn't hold more than 6 passengers comfortably. Once their host had boarded as well, they closed the door and were off, the 6 solflights taking off with surprising speed.

"So what exactly sends you this way, if I may ask?", Filithus asked, his voice shaking with the rapidly shivering carriage. They took a moment's pause, trying to figure out who should explain it.

"Well, I travel to Primum to my guild hall. Hetroth here is following me because I asked him to. The ferret is following him because she fears for his safety. And the dog is following her because the guild told him to bring her back.", Varik explained.

"And what awaits in your guild hall in Primum?", Fil asked curiously.

"I'm afraid that's a surprise for my companion.", Varik said with a smile.


They'd arrived within 4 hours of travel, their journey having grown relatively silent for only the last hour. Much to Hetroth's embarrassment, they'd divulged the true origins of their present situation, revealing his relation to the buck, although the wolf seemed to take it in stride, saying alcohol and unusual sexual adventures tended to go hand in hand. And when they didn't speak of how they'd come to be in their present situation, the wolf told tales of his countless businesses, of how the fortune teller had aided him in predicting when a sector of the alcohol market would become vacant due to a natural disaster, and how destiny truly ruled them all.

Hetroth was beginning to think the wolf's descriptions of destiny made it seem like his very own one-man religion. All-powerful, yet utterly uncaring and primal, something that rules over everything in the universe, even the gods. Hetroth didn't put much stock in what he said.

As they left the carriage and gave their farewells, Hetroth realized they were already within the walls of the city, and his cityscape comparison would be impossible at this point. All he could seek for contrast were the streets themselves. But even in that regard, everything seemed incomparably richer than in Tertium. The roads were all made of near uniformly coloured, bright grey brick, the walls around engraved with inlays, the windows oft decorated with monochromatic mosaics and creatively shaped gratings, and statues of stone, bronze and silver alike adorned the sides of every major road. The structures seemed tall beyond possibility, making Hetroth stare in wonder how they were made to keep from falling.

"Impressive, hm?", Varik asked, seeing the starry-eyed Hetroth looking around with mouth slightly agape.

"Yes.", Het said absentmindedly. "It is quite incredible.", he said with some returned composure.

"City's a city.", Ivid murmured.

"I've seen better.", Roeterik interjected. "Not much, though.", he added with a guilty smile as Het looked at him with some resentment.

Though they didn't pass too close, Hetroth caught sight of a building seemingly very familiar, even though he'd never been there before. The Artificer's guild. Same as one in any other city, no more finely decorated, nor any bigger. It was almost disappointing compared to how everything else in the city seemed bigger than their equivalents in Tertium. The feeling was only amplified as they reached the All Knowing's guild hall. While similar in style, it held twice the number of floors, and its front was decorated with a line of marble statues, presumably of notable figures of the past. Het felt himself blush under his fur at the thought that their own guild hall seemed so inadequate in comparison. Yet he said nothing.

"You arrive early.", a black, female wolf at the front of the building noted. She was otherwise dressed quite unremarkably - a cloth, high-collared tunic with an azure surcoat, a common style among the All Knowing. Perhaps the most eye-catching aspect of her was the short, feathery tuft of hair upon her scalp.

"That we do.", Varik said. "Some fortune came our way and hastened our journey.", he said.

"And you arrive with additional company.", the black wolf continued, eyeing the two strangers with overt suspicion.

"I do. These are my guests, and friends to my companion.", Varik said, placing a hand over Het's shoulder for emphasis. The female wolf raised a brow and shrugged.

"Care to introduce them?", the wolf asked.

"Not really.", Varik said and lead them on, moving past the now frowning black wolf.

"That was... rather odd.", Hetroth noted.

"Me and Cossian aren't on the best of terms.", Varik said in a rather grumpy tone.

"What happened?", Het asked.

"Not a story I like to tell.", Varik said, sounding quite irate to even hear the question. Hetroth decided this wasn't a matter worth pursuing. At least for now.


With Ivid and Roeterik placed in a separate guest room for the duration of their stay, Varik and Hetroth settled in a room of their own. It wasn't as large as Varik's own room in Tertium, but it compensated in other aspects. The walls were engraved with floral patterns, the floors themselves tiled with polished wood, and the window panes were held in place with arc-shaped decorative muntins of iron, their elegance complementing the cityscape of the temple district buildings rising above all others in the distance beyond. The centrepiece of the room was a twin bed large enough to easily house four people across.

"Rather fancy.", Hetroth noted as he walked in and sat down on the bed, discarding his pack at its foot.

"Quite.", Varik said and moved to likewise sit at a table no less ornate than the rest of the room, then started to pull off the few pieces of armour he wore.

"So what now?", Het asked as he likewise began to strip off the heavier parts of his wear.

"Now we've likely a couple days of wait. Assuming nothing happens to hurry everything along.", Varik said.

"So we just sit and do nothing?", Hetroth asked with a tilt of his head.

"There are some preparations to see to. And you will get to meet some of the more prominent persons within the guild.", Varik said.

"I don't think I have the mind for many more new acquaintances.", Het muttered.

"Worry not. To most you'll be little more than a passing curio. No need to remember such persons.", Varik said.

"That's... not very reassuring. How do I know whom to remember then?", Hetroth asked.

"You'll likely be seeing more of them than a passing greeting.", Varik said as he finally freed himself of the metallic parts of his armour.

"I'll keep that in mind.", Het said. "What of my colleagues?", he asked.

"What of them?", Varik asked, sounding somewhat disinterested.

"They won't just be stuck in their room all this time, right?", Hetroth asked.

"They will not.", Varik said. "But they won't be provided with quite the same level of access you enjoy.", he noted.

"Hm? What do you mean?", Het asked with a raised brow.

"Well, they'll be allowed to make use of the baths, training hall and library, but not much beyond that.", Varik explained. "Certain things are meant for your eyes only.", he added.

"But why?", Het asked.

"Because you are one we can trust to some extent.", Varik said.

"Huh.", Hetroth murmured.

"Even on the road, I feel they were considering alternatives more violent to take you back.", Varik said.

"I sensed no hostile intent.", Het said with a frown. Varik sighed and got up, only to sit next to the hyena.

"You hardly sense hostility from those you trust.", Varik said, then abruptly drove his fist between the hyena's legs.

"Agh!", Het exclaimed in shock and doubled over.

"Didn't sense hostile intent there either, did you?", Varik asked with a smile.

"Damn it, Varik, that hurt.", Het said, still cupping his balls.

"Sorry, but it was a point worth making, I feel.", Varik said with a mischievous smile. Hetroth couldn't disagree more. And as much as he wanted to get back at the buck immediately, he felt he'd have little luck as long as he sensed hostile intent and could fight back.

"Well, they didn't do anything.", Het said, pulling his hands away with a grimace. "Even as we slept.", he added.

"That much is true.", Varik said. "Yet we'd still rather keep them out of the proceedings.", he said.

"Mind telling what those proceedings are, then?", Hetroth asked.

"Can't say just yet.", Varik smirked. Hetroth rolled his eyes. "For now, we go to clean the stink of journey off ourselves.", he said. "And in this, your companions may join us.", he added, at which a startling thought reached Hetroth's mind.

"Uh, Varik?", Het asked.

"Hm?", Varik murmured in answer.

"You're not thinking about taking us to the more public part of the baths, right?", Het asked.

"Of course we go there.", Varik said with a furrowed brow. "You're to meet some of the people here, and the baths seem like a rather adequate place for it.", he added.

"I don't exactly want to meet them naked.", Het said. This wasn't even his primary concern.

"Your modesty is as adorable as it is sometimes troublesome.", Varik said with a smile. Hetroth looked on without humour. "Alright, I promise you won't meet too many people with the wind at your parts. Today, at least. We go only now that it's late in the afternoon. Generally not too many people attend the baths then.", he explained.

"That's not very comforting.", Het said.

"Then what exactly troubles you?", Varik asked.

"My guildmates.", Het said uncertainly.

"Are they as shy as you are?", Varik asked.

"It's... well, it's one thing to come out naked in front of strangers so used to the idea it's second nature to them.", Hetroth explained. "But with Ivid...", he trailed off, feeling the conclusion quite obvious.

"Are you certain it's not just you who finds the nude form so disturbing?", Varik asked with a smirk.

"Quite certain.", Hetroth said with some resentment. "In my guild, everyone bathes in privacy. I do not imagine it is merely out of habit.", he said.

"I see.", Varik said and rubbed his chin. "Well, I'll ask one of the girls to offer her a more private bath. I can also offer one to your other friend if you find it necessary.", he offered.

"That would be good...", Het said, thinking back to Roeterik's particular bodily trait. Perhaps he would indeed appreciate the privacy.

"But we go to the public section.", Varik said more sternly.

"Oh, alright.", Het said with a troubled sigh. He wasn't looking forward to meeting new people like that. Nor running into Niridith and giving her a response to her offer.


As they entered the pool area, Hetroth took in the sights of the richer version of the hall he'd seen in Tertium. It was taller, for certain, and much to his surprise, to make use of that added space, the pools themselves were held on multiple levels, with water pouring down from the top level as though down a waterfall.

"That's... quite amazing.", Hetroth blurted out, having temporarily forgotten his modesty.

"It is.", Varik said with a smile.

Other parts of the hall simply looked like an improved upon version of the Tertium one. The reliefs and statues were taller, the columns lined with silver, and the skylight above beheld a series of mosaics, each some form of persons nude, most of them canine and for the most part alone in awkward poses, yet a lot of them seemed to join with other figures in suggestive embrace. At the very least, that was the only place such embrace could be seen at this time of day.

As they sat down in a smaller, round pool with steps, not unlike the last time they were in a public bathing area, Hetroth took greater note of the people around. Only two stray groups of people to be found in the monumentally sized baths, looking to be simply casually talking while bathing. One of those groups seemed a mix of non-canine species, Hetroth noted.

"Not meeting too many people today, I guess?", Het asked.

"Oh, I've arranged for at least one to come by.", Varik said as he began to run a wash cloth along his arms.

"Great.", Hetroth said in disdain and likewise began to clean his fur.

"It's not like there's any avoiding it.", Varik noted.

"I'd be more than happy to meet them with some clothes on.", Hetroth said.

"Unless you intend to pass on the morning baths, that's unlikely to happen.", Varik said.

"I could always insist on a private baths for myself.", Het countered.

"You could.", Varik said with visible displeasure. Het stifled a sigh.

"Alright, we'll have it your way.", Het said. "I'm really not fond of having my balls out in the open when people meet me.", he said. Varik smirked.

"Afraid they might make hurtful comments about your balls?", Varik asked teasingly. Hetroth merely rolled his eyes. "Ah! There's the person I wanted you to meet.", he said.

Hetroth looked over to find a female wolf of purest white fur heading their way. She seemed younger than Varik, though she walked with some sense of self-importance Hetroth couldn't quite figure out. Her hair was swept to the side and straw-like, the longest strands reaching just below her shoulders. Beneath her fur he noticed a few scars - one along her left shoulder, another over her left side, and one running down her left knee down to the end of her shin.

"Welcome to Primum, Varik.", she said as she approached.

"Kapria.", Varik said plainly with a curt nod.

"And this?", Kapria asked, looking at Het.

"Hetroth. Sersa.", Het spoke up, fighting the instinct to cover himself.

"I am Kapria Ferellic, head of the Tertium branch of the All Knowing.", Kapria said with an air of pride. "Varik, a moment of your time, please.", she added, looking towards the buck. Varik nodded and rose up from the pool, carrying off some of the water with him as he crossed its edge.

Hetroth looked at the two draw some distance from him and begin to talk. Their exchange looked rather formal at first, but they began to elicit mild smiles between each other. Then they seemed to fade and become more serious again.

Feeling the course of the conversation only made him more nervous somehow, Hetroth looked up at the skylight, peering through the few transparent pieces of glass out into the night sky. Some of the stars already shined bright at this time, although their light was occasionally obscured by more and more frequent and dark clouds. No matter how long he looked out, however, the experience of a couple days ago did not re-occur. He'd been thinking it may've been more than just a dream, but right now it didn't seem so.

His thoughts came flowing back to the present as he felt and heard the water displace quite rapidly. He looked around in confusion to find something quite unexpected that made him abandon his prior attempt at curbing his sense of humility and cover his groin.

"I... didn't expect you to join us.", Het stammered out.

"I couldn't just leave you with him.", Ivid said, even as she blushed profusely and covered herself.

Hetroth wanted to say he would've been fine, but felt it might irritate Ivid.

"Where is he, anyway?", Ivid asked as though trying to take both their minds off of the awkwardness of the situation.

"Over there.", Hetroth said, nudging his head to the side. "Talking to the head of his branch.", he said.

"I see...", Ivid said.

An awkward bout of silence commenced, the red on both their faces going through various shades depending on their level of discomfort. As Hetroth looked around the hall to find something less embarrassing to focus his mind on, he noticed someone familiar come in through the entrance and approach them without the shame the two of them now experienced.

"Might I join?", Roeterik asked, then sat down at the pool's edge without awaiting answer.

"Did you follow me?", Ivid asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice, even as she looked away from either of the two males.

"Not at all. I just wanted to bathe and saw little reason for a private bath.", the cream-coloured mutt said. "Is it customary to cover yourself here?", he asked, even as he sat spread-legged in between his two guildmates.

"Uh. Not at all.", Hetroth said with some thought, then finally pulled his hands away from his groin, instead crossing his arms over his chest, trying to downplay his embarrassment.

"I sense tension.", Rette said with a smile.

"Shut up.", Ivid snapped back, this time turning sharply towards the mutt. It was more than apparent she'd spared a glance towards his nethers, and a less than subtle double-take indicated she'd noticed something wrong. She said nothing, and instead returned to scanning the tiles of the room with a look of disbelief in her eyes.

"I'll never understand your sense of shame.", Roeterik said and dipped his washcloth in the water below, before beginning to briskly run it through his fur, starting from the neck. Ivid looked like she wanted to say something, but instead turned a slightly darker colour of red.

Hetroth decided to follow by Rette's example and likewise began to clean, trying his best to ignore his surroundings. He could only hope they would all focus on getting clean as quick as possible and end the situation. Although for the moment, Ivid was still frozen in her less than confident pose, managing only to spare glances here and there. Most notably Het noticed her staring at him, only to turn away once she'd noticed him staring back.

Just then, Varik returned. "Thought the two of you would prefer private baths.", he said.

"I've nothing to hide.", Roeterik said with a smile, gesturing broadly to demonstrate.

"Oh. You're a eunuch.", Varik noticed, looking quite surprised.

"That I am.", Rette said with somewhat of a smug expression. It hardly seemed apt to Het. "First you've seen one?", he asked.

"Not at all. I know one other.", Varik said. "You might run into him, actually.", he added. "And what are you supposed to be? A statue of Alinis?", Vark asked at the ferret. The comparison to the servant of Tavat, known also as the patron of grace and dignity, seemed quite apt to Hetroth. Although he daren't say so himself.

"What do you care?", Ivid asked back, sounding slighted.

"Just you're not going to be doing much cleaning this way.", Varik said as he sat down next to Hetroth.

"He's got a point.", Rette said, at which Ivid sighed heavily and unhanded her parts most private, then began to likewise wash herself. Hetroth couldn't help but spare the occasional glance at her body. It felt like a surreal dream, considering how long they'd known each other while remaining so thoroughly guarded in such matters, at least up until recently.

"Gods under, you Artificers see no wrong in combat to the death, but a bit of skin turns you into children.", Varik said.

"Varik.", Hetroth said sternly.

"Sorry.", Varik conceded.

"Hey, I'm not like that.", Rette said.

"An exception to the rule.", Varik said. Roeterik shrugged.

"Alright, enough.", Ivid said, sounding bitter.

"Why are you here anyway?", Varik asked, eyeing the ferret curiously.

"Can't say I trust leaving you with Hetroth.", Ivid said resentfully.

"Really? In the baths?", Varik asked, tilting his head.

"...yes.", Ivid said, seemingly less convinced than a moment earlier.

"I trust you won't attempt to follow us into bed.", Varik said. Ivid looked unamused.

Hetroth palmed his face for a moment and closed his eyes. The only thing he could view as a positive of this whole situation was that Niridith hadn't come to seek an answer to her proposal. And that Varik hadn't decided to begin molesting him in front of everyone.


"That was just about the worst outcome possible.", Hetroth said in whisper as they walked through the hallways of the All Knowing, his two companions following in tow. It seemed to be enjoying a particularly notable amount of traffic at this time of day, Het noticed, and he didn't want their conversation to reach certain ears.

"What do you mean?", Varik asked.

"Ivid. And Roeterik. Well, mostly Ivid.", Het said, realizing the mutt had been somewhat of a shameless blank slate. The two in question were currently well behind, speaking of something in whisper themselves.

"I'm not exactly happy they came either.", Varik said.

"I mean in the baths.", Het specified, feeling the buck may've been speaking in broader terms.

"Me too.", Varik said with a smirk. "You're so tense around them.", he said.

"I know. It's just... I still fear what they'll think of me.", Hetroth said.

"What? Of your member and balls?", Varik asked teasingly. "Worry not, you've nothing to be ashamed of.", he added, further aggravating Het.

"You know what I mean.", Het said in a hiss.

"Truly I do not. They already know we sleep together.", Varik said.

"Yes, but... they might not take liking to seeing shows of affection.", Het said contemplatively.

"Why? Would they behave any different around a spouse of their own?", Varik asked. "I understand this is a highly hypothetical question in the case of the mutt.", he added with a smirk. Het rolled his eyes.

"I imagine they would.", Het said. "Most couples in our guild act in a more dignified manner.", he said.

"And what of those not in the 'most'?", Varik asked. Het thought on this for a while. He'd just been reminded of the cat twins and their various flings, among which were suspicions of incest. Their reputation was hardly one to be enjoyed. And a rabbit couple that seemed unable to keep their hands off each other. Though less disreputable, they weren't particularly gladly greeted either.

"Their behaviour is somewhat frowned upon.", Het said.

"Not any more than sleeping with your own, right?", Varik asked.

"I suppose not.", Het said. "Yet I still fear they might find it hard to stomach if they actually witnessed us doing something.", he said. "And sometimes I fear your lack of inhibition might lead to that.", he added.

"If only I yet were that young and impulsive.", Varik said, momentarily lost in thought.

"It's not a natural impulse I fear from you. It's the more malicious sort.", Het said with a frown.

"I kept my cock restrained during our travels, so fret not.", Varik said with an amused smile. Het couldn't really share in his amusement.

"And either way, I still don't find the idea of being nude around others comfortable.", Het said. "Particularly not around someone with even greater inhibitions.", he added.

"I believe you overestimate your companions' disdain for such things.", Varik said.

"I thought it was pretty clear who hid themselves the most back there.", Het said with a raised brow.

"Well, perhaps I've said too much.", Varik said with a mild smile.

"What?", Het asked in confusion.

"Never you mind.", Varik said with a smirk and ruffled the hyena's yet damp hair.

"Hey!", Het protested pulling away from the buck and glancing behind at his two guildmates. They didn't seem to mind much.


The training hall of the Primum branch likely held the least impressive change compared to Tertium's. Though broader and wider, it was no taller, and other than some wooden inlays along the walls, held little difference to its less splendid counterpart. The floors were lined with mats, training dummies were arranged along one of the walls, benches along those to the sides, and every other wall segment was stocked with racks of various training weapons in between sturdy, conical statues of warriors bearing the All Knowing sigils.

A more prominent difference, however, was how crowded it was. There were at least a dozen pairs, filling the room with cacophonous cracks of colliding wood, with the occasional grunt, cry or shriek in between, signifying a strike had met its mark. A couple more lone figures dotted the benches, resting in between bouts.

"Is this going to be a regular point of every visit?", Hetroth asked, looking around the room with some concern.

"Not unless you prefer we remain in the room and read.", Varik said. "Not so sure your companions would prefer that either.", he added, making himself heard to the two Artificers.

"I never pass the chance to train.", Roeterik said with a cocky smile. He seemed eager to test his mettle against the All Knowing.

"And I follow Hetroth wherever possible.", Ivid said. "Even here.", she added, not quite as adamant about the idea of combat, pretend or otherwise.

"Why don't you demonstrate what one of your rank fights like?", Varik asked, just barely withholding the full weight of sarcasm. Ivid didn't bother to hide the scorn she felt.

"Fine. Het.", Ivid said in a sulky but commanding tone as she moved towards one of the weapon racks. Het gave the buck a dirty look as he followed. This was an unpleasant situation.

As they assumed their fighting stances with short swords in hand, Hetroth looked at Ivid with some concern. While he certainly wouldn't repeat his recent mistake of going too hard on her, he wasn't about to let her win either. He feared their spar might escalate unexpectedly, not only because Ivid herself was visibly fuming and likely wanted to prove her promotion was not unfounded, but also because Het knew he himself had some latent bitterness he had to take care not to take out on her.

Ivid launched the first attack, committing a series of hard strikes at Het's upper area. He blocked and deflected the strikes with the bare minimum of effort. A lunge followed after, only to be parried and followed up with a grab, immobilizing Ivid's wrist. She tried to pull away, but couldn't, permitting Het to nick her side with his own blade, signifying an end to their bout.

They reassumed their initial stance, with Ivid now looking even more irate. This time Het started off with a feint thrust, then swung from the side. The maneuver itself nearly made Ivid drop her sword in panic, but instead she ended up with a slightly hurting shoulder as Hetroth's blade made impact against a loose, clumsy block.

Het was beginning to feel sorry for the ferret as she now began to visibly cuss under her breath. This was one of those times he could tell she was about to give up, except now she was mad, with him in particular. He decided to let her attack for a while.

Ivid leapt in with a sequence of wild swings, making harsh but manageable contact as Het blocked. He began to notice something about her attacks, however. Something he thought coincidental at first, but steadily he began to feel it was intentional. Before he could lose his focus to his own growing sense of irritation, he stepped in and grabbed her by her sword hand, locking it behind her shoulder, and pulled her in. As if in confirmation of his suspicions, she tried to knee him, but since he'd expected it, he deflected the strike with his leg and followed up with a light kick to her other leg's knee, sending her to her knees. Her held arm straightened out in his grip, at which point Het placed his sword at the nape of her neck, their bout at an end.

As Het finally released Ivid's arm, he watched her fully descend to the floor, grasping her pained arm. It was only momentary, however, as she got up with a hiss and resumed her stance, only for Hetroth to turn around and walk off towards where Varik now sat.

"I'm having none of this, Iv.", Het called behind himself.

Ivid didn't answer, and instead remained planted in the ground where she stood.

"Had enough?", Varik asked with a smirk.

"Not now.", Het grumbled, looking over towards Roeterik. He was apparently drawing a crowd somehow, as a number of All Knowing now observed as he made short work of most anyone who tried their luck with him.

"What? Thought you proved your point.", Varik asked in genuine confusion.

"It's not that I won, it's how she lost.", Het said, looking as Ivid now began to approach.

"Oh, that.", Varik noted. "Judging by your record, I thought that was standard behaviour.", he said with a smirk.

"Not in a friendly spar.", Het said.

"Well, if you can't work it out with swords, work it out with words. I'm going to go warm up.", Varik said and rose to his hoofs, leaving the displeased-looking Het to face Ivid alone.

Before she could come within earshot of him, however, Hetroth turned and walked out the door. Whether he genuinely wanted tempers to cool before they spoke or if he was just being pouty, he had little desire to talk to the ferret.


Wandering alone through the semi-abandoned corridors brought back some memories. Ones that made him question what the motivations of the All Knowing exactly were. He wondered if perhaps he would find any similar secrets by simple exploration. With a mental shrug, he turned down one of the darker corridors and began his expedition.

This wasn't quite the Tertium branch, however, and a darker corridor wasn't quite as obvious as therein. They were quite abandoned for the moment, though. As he looked from room to room, testing for locked doors, he steadily began to think perhaps this branch didn't have the same kinds of secrets to hide. But as he followed a set of stairs to the floor below, he thought he'd caught a glimpse of green at the edge of his vision. He followed down the corridor there, attempting to peer into rooms it might've gone down, listening closely for signs of footstep. What disturbed him more than anything, however, was that he heard footsteps not before, but following behind him.

Feeling as though he was running out of time, he randomly picked a door to find a room most peculiar, yet strangely familiar. Small and unassuming, yet with a circle of tables and bookshelves aligned around, and there, at the opposite end, he once more met eyes with the wraith. Rather than flee again, this time he entered in something of a stupor and closed the door behind him.

For a while they simply stood facing each other, motionlessly, both looking rather surprised by the sudden turn of events. It was a vaguely canine-shaped mess of yellowed bandages, a simple brown robe upon them to grant it some sense of dignity. The wraith's eyes looked strangely tired, despite their overwhelming green glow.

"Who are you?", Hetroth finally blurted out, uncertain if a wraith could even communicate.

"Pakhaton Ausir.", the wraith said with a raspy voice somehow familiar to Het. "I would ask of your name, but I already know it.", he said.

"You... know me?", Het asked uncertainly. Pakhaton nodded. "What are you?", he asked.

"What does it look like?", Pakhaton asked, gesturing over himself.

"A wraith.", Hetroth said.

"In a manner of speaking. More specifically I'm what one would call a vol-rinn. A rerisen.", Pakhaton said.

"Undead.", Het said.

"Yes.", Pakhaton said.

"That is... that's a crime.", Hetroth said.

"In the canine kingdoms, perhaps.", Pakhaton said in disinterest. "Not so where I was actually returned.", he said.

"That seems a technicality.", Hetroth said, uncertain what the law said of such matters exactly.

"It is. And it would cause us much grief were my existence revealed.", Pakhaton said. "I trust you don't wish to vanquish me over a technicality.", he added, speaking of the matter without emotion.

"I... don't know. I suppose not.", Het said.

"Good, then.", Pakhaton said. "Anything else I can help you with?", he asked.

"What... what are you doing?", Hetroth asked, realizing he had no question more specific.

"At the moment? Reading.", Pakhaton said.

"But what do you do in this guild?", Het asked on, hoping for a more specific answer.

"For the most part, same as any other guild member. Except I can't leave.", Pakhaton said.

"But... why were you returned?", Hetroth asked.

"Because I'd died to a blade in my side and some of my guild mates decided they weren't ready to let me leave just yet.", Pakhaton said.

"So this was the guild's doing?", Het asked.

"Not really. Just of those few guild mates.", Pakhaton said.

"Was Varik among them?", Hetroth asked.

"No.", Pakhaton said plainly. "As much as I appreciate your interest in my unlife, I do have some tasks to return to.", he said.

Hetroth stood a while, looking at the wraith for a while more, in shock and uncertainty alike. He turned and moved out the door.

As he began to move back out into the main hall of the guild, his thoughts were swimming in doubts and fears. He'd just seen... spoken to a wraith for the first time in his life. Or a rerisen, as he'd called himself. And he'd faced it with no regard for his safety. He couldn't even know for certain if any of what he'd learned was true.

His mind leapt back into the present as an arm landed on his shoulder, making him jump and swing around in stunned silence.

"Ivid.", Het gasped out.

"Gods under, Het. Where were you?", Ivid asked.

"Just... wandering the halls.", Het said, thinking it might be a bad idea to mention the wraith.

"Why'd you leave like that?", Ivid asked on, sounding irritated, yet not quite as wroth as before.

"I-... I was upset with you and didn't want to talk. So I left.", Het said.

"Upset with me? You humiliated me back there.", Ivid said, sounding furious once more. "I'm the one who should be upset.", she said, crossing her arms.

"You were the one convinced you'd do better than me.", Hetroth noted with a raised brow.

"Yes, and you verily dispelled that idea.", Ivid said, looking like a wound was being steadily dug up. "But you dodge the question.", she added. Hetroth paused for a while to compose himself.

"You were aiming low.", Het said, now sounding irate himself. "At areas normally off-limits during a spar.", he added.

"Oh.", Ivid said, looking as though she was considering her answer carefully. "Well, I didn't expect it to land. Just to distract you from protecting other areas.", she said.

"Ivid.", Hetroth said in annoyance. "This is combat. You can't predict when someone slips and a hit lands.", he said.

"Alright, alright. I know.", Ivid said, looking at least somewhat less confident in her explanation. "I was just upset... it felt like you were directly questioning whether my advancement was deserved.", she said.

Hetroth considered her words for a while, saying nothing. In a way she was right. He could not forget how he'd been robbed of his chance while ample opportunity seemed to have arisen for her. But it was hardly fair of him to transfer his frustration with the matter onto her. Yet her own boost in confidence and attitude seemed very much unwarranted, and only served to reignite that resentment.

"I'm sorry.", Ivid said with a sigh. "I know it might've ended poorly.", she said.

"I apologize as well.", Het said. "Not for besting you. That was deserved.", he added, to which Ivid raised a brow and grimaced. "But I was... am still resentful of your fortune.", he said with some sense of shame.

"I see.", Ivid said, sounding morose.

"I realize it's undeserved.", Hetroth said. "But I simply fear fortune may've turned from me quite permanently.", he said.

"Why do you think that?", Ivid asked curiously.

"I no longer hold sway by right of family.", Hetroth explained. "And if my recent experiences are any indication, I can only expect grief on account of my love interests, from both my superiors and friends.", he said. "It seems the best I can anticipate within the guild anymore is to maintain my meagre rank.", he added before Ivid could even think to protest his last sentence.

"Oh, Het.", Ivid said, palming her cheek. "It's not the end of the world.", she said.

"No, but it may as well be the end of my life as an Artificer.", Hetroth said.

"You don't know for sure.", Ivid countered. "Fortune has a way of evening things out. I know I've had my share of poor luck prior to this.", she said, pausing for a while to better pick her words. "As much as I understand our situations don't exactly compare, my fortune comes with the questionable benefit of having everyone around second-guess me. Mayhap for the rest of my life.", she said. "I know I'm not much of a fighter next to you, nor most others, but that's not what our advancement was supposed to involve in the first place. Not yet, anyway.", she said. Hetroth stood and listened for a while, his thoughts lost in a storm of mixed emotions.

"You're right. For the most part.", Het said, no longer able to stay upset with Iv. "But I don't exactly believe in fortunes evening out.", he said. "There's people more and less fortunate. For some it just never evens out.", he said in a morose tone.

"Then grab any opportunity that arises to better your fortune.", Ivid said. "I refuse to believe one who works hard earns no rewards.", she said.

"I've recently learned that beliefs are one thing, and stark reality is quite another.", Het said.

"Then I will make sure reality matches beliefs, Het.", Ivid said adamantly. "If any doubt your ability, I will vouch for you. I will drag you up the ranks if that's what it takes.", she said with growing vehemence.

Hetroth was surprised by her determination, though he wanted to put the worth of just her support into question. Not only would she need to be of far greater rank for her words to influence those currently above both of them, requiring tens of years to achieve, but at best he could expect the repute of one being favorized and forced up the ranks by a more valuable colleague as a result.

"Thanks, Ivid.", Het said, still sounding gloomy. He decided not to voice his concerns.

"You're welcome, of course.", Ivid said with a concerned smile.

"Shall we return now?", Het asked.

"Sure.", Ivid said. "Let's see how Roeterik's been doing.", she said.


As they returned into the training hall and sat at a bench to observe, Roeterik was apparently yet unbested, a number of applicants lining up around to try their luck with the man that moved as though in a permanent hastening enchantment.

"This is good.", Varik said with a grin as he sat next to Hetroth.

"What is?", Het asked.

"Your eunuch friend. He makes short work of anyone many ranks above our equivalents.", Varik said.

"So you'd say your guild makes much worse fighters?", Ivid asked teasingly.

"Without the use of enchantments, certainly.", Varik said.

"And how would those help against one seemingly permanently enchanted?", Het now asked.

"The right counter to the right enchantment, I'd say.", Varik said.

"And if he applies an enchantment himself? What then?", Het asked.

"Then best cast one's own quicker, or match his skill with a blade.", Varik said with a smile.

"And you believe you could do that?", Hetroth asked in doubt.

"Possibly.", Varik said thoughtfully. "Not certainly.", he added with a smile. Hetroth shrugged and watched on as Roeterik delivered bruise after bruise with his wooden longsword.

Eventually someone quite imposing stepped up, a wolf as large as a bull, wielding a staff. Try as he might, Roeterik could not reliably close the gap between them, and soon found himself lying flat on his back with a hurting knee and a piece of wood pressed up against his abdomen. He didn't seem too displeased with the outcome, however, and gladly accept the offered hand.

"That was fun.", Rette commented as he limped towards the bench where his companions sat. He was sweating quite profusely

"That's your idea of fun?", Ivid asked.

"Why not? I just beat over two dozen people.", Rette said. "It's good to feel appreciated.", he said.

"Can't argue there.", Ivid said glumly.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?", Varik asked curiously.

"The guild, of course.", Rette said with a smile.

"That's not what I've seen of your guild's performance.", Varik countered, sparing a glance towards the other two Artificers, much to their joint irritation.

"There may've been some aspects of my younger days that helped.", Rette said with a slight guilt to his smile. "But I assure you it's no foul play.", he added.

"Not something I implied.", Varik said.

"What do we do now?", Roeterik said as he sat next to them.

"You, for one, could use a bath.", Ivid said, taking note of the white mutt's excessively damp clothing.

"I go where you go.", Rette said.

"Fine. I'll go too, then.", Ivid said.

"We'll be turning in for the night.", Varik said, placing a hand upon Het's shoulder.

"Oh. Very well.", Ivid said, seemingly taken aback. "Good night, then.", she said and rose to her paws, followed by Rette. They left in somewhat of a hurry.

"I wish you hadn't put it that way.", Het whispered to the buck.

"They'll have to get used to it eventually. May as well start now.", Varik said and got up.


"Any news of the big surprise I'm supposed to be here for?", Hetroth asked as they ventured through the corridors.

"Patience.", Varik said with a smile. "None for the moment.", he said.

"What were you talking about with the head of your branch, then?", Het asked.

"Oh, mostly gossip. Regarding you.", Varik said with a mischievous smile.

"I suppose our sex life is common knowledge within your guild by now.", Hetroth said in half-hearted jest.

"It's not as interesting to everyone as you might think.", Varik said with a chuckle. "Certainly not to Kapria.", he added with an impish smile.

"Hm? What do you mean by that?", Het asked.

"Let's just say her interests are disparate yet similar our own.", Varik said.

"Huh?", Het questioned, thinking as to what he meant. "Oh.", he sounded out in realization, his brow raised quite high. "So the head of your branch is..."

"Somewhat like us, yes.", Varik said. "And look who approaches.", he added as they noticed the woman in question heading their way, at her side the black-furred female wolf that'd met them at the front of the guild entrance. Their fur colours and hair styles made for quite the contrast.

"Off to bed, Varik?", Cossian asked.

"That we are.", Varik said dryly.

"Been avoiding giving me a proper introduction.", Cossian noted.

"Not a thing I deemed necessary, but if you insist.", Varik said with a mild sense of annoyance. "Hetroth, Cossian. Cossian, Hetroth.", he said, gesturing towards the persons in question.

"A pleasure to meet you.", Cossian said towards Het. Hetroth wasn't quite sure it was, as the atmosphere in the air seemed rather tense.

"Coss.", Varik said sternly, a look of sheer disdain in his eyes as he looked at the female wolf.

"What? It's not like I'm challenging him to a duel.", Cossian said with a smirk.

"Cossian.", now Kapria chimed in even more sternly. Likely because she saw the same thing in Varik's eyes Het now saw for perhaps the first time. Pure rage.

"What? I thought you wanted this.", Cossian asked, at which point Varik now turned his mad gaze towards Kapria.

"Alright, enough. Varik, this is likely not for his ears.", Kapria said, looking towards Hetroth. Varik took a deep breath and nodded.

"Het, stay here.", Varik said and went off with the two a couple dozen meters away.

As Hetroth occasionally glanced at the conversation, trying not to make it seem like he was eavesdropping, he saw the exchange looked none too pleasant, and seemed to be growing increasingly heated. At some point in the conversation, Cossian left, looking either indifferent or bitter. Hetroth couldn't tell which. Yet tempers seemed barely to cool, the word 'cunt' managing to reach his ears despite the distance. As the conversation reached its conclusion, Varik turned and walked away towards Het, for a moment looking as though ready to strike someone, yet just as quickly softened as he faced Hetroth, instead appearing quite meek and ashamed.

"Let us go.", Varik said in a glum tone.

"What was that?", Hetroth asked, fearing what it all meant.

"I fear I've allowed the past to muddle my... our future.", Varik said.

"What?", Het asked on, hoping for a more concrete answer.

"I'm sorry.", Varik said.

"Varik, you're being vague. What happened?", Hetroth said, now starting to feel annoyed yet concerned.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to witness what I'd hoped you would.", Varik said, prompting a moment of contemplative silence.

"So this entire journey has been for nothing?", Het asked with a sense of unease.

"No.", Varik said. "There's yet things you will see first-hand. Just not as much as I'd hoped.", he said.

"I see... I suppose.", Het said in uncertainty. "I still do not know what I'll be missing.", he said.

"Sometimes, Het, this guild is no different than yours.", Varik began, ignoring Het's comment. "Neither rules, nor merit, nor justice decide what you can or can't do. All that matters is who you know. Or who you're fucking.", he continued in frustration.

"What did Cossian do to you?", Het asked, concerned he might be prying too hard.

"Not to me.", Varik began, then seemed to pause in thought. "There's certain things I do not want you to know.", he said. "Leave it. Please.", he added firmly.

Hetroth nodded uncertainly, yet couldn't help but ponder and imagine what it'd been. Was she the source of one of his many scars? Had some previous acquaintance of Varik's that'd met an untimely end by her deeds? Or was it simply that she'd been favoured over another when it came to promotion? The possibilities seemed endless, and unless he'd receive something to take their place, they would likely plague his thoughts for the coming days.


Hetroth gasped in an exhilarating mix of pain and pleasure as Varik's manhood repeatedly plunged down into his depths, each thrust making their gonads collide with an audible slap. They were both sweating profusely by now, and Het was starting to hope Varik would finish soon, as he feared otherwise he'd feel the aftermath of their love-making for the entirety of the next day.

His wish came none too soon, as Varik suddenly tensed up and thrust his manhood deep into Het's behind, depositing his seed into his insides. As his orgasm faded, Varik lowered himself onto Het's back, hugging him close. The buck nuzzled the nape of Het's neck, sending pleasant shivers down his spine.

"Thank you.", Varik whispered in Het's ear, then slowly pulled out. "I'll handle yours in a moment.", he said, sitting next to the prone hyena.

Het rolled over onto his back, the feeling of fullness strange and not entirely pleasant to him. His backside was sore already, and he could only imagine what it'd be like in the morning. He nearly jumped back up when he heard the knock on the door.

Without waiting for confirmation, the person behind the door entered, startling even Varik to a lesser extent.

"Evening.", Niridith said with a sly smile. The grey female wolf seemed all too pleased to have walked in on such a moment.

"Not the best time for this.", Varik warned.

"Seems a pretty good time to me.", Niridith said as she approached, ignoring protests. An air of flowery perfume followed her, seemingly quite liberally dabbed upon her casual, light, silken robes. It may've been the first time Het had seen her clothed, yet they seemed to just barely make a difference, the centre of her chest bare, as were most of her legs.

"Fine. We're in between bouts, anyway.", Varik said with some annoyance and walked off towards the window. He opened it in full, cooling himself in the breezy night, his slowly softening genitals bared to outside scrutiny. Hetroth wanted to scream in protest, but instead lied there frozen with a still leaking semi-erection between his legs. He now realized being confronted with this in the baths might not have been the worst possible situation.

"So, have you considered my proposal?", Niridith asked, now looking down at him from between his legs.

"Uh. I think I'll pa-hey!", Het blurted out as Niridith reached down and unexpectedly took a handful of his testes. His instinct told him to hold his tongue for the moment, even if the wolf meant no harm.

"Are you sure?", Niridith asked, even as she nudged his balls around with her thumb. "Varik wouldn't mind, you know.", she said, nudging her head towards the buck.

The situation grew only more awkward as Het realized he was steadily getting hard. He could only hope it wouldn't be seen as complicity on his part. He looked towards Varik for a moment, as though seeking his opinion on the matter, but he was still facing away and out the window, arms crossed and head solemnly bowed in thought.

"Quite sure.", Hetroth said, more meekly than he'd intended.

"Pity.", Niridith said, at which point she released him.

"It's not that I don't appreciate the proposal-", Het said as she began to walk away.

"Fret not. I can handle rejection.", Niridith said with an amused smile. "Though if you ever change your mind, you needn't look far.", she added with a wink before she went out the door, leaving the two alone.

It took a minute more before the buck closed the window and rejoined the hyena. He still looked rather troubled.

"I hope you didn't make your choice for my sake.", Varik said.

"I... I sort of did.", Het admitted.

"Het, you should be making use of the opportunity.", Varik said with a displeased tilt of his mouth.

"I don't know if I want to.", Het said. "And I certainly don't want to if it troubles you.", he added.

"I've little concern in the matter.", Varik said dryly.

"That's not what it looks like to me.", Het said, prompting a moment of silence.

"Very well.", Varik said with a sigh. "I am somewhat concerned you may find you prefer cunt to cock.", he said. "But it would not feel right if you forced yourself one way for my sake.", he added.

"I'm not forcing myself into anything here.", Hetroth said, rising to a sitting position. "If anything, being this... this open and shameless about matters of sex is something I force myself into.", he said. "I'm much more guarded in these issues normally. I just do otherwise because that's what's expected here.", he explained.

"I see.", Varik said in a contemplative manner. "So you resent my efforts to open you up to such experiences?", he asked.

"No.", Het said. "It's certainly done something to my view of things.", he said. "It's just not within my realm of comfort. And neither is trying something with Niridith.", he said. "What I am comfortable with is you. And I'd rather not jeopardize that.", he added, suddenly realizing the certainty with which he'd said it. Varik smiled at this.

"When you put it that way, I'd be a fair amount more comfortable with you trying anyway.", Varik said. "If not with Niridith, then maybe that ferret friend of yours.", he added with a smirk and lowered himself in front of the hyena.

"Varik.", Het said with disdain at the thought.

"What? Maybe she'd like the idea.", Varik said as he dwelt between Het's thighs.

"I do not think she would.", Het said sternly, beginning to feel cross with Varik. The buck said no more, simply grinned at the look of Het's pouty face and leaned in, beginning to lap at the hyena's flaccid genitals. Less welcome thoughts quickly seemed to dissipate under the buck's efforts.

Guild Relations, Part 9

Hetroth woke to the sounds of rain, beating haphazardly against the window sills and roofs in a raging downpour. Summer rains were relatively rare in the canine kingdom, but harsh when they came. The stag was still well asleep when Het rose up to his...

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Guild Relations, Part 7

Hetroth sat upon Varik's bed, already bathed and fed. He was packing for the journey before them. Or rather, mostly reassessing what he'd already packed for his last excursion. He was lacking his armour, but only for the moment. Varikas had gone off...

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Riot Ball

Sillick the tan and cream coloured hare sat in the nude upon a bench within the inordinately huge and unbearably noisy locker room. He was awaiting his turn at the likewise crowded showers, not too keen on attempting to share a shower head with one of...

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