School Discipline 101

Story by Dragon Ragnarok on SoFurry

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[This is my first story since returning, and while it's short, it's better than nothing at all. This story, as most of mine do, appeal to my liking of spanking, and has no yiff! Sorry for those anticipating me writing another yiff-related story, but I promise I'll do one! For those who DO enjoy my spanking related literature, please enjoy.. it's a little short like I said, but I enjoyed writing it. ^.=.^]

Richard steadily watched as the large hand ticked away the minutes, digits nimbly twisting a pencil about as he sits at his desk waiting for the bell to ring to go to the next class. Just as the last second passed by, bells across the building suddenly ring and everyone begins standing up and shifting toward the door. Richard tries to mingle into the moving crowd, but is stop short by Mr Anders, a tall gray mature wolf dressed in standard teacher's attire. "Oh Richard, I'd like you to stay for a bit. We have something to discuss," the wolf says as he grabs the fox by the arm and pulls him away from the rest of the class as they funnel out into the hallways. Richard whimpers and stares at the ground as he's moved over to Ander's desk and made to sit in a chair.

As the last student departs, the wolf takes the time to secure the door and put the Busy sign on the doorknob. He then turns to Richard who was shifting anxiously in his seat, "Think you'd get away without me noticing that this is the second week you've gone without turning in a single homework assignment Richard? I'm very disappointed in you, seeing as we discussed this last Friday... and I told you what would happen if Friday rolled around and it happened again," the wolf states as he wanders to wall behind his desk and picks the paddle off it's wooden display, "Don't bother even trying to get yourself out of this either. I've already consulted your parents and they've given me permission to administer punishment should I find it necessary," he steps over and takes a seat in the chair behind his desk.

Richard couldn't say anything, words eluded him as the wolf tossed any hope out of the window. He stands up as the wolf asks him to, then slowly unbuttons his blue jeans and pulls them to his ankles. Next, go the dark blue boxers, leaving him bare as he steps over, "Alright Richard, I'm going to give you thirty licks and then you're to stand in the corner for the entire class period... and yes, you'll be naked, " the wolf adds as he pulls Richard over his lap. The fox didn't jerk or even dare resist even a single inch, willingly submitting him self to being hauled over the wolf's lap. He felt the wolf secure his tail, and then his outside arm while the other rested pinned against the teacher's abdomen. The cold wooden surface made the fox's stomach churn, nerves twisted up as it rubs over his bottom and then a flutter of butterflies.

Anders had no mercy as he delivers the first swat, cold and ruthless eyes giving perfect precision as the wooden instrument lands with a loud audible smack across the center of Richard's backside. Pain instantly shot through his body along with the shock, letting out a very loud yelp. His hands wanted to retreat and protect his ass, but the wolf's hold was too secure and he could only twist his body a little. Though it did no good, the wolf quickly dealt the fox a good ten licks within two or three minute's time. Course, minutes seemed eternal to the fox who whined with every swat. His skin quickly bruised red and the stinging swelled and worsened with every swat.

The wolf spared Richard for a minute, allowing the first set of ten to settle before continuing. The second set of ten worked on what the first ten laid down down. Reddening the flesh even more and causing the sting to become an almost immense burning fire that raged across his entire backside. His howling reverberated through out the classroom, the fox desperately trying to fight against the wolf's tightening hold to evade just even a single lick, but two to the back of his thighs and a firm command issued from the teacher quickly ended all of that. By the time the ninth and tenth are administered, the fox was blubbering, furry cheeks drenched from tears, which were still running down his face.

The wolf paused, again letting the pain settle in and looks over his work with a smirk of satisfaction, "So Richard, are we going to forgot to do our homework and turn it in anymore?," he asks as he gently rubs the paddle over the fox's tanned backside. "N-n-no s-sir! I-I...w-won't! I... pro-promise," Richard mutters between sniffs and sobbing. The wolf said nothing, silently acknowledging his student with a nod before giving delivering the first swat of the final ten still due, "And you're not going to make me have to do this again for anything, are you?," he ask as he steadies the paddle against the fox's bottom in preparation for the next lick. Richard cries out, feet kick and his tail flicks wildly within his teacher's grasp, "NO! N-no sir! I w-w-on't," he whimpers.

The wolf says nothing again, then continues administering the last nine swats to the fox's backside. By the end, Richard's bottom was terribly red and stung like nothing he ever felt. Despite how much he could imagine the pain Richard was in, he showed no sympathy as he stands him up and pulls him to the corner, "I want you to keep your nose there till I tell you to come out. Hands at your side and your tail up, I want this to be a severe reminder of what you'll get the next time you cause a big issue," the wolf mutters then walks off. Richard nodded silently, his nose pressing into the corner where the two walls met. Hands twitching at his side, despite how much he wanted to try and rub some of the pain out of his poor bottom. This would definitely rest on the poor fox's mind for the next few days... course, the worst part was having to stand there with his bottom on display for the students as they slowly start to wander in and sit down. It was going to be a long hour and a half for him, not even wanting to imagine the gossip that would go on.

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