Unbroken Bonds

Story by NSnowball on SoFurry

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When a brother and a sister who grew up and hung out together for all of their childhood and most of their adult lives realize that they have feelings for each other, how far are they willing to take it and act on them knowing that everyone will look down on them and not understand how close their bond really is?

***WARNING*** The following is a prequel/prologue setting up the events of the stories Redline and Redline II: Twin Charged. It contains themes of implied drug use and consensual sex between two adult sibings that may be innappropriate for anyone under the age of 18 or anyone generally disturbed by Sibling Incest You have been warned. The following Race Sequences are fiction. When you're on the road like me, race in sactioned race tracks, wear a helmet and always buckle up. Remember Drive Smart, Drive Safe, Drive Sober.


It had been a bright and sunny day for once this entire week. The rans had gone away and the heat wave had finally broken. The sound of the leaves rustling in the trees, and birds chirping were all that could be heard on this part of a very quiet countryside. The only sound breaking the tranquility was the sound a highly tuned engine as a black and blue blur of an eclipse slide around the corner at an angle, the twin charged engine . I'm moreumming away, as Tom Petty's Wildflowers played over the sound system. It was a perfect day, windows down as Snowball manipulated the controls while his longtime girl, the tigress only known as Sonya, rode shotgun holding a laptop that was plugged into the cars ECU port on the other side of snowball.

"Well, I think we got the kinks worked out of that shock system from Tein. Everything here's in the green. I hate to admit it but you might actually take the Rally Cross coming up ths weekend at this point." Sonya was beaming. To her all that mattered was winning, an attitude that Snowball didn't share. To him it wasn't about winning it was about getting better every time. It's one of the reasons why many arguments would start between them. When he would run up against a cocky id, race for their pinks and than let the kid keep his car, it infuriated her. But to Snowball, he simply was teaching these kids a lesson about humility and not being over confident.

"Feels alright," he said as he looked at the monitor, "Just not sure how it's going to hold up with 3 heats in the group, not to mention the final group. I'm more concerned about the skid plates holding. You know second generations have odd frames and I had to do some fenagaling to get the plates weled on. But for now it feels like we might have a chance to take them down. A Mustang GT that does rally cross.... I've been wanting a chance to take Liam down for the last 3 years." Sonya just laughed as she held on while Snowball slid around one more curve before slowing his speed down at an intersection that was coming up quick, "You got him this year! " They both laughed as he turned towards home.

Meanwhile back at the small garage that was their home, Snowballs younger sister, Dekota, his long time best friend Ace, were sitting there rocking out to her new speakers. But the mood was anything but bright. Dekota had grown weary of the fighting between her brother and Sonya. Ace wasn't too fond of Sonya either, but anything that made his buddy happy was okay with him. "I just don't get it. She doesn't drive, she doesn't race, yet she acts like winning is the most important thing on earth. I mean yesterday I thought they'd come to blows." Dekota shook her head as Ace shifted, lounging on his Challengers hood, "Hey, I know it's rough, but it'll all blow over. Couples fight, kiddo, that's what they do. She's got a lot to learn about how we doi things too." "Oh?" Dekota said turning her head slowly, "Said the guy who thought he could take my brother down because his car was, and I quote, a cracker jack prize." Ace almost choked on his beer as he fell onto the ground laughing, "Okay, okay. Geez, why do you guys always have to trow that in my face.." Dekota snickered, "Because it's fun."

Fun indeed as the familiar rumble of his engine was heard as he pulled up into the garage area getting out. The thing about Sonya is that she's a very provocative female. She gets what she wants by flaunting her sexuality and tormenting others around her. She got out as she planted a very deep kiss down Snowballs muzzle, teasing his tongue in a very sexual way in front of everyone else and done for a good reason. Forget leaving her, she makes you weak at the knees. Snowball was in a trance like state before shaking his head, breaking it and walking over to the others, "Everything's good. This year we got Liam and his Shelby Monstrosity." Ace fist pumped, "Yeah? Dude I heard over the channels you got one more to worry about, that guy with the silver M3 GTR.... he upgraded it to an M4 GTR, current model, i heard it's something fierce." "Snowball shrugged, "Yeah? And if he drives the way he drove that M3, than I should have no problem walking across the finish line." "Save the walking, honey. Just worry about destroying anything and everything in your way. Hey I had an idea, Why don't we go pay Liam a visit....give us a good chance to get...." Snowball interrupted her with a very disgusted look on his face, "No Sabotage. Predators don't play dirty. You want to play dirty go join the South Street Kings." Sonya rolled her eyes but reluctantly said, "Fine." That's when Dekota ear perked, "Wait, why don't we go down to the west side of town tonight and see if there's anything going on? We can always use some impromptu races to stay prepared." "That isn't a thaf bad idea kiddo, What do you think Snowball?" Ace was for once agreeing with something Dekota suggested. "Yeah sure, we'll all meet back here after midnight." "Hey I gotta take care of a couple things, Snowball, pick me up later?" Sonya ran her finger down his cheek. "Sure." And with that, everyone went their seperate ways.

Ace and Snowball were hanging out at the local watering hole, teaming up for their usual game of billards against two random others. "Hey man, you know I've got your back right." The question was offsetting but Snowball nodded not thinking much into it, "Yeah? WHat about it it?" Ace gripped his pool cue, twisting it in his hands nervously as he went to line up his next shot, "Well...Look, I .... There's no easy way to say this. I don't interfere usually because it's not my place, but Sonya....Dude she's going to stab you ni the back eventually, You can't tell me you don't see it coming. Her obsession with always being on top, I mean she's got you overworking your engine. You haven't done proper break in yet. I don't want her to hurt you and cause a rift in our team." Ace slammed th cue ball bouncing one of the solids into the corner pocket. "She's just.... new to all this. It'll be okay. I promise. Besides, with our combined fabrication skills, there's been no hitch." Two more stripes sunk but just before Snowball could line his shot up and finish his thought, his phone rang, "It's Sonya, looks like Liam wants a shae down run over at Carbon Canyons. I hate to bail on you guys but I gotta go take care of this." Ace nodded with a very nervous feeling in his body. One thing German Shepherds were good at was knowing when it was about to hit the fan and this was no exception. He stood and wtched out the window as Snowball fired up his engine and drove off towards the canyons, only the purple underbody lights to be seen from the pub. Ace turned around to finish the game solo, but after he tapped something on his phone.

The Carbon Canyons were one of the roughest mountainesque routes in the region. Many racers have fallen to their deaths here but it was one of Snowballs favorites. The drifting runs Togue-style reminiscent of Japan. You had ot have fast skills or end up dying . When Snowball pull his his eclispse up to the area that was used as the starting line, Lion, the older Tiger was already leaning on his Mustang. Sonya was sitting on the ground against the passenger side wheel. He didn't think much of it other than squashing a nervous suspicion in his mind. "Well. I see you been playing around with performance. I didn't think you'd actually go down the twin charging route." Liam was a bit of a cocky mother fucker, but was respectable in how he raced. "So....pre race warm up. You want to be the chaser or should I?" Liam thought long and hard, "I think I'll chase. To be honest I'm curious how you think that superchargers going to work on your turbo setup." "Fair enough. Lets do this." As they got into position, Sonya walked from behind Snowballs car and up to the front. "Okay Snowball You're going to go first. Liam 10 seconds you will go next. Overtake him and make it to the bottom and you Win. Snowball, outlast him to the bottom and you win. This is not for pinks or money. This is a warmup race for this weekend. Keep it clean and and Keep it fair." Sonya raised her arms at both cars as they revved. In the distance, the sound of a V8 Challenger R/T and a turbocharged Opel Tigra-A could be heard approaching. Ace and Dekota were on their way. For whatever reason Sonya heard it and immediately said, "Three, Two, One.... Go!" and dropped her left arm, letting snowball scream out of the gate. Only moments prior he was gripping his steering wheel while his shifting hand fiddled with a bottle lid, popping a couple white pills in to steady his nerves before stashing it back in his center console and placing his hand back on his shifter. "Easy Nerves, you got this." he said to himself. He had onboard launch control so he was already up in gear and just let go of the brake and took off all 4 wheels screeching as his all wheel drive system kicked in. He disappeared around the corner into blackness. As the others approached, Sonya said, "Three, Two, One....GO!" and dropped her right arm. The Shelby Tuned Mustang GT screams as it's rear wheel drive system engaged, and Liam popped a hweelie before tearing off down and around the corner. Ace shook his head, "Impressive for a little mustang that wears body kits."

10 Seconds wasn't long enough But the little secend generation eclipse was tearing up the corners like it was a pro driting corner. Inside snowball was heel to toeing his accelerator pedal and brake. He had opted a long time ago to add a sequential shifter on his gearbox and while his gearbox wasn't sequential, the shifter just made it easier for him to react. Pull back for gear up, push forwards for gear down. But he was in an all wheel drive and to get these things to drift, you have to trick it because it sends braking to all 4 wheels It wasn't long before a pair of headlights showed up in his rear view mirror. Liam had caught him. And around the next corner, Liam forced his v8 in and overtook snowball like he was nothing. But on the straightaways there was a problem for Liam. Snowballs supercharger was providing most of the power buying time for his turbos to spool up, reducing the lag entirely.. Once he got up to turbo rpms, the supercharger disengaged and the turbos took over. So far it wen well. and sliding into the next set of S-Curves, he overtook Liam yet again. But up next was dead mans corner. A very nasty Hairpin turn and as they both approached, Liam tried to overtake Snowball to get ahead. The corner came fast, both the Eclipse and the Mustang rolled into a drift as they both went around the corner together, Snowball hanging on to the lead again and they rolled out and into a dark tunnel.

It was quiet up on the hill, pavement reflecting the night moonlight. The sound of crickets was broken by two highly tuned engines screaming out of the tunnel. Snowball was back in front and hanging on. He was banking on his all wheel drive system being the advantage. Things seemed to go well as every time Liam caught up in the straightaways, another curve would come in and Snowball could put distance between them again. He had hte power, as much power as Liam did, but he toned his down for courses ike this. He was happy in the corners and sow as his Eclipse as 'she' tire screeched around everyone. Just a bit more. four, maybe 5 t urns, a bridge in front of the dam, and than the finish line. Thankfully it was a quiet night and there wasn't any traffic Unusual but still.

They were nearing the bottom. Everything had gone well. Even Liam was a bit worried. It was apparent the Husky had done his homework and he had effectively e limited all turbo lag and supercharger lag out of his system. Liam couldn't help but wonder if his foes car was good enough to be used on a professional race team. But that didn't matter. Snowball was enjoying the thrill of the hunt and with only a few kilometers to go til the bottom it seemed he was finally unstoppable. Or so it seemed. His boost pressure gauge began to plummet. His flip out monitor was reading "WARNING: BOOST FAILURE" There was a safety system he had programmed in. In the event of a boost failure, all power is cut to his citrous switch panel preventing him from blowing the car up. His car began to die fast, speed slowing down, the engine moaning pitifully, "No don't do this! 16 years we've bee working on this, don't die now! Start, girl start!" but it was no use. He was rapidly losing speed when he heard his sisters voice on his radio, "Bro! You must left a huge puddle of oil at the top of the hill! Someones tampered with your ride." "LIAM!" he screamed in his own mind. He'd known Liam wanted to take him down, he never thought he'd stoop this low.

Liam eventually over took him as Snowball rolled down and cross the line. "Spot of bad luck there mate. Might want to get those gremlins removed." Snowball was furious and livid as he got out and went nose to nose with the tiger, "You son of a bitch, you cut my oil lines. Whats a matter can't handle losing?" "Come off it. I didn't cut your oil lines. I don't have to cheat to win, I'm just naturally better than you at it. Maybe you should ask someone on your team what happened. " "Or maybe you should actually focus on winning more. " Sonya gave Liam the most protective kiss she could as he reached around and fondled her tight ass. "S-Sonya?!~ Why? We were so..." "I told you before, I only date winners, not posers." Mentally he was about to go down to a very bad spot. He lost his girl, his car and he stood there as they drove off. The amount of damage done to his engine was unthinkable. No oil running through it, no ideas if anything was damaged. He kicked his car door as hard as he could. Ace and Dekota arrived, but that was no comfort to him. Ace said he'd have a flat bed haul his car back and stay behind while Dekota took him back to the garage.

Snowball and Dekota were raised by a very alcoholic father, an abusive one. It could almost be said that their father was the stereotypical, oh not that sob story again, type. But around these parts, the reality is, there wasn't much to do but drink. Their mom died at an early age and Snowball was left to raise his little sister by himself. Their bond was closer than most as they found shelter in each others arms. They had pulled into the garage when Snowball in a panicked and enraged huff ran in as he struggled to pop the bottle of pills open. They went everywhere, his nerves had ogtten the better of him as he punched the locker, moments from a breakdown as he fell to his knees. Dekota had witnessed the entire thing from the door way as she grabbed him and held him close, "Why, Why can't anything ever go right?" Tears were eliminated but Dekota held him close, "Brooooo. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not here, I've been by your side the entire time. You don't need her. I wanted you to see for yourself. But this...?" she picked up the bottle, "Why? Why do this to yourself yet again, the last time you almost died from this garbage..." He was in silent tears with his face buried in his sisters chest. And all Dekota said was, "Her obsession to win drove you to this again didn't it? Bro you forgot the most important rule of the Predators. We're a team. We're Family. That's more important than winning." Snowball couldn't help but shake his head, the crack in his armor began to show. All their lives he had to be the strong one, he gave up everything for his little sister to try and pull her out of that disaster of a broken home. He never had friends, never went out, stuck to himself and shielded himself from life. But today, despite it being in the past, finally came to light. His armor cracked sat that as tears fell down his cheeks. He could mentally handle no more of life's trials, he had been broken finally. "Why," he cried, "Why did she have to die like this, leave me in such a bad place. Nothing ever goes right and it seems that I Just keep fucking up one decision after another?! What's the point of even living anymore when the rug gets pulled out from under me, time and time again?"

Dekota got very scared, frightened and as her eyes began to tear up her lips began to quiver, she knew he wasn't bluffing. He had reached his breaking point. With fear, sadness and anger in her voice she clenched her fists, "Don't....Don't you dare abandon me! Don't leave me the way mom left us, don't leave me to fend for myself in this world. I can't make it without you. You're the only family I got and if you go away....if you....." Dekota slammed her fist into the bench next to them. Snowball had looked up, as Dekota stared back, "You scarified everything for me without thinking of yourself. You've never let anyone see your weakness', well maybe just me, now, but it's not like I'd ever betray you. Don't lump me in with that two timing prissy bitch. I don't turn my back on family. You know that. You've suffered enough, bro, now you're going to let her get under your skin and manipulate you? That's not the brother I know and Love. That's not the brother I grew up with. And that's certainly not the brother I hung around with either." At this point Dekota was sitting on the floor next to him, burying her face in his shoulder, trying to not let him see her cry, even though she was fighting back the tears, and once she comps-ed hersef she looked up into his eyes, locking gas.

She held him close, kissing his cheek. "Why do you hang around me anyways." Dekota shook her head, "Because I love you, bro. More than Sonya ever could and more than she ever will. All my life you're who I've known and admired." He looked up, the heartbroken pain in his eyes, "What do you mean, 'more than she could ever know'?" Dekota hesitated for a minute, knowing she was about to cross a very thin line that others might not be okay with but deep down her heart kept telling her to do it and now more tha never she felt she had to, to let her brother know all he ever wanted was right here, he just had to turn around. She reached in, placing her muzzle aginst his as she kissed her big brother in the most sensual romantic way ever, her tongue leaving her mouth to wrap around his . His eyes when wide for a few seconds before they settled back down as he reached up to hold the back of her head, pushing her into the kiss. He knew it was wrong. They were blood siblings. But something...something felt so right. How would that sound to anyone? I'm kissing my sister and enjoying it? But the anger, the hurt, the rage, all these emotions in his heart began to fade away. He sucked on her tongue for what felt like an eternity before breaking the kiss. Dekota blushed and started to say something before he put his finger up to her muzzle to quiet her. The line was crossed. There was no going back now.

Snowball reached up and lifted hiss isters shirt up and over her head as he slipped his paws under her netted top and began to massage her breasts. Their eyes locked together as if they were in agreement. They had come this far and they were going to go all the way tonight. Dekota panted heavily, but with an air of nervous tension. "What's wrong, sis?" "I-I've never...." Snowball smiled softly, "So than let me ask you this, are you comfortable with your first time being with your brother?" She nodded shyly but despite everything, they pushed through it. Snowball stood up as his sister unbuckled his jeans letting them fall to the floor. She reached up running her hands along his inner thighs, up through his boxers leg holes and up out of the waistband as she pulled them down from the inside. His tip was already beginning to peak from it's sheath and she leaned forward, nervous and swallowing hard she opened her muzzle and licked her big brothers sack for the first time in her life and the fear, the shyness began to melt away. She tonged up and down his balls and his sheath, his member growing larger. "This....is so wrong, sissy." Dekota looked up, her nose at her brothers knot, "Should I stop?" Snowball shook his head, "I said it was wrong, I didn't say I was going to stop. I mean just saying, my sister is fondling my balls, it's wrong and yet it's so right." Snowball had stopped out of his jeans and boxers, only the studded leg bands remaining as the bottomless husky stop over his sister, pulling her netted top off and exposing the top half of her. He picked her up and layed her on the bench as he straddled her and placed his now hard canine shaft between her breasts.

He leaned down as he looked her in the face, expecting to see terror, but instead found a smile on her face. This wasn't an ordinary smile. Not the kind you get when your pleasured. This was the smile of someone who had found their soulmate; who had found their sanctuary; who had finally swallowed all the fear and pride in her heart and took the plunge. He leaned down and kissed his sister deeply, locking his tongue in a wrestling match with hers. As he broke the kiss, a short string of shared saliva between them breaking, he bag to slowly rub his hard shaft between her breasts as a gasp of pleasure escaped her muzzle.. As he tenderly humped his sisters cleavage he held her hands in his, locking them into a unity as she let her tongue fall out the side of her muzzle in pleasure but never breaking the gaze with her brothers eyes. But shortly after he started, she pushed him onto his back on the bench as she leaned down and ran her tongue up Snowballs shaft. Her warm, moist breath sent shivers down his spine as she licked at the tip and than wrapped her tongue around it before pushing her muzzle down around. She sealed it up and created a vacuum with her mouth and slowly began to bob her head up and down, every-time her rasoy tongue draging up and down in a delayed moment, tormenting and teasing every nerve ending in his canine member. He placed one hand behind him on the bench and one on her had as he took the hand on the bench and dug his claws in. Panting in pleasure as he squinted his eyes, "G-good God, Sisssy, Your mouth is.....amazing....." A soft giggle was heard amongst the slurping until he pulled her off his saft and spun her around.

After stripping his sister of her jeans, he pushed her thong down around her ankle and pulled it off with his teeth. Than He pulled his sisters backside up to his muzzle, letting her lay on his tummy in a sixtynine position. He massaged her swollen spade, the heat generating off those sweet, tender lips indicating she was getting really hot really fast and was going to need relief soon. But the strange thing was.... the scent that eminated from between his sisters legs, it smelled.....it smelled delightful. He noses into her groin and took a big sniff. She giggled as he smiled. Reaching up he traced the outlines of her spade and began to massage her cheeks, holding at the top of her left cheek and pressing his thumb against her tailhole. The pressure of her backdoor being pushed on made her gasp and squirm. Her reaction was to rewrap her tongue around her brothers shaft and begin to suck at a more rapid pace. And how did her brother react? How else, he bag tugging at her clit ring with his teeth before running his tongue over her lips. He felt like he was overheating. The taste of his sister, his first taste was overwhelming but in a good way. He added to the heat generating from her spade by breathing his own warm breath on her lips and causing her to arch her back in reaction. And with that he pushed his tongue into her spade, licking at her wet insides and teasing her vaginal walls. The fluids she was leaking tasted like wildflower honey to him. He had never been with a girl who tasted like this. But he lapped up her wet fluids happily as he put both hands on her butt cheeks to hold his squirming sister in Snowball suddenly became intoxicated with the scent of his sister. He never noticed it much beffore but now, it was all he could smell and he was happy with it. As he continued to buck upwards into her muzzle, her spade became wetter with ever lick, every suck, ever time he sucked on her clit. He pushed her off him gently, belly down on the bench as he looked at his sisters naked backside laying there on the bench. She looked back smiling as her tail wagged happily and she lifted one of her feet and waved him in with them. Snowball sat there as he leaned down, nosing one of her footpads, soaking in her scent and without warning he took is tongue and ran it over her velvety smooth pads. Dekota's ears perked at the feeing of her brothers tongue on her footpad, a little surprised look on her face but she wasn't resisting it. She couldn't. As weird as it was, she was being loved by her brother which was okay with her at this point. Without saying a word, Snowball grabbed her by the ankles and held her legs in place together as he put his saliva, precum covered cock on both of her footpads and began to thrust forwards slowly. His hips gyrated coming down at an angle and lifting up every time his shaft touched her pads. It wasn't long before he began to thrust faster and faster. Dekota pressed her feet against his shaft giving her brother more area to make love to. And yet apparently he wasn't able to control himself because he suddenly growled low, squinting as he gritted and bared his teeth and his sisters footpads suddenly very hot to her as her brother had just shot a load of his cum all over her pads and her ankles leaving them in a sticky mess. Snowball was breathing heavily, but his erection wasn't going away and his sack was still tight. He really was pent up.

"Brooooooo," Dekota said with a trembling joy in her voice, her spade was practically gushing, "I need...you....Bro I need you badly......" Was she in heat? No it wasn't that time of month for her, but he wasn't going to let his little sister suffer. For Canines that time of month is agonizing. He slid up to his sister and pressed his tip in the dead center of her wet swollen spade as he let her legs lag on either side of him. She was panting and moaning and beginning to get a bit cross as her brother was teasing her whe nshe needed it bad. But that teasing wasn't going to last long because without warning he pushes his tip into her spade and he didn't stop until his knot reaached the entrance of his sister. She gasped loudly with a moan and shouted, "OH GODS! BRO!" He was thicker than he looked and she was adjusting to it. Snowball worked himself very slowly giving his sister time to adjust to his size. He leaned forward as his left hand took his sisters left, cum covered ankle and pushed her knee to her chest as his right hand supported his weight by her head and he started thrusting slowly into her love canal. He leaned his head to the left as the sticky cum was dripping off her footpads still and he leaned in licking them softly, letting the oozing goodness into his mouth, his tongue darting between her clawed toes. She moaned wildly from the dual pleasure as he bucked at a steady pace. His tip was exploring every nook and cranny of his sisters spade. He would thrust into her while poking her inner never endings, sending electrical sparks of pleasure into her body. She countered by tightening up her walls and making him have to work harder to get into her slick entrance.

He reached down with his right hand and thumbed her clit. She reacted by pulling his head down and embracing him in a wet sloppy kiss. He proceeded to break the kiss shortly after as he leaned back on his haunches and he placed his handpads against her footpads, his fingers interlacing between her toes, while the cum from her right leg dripped down his wrist. Their pads both covered but gyrated his thrusting from his knees deeper and deeper into her She tried to buck back but he only timed his thrusts with her so that they'd pull his thick member deeper and deeper. The sound of his wet shaft and her wet spade was all that was heard among st their moaning and panting as his knot spanked her outter lips every time. The heat from both siblings crotches was intensifying and driving them both insane. Not in a primal, I'm in heat take me now way, but in a way that said, this is my soulmate, We belong together way. He let go of her ankles as he leaned over and gave her right footpad a proper lick, cleaning it of the remaining spunk as he licked his palm and than leaned forwards, while still thrusting into her and lifted her butt up as he reached his hands under her head and quickened his pace. Out of instinct she wrapped her arms around her brothers neck, her legs around his waist, just above his tail. She locked him in place as he pumped and thrust ed, his body becoming sweaty, his scent mixing with hers as she began to sweat from the intensifying heat between their unholy union.

It was time, they both knew it. T Hey had never done this with each other before and they knew they would most likely do it again and again so there would be time to practice with each other. Snowball staggered but kept his pace up. His sisters moaning got louder and louder before he heard that familiar cry that he grew up hearing between their bedroom walls. She was cumming and cumming hard, His shaft felt the tsunami of her fluids rush down and around as it began to leak out on the bench and drip to the floor like a leaky faucet. That was it for him. His knot swelled so hard it felt like it was going to burst. He pushed back against his sisters wrapped legs, but she used her leg muscles to hold him in place, bowing slightly before he howled loudly as he shoved his knot deep inside his sister and began to cum again. Thick ropey spurts every three seconds began filling her up. It was a shock to Snowball, he'd never came this much before let alone twice in one sitting. Not in Sonya, or any other girl he'd been with and even if he manipulated his own butt, which he did often, he'd never stroke himself off to this amount. There was no doubt. The love he had deep inside, locked away, for his sister is why he was able to do this. Because he was with someone he truly cared about.

He looked down, his knot firmly in place between his sisters legs. Sadly they weren't going anywhere for a while. But as he looked down, Dekota's lips were trembling and she was in tears. 'Oh No', he thought, 'What did I just do, I hurt her, I did something I shouldn't have.' The look of pleasure turned to panic but she reached up, tears in her eyes and kissed hhis muzzle, "I-It's okay. I-I'm o-okay, bro. I'm just... I've ....this feeling... it's...I mean.." The paniced look turned to a smile, "It's new but it's a new that feels....." he struggled but Dekota finished the sentence for him, "....Right. You, brother, never knew how much I've always desired you. How much I've always loved you. Maybe this is wrong, all of this is wrong. But with you I feel safe. Complete. Broooooooo......" She paused, scared of what she wanted to say. They crossed a serious line and if this didn't work out right, they would have just destroyed a relationship they've had since they were cubs. She bit her lip and swallowed hard and said, "I want to be your girlfriend, I want to be your mate, I want to be the sister and the lover you come home to every night." She weakly smiled, the exhaustion from their session taking an obvious toll. His smile faded slightly, afraid of what might happen, his heart pounded in his chest like a gerbil bouncing off the walls. He was scared, no denying he was afraid of ruining his bond with his younger sibing. But he remembered something a teacher told him in school once, about following your gut, following your heart, about never listening to the doubt in your head. Because until you give it a shot, you never know what could have been. The smile returned to his face, as he kisses his sister deeply and passionately, "Dekota... my younger sister, my joy, the motivation in life to keep me going when I wanted to give up, my....soulmate forever...." Dekota kissed him again smiling as they laid there on the bench, tied together in the bliss of a new start. And for the next couple of hours they'd remain that way.

A couple of hours later the silence was broken by a tow truck in the garage area offloading Snowballs Eclipse, Ace and his Challenger R/T next to it. Ace was unaware of what happened while he was keeping an eye on snowbalsl car and by now, Snowball had his deflated knot out of his sister. They spent thirty minutes or so in the shower together, washing each other off and kissing each other like a new couple in love. If you smelled them as they walked out to meet ace in the glow of the sunrise, you'd smell their familiar axe smells. But through the scents, all Snowball could smell was the scent of his sister. "Hey Guys, sorry had some problems getting the truck up the canyon. Everything okay?" Ace was concerned he knew Snowball was pissed and he worried about his best friend. Snowball held Dekota close to his side, his arm around her waist ad she had her hand in his bck jeans pocket, "Ace....You'll never believe this.... but Dekota and I...."



It was late when I came home that night. The only thing aglow was the various lights hanging off roofs and the street lamps shining in the city's light. I fumbled to get the key into my lock, shoving the door open and almost falling straight to the...

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