A Shocking Nature

Story by Coldstone on SoFurry

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#1 of Cafe Plaisir

Hello everyone! I haven't posted anything in ages, so here's a start to get that going again. I hope you all enjoy.

Want to read other stories in the Café Plaisir universe? click here!

What is Café Plaisir? click here!

Nature belongs to Dark Violet , but Fritz belongs to me currently!

Café Plaisir (c) Palibakufun

Pokémon (c) Nintendo/Game Freak

A Shocking Nature

By Coldstone for Cafe Plaisir

Pokemon is copyrighted by Nintendo or some place thereof.

Specific characters belong to their owners though!

Commissioned by Guri

The lights of Captivate slowly moved about, cycling through a spectrum of colors as they littered the stages with hues of cyan, deep blue, and purple. Three stages with poles were occupied with dancers, all Pokemon, and all female. A busty Blaziken had the center pole, while a Lucario and a Drowzee displayed themselves with flamboyant twirls, steps, and gyrations.

The music thumped to the heartbeat, enticing an air of potential action with the invitation given off by their bodies. The everpresent scent of musk throughout the room, the subtle whiff artificial smoke made by fog machines high above, and the heady telltale sign of alcohol floating about various cups combined with it all to make the show that was the strip club a veritable den of anticipating sin for those fantasizing about the spectacles before them.

It was another day at Plaisir, the waiters concluded, as they weaved their way between the seats of the room to offer up fresh drinks or other fancies to the customers abound. The ratio of humans to Pokemon enjoying the scene was almost even today - the Pokemon had the slight advantage in numbers, but it was the humans that had easier access to their pockets for tossing or holding out bills to the performers.

One waiter in particular was blushing and batting their eyes at a customer that had slipped them a tip, tucking it into the band of the black waist apron. The attention soon shifted back to the pole dancers, however, and so the waiter shifted their own attention to the other customers once more, hips swaying and tray balanced neatly by their head.

Nature took the opportunity to move the most recent tip and put it under the little paperweight on his tray, hips swaying as he scouted out new patrons or empty drinks. The vibe of Captivate always made his head feel a little, surreal, whenever people started drinking in large numbers. It had to be his Aura Senses that did it, because no one else he knew experienced it like he did. He was at least thankful he didn't actually feel drunk from it, but...

Well, he wasn't normally one for getting drunk anyways. Unless it was with close friends.

Drinking preferences aside, his shift was moving along smoothly, if blandly. Everyone seemed to be there with the pole dancers in mind today. Playful gropes were at a minimum, though tipping by sliding money into his apron was doing surprisingly well.

Nature's senses twitched. He paused and started looking around for the cause. There, a sense of sober steadiness amongst the aura of drifting inhibitions. Relaxed, but not necessarily happy...

The second floor. Nature turned about and proceeded up the staircase to the farthest seats of Captivate.

There weren't as many customers up on this level, but it wasn't empty either. These seats were popular when someone wanted a view of the performers (pole dancing or otherwise), but wanted a mild sense of privacy. Nature could think back to several occasions of seeing hands and paws down pants, close snuggles, and subtle grindings. That was just what happened in the open; there were several corners and curtained areas on the ground floor where things got more explicit.

Nature's path lead him to the far edge of the level, with a single Pokemon present. From behind, all he could see was their head, but that was plenty to start with: A jagged diamond-like mane of bright yellow. A light blue muzzle sticking out on the side, peering out over the glass guardrail with a perfect view of the entertainment and possibly the entire room to boot. As he came around the side of the couch the rest of their form came into view: a quadruped with short, light blue fur with two small yellow tufts on the forepaws and larger, spiked patches of that same yellow accessorizing the hips. The tail had short, angular fur that almost made it seem jagged.

They were sprawled across the couch, taking up nearly all the space of what would normally seat two comfortably and still spilling over the edge. As was the nature of quadrupeds, Nature could see the customer was a he, and a generous one at that. The calm and relaxed vibe when he came around the corner was surprising for that, as he would have expected someone to have set their eyes on him by now. "Excuse me," Nature spoke up politely, "Can I interest you in a drink, or anything else?"

With most Pokemon, a flexible ear would turn to take in the new sound, but this one didn't seem to have ears at all. His head turned, however, red, pupils focusing in on him quickly. They followed up and down his body before the stoic face seemed to relax a bit more - a smile! "Ah. No thank you. I actually chose this spot so I wouldn't get in everyone's way. Sorry to have dragged you up for nothing."

Nature smiled back, giving a small shake of his head. "It's no problem. We wouldn't know until we asked anyways, right?" He glanced out over the rail to see what in particular the Pokemon had possibly been looking. "It does give a nice Pidgey-eyes view of the performance. I imagine it's great for seeing everything going on."

At this, Nature noticed he looked a bit uncomfortable, barely moving. "Well, to be honest, I was sort of looking into space, really. Lost in thought..." His gaze focused back onto Nature. "Although... You work here, yes? More than just carrying drinks for the place I mean."

Sensing a more delicate question approaching, Nature shifted his tray about and settled himself on the edge of the couch still empty. The others gaze followed him there. The comment made him blush a little, but the focus made it a little stronger still. Was he implying what he thought he meant? "Well... I'm one of the full time waiters here," he temporized, nodding, "So I've worked all over the Cafe... You can call me Nature. If you have any questions about here, I can try to answer it?"

The other smiled a bit more now, nodding a little. "Hello, Nature. I guess I lucked out. You can call me Fritz. If you work full time here, then you must know quite a bit about the, uh, waiter menus, yes?" He paused briefly as Nature blushed a bit more, but nodded, "And I was wondering if you knew of any electric types more my size?"

Nature canted his head. "Electric types?" he thought it over a moment, "Well, We don't have many here in the menus. I think you've seen them all... Oh! There is Neon, a Jolteon." Nature was smiling at first, but then he remembered something, sending him into a frown with his ears drooping, " but she's not menu waiter. Sorry..."

Fritz seemed to perk up at the mention of Neon's name, but it faded out pretty quickly. "The only one I found who seemed like they had potential was one called 'Ceylon,' but I'm not sure if he's the right choice. He seemed..." The words trailed off, the look on his face becoming thoughtful.

"Too dominant?" Nature hazarded, looking a bit more hopeful.. "I know Ceylon quite well... Very charming. Polite, and uh, well, good with his, p-paws." More personal memories of things those paws had done made him squirm a bit with excitement, but he tried not to let them distract him from the customer.

"No, no!" Fritz shook his head, smiling sheepishly. "That's not what the trouble is. I'm looking for someone to, well, be on top of. And while he might accommodate me, I have a feeling it wouldn't quite be the same as someone wanting to actually be underneath, you know?"

What Fritz was implying made sense to him. "Oh! Yeah." he reached out to pat Fritz on the leg empathetically, "He'd appreciate the thought. If he was your only choice, I'm sure he'd understand if you-"


Too late. Just an inch from the leg, even as Fritz tried to pull away, an arc of miniature lightning jabbed Nature's paw. Nature jolted in surprise, tray knocked to the floor, drink glasses clattering as their contents decorated the ground. Amidst the noise of the room it was barely audible, but for the two of them up close, it was still enough as they stared down at the mess, then to each other. "I'm sorry!" Fritz sounded horrified. "I didn't mean to make you drop all that."

"I-It's okay," Nature stammered, looking at his paw. He was unharmed, but the shock had still been surprising. "I shouldn't have tried touching you without permission, I didn't realize that-"

As if reading his mind, the other Pokemon turned himself about, making more space but facing him directly, "No! I don't mind you touching me at all. You were just trying to be nice. But that always happens. I didn't want to accidentally zap you with something stronger."

Looking confused, Nature blinked. "I-I don't understand?"

With a sigh, Fritz looked down at the couch they sat on and started rubbing his paw along the back of it, "I'm a Manectric. We build up electrical charge just by moving. Just me moving on this couch can cause a buildup. I've been sitting here awhile so..."

A Manectric! Nature wasn't familiar with the species at all, but now that he heard the name, it seemed fleetingly familiar. "So, I would have gotten a stronger jolt if you hadn't held back?" he looked Fritz over again, now that he was more upright. He didn't look that dangerous...

Well, he was big, like Ceylon, and that apologetic expression made him seem quite huggable.

But the paw that was rubbing against the couch was starting to fizzle slightly. He could see tiny sparks like the one that zapped him 'ticking' here and there. "I discharged most of what I had earlier today, but if I hadn't pulled it inward, You might have gotten a stronger shot, aye. Maybe make your paw tingle or go a little numb. It depends on a lot of things." Fritz explained. "That's part of why I was looking for an electric type, because..."

"Because you'll shock them if either of you aren't careful, since you'd definitely be touching." Nature finished for him, finally understanding what he was really looking for. He reached down to pick the tray and empty glasses from the floor. "It's okay Fritz. I understand." he looked up to smile at the Manectric. "You're up here out of everyone's way so you don't accidentally shock them if they bump into you, right?"

Fritz nodded, looking resigned. "I didn't want to cause trouble..."

Nature looked between the mess on the floor and the forlorn Fritz. Slipping closer to the large Pokemon, he reached over again, more slowly this time to give him a chance to notice the gesture and prepare for it. This time when his paw came close enough, the discharge was smaller. It made his finger twitch a little, but otherwise it wasn't as surprising. Paw contacted fur, and Nature smiled. "We here at Café Plaisir are happy to be of service to you." he stroked along the Manectric's shoulder, feeling the faint tickle of current against his pads. "I'll be right back. I need to get something to clean this up with, and we'll see if we can find you what you're looking for."

Fritz glanced at the stroking paw. "Really, you don't have to do that-"

But Nature's eyes made him pause, caught in a glare that was friendly rather than hostile. The Lucario was grinning as he patted Fritz's shoulder. "Stay." Nature ordered, giving a small giggle.

A moment of hesitation, then the Manectric's posture relaxed as he smiled back, giving a small nod.

"Good boy." Nature gave him a wink and hurried off to a bucket and cloth.

The Manectric had done as commanded when Nature returned, cloth in hand to clean up the spilled drinks. The Lucario had also inquired about whether Neon was working, but found she was off for the next couple days. Nature was pretty sure she had a room at the Café, but bothering her on a day off would have been pretty rude.

He wasn't sure her wilder style was appropriate for the customer anyways. Nature wanted to solve this problem in a different way.

He had also realized, moments after stepping away, that he had actually ordered him to stay. Nature was almost never that assertive! Yet it had felt like the right thing to do, and he had enjoyed the moment of surprise and obedience it had brought. Was that what others felt when they gave orders? He found himself quickly getting used to the big Thundercat, his shyness almost fading away.

There was a sense of giddy uncertainty - a guilty pleasure? He didn't want to be pushy and make the Manectric uncomfortable, but that temptation to try it again was still there...

So when he started cleaning the spill, he distracted himself by starting up a conversation with Fritz, learning more about Electrike and Manectric while also sharing a bit about himself. His time at the Cafe, anyways. For all that Fritz was polite and trying not to be an inconvenience, he clearly had a more outgoing sense of humor and personality behind it, making small quips and playful responses to some of Nature's stories.

Unlike other Electric types, Manectric apparently built much of their charge through movement instead of generating and holding a charge within. Not that he couldn't do that when needed, it was not his primary method.

"You can really make a rain cloud?" Nature asked, amazed at this fact.

Fritz seemed to find this fascination embarassing, from the way he looked away. "Well, clouds, but they can be rain clouds, thunder clouds. It's more that I create atmospheric events and, well, it can lead to things like rain or lightning. That's why I got the special electric-type room for my stay, because it's shielded and I can discharge my spare charge so I don't go causing them inside. Or make something a lightbulb pop or something."

Nature nodded. The Café had several themed rooms based off types. While the effect was cosmetic for most, a few of the rooms were very much user-friendly for their typings. A slugma (if one were to ever actually show up) could safely sleep in the Fire-type room without fear of setting the rest of the Café on fire - although there was a real chance the sheets would be ruined at such temperatures. They weren't meant to go crazy in, but specially made items like fireproof pillows were highly valuable for the Fire-types that had ever-present flames on their bodies.

Likewise, an Electric Pokemon that gave off the right strength of electrical energy could realistically blow out several systems in the Café. It had never happened before, but there was always a first time for everything.

"I wish I could do something amazing like that. Maybe not make clouds, but a power that could, I dunno, help plants grow," said Nature almost wistfully. He set the bucket and used cloth to the side as he sat there on the floor.

Fritz was back to his sprawled state across the couch now. His gaze returned to the other Pokemon as he looked amused. "Like a grass type?" He queried, chuckling. "You really do like your outdoors."

Nature blushed, but nodde. He really did enjoy it - it was true. He also liked watching the rain, which might explain why the idea of making clouds was so fascinating...

"Well, for all it makes touching others a hassle, it makes for good work at the electric company. I basically can stroll around and feed the charge into several receivers and get paid for it. Can be good exercise. It's certainly less tiring than being a Pikachu who has to generate and release it. But I recall Lucario's being good with 'Aura' and something like that. So you have a little super power of your own already, yes?"

Well, that as true too. "Maybe, but I don't really use it for much. I'd probably make a lot more use out of growing things. I could make pretty flowers or grow things to sell if I needed to."

Fritz nodded slightly at that. "But then you wouldn't get to enjoy growing whatever it is as much since it would be over with sooner."

Nature blinked. He hadn't considered that! "Huh. that... is a good point! Although that'd be more useful with trees, since they grow so slowly."

They chatted idly for a little longer. Nature made his way up to sit next to Fritz again, and eventually Nature made his move. "Why don't I come to your room, if you're looking for a partner, Fritz?"

The dumbfounded look on the Manectric's face was adorable, though it didn't last long. "Nature, I wouldn't want to hurt you with my current. It can get pretty intense, especially with such an intimate connection. Unless you're used to dealing with that sort of thing?"

"But I am!" Nature interjected, quickly he placed a paw on Fritz's flank. The zap of a stronger jolt made more than just his pads tingle. The look of surprise as Fritz flinched was also there, but with the continued connection, the feel of energy playing along his arm was painless.Noticeable, but painless.

"I've been with Electric types before, Fritz. Several times with Ceylon, in fact." Nature stated, becoming bashful again. "We've even done a little bit of electrical play, if that means anything to you. I know I may not take the energy like another electric type can, but I promise you I can handle it. I know what it feels like to have that power going through you when together with someone."

Like the last time, he began stroking along the blue and yellow fur of Fritz's flank. He could feel the way the static danced along the connection as he helped build it up and ground it at the same time. Fritz watched this, seeming to debate the situation. "I have a knot," he finally said, looking Nature in the eye. "Are you really sure about this? I don't want you to do this just because you think you should."

Nature met his gaze and smiled. He gave a firm nod. "I'm sure. Electricity and knots. I have no problem with them."

He still seemed hesitant. Nature could feel the clash of desire and concern. He didn't want to push Fritz too hard and make him regret things either. "I'll make you a deal then." Nature offered as he rose from the couch. "You enjoy the day, think on it, maybe check the menus again. If you find someone else who wants to try it you're comfortable with, then you can enjoy yourself. Otherwise, I'll come to your room later this evening after my shift, and if there isn't a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on your door, I'm going to come in and say hello, and we'll see if you've warmed up to the idea then." He gave the Manectric his friendliest smile. "I won't be mad if you decide against it, and I'll help see if I can find someone else if you're still wanting."

Fritz stared at Nature for a few seconds before he let out a small chuckle. "It's a good thing your persistence is adorable, Nature," he replied, then he nodded his head. "Alright. I will think on it. I am here a few days anyways. Let us see if you can make clouds to distract my thoughts well enough by evening."

Elated, Nature darted in to give him a quick peck on the nose. The static got him right on his own just before, causing him to squeak slightly in the act. Both had a small chuckle over that as Nature scampered away with his cleaning bucket to get back to work.

Nature stared at the door of the Typed Room with a mixture of anticipation, giddiness, and general nervousness. On the wall above the frame, an elegantly scrawled plaque declared Electric. The door itself had arcane-looking markings etched along much of its body, a mixed dance of copper, gold, and bronze colors. The way it shined suggested the door was actually made of metal, or at least had some sort of gloss to it, but Nature wasn't learned enough in those sort of things to know for certain.

He had never been in this particular room, actually. It belatedly occurred to him he had never explored these rooms yet. That was something he would have to fix after today...

For now, however, he was watching the door, feeling the presence of Fritz on the other side of it. It was almost 'evening' as he had declared, but he had wanted to make sure he wasn't interrupting anything going on before he knocked. There was no 'Do not Disturb' sign on the door handle; he had not expected Fritz to actually find someone else after his offer, but he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere by interrupting preparation for a tryst to come. His careful concentration had shown only one person within the room though - assuming it was built like all the other rooms, it looked like the Manectric was using the bathroom...

Whatever the reason, Nature tuned down his aura sensing to ensure some privacy. He could be a little late and wait until Fritz was out in the main room before he knocked.

And so he did wait, doing his best not to seem awkward as he idly checked over his fur for any imperfections he had somehow missed. He was free of his apron this time, deciding a properly nude figure would be more inviting to the occasion than one partly concealed.

Although some did like the 'theme' of a sexy waiter...

Nature shook his head and giggled softly at himself. How silly! He was letting his thoughts distract him too much! This was hardly his first romp, knots, electricity or otherwise! He never wore anything if he could help it anyways!

That's right. All he had to do was act natural; play on the fact he was interested in enjoying Fritz's company and make sure he did not regret his visit to the Café in the slightest. An ideal happy ending! He could slip underneath the big Thundercat and make sure the day was far from bland for either of them...

And speaking of happy endings, it seemed like the Manectric was finished with whatever he was doing. Taking a moment to set his mind in focus, Nature knocked on the shiny door before him.

The rapping clanked - the door definitely had some metal to it. His ears swiveled and focused on the door. He could hear the faint sound of paws on softness - carpeting! The door rattled briefly as the handle was turned-

And there he was. Fritz's face appeared from the doorway, looking faintly damp. He must have been taking a shower. His eyes lit up a bit, the Manectric brightening and seeming much more animated. "Well hello there! So you did show up after all."

Nature grinned and waved, posing slightly as he did so. "That I did! I promised that I would. So if you would still have me..." He let the words hang playfully for a moment, "... as your guest?"

Fritz gave a small chuckle at that as he pulled the door open the rest of the way. "But of course, be my..." His gaze had been following along Nature's form when it paused. The welcome look then became one of surprise, then concern. "Uhh, Nature..."

Nature in turn looked confused, and started reexamining himself. Had he missed something after all!? "What? Did I miss something?"

He couldn't find anything, however. He even lifted his feet up in case - unsure how he could miss stepping on something - when Fritz coughed to get his attention. "That's not it. When you had the apron on..."

Oh! Maybe Fritz had a thing for the partially clothed look after all! Fortunately, Nature knew where a supply closet was nearby where he could grab something to wear.

"... I thought you were female."


From giddy, to confused, and now mortified. Nature looking back into those awkward-looking eyes. His ears fell down as he wished he could make himself smaller and vanish. "I, I didn't realize that. I guess, well, I should have figured that out by now. It's not the first time, actually..."

The delightful plan of making Fritz's visit had backfired. Nature cursed himself for making such an obvious mistake, especially when this had happened before. Now that he knew, however, he would have to do his best to make up for the fiasco. He owed Fritz that much for raising his hopes like that.

Half-rushed plan in mind, Nature suddenly bowed "I'm so sorry!" He rose up, then bowed again. "I promise you that I will help you find someone more appropriate and-"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Fritz interjected as he stepped into the hall, sounding surprised. "Slow down there. It was just a misunderstanding."

"But I made things really-awkward-after-making-such-a-big-thing-about-helping-and-." Nature cut himself off before he could ramble further, ears fighting between being raised or flat.. Not wanting to make more of a fool of himself, he turned to leave. "I'm sorry. I'll just go and-!?"

Nature had turned, intent on hurrying down the hall, but before he could get past the first rushed step, a sudden snag on his tail brought him to a halt. A hint of static came with several pricks of teeth on his tail.

Looking back, he saw Fritz, holding his tail in his jaws. A gentle tug by the larger male guided him back, and then he was released. Fritz made a few sounds of getting fur out of his mouth before he looked at Nature with what looked like bemused concern. "Stay. Please."

Well, it wasn't an order, but it would have been terribly rude to run off now. "But...?" Nature replied, not sure what to say next.

Fritz moved a bit and jerked his head towards the open door. "Come inside and we'll talk." The words were inviting, warm, and with them, a small tone of playfulness as one of his brows arched, "Unless you like showing off here in the hallways?"

Nature blushed at that, growing a bit confused at the conflicting actions. Heeding the invitation, he made his way past the shiny door and into the room.

The walls were a pale yellow color, almost old, but with purpose. More of the strange patterns were flowing all over them before either moving up into a metal-looking frame at the top of the wall or ending at the short carpet on the ground. The carpet itself was a sight to see - short, soft material that feel quite pleasant beneath his paws, and with a small black path leading from the doorway straight to the spacious bed over in the corner. The fluffiness of the path was shorter than that of the rest of the carpet, which seemed twice as thick with a dark copper-looking color to it. Much like the door, copper, bronze and gold seemed to be the dominating color scheme to all but the bed with its softer, yellow hues. The furniture had a sharper color to them that fit, but he wasn't sure what to call it - maybe super copper?

The mystery of the color palette was not enough to pull Nature away from the fact he had been ushered into the room he was not expecting anything to happen in. He turned to face Fritz as the Manectric shut the door, hands now settling across his lap and half shielding his masculinity as he tried to look properly apologetic.

Fritz looking over his humble form and shook his head a bit. "You know, there's several friends of mine that would be downright jealous about your size, and yet to think with just one little apron, I wasn't the wiser. I suppose the way smell works, it's no surprise mistakes like that happen a lot in Captivate. Well, when one can't see the obvious." Fritz chuckled a bit, "Though I can still see your balls, so..."

Nature whined a bit and tried to cover himself more as his head fell. "S-Sorry..."

There was the sound of a huff before a nose suddenly pressed itself against Nature's chest, pushing his face up again. The physical touch gave off another small discharge, making him jump a little, but it didn't stop the Manectric from making him look at him again. "Stop apologizing. Just because I assumed something like that doesn't mean you're in trouble. This doesn't change the reason for why you're here, after all."

Nature processed that a moment. "You mean, you still want to try that?" He sounded incredulous, then realized this and adjusted. "I mean, you thought I was female... I thought you were upset?"

"Ah, well, it's not that I have anything against," he seemed to be searching for the right words, "well, gay sex? Homosexual whatever. It's just it has never come up before. In partners. Or at all, really." This time, Fritz was the one who was all flustered with the topic. " I mean, remember earlier? I had considered the Luxray! I've never really been a sex-maniac or anything like that. When the whole shocking thing became an issue, I was pretty focused on trying to deal with that."

A great rush of relief went through Nature's spine as some of his growing fears were quashed. Of course, he was right! They had talked about Ceylon before, and Neon. He had assumed in his own head the Manectrics preferences. He had been worried that such a nice Pokemon like this would turn into one of those hateful faces...

That was clearly not the case, thank goodness. "So, does that mean, since you invited me in..." he couldn't help but grin a bit as he watched the other male seem to fluster more. "... that you're kinda curious?"

Yup, definitely flustered. Fritz was blushing fiercely, and for some reason Nature found this extremely amusing, despite the awkwardness everywhere.

In fact, Nature found it becoming increasingly difficult not to start-

"You're giggling at me," Fritz said accusingly, cracking half a grin, "You little bitch. You find this funny?" Now he was starting to chuckle.

Soon they were both chortling or giggling, and finding everything that had happened nothing more than a silly incident.

Feeling considerably better for it, Nature managed to calm down his giggles enough to speak again. "I'm sorry. That was pretty rude of me. Shall we start over?" He offered, hands now behind his back as he pivoted slightly in place. He smiled sweetly to Fritz. "My name is Nature. I'm a male waiter here at the Café."

The other nodded with his own smile, settling on his haunches for the time being. "My name is Fritz. Hello, Nature. I'm visiting for a little while in hopes of finding some pleasant company."

Perfect. Nature knew just what to say from here. "Oh?" He began, canting his head. "What were you looking to try while you are visiting? We have a number of delightful options I could tell you about."

Fritz seemed to consider his next words carefully, observing Nature all the while. Finally, he spoke up. "Well, perhaps you could help me with something specific? You see, I came here hoping to deal with a problem I've been having, but it's hard to find the right match." He rose to his feet now, stepping a little closer, "I was looking for a female electric-type, or someone at least able to withstand some electrical charge when 'being intimate,' but there doesn't seem to be anyone around for it..."

Nature nodded at that. "I'm afraid that is not a very common typing, at least not within your size range, unless you're into sizeplay?"

He got a shrug from the query. Fritz was in a little closer now. "But then someone gave me an idea that might work. Maybe they don't have to be an electric type, or even female."

Eyes widened, Nature let out a small gasp, clearly sarcastic. "Are you suggesting bedding another male, sir?" His tone was slightly exaggerated, scandalized. It was completely out of character for his usual demeanor, but the dash of roleplayed humor to the situation seemed appropriate to him.

"Maybe. I've never done it before. I am sort of curious what it would be like, but if someone were so kind as to give me some tips, I'd be most grateful." Fritz said with a most serious tone of intent.

Completely serious.

Seriously absurdly serious.

Both of them started grinning widely as they tried not to laugh.

"I might know someone who would be willing to experiment with you, sir," Nature offered happily. Their muzzles were just a few inches apart now. He wondered if he should lean in and make the first move.

But Fritz was the one who leaned in closer, hovering just shy of shocking range. "I'm sure that you do," his words slipped out smoothly, softly, with suggestive intent. He loomed over the Lucario with his greater height and that large, yellow mane...

He didn't go in for the kiss first, but weaved about to press his jaw into the crook of Nature's neck, nuzzling firmly. The brief shock of discharge harmlessly went into his neck, leaving a minimal sense of electric attraction along him when their lips did finally meet.

Kissing with a muzzle was always a delicate act, Nature found. When it was with a human, there was always that little turn of the head so their noses wouldn't smoosh together, and for the most part it was about meeting the more agile lips of the human. But not many Pokemon had that kind of structure, so when it was muzzle to muzzle...

Nature tilted his head just a bit when Fritz's face brushed against his. First was the muzzle rubbing, sharing those little marking scents inherent to the act. As they pulled away from one another, the noses met next, each one twitching a little as they exhaled and inhaled, sharing breath. Both picked up the scent of the other. Male, interest, touches of ozone and wet fur in the case of Fritz, the tell-tale hints of having had meat for a meal or a berry, the warmth of their body against the cooler temperature of the room.

It was a lot of information, picked up almost entirely from the nose. The brush of fur stroking against itself stimulated and that brief contact of noses touch.Then their lips pressed together, and that was where it stalled a little. Fritz hesitated, not from uncertainty, but from confusion.

So Nature guided him. A soft kiss, as best as one could do with a muzzle. He paused and gave the other a chance to emulate: He did! So he rubbed their noses together again as a reward before he slipped in a small tongue and neatly worked opened that mouth.

It was impossible to make a fully sealed kiss with their design, but that didn't stop pressing their mouths together and brushing fangs against one another. A little bit of tongue brushing along to the others mouth, against the others tongue as it came to meet them. It had an interesting feel to it. Except...

"This feels really weird." Fritz mumbled, chuckling a bit as he fumbled through the motions. "I'm trying not to bite your tongue."

"That's because Pokemon are silly and keep trying to imitate humans in everything." Nature replied with a giggle, shifting the experimental affect back into face nuzzling. "This is probably the most natural way for most."

The Manectric had much more confidence in the nuzzling - pressing his own weight into it so it became an intimate sort of game of face bumping and neck nuzzles. "Good. Cause this one I definitely know how to do."

Another sharing of giggles and chuckles, and as they continued, Nature slipped his hands up and started stroking them over Fritz's neck and shoulders. There was no discharge of static this time, what with their constant contact, but there was still an underlying hint of dampness from when the Manectric had showered.. He could feel the very faint charge of energy on his pads though. He let out a soft squeak when he felt fangs nipped at his shoulder, shuddering happily as the situation grew more intimate.

But If friction and movement helped to charge up a Manectric, shouldn't the sensation have been stronger? Nature was now practically hugging Fritz's front at this point, and he was certainly much more animated than before. Was he holding the current back inside?

And that was when Nature finally noticed Fritz's stance. Eyes gazing past, he saw one blue leg cocked up high in the air, foot outstretched and pressed against a large, round box resembling a giant battery. The pose seemed almost absurd, and hardly helping in what they were doing. "Wait. What's with the-?" He gestured towards the leg as he slipped back a little, just enough so he could look Fritz in the eye.

"Grounding," The Manectric stated, looking proud of himself. "It's in here so an Electric type can discharge as much energy as they want in case they need it, and I'm letting just about all of it flow through that instead of shocking you." He applied a slow lick across the side of Nature's muzzle. "And if I let my inner reserve go too, I'll take awhile to build up a new charge, so when it comes to other things..."

At that, he trailed off, then turned to look down below where his leg was. Nature's gaze followed, and took in the sight of the blue sheath and heavy orbs dangling beneath, From the crown of the sheath, a yellow, furless tip was hanging out a few inches, wobbling slightly with the cocked position and natural breathing.

It was going to big. Bigger than Ceylon possibly, and more so due to the knot, which he knew was there from the faint bulge in the sheath. He would have to actually measure it to find out, but that wasn't really important right now. "There should be some lubricant by the bed in a drawer," Nature suggested, still eyeing the twitching tip, "Maybe I should prepare for your plugging in to power up?"

Fritz groaned inwardly at the words, the weight of his body suddenly pressing against Nature's shoulder. "That was a horrible electric joke. Bad Nature, bad." The weight lifted, and The Manectric pulled back enough to shake his head at him with a mock-reproachful face. "Hurry up and prepare yourself before I punish you by going in dry."

As tempting as it was to continue with the wordplay, Nature complied. Once Fritz removed his connection to the grounder-thingy, they would be working a time limit. Nature wanted to make his stay as fulfilling as possible.

Of course, to do so, sometimes one had to tease a little...

Nature turned and swayed as he made his way to the bed, tail raised high and following the movements in its own seductive wag. He hopped onto the bed and bounced slightly, making the mattress frump and groan with noise. Bent over as he was to reach into the drawer of the small table beside it, he kept his hips swaying a bit, knowing the view of his backside was now as ideal as it could be, short of reaching back to pull his cheeks apart and-

Something warm and wet suddenly pressed against his sphincter. Nature yelped in surprise and nearly fell forward onto his face, but caught himself in time. Two large paws perched themselves on the top of his rump and pulled back a bit, apparently trying to steady him as his rear was introduced to a familiar slickness pushing and prying at the lucario's ring. There was no doubt about it: Fritz was rimming him!

He hadn't been expecting that! Nature huffed and squirmed, feeling his own arousal rising. His spine shivered with pleasure. His toes curled inward, his length swelled a bit more as he started to slide out to dangle between his legs. He was a bit surprised at how much he was reacting to such a simple thing.

The tongue action stopped after a few more movements. Nature's rear couldn't help but flex a bit as it adjusted to the empty feeling so soon after penetration. Nature looked back to see what the Manectric was possibly up to next, but simply found him looking thoughtful as he smacked his lips.

He noticed the attention, and met Nature's gaze. "Just experimenting." he commented with a smirk. "Weren't you preparing some lube?"

"Uh, right!" Nature turned back to the table drawer and pulled out lube and a large, plastic syringe. It wasn't hard to fill it, but Fritz did help make his anticipation rise further when he felt that wet tongue lapping along his balls and taint.

Then, tube ready, Nature guided it up to his rear for application. Fritz seemed to find the action as interesting as the rest of their adventure so far, and volunteered to push the plunger with a paw once he figured out just how things were going to be applied.

Nature squeaked and wiggled when that big paw pressed firmly, almost pressing the syringe itself into his backside. Not too hard, thank goodness, but the feeling of room temperature lubricant squirting up his ass was, well, cold, and wet! He had put a liberal amount of the stuff inside, since he wasn't sure how much he'd actually need he didn't want to make Fritz nervous about using too little, after all...

With nothing left to inject, Fritz neatly pulled the syringe out from Nature's rear with a small pop, spitting it onto the bed. Nature couldn't see what was going on at this point, so with that done, he widened his stance on the bed and adjusted his posture for the most likely of positions. "Okay. I'm ready whenever you are. Let me have it~"

Fritz hesitated, but he still hopped up onto the bed, causing the mattress to shift more so as a new weight was added. "You're sure? That looked like a lot of lube. I mean, you should be slick enough, but-"

He paused when he felt Nature's paw reach back to touch his own. The Lucario was looking back at him with a reassuring smile. "Fritz. I'm a fighting type, nevermind also being a steel type. We're very sturdy in body; so even if you are quite big compared to me, I can handle your size, even if I gasp and groan." With a smirk, the presenting male wiggled his rump higher, looking for the manetrics body was that was looming above him. "I can take it. Give it a try. Not going to let a little girly boy tease you and leave you blue balled, are you?"

That little bit of sass seemed to do the trick. "Oh, so the little bitch is going to make ball jokes too, is he?" Fritz responded with amused annoyance. "Well the jokes on you then; both our balls are blue!"

The Manectric shifted, looming over Nature even more as his belly scraped Nature's backside. The Lucario's tail was then trapped between them, and a new warm, wet point pressed itself against his rear before the bed shifted and there was a lunge.

The noise that came out of Nature this time was much higher pitched. Not quite a gasp, not quite a yelp. His rear yielded to the sudden pressure with just enough resistance to be a little painful from being stretched so, but the pleasure that came with it was plenty. He couldn't tell if he was feeling any sort of electrical connection at first when Fritz started pulling back to thrust again, but the starting momentum was very distracting.

Fritz was getting into the act without any hesitation now. Bigger in body than Nature, one massive paw rested on the bed as the other curled and covered Nature's belly, holding the Lucario against him as his hips tried to make a reasonable tempo. He had definitely been ready to go, but with such a start he was already well aroused and feeding even more Manectric dick into the small body beneath.

He was definitely bigger than Ceylon, Nature managed to note. Though comparing canines to felines was hardly fair - that knot did make a difference. It was only partly engorged, the bumping action of it against his backside added a familiar thrill he had never had with the feel of electric current inside his body.

Yes, he was definitely feeling that shocking tingle now. This was also a familiar, welcoming test of his body: When he was shocked by Ceylon, it was always a sort of 'intense but brief' sensation. Like that part of his body was going on hyper alert, and suddenly coming down from it, still feeling the echo of that pulse...

And like Ceylon, each pulse left parts of his body feeling that thrill of pleasure-pain. Some of it in his backside, where it would eventually tickle at other parts within, at the nape of his neck, where Fritz was hovering close, letting out low grunts and growls of pleasure as his hips tried to thrust deeper. Along his spine from the way their bodies were pressed together in the loving bind that was rut Against his belly from the paw that was curled against him-

A new spot, unexpected in the position, make Nature's body twitch more as he moans. The shaking of their bodies had made his own length swing close to that paw. He felt an arc of static strike against his maleness!

That was definitely new: Ceylon had teased him like that on purpose, but for it to happen so suddenly in the middle of thrusting hips like that. It was, was...


Somehow, it seemed like the Manectric was in sync with his excitement. The current was definitely much stronger now, probably encouraged by the shaking bed and Fritz's body. Despite that, the shocks Nature was getting were tolerable - the pleasure outweighed the pain easily. Fritz seemed to be aroused to full size now - knot and all, and he was making a grand effort to tr and thrust it into Nature's smaller body.

And yet... was he hesitating?

Nature reached back once more, this time up to Fritz's head as he pulled him in a bit closer. "Do it! I'll be okay!" His grip tightened as he flexed his rear as hard as he could against that yellow shaft stroking within him. "Push as hard as you can!"

Fritz gave a short nod, and with that, his mouth opened. Fangs bore down onto Nature's shoulder and held. The one paw that had been balanced on the bed came up to join the other, adding more support as the Manectric pulled back for a brief instant, then thrusted hard. Nature's whole body bounced with the initial impact, then began to spread as the knot grinded stubbornly against his walls, limbs trying to pull the Lucario down further, until...

Nature almost didn't remember there had been lewd, slick noises of lubricant doing its duty until he heard - and felt - that knot slurp into his body and lodge itself gloriously into place.

Nature's voice dragged out into an impressive groan at that. His whole body arched and spasmed around the shape. Fritz seemed to almost be doing the same thing, feeling almost like he was doubling in size within as the new tightness on his knot asserted itself. The intensity of the electric-types power seemed to almost do the same thing, the new strength coursing down through that yellow lightning rod, into Nature's body...

... along and through his walls to lay waste to his prostate, his balls, and pretty much anything nearby that was connected. Nature's tail practically swung like an axe as the charge made it flex.

This was the thrill of an electric type to one that was not - the electro-stimulation of one's pleasure, of one's bodily reactions. To encourage a reaction not just through pleasure, but by actually setting it off directly.

Another spark zapped Nature's tip as his shaft lurched up and pulsed., then again as it repeated the process. His knot rapidly swelled up to its limit as a few more twitches led to a sudden rush of white fluids. Nature gasped and shuddered as semen flew past his head, only for another volley to pelt him under the jaw. The massive Lucario length was showing off its yield as the red club danced and gushed, making a ridiculously generous spray of seed over the bed sheets and Nature alike. Each jump of energy made his body throw out another torrent of seed, and each pause between them gave Nature a brief moment to gather himself for the next charge and a breath.

The Manectric above seemed to be having the time of his life, feeling all this going on beneath him. Nature could feel the pulse of Fritz's essence flowing into his body as well, recreating the flow of electricity in its own way. His walls squeezed and milked the other male relentlessly, thanks to the electrical incentive they were experiencing.

Except wasn't the shocking supposed to start to wear off right about now?

Nature didn't realize anything was going wrong at first, still riding that wave of euphoria as his length throbbed and gushed. The reaction was almost in time with Fritz's own throbs - not too surprising, really, with two knot-styled Pokemon going at it. It would probably be awhile before the Manectric would wind down as well.

In fact, the bigger male was still thrusting and grinding, drooling into Nature's shoulder as he made love to that tight body around his dick. For his first time at mating with another male, he was full of passion...

And yet, the electrical charge almost seemed stronger. Nature wasn't sure, but it definitely wasn't dying down. Each thump of those hips against his rump sent a skin tingling wave of what felt like ghostly pinpricks along his skin, past that into his muscles, and further beyond into his balls, his prostate, his shaft!

His tail felt like it was glued into place, stiffened into position by muscle twitches. He realized with horror that his rump was also flexing from the same reason, thus tightening his grip on Fritz's knot, and thus adding into the sensations going on. The electrical stimulation was creating a perverse feedback loop, encouraging the Manectrics further pleasure and prolonged release..

Each pulse was trying to siphon out yet another little spermlet to catapult through the various little pathways that would lead to the flailing, furiously jerking cock that could do nothing but drool out hastily created remnants of seminal fluid as his balls pulled in and tried to keep pace with the impossible workload being demanded of them. His shaft barely had time to plop into the pool of spunk on the bed before it was swinging up towards his belly, ready to be zapped a little more by proxy of Fritz's nearby paws.

Nature tried to ride it out. Valiant thoughts in his head now understanding just what it was that Fritz had been talking about all this time. Valiant, bewildered thoughts as he tried to figure out how long he had left to go...

Valiant, futile thoughts as he wondered if Manectric knots lasted as long as other knots he'd experienced.

Fritz's hold on his shoulder finally came loose, the electrifying male taking a deep breath. The shaking of his hips was coming to a stop, though the pulses of seed and power were still going strong. "That was, absolutely amazing. Nature," His heavy-sated words were filled with awe as he nuzzled into the back of the Lucario's head. " I can't believe that a little change of orifice could... Nature?"

He tried his best to keep a straight face and smile back, despite the spasming muscles floating around his lower body. It was true that his shoulder was a little achey from the direct contact by fang channeling power there, but it was nothing compared to the rest. "I-I'm fine. Just a l-little lo-ah-st! Lost in the feeling and riding i-it-Hah!"

It was a horrible attempt, and Nature knew it. He felt the little zip of static chastise his length again as another wave of seizing muscles, pain, and that faint, guilty hint of pleasure centers being abused went through him again. He looked up at Fritz's knowing eyes with his ears flattened, looking sheepish. "M-maybe a little s-soreeee, mph!"

"Arceus. You're Paralyzed," Fritz huffed, "Hold on. I'm going to try and regulate the flow a bit. I can't really stop it now, but I can at least make the moments a bit more spread out."

Nature nodded and waited, trying not to make another pathetic gasp as he felt his insides trying to pull yet another load from his balls. One moment, there was the vibration of power, causing every muscle to bow to its whimsy.

Then, as it finished, it was gone, almost completely absent.

His body reflexively prepared for it anyways, but without the sudden seizing, his body only found aches coming to the fore in a sense of relief and full complaint, finally having a chance to complain in earnest. Despite that, it was a heavenly feeling to have control aga-

"Aaauuh-mph!" Nature shuddered and felt himself suddenly lashed by electricity again. A sudden, intense surge of muscles all being prodded at once, loins twitching, shaft managing a small glob this time from the moment of respite. It felt stronger than before!

"Easy, easy! It's going to feel a little stronger cause I have to hold it back, but it shouldn't last as long." Fritz said apologetically as he started rubbing over Nature's belly carefully with his wrapped paws. "I can't really stop this until my knot goes down. Let's try and get you into a better position..."

Just as predicted, the sudden charge of power was more intense, not unlike when it first kicked in, but the sensation of it gave out quickly, leaving Nature back in his moment of fleeting respite. It seemed the pause would only last for a certain number of seconds before it would come back- but it was better than nothing.

He was about to express his gratitude when the Manectric brought one his paws down with the intent of shifting positions, but quickly fumbled and cursed, almost knocking them both over and giving Nature a fresh rush of power as concentration was lost. The yelp was enough to startle Fritz further, nearly causing them to tumble again. "Gah! Sorry, sorry! I stepped in the, your, that! Oh for fuck's sake! I'm turning you over!"

All sense of care gone now, the procedure was quick and dirty - Fritz dragged him by the knot to a different portion of the bed, paws no longer secured on his waist. He then rolled the Lucario over onto his side, then back, with his legs spread wide as one was secured up by Fritz's head and the other pressed close to his crotch and hind legs - It was about as comfortable a position that could be had since they were knotted at the loins, at least for Nature.

Well, it could have been more comfortable if Fritz had simply fallen over with to basically put their position sideways, but the limited amount of contact was at least lowering some of the intensity. There was constant pressure of that tie trying to pull free now...

Which seemed very unlikely to be soon as Nature's rump spasmed and clenched firmly on it, which in turn made it throb more, which only seemed to create more energy and-

Well, Nature was starting to be rather grateful that Ceylon never had a knot to begin with. Although now that he had proven that he couldn't handle things so easily, he also hoped that Fritz wasn't too upset with him.

"Sweet Arceus, you're fucking huge. How the fuck do you hide that thing at all, Nature?"

The Lucario looked down at the form of Fritz before him. The large electric-hound was holding a paw smothered with seed up in the air delicately, but his eyes were focused down on Nature's crotch. He could imagine the view from past experiences of intense rutting though - his chest and chin were slathered with seed, fur matted every which way. It was probably down most of his belly too, but much of that was obscured by the twitching length of red, knotted lucario shaft laying across it. It had slapped into the puddle of seed many times, meaning it was just as caked with white dripping ooze as the rest of him

From that angle his rear was probably also quite distended and messy from the processing of getting ploughed. He felt another rush of energy going into his rear and spreading through his lower regions, making him gasp and twitch again as his length jumped and flexed - throbbed - but emitted nothing. All the overclocking had seemed to emptied him out now.

Suddenly embarrassed at his position, Nature put his paws down to try and hide the mammoth that was his maleness. "Err, well, I usually don't? Heh..."

Fritz just shook his head at that, still seemingly awestruck. "That thing is bigger than me. I don't know what I'd do with that, nevermind letting it near my ass."

Well, that was definitely a compliment, in a way. "I don't really use it much, actually. I'm kinda more of a-"

Another surge, another gasp with a groan. Nature was rather glad to be on his back now to ride this through as he felt his length pulse beneath his paws.


Still shaking his head, Fritz looked around for something unknown, then glanced at his messy paw again. "If I pushed with my paws and pulled back, I might be able to get my knot out if I'm careful, but I don't think your ass can really stretch that much without causing you actual injury. I would much rather wait til it deflates a bit... Now if I could just get this stuff of me..."

Nature blinked at that, eyes closed briefly as he rode through another wave. "I'm a fighting type. I'll survive a rough pull, but you don't want to hurt yourself either. I'm already a mess though, it's not going to hurt me if you put a cummy paw on me. I don't think there's anything not messy!".

"Right, right, fighting type." Fritz nodded at that and put his paw on Nature's hip, matching it with the other. "Okay then. This might sting a bit. Let me- just- try!"

They were careful, but it was time consuming. Between trying not to hurt anything and trying to regulate Nature's shocks, however, they ultimately made no ground in separating themselves. Nature eventually stopped the attempt when he started to worry that Fritz was going to risk hurting himself out of desperation.

"We'll just wait it out." Nature said firmly. He used one of the moments of free movement he had to shift his lower leg into a more secure position, so he could cling to the Manectric if he had to. "Besides, it's always polite to cuddle and talk after sex if you're still awake, right?"

Fritz was grumbling, but the small attempt at humor seemed to mollify him a bit. "First you talk me into taking your rear and knotting you, you end up getting paralyzed and constantly shocked, I cover you in a mess of your own cum in the process, and you're still making jokes or giving me sass." He seemed to smile a bit. "If you weren't a guy at a Café-brothel-place, I'd almost consider asking you if you're seeing anyone: why aren't you upset at me for hurting you like this?"

Nature shrugged a bit, but gave the other male one of his kind smiles. "I'm not mad at you at all. If anything, I thought you'd be mad." There was a brief pause as another moment of power made him shiver. "I was the one all confident and assuring you I'd be able to take it. I definitely took it, but I definitely think I failed at the taking the electric part, from your reaction."

There didn't seem to be a response to that. There was a definite look of surprise on the Manectrics face, however. He even reached out briefly with a paw when Nature rode through another jolt, but for one reason or another, held back. "I think this was the strongest feeling I've ever had, actually, "he admitted, "I'm not sure what it was, really, but pressing into you, getting the knot in, the feel of you squeezing down on me. You were probably right and would have handled it if it hadn't been so intense. It was great. I'd accuse you of turning me gay if It weren't for other things. Your dick makes me fear for my ass, and I don't want to really lick my paw clean because I don't think I'd care for the taste of this stuff. It smells weird."

The messy paw was held out in example, Nature's semen slowly drying to it. It took a moment for him to process just what Fritz meant, he couldn't help but giggle a bit - and gasp at another jolt. The little reminders of their deed were spurting in with no regard for politeness. "You don't have to get mounted to be gay, but the cleaning thing seems a bit odd. I mean. You're a quadruped. I don't think they've invented practical methods of, uh, toiletries? That don't require someone helping, I mean. You licked my butt earlier, even stuck your tongue in! That's usually what grosses people out more!"

Fritz snorted at that, looking further embarrassed. "One, hygiene is different from self pleasure. I said before I'm not a sex maniac. Any time I, well, experimented when I was young, I did it somewhere where I wouldn't have to clean up the mess. And I have eaten out my ex before. Her pussy, I mean. That is a little different, but I don't think I would have done it after having mounted her. I think the only reason I actually licked you like that was because I got into the moment, and since I didn't think I could take you, err, in my own ass, I could at least step out of my comfort zone and try something else to make up for it."

"You've never tasted your own seed?" The temptation not to ask was too much for Nature; Fritz was just too adorable when he was flustered. "Not even a moment of curiosity?"

"It's slimy!" Fritz reiterated with more heat. "And sticky! What if I had gotten it stuck in my fur without noticing and someone pointed that out? Embarrassing!"

Natured reached out for the seed-soddened paw with a big grin. "Try it~ I promise you it isn't so bad."

"No! Besides, we're trying to help you get unknotted so we can un-Paralyze you!"

The paw was caught between his own. Nature was still grinning as his eyes lidded. "Alright. More for me then."

He pulled the paw to his mouth and began to lick it. Despite the shocks still emanating from his backside, his sore, twitching length, ass, and tail, he didn't stop (apart from groaning during the shock, anyways).. He worked the digits out to get between them and root out every hint of his essence from the Manectric's paw as he watched. He could see the surprise and focus he was getting from the action. He could feel the feelings it was apparently aroused, from the extra throbbing that knot was giving off and the faltering control of electrical pulses trying to help him from being paralyzed so much.

It was worth the extra bit of pain he experienced for it. Once he was done, he couldn't help but play on it a bit. "Just a head ups, but I think you may have a paw fetish, too."

Fritz was definitely flustered. "You are definitely not going to get unstuck if you keep teasing me like that."

The Lucario let out a delighted giggle as he rubbed that paw. That was when he finally noticed the hint of red there. Curious, Nature felt around the fur and found something unexpected - a red string was tied around the paw. "What is this?"

"Oh..." From flustered to worried, the Manectric tried to pull his paw back. "That's nothing."

Nature's grip tightened. "Then you wouldn't have it tied around your paw like that. Come on now - we're going to be like this awhile."

Fritz seemed surprisingly determined not to talk about it, but he also seemed to have a hard time resisting Nature's eyes when he started giving him Deerling impressions. "Alright, alright... It's a gift from my ex girlfriend. It's a Destiny Knot."

The name didn't ring a bell to Nature. The confusion must have been obvious, as Fritz continued. "It's an uncommon accessory that trainers would use for their Pokemon, before the Liberation and all. At least in battles, it has the ability to redirect any technique that causes you to become infatuated with your opponent back to them, so both sides are affected."

The mental imagine of how that could go wrong - both in hilarious and not so hilarious ways, made Nature boggle a bit. "That's... I'm kind of surprised that is a thing! Wouldn't that cause all sorts of called off fights from Pokemon suddenly going at it on the battlefield?"

Fritz nodded. "Like I said, uncommon. It wasn't an unusual strategy to use 'Attract' that way though. You're hardly going to have sex on the battlefield if the one using it intends to kick your ass in the first place. This at least made it so if you did get hit by it, even if there was a bit of awkward courting going on at first, you would have a chance to come to your senses and take advantage of the fight. That's not the insidious part about the thing though, I found out...

"See, Destiny Knots are uncommon because they're hard to make. The thread is made from something weird that can absorb energies that Pokemon use. It's not unlike some of those things that make Ghost Pokemon touchable or can actually help you resist or power up certain elements. Rather than giving you a power boost, it reflected being infatuated, but outside of combat, it builds a sort of two-way empathy between two Pokemon that were concentrating on one another."

"Wait, what!?" Nature looked down at the string, back to Fritz, and then to the string again. "But, then, does that mean that we were... ?"

Fritz nodded. "Yes. Sort of. The effect is subtle. Most don't even realize what is going on unless they know about it already, and all it really does is heighten awareness, not influence anything. For example," Fritz shifted the paw and moved it up to Nature's head - and gently fuzzled him. "When you came up to the second floor of Captivate to check on me, once I focused on you for a little bit, I could tell you were genuinely just trying to offer me a drink, and kindness. You weren't hoping for a tip, or a silly bit of teasing, or some mix thereof. You wanted to try and help me when I explained my issues. It was very unexpected, in a place like this. Or so I thought anyways. That was part of why I stayed when you ordered me to."

Well, that did pretty much explain Nature's intentions to the letter from when he first went to check on the other Pokemon. "Okay, that explains you reading me, but what about the other way around? You said two-way."

"Well, from what my ex told me, the most common result you see is you learn to read them very easily. What annoys them, makes them happy, their mood. So if you get along with the person, you both tend to get along even better, possibly even romantically, which is why it's also called the 'Marriage Knot' because of some human legend about red strings. But if you don't get along with someone, or you both are in a situation where it isn't possible to get along, it tends to end up with both sides making the other more miserable because you sense that misery. It's a little hard to explain, but basically it just piles onto itself if you don't find a way to resolve it."

Explanation given, Nature found himself contemplating both sides of the example. From the positive side, it was clearly something a lot of people would welcome, but since most people didn't get along perfectly with others...

A sudden epiphany came to mind. "So that is why I've been so strangely assertive with you!" Nature said to himself, sounding surprised. "But then that means that, it was the negative parts of this that made you two break up?"

"It is probable," Fritz nodded solemnly as he pulled his paw back, "We broke up only a few days ago. She probably felt my nervousness, and I felt her reaction to getting shocked during sex, and since neither of us knew how to deal with that, the negative feelings just kept building. I haven't been wearing it that long, so I can't say for certain. You've been the first person to really give it a real test. It was a pleasant surprise, but I forgot I was wearing it in the first place when you showed up at my room. I'm sorry about that. If anything, it helped us get along better, but maybe it was the reason why the shock was much stronger too; Your determination to make me happy was very touching, but that might have made the shock even stronger."

There was a sudden pain at Nature's backside, physical and bulging. With a gasp of pain and a start, the deflating knot was popped free from the Lucario's rear as Fritz gave a firm tug.. The blue butt had a gaping red hole, clenching at air as it began to adjust.

"And that story was apparently just wait we needed to mellow us both out to untie." Fritz finished smoothly, "How do you feel?"

Apart from a burning backside form the surprise withdrawal, Nature's experimental wiggling still had a few twitches in it. The power was much less now, thankfully, but it still crawled through him. "I think I'm still paralyzed a bit.."

Fritz frowned at that, peering closer. "Should I call room service to bring something?"

Nature pushed himself up a bit and shook his head, smiling. "No, It should wear off eventually, or I can at least walk out without too much trouble after I recover a bit." He glanced over at the bedsheets, along with the sizeable damp spot where his seed had seeped in. He was still covered with quite a bit of it himself. "Although maybe we should call for new sheets. I've ruined yours. Sorry! And maybe I should risk a shower if you're okay with that?"

"Hmm, new sheets is not a bad idea, but where do you think you're going so quickly, that you're already planning to slip out?" Fritz canted his head, arching a brow at the Lucario.

"Err," it seemed that it was his turn to get flustered again. "Well, I was worried I brought up some painful memories, asking about the-" Nature could already see the glint of mischief in the Manectrics eyes as he was about to say 'knot.' " - String. But if you're not upset..."

The large hound shook his head, smiling softly. "It was sad, yes, but if I didn't explain it to you, you might have thought something worse of it." He leaned in and maneuvers a paw to let himself lean over Nature's messy form as he applied a nuzzle to the top of his head. "Even if things didn't go as planned, you gave me a wonderful time with good intentions, and for that I am grateful. Which is why..."

He huffed a bit. Nature blinked, wondering what had the Manectric hesitating on his words.

"...Which is why I want you to stay until I know you're not going to get worse on me and fall over dead in the hall." Fritz finished, clearly changing whatever he meant to say. He leaned back and looked him over. "But you definitely need a bath."

Nature grinned at that, "Think you can help me to get to your bathroom then?"

There was a smirk on Fritz's face. "Well, I could, but I have a better idea." He leaned in again, shuffling in place to lay down. His paws planted themselves onto Nature's legs. "This is just experimenting," he stated firmly, "Nothing more."

Nature watched with surprise - and a brief tingle of electric pleasure, as a large, silky yellow tongue began to make its way up his crotch, starting at this sack. "What? You still think that licking cum will make you gay?"

The tongue was up to his sheath now, brushing against the messy fur and gathering up the spilled seed.. "No, but it's definitely still slimy." Fritz made a face as he ended up with a large dollop of Lucario cream on his palette. "I'm definitely just bi-curious."

And with that, Nature let out another giggle.

It was the next day of Fritz's little vacation. Noon was near-approaching as the Manectric was making his way contently back to his room. He had just finished a massage session with a certain Jolteon female and was feeling particularly serene about it.

Not from sex though. No - he was feeling almost light as a feather thanks to the massage and acupuncture he had unexpectedly gotten for his visit.

"You're way too stressed out. That's what putting my paws all over you has told me." She had stated matter-of-fact as he made undignified noises. "I don't know what's been bothering you so much lately, but you need to work on loosening up a bit."

He had explained a few details of his reason for visiting, including his electrical issue. Surprisingly, Neon had a few rather intelligent-sounding explanations as to why he had that problem, and not just because of his species.

The simplest way to sum it all up: Stress. Stress made him tense. Tension made his body release and gather electricity more easily (possibly a defensive mechanism for combat), and because he was use to it, he didn't notice his body doing it, making it harder for him to control it better.

So her next suggestion was one he was taking to heart, because if she was right, it would be a big step towards helping him solve his woes - he was going to take a nap on his comfy, new-clean bed while he was all relaxed from his spa-treatment.

Thinking back to the bed and his room in general reminded him of Nature: After he had cleaned the Lucario up the 'old-fashioned' way, he had been well enough to slip out. He had been tempted to ask him to stay longer, but he didn't want to risk shocking the poor boy more than he already had, and admittedly, he was a bit shy about calling for cleaning staff with him still around...

Fritz definitely felt guilty about that, but tried not to let it eat at him. He really did have a great time with Nature, even if the Destiny knot had influenced things a little bit. He was pretty sure their time together had helped release a lot of his stress before he had ended up with Neon.

The red thread was now safely tucked into his satchel back in the room. Nature had suggested that he take it off for the time being. A rather insightful suggestion, considering there was no telling how it would have affected him and Neon. She was definitely an approachable female if you had the confidence for it, but he had gotten the impression she had a lot more energy to her than even he did!

I definitely need that nap, Fritz thought to himself as he reached his room and fumbled with the little keycard he had on necklace, "I'm thinking way too much."

Steadily clearing out his head, Fritz opened the door and stepped into his room, feeling the charge of his body slowly seeping into the grounding wires hidden in the carpeting...

And stared dumbly at the smiling Lucario sitting on his bed, wearing 'his' deceptive black apron, with a basket of unknown things sitting beside him.

In fact, as he took in the scene, he realized it was not just one, but four baskets. There was even a grayish blanket of some sort folded up beside him. "Uh, hi." Fritz managed to say as he shut the door behind him.

"Hello!" Nature replied back. The Lucario looked happy and healthy. Even his tail was wagging a bit behind him. "Sorry for letting myself in, but I wanted to surprise you. How was your session with Neon?"

The seemingly magical knowledge of where he had been not long ago made Fritz perk up a bit. How had he known that? "It was great, actually. We talked, she made me moan like a happy girl much to my embarrassment, and even talked to me a bit about my electrical issue. I'm glad I got to meet her." He made his way slowly towards the the bed, eyeing the baskets and wondering what the Lucario was up to. "You must have some sort of surprise up your apron for you to have snooped on where I was so you could sneak whatever it is in here. Is this some sort of mega-picnic? I should warn you - just because I'm big, doesn't mean I can eat that much!"

The guess didn't change the Lucario's apparent perkiness in the slightest, though he thought he saw a twinkle in those eyes. "Actually. Only one of them has food, but we might order something a little later," Nature slipped off the bed and began moving the baskets off it, including the extra blanket, which was draped over the tops to hide their contents. "I understand you were told to relax and have a nap? Why don't you come lie down and I'll give you a chest rub to help?"

With the mystery of the baskets and whatever plot Nature was working on, Fritz had a suspicion he wouldn't be getting that nap he had been recommended. Although it was very possible that Neon had told him that for exactly this reason!

Accepting the fact he had been manipulated, he let out a bemused sigh and made his way over to the bed, neatly rolling himself onto the large frame and shuffled himself so he was belly up, head settled on the covered pillows and his underside exposed completely. He let his limbs droop in a relaxed position as he looked to Nature, waiting to see what would come next.

Somewhat to his surprise, the Lucario did exactly as he had offered. Slipping himself beside the bed, he reached out around his forelimb and began a thorough, pleasant-feeling rubbing along his chest and the front of his neck. There was the expected static spark when they first made contact, but Nature barely jumped.

He had to admit - getting his chest rubbed was nice. Relaxing with a hint of intimate that he didn't mind Nature sharing in. Then again, just about anyone would probably enjoy having their chest and belly massaged. "So, when do I find out what you're up to?" He asked conversationally, letting his eyes shut and his head drifted as he focused on the sensation of touching going on.

"Now, if you'd like." The voice of Nature replied. Not nearly as perky sounding, but definitely calm. He must have been focusing on what he was doing. "Neon talked to you about stress might be the problem, right?"

The Manectric gave a small nod and replied with his throat. "Mhmm..."

Nature continued, "Well, I talked with her and Ceylon a bit about that, since they are both electric types... Your ex - was she your first girlfriend too?"

Ah, so that was what had been going on. Nature was trying to solve his problem for him. That was sweet. Maybe a tad personal, but given what the two of them had shared, in retrospect that wasn't unreasonable. "Urrr... Yes. She was my first real girlfriend." He admitted, "I suppose I was a bit distant with others, given my shocks. Even as an Electrike, we make a bit of a field around ourselves with it, but she was the first serious relationship I'd had."

"And she had the Destiny Knot when you both met too, right?"

"That she did." Fritz confirmed.

Nature shifted. A sudden weight on his chest made Fritz open his eyes and try to look down. The Lucario had put his head down onto his chest. One paw was rubbing along his neck and the top of his chest still, but the other was now draped and petting along his side furthest from him. "I think the Destiny Knot made your shock more potent, but only in feeling, not actual strength." Nature explained, "And I think what I'm doing now sort of proves it."

There was no reply to that theory at first. Fritz wasn't sure what to think on it. The Knot had made electricity more, feely? Putting his head on his chest proved it? Suspecting that there was more to the explanation, The Manectric gave in and asked the obvious. "How so?"

"Here you are, fresh, full of energy from your walk back to your room, not expecting to have to worry about shocking anyone, so you probably weren't trying to ground yourself completely, and ever since I started touching you, the electrical tingle I've felt has been much less that what I felt after everything from yesterday." Nature lifted his head back up, dragging his paws through the light blue fur as his rubs resumed as before. "So unless you suddenly have a lot more control than last time, something is different."

"Huh..." In truth, Fritz had forgotten to really try and control his charge when he had rolled onto the bed, but it was true he had only let the grounding in the carpet take a little of his charge - Nature had distracted him from focusing on it. The declaration about how the static shocks had felt, however, was a surprising one. "I'm not actually doing much with it at all, in truth. I'm not wearing the Knot right now, it's true, but I did just have a massage and even got some acupuncture. It was weird, but invigorating, but in a relaxing sort of way...?"

Wait, Invigorating? Relaxing? Those two things didn't go together!

He grumbled. "That made no sense at all."

Nature let out a giggle. His movements drifted up to his neck and along the sides of his head, stroking along his cheeks. "I know what you mean though. According to Neon, a massage or even acupuncture don't really change an Electric types charge at all. Unless you deliberately discharged them first, all that really changes is the tension, which just affects how it comes out."

The new rubs were pleasant, but they made the Manectric want to look at the Lucario as he did them. "But that doesn't mean I still won't shock someone when I'm having sex." he pointed out.

Nature's face appeared before his nose - the Lucario had climbed up enough to get into his view with a grin. "And that's what the baskets are for."

Guiding his gaze, Nature shifted the blanket off the first basket - in it was food, but in the form of canned drinks and other containers. "Protein boosters, special cocktails, and lubricant." he stated with obvious mischief.

Fritz had to admit, that wasn't what he expected to hear, especially the lubricant. He must have looked quite surprised by it, as he heard another giggle out of the Lucario before he revealed another basket.

"Is that a collar with a leash?"

Nature nodded. "That's a basket of things for me to use, for me. Since I think you may have a few little fantasies in your head I vaguely picked up on from the Destiny Knot." They shared a look where Nature looked at him knowingly and Fritz couldn't help but blush a bit.

Another basket. It was similar to the second, but with a few different items. "A basket for me?" Fritz hazarded to guess. The big grin plastered on Nature's face said it all. "What's the file for? Am I going to be playing an escaping prisoner sawing through bars?"

"That's for your claws, silly! Since you like someone giving attention to your paws."

Oh, right, Nature had plucked that particular guilty pleasure out of his head too. "Ah..."

The final basket was revealed with a flourish as Nature stepped out of view. This time, Fritz's eyes really did bulge as he saw several different yet similar things - dildos. They were clearly counting up in size. "Those had better be for you."

A sultry voice answered from the other end of the bed. "If you would like to watch, sure~" It was definitely Nature, but when Fritz turned his head to see what the Lucario was up to, it was too late.

Having apparently nabbed the collar and leash from one basket, Nature was kneeling at the end of the bed over the Manectric's tail. His hands were looped around both of Fritz's hind paws, swaying them about slightly as he looked towards him with a look of intimate interest. The leash dangled from one hand, the loop end caught on a paw. The position was precariously close to his unguarded rear, but Nature's apron still kept his own groin concealed.

A tingle that Fritz thought was nervousness danced up his spine. "N-Nature, Uh, well, I know we had some wonderful times yesterday, b-but I said before, I don't think I could be a good male for you. To mount, I mean me, I mean to mount me..." Once again, tongue-tied, Fritz huffed. "I mean I don't think I can be on the receiving end. Even if you plan to try and work me open with those toys."

Nature nodded at that, but the look wasn't gone. "Mhmm, but you said you had a wonderful time yesterday with me, "Which means that even though you're a little shy about it, you're okay with relations with another male, deep down. I know that from yesterday, thanks to the Destiny Knot."

Fritz gulped loudly as he tried to think up a response. His tail tried to twitch and his heartbeat quickened when the Lucario slide a paw down and began to fondle his orbs. The touch was gentle, and caring, and knowing, tracing up along the edges of his sheath as well. "Even with stretching, there's no way I can take you, not in a day at least." He finally countered.

But all he got was a shrug. The other paw now slid down to join the first, Nature now between his legs as the leash dangled off his hindpaw. "I said before I don't mind that. I don't actually top; I prefer the submissive position. I got them in case you wanted to find out what you were really okay with. I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do... but we both know you're a little tempted."

Stuck on his back, not wanting to buck Nature off, Fritz could only watch with growing nervousness as he spotted a hint of yellow from his own groin - betrayed by his inner lusts and curiosity. He couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't causing the other all sorts of shocks either now. "But, my electricity - the Destiny Knot. This isn't going to be the same as last night! I might give you a real shock if I'm startled."

Nothing Fritz had said so far had seemed to deter the Lucario - They only seemed to goad him further into action. Fritz felt his loins burn with more desire when Nature responded to the latest objection by leaning his head in and placing one great big lick across his groin - from balls to sheath to peeking tip, he felt the wetness and heat of his breath. A few little ticks of electrical power also danced against that tongue, causing Nature's face to twitch in response. He looked amused when he had finished. "That was weird, heh... I'm glad that wasn't too strong though."

Clearly, Nature wasn't going to take his worries into consideration. But Fritz also found himself not wanting to say 'Stop!' Instead, he asked the most direct question he could think of to the situation. "Why are you doing this, Nature?"

Finally, Nature showed some sign of reluctance, of worry. The sultry look dimmed as he instead looked up at the Manectric with those shy, kind eyes he had shown yesterday. "Because I want to help you? I know that you might never come back, or might never talk about what we did to someone else, and that's okay, but..."

To help him? He thought back to his earlier thought about feeling a bit guilty about waiting for Nature to leave his room before he had called for new sheets. Was all this because of that?

"... But I want to help you as much as I can before you go. Whether you try and start things again with your ex, or just with someone new, male or female." Nature resumed. "It sounds like you haven't really had much experience with sex before her. I sort of realized after I left last night just how much that Destiny Knot connects you, especially when being intimate. So I wanted to give you a chance to experience what we did without it, to see how much it changed things so you'd have more experience. Maybe that'd make things better in the long run."

"But why all the other stuff?" Fritz asked in kind, gestured at the other baskets. "I can understand the intent, but we didn't use all this last time."

At this, Nature blushed and flattened his ears a little, smiling sheepishly at him from crotch level as his tail wagged a bit. "Cause I still remember most of what I think the Knot told me about you, and I was sort of hoping that if things went well the second time. Maybe we could try a third time, and four or more times, and make your last day here extra memorable?"

Four or more times? Fritz couldn't hold back a hearty chuckle at that, greatly amused and, in a way, embarrassed by the inner compliment of the implication. "That's a lot of experience you were gonna try and shove into me! You know, when I found you in here, smiling and acting like you had a wonderful idea, i wasn't surprised at all by that." He reached down to gently pet the Lucario's head with a paw. "It wasn't until you started acting all seductive after showing me the sex toys that I started having some worrying thoughts I had read you wrong."

Fritz's paw was big - it depressed Nature's face onto his crotch briefly, making him Blush and smooch gently at everything. "It's... hard flirting with someone, if you're not sure you're doing it right.," he whined. "I'm sorry I made you nervous. I am too, because I'm going off memory, and what I sense, rather than what the knot says. You seemed to like it when I was sassy and assertive, so..."

The words trailed off as Nature gave a small shrug and an apologetic look. The moment went on quietly as the two peered at each other, waiting to see what would happen next. Without the Destiny Knot on, it was genuinely different from before, Fritz noted. He knew what sort of things Nature liked and did before, but he had also known subconsciously. This time, it was like...

... Like meeting an old friend again after a few years, and not being sure if they were quite as you remembered. At least Nature had the advantage of his Aura senses - he could probably tell he was thinking everything over. Hell, he had probably sensed all his nervousness before, and had tried carefully poking him with his attempt at being assertive without going too far.

Fritz realized at that point that, Destiny Knot or otherwise, there was something he knew for certain.

"Well, I know two ways you can make it up to me." the Manectric smiled at the curious look he got from the Lucario. "First; what's with the blanket? It looks too ugly to be somewhere from the Café, even if it was to cover baskets with dildos."

Nature giggled a bit. "Oh, that's an electric-resistant blanket. Apparently the floor and the bed are designed to help ground out energy so there's not too much, but also help generate it, sort of like how your body does on its own. Apparently generating electricity feels good to a lot of Electric types if done right. That might have influenced last night too."

Fritz nodded. "Alright, now, for the second thing..."

Nature waited obediently, ears rising to attention as the paw was removed from his head. His eyes were curious when the Manectric started wiggling in place, seeming to scoot a bit closer to the Lucario...

The paw had snagged the leash from before on its way back. With a smirk, Fritz jostled it a bit, as if making use of it. "You can give me a special massage to help me get relax again, and we can discuss those plans of yours in more detail to make sure we fit as many things in as possible into today."

With a playful tug, Fritzh pulled Nature's face close, pressing there noses together before giving it a lick. He grinned at the surprised look he got for it. "We're just experimenting, after all. I trust you be careful, and I know you genuinely care, after all. I don't think I could get anything better short of us actually being in a relationship."

At the implication of such a setup, Nature seemed to blush and fluster so much that he looked ready to hide his face in embarrassment! Before he could do that, however...

Fritz rocked his hips and made them both bounce on the bed, startling a yelp out of the Lucario. Having his reaction interrupted, Nature realized what had happened and stuck his tongue out at him, lightly hitting his chest. "Jerk! You're trying to make me speechless!"

Giving a bemused cackle, Fritz took the blows and apologized with a gentle head rub. "Right, right. I'm sorry. It was only fair after you tried to seduce me with a basket full of sex paraphernalia. So to make sure everything goes to plan, " He pressed a more firmly with his paw, lowering Nature's muzzle towards his sheath, "How about we get to that special massage to help me relax, and see how shocking things get?"

Nature's tail began to wag rapidly. Those big eyes looked up at him all earnest and worshiping. "Yes, sir!"

And so he did...

And so they did more

And there was many happy, and surprised noises from both.
