Beginnings - Amber and William 2

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Hello all,

This is my the next story in this saga. Please comment and rate, I enjoy your thoughts.


This story is completely original and as such is protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved to me, Shiriak.

Legal Disclaimer:

I am not responsible for anything that might happen to you, your computer, or anything else that may arise from you reading this story. This is an adult work. If you are not of legal age in your area, I can't be held responsible in any way for anything that might come as a result of reading this.

Simply put, standard copyright, standard disclaimer.

Amber and William 2

William was furiously sprinting around the track, a hard thing to do with his current boner. It kept on being jostled around and was quite uncomfortable. He was trying to get his mind off of everything that had happened so far tonight. Forget staying in a gym for the night because of the snowstorm with his sister. It was now a hundred times worse because now he had to spend the night with his horny sister in heat! He huffed to himself as he cleared another lap on the track. This night wasn't the best so far.

Amber came out of the restroom, naked save for her damp leotard, which provided almost no cover for her at all, it being so clingy and wet. She noticed her brother sprinting around the far end of the track. She nibbled her bottom lip... How was she going to approach this? Outright truth? A lie? What about claiming it was all fake? No, that wouldn't work...

Quickly her brother was going around the end of the track, getting closer to her. As he looked up and they locked eyes, he quickly skidded to a stop and started to run the other way. Amber raised her voice, "William, wait!" But, he was already gone, now just making circles around the far basketball court. Other than the obvious things that had happened, Amber, like it or not, was still in heat and she got even hornier by the second. She leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down to sit at the base of it. She tucked her tail into her lap and waited for a good time to approach Will.

William continued at a breakneck pace around the basketball court. For some fun, he threw in some shuttle races as well. Breathing heavily, he still pushed himself even harder and harder. After the sixth shuttle race, he doubled over, wheezing heavily. He just couldn't get the image of his sister out of his mind. Was it wrong? Oh yes, it was so wrong and perverted, but the more that he tried to stop thinking about it, the hornier he became, it was almost so painful. He sunk to his knees at the edge of the track, bowing his head, shamed at himself. He was supposed to be strong for his sister, and the only thing he could think of was her on that dammed floor, fingers in her clit and exploding all over herself.

He continued to bow his head at the edge of the track, quietly sniffling to himself. He tried everything he could think of to get to stop thinking about his sister, but he couldn't. Kneeling there for a while, he felt a light touch on his shoulder and started, whipping his head around. His sister was there, her head also bowed, a few paces back. Amber was crying, evident from her constant sniffling and wiping at her snout with a paw every few seconds. He started to say something, but couldn't, and fell silent.

They stayed there for a long time, William trying to ignore his continuous erection and dirty thoughts, Amber trying to not be so horny with herself, both ashamed at the other. They weren't certain who moved first, but they found themselves in each other's arms. They embraced tenderly for a few moments, and then Amber said, "William, we need to talk." Will just nodded and moved to sit down on the gym floor.

"I know you saw me, William," Amber began. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. I'm in heat, as you have realized, and this means a lot for tonight." She bit her lower lip before she continued. "I saw you as well, Will." She said softly.

William looked up into his sister's eyes. "You mean, you saw me..." He paused, a little uncomfortable. "In the shower?"

Amber simply nodded her head. "I've seen you, you've seen me." She summed up, a little fast. "You see, William, I need to either get my pills, or have a dragon tonight. My pills are in my locker, which is stuck. I can't get it open." She sighed a bit. "Although after seeing you, I don't think the latter would be a bad thing either." She said, trying to make light of the situation. William just blushed, not saying anything. "Wilis, I need those pills, and I still might need you. Will you help me out?"

William cleared his throat and bobbed his head. "Of course, Amber. I will help you... to the best of my ability. Let's take a look at that locker?" He asked, studiously ignoring the almost naked dragoness in front of him. He gestured to the girls' restrooms and entered it for the second time today. "Which is your locker?" William asked, rounding the corner.

"This one." Amber pointed to the offending number three. "It's stuck pretty bad."

William took one look at the locker and tried the latch. It didn't even wiggle. He tried to force it open, no luck. He sighed, looking back at his sister. "I'll break it if I have to." He said.

"Try not to. Maybe you can find a toolbox around here. Get it unstuck." She went to the shower area and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself for her brother's benefit. Amber stood there, looking on as her brother strained with the latch.

"Fine..." William said. "I'll look for a toolkit." He grumbled as he went out the restroom and took the short trip to the front counter. Stashed under it in a drawer, he found a yellow toolbox. Bending over, his sister looking on at his firm toned buttocks, he grabbed it and turned around, lifting it up. He caught his sister looking at him, and caused her to turn away quickly, caught in the act. <i>She wasn't kidding about being horny...</i> He thought as he went back to the restroom.

Screwdriver in hand and hammer in the other, he tried knocking out the pins holding the door as Amber watched him intently. "Damn." He muttered to himself, a word that would have gotten him grounded without video games for a week in his house. "I don't know, Amber, these lockers weren't meant to come open once closed, you know?"

"I'm sure you'll figure out something." Amber replied wryly. "You know what will happen if..."

"I know." Will said, holding up a claw stopping her, kneading his brow with the other. "Maybe if.." He grabbed the screwdriver and the hammer from the floor and started tapping away at the combination lock. Grinning to himself, he popped the lock off and reached in with a claw, tripping the offending latch and opening the door with a single satisfied chuff. "Told you I could get it." He said, laughing a little, standing aside so she could go diving for the pills in her purse.

"Thanks, Willis." She said, head buried in the locker. "They aren't in here..." She trailed off, "Wait. Here they are!" She emerged, victorious, towel dropping to the ground around her ankles. "Take two with water..." She paused again. "Uh oh, they're expired."

William just looked at her, confused. "You can still take them, right, you'll be fine, right?" He said, worried, feeling himself get harder by the second, looking at his sister in her still wet leotard.

"They... won't be as effective, Will." She replied softly. "I'm sorry." She looked down at her feet. "I will take them, but I can't guarantee anything.

"The pills, they have to work though!" Will said nervously. "You're talking about... mating your own brother! This has to be a dream!" He said suddenly, turning around. "I don't... I can't... Amber..."

"William." Amber said, turning to look at him, standing there, his claws behind his back, feet shuffling on the ground, clearly nervous and uncomfortable. "I will try my best. But, I cannot promise we won't... mate." She said, swallowing a bit. "Besides, look at it this way." Amber moved closer to her brother and put her hand on his shoulder. "I'd rather have you than some other dragon off the streets. I'm lucky it's here."

The only sound from the two of them was the steady and persistent soft music in the background, coupled with their breathing. Finally, the silence was broken by Amber turning away and moving towards her locker. "I'd better take these." She said, moving away from her brother somewhat reluctantly. Her hormones flared up again causing yet another twinge in her groin. As William turned away, she suppressed her urge to tear off his clothes. Instead she followed him out, heading for the water fountain in the corner.

William couldn't believe how this night was panning out. He loved his sister, sure, but... still. There were a lot of things floating around in his mind as he looked at the clock and saw 7:34 PM. William picked up a basketball and tried to get his mind off of his sister by shooting some hoops.

Amber perched over the drinking fountain, pills in hand. She quickly downed two of them and almost immediately felt a little bit of relief, but not the wave she was expecting. Sighing, she moved back into the restroom and pulled off her leotard, reaching for her clothes. In the act of pulling on her panties, she paused. William might not know it yet, but she knew it was probably unavoidable. There was just too much at stake, her sanity at the top of the list. Casting her panties aside, she opted to go naked. Looking at herself in the mirror one last time, she smoothed out a couple of scales and quickly checked to make she was presentable, then walked out of the restroom.

William continued to dribble the basketball up and down the court, before he shot a really nice basket, using his wings to get a couple of added feet to his height. Seeing his sister out of the corner of his eye, he almost faceplanted on the gym floor. His first thought was, <i>Damn, my sister looks so hot!</i> before he stopped himself and exclaimed instead, "Amber! Where are your clothes?!"

"I don't need them." She replied, a bit smugly. "Besides, they'd get all messy anyway." Amber pointed to her dripping pussy. "I also don't want you to be distracted... later. If there is a later. So you get used to it." She hurriedly added.

"Why's that?" Will asked warily.

"Just in case, I don't want my first time to be so awkward." She said, sheepishly. "You've seen me naked before, though."

"Yeah, earlier today!" William retorted, still drinking in the site of his sister standing there in all her glory.

"You've seen me before... I've even seen your little picture collection!" She blurted out.

William instantly went as red as a tomato, quite a feat for a blue dragon. "Those... those... those weren't yours to look at!" He said, embarrassed beyond coherent thought.

"If they're of me?" Amber replied. She had found in his room a few months back a small collection of pictures of her naked, in various poses. One of her using the restroom, another of her sleeping, a few of her after showers, and also one of her masturbating on her bed. "How did you get those anyway?"

William stammered a little bit. "I... I, well, umm, I wanted to see if you were uhm, really pretty?" He bowed his head, lame excuse written all over it.

"It's okay, honestly." Amber said, her head going down as well. "I've also seen you... naked before today."

"When was this?" Will asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"It doesn't matter. We're even, okay?" She waved it away. "Listen, William, I know that you will be nice to me and that you won't harm me. I'd rather have you than anyone else. Now, can I see you like I am?" she asked boldly.

"Uh." William said, scratching his scales. "I guess." He set the basketball down and slowly started to strip. First came off the shirt, revealing his stomach and his baby blue stomach scales. After that came the pants, so he was only wearing his patterned boxers.

"Aww!" His sister exclaimed. "Those are cute!"

William just rolled his eyes and then slowly took them off, revealing his slit to Amber. "There." He said, tossing the offending piece of clothing aside. "Happy?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yep!" Amber was practically beaming by now, already pretty horny. As she caught a whiff of her brother's musk, she shuddered a bit. "What do you think of me?" She asked, self-conscious suddenly.

"You look... great." Will said, honestly. It really was a sight to have his sister like this in front of him, after only flat pictures, he could almost see... No! He couldn't allow himself to be led down that road. Yes, his sister was gorgeous, but, that was the problem. Brothers and sisters in any community just made for a nasty little problem, not to mention the fact that if anyone found out there'd be in so much damn trouble there wouldn't be much of them left to have sex with.

"Damn it Willis," Amber said. "You are positivity drooling over me, just say it!"

"So? It's not like this night won't come without consequences." Will said, cautious.

Amber moved closer to her brother, causing his member to start swelling and to start poking out of his slit. "William." She said. "It's okay. I don't blame you. And, trust me, I won't tell. And if.. if we even like it, we might be able to do it more than once. Only if you want to though!" She added quickly, almost shrilly.

"I'm sorry, Amber, that this had to happen." William said, trying to ignore the naked female in front of him and not succeeding at all.

"It's not your fault. I love you Will." She said, as she moved in closer and kissed her brother on the lips.

It was like an explosion of gigantic proportions. As their lips met and intermingled, William almost gasped at the sensation of it. It seemed like a Fourth of July brass band went off in his head, along with the fireworks afterwards. There was just so much unbridled passion in that kiss, the sensations of love, need, and tender affection prevalent in all its glory. William couldn't help his member, as it started growing and becoming free of his slit, compressed between their two bodies, one in heat, the other a willing participant. William churred pleasantly around his sister's mouth as he felt it come out quickly, stiffening in response to the natural hormone process.

"Getting excited, are we?" His sister asked, breaking the kiss temporarily, smiling at him. "William, please. Let's do this."

William just about dumbly nodded, his willpower completely subverted by the female in heat in front of him. "I... want you, Amber." He whispered, the snow blowing outside, cool inside the gym, but hot between their bodies.

Thanks for reading! I promise the next one will have smut!