In Medias Res

Story by Fredicles von Perriwinkle on SoFurry

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#2 of Draconic Rebellion

Author's note: Part one was told in third person - a historical account so to speak. It moves to first person in this story once the "historical section" is over.

Alex bolted awake to a massive headache. "Oww-" he started moaning, "feels like I got hit by a trai...!? Huh?!" Alex spoke, but his typical gruff tones seemed to be replaced by a melodious, flowing voice. He quickly sat up and sprang to the mirror beside his bed.

"What the hell...?" Standing in front of him was a slim, scaled...dragon? "This can't be real..." Alex breathed, closing his eyes and covering them with his hand. He counted to ten slowly in his head, and started moving his hand away from his head. Light shimmered on his fingers, dancing on iridiscent scales. He rotated his wrist in a combination of shock and awe, mesmerized by golden displays of light shimmering on his new hand. He glanced back in the mirror, only to find his skin a very light blue and golden scales to be hugging his...curves!? Quickly he slid one hand down to his crotch, sending a tingling of energy shooting up...her spine! "Oh gods," Alex breathed, brain being assaulted by warm, alien sensations. She moaned softly, her breathing picking up as she grew more and more excited.

"Ready to take down, please signal," a muffled voice burst across the radio lying on Alex' desk. She immediately glared towards the door and froze. More static burst from the radio. "Roger that. You are clear to go." As if the world suddenly slowed to a crawl, Alex saw the door burst open and the troops that helped her find the artifacts sporting guns pointed at her.

"FIRE!" yelled a voice from the hallway. The first two darts hit her chest and bounced off the scaly protection she sported. She quickly dove behind the bed as more darts whizzed past her, one piercing the tender skin of her upper arm. A cold numbness shot through her arm as she collapsed on the ground, facing the ceiling. She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.

"You're gonna pay for what you did to Alex" one of the soldiers barked. He raised his gun, pointed it at her arm, and fired, piercing the side of her neck. Bewildered and in shock, Alex tried to speak, but numbness rushed through her arms and started seeping into her mind. Moments later she slumped on the ground, unconscious.


"We only have a mile to go! Keep under the radar!" A red-scaled dragon commanded the three flying beside him. "If this is as important as the emperor makes it out to be, understand that we only have one shot. Keep at bay, don't activate your armor until we've landed!"

The dragons flew over the tip of the frozen Gla'c Mountains (which is where Alex found the twelfth artifact) and quickly decended into vast, rocky plains of Veld'Nath. A crisp breeze blew throughout the sky. Moments later, a rumbling could be heard from the distance, and the leader instantly recognized it as a Slave X (lovingly called because they could store ten prisoners at a time)."HIDE!" roared the dragon.

The pilots of the Slave X noticed nothing more than a shimmer of energy as they passed the dragons. The captain shrugged it off, associating it with a lack of sleep.

A blue dragon flying behind the pack turned his head, smelling the air displaced by the monstrous machine. He quickly motioned for all to regroup and follow him. "Sir," he spoke, "I think that ship has what we're looking for on it." The red dragon turned his head curiously, unsure of what he meant, as Slave ships often flew by to restock. No sooner than he looked at the ship did a familiar smell slam into his nostrels - the smell of a female dragon.

"That's our target indeed. Good work!" he praised. The group reformed and quickly started flying towards the Slave in pursuit. "I hope she's all right, the emperor doesn't want a scratch on her! Hopefully those humans haven't begun some despicable testing on her."


"Hah, that's a creative ploy, Ms. Dragon. Not fooling us." The guard sneered, unaware that my story, as far-fetched as it was, really was true.

I stood up and tried to ram the cell doors with all my strength. Although it was enough to send those humans flying thirty feet, these cells obviously were built for that, and easily could withstand twice that force.

"Ah shut it and relax." The guard jeered, pressing a button on his remote panel. I writhed in pain as electricity arced through my back and body and fell on my knees. "This is inhumane!" I yelled, bewildered at the unnecessary torture. Again, the guard pressed the button and I helplessly fell to the floor, twitching as the electricity tensed muscles in a random pattern.

"Don't try anything silly, dragon," The guard jeered again, "I'm hungry and need some lunch." He stood up and slowly walked away.

"Damn it, what can I do?" I pondered. My shoulders erupted in pain - I involuntarily arched my back hoping that the pain would end. The muscles in my back tensed and released. An unknown weight knocked me off balance and I fell to the ground. I closed my eyes and prayed, hoping that I'd end up alive and well. Minutes later, the guard, apparently finished with lunch, strolled back into the room. An audible belch filled the room.

"Ready for some entertainment, little dragon?" he jeered, punching a button on the wall. Sudenly my arms and legs flew backwards and slammed the walls, held firmly by energy fields. The door to the cell opened and the guard walked in. I was taller than him, but I could still smell the reek of his anchovy sandwitch on his breath. I closed my eyes again, hoping that whatever he was about to do would be quick and painless.

Suddenly, a spasm shook my spine. I gasped in horror as the man began to violate me...his hand slipping inside of me, painfully poking and prodding about inside my anatomy, the sheer shock and perverse horror keeping me back from sexual stimulation. I tried to shift as much upwards as I could against the wall to no avail. The pressure released as I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"You know you can't resist." He spat. I watched in horror as his he bent down and started licking me, his tongue now desacrating my insides. I moaned as warmth started spiralling up my spine. "This is so wrong," I told myself, "can stopped?!" My breathing grew quicker and moans louder. Inside of me, an alien sensation was growing and gripping my mind. As a man, sex was quite...lacking compared to what I was experiencing now...higher and higher pleasure wracked through my body...only to stop suddenly! I moaned in agony as I was about to reach something entirely new...only to have it slowly subside.

"Oh, look, you're wet! If you're not careful you'll make a mess on the floor," his perverted laugh invaded the room. As if his prior acts weren't bad enough...he pulled down his pants, exposing a fully-erect cock! He slowly walked towards me, one hand playing with my clit and the other hand stroking his cock. I screamed in desparation, only to hear the sound of metal thud on the ground. Slowly, he approached me.

Suddenly, a flash of light came out of nowhere! "Ugh..." the guard gunted and fell over. Standing behind him were four dragons with armor advanced on a level I never saw before. "Monsters." I heard the red dragon say. "Just monsters."

He quickly rushed over to me, armor dissolving and retreating to a metal pendant around his neck. "Are you alright?"

I breathed in relief and disbelief at what just happened. "I'm...better than I was a minute ago." A yellow dragon in the guard's room punched a button on the wall, and the restraints disappeared. I fell into the arms of the red dragon, who spoke to me softly.

"Everything will be okay. Just relax and rest...we'll make camp on our way back home, but we cannot carry you back completely without making a rest."


"This is it?" one of the soldiers whispered, looking into the end of the cave. "Is there nothing else here? This mission was useless!" "Shut it," barked Alex, the army's youngest commanding officer at 25, "we're looking for...

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