A Typical Day

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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This is a small set of stories set up as a kind of introduction to my little furry world. They're unrelated for the most part, just showing off some of the general themes and style typical in these silly stories. And of course a fennec getting stuffed with horse cock, because reasons <3.


It was a typical day for Jero. He had arrived at the club early to find his usual seat at the end of the bar, where he could keep an eye on the door to have first pick of the girls as they came in, blinking as their eyes adjusted to the darkness from the bright summer sun outside. The room was starting to fill up with bodies now, mostly male of course, due to the overwhelming gender population imbalance present in the general population. Finally a female walked in who caught his eye. She was a fox, silver, and quite young from the look of her, maybe even too young to be let into a place like this, which was perfect as far as Jero was concerned. She was obviously a first timer he could tell, as she stumbled inside temporarily blinded by the darkness. Jero got up from his seat, his fluffy orange fox tail swishing behind him. "First time here?" he asked, as he slipped up behind her, running his paws slowly over her thin black halter top and tight jean shorts, while guiding her out onto the dance floor. "I umm.. yeah.." she answered back, still dazed as she found herself quickly engulfed by the crowd of bodies.

"Try this!" Jero nearly shouted over the loud pounding music, slipping a small white pill into the young vixen's mouth before she realized what was happening. Her legs started to buckle almost immediately, as she leaned back against him for support. "I.. feel strange." she said, wobbling unsteadily. Jero held her close, pressing his hips into her rear to make sure she could feel the bulge in his spandex shorts, the only item of clothing he had bothered wearing. "Just making sure you're nice and ready." he answered back, stroking a paw over her muzzle and guiding her to look off to one side, where a young husky girl was pressed between two large male wolves, whose paws were roaming all over her partly naked body. Her top was lifted up over her breasts exposing a skimpy bra, while her short skirt was slowly being pushed down her slender hips. "I umm.. I don't think I.." the vixen started, but Jero silenced her objection with a kiss, as his paw deftly went to work unfastening her shorts.

The vixen pulled her muzzle free of the kiss, shaking her head dizzily. "Wait!" she protested, quickly reaching down to take hold of her shorts as she felt them suddenly come loose about her hips. Jero took this opportunity to grope at the vixen's breasts, making her arch her back and moan from the intense stimulation, thanks to the pill he had given her to make her body nice and sensitive. "Just look around girl," Jero said encouragingly, "don't you want to have a good time?" The vixen glanced quickly about the dance floor, her eyes going wide in shock as it seemed everywhere she looked, the bodies of those furs who had previously been dancing were now writhing and thrusting. The husky girl from earlier was now lifted naked between the two wolves, while being penetrated from in front and behind. Another nude female, a slender cheetah, leaned back right in front of the vixen, as a male tiger between her legs thrust hard into her with one of her legs over his shoulder.

"I.. I can't.. please I've never.. umm.." the vixen objected, weakly trying to pull away from Jero's grip. Growing tired of her resistance, Jero grabbed the vixen's top and quickly pulled it up over her head. She gasped and reached up for it, just as he had expected, lifting her arms and letting him pull her top the rest of the way off, while her shorts fell down around her ankles. "Much better." he murred, relieving himself of his own shorts and setting his paw to work between the vixen's legs. "Aah!" she cried out as Jero's paw digits reached the front of her soaked thong panties, though no one seemed to notice as the music drowned out the sounds of sex from all around. "Almost.." Jero smirked, working free the clasp of her bra with one paw as the other worked her panties down. The last remnants of her clothing were soon lost in the throng of bodies, as Jero prepared to finally take what he wanted.

It was too bad he couldn't convince his younger brother Kovi to come along tonight, Jero thought as he lifted the young vixen's tail and buried the tip of his throbbing shaft between the lips of her dripping sex. Those wolves sure looked like they were having fun as they continued to double penetrate the young husky girl in between them. "Oh well, maybe next time." Jero thought, as he took a firm grip of the young vixen's hips, and thrust hard through her virgin barrier, causing her to cry out sharply over the pounding of the music.


It was a typical day for Kovi. His siblings had all gone off about their usual daily activities, leaving him at home alone to laze about and watch TV. He had woken up late and managed a quick shower, before plopping himself down on the sofa in nothing but a towel, with a box of cold leftover pizza. The fox stuffed a slice of pizza in his mouth to pick up the remote, and started flipping through the channels to find something entertaining to watch.

Most of the shows were 'reality programming' these days, which were largely made up of highly contrived gameshows, where contestants competed to win some kind of prize, while participating in all sorts of humiliating, and often risky events. There was "Survival of the Wettest" where teams of girls competed in a series of lewd physical challenges, the losing team voting off one of their teammates they before the next episode, but not before submitting her an outrageous punishment, chosen by poll of the audience. "The Weakest Kink" was another, where girls were given a series of secret challenges, and then sent out to be dropped off separately around the city to perform them, all while being filmed of course, with no idea how well the other girls did until they all came back together at the end. And also "High Stakes Test", where school girls, after failing their exams, were given a second chance to get answers right and improve their grades. Wrong answers meant losing articles of clothing, and being offered up for the pleasure of the live studio audience to enjoy once they inevitably ended up naked.

Kovi flipped from one channel to the next, finding nothing particularly exciting, but getting rather turned on all the same. "I really need to find myself a girl." Kovi growled to himself, as he slipped the towel off from around his waist, exposing his growing shaft. Pawing just off wasn't doing it for him these days, and it had been over a month since he had broken up with his previous girlfriend. Unfortunately there weren't many females at his school, and none of them were even in his grade. He had mounted other girls since then of course. In the school bathroom, outside the mall, even at the movie theater one time, but it had been over a week, and Kovi found he had to paw himself off three or four times a day just to keep from going crazy.

Fortunately there was one show Kovi knew would always get him off. It was called "Breeder or Bitch", a rather unimaginative game, where males had five minutes in each round to cum inside a tied up female, with the leftover time being added to the next round. If the timer ever expired, that contestant lost the game, and it kept on going until only one male remained. The last male remaining, then only had to manage to finish one more round to be declared the winner. The catch to the show, was that all the males who lost each week were relegated to gender reassignment, and ended up as one of the girls tied up for the next week's episodes.

Kovi began stroking his shaft as he flipped over to the show's channel. It was already underway, as a slender male leopard, bent over the back of a moaning female deer, whose wrists were cuffed to her neck and her legs kept wide apart by a spreader bar. Kovi was sure he recognized the deer as a young buck who had lost the game the previous week. It turned the fox on so much to know he had been made into a female now, and he imagined what the leopard would look like in a similar situation the next week, if he didn't manage to climax in time.

Luckily for the feline, he managed to beat the clock this time, with one minute and seven seconds remaining as he let out a triumphant moan. Sliding back from the doe's body, the camera zoomed in to show the last throbbing pulses of his cum cover her upturned rear, as more cum dripped from her gaping sex. It was almost enough to make Kovi climax himself right then and there, but there was a lot more show left to go, and he was in no hurry since nobody would be home for quite a while.

Kovi leaned back and spread his legs wide, continuing to stroke himself as the show went on. The next contestant, a young red fox like himself, quickly went to work as soon as the timer started, stripping the thong off a bound young hyena. "That could be me up there." Kovi thought to himself, letting his fantasy take over, imagining what he would do in the fox's place. The fox on the screen seemed to have some difficulty, Kovi noticed, as the he had probably never seen a female hyena up close before. "He's not gonna make it" Kovi murmured, moving his own paw faster up and down his length. By the time the fox on the screen got himself started, giving up and simply burying his shaft in the hyena's ass, almost 2 minutes had already passed. Unconsciously Kovi slipped his fee paw up under his own tail, starting to mimic the action he was seeing on the screen. Kovi shuddered at the tension, watching the fox's rapidly thrusting hips pound into the hyena's ass, imagined himself up there on the stage, in front of a cheering crowd.

More than that though, the anticipation would be intense, Kovi imagined, watching the seconds of the clock count down. If that fox couldn't cum soon, he would be the one getting mounted next week. The gender reassignment process was quite advanced, both in terms of its physical and psychological changes. The process Kovi knew, was an important way of compensating for the low female birth rate, which kept the balance so skewed in favor of the male gender. Unfortunately volunteers were fairly rare, which was quite understandable given the general treatment of females, largely as nothing but sex objects in society. For this reason, the law often used compulsory gender reassignment as a punishment for all manner of wrongdoings, even some rather trivial ones, which Kovi had become quite aware of. Once or twice he had taken a risk or two, doing things that might land him in trouble, but usually he couldn't bring himself to do it. Just the thought of getting caught was too much for him to manage, so he just ended up pawing himself off instead. The prospect still fascinated him however, and this show was proof of that.

As the final seconds of the timer counted down, the fox grew frantic enough that he finally did manage to reach his climax, gripping his knot with one paw, and pulling out just in time, to show his shaft still pulsing cum between the hyena's spread legs. "Fuck that was close." Kovi moaned, staring at the fox's pulsing shaft on the screen while his paw moved faster and faster up and down his own, until it finally became too much for him, letting his spurting cum cover his chest and muzzle as he lay back on the sofa moaning.

The show continued as Kovi recovered, going from one contestant to the next, one after the other being eliminated, until only the fox remained. Kovi was pawing himself again, as the tired looking fox was set loose in the final round on a rather nervous little fennec girl. She was bound on all fours in nothing but a hot pink string bikini, tied in loose bows behind her back and at her hips, and a matching pink collar around her neck to which her tail was attached, causing it to be lifted out of the way to fully expose her rear for use. She cried out as the fox touched her, and struggled helplessly as his paws went to work, quickly stripping of her of what little clothing she had to the cheers of the studio audience. Once she was naked, the fox wasted no time mounting her, eliciting another high pitched cry from the small girl as he buried his throbbing length all the way in to the knot.

Kovi found himself again imagining it was him up there again. There would be no way he could fail with the way those two bodies were colliding, the male's hot red flesh disappearing over and over within the female's wet folds. The fox on the screen was clearly exhausted by now however, and Kovi could tell he was having a hard time getting off. The fox's pace would slow and then quicken, his heaving breaths and growls showing his desperation as precious seconds slipped away. Kovi's paw moved in time with the image on the screen, imagining himself pounding, or maybe being pounded, just like that. The timer counted down, and Kovi's breaths quickened. Was he going to be able to do it? 3.. 2.. 1.. and a buzzer sounded. The fox's eyes went wide with panic on the screen. A huge naked male stallion stepped up behind the fox, easily lifting him up and away from the female who he frantically tried to hold onto. As he was pulled off, his red shaft bobbed in the air, desperate for release and showing no sign of having climaxed.

"Well well well.." came the announcer's voice, as an otter in a tuxedo strode out onto the stage. "Looks like no winner today!" the otter taunted with a broad smile, stepping up to the naked squirming fox as he was held in place by the stallion. "Not to worry though, we'll be seeing our little friend again here veeeeery soon." the otter announced enthusiastically, to the cheers of the audience. "As to our lovely assistant," he went on, gesturing to the panting fennec, "as you all know, nobody leaves this stage unfulfilled, soooo..." The otter held out one paw toward her, and another naked stallion strode out onto the stage, taking the fox's place behind the fennec. The stallion behind the girl knelt, and began squeezing the tip of his flared shaft into her tiny sex, and began thrusting. The camera zoomed out, to catch the other stallion burying his massive length under the young male fox's tail, while the outro music began to play over their combined cries and the credits started to roll.

Along with the rolling credits, contact information for the studio's datanet site was displayed, soliciting new contestants for the show. Kovi was still frantically pawing himself off watching the huge stallion shaft roughly pounding the squirming fox when he saw the information. Without realizing what he was doing, he grabbed his phone from the arm of the sofa, looked up the site, and signed himself up. As he pressed his pawpad to the screen for confirmation, he started to climax again, along with the male fox on the screen, adding to the sticky mess of his fur that would clearly require another shower. "Oh wow.. what did I just do?" he thought to himself, licking some of his own cum from his muzzle. What if I fail? What will dad think?


It was a typical day for Kovi and Jero's father Vex. Product orders were pouring in, interviews were scheduled back to back, and the office was buzzing as ever with activity. Fortunately his next candidate was one he had been looking forward to all week. Today's positions were for interns. It didn't pay all that much as summer jobs went, but the experience with a very prestigious company would help any young student get their footpaw in the door for a real job once they finished their schooling. As such there had been quite a few applicants, but Vex had selected only five to interview today. Two were males, based on their academics, one was the daughter of a friend who was already an employee, and two more were females, purely based on looks. Out of all the applicants, unsurprisingly not many were female. The company had a reputation after all, as a medical research and product development corporation, which had more than once ended up in trouble due to unofficial product testing involving female staff members.

That wasn't enough to stop these all the female applicants though. Lucky for him, Vex thought, as he waited in the conference room and looked over his next interviewee's resume once again. This next one was a bunny he recognized. Though she was young, he had told her father he'd give her a chance, since he had been with the company for years, but in truth the company would happily take just about any female it could get. She was a hot little thing too, Vex noted, with silky brown fur and big green eyes according to the picture on her application. "Nice ass too." Vex mused, giving the picture a closer look. Just then the door opened, and in walked Vex's secretary, a voluptuous civet in a tiny black skirt and short buttoned vest, followed by the brown bunny. "A pleasure to meet you Alina." Vex said, standing up and extending a paw. "Thank you very much." the bunny girl said, shaking his paw and taking a seat at the conference table along with him. "Will there be anything else?" the civet asked, standing by the door. "Just make sure we aren't disturbed for the next hour." Vex said, with a smirk and a nod. Vex's secretary rolled her eyes, and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. He would have to take care of that attitude later.

"It says here that you are very eager to work here this summer Alina." Vex said, taking a long look up and down her feminine form. She was dressed in dark slacks, with no shoes as was usual for most furs, and a very thin white buttoned blouse, looking quite proper indeed Vex thought. He would have to fix that soon. "Umm, yes, yes of course." she answered back, seeming quite surprised by the question. "You are aware of course, that working here would require you to perform many tasks you may not be used to at school?" Vex questioned smiling as he looked over her application form again. "I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out." the bunny said, seeming quite determined. "Has your father told you anything about our products by chance Alina?" Vex asked, looking back up to her. She shook her head. "Not.. exactly.." she answered back with interest, as Vex picked up his briefcase from the floor and placed it on the conference table.

Vex popped the briefcase open, and withdrew a small box in his paw. Inside the box were set three tiny devices, barely the size of his blunt claw tips. "These are the latest model of one of our most popular product lines" Vex explained, as he took out one of the tiny objects and offered it to Alina. "What does it do?" Alina asked, as she held out her paw. Vex dropped the tiny object into the bunny's waiting paw and sat back in his chair. "Go ahead and place it in your mouth." Vex said with a smile. Alina froze momentarily and looked nervous, but she didn't dare refuse. "Product testing and quality assurance are part of the job." Vex reminded her. Slowly, the bunny girl lifted her paw to her muzzle, and reached out with her tongue to take the tiny object into her mouth. A moment later Vex heard her yip, confirming that the device had activated and imbedded itself correctly to the back of the girl's throat.

"Oh don't worry about that," he reassured her, "it just takes a moment to initialize." Alina looked puzzled for a moment. "I.. feel thirsty." she said, making a strange face. "Go ahead and get some water." said Vex, gesturing to a water dispenser next to the door. Alina got up and went over to the dispenser, taking a cup and filling it before lifting it to her mouth. She turned to Vex, giving him another puzzled look after taking one, then two sips of water. "I'm.. still thirsty." she said, drinking the rest of the water and seeming surprised. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Vex asked, changing the subject. Alina shook her head, fidgeting with discomfort. "That might make this somewhat difficult." Vex said with feigned concern. "You see, this device doesn't make you thirsty for water. It makes you thirsty, for cum."

Alina's ears went pale and her eyes went wide. "These three little devices are a set of motivational enhancers." Vex explained, giving her a broad smile while uncrossing his legs, and turning his chair to face her. "Not all girls have an easy time accommodating the desires of a male," he went on, "and not all males find their mates as willing as they would like. So as you can imagine, these are very popular little products."

The bunny started to shiver. "How do I.. turn it off?" she asked with a soft cough. "Well that depends on you my dear." Vex said, leaning back in his chair and pushing his hips forward. The girl now had a full view of the bulge in his slacks, and with that motivator in place, he knew precisely what would be going through her mind. "We can remove it any time you like, and you can leave. Or, if you really want to work here, we can move on to discussing the next part of your role here: employee satisfaction." Vex smiled again as she looked back and forth between his crotch and his face, licking her lips with need to spite her nervous expression.

"Well?" Vex said, rocking his hips suggestively. Alina glanced quickly about the empty room, not noticing the hidden security cameras in each corner. She then took a deep breath, and dropped to her knees. She had Vex's pants open and his cock in her mouth in no time, her obvious inexperience more than made up for by enthusiasm. Vex let out a groan of pleasure, leaning his head back and closing his eyes as the young bunny worked her mouth needfully up and down his vulpine shaft. "This sure won't take long." Vex thought to himself, since he hadn't fucked his secretary all day in anticipation of this interview. Something he would be sure to make up for later on. After quite a bit of restraint, that velvety smooth mouth moving hotly up and down over his needy length was more than enough to push him over the edge, causing Vex to moan as he pumped the little bunny girl's mouth full of his cum.

"Still thirsty?" he asked her with a smirk, as she pulled back away from him, panting heavily on the floor. "Umm.. no." was all she managed to say, blushing and refusing to meet his gaze after what she had done. "You'll be needing more quite regularly from now on." he reminded her, tucking himself back into his pants and refastening them. "Now then, to the next part of the interview, the dress code." "Dress code?" she repeated questioningly, as she slowly managed to collect herself. "Yes" Vex said, gesturing for her to rise. "If you would please stand up and face me." Slowly, the bunny girl did as he asked, still trying not to look at him as she stood up straight in her smart dark slacks and white blouse.

"Are you wearing a bra?" Vex asked her, smiling to himself with pleasure, knowing of course that she was due to the nearly sheer fabric of her white blouse. "Umm.. yes?" she admitted, seeming somewhat unsure of his line of questioning. "Please take it off, those are not permitted here." he said, folding his arms across his chest. Alina froze again, unable to contain her nervousness at what she had just been asked to do. Vex simply waited, seeing the conflict on the girl's face. He wondered for a moment if she was about to leave. Sometimes they did, but most of the time they didn't.

Her paws got to work, unbuttoning the first few buttons of her top, before reaching inside and setting to work on removing the white padded bra. "We'll have to get to enlarging those straight away." Vex thought to himself, making note on his evaluation form as he got a peak at her uncovered chest. He went ahead and marked 'extra-large' under augmentation, quite enjoying the thought of the timid bunny barely able to contain giant breasts within her top. She refastened the buttons of her top, blushing as she was obviously quite aware the very thin fabric did very little to conceal her breasts and hardening nipples without a bra.

"Also, pants may only be worn by male staff members." Vex said, gesturing to the girls slacks. "Oh I.. didn't realize," the bunny stammered, "I didn't bring a skirt." "Rules are rules." Vex shrugged. Alina gasped in disbelief and she hesitated again. "Are you sure you want this job?" Vex asked her in a serious tone, leaning toward her in his chair. "Yes." the bunny girl answered softly, reaching down to slowly unfasten her slacks. Vex licked his lips as she pulled them down and stepped out of them. "Just perfect." Vex said, making note on his evaluation as he looked over her exposed thighs, his gaze coming to rest between her legs at the damp spot clearly visible in her white cotton panties.

"Oh, and no panties either I'm afraid." Vex said after a long pause. Alina pressed her legs together and bit her lip, shaking her head a little at the thought. Vex feigned a sigh. "Well, I've got another candidate coming by in thirty minutes." he said, starting to stand up. "Wait.." Alina said softly, as her paws moved to her hips. Vex settled back into his chair and smiled, as the bunny girl slowly but surely stripped off her wet panties.

"Very good then Alina, I think we've got just the position for you here, congratulations!" Vex said, clapping his paws and standing up. "Thank.. you?" Alina said, as the fox stepped up to her, and turned her around by the shoulder to face the conference table. "Now if you would be so good as to bend over, I'll be happy to show you the position." He said, removing the remaining two devices from the small box in his briefcase.

It was too late for her to turn back now. Alina shivered as she let him bend her over the table. Working quickly, Vex slipped one of the remaining devices inside the girl's waiting sex, and the other up under her tail. She yelped at the painful pinches as the devices activated, imbedding themselves in her body. "Her father will definitely be appreciating these later." Vex thought to himself smiling. "That was probably the whole idea of getting her an interview in the first place." "Aah" the girl moaned, as the devices started to work within her. "You're going to love working here." Vex said, as he positioned himself behind the bunny girl and let his pants fall to the floor. "Maybe someday my daughter will get to work here too, wouldn't that be something..." he thought as he grabbed the bunny's hips and thrust hard into her waiting sex.


It was a typical day for Kalya. As soon as her father Vex had left for work, she had gone out, enjoying the warmth of a summer day. She loved to go for walks around the city. She wouldn't have to go back to school for several more weeks, and since most of her friends were busy or away on vacations, she mostly spent time on her own. It sure beat staying home and hanging out with Kovi, she thought, as she imagined her naked older brother, home alone pawing himself off in front of the TV yet again. Not that she didn't get turned on sometimes, but he was just so unabashed about it. "At least he should keep it in his room like I do." she thought to herself as she waited at an intersection.

She did feel a little bad for him, as he seemed chronically unable to find a stable mate. She could have had one easy, she knew, as the ratio of males to females was slanted heavily in her favor, meaning she could have almost any guy she wanted. "Almost any guy.." she thought to herself, sighing at the thought of one of the few boys at school she would consider hooking up with, who was, of course, hopelessly in love with this other girl, Marela, a golden lioness who everybody knew was nothing but a wanton slut. She didn't get what he saw in her. She let just about any guy lift her tail, not to mention other girls. Marela had even tried to seduce Kalya once or twice, but of course she would have absolutely nothing to do with that.

The light changed, and Kalya made her way across the busy street. Furs all around her were bustling this way and that, and yammering on about who knows what. Kalya barely payed them any attention, her orange fox tail bobbing with her steps as she bounced happily along, barely a care in the world. She was quite surprised then, when she suddenly bumped into a large male wolf, who had been standing right there in the middle of the sidewalk. "Oh, sorry!" she called up to him, shaking her head and moving to walk around. "What's your hurry little fox?" the wolf asked in a lascivious tone, placing a paw on her shoulder. "I uhh.. gotta get home" she lied, looking around the busy street, though nobody seemed to be paying her any attention.

"I think you can spare a few minutes." the wolf said with a growl, leaning down toward her and showing his teeth. His fur was dark gray to match his piercing eyes she saw, shrinking back away from him. He was huge, even for a wolf, dressed in a black tank top and cargo shorts, and wore a pair of heavy black boots on his enormous feet, making him appear more than a little intimidating. This was in total contrast to Kalya's tiny vulpine form, dressed in a yellow pleated skirt, and white lace spaghetti strap open backed top, making her feel even more uneasy. "Please, I umm, I'm really sorry." she whimpered, reaching up to try and push his paw away. "Not yet you're not." the wolf said with a grin, placing his free paw on her other shoulder and turning her around to face him.

"Please.. let me go." she pleaded, only coming up barely to the wolf's waist as he pulled her close. "Why? What are you going to do for me if I let you go?" The wolf asked, removing one paw to unfasten his shorts. "No! Not that.. you can't!" Kalya nearly shouted, frantically glancing about the busy street. There were furs all around, driving by on the busy street, walking past on the broad sidewalk, yet none of them did or said anything. The vixen knew where this was going. She had gotten used to seeing it happen, but she had always averted her eyes and hurried past, trying not to notice. Females who made even the slightest mistake were often taken advantage of, quite publically in all manner of unspeakable ways. She just never imagined something like this would happen to her.

The wolf ignored her cries, pulling out his hardening length, and pressing it against the vixen's waiting muzzle. "Suck." he ordered her, placing a paw on the back of her head. "I.. I don't.." Kalya began, but quickly found her mouth stuffed with wolf cock. He was much too big for her, and she found her jaw stretched painfully, as she sputtered and choked, trying to breathe around the lupine's massive girth.

"I think I'll have to try one of your other holes, little fox." the wolf sneered, barely able to fit half of his shaft into her tiny muzzle. She gasped for breath as the wolf pulled out, turning her away from him and starting to paw at her clothes. "Please.. no! you can't do this.. not like this.. not here!" she whimpered once she managed to catch her breath, trying to appeal to his sense of decency. "Why not? Is she shy?" the wolf teased, leaning down over her shoulder from behind, and slowly pulling at the straps of her lacy white top. "Yes.. I just.. I'm not ready for this ok? You're much too big for me so please.. just.. just stop." she pleaded, hoping somehow to convince him.

"Bitches like you are all the same." the wolf breathed into her ear. "All whining and complaining, until they get broken in." She shuddered at the word 'broken'. "Let me guess, you never showed your tits off in public before?" the wolf asked, groping her and toying with her fragile top. She trembled, shaking her head desperately and wrapping her arms around her chest. "No.. No I would never!" She cried out, drawing the attention of a few of the passersby. Seeing this, the wolf spoke up. "Come over here and take a look at this little slut." he called, drawing more attention to the tiny fox girl. More males walking down the sidewalk stopped what they were doing, and stepped closer to watch the show.

"You sure you want to keep your top on little girl?" the wolf asked in a soft growl beside her ear. "Yes.. yes please!" she cried, blushing with embarrassment at all the eyes now focused on her. "Who here wants to see this little slut's tits?" he called to the growing crowd. Several voices of assent called back in approval. "Looks like you lose, little fox" the wolf said in a low growl. "No! Wait! You can't.. No please!" she cried, as the wolf started to pull. She couldn't believe this was really happening, and let out a gasp of shock as the fabric of the fragile top ripped, leaving her breasts exposed to the crowd.

She tried frantically to squirm away and cover her chest, but the wolf grabbed her and pulled her arms down, keeping her exposed little breasts in full view of the crowd. Several voices called out from all around, voicing their appreciation, or suggestions of what else the wolf should do to her. She whimpered desperately, and tried again to pull away, but the wolf was much too strong. "Please.. enough.. I.. I'm very sorry.. really.. just.. just let me go." she begged, folding her ears down and tucking her tail between her legs.

"We're only just getting started, little fox." the wolf whispered, stroking a huge paw down to her skirt. "I wonder, does the little fox wear panties under her little skirt?" "Please! Don't.. You can't!" she cried again, squirming helplessly in the wolf's grip. "I guess there's only one way to find out.." the wolf said to her, and then turned to the crowd "Anybody here ready to see more?" he called to them, to an even greater cheer of approval. Kalya felt a sudden tug, and quickly looked down, to see her tiny skirt fall uselessly around her ankles, before the wolf picked it up and tossed it off into the crowd where it immediately disappeared. The crowd cheered again, and Kalya pressed her legs together, more feeling embarrassed than she had ever been.

Kalya cursed the decision she had made that morning. It seemed harmless at the time. She wasn't going anywhere important, or planning on meeting up with anyone, or even sitting down. And it was a nice warm day. A little breeze would have felt nice under any other circumstances. It would have been fine on any other day except today. Today, the day Kalya was caught and stripped. Today, she wasn't wearing any panties.

The wolf laughed. "Ha, well now, looks like you really are quite the little slut, aren't you, little fox?" She blushed head to toe from embarrassment, and tried desperately to somehow hide herself. "I'm really going to enjoy fucking that tight little cunt" the wolf whispered into her ear, making her eyes go wide. "No!" cried the vixen, shaking her head wildly. "Please no! I've never done that, I.. I don't want to, I've never.. Please! Please wait!" But the wolf didn't wait, he stripped off his remaining clothing and laid himself down on the warm sidewalk, pulling her up on top of him. As she felt his tapered tip start to press against her tiny slit, spreading her entrance wide, he called out to the crowd again. "Everybody ready to see this little slut fucked?" he called, much to their collective approval. "And how about you little slut?" he asked in a softer voice, as he placed his paws on her hips and squeezed "Are you ready to get fucked?" She looked down at his devouring grin, shaking her head, and slowly whimpered "No..." "Well then little fox," the wolf said slowly "too bad for you!" And with that the wolf pulled her body downward, bursting his huge wolf cock through the young girl's virginity, and burying it deep inside her tiny vulpine slit.

Kalya screamed. Screamed like she had never screamed before. It hurt a lot of course, but it was more than that. It was the humiliation, the violation, the scene that she was making in the middle of the street. This was happening in front of a huge crowd of total strangers, seeing her made into a total slut right before their eyes. This was the worst thing that had ever happened to her she was sure, and there was nothing left she could do, no way to escape what had already happened, what was still happening. The tiny vixen tossed her head back and.. moaned. It caught her by complete surprise at first. She didn't even realize what it was that she was feeling. Though she had occasionally brought herself to orgasm by light rubbing under the sheets, this was something totally new. Though it hurt, more than anything she had ever known, there was something else overwhelming her, taking over her body and her mind.

"Anyone else who wants to use this bitch go right ahead." the wolf said roughly, as he started pounding into her. She could barely make out his voice, she was so overwhelmed by the sensations. She did feel them though. Paws all over her body, groping, squeezing, pinching. Then she felt their hot thick shafts, pressed into her mouth and up under her bushy tail, filling her in ways she never thought possible. It was then she lost all sense of self. All sense of time and place and identity. It was just the experience. The overwhelming throbbing thrusting pulsing, hot, wet experience that overcame her entire being. She moaned.


By the time Vex got home it was already getting dark. Kovi was still sprawled out on the sofa, pawing his slick shaft and covered in sticky cum while something pornographic played on the TV. "Can't you find yourself a girl?" Vex sighed with disappointment as he opened the front door and stepped inside. "Dad!" cried Kovi surprised, scrambling to wrap the towel he still had around himself and fumble for the remote to turn the TV off. "I don't want to catch you here like this again tomorrow, understand?" Vex said angrily, shaking his head. "I uhh.. I do kinda have a date tomorrow." Kovi said blushing. "Oh? Well good, get yourself cleaned up then." Vex instructed, hurrying Kovi back upstairs for another shower.

Jero arrived home not too much later while Vex was preparing dinner. "Have you seen Kalya?" Vex asked as his oldest son came sauntering in through the door. "Nah, I've been at the club all day" Jero said with a tired stretch. "Broke in a couple fine new sluts and got to pound that hot dingo I've been tellin' you about in the ass." Jero bragged. "You're brother's still in the shower" Vex said as Jero started to make his way up the stairs, making him stop and turn back around. "Why couldn't you take him with you?" Vex asked, keeping his attention on the ingredients he was mixing. "I dunno," Jero said, "He's just not into it for some reason." Jero said shaking his head. "Not really sure he's all that into girls if ya know what I mean." Jero said with a wink. Vex ignored his comment. "Well if he's just going to sit around here all day, the least he could do is keep an eye on Kalya. I wonder where.." Vex started to say, but was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening again.

Slowly, Kalya appeared, wobbling unsteadily as she pushed the door open just wide enough for her to slip inside, as she talked to someone Vex and Jero could barely make out through the slightly opened door. "Ok.. umm.. thanks for walking me home.. see you tomorrow." Kalya said, before closing the door and slowly turning around. She was dressed now in nothing but a greatly oversized black tank top, showing clear stains of wetness soaking her fur head to toe. "And where have you been?" her father questioned, looking down at the bedraggled girl sternly as she made her way toward the staircase, dripping a trail of cum from between her legs as she wobbled along. "Just.. out." she said, looking down at the floor blushing. "Maybe she won't be needing a set of motivators after all" Vex thought as he took a long sniff of the scent of sex covering her. "Who was that?" Jero teased, shaking his hips at his little sister. "Just.. a friend." she said, starting to make her way upstairs. "I'm gonna lay down for a little while." She added, reaching the top of the stairs and heading off toward her room. "Dinner will be ready shortly!" Vex called after her with a shake of his head.

"I think I'll go up and help her out." Jero said with a wink, slipping off his spandex shorts and bounding quickly up the stairs. Vex shook his head, as he heard an upstairs door open and close. Soon after, he could hear the sound of moaning voices, and a bed creaking and thumping as it rocked against a wall. "I guess dinner can wait." Vex said, putting down the bowl of ingredients and making his way up the stairs, stripping off his clothing as he walked.

As he passed the bathroom door, he heard the large full-body fur dryer switch off, and the door swung open. Kovi seemed quite surprised to see his father standing in the hall, fully naked and aroused. "Uhh.." Kovi said, looking over his father's red shaft. "Come on." Vex said with a smile, taking Kovi by the back of the neck and guiding him toward Kalya's room.

As he pushed the door open, the two were already deep in pleasure on the bed, Jero thrusting into his little sister's well-used sex from between her spread legs. "Do you want a turn next?" Vex asked Kovi, who was also quickly growing hard again. "Uhh.. sure." Kovi said softly, watching his brother pound away at the moaning girl. "You don't sound sure." Vex said, slapping Kovi's exposed butt. Kovi yipped in surprise and tucked his tail down. "Jero doesn't think you're all that interested in girls." Vex added, guiding Kovi closer to the action and moving to take advantage of Kalya's open mouth. Kalya continued moaning around her father's thick shaft, as he moved up and eased it into her muzzle. "It isn't that. I just.. umm.. it's hard to explain." Kovi said, squirming a little as he stood watching the scene. "Maybe you've got something else in mind." Jero suggested, easing back from his sister and climbing off of the bed.

"Go on, she's more than ready." Jero said with a wink, pulling Kovi over between their younger sister's spread legs. "Don't stop." she whimpered, gazing up at him panting. She was very wet and gaping, he could tell as he looked closer, obviously very well used from whatever she had been out doing all day. "Maybe he could use a little help." Vex suggested, as he moved to sit on the bed with Kalya, pulling her into his lap. He lifted Kalya up and positioned his tip under her tail. "Sit." Vex said, guiding his shaft with one paw. Kalya nodded a little and obeyed, desperate for more as she slowly sank down, fully taking her father's cock under her tail.

Jero got the idea, slipping around behind Kovi and pulling up his brother's tail. "Hey!" Kovi gasped, suddenly feeling something hot and slick press against his tailhole. "Shh, look how much she likes it." Jero said, slowly easing himself in under his brother's tail. Kovi shivered, as Jero guided him even closer, up onto the bed with their sister and their father. The two layed back as Jero moved Kovi into position. It didn't take much convincing from there, as Jero started to thrust, making Kovi gasp as his own throbbing length pressed forward, and sank easily into his sister's gaping sex.

The four of them rocked and moaned together late into the night, until they were all so exhausted they simply had to order pizza instead of preparing a proper dinner. They all fell asleep quite soon after, as there was quite a lot for each of them to be well rested for tomorrow. This was is quite a new development for each of them, but none of the family of foxes were about to complain. Similar things happened in this city all the time of course, so it came as really no surprise. All in all it was just another typical day.

Finding Excitement

1. "C'mon Teshi, hurry it up!" came the muffled voice from the other side of the bathroom door, followed by another round of paws banging against it. Teshira sighed, tilting her head back into the water fountaining down from the showerhead to let it...

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Trouble in the Park

"Enough!" a voice nearby shouted. The two young foxes who had been loudly arguing stopped abruptly, and turned to look as a tall doberman dressed in a police uniform stepped out of the small crowd that had gathered around them. She took off her...

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A History Lesson, Part 2

Prologue Wolves are often considered somewhat odd by other furs, most of whom have never set a paw outside a major city. I like most, never really questioned it, simply accepting their oddities as any other quirk of the many different species, each...

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