Wrong Turn

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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A young fox is wandering through the city on his way to a restaurant to celebrate his recent graduation with some friends. Unfortunately, the fox gets lost and decides to risk cutting through a dark, unknown alley and what was supposed to be a celebration turns into something far worse.

I just realized that this is the first story where I don't mention anything about musk or pheromones. Don't worry, it doesn't happen often. :D

WARNING: Contains rape and homophobic slurs.

Wrong Turn

Allen wandered through the streets for hours in search of his destination, or at least it seemed like hours to the hapless canid. He was supposed to be meeting a group of friends at a nice restaurant to celebrate his graduation, but their meeting was scheduled about twenty minutes ago. He got lost in the busy streets of the city searching for an address that he couldn't find. He'd gone down the wrong street a couple of times, misread numbers, and went the wrong way. In this particular instance the young vulpine would give anything to have a map of the city with a nice little X that says, "This is your destination."

His frustration was mounting. He'd tried calling his friends, but no one was answering. He tried texting them, figuring at least one of them would see his text. They spend so much time glancing at their phones that it shouldn't take long for one of the them to realize he was lost, but for some reason he never got a reply. His graduation celebration was turning into a rather big let down.

He'd been wandering down this particular road for the last five minutes or so, scanning each building looking for the correct number. Daylight had vanished and had been replaced by the artificial illumination of street lamps, car lights, and open businesses with their inner light source spilling freely into the streets for all to enjoy. He wasn't paying attention, distracted from the fact that the large crowds had dissipated to next to nothing when he came upon a dead end.

"Dammit!" he cursed himself. He was on the right road and the numbers on the addresses were getting bigger, indicating he was indeed going the right way. Huffing with exasperation, he took out his phone and tried to get directions. There was a way around, but it would require a bit of backtracking and it was still a good ten minute walk straight from where he was standing to the restaurant. As he looked up at the road, he saw what looked like a small alley passage through the blocked road that seemed to cut right through. It wasn't particularly inviting, but given the options, he'd rather save as much time as he could considering he'd already wasted enough of it.

He moved towards the alleyway, coming just short of entering into it when he stopped and paused, staring into the darkened, unlit route with distrust. He was a cautious person and caution was advising him to take the safer, more well-lit road with lots of people and less chance of anything bad happening. The alley was indeed unlit save for the light pollution from the surrounding buildings and whatever light seeped out of side windows along the dark path. He began to rethink his options and was ready to turn around and hastily walk back down the route that his phone suggested. Before he could, his phone dinged and he pulled it out and checked it. He had finally received a text from one of his friends.

'Hey! Sorry, didn't realize it was that hard to find. We just got a table. How long you think you'll be? You need one of us to come find you?'

Allen's impatience won out again as he reconsidered his options. If he took the other route, it would be at least a half-hour walk, even if he sped walked the whole way there and it would be just as long if not longer for one of his friends to come pick him up considering how busy the streets were. Allen made up his mind and quickly responded, speaking silently to himself as he typed. "That's alright. I'm good. I found it, just be another ten minutes." He pressed send and got a quick reply.

'All right. We'll be waiting for you COLLEGE GRAD! ^..^'

Allen smiled widely and put his phone away before fearlessly entering the dark passage. The alley went straight down about fifty feet before it hit a wall, ending on a t-junction. He looked down both turns, seeing possible exits down both directions, but towards the right he'd have to go a good 100 feet or so before the turn where the left led to a turn about twenty feet down. Giving little more thought to it and wanting to exit this empty maze as quickly as possible, the fox turned left down the alley and out of view of anyone on the street he came from.

The walls were close down here, about wide enough to fit two people together uncomfortably. It was extremely dark, even for the fox's adaptive eyes he couldn't make out fine details nor any of the smaller objects laying against the walls. As he approached the next corner, he heard something against the wall just ahead of him. He stopped moving and kept his eyes forward, looking for any movement that might indicate someone was watching him. His heart was beating faster and his breathing picked up in pace as he stood there wondering whether or not he should turn tail and flee back to the entrance he came from. Not wanting to backtrack and waste anymore time, he quickly rounded the corner and moved with alacrity down the next alley.

This one was better lit with light permeating the area from the opposite end. About thirty feet down, Allen came to a chain-link fence with a chained and padlocked gate. He pulled on the gate, but it didn't give.

"Shit! I should've taken a right."

He peered down the alley and about another forty feet or so he saw another corner that had bright lights dancing off the walls. He was close and he knew it, so all he had to do was go back the way he came, follow down the other end of the alley and he should be able to reach the other side of the road from there. He came about face and his heart jumped into his throat, his muzzle hung agape, and he froze in terror as he spotted two male figures standing before him. On the left was a tiger, who stood a good ten inches taller than Allen wearing a black tank top and a pair of black jeans, and on the right was a wolf, who stood nearly a foot taller and was wearing a white, form-fitting shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

He gulped in fear, shaking a little as his heart beat picked up and his breathing intensified. He stared a moment at the two hulking brutes, the tiger standing with his arms crossed and the wolf keeping a paw tucked into his pocket. They stared back at him, leering sinisterly with unknown intent, their gaze piercing through his skin.

After a long, torturous moment of silence, the wolf finally spoke. "You seem to be a little lost, fox." His voice was deep and Allen felt a resounding pain in his chest.

Shakily, Allen replied, "Um... y-yeah, I j-just turned down the wr-wrong alley. E-excuse me." Allen tried to step around the wolf, hoping he would let him pass, but as he tried to go by, the wolf moved in his way. Allen's heart beat faster, his predicament growing more desperate.

The tiger looked him up and down, smiling a devious grin. "That's a nice shirt." Allen looked back, saying nothing. He decided to wear a nice button-up shirt and khaki pants for the occasion, something he was now regretting. "I think my nephew would like it. Take it off."

Allen's heart rate increased further, as did his breathing, fearful of what they were planning. He didn't want to think about it. Instead, he began to wonder if he could run passed the two larger men. They were big for sure, but he was quick and was no doubt more agile than them. The thought was dashed as quickly as it was conceived as two more large men walked around the corner, a velociraptor and a horse. The raptor stood about as tall as the tiger and wore a similar tank top with leather pants, but the stallion was roughly a foot and a half taller than the fox and was completely naked save for a pair of tight boxers that did nothing to hide the enormous package underneath. Allen gulped in horror and felt any chance of reprieve from this situation quickly dwindling.

The wolf and tiger suddenly advanced on Allen, making him stumble backwards, quickly retreating into the fence. His breathing became labored and his heart palpitated as he began to panic, holding up a paw in defense for what little good it would do. The raptor and the horse stepped forward as the wolf glared down at the frightened fellow canid.

"He asked you for your shirt, bitch!" the wolf said.

Allen, terrified and shaking, replied, "OK, OK. Take whatever you want. Just- please don't hurt me."

"Then don't make me ask twice!" the tiger yelled. Allen reluctantly and despondently removed his shirt and handed it over to the tiger, leaving his torso exposed. "Thanks. You know, I think he'd probably also like those pants."

Allen hesitated a moment, garnering an impatient look from both men, until his heart sunk and he relented to his demand. He slowly and abashedly removed his lower coverings and handed them over to the tiger. He now stood in the alley, in front of the large, threatening males in nothing but a pair of red briefs. Overcome with shame, he brought his arms and paws over his body to try and cover himself as best he could, shivering and cowering in fear while the tiger and the wolf looked down at their humiliated victim. Allen noticed the horse come up behind them, standing between them, with an amused look on his face.

"Those are some cute undies, kit," he said, grinning widely while Allen kept his head low. Then slowly his insidious smile faded and was replaced with a menacing expression and he spoke in a stone-cold manner, "Take them off."

"What?!" Allen asked in shock and dread.

Without warning and in a flash, the wolf sunk a fist into Allen's stomach hard, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to collapse to the ground. Allen lay a second, his breath gone, while the wolf and tiger moved behind him, pulling his arms behind his back and grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, yanking his head back. His heart beat continued to palpitate in his chest as his breath came back slowly, but it was difficult with the way they were manhandling him. He panicked now at what they had planned for him, thinking he was dead for sure.

The raptor stepped forward, wicked grin on his face, and produced something the fox didn't see before: a roll of duct tape. "Wa- wait. Please..." the fox cried, trying to plead for his life, but he was still out of breath and the tiger holding his scruff grabbed his muzzle and held it shut. The raptor then began wrapping it up with duct tape, sealing it shut and preventing him from talking or screaming. Allen's eyes grew wide and he tried to struggle, but the wolf was holding him still. After several rounds around his maw, the raptor pressed down against the gray fabric, insuring it was secure before the tiger removed his paw. The wolf grabbed a pair of cuffs from his pocket and latched them onto Allen's wrist, securing them so tightly that they dug into the poor fox's wrists. Tears began to form in Allen's eyes as he continued to struggle futilely. He moaned loudly through his clenched muzzle and stared pleadingly back at his assailants, but they just smiled and laughed at him.

This is it, he thought. I'm going to die. I should've had someone come pick me up.

"Get those faggy panties off of him," the horse ordered. Allen didn't see the knife, but he felt the fabric being cut from him and removed, leaving him completely naked and exposed. He brought his tail down between his legs to hide his shame.

"Now get him up against the wall," the horse ordered again. They followed his command and the wolf and tiger picked Allen easily up off the street and shoved him against the wall, knocking the wind out of him again. "Now who wants to go first?"

The tiger stepped forward. "Let me go first. I'll loosen him up for you guys."

"Sounds good. Fuck this bitch!"

Wait, what?! Oh God no! No! No! No! No! Despite being short on breath, Allen began to struggle as the tiger moved into position behind him and unzipped his pants, letting his hardening member flop out. The fox had never been taken in this manner and the thought of being violated like this made him panic wildly. The tiger grabbed his tail and tried to move it, but Allen kept it in place, unwilling to let the feline have his way with him. In response, the tiger punched the fox hard in the kidney, causing Allen to tense up and scream through the binds on his muzzle.

"Quit fighting it and take it like the fag that you are. Now move your tail out of the way."

Allen, not wanting to go through with this but afraid for his life, relented and let the tiger do what he wanted to him. The tiger held his elbow against the fox's neck, holding him steady and shoving Allen against the brick wall, causing extreme pressure and pain. He then grabbed the fox's tail and violently yanked it out of the way, making Allen cry out in agony. Without lube, without spit, without any kind of preparation whatsoever, the tiger bent down, grabbing his erect dick and pointing the barbed tip against Allen's tight, virgin tailhole. Tears fell from Allen's eyes and dribbled down his cheek and with a violent thrust, the tiger jammed his cock deep into the fox's rectum. Allen screamed at the fiery pain of having his sphincter walls separated, the cat's barbed penis scraping against his anus bringing a massive burning sensation the vulpine could've gone his whole life without ever having experienced.

The tiger continued to shove the entirety of his long, fat cock deep into the recesses of Allen's bowels, standing up straight and dragging the fox's naked chest along the brick wall as did so, causing more pain for the already over-abused canid. Without skipping a beat, the feline began bobbing forcefully up and down, pulling his cock out and shoving it hard back in. Allen felt the rough material of the building scraping along his skin and he cried out in discomfort. His fur provided a small degree of protection, but it didn't assuage the feeling very much. The tiger growled and roared as he thrusted, his cock sliding quickly against the fox's intestinal walls as gravity seemed to be pulling Allen down further onto the feline's member.

It wasn't long before the tiger's thrusts slowed down and became more rough and powerful, slamming the fox into the wall each time. His grunts and growls grew in intensity until they built up to a powerful, orgasmic roar and his cock exploded inside the fox, spewing tiger seed deep inside of him. Allen cried, the shame of being mated like this made him feel small and pathetic. The tiger's thrusts continued as he came with each thrust getting slower and gentler until they eventually died down as the feline finished breeding the fox.

He took a moment to catch his breath before licking his lips and holding the fox against the wall as he pulled out, his pointy barbs "tickling" his rectum as it was retracted from Allen's ass. Once free and Allen felt his tight hole free from the penile pressure, the tiger let go and Allen fell like a dead weight onto the ground, losing his balance and toppling onto his side. The wolf laughed as if he were watching a prat fall. The tiger stuffed his filthy cock back into his pants and zipped them up as the wolf stepped over to the fox, trousers tight with a huge, shapely bulge growing in his pants. He grabbed Allen by the scruff of his neck hard, making the fox tense up as he was lifted off the ground shoved against the wall, his eyebrow scraped and bleeding.

"My turn, bitch. You know how it feels to be knotted?"

Allen, being a canid, knew very well what a knot could do to someone's tailhole and the idea of having the wolf's huge stone inside of him made him shudder with terror. The wolf picked him up by the scuff, lifting him off his feet and holding him against the wall as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his erect penis. He yanked Allen's tail out of the way, making him yip, and shoved his cock straight up into the fox's bowels. Luckily, having been spread apart by the tiger and lubed up by his semen, it went in without much resistance. Though his dick wasn't as long as the tigers, it was thicker and Allen felt the difference as tears continued to flow down his cheeks, mixing with blood from his brow.

The wolf began thrusting hard and quick, his entire length embedded in the fox's colon. Allen didn't fight back, hoping that if he just let them do what they wanted, they'd let him leave with his life. It was hard though, as his entire body was now wracked with pain. As the wolf continued his assault on the vulpine's anus, Allen thought to himself, This can't be happening! This can't be happening! I really should've had someone come pick me up!

After a moment, Allen began to feel a bit more pressure building up against his sphincter and he realized what was happening. The wolf let his tongue loll out as the knot at the base of his cock formed, signaling his impending climax. Allen panicked, but still fearful, didn't struggle. The wolf cried out as the wolf's thrust became slower and slower until with a single powerful thrust, he pushed forward, pressing the massively engorged flesh passed Allen's anal ring. The pain was so intense that Allen's eyes bulged out of his sockets and he couldn't help anymore but writhe in pain, trying desperately to get the invading torture device out of his ass, but he was forced to bear it. The wolf called out in orgasmic bliss as he came inside Allen, his cock coating the walls with canine cum and mixing together were tiger fluids. A minute passed and the wolf's peak died down, but Allen continued to writhe in agony against the constraint placed on him by the wolf, but he was feeling weak now and exhausted and was barely able to move against the canine's might.

After a long moment, the wolf stuck his muzzle against the fox's. "You think that hurt, bitch?"

The wolf grabbed Allen's shoulders and began to pull, gently at first and then more forcefully, till he started grunting as he pulled his knot against the weak, vulpine flesh. Allen screamed in pain threw the tape binding his muzzle as the wolf's cock was forced out of him, leaving a trail of wolf cum, tiger cum, and fox blood. The wolf dropped Allen onto the hard ground where he wailed in agony. The wolf smiled maliciously at him before stuffing his dick back in his pants and stepping aside for the raptor to have his turn, cock already hanging out.

He grinned wickedly at the fox. "What are you doing on the floor? You're only half-way done bitch."

Allen shut his eyes as he was lifted off the ground and shoved against the wall. The raptor was a bit gentler at that point though, as he began whispering in the fox's ear. "It's alright to cry. That's what females do when their bred, they cry. So go ahead and cry little female." Allen didn't hold back his tears as the raptor grabbed his tail, but instead of yanking it hard, he gently pulled it aside. He pointed his erect member outside his back entrance and gently spread Allen's tight anal lips apart sending seething pain up through the fox's ass from the obvious tear the wolf left him. Allen cried out, but the raptor continued to insert his member. It was tapered at the tip, but it got wider and wider towards the base and as Allen's sphincter swallowed up the very base of the raptor's cock, an explosive, fiery pain made him scream as loud as he could through his muzzle.

"Yes, that's what I like to hear. Scream for me."

Allen began to cry. Despite not being as thick as the wolf, he was longer than him or the tiger and the tear was multiplying the pain. The raptor then grabbed Allen's throat, sticking his claws hard against his throat as he spoke to him in a menacing and sadistic tone. "I said scream!" Allen did as was told, fear overcoming him and he didn't hold back as he continued to scream, despite the soreness in his throat. "That's it. Keep screaming. I wanna hear my victims scream."

With that, the raptor made fast, short thrusts, maintaining that the thickest part of his penis remained at the fox's entrance. The saurian's quick thrusts made fast work of his sexual conquest, taking little time to build up an orgasm. In only a few short minutes, longer though for the poor fox, his cock exploded in thin, slimy dinosaur jizz that added to the mammalian gene pool within Allen's rectum. He stopped thrusting and finished ejaculating, emptying his balls.

He caught his breath and sneered at the canid. "You stink, mammal."

With that, he pressed Allen's head hard against the wall to hold him steady as he pulled his member out of Allen, giving the fox some relief, though he knew it wouldn't last long. The raptor lowered Allen to the ground, for which the fox was able to maintain his balance while the dinosaur stepped aside. Allen heard the clip-clop of hooves and turned his head to see the horse standing over him, overshadowing the fox with his domineering stature. Allen quivered with fear as the horse had removed his boxers and his cock was erect, sending shivers down his spine. It was longer and thicker than anything he'd taken yet.

The horse wasted no time with words. He picked the fox up, holding him steady as he yanked the fox's tail aside with such force that he almost broke it. Allen wailed as the stallion aimed his large phallus against the scarred, oozing tailhole and slowly pushed forward. As his sphincter was opened for (hopefully) the last time tonight, Allen gagged at the sensation of fire and pressure the endowed equine produced, shoving inch after inch of horse cock inside him. His intestines were stretched to their limit until the horse's cock was pressing hard against them and any further attempt to penetrate him would risk perforating his colon.

Allen could barely move and his throat was so sore from screaming, but as the equine began pulling out and shoving back in, the agony made him inadvertently react, kicking and screaming through taped muzzle. The leaned forward, holding the fox still against the wall as he raped him savagely, unconcerned whether or not the fox wound up dead. Allen prayed that it would be over soon as he knew he couldn't take one more fucking from these men. Fortunately, the stereotype that horses cum fast wasn't just a stereotype and the horse whinnied as he peaked and his cock exploded with equine seed. The sheer amount of hot, horse ejaculate caused Allen's bowels to swell, adding to the fox's discomfort. It took a moment, but the horse finally stopped thrusting, holding his dick inside Allen with his head poking against his colon.

Allen continued to cry, waiting for the horse to remove his penis, but he just stood there staring down at the fox. After a moment, he leaned forward and said, "Next time, be more careful about which alleyway you get lost in fox."

With that, the horse pulled out and dropped the fox on the ground, a pool of horse jizz and what was left of the rest spurting out uncontrollably from his anus. The entire troop grabbed the fox's clothes and took off, leaving him there bound, broken, and shamed. Several minutes went by with Allen simply lying there crying and sobbing in a mixture of pain and humiliation, hoping to everything good that this was just a dream. Unfortunately, he would get no relief and realized that he had little chance of being discovered there anytime soon. He needed to get back to the street he came from.

He forced himself onto his feet, a difficult trial in and of itself as the pain in his anus was to a degree he'd never imagined possible. Once on his feet, he had to be quick because simply standing was proving to be difficult. He began to walk, or rather waddle, back in the direction he came from. In a moment, he would be exposed to the public, naked, muzzle shut with duct tape, hands cuffed, bruised and bleeding, and leaking feline, canine, saurian, and equine semen out of his ass, as well as what he was certain would be copious amounts of vulpine blood. But he couldn't worry about his shame right now. He needed help and this was the only way. As he slowly and painfully made his way back, he had one final thought.

I really should've fucking had someone come pick me up!

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