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#1 of Lunablaze



FSS Draconus.

312 days earlier.

Solarblaze walked back to hir cabin after the dinner with the captain. Shi was looking forward to the next morning's special activity. Snowdrift would be in heat, and she wanted another cub.

It had been 5 years since she lost her unborn cub in the Humans First assault on Chakona. She had suffered depression and hadn't wanted to try again, the memory of the loss to painful for her. But, after cub sitting Dawnlight, Firespot and Firetail, she had suddenly regained her maternal instincts again, and now she was pining for a cub of her own.

Reaching the door, shi let hirself in and was greeted by 2 furballs, Dawnlight and Firespot. "Daddy" the chirped. "Hiya scamps, have you been good?"

"Yess" they replied in unison. Solarblaze looked up at Sundawn's mate, Tanya, who was breastfeeding Firetail, who was only 2.

"So, have they been behaving themselves?" shi asked.

"Yes, they wanted to wait for you to get home, so you can tuck them in bed." She replied, looking up from her daughter to look at her co-mate.

"Ah and how's Snowy?" shi asked, picking Firespot up and nursing hir to hir own breast, which shi drank enthusiastically. Dawnlight curled at hir mother's paws as hir younger sister was feeding.

"Still asleep."

"Did Sunny give Firetail hir required nutrients before shi went too dinner?" Blazer asked, "If shi hadn't, I could give Firetail what shi needs, I have plenty."

Tanya shook her head. "No, it's ok, If Sunny wasn't here, and neither were you, PAL would provide hir with a bottle of the required milk, but, thanks for offering."

Solarblaze smiled, and looked down at hir older cub, yawning, trying too keep hir eyes open. "Say champ, how do you feel about another sister?"

Dawnlight sprang wide awake. "Another sister too play with?" shi chirped excitedly.

"Yes, but you would have too look after hir, make sure shi doesn't get into trouble, ok?"

"Yeah, ok mom." Shi replied, hir tail swishing left and right.

After Firespot was full, Solarblaze got up and carried hir to hir bedroom, and laid hir down in the crib, covered hir with the blanket, and gave hir a goodnight kisslick. Shi responded with one of hir own, with hir eyes still closed. Blazer looked down at hir child, and smiled, watching hir sleep for a few moments then turned back to Dawnlight, who was snuggling on hir own medium sized mattress, curling up, head on the pillow, tail wrapped around hir body. Shi yawned and returned the goodnight kiss from hir mom. "Tail High sweety." Solarblaze said, "May your dream world be full of colour and happiness and lots of friends."

"You too mama." Then shi was sound asleep, purring softly.

Solarblaze looked at hir 2 cubs for a moment, before closing the door and dimming the lights.

Then shi bid Tanya a good night before joining hir own mate in hir bedroom. Entering hir personal bedroom, which would nornally be shared by four taurs in the evening, except that one taur would like privacy tonight with hir second mate, to conceive a child. The lights were off, and it took a moment for Solarblaze's eyes to get accustomed to the darkness, but hir infrared vision picked out the bed and hir sleeping tigertaur mate.

Hopping on the bed slowly, and curling up next too Snowdrift, Solarblaze gave her a soft gentle kisslick on her lips, which she returned enthusiastically.

"Evening hun, how are you feeling?" shi whispered, massaging the neck and shoulder muscles, getting a light purr from hir mate.

"A bit better, and now I'm relaxed that you're finally here with me, tonight, on this special day." Snowdrift whispered, slowly running her claws over hir mate's breasts.

Solarblaze closed hir eyes, enjoying the teasing rubbing of hir nipples. "Hon, it's you that's going to have a cub tonight, not I, that's the wrong sexual organ you're playing with... even though I don't mind."

Snowdrift giggled, and kept up her assault, slowly licking and kneading Solarblaze's nipples and breasts, making hir moan and purr a little louder. "Ohh gosh hun, I thought you were tired?" shi gasped, as hir penis started too stir inside hir sheath.

"I was, but that sleep did me some good, now, I wanna play." She whispered, as she felt the beginnings of an erection, and smiled. Reaching down, she started massaging the hot member, feeling it grow suddenly.

"Hmmm keep that up, and I might not have anything to give you to complete the deed." Shi replied, starting to hump hir hips, sliding the shaft in and out of her hand.

Snowdrift giggled, then started kissing her denmate passionately, sliding her tongue inside and playing with Blazers own tongue, emitting a murr of pleasure from hir throat. Solarblaze returned the favour by running hir hands up and down her body, exploring and teasing the sensual spots. Shi started at the ears, rubbing them slowly.

Snowdrift groaned and sighed, her tail swishing back and forth against the sheets, as her vagina started to get moist. Breaking from the kiss, Solarblaze smiled and moved hir hand lower, finding the moist slit, filled with lubrication. Pressing 2 fingers inside cause it to burst and her juices to flow over the digits and leaking down the legs and soaking the sheets.

"Ooh Creator, your touch is heavenly, so soft and gentle... darling, I missed this so much, the joy and love, the happiness." Snowdrift murmured, as she started moving her hips against her mates probing loving fingers, to get more stimulation.

"Yes my sweet, I wanna feel you, your heart, your breath, your juices, feel them on my body as you cum, to feel you accept the life seed I am offering you, too make our child." Solarblaze whispered, looking in hir mates eyes.

Both stopped the stimulation of each others sexual organs, not wanting to finish early, they just wanted to please each other, give each other the love and attention that they needed.

"Sweety, I am glad that you feel the time is right to have another cub, and this time we will be extra careful." Solar whispered, nuzzling and kisslicking hir mate, holding her close, feeling the love through hir empathic link, as well as feeling her heartbeat.

"Mmm yes my love, I am finally over my self doubt and nervousness about bringing another cub into this world. And it's all thanks to you and my wonderful co-mates." She said, also nuzzling, kisslicking hir neck softly, purring, then she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of her new cub that she'll have soon.

Solarblaze curled around hir mate, tail wrapped around hir waist as shi also fell asleep, conserving the energy for up-coming huge event.

To be continued.... ;)


**LUNABLAZE ©** **Part 2.** 13thJune 2352. FSS DRACONUS. 312 days earlier. 4:45 am Solarblaze was fast asleep, curled around hir mate, breathing in the scent of the white tigertaur, dreaming of the new cub...

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Star Blazer Chapter 1


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**Part Two.** **DISCOVERED**** ©** **By Malcolm Kebler.** Malcolm was dreaming, about showing Yuki the wonderful sights of Australia. The city and the outback, the wildlife. And as he pointed out the kangaroos, shi laughed and...

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