Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#36 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Dawn Stern and Alex Winter survived their hover vehicle accident and awoke in a lodge (without Lady Ursa) owned by a bizarre family where they rode out the winter storm. While there, the two accidentally discovered that their saviors were escaped lab creatures who were masquerading as humans (for some reason) who had a a extreme hatred of beastials. How extreme? When the family happened upon the crash site, they kept the two humans but discarded the bear...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)

While all that was happening, this was also taking place....

Day 65 (The pit- trap in the forests between World Four and World Five)

"It was rumored that Dynamic Dynamics was working on something big but I never thought that I would see it with my own eyes!" The shadow next to the fossa quipped.

"It is fascinating to observe." Ida said. "Look at the way it is staring, just studying us."


"Look it just snorted!" The shadow next to her exclaimed.

"So what is it?" The fossa said turning to her unseen companion.

"It is a werewolf Ida."

"That is obvious, but what was the purpose of this lab experiment's origin? Was this a weapon of the knights to annihilate opposition to the empire? Or something more darker and sinister?" The fossa said interviewing the shadow.

"I am not sure."

"Claudius you don't know?!" She said annoyed.

"And it looks like another friend has disappointed Ida- again." I teased.


"Meow, someone is getting catty! Wait, wait, your friend's name is Claudius?!"

"She said shut up boy! I second that! Ida, I am sorry if I misled you, but I did not work for the corporation that created that." The shadow said. "I worked at Extensive Enterprises- their competition. I wished that we had created that."

"You mean you were using me Claudius?!"

"Someone is also a bad judge of character!" I teased.

"SHUT IT!!!" The pair shouted in unison at me as they continued arguing.

(Those two needed to get their own comedy show on the hub!)

"Rumble it looks like those two are several entrees short of a platter. Any ideas?" I said to my wolf.

"...can't climb out... walls too steep..."

"From the sounds of it our silhouetted friend up there wanted badly to capture you."


"I am not sure big guy. Actually that gives me an idea. And I think I have just the arrow."

While Ida and her fellow conspirator argued dad, I took the initiative; I would be the one to save us! I loaded a special arrow on my crossbow, aimed and fired.


It hit a tree next to Ida.


"...Corey hit something...?"

"Don't start! I will have you know that I got the idea from Overwatch. An arrow with a tether- like a strong tractor hook. Unfortunately we will have to be our own winch big guy."


I tied the tether around my wolf's waist. He and I would use it to escape our, um, ok I admit it, it was a trap.

"We can use this to climb out. Got it?"


I gave my were-creature a crash course in climbing, out of a pit, with the aid of a rope while listening to the heated discussion from our attackers above.

"You told me that you worked for the company that created that thing!"

"Well my dear, that might have been a slight exaggeration, I worked for their competition across the street. I know I misrepresented myself."

We managed to get to the surface while the two were still going at it.

"You did." The fossa grumbled.

"But hey I liberated you from your captivity and those thugs that were mistreating you."

Rumble and I traded glances when we discovered who the mystery beastial was.

"A fish guy huh?" I said drawing my crossbow and pointing it at him.

"Amphibian actually. He is more impressive in person! Dynamic Dynamics really stepped up their game with this generation of their creatures!"


Ida's companion, the fish guy- had blue skin, large eyes, a yellow mouth, small fins where his ears should have been and also on the top of his head. He was dressed in a white jacket and black leggings, like he had just emerged from the ocean or something.

"You are referring to Rumble?" I said eyeing our captor.

"He named it?" The fish guy said to the fossa.

"It helped him escape from the compound." Ida said to her co-conspirator.

"That is right Ida, Claudius , oh by the way it is helping me escape again. If I were you, I wouldn't make any sudden movements. He is tame only up to a point then he becomes quite nasty. News flash! I do too."

"And if we do make some sudden movements boy?" The scientist smirked.

"You will be attacked, mauled, torn into pieces and those pieces will be shredded into little bits. And then you will have to deal with the wolf."

"Plucky thing ain't he?" Claudius observed.


"Uh Oh! The big guy here doesn't seem to like you too much Claudius."

"That is because I was about to use his control phrase." The scientist said almost sinister like.

"Control phrase fish guy?"

"Amphibian- boy. Dynamic Dynamics included a fail safe for all their lab creatures in case they became- unruly. Experiment 6i yours I believe is- ahem Fiendish Organization For World Larceny!"

"Nice phrase- but it doesn't mean anything." I said motioning for the two to raise their paws.

"Does it now?" Ida said smirking.




My were-creature fell backward onto the snow incapacitated; his eyes were glazed over like someone had knocked him out cold.


I dropped my crossbow and ran to him placing my had in front of his mouth. He was still breathing. Just out cold, really cold.

"Nice trick." The fossa said to her co-conspirator.

"Thank you my dear." He replied.

"Oh and Corey this is for you." Ida said very sinister like as well.




"Nighty night Corey. Remember it is not best to lead a lady on."

"Was that really necessary my dear?"

The Grand Kingdom's assistant healer hit me with some type of sedative; I like Rumble was incapacitated. All though I could still hear and smell what was going on I was very week and my vision became very blurry.

The two carried off my wolf and left me on the ground. I laid there for what had to be hours. Morning turned to noon and what ever Ida had given me- it must have been a huge dose, because it wouldn't wear off. In retrospect, she probably didn't know what size dosage to give. I realized she must have been struggling in without Shakara. Desperate times, desperate measures.

I started to grow concerned as I lay on the forest ground. If whatever they did to me didn't wear off come night fall I would be in big trouble.


My fears were thrown aside when fish face tossed me over his shoulder.

(They came back for me?)

"I can't believe we came back for him."

"Those two are a pair, they should be together. Besides despite leading me on, using and manipulating me- letting him become monster food would be an overreaction."

"You have something else in mind my dear?"

"Indeed he can watch, well listen to you dissect his friend."

The fish beastial carried me for an hour. What direction I can't tell. I was cold then wet, then wet and cold before being placed on a chair next to my wolf to dry off. I was still out of it. Rumble even more so. What follows is the conversation between Ida and Claudius I thought I heard.

"What a magnificent specimen."

_"It was hard enough bringing him here." _

"That is because here is away- from everything."

"So you were hold up in here? How did this place survive the fall and the aftermath Claudius?"

"Sheer luck my dear. Now there are some things I would like to do to experiment 6i."

"I am sure you would."

"Tests Ida, tests. Experiment 6i was Dynamic Dynamics culmination of months of tests, research, exploration and experimentation."

"Claudius what if that thing should wake up?"

"He won't."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I removed him from consciousness."

"The command code you recited?"

"Yes my dear the control phrase. For lack of a general term- he has been turned off."

"Did Extensive Enterprises have a similar off switch with their experiments?"


"Why not?"

"We preferred to keep them locked down Ida."

"They aren't so locked down now are they Claudius?"

"Sarcasm my dear?"

"You made me cary that were-creature for quite a long time."

"Yes some of our experiments escaped during the cataclysm, if that is what you mean."

*cough* *cough*

"Most of our experiments."

*cough* *cough* *cough*

"Okay Ida. All of our experiments escaped. But we weren't the only ones! Dynamic Dynamics, Generic Generics, Technical Techniques, Intertech Industries, Systematic Systems and Intravision are also to blame!"

"What escaped is roaming the forest at night and terrorizing those that have survived Claudius."

"I understand the Intendant feeds these creatures on a regular basis."

"Mostly dissidents and enemies. It is how he maintains strict control over his prisoners."

"I bet that you are glad I liberated you from there my dear."

"I had a few other offers, but yours had the most likelihood of success."

"Unlike Mr. Collins over there who still doesn't know what hit him. Tell me Ida how will the compound continue without their healer?"

"Caden and his thugs will make do- he will make someone steps up like I was made to do when Kara escaped."

"Like you were made to do so. That must have been tough on you my dear. From hub reporter to medic literally overnight."

"I didn't have much choice in the matter Claudius. Now these tests you wanted to perform?"

"Yes I need some cell samples from our subject."

"Any place in particular?"

"From his torso, arms, legs, tail and head."

"Done Claudius."

"Bring those over here."

"What are you doing?"

"Watch this my dear."


"Acid?! You are destroying the samples?"

"This was a unique ability 6i had that his predecessors did not. Regeneration. Up to 90% of the experiment could be destroyed. What was left would stop and devote all efforts into rebuilding itself."

"That is amazing! But for what purpose?"

"Extensive Enterprises was not able to determine why; that information was Dynamic Dynamics' proprietary secret. We will come back to that a little later on."

"What else do you need?"

"More cell samples Ida."

"Ok where Claudius?"

"His sheath."


"Under the loincloth the boy gave him to wear. You know you have been dying to take a peek."

"I have not!"

"Oh yes you have. Very well, allow me."


"That has to be the largest sheath I have ever seen! Ever!"

"If you are done gawking, I need a semen sample Ida, a fresh one."


"Masturbation my dear."


"I assure you that it is absolutely necessary Ida. I would recommend first massaging the scrotum and then rub your paws up and down the sheath until the penis emerges then...."

"I know how to masturbate Claudius!"

"Do you now?!"


"You see Ida, our were-friend may be 'turned off' but his genitals still respond all the same."

"Well you better get ready Claudius, judging by his size and girth...."

"Yes, yes I am ready."

_"That is a huge collection pan, Claudius!" _

"We are going to need it my dear."

"His testicles are spasming!"

_*SPURT* _



"And there he goes just like a geyser!"

_"Hold that penis steady Ida, I don't want to miss a single drop!" _

"Wow when that creature cums, it really cums!"

"Yes, this should be more than enough for the next few tests. Mei-Mei please bring in the rest of the reproductive samples."

"Claudius what, what is that?"

"A pet project of mine I created when I was at Extensive Enterprises. Do you like her?"

"A small white floating salamander-dragon thingie?"

"A personal assistant Ida- she helps with my research."

"So you were involved with the monster madness too huh Claudius?"

"To a very limited extent my dear. Now look at this. To the left is an egg cell removed from a female human and to the right a dropper containing 6i's semen."

"What are you doing Claudius?"

"If I introduce our were-creature's sperm to the human egg...."

"Unbelievable! That werewolf's sperm fertilized the egg! It's dividing! How is that possible? I thought that only humans can make humans and only beastials can make beastials!"

_"Don't know Ida but that fertilized egg is going to become an embryo in time. Now moving right along this is an egg cell from a feline beastial, a margay watch this." _

"I don't believe what I am seeing! The were-creature's sperm fertilized that egg too!"

"Wait Ida, there's more. Are you ready to have your mind blown? In this petri dish over here..."

"Is what Claudius?"

"I decided to become part of the experiment."

"Is that your sperm Claudius?"

"Affirmative my dear."


"Now watch Ida."

"You introduced your sample with the werebeast's let me guess they are going to fight. Wait, wait they bonded?!"

"Like the two previous samples they have merged and are creating a embryo Ida."

"Two male sex cells?! How is that even possible Claudius?!"

"I am not sure my dear. Like I said, at Extensive Enterprises we had heard rumors that Dynamic Dynamics had made something big. I believe 6i was that breakthrough."

"But Claudius what is it?"

"Hard to say Ida before the fall research companies including the one I worked for were contracted out to augment the empire's failing man-beast program. The rest well I suppose were conducting research to make even better ultimate life forms- hardy to the environment, impervious to disease, pain, misery, suffering and even death."

"So that explains why there are all these creatures running around- but what is that thing lying there next to the boy? What did Dynamic Dynamics create?!"

_"That I do not know Ida, it could be the first successful human to man-beast experiment not involving combined species or the next evolution of beastial kind or maybe a monster that was created to survive the cataclysm. Hard to say but more research is warranted. _


"Claudius something is wrong with your mini--monster!"

"Ida we are not alone!"

"Well hello, hello, hello!"

"Mr. Long and Mr. Taylor! Um what are you doing here?"

"Hello beastial! The Intendant misses you!"

"In fact he sent us to look for you after your escape! And what do we have here now?!"

"It looks like a hidden research lab that survived the fall Mr. Long."

"Most likely because it is located under a pond Mr. Taylor unaffected by what befell World Five."

"Caden is going to be pleased that we found him a satellite facility and a scientist who was experimenting on monsters perhaps learning how to control them?!"

"If the Intendant had that ability Mr. Taylor he could rule what is left of the world."

"He is going to be so pleased Mr. Long. Fossa, amphibian!"

"Just call him fish face Mr. Long."

"Very well fish face you will be coming with us!"

"Claudius what are we going to do?!"

"Why give our interlopers a sample of what we have been researching here my dear. MEI-MEI RAMPAGE!!! NOW!!!"

"That little floating salamander? Really?"

"It is so cute Mr. Long."

"Look, it is trying to say something Mr. Taylor."



I couldn't quite see what was going on dad, but, I think Claudius' mini-monster was beating the shit out of the intendant's goons. Part of me wished that I could watch while the other part wondered if we would be next.

"Rumble? Rumble! We need to get out of here while we can! Rumble?!"

The big guy was still down.

(Oh yeah the control code err.. control phrase. I hoped that it was the same phrase to turn him back on.)

" Fiendish Organization For World Larceny!"




"Big guy! We need to leave now!"

"...what happened...?"

"Amphibian guy knocked you out and brought you here."

"...where's here...?"

"Some place that we need to leave. NOW."

"...t's go..."

While Ida and Claudius were entertaining their guests we escaped. I clung on to my wolf's back as best I could while he swam underneath the lake, then to the forest and finally back to the lost city. I was still having problems with my site.

(It was amazing he knew the way home.)

That evening....

"That is some adventure Mr. Collins." The sexy lioness said while checking me out.

"I will say! Will he be ok?"

"In time Corbin. Ida over did it and the sedative affected his eyesight."

"Shakara can you fix it?" I asked her.

"It should be back by tomorrow. In the meantime I think you will have to rely on your roommate to get around." The horny lioness said smugly.

"Hey a guide wolf!!" The little mongoose said.

"So Ida had her own agenda huh Corey?"

"It appears so. She hooked up with another survivor who worked for a rival to the company that created Rumble."


"They took us to a remote lab that somehow survived the fall and were studying him."

"To what end?" The sexy lioness asked.

"To try to determine what he was and to see if he could be controlled I suppose. But Caden's goons showed up which led to a fight. We escaped in the chaos."

The lioness, mongoose and the werewolf listened intently before the obvious question was asked.

"How did they manage to capture you Corey? I mean you had Rumble?"

" switch..."

"What do you mean Rumble?"

"His creators made a control phrase to deactivate him if need be Shakara, Corbin. A fail-safe. It is quite obscure so as not to be uttered accidentally."

"Really? What is it?"

"Corbin, that is not polite!" The lioness said to the mongoose boy.

"Sorry that is something I would rather keep secret." I said as my wolf carried me out of the infirmary. "I think Rumble would agree."

"...Corey's quiet..." My were-creature said as we left the central building.

"Yeah big guy. I am just thinking. If Ida and Claudius survived..."

"...they will be coming... for me..."

"Rumble, exactly what are you? I heard a lot of interesting theories while we were in that lab. Do you even know?"

"...your friend..."

(Great answer.)

"Right back at you buddy. Let's go home."

Rumble carried me into our house and guided me into the hammock we shared together. Once there I crawled on top, then right underneath his loincloth (to his surprise) in such a way that the two of us were wearing it- together.


"And so weak, frail Corey Collins has to rely on his wolf for safety and comfort."

"...good thing Corey was Corey today..."

"You're saying that if I had become a were-creature like you Ida and Claudius would have been experimenting on me too."


"Well, I can't become a were-creature, so the best I can do is to live out my dreams and desires through one."


"Shakara called it living vicariously through you Rumble."


"I will explain later, now come here."


The big guy was surprised when my lips found his. But went with it.

(Why the hell not?! Since I can't be a werewolf, I guess the best I can do is BE with a werewolf.)

So there you have it dad. A small example of the challenges I and my new family are experiencing in this post cataclysmic world we now find ourselves in. Later on we would find out that Commander Rhinox and Russell had a rough day as well. So Corbin, Rumble and I would receive an extension on our writing project.

Corey Collins March 7, YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 35: The More You Look The Less You See (Places Both Known And Unknown Part IV)

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