Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#33 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Professor Dawn Stern accompanied by Alex and Lady Ursa started searching for the sister site of the lost city. Their travels took them far to the west of World One where they happened upon a store in the middle of no where. After initially clashing with its owner, the trio later saved him from some irate customers. To thank them for their help he told the three about something he saw encased in snow during his travels- a discovery. A big one....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

Day 63 (The wilderness west of World One)

"Outrageous!" I shouted jumping out of the cockpit. Dawn soon joined me. Together we started running toward the mound of snow.

"WAIT!" Lady Ursa ordered us. "Alex! Dawn! Don't be reckless."

"I am not sensing anything mistress." I said turning back to face the bear behind the wheel of the prototype.

"YET!" She countered.

Like chastised school children we walked back to the side of the blue coupe.

*Surveillance probe engaged.* The automated assistant announced.

I watched as the spherical orb lifted off from the launch platform and hovered around the mound of snow that had the nose of the silver coupe sticking out.

"Anything Lady Ursa?" The professor asked as we waited with baited breath.

My lady bear looked at the monitors in the center stack of the prototype before returning the probe to the docking port.

"Nothing initiating scans."

Again Ms. Stern and I waited for the all clear.

"Well mistress?"

"No life signs. That doesn't mean there couldn't be remains within." My bear knight warned.

"What about traps?" Dawn asked.

"The probe is not detecting any. But be careful anyway." She warned.

Carefully Dawn and I removed the snow off of the abandoned hover vehicle watching to see if there was anyone inside or any traps left behind. No on both counts.

*It appears that the silver prototype has been abandoned.*

Dawn watched as I opened the dome and sat down inside the cockpit. The interior layout was identical to the blue prototype. There were some bloodstains on the seats and dash- but otherwise the interior was undamaged.

I placed my hand on the dashboard to see if the unit was powered on. Nothing. The three monitors in the center stack were black; the vehicle was dead. Not even the automated assistant was working.

"It is out of commission." I said exiting the vehicle.

"I wonder why it was abandoned?" Professor Stern asked. "System failure? Ammo depletion? Possession?"

"The only way we will find out is to take it back with us." My warrior bear said thinking.

"How are we going to accomplish that? The tractor hooks can only pull and that won't work while off the ground." I said thinking out-loud.

"Then this thing needs to move under its own power. What is its source of power?" Corbin's adoptive mother asked.

"Sunlight. The back up is water." Lady Ursa said to me.

We ended up using half of our water supply to refill the vehicle's tank. By that time it was late afternoon.

"Anything madam knight?" Dawn said watching my fierce ursine warrior as she attempted to power on the silver coupe.

*Recognized Lady Ursa Senior Knight of Wundagore.*

"That is some good news." I said cheerfully.

"That is not pet." My prefect person said drawing my attention to the upper right monitor which was red with system failures.

"I have never seen a screen so red before." Professor Stern said.

"Stabilizers and attitude control are gone." My she beast said.

"Meaning?" Dawn asked.

"It won't fly." I responded.

"I am going to try hyrdo-foil mode." My lady bear said.

Dawn and I watched as the four wheels folded and two skis lowered from the underside of the silver coupe.

"Ground and sea." My brown bear said.

"Well at least that will allow us to transport it on the ground." I said to my companions.

"Wait a minute what about that prototype's tractor hooks?" Ms. Stern suggested.

"Good idea professor." My mistress commented. "This is going to take some work but seems doable."

Dawn and I sat back down in the blue coupe. I swung it around to to face away from the crippled silver prototype.

*Side-pods engaged.*

"Ok lining up the cross-hairs."

*Tractor hook engaged.*


Dawn and I watched as the hooks fired from the rear of the weapons launcher attaching themselves to the underside of the silver coupe.

"Ok let's do this." I said powering on the prototype.

"Doesn't look like you have any traction." The blond archeologist said noticing that we weren't moving nor was the silver prototype.

"Ok retracting the tractor hooks." I said pressing the center toggle switch.

*Gently Mr. Winter.* The automated assistant warned.

"We are making progress, we are pulling the silver prototype! That winch on both of the side-pods must really be strong." The archeologist noted.

"Yeah it is. Overwatch assume control of the blue prototype engage hover mode and land gently onto the silver prototype."

*As you wish Mr. Winter.*

"Remember that the deflector system on the other prototype is down." Dawn warned.

Lady Ursa watched as our prototype gently landed right on top of hers.

"Ok now what?" I said.

"Watch pet." My perfect person said as she deployed the side-pods on the silver coupe and then the tractor hooks there. Only the left side-pod opened. "That will have to do."

Dawn and I took the tractor hook from from the left side-pod and wrapped it around both prototypes tightly.

"Now extend the deflectors to encompass both hover vehicles." My lady bear ordered.

"I see that makes us one big vehicle." Ms. Stern said.

"Yes, but can Overwatch get both vehicles back to the lost city?"

"We are about to find out pet."

The trip back to the city was strenuous because of the extra weight, Overwatch could not maintain a high altitude. The best we could do was 4000 feet off of the ground. Some how we got it back home.

That evening....

"Come on professor! The little mongoose boy whined. "It is game night!"

"Coming!" Dawn said to her adoptive son.

"What about you three?" Ms. Stern said to the human and lioness who were watching the bear tinker inside the latest addition to the city.

"Go on ahead." Shakara said. "It looks like we are going to be assisting her for awhile."

Dawn nodded and went inside to join her little boy.

"Corey and Rumble are upset that they have guard duty." Shakara said. "They really wanted to spend more time with Corbin and the professor."

"There is always tomorrow." I replied as we casually stared at Lady Ursa still tinkering.

"This would be so much easier if Mara or Sir Ram were here or even the commander." The bear grumbled.

"They are not mistress, we just have you." I replied.

"No pressure my lady." The lioness teased.

"I think I have it!" My perfect person exclaimed triumphantly. "

Shakara and I gathered around the driver's side of the silver prototype as Lady Ursa pressed the button icon button on the weapons menu. Nothing happened.

"Automated assistant!" The bear ordered.

"Or not Shakara." Cutting her eyes at our bear.

"Automated assistant!" Lady Ursa said again.

"Doesn't it have a name other than that?" My devious person asked.

"Nope- I never got around to naming it." I said to her.

*Lady Ursa senior knight of Wundagore. How may I be of assistance?*

"I want a complete systems diagnostic of the silver prototype." Lady Ursa ordered.

*As you wish. Completed. The prototype is functioning at 12% efficiency.*

"What happened?" Shakara asked.

*Not authorized, request ignored.*

"Huh?" My lioness asked.

"Only authorized Knights of Wundagore are allowed access to the prototypes. That was before the fall." I said to her.

"Why is operational efficiency so low?" My warrior bear asked.

*Many key systems have been damaged or destroyed.*

"Report." Lady Ursa said looking at the upper right monitor.

*Deflectors, hover mode, holo-projector.*

"Weapons status?" The warrior asked.

*Machine gun ammunition exhausted.*

*Grenade launcher ammunition exhausted.*

*Tunnel missile ammunition exhausted.*

*Tractor missile ammunition exhausted.*

*Static pulse generator offline.*

*Electric pulse generator offline.*

*Surveillance probe destroyed.*

*Smoke Screen generator destroyed.*

*Surveillance camera damaged.*

"Wow, we have a fixer upper don't we?" My devious person quipped.

"Automated assistant what weapons are still operational?" My bear knight asked.

*Flame thrower, laser-system, tractor hook and tracker tracer.*

"So now we know why the silver coupe was abandoned." I said to my beastial companions.

"But some systems were functional." Lady Ursa said. "Automated Assistant who was the last operator of this hover vehicle?"

*Unable to process request. The driver records have been corrupted.*

"Alright access you the visual records from the front mounted camera."

*Sorry Lady Ursa I can't comply with that command.*


*The front mounted camera is offline.*

"Let me have a shot at this." I said sitting down in the passenger seat. I then tried to access the copilot monitor and key board.

*I am sorry Mr. Winter your authorization has been revoked on the grounds that you are a pre-rebel.*

"Situations have changed. The empire no longer exits." I said placing my hand on the dash.

*Access denied.*

"Automated assistant emergency authorization for Alex Winter Wundagore Castle." My she beast ordered.

*By whose permission?*

"Mine." My fierce ursine warrior said.


"Hold on, I am going to access the camera." I said typing as the keyboard and monitor emerged from the glovebox. "Shakara could you step in front of the vehicle?"

As my devious person complied I tried to pull up the image from the camera. It was black.

"Confirmed, busted."

"What about the last recorded image pet?"

"Accessing the files." I said typing. "This looks like the last recorded image."

"What is the date little cutie?" My lioness said approaching my side of the vehicle.

"January 3rd."

"Put it on screen Alex." My mistress ordered.

I pressed the button on the keyboard.

We observed the scenery in the background rolling over and over as if the prototype had been tumbling. It then stopped right side up.

There was a brief pause then two familiar knights passed in front of the camera from the left; probably the last occupants of the silver coupe. One appeared to be a cheetah in a torn and bloody knight uniform he was carrying a donkey over his shoulder.

"That is Chemar and Cole!" I shouted.

"They appear to be running away from something." The dark tan lioness observed.

"Or someone." Lady Ursa said as the two moved from left to right in front of the camera.

The next image chilled our very souls; the two were being pursued by humanoid spider creatures. Their heads, arms and torsos resembled humans but the rest were attached to large spider body.

We watched in horror as five of them crossed in front of the silver coupe's camera. Before one turned and shot something at the silver prototype. The image went dark.

(Were they man-beast experiments?)

"How many of them were there?" My bear knight asked.

"At least five that we saw with the prototype's tech, no indication of how many off camera." I said to her.

"Did they make it?" Shakara asked.

"Unknown." I responded.

Shakara and I left our bear to tinker with the silver prototype while we joined the professor, Corbin, Corey and Rumble for game night. We finished just before 10 PM when Corey and Rumble went on duty.

"I can't believe Rumble won!" I shouted as we left professor Stern and Corbin's house.

"He has gotten quite good at choose your own adventure." My lioness said.

"Yeah not bad for a former lab experiment." I said.

"A touch of prejudice little cutie?" Shakara said paralyzing me with those red eyes of hers.

"I mean he is much smarter than he seems, or he has expanded beyond his creator's intentions."

"You are just digging that hole deeper aren't you?" The dark tan lioness teased.

"She is still at it?" I said interrupting the conversation. "Mistress!"

"Later pet I am in the middle of something!" Our brown bear said preoccupied.

"My lady, it is getting late." Shakara warned.

"Ten more minutes!" The engrossed bear grumbled.

"When she is focused like that, it is best to leave her be."

"That is fine." My lioness said taking me by the hand. "There is something I wanted to show you anyway.

"Um what is that?"

Shakara smirked as we entered our home. She said nothing as we made our way through the kitchen and into the bedroom. As we entered the lioness removed my shirt and pushed me onto the bed.

"That would be me!"


There was that predatory stare and mischievous grin.

"I missed you my little cutie."

"But I was gone for only a day!"

"It was still too long." The lioness said removing her top.

"It isn't like I left you high and dry!"

"True, but I like my warm happy fresh from its source." The she beast said grasping my hand. She lifted it up to touch her breast.

At that moment my pants became very tight.

"Let me help you with those garments."


"I still don't know how you do that?" I said as she climbed onto my waist. I ran my hands down her shoulders, then her sides fixating on her haunches. But my lioness was fixed on something else. "Easy there!"


Before I knew it, I was inside my leonine female. She felt so soft and warm that winter evening.

"Now where is my warm happy?"

"I can't do that on command my lioness but if you wait awhile...." I half- joked.

The lioness smirked and then clamped down on my erect shaft touching it in just the right location.

"AHH!!!!!" I screamed as I came- hard. "How did you do that? I didn't even feel the little tickle!"

She gave me that broad smile again as if to say you even have to ask?

(Right, she was The Madam's minion; she knew just where to touch me.)

"Oh yesssss!!!! There it is!!! There it is!!! Mrrr!!!!"

I played with the lioness' rack as she rode out her orgasm. We then cuddled while 10 pm turned into 11 pm.

"She is still out there." My devious person observed.

That was when Shakara and I made the decision to fetch our bear.

"What time is it?" Lady Ursa asked.

"Late." Shakara said.

"All right." Our warrior reluctantly agreed.

"So what was so interesting about that hover vehicle that gobbled up your evening?" Shakara asked.

"I was going over what I could recover from the front mounted camera in the days following the collapse." Lady Ursa said as we entered our home.

"Did you learn anything more?"

"Only the horrors of that day from another vantage point pet."

"Any chance that the silver prototype could be returned to service?" The lioness asked as we crawled into bed and my perfect person disrobed.

"Doubtful, many of weapons systems are down or exhausted. The vehicle has taken a serious beating and even a weapon's launcher is damaged." The bear said to the lioness.

"So unless we find some way to repair it and resupply the ammunition the best thing to do is to keep it here to augment our existing defenses." I said motioning her toward me.

Lady Ursa looked at Shakara and then me.

"I guess it is really late isn't it?" The warrior said straddling my hips.

As she impaled herself on my penis, I ran my hands down her shoulders, than her flanks before fixating on her breasts.

"We could really use Sir Ram's assistance right now or Mara's." My warrior bear exhaled.

I sympathized. But Mara is long gone, and I hadn't seen Sir Ram since before the fall, chances are that he didn't survive either. Our only option was to find another system's expert capable of repairing the silver prototype but how would we go about accomplishing that task?

"That will have to keep until tomorrow my lady." Shakara said sneaking up behind Lady Ursa.

"Oh?" The bear asked. "Why is that?"

"My lovers are home this evening from away missions and I plan to spend as much time with them while there are here!" The lioness said hugging her brown bear from behind and kissing the small of her back.

Lady Ursa was a little unnerved at first, but soon relented after she realized she was being impaled from below and embraced from behind.

"Love is a wonderful thing isn't mistress?" I said smiling at her.

Our brown bear didn't respond only let out a loud moan.

Day 65

"This has to be the coldest day of the year!" I said shivering underneath my jacket.

"But it is the first day without any snowfall." Dawn said looking at the grey sky.

"But it looks like a squall could start at any minute professor." Lady Ursa said huffing.

"Says the one of us that isn't bothered by cold weather. Besides I was itching to get back out here and excavate this site. Dawn shot back.

So on that grey March morning Dawn, my mistress and I returned to the site where we found her obelisk to try to learn more from the object. We would spend most of the morning excavating it.

Overwatch would you be a dear and copy all the sides of this?" Dawn asked the automated assistant.

*As you wish Ms. Stern.*

"I never thought I would miss the weather updates from the hub, but I do now." I said leaning heavily on my shovel.

"All things considered, I am glad I had the muscle to assist me with this task this morning." The professor said to her assistants.

"By that she means you mistress." I giggled.

"Yes pet. Professor are you sure this find was built by the same individuals that constructed the lost city?" Lady Ursa said joining her to stare at it.

The structure was a spire like rod on a trapezoid base composed of stone about six feet in height.

"Pretty sure. The lettering is the same." Dawn said.

*Does it give an indication where the sister site is?*

"Let's see." The professor said as she started reading over the writing on the side of the object. "To all who read this, you are not far from comfort, safety and security."

"That's it?" Our protector said crossing her arms.

"What does that mean?!" I said piling on.

"No mention of location, range or distance." My sister's doppelgänger said.

*Lady Ursa, Mr. Winter, Ms. Stern the probe is detecting a severe storm approaching our location.*

"Will you look at that." I said staring at our east.

"Those are some angry looking clouds." The professor said.

"Overwatch what is the range?" My warrior bear asked.

*Less than a mile and approaching our position- FAST.*

"Well we are approaching an area that the empire said was off limits." The blond archeologist said. "Now we know why."

"Professor we are finished here. Let's go." Our ursine protector ordered.

We quickly placed the shovels in the rear of the blue coupe and pilled inside as the storm was about to over take our location.

"That looks about as bad as the storms near the forgotten outpost." My perfect person said.

"Really?" The blond asked.

"Yeah the weather on that side of the planet is most inhospitable." I said.

"This one is moving at a rapid pace for a storm." Lady Ursa said as we tried to drive away.

*The prototype is not built for traveling on unpaved surfaces Lady Ursa.*

"Understood Overwatch, but I would not want to be in the sky when we are overtaken by that thing." My lady bear said looking at the wall of snow that was falling from the storm.

"We don't have a choice mistress." I said and so we took to the sky.

Unfortunately my bear knight was right, the prototype was over taken by the storm. We were buffeted by fierce winds, cold and blinding sleet.

Dawn and I hugged from the passenger seat as the blue coupe shook violently from the turbulence.

"Secure the probe." Dawn ordered.

"But then we won't be able to tell what is around us!" I protested.

"True but we don't want to lose the probe either." Lady Ursa said to me.

We saw a red flash to our west before we were enveloped by a wall of white. Then it all went to hell.

"Um what do the system failures on the upper right monitor mean?" The professor said.

"Components are freezing over and we are descending." Lady Ursa said calmly.

*The tires are frozen as is the stabilizer. Attitude control has been lost.*

"Say what?" Corbin's adoptive mother asked.

"WE ARE GOING TO CRASH!!!" I shouted.

"Deflectors on Overwatch! Passive restraints to maximum!" Lady Ursa said as the blue coupe became a snowball and fell from the sky.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I** Day 62 (Auxiliary site in the Great Forest) "Hmm...." Feleen said as she watched Dawn Stern work at the terminal that housed her program. "Wow, this...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 31: The Further Adventures...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 31: The Further Adventures... ** Day 59 ** ** (The Great Forest) "This place hasn't changed in the slightest." I said looking out of the window of the blue coupe as we flew overhead. "Well apart...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 30: Deceiving Your Allies To Deceive Your Enemies

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