Gamble Ramble

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#42 of Commissions

My thirty-seventh commission which I did in collaboration with bluemoonkin on FA. The first half was written by him and the second half by myself. It's about Samaliel's trip to childhood and back.

Gamble Ramble Part 1 By: Bluemoonkin

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. This work contains underaged as well as some age regression content. You have been warned.

In the wee hours of the morning, a young arctic fox was hard at work mixing solutions. This young fox was Pent, and even at the tender age of 12, he had the mind and heart of a scientist. He'd been working for weeks on this solution, looking for the perfect ratio of the various chemical components involved to yield a particular desired effect. In his room, off in the corner was a rat cage with a few rats scurrying inside. One rat in particular, Pent held as the as symbol of his success after several weeks of trial and error work. The rat was smaller than the others, and it's behavior made it truly stick out among the others. A fundamental change in its brain chemistry left it disoriented but otherwise perfectly functional. Now Pent was looking to step up to a much larger subject now that he knows the solutions work the way he intended. Taking a beaker filled with a bright red liquid off of his magnetic stirrer, Pent stared into it and back towards his rats with a sense of pride. He padded over to the cage and to the smallest rat said."You've been a big help to me. All three of you have been, but now the real test begins." Pent smiled and put a blanket over the cage to give them some shade and privacy to rest.

Pent made his way downstairs, being careful to keep as quiet as possible. Outside the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon, signaling the coming morning, but doubtless, Pent's brother, Samaliel, would still be asleep. The fox padded into the kitchen and got ready for the coming morning. Normally Samaliel would be the one working on breakfast, but for the sake of science, Pent took it upon himself to prepare it for the both of them. What was to follow can only be described as chaos. Pent might have called it controlled chaos, but such a euphemism didn't eliminate the fact that the floor and kitchen counters were covered with bread crumbs, egg shells, bits of yolk, milk, cereal, and some juice for good measure. This is what Samaliel would arrive to after waking up and brushing his teeth. Samaliel pinched the bridge of his nose at the sight if but for a moment. He was used to Pent's antics by now, so he can't really say he was too surprised by the sight in the kitchen he was met with. "Making breakfast all on you own? What's the occasion little brother?"

"I'm just super excited for our day out today."

"You're really excited to go out to the park aren't you?"


"I'm excited too. However, I do need to make a stop at the mall today before we go. That alright with you?"

"I suppose so." Pent replied with just the tiniest hint of dejection. Pent was excited his playtime at the park and the thought having to put it off for even a single moment further into the day didn't hold well with him. However, Pent still trusted Samaliel would take him today, so it's not like he wouldn't get to play at all today.

"Good answer. Not that you had much choice anyway since I'm the only one with a valid driver's license." Samaliel flashed a playful smile after saying that. Pent smiled back, knowing his plans wouldn't be derailed, even with this small detail. It might even present a unique opportunity to start testing the effects of his potion, Pent thought to himself.

With that he mind, he went on to serve breakfast. Samaliel tried to serve himself, but Pent stopped him. "It's okay Sama. Let me serve you." Samaliel looked down at his brother and smiled. He gave him a playful ruffle of his head fur and went back to the table to sit down. Pent brought him a messily organized plate of eggs, sausages, and toast. Pent set the plate in front of his older brother and asked, "Want me to get you some juice?"

"Actually there's some coffee in the pot I can get myse-"

"Juice it is then!" Pent cut him off before he could finish. He snatched a glass from the dish rack and started to fill it with the red potion when he realized he needed to conceal the flavor somehow. He looked in the refrigerator and found a jug of fruit punch "Perfect," Pent muttered to himself. Pent filled the glass the rest of the way and stirred the drink a few times before placing it in front of Samaliel.

"Thanks, Pent." Samaliel took the glass and took a long gulp to wash down the first bit of egg that he'd just eaten. Pent made his own plate and joined his brother at the table. He opted for water though instead of juice to drink. Better safe than sorry.

After breakfast, Samaliel and Pent got ready for the day ahead. Samaliel ran a bath for Pent and left him to soak for a bit while he pulled out clothes for the both of them. "Make sure you wash everywhere!" Samaliel shouted from the other room. "Behind your ears, underarms, everywhere!"

"I knooowwwww." Pent called back. The young fox scrubbed and scrubbed in the tub, waiting for his brother to come back. Samaliel returned some time after and offered a paw to help Pent out of the tub. Pent accepted and gingerly stepped out onto the soft, plush bath rug. Almost immediately after, he was met with a towel to the face as the older fox helped him to towel off. He dried him off as much as he could but still knowing it'd take a bit more after, he stepped the towel aside and plugged in the air drier to finish off the young fox. As Samaliel got the hair drier ready, Pent, seeing his first chance, took a wide stance and held his paw at his waist, reaching for an imaginary sidearm. "It's high noon, Shariff! Once I take you down, this old town will be mine!"

Samaliel looked back at his brother with a slightly confused look. Guess he's been watching more cowboy flicks, the older fox thought to himself. His look of confusion quickly wiped away and was replaced with a playful smile as Samaliel went forward in indulging Pent's sudden bought of playfulness. "Hands up ver-mit!"

"It's varmint, Sama." Pent corrected

"Whatever. Hands where I can see them varmint!" Samaliel repeated in the best Texan accent he could muster up, which isn't saying much.

"You'll never take me alive, Sheriff!" Pent shouted defiantly.

"You're reign of terror is over!" And with that, Samaliel clicked the hair dried on and pointed it at the adorable outlaw in front of him.

The hot air blowing his air felt nice to Pent. The moisture caught up in his fur quickly disappeared. Even so, Pent feigned a pain so utterly insane that he allowed himself to crumple onto the floor. "Gah! You got me! I surrender. Tell... my family.... I... love... themmmm...." And with a final exaggerated breath, Pent went limp on the bathroom floor

Tickled by his brother's melodramatic performance, Samaliel couldn't help but let a childish escape past his lips. Pent opened a single eye and watched his brother while he finished drying him off. The change was subtle but unmistakable. He noticed a very slight drop in height revealed by the creeping of the sleeves on his short-sleeved sleeping shirt up his arm as well as a small crumbling of his pant legs at their heel as his legs became ever so slightly shorter. Pent even heard a heightening in the pitch of Samaliel's voice accompanied by a small crack as the still older fox giggled. "Success," Pent whispered to himself.

Samaliel finished drying off Pent and gave him a pat on the back. "Run off now, you little goof. The shower is mine. There are clothes waiting for you in your bedroom."

Pent shook off a few stray water droplets that clung to his fur and ran out of the bathroom. Samaliel left him a simple outfit. A pair of jeans and a maple leaf t-shirt. Pent got himself dressed. Just as he finished though, he noticed his beakers and other lab equipment still strewn about from last night. Worried that his brother might have seen it, Pent gather up then glassware and hastily piled it into his closet and shut the door. Shortly after he bounded down the stairs to wait for his brother to finish. Now all fluffed up and dressed, Samaliel led the way out. He got Pent settled in the back seat and drove off.

The mall in the morning wasn't too packed. You had your normal early birds peppered in with a couple mall walkers here and there. So going in and out of stores wouldn't be much of a hassle. As they passed by the store after store, Pent finally piped up "What are we doing here anyway?"

"You need new clothes, Pent."

"New clothes? For what?"

"For wearing," Samaliel replied in a snarky matter of fact tone.

"Thank you. I never would have guessed that. Come on, I don't need new clothes."

"Really? Because the trash bag full of shredded, burned, and otherwise destroyed clothes I had to toss away after a slew of you scientific antics would beg to differ."

"I...." Pent took a moment to think back over the past few months with his other experiments. "Okay, I suppose that's fair. But it was all in the name of scientific progress!"

"Fine, fine. I won't stop you doing your experiments, but you'll not be doing them in your birthday suit. Not on my watch anyway."

"I accept your terms." The two foxes were about to pass by a plush store. "Sama can we stop here first?"

"Hmmm?" Samaliel looked just ahead and to his left. "Construct-A-Plush? What for?"

"Just to look. Can we? Please, please, please?"

"Suppose it couldn't hurt. Sure, let's go." They strolled into the Construct-A-Plush Workshop. Inside employees were hard at work helping the few parents with children in tow along as they picked out pieces and accessories for their new best friends. The walls were covered in outfits of all kinds, from brightly colored t-shirt and jean jackets to goofy pajamas and frilly tutus. Samaliel followed behind Pent as he browsed the empty plush based when suddenly he was approached by a workshop employee.

"Hi there. My name is Evalyn. Here to adopt a new friend?" she asked. She was a human girl dressed in khakis and a plain colored shirt all covered over by a workshop apron

"Huh? Oh no. My little brother is just here to look around."

The girl giggled. "It's okay. You don't need to make up an excuse. We have plenty of older kids coming in to adopt a friend. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Oh no. I'm not a kid. I'm fine, really." Just then, Pent ran up to the two of them with a reddish-orange fox plush base

"Sama, look it him, he's so cute! Can we get him?"

"No, we're not here for toys. We came to the mall for clothes."

"He's actually on sale." Evalyn chimed in. "I can get you a really good deal."

"But we're not really here for..."

"Nonsense. He's like another brother for the two of you. You'll love it. Come on, let's get started!" The girl took Samaliel's hand and led him to the stuffing station to filling up the base. The older fox was beginning to feel embarrassed but felt too awkward to tell her to stop now. Pent was following close behind and notice the change initiating again with a slight drop in height as another softening of his features as he became younger. Pent smiled to himself, satisfied that his potion was working so well.

The girl sat by the machine with the plush base and beckoned the two foxes over. "Come on kids. Let's give this plush a little fluff." Samaliel was hesitant but as the change continued he found himself that much more smitten with the little plush fox and started to revel in the idea of bringing home a new toy. Pent and Samaliel sat by the girl as she filled the plush with stuffing. She pointed to a bin filled with plush hearts. "Why don't you each pick out a heart for our little buddy here." They wasted no time digging through the bin looking for the perfect hearts. They each picked one out and returned to the girl. "Good, good. Now," she went to take them through everything step by step, "spin around three times.... Hop once.... Give it a kiss... and now whisper a wish into it." Pent looked to Samaliel while they performed the cutesy ritual. All the while, Samaliel had a smile on his face. He was honest to goodness enjoying himself. Evalyn, satisfied to see the two brothers playing along, gathered the two hearts, stuffed them inside the plush fox, and sewed it up. He passed the plush to Samaliel, who gave it a quick cuddle. The regression slowed down by now. Pent looked over his brother and thought to himself that Samaliel looked to have dropped in age significantly more, now appearing 14 years old.

Pent and Samaliel were walked to the cash register. Evalyn typed away at the machine. Samaliel pulled out his wallet to pay for the plush but the girl waved her hand in front of him. "Nah, not this time. The toy is on the house today." She bent down closer to the two and whispered. "Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

Pent and Samaliel nodded knowingly, thanked her and ran out of the store. "That was really nice of her." Samaliel remarked.

"Yeah. I bet we can get more luck if we go somewhere else! There JB Toys just down this way."

"Yeah we can..." Samaliel paused "But, no... no. That's not why we came here. We needed..." Samaliel thought for a moment. Suddenly his mind clearer again, "We needed, clothes! We needed clothes for you. Come on, Pent. This way."

Samaliel pulled Pent along through the mall, winding and weaving between human and furry mall goers alike, many of whom regarded the site of the two unsupervised minors simply with looks of bemusement. They went about their days however as did Pent and Samaliel as the surprisingly still older fox, strolled along with his little brother in tow. The whole way through Samaliel kept their new stuffed toy clutched close to himself even as he worked his through the mall. They found the clothing store shortly after. Above the storefront where was a sign lit up saying "All Ages Clothing Gallery."

They walked into the store and took their time getting to the children's section, mostly because Pent still allowed Samaliel to keep the lead as if he were still in control. Samaliel was meanwhile distracted with the new plush fox they'd gotten from the last store. He couldn't help but snuggle the incredibly cute toy with every step they took. Pent noted the interesting effect that the toy held over Samaliel while he was walking. His interest in the toy seemed to fuel a positive feedback loop, keeping him in the right state of mind to continue regressing, although the regression appeared mild and controlled. It was a slow descent from when they left the toy shop to when they arrived in the clothing store, but in that time, he'd dropped another year and appeared 13 years old now.

Pent and Samaliel entered the children's section of the clothing store. All across the floor were racks and shelves neatly organized with children's apparel of all different style. Colorful signs screamed out for attention, advertising brightly colored shirts cartoon characters of all sorts. The two brothers bolted for one of these shelves and excitedly rummaged through the piles of folded cartoon licensed shirt. Pent picked one up and held it in front of himself.

"Sama, look it! I found a transformers shirt! What do you think?"

"Looks awesome little brother. But what do you think of this?" Samaliel held up an all black shirt with a Thor logo.

"Ohhh. Where'd you find that one?"

"Right here. There's a bunch of superhero shirts. There's Spider-man, Superman, Ironman, Green Lantern."

"Hmmm..." Pent took a moment to dig through the different piles until he found a blue shirt with a Fantastic Four logo. "This one looks good. I can be super smart like Mr. Fantastic."

"I like it. It suits you."

Pent smiled "Thanks, Sama."

The brothers' browsing by now, unfortunately, left the immediate area in disarray. This caught the attention of one-floor worker, a tall raccoon furry, who decided to approach the two children and see what was up. "Can I help you two, young men?" he asked.

Seeing the floor worker approaching and the mess that they left caused Samaliel to snap out of his childish daze at least for the moment. He passed the plush fox over to Pent to hold and straightened himself out. "Oh no, sir. We're fine. We were just picking out some clothes for my little brother." Samaliel had to crane his neck a bit to meet the raccoon's gaze. He had a name tag on his polo which said "Rocky."

"Right of course. We do have a buy one get one sale going on. Your brother certainly can join in on the shopping fun. We have several great lines of children's clothes for the two of you."

"No offense, sir, but I kind of doubt you have my size. We're picking out clothes just for my little brother."

"Of course young man. I understand. But I'm certain we can find something in your size. After all, you and your brother both seemed to really like those superhero shirts."

"Well I... I wouldn't say that I..."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, sport. Kids like you love heroes."

"Kid? Wait, no, no, no, I'm not a-"

"Come on, Sama," Pent interjected. "Let him help us. We can be heroes together!"

"I think that sounds like a great idea." Rocky agreed. "Follow me, I'll bring you over to the changing room, and you both can try on some new clothes."

Before Samaliel had a chance to protest, he and Pent were bring led to the changing room. The Raccoon had with him an armful of clothes for the both of them to try. Samaliel was brought into one stall and Pent in another. They were each left a few shirts and one pair of pants each to try. Samaliel pondered the clothes for a moment. He held up one of the shirts to his torso. It definitely seemed to be his size. The floor working definitely knew what he was talking about. Rummaging through the pile. The clothes that were picked were very childish but the more he looked at them, the less it bothered him. He took off his shirt and dropped it to the ground. He looked down at it, noticing it suddenly seemed almost comically large for him. He took the new shirt, which actually had the Thor logo which he was admiring previously, and pulled it over his head. He looked down and it fit like a glove. He felt almost powerful wearing the new shirt. "I'm a hero," he proudly muttered to himself. He flexed his muscles in a mock display of strength. Samaliel stepped in front of the mirror to see himself with the new shirt. When he saw himself in the mirror, his smile dropped in slack-jawed shock. Samaliel tilted his head from one side to the other. He looked over his softened features. He even touched his own cheek to test to see if what he was seeing was real. "I'm... I'm a... a...." The word was locked in his throat for the moment. All that was going through his mind was, how did this happen, and he had a pretty good idea of how, or rather who. "Peeeeennnnt!"

Meanwhile in the other changing stall, Pent heard Samaliel's dramatic cry, followed by frantic pounding on the door of his stall. Pent opened the door and was greeted by the now very much soft and youthful brother. The scowl would have been enough to make most people flinch, but Pent just smiled playfully. The look on Pent's face gave away his feelings of self-satisfaction. Pent looks down at his brother who definitely lost a few more years and a few inches in height. Samaliel couldn't have been older than 10 years old at this point. It was a novel experience for Pent to look down at Samaliel now as the older brother. "Yes! It worked even better than expected."

"Wait, what," Samaliel asked quite confused. "What worked better than expected."

"My regression solution."

"You're regression solution...? You fed me a potion?"

"A potion. No, no. Potions are magic. I made this with science."

"I don't care how it was made. How did you even slip this to me."

"I put it in your juice during breakfast. I wanted to make you younger so we could play together when we got to the park."

"But Pent, you can't just... Just...." Samaliel was at a loss for words as he grappled between his adult mind and his regressing child's mind.

"I'm sorry if I acted sneaky to make it happen. I just thought you might have more fun this way. Plus to be fair you were a bit too big for the play palace, but now you're not anymore and we can run around together."

"I mean, I suppose that's true but this is just so much to have to take in right now. And now my grown-up clothes don't fit anymore." Samaliel had left his shirt back in his own stall, but he was still holding onto his adult pant which at this point threatened to pool around his ankles.

Pent just chuckled. "Looks like we need to go clothes shopping for you now."

"Yeah, I guess." Samaliel sounded a bit dejected. The two went back into Samaliel's stall. He got himself dressed in some a kid's outfit picked out from the clothes that the floor worker had picked out for the two of them. He decided to leave his adult clothes back in the changing room because he didn't want to have to carry them all over the place until they got home. Plus he had plenty other clothes back home, not that he would be able to fit into them. Samaliel wore the clothes he was going to purchase and made his way to the front to be cashed out. The cashiers found the sight adorable with the child who was seemingly so excited for the new outfit he just wears it right away going out. Samaliel just silently played along a bit, paid for the clothes and left the mall with Pent.

Now that he was too short to drive, Samaliel had to leave his car in the parking lot until he could find someone to bring it back home to him. He still promised to take Pent to the park and followed through on his promise. Only now they had to walk all the way there. It took a little over an hour walking but they finally made it. Pent took off toward the play palace and climbed his way up one of the towers and stood at the end of a rope bridge. Meanwhile, Samaliel was off to the side, sitting on a park bench just as any parent would while supervising their child. Samaliel thought back to his behavior while at the mall today and realized how childishly he'd been acting all day. The thought left him flush with embarrassment. Pent saw his brother just sitting around on his own and tried to call out to him. "Hey Sama, come on over. This place is a lot of fun."

"I don't wanna play Pent. I'm not a little kid. I'm a big kid."

"But Sama come on. It's no fun playing without you."

Samaliel just turned his head without a word. Pent frowned at the sight and sat at the edge of the bridge feeling disappointed. Samaliel looked back at his brother who appeared to be crushed by the prospect that he wouldn't play with him. Samaliel thought back to the beginning of the day when Pent started his impromptu same of cowboys and robbers in the bathroom. Sure it was silly and childish but it was fun, and that's all Pent wanted now. So Samaliel slides off of the bench, picked up a long branch from the ground and approached the castle. "Sir Pent!" Samaliel piped up with his squeaky child's voice. "I am Sir Sama, a hero from a far-off kingdom." Pent's ears perked and he peeked outside of the tower. And the more he listened to Samaliel, the wider the smile across his muzzle grew. "I've heard tell of this ancient castle and the treasure hidden inside." Samaliel held his stick sword up triumphantly. "Will you go on an adventure with me?"

Pent grinned an excited, silly grin. "Of course Sit Sama! To adventure!"

"To adventure!"

Pent and Sama went on and played heroes and knights at the park for several hours. Samaliel dropped another year while they played but it was so late in the day by then that the potion was almost out of his system and didn't hold as much effect anymore. Now settled at age 9, Samaliel embraced his youthful demeanor to give his brother the most fun day he's had in a while. Samaliel wasn't sure how long it'd be before he'd get back to his normal age. What he did know though was that his brother was a smart cookie, and he could cook something up to get him back to normal... if he were so inclined that is.


Gamble Ramble Part 2 By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. This work contains underage content as well as transformation. You have been warned.

Ever since the day Pent had turned Samaliel into a kid, things were just going fine. Both of the boys enjoyed each other and Pent enjoyed being the older one for once. The two foxes seemed rather content with how life was going, even if Samaliel didn't necessarily remember his life before. Pent was more keenly aware of the situation and knew that one day the formerly older fox would have to return to normal.

Day after day passed and eventually, the stack of mail became similar to a mountain. But it wasn't just normal mail. Rather it was bills that had collected, that Pent was periodically using their savings to save. Realistically Pent didn't know what their savings looked like, outside of what was in the balance log. All that he knew was that it seemed low to him. So the fox kit began to work on a plan to return Samaliel to normal.

But such a task was not trivial, sure he had made a potion to regress him. The logistics of making Samaliel older again didn't seem impossible either. But he needed to work on a new solution to resolve the current crisis. The now younger Arctic fox always hung around Pent too, Samaliel was much more clingy than he used to be. It was like having an over-affectionate dog at your side who wanted nothing more than to just be with their master.

When Pent went downstairs to his lab, Samaliel followed closely behind. The younger Fox was intent on doing whatever the older one was doing. The white fox insisted that the darker colored one wear safety stuff. After some protesting and watching Pent do it, of course, Samaliel gave in. Pent stepped on his stool up to the counter in the center of the room where his chemistry set was placed. The remnants of the last experience remained and his notes were set off to the side.

Pent began to examine them and read them in order to refresh his memory.

"What'cha doing big bro?" Samaliel asked starting to become impatient.

"I'm going to make something to make you big again." Pent said rather straightforward.

"I dun wanna be big again. I like being little with you." The salt and pepper colored fox hugged his brother tightly.

This made Pent hesitate a moment before he got an idea.

"What if I promise to play with you when you're big again?" The white fox said figuring the playtime ploy would work.

"Oh...okay!" Samaliel said wagging his tail happily behind him not entirely understanding the brevity of the conversation.

Pent began working on his newest experiment. Being of an efficient mindset he wasted no time in getting started. First starting by tinkering with trial and error using both dilution and filtration in order to come up with the perfect ingredients for his newest concoction. Before long he came up with a suitable test vial, one that he decided to test on a rodent.

Like any good scientist, the fox had his own test animal. It was a baby rodent whose mother had recently disciplined and left with several bite marks. The white fox stepped off his stool and over to the side of the room. Inside a cage was a gray rodent who didn't attempt to make much movement when the kit tried to grab him. Samaliel watched with interest but didn't make any attempt to get in his brothers way, as he knew better than to do that.

Pent made a small injection into the rats rear end, the rodent flinched a little and Pent watched with interest. This particular rodent's body didn't take long to respond as the soon the rat's fur began to take on a more grizzled look. It's body lengthened and its tail became thicker. It gradually became heavier as the changes seemed to stop as suddenly as they had started. The fox kit thought it was promising results and pondered if it might work on Samaliel.

Only time would tell. The fox decided that he wanted to see whether it work sooner rather than later.

"Hey, Sama, want something to drink?" Pent played it off as a simple beverage offer.

"Sure, can I have some juice?" The younger fox smiled warmly.

Pent simply nodded and darted off towards the kitchen with the vial in his paw. He made a drink for both of them, making sure to make them distinguishable. Deciding on fruit punch for Samaliel and a sweet iced tea for himself. Returning Pent couldn't help but smile but tried to contain himself as to not give away his true purpose. The older fox delivered the younger one his drink and proceeded to do the same with his own. The two downed their beverages in a matter of moments.

The white fox looked over at his brother foolishly expecting instant results. The 10-year old next to him showed nothing other than a playful burp that escaped Samaliel's mouth. After staring for a moment Pent shrugged it off and decided it didn't work as planned. Perhaps the younger fox was too larger for such a solution to work. So being the good scientist he was, Pent began to ponder at other ideas that could solve the problem.

The fox then came up with an even better idea. What if there was some sort of exchange median? What if Samaliel took someone else's age? How exactly that would work, Pent did not know. Surely there had to be some sort of chemical that could enhance the effects of the potion he already had created. Pent began running some stochiometry formula's in his head, seeing what sort of mixture might lead to his desired results.

After about an hour or so of tinkering the fox kit managed to come up with a promising result. A formula that didn't balance normally meant it wouldn't react or even undesirable results but after plugging in the potion he'd just made with various other chemicals, he'd finally come up with something that might work. But the problem was finding a transfer agent willing enough to experiment on in order get Samaliel back to normal.

It didn't take long before Pent came up with a rather ingenious idea. He decided to use his patented voice changer and call in a babysitter. The boy was sure most adults wouldn't mind the idea of being turned back into a kid again. Pent padded out of the laboratory with Samaliel closely behind and returned to Pent's room where the two spent some time finding a sitter on a website. Pent found that none stood out particular save for a single blue rabbit by the name of Arzure.

What the rabbit was wearing on his profile was far from what one would consider professional. In fact it seemed rather kiddish, even by Pent's standard. The fox decided that he would be the lucky recipient of his plan. Pent pulled the chair he was sitting in over to his voice changing device and called the number on the site. Using his device he instructed the man on the other side of the line that he would be needing a sitter for the same night and would pay extra for the short notice.

The fox decided that no payment was necessary, though a white lie never hurt anyone. Now that was done, all that was left was to wait until they arrived. Pent had informed the sitter that the rabbit would be watching two fox boys. The older of which simply decided to play along until he got what he wanted out of it, figuring that it would be easier than protesting being babysat like he normally did. While they were waiting for Pent and Samaliel busied themselves by racing some RC cars, wreaking havoc on some of the furniture inside the house.

About two hours passed before a knock was overheard at the door. Pent knew what it meant and quickly darted towards the door before opening it to get a glance at the sitter. In front of the fox stood a blue and black rabbit in a very brightly colored neon green and yellow t-shirt and jeans. The cub thought the sitter might have dressed up for the occasion but it seemed he was wrong.

"Where's your dad?" Arzure asked the young white fox standing in front of him.

"He already left, emergency work call." Pent came up with the best white lie he could come up with on a moment's notice.

"I see, well what's your name." The rabbit asked the cub.

"I'm Pent and this is Samaliel." The white fox pointed back at the darker one who was standing close behind him.

"Cool, my name is Arzure. I'm going to watching you guys for a few days." The rabbit showed himself in, not waiting for an invitation.

"Nice to meet you. Would you like a drink or something?" Pent wasted no time in getting his plan underway.

"Sure. I'll take whatever. Come on Samaliel, let's play some games while we wait." Arzure took the smaller fox over to television where a Nintendo Switch was oriented.

The older fox made his way into the kitchen and made 3 drinks, two of which he spiked with his latest potion. Pent had no idea if this work but only time would tell if his latest mixture would do as intended. Once he had finished, Pent returned to the living room where the rabbit and his brother were already busy playing a match of Sonic Mania.

"Here ya go. Dad made it this morning, should be fresh fruit juice." Pent came up with another white lie to make the drink sound more grandiose than it actually was.

The older fox watched as both the sitter and Samaliel both downed their drinks. Now if his calculations were correct, all he needed to do was to get Samaliel to feel like he was the bigger man.

"I think you should let my brother win, he's been rather down lately." Pent whispered, uncertain on how good the rabbit was on games since he knew his brother was far from the best.

The idea of the game was simply to finish the stage before the other players. Samaliel chose Tails and Arzure chose Knuckles. The two ended up on the Metallic Madness zone which luckily the younger fox was fairly familiar with. Tails also had a distinct advantage as he could fly but the rabbit decided to use a strictly ground-based strategy since dig had been removed from the game. The two began darting off with the darker fox avoiding all of the traps by flying. The rabbit ended up running through many of them and even had to start over at a checkpoint.

By the end of the race, there was a very clear victor. Even if Arzure had intended to lose, the amount of which he had lost by was nothing short of embarrassing. He felt rather foolish to follow Pent's direction even if he didn't intend to lose as badly as he didn't Samaliel stood up and cheered clearly happy with the outcome of the game. For a second it looked like the clothing on his body became tighter and his body filled out, with Samaliel's face becoming less round and cherubic losing much of his baby fat.

Arzure felt odd as well though he couldn't exactly explain why he wanted a second round. He wanted desperately to redeem himself. Pent had planned this all along as he looked at the tight shirt and pants that clung to Samaliel's body. The still younger fox looked closer to Pent's own age now. The still older fox smiled and knew it was only a matter of time before his plan came into fruition.

"Another round, champ?" The rabbit asked the boy next to him.

Samaliel simply nodded and gritted his upper lip, ignoring the sudden tightness of his clothing.

The two started another round of the same game, this time the random selection ended up choosing the Press Garden zone which put neither character at a distinct advantage. The rabbit chose to take this round much more seriously than the last and Samaliel wanted nothing more than to come out on top. The countdown finished within the usual 3-second cycle and the two were off. Overall it was a close race and towards the end, Pent decided to make it more interesting. Purposely tripping over himself unplugging Arzure's controller in the process.

"Hey, watch it!" The rabbit protested in a loud yelp.

That was all the darker colored fox needed to win. Samaliel didn't care how he won, just that he was victorious in the end. Arzure still felt rather foolish that he'd lost yet again to the cub, even if there was foul play involved. The sitter thought himself better than this and began to feel increasingly insecure about his surroundings as chilling feeling overcame the entirety of his body. However, his desire to win became that much more resolute.

Meanwhile, Samaliel again basked in his victory. He jumped up and down as his tail wagged happily back and forth. With that sense of pride came a second rush of energy through his young body. Slowly but surely he was recovering his age bit by bit and with it, his former figure was returning to him. Now equal to Pent's own age, the white fox looked up at his brother seeming pleased with the boys progress. "Don't stop now." He thought to himself.

The rabbit was in no position to give up now, he just had to win. No...he needed to, losing was no longer an option. No matter the cost. An idea popped into his idea, what if Arzure suggested a game he was more familiar with?

"Do you have Mario Kart?" The rabbit asked, clearly having a strategy in mind.

"Yeah, we do. Want to play that?" Samaliel's voice cracked a little bit

By this point, Samaliel's clothing was fairly uncomfortable for him. His shirt rode rather high on his stomach now so that a noticeable tuft of fur peeked out.

Even the pants he was wearing had lost their button and his zipper was coming undone. Any larger and his clothing might have begun to tear. It was rather uncomfortable for Samaliel but he was having to much fun at the moment to do anything else. Pent decided that his usual antics wouldn't work this time and decided to play along. He knew his plan was working and he couldn't stop now. The best part was that Arzure had expected nothing so far.

"Yeah!" Arzure sounded way too excited and was overly exuberant that the two foxes had the game.

Pent leaned in to switch out the games. It was an easy enough task as the other two behind him sat and watched. Luckily the rabbit had brought a wireless controller and handed it to the white fox in front of him who paired it with the device. Once the game booted up, the two boys and their sitter chose their characters. Neither Pent nor Samaliel was much on racing but Pent had an idea that would surely work to meet his means. The white fox didn't care much who he picked and just selected random.

The other two spent a little more time doing so as both Samaliel and Arzure were very much into the whole competitive nature of the game. Samaliel chose Link and Arzure chose Mario. They selected a random stage which ended up on Toad Harbor. It was a stage which neither of the foxes had played that much, meanwhile, the rabbit smirked seeming keen on the randomly selected course. It didn't matter to Pent who had a strategy in mind.

The course, of course, was set to 3 laps and they began once the countdown completed. Initially, the rabbit was off to a good start, getting way in front of both of the cubs. Pent never managed to find a suitable spiny shell to find the leader. Watching the mini-map on screen he could see the red marker on screen gaining a sizable distance from both of them. So the kit came up with an alternate plan and put his go-kart in reverse.

The game screamed at him telling Pent that he was going the wrong way. Luckily for him, Arzure was much too focused on his own portion of the screen to see what the white fox was doing. By the time the rabbit was set to lap him, Pent ended up ramming into him running the sitter off the course. This gave Samaliel a little time to catch up and Pent more opportunity to tail the rabbit without worrying about being too far behind or winning for that matter.

"Hey, stop playing dirty!" The rabbit protested but of course Pent persisted.

But Pent's luck picked up even as the rabbit pulled away from him, the fox continued to trail and hinder the older males progress. The stage ended with Samaliel in first and Arzure in a close heat for second. The white fox didn't even finish the course and it ended up timing out. Pent threw up his hands as the rabbit fumed and got angry at him again. Arzure couldn't help but wonder why the fox had it out for him.

"Why are you being such an impish little cub, Pent?" The rabbit couldn't shake yet another chilled feeling overcoming his body.

So much so that the rabbit shook. His body wanted very much to just curl up into a little ball, he felt incredibly insecure and was becoming even less confident with each passing moment. It was hard to see much change visible on the rabbit in front of him but Pent just knew he was being affected by his plan. Looking over at Samaliel, Pent watched as his brother continued to creep up in height bit by bit. Now much more evidently larger than himself.

It wasn't long before Samaliel's shirt popped and the zipper of his pants finally gave way. His clothing much too small for him now. Luckily he wasn't wearing shoes or those might have been long past torn as well by this point, especially since it looked like the darker colored fox seemed to be about 13 years of age now. Though his enthusiasm for the moment didn't seem to be dampened or even considered by the fact his body was ever changing before him.

"Haha, don't be such a spoiled sport, bunbun." Samaliel said with his voice with a deeper tenor and less cracking than before.

By this point, Samaliel was just in his boxers. Luckily he wasn't much for modesty and was having way to much fun to pay attention to his little problem by this point.

"Come on, let's play again!" Never in his life had Samaliel been this successful at games.

It took a few moments before the rabbit came around. But eventually, he did, turning around he saw both foxes looking at him. Samaliel seemed different than before, the changes much more obvious to him now even with his tapered sense of mind.

"What happened to your clothes?" The rabbit asked seemingly concerned about the now almost naked fox before him.

"Who cares, let's play!" Samaliel leaned over and patted the older male on the back.

Pent too was ready for another round as the three chose the same characters as before, again selecting randomly for the stage. This time the rabbit decided to place his leg between himself and the white fox. It placed them on Shy Guy Beach which was already a perilous scenario to begin with between all the traps and number of obstacles to overcome. The now younger fox decided he needed to go about this round differently.

The rabbit too had seemingly learned his lesson and almost immediately ran into Pent to send him off the track right at the start. This gave the older fox a chance to gain some distance between himself and the Lapine behind him. Pent tried to recover and follow the two but it seemed luck was not on his side this particular round. This meant that Samaliel had to win legitimately unless Pent used the same tactic as before.

The white fox decided it was worth a shot and immediately hit into a u-turn before going in the reverse direction. But by the time the other two rounded back around the track, Arzure got a good sense of what was going on and was able to avoid Pent.

"Nice try, Penty." Arzure chortled at Pent with a hearty chuckle.

Even on the second repeated lap, the fox cub was not able to land a killing blow on the rabbit's vehicle. But it didn't matter, Samaliel was still able to snatch victory from the hands of defeat at the last possible second with the rabbit trailing in only milliseconds behind him. This made Arzure feel even more foolish, especially since the fox was able to win even without any help from his brother. An insatiable feeling of weakness came over him like an incredibly cold shower.

This time was the first significant change for the rabbit. His body shriveled as his clothing became that much looser on him. The rabbit couldn't manage to open his eyes as if he was in some great deal of discomfort. Luckily for him, the feeling was over as soon as it had begun and eventually his disposition came around and he was able to rebound from being balled up on the floor. Samaliel too was not spared from the sensation of his empowering moment.

However, his experience was not as unfavorable as the rabbits. His own body continued to grow and expand, building muscle mass in the process. His face gaining much gruffer and losing whatever cherubic fat remained from his now adolescent form. Samaliel was probably close to as big as the sitter was now. No longer did any portion of his clothing fit him, his boxers finally having given way.

"Erm...maybe I should go get some new clothes?" Samaliel said before covering himself with a much deeper and more developed tone.

Pent simply nodded while looking over at the rabbit who was still bigger than the younger fox. Just a few more, the cub thought to himself.

"What's happening to me?" The now teenaged rabbit finally realized something was happening to me.

The fox chuckled a bit considering how long it took the sitter a while to figure it out.

"Hehe, you sure you want to know?" Pent asked with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Uh....yea I do." Arzure hesitated a moment as if uncertain if he wanted to really know.

The fox spent a good minute or so explaining exactly what was going on and the purpose of doing so. Strangely the ordeal didn't seem to bother Arzure nearly as much as Pent thought it was going to.

"That sounds really cool! I would love to be a kid again..." The rabbit seemed rather keen on the notion.

Samaliel returned shortly after with some of his old clothing and though it didn't exactly fit, it was better than running around in his birthday suit. Arzure looked over at him before the rabbit giggled at the teens oversized clothing. Samaliel simply rolled his eyes and soon joined the two back at the game setup. Now that the rabbit was onboard, all that was needed for Pent's plan to work was Arzure's cooperation.

It took the rest of the day but eventually, Samaliel was returned to his normal age of 17. He and Arzure had more or less swapped ages. It wasn't quite an even exchange as the rabbit was left at the tender age of 7, a bit younger than he had bargained for. Now the older fox would have to serve as a babysitter for the rabbit. At least until who they figured out who would watch him on a more permanent basis. It seemed everything was going to be alright.

A leg up

A leg up by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life...

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The Oracle

The Oracle by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely...

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A day in the park

A day in the park by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners....

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