Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter Chapter 37: Stranger In The Woods (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VI)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#37 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Ida double crossed Corey and Rumble opting to hook up with a former scientist- Claudius who freed the fossa from her bondage under the Intendant. Claudius brought Rumble to his secret lab where he experimented on the were-creature trying to determine just exactly why he was created. As the fossa and amphibian were making progress, their hideout was compromised by Caden's thugs. During the chaos Corey and Rumble escaped realizing that they and the residents of the lost city now had two more enemies to deal with....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 37: Stranger In The Woods (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VI)

While Corey and Rumble were being detained by Ida and Claudius and Alex and Dawn were waiting out the snow storm near the plains, this was also happening....

Day 65 (Capital Stadium)

*scribble* *scribble*

My dearest Julia:

Traversing this wasteland has proven to be quite the chore- Commander Rhinox and I climbed mountains on his quest, which has been a strange and disorienting experience! Wind blown ridges rippled the surface of the winter snow...

We punched toeholds into the diamond waves with our foot-paws. We tottered along ice-rimed cliffs where snow hid fatal crevices. We often found ourselves lost- many times!

*scribble* *scribble*

"Russell be quiet! You are making too much noise."

"I am sorry commander."

"What are you writing?!"

"Working on my first assignment as our community's primary educator." I said to the rhino. He glanced at my pad briefly before saying:

"You mean only educator. I observed your class the other day. It didn't seem like your students were too engaged."

"As I was saying my first assignment as educator of our community was to give my students a writing assignment commander."

"You mean busy work Russell?" The rhino said turning toward me.

"It wasn't busy work sir! I wanted them to work on their writing skills by writing a letter to someone, anyone living on not. It was a way to record their feelings about what was going on in their lives. I was planning on having Corbin, Corey and Rumble read excerpts from their assignments during our next class. That was until..."

"Until what Russell?"

"I realized that as their teacher, I should be setting an example as well. I decided I to write a letter too."

"That is going to be a bit difficult since almost all technology has been affected by the EMP."

"I was having my students write the old fashioned way commander."

"So you are leading by example eh?" He said glancing at what I had written.

"Yes sir."

"Well what you have there is a work of fiction. We have not climbed mountains or traversed dangerous passes during my quest, we are in the forest outside Capital Stadium son."

"Ok, commander so I may have took some artistic liberties. Writing helps me forget that I am very, very scared right now. By the way, why are we at this confirmed den of monsters?"

"Lady Barq and I became separated while attempting to eradicate the creatures that inhabited this place."

"Alex and Lady Ursa barely escaped here with their lives and they had the prototype with them commander."

"Yes, I know the place is a death trap. But still if we could take out what is within, it would make these forests safer to travel at night."

"Do you have an army to help you with that sir?" I said to the stoic rhino shivering. "Last time I checked it was just the two of us and only the two of us."

"Steady on son. I know you are terrified, but push through it."

"Yes, you will keep me safe, if I will keep you safe- but you have your mace and laser weapon and all I have is this spear."

"You also have your head. Don't forget to use it."

Hearing that I continued my writing assignment trying to calm my nerves while the ex-commander of the Knights of Sovereign kept watch.


I wasn't happy this morning to be selected by the former commander of the Knights of Sovereign to continue his search for a subordinate. One whom I deemed had most likely died shortly after the fall. But commander Rhinox was adamant that she had survived. She after all was the second strongest warrior in all the former empire.

I guess I should expound- after the known world ended, I found my life turned upside down- the wealth I had amassed during good times was useless, my home, community and the city I lived in were destroyed. My comfortable life as I knew it was gone.

Still in deep shock about the fall of civilization, I fled into the forests and eventually wound up at a refugee compound. Well, that is not entirely true. Actually Julia, I was captured by former rebels who took me to that compound. The were looking for slaves- physical workers to labor for the group's brutal leader.

I did what I was told, but his thugs and goons soon learned that I was once a well to do beastial in the former empire while many of them were dirt poor. I soon found myself abused, beaten, punched, kicked and spanked, even for the most minor of offenses.

One day the leader of the compound decided he was tired of seeing my face and decided to have me eliminated. That's right, eliminated. To him I was a representation of what he hated of the former empire; I was tied to a tree on the front of the property to be fed to the night monsters roaming the area. On the day of the feeding I was miraculously freed. I escaped and hid in the forest. I was miserable trying to live off the land, especially in the winter. I never thought I would miss my food replicator so much.

On one of the darkest nights of my life I literally ran into Commander Rhinox. He took pity on me and we started traveling together eventually finding a hidden refugee camp that was in crisis. Well, actually their front door was wide open. The commander helped the residents in their desperate time of need and we were openly accepted into their community.

Trying to protect it, he constructed a defense force. I was drafted in the process and together with three others we guard and protect our home quite fiercely. Well, they do, I just try not to get in the way. We also go on missions like the one I find myself on now- still searching for his subordinate.


*Scribble* *Scribble*


"Um, yes commander?"

"We are leaving."


"Which way sir?"

"To the west is the east maze and the lost city. To the north west is the Grand Kingdom. North is World Five and South is World Four."

"What are you thinking sir?"

"Lady Barq hasn't been spotted near any of these places. I am thinking if she is alive, she went east. So we are going too. I will lead you take point."

"Point sir?"

"Watch our behinds Russell."

As I was saying Julia, the commander has been obsessed with finding a subordinate he worked closely with before the fall and shortly afterwards, they became separated while hunting the night creatures that roam the forests and the commander will do anything to find her. It is as if he had feelings for her.

(Were they together?! Hmm....)

"I think we found something!" The commander said as we pushed deeper into the forest.

"Wow, tracks."

"They seem to be too small to be hers." Commander Rhinox said studying them.


"Humans would wear footwear in this type of weather. Whoever made this is not wearing anything on their foot-paws."

So we proceeded eastward following the prints the commander seemed to think belonged to a small beastial such as a woodchuck, ermine or caprine. Perhaps it was a survivor in need of assistance. We traveled for about two miles until we happened upon....

Huts?! In this weather!"

"Lower your voice, unless you want to lose the element of surprise." The commander said drawing his laser weapon.

We happened upon about four crude makeshift huts that were partially covered by snow and brush. I turned behind us with my spear at the ready weary of a possible ambush.

"Russell." The commander whispered.

I followed him into the nearest of the four. Inside were three young otters in their early twenties. They appeared to be very thin and dead, very dead.

"It looks like they died of starvation." He said glumly. "Perhaps it happened during the blizzard two months ago."

"The weather had been quite brutal around that time sir."

We carefully moved over to another hut nearby to check on the occupants. Inside were two adults a human male and female who appeared to be in their thirties. One was holding a cube.

"These two froze to death Russell."

"It looks like they were waiting for help." I commented.

"Help that wasn't coming." The commander said studying the inactive cube.

"They should have pooled their resources with the otters. At least they wouldn't have died so horribly."

In the third hut the occupants suffered even a worse fate. Rhinox aimed his weapon as I used my spear to open up the flap. Inside there was half of a body. It looked like it belonged to a pig or boar- the beastial type. I say looked like because everything above the waist was gone. As in eaten- there was fleshy bits mixed with blood and splatter everywhere.

"The night creatures got that poor soul." The commander said glumly.

"That is something that I won't be able to unsee!" I said cupping my mouth.

"You ok son?"

"Yeah *RETCH* peachy *RETCH* Sir."

"These citizens were not as lucky as you and I were. Had they encountered Ursa or the professor or even the Intendant- they might still be alive today."



"Take a minute and get yourself composed." He ordered me while I finished displaying the contents of my stomach for all to see. "I..."

"Commander *RETCH* commander?"

He had stopped mid-sentence and started moving toward the last of the four huts. A tight grip on

his service weapon.

"You in there! Come out with your paws up!"

I finished being sick and went to join him.

A female rabbit emerged from the last tent. She was quite beautiful- blue eyes, fur white as the snow, She was wearing a small white parka, white pants with nothing covering her paws. She also had a peaceful, dazed goofy look on her face.

"Finally a survivor!" I exclaimed lowering my spear.

"No Russell." The commander said giving me a disgusted look.


"More than that. She is possessed."

"How can you tell commander?" I asked.

"It isn't obvious?" He said motioning me to raise my spear again.

"It is too late for those here." The lagomorph said.

"What is your purpose here Other?!" The commander snarled.

"To bring good news about the rebirth; to spread the glory and joy of ONE."

"At the cost of individuality and personal freedom. You are only here to recruit more slaves." Commander Rhinox said as I turned around to watch our posteriors.

Surprisingly it appeared that we were the only ones there- the she rabbit was alone.

"You two would make fine additions." The lovely lagomorph said taking two steps toward us.

"As you were Other." The commander said powering on his weapon.

"Interesting, how is it that your technology still works when it should have been disabled?" The beastial female asked.

"You are the all knowing and powerful conquer- you haven't figured it out?"

"Commander are you saying that the entity was responsible for the EMP?" I said standing side by side with him.

The commander and I returned to stare at the white rabbit. Her silence spoke droves.

"How my weapon manages to function is a secret. Now take two steps backward ma'am."

"Why is that Rombolt?" She asked.

"I have no desire to lose my individuality, nor to be coerced into serving your master." The commander said aiming his weapon.

"I would listen to him Other. He will kill you if need be."

"Such fear."

"So tell me Other why are you by yourself? The entity did not deem it necessary to provide back up? What kind of master would do that to its subjects?"

"Actually commander she doesn't need back up- all she has to do is touch something- anything and it would become like her." I said speaking out loud.

Commander Rhinox gave me such a look as if to say shut up Russell, I am probing for information here.

"We are ONE and ONE is us." The she rabbit said.

"Wait, wait who is speaking to us right now? The synoptic or its rabbit vessel?" I asked the she beast.


"Sorry sir."


"Explain." The commander said pointing his service weapon towards her head. "Carefully."

"This organism was injured, starving, alone, desperate and near death when she was acquired. She readily accepted reformation, rebirth, the joy and bliss of ONE."

"Says the entity through its puppet. Why not let her speak?" Rombolt, I mean commander Rhinox said.

But something even more mind blowing happened next; the entity allowed its vessel the she beast, to speak.

"Rombolt, Russell, I am Poa. I gave myself to ONE, it was scary at first but when it took me over- my wounds were healed, my pain, hunger, fear and loneliness abated and were replaced by bliss and sheer ecstasy. I no longer want or need anything- ever save for the love and embrace of my master."

At that point the two consciousnesses merged again.

"Join us." The she beast or was it the entity? Said stretching out her paw. "It will be better for you in the long run. Together we will deliver the good news to all."

"Thank you for the offer but no." The commander said.

"The same goes for me as well." I decided.

"Why do you resist? The new era has begun."

"Really?" I retorted. "I have experienced this new era and to quote a little mongoose I know, it sucks."

"Reenie is part of the ONE Rombolt."

"Reenie?! She is alive?!" The commander exclaimed.

"Your cousin Rombolt did not drown she was saved; she is alive and misses you as does Julia."


"It is true Russell. Your true love enjoys her servitude."

"ENOUGH!" The commander snarled firing.


The white rabbit fell backward into the hut as she took a direct laser blast to the head.

"Commander you killed her?"

"No that was only the paralysis setting. It seems the service weapons from World One had some very interesting features on them. Now let's get out of here."

"Which direction?"

"To the east, I think we may encounter more who are in need of assistance. If we are not too late."

"What if we do?"

"We will render it Russell."

And so we continued another mile to the east finding more bodies and remains of those who were victims of hunger, disease, the weather, monsters or a combination of all that. I tried very hard many times not to vomit. I wasn't always successful.

"That's it son, deep breaths." The commander said patting me on my back.


"This is beyond awful *RETCH* sir."

"It is Russell but what transpired two months ago is much bigger than the two of us. We all lost family and friends that we cared about. Such as your Julia. Who was she to you?"

"My pre-mate sir."

"I see." The commander said.

"Thank you for not prying sir. She was the one, but we broke up before the world ended. She didn't like the fact that I was always busy working and that I never seemed to have any time for her. But she was also the type that was never satisfied either."

"I know those types. I assume you tried to mend things?"

"We had dinner at the World's Finest Restaurant in World One. That afternoon I was going to ask her to be my mate. But instead she decided to break up with me and pursue another. Someone who would pay more attention to her. I was devastated when she left the restaurant. I remember the loneliness I felt driving back to my home. You know the rest, a few days later the world ended."

"That is bad."

"I know sir, I think about her every day."

"No Russell that." The commander said pointing at the blood stained ground before us."Some monsters had had a massive feeding party here."

It looked worse than the partially eaten corpses we saw at the previous camp. There was blood, fur, flesh bits and matter all over the ground, it seemed to match the red sky in a perverse way.

Commander Rhinox was silent as his eyes scanned the remains both beastial and human.

"Russell there! Movement!"

I picked up my spear and approached what looked like a a hole dug into the ground. A gloved hand was stretching out from it.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Easy citizen, we are here to help." The commander said. "What is your name?"

"Joseph Jealous." He said crawling out.

"What happened?" I asked extending my paw. "How long have you been here? How have you managed to survive...."

"It was horrible! We were attacked by these terrifying, horrifying things! I tried to save as many as I could! I really did! But all I could do was hide!" The man sobbed.

"Russell let's not overwhelm him." The commander said kneeling. "You must be starving, here."

The man started to reach for the commander's ration before swatting it to the ground.

"I thought you knights were supposed to stop this!"

"The knight core no longer exists nor does the empire." A white rabbit said emerging from the forest brush two our left.

"Poa!" I shouted.

"I knew I should have used a different setting." The commander snarled.

The man who was in torn shirt, tattered pants and brown coat looked at the rabbit in the parka.

"You... you are one of them- the possessed."

"We are here to deliver good news, a new era has begun ONE that will will be vastly different from any that has come before."

"Mr. Jealous, don't listen to her- she is being controlled by an entity." Rhinox warned.


"Possibly extraterrestrial in origin." I added. "It destroyed the empire."

"The previous leader was a nuisance and not required in the new order."

"Are you saying it was necessary?" The man asked.

"It was."

"Citizen remain perfectly still. Your life is in danger!" The commander shouted.

"That is a lie. This human will continue to exist."

"Yeah just not in his present state." I retorted.

"Present state?" Mr. Jealous asked.

"The entity wants to control you citizen forcibly." Rhinox shouted.

"We are creating a new world it will bring order to chaos. Eternal peace where there is prejudice, tolerance to where there is inequality and hatred." The rabbit said approaching.

"Yes, ONE is coming! ONE is coming!" The rhino mocked drawing his service weapon.

"Really?" Mr. Jealous asked. "That is an interesting offer.

"This female has made an interesting suggestion." The entity said. "We will not compel you Joseph Jealous to join us, the decision will be yours to make." The Other said crossing its arms.

I traded glances with the human, the commander and the white rabbit.

"Commander, I think a counter offer is in order." I whispered.

"Mr. Jealous we are here to rescue you. We can provide you with food and shelter." Rhinox said.

"Perhaps, but will you truly be safe? Or will you be treated as before?"

"Our camp is comprised of humans and beastials. We all treat each other equally. It is true that we have had some security issues, but that has been resolved."

"A refugee camp huh? What about restoration?!" Joseph asked. "World Five is a mess."

The commander shook his head.

"Those who have lived through the reformation are struggling to survive. Hoping for the former civilization to be restored." The white rabbit said. "It won't."

"It won't?!" the human asked.

"Join us, we are building a new society, a better civilization ONE where all will be equals regardless of class, age, sex or species. ONE where there will be no pain, misery, strife or survivors in hiding while waiting to be devoured by night creatures."

"That is quite a convincing sales pitch." Joseph said.

"Damn, it nearly convinced me." I said stupidly.

"Not helping soldier." Rhinox said chastising me. "Mr. Jealous think carefully, if you go with them, her, it. The entity will take over you physically and mentally. You will become nothing more than its puppet to do its bidding whether you want to or not."

"It probably forced that rabbit it inhabits to come out here to try to bring more members into the fold." I said to the man who was looking more likely that he may join the wrong side.

"Help aid in the construction of a non-dystopian society where there is no pain, misery or suffering huh?" Joseph said. "Will I have to pay taxes?"

"ONE will be all and all will be ONE."

"Citizen don't do it!" The commander shouted.

"OK. There has to be something more than just this. Something better than this." The man said extending his arm to the white rabbit.

"Joseph what are you doing!" I said running toward him.


Poa removed the man's glove and touched his hand with her paw.

"Hail the synoptic!"

I managed to get to him just as his skin started crawling. His whole body shook as he received the bliss and power of ONE. Actually his consciousness was pushed aside while the entity took up residence inside him. His face developed that same goofy stare as the rabbit.

"This approach was most profitable. We will consider using it in the future."

"Russell get away from them!" I heard the commander shout. But he was too late.



In the chaos that followed one of the possessed grabbed me by my neck. I don't remember which, it happened so fast. The sensation of the entity entering me felt like I had just orgasmed 100 times inside you Julia. My mind became clouded as my consciousness was pushed aside and I became a spectator in my own body. My lips started moving by their own. I was powerless to react. I could only hear the commander shout my name.

"Excellent Poa, another has entered the fold."


Russell Ferguson March 7, YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)

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