Cyn Part 8

Story by Voltair on SoFurry

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#8 of Cyn

Before I begin, allow me to tell you that there is not much left to go. I am bringing this story to a close soon. I am ending at chapter ten. I will have a new story posted on here very soon as well, and it should be pretty different from this one. Anyways, enjoy!

"Cyn... wherever you are... I promise I will save you." Will murmured, staring at the night sky.

"You alright, Will?" Ryan asked, trotting to Will in his Arcane Drake form.

"I won't be okay until Cyn is back by my side." Will said, staring blankly at the sky.

"I'm... sorry we couldn't find anything in the Library of Drangual." Ryan said, sighing. "I really hoped we could find something."

"Ryan... I promise that Cyn will live." Will said, smiling slightly, looking at the red, reptile-like creature. "I promise, I will make sure that she survives, and everyone else is freed from her curse."

"Will..." Ryan murmured, looking away. "We know nothing of how to save her."

"She is still in there. She has to be." Will said, looking Ryan in the eyes. "I can't accept that Cyn's just going to be stuck like this!"

"Will... you really need to cool it, and get some sleep." Ryan said, smiling back. "After all, if you're gonna save her, you need to be in tip-top shape."

"You're right." Will said, walking back to the camp. "Sorry if I've been keeping you up."

"Hey, she's your mate." Ryan said, smiling. "You of all people have the right to worry about her."

"Ryan... does it bother you that I'm with her? After all... she is the only female of your species that I know of... and I'm sure you haven't had that much luck, either." Will said, lowering his head.

"You can boink her all you want, Mr. Pants Down." Ryan laughed, a grin on his face. "Admittedly, she is a cute little girl, but she's not what I'm looking for."

"What kind of girls do you like?" Will asked, looking at him.

"I'd... rather not discuss that." Ryan said, walking into the camp. "Anyways, I'll just be going to bed now."

"What's wrong, Red? Did I strike a nerve finally?" Will asked, laughing. "Usually, you have me wanting to walk away."

"Eh... it's a story for another day. We need rest." Ryan said, laying by the campfire.

"Okay. Good night." Will said, turning to stare at the sky. "Cyn..." Will began, "We'll find you... and I'll save you."


"Will... that human... why do I feel like this?" Cyn asked herself, sitting in the cave she had lost her virginity in. It had only been days before... and the memory, no matter how she tried to suppress it, was still there. She hated it. She was so powerful. She could destroy everything. She was one of the most powerful forces in the world... and yet, she wanted Will. "Damn it!" She growled, raking the blanket where her and Will had made love with her claws. "Why can't I get rid of these urges?"

"There it is!" A man's voice yelled, causing her to turn around. Several men approached her, wearing the same armor as the men who had been chasing her and Will from the beginning.

"It's alone. Maybe that human came to his senses, and abandoned it!" One of them said, before Cyn, almost by instinct, felt angry.

"Will would never abandon me!" She cried, baring her teeth. "He loves me!" Why did she have this outburst? Why was she offended by the way they spoke of him?

"If he cares so much, then where is he now?" One of them laughed.

"Elrin... can you take care of these guys for me?" Cyn said, stepping back. "I... can't seem to focus."

"Yes, master." Elrin said, stepping from the shadows, and letting out a savage roar. As Cyn watched the dragon ruthlessly slaughter the men, who plead and screamed as they desperately tried to escape, she thought about Will. She longed for him. It was sickening. She controlled a dragon. She had the power to level entire towns, or put them under a curse with no effort at all. The thing was, though, that Will was so heavy on her mind, that, in fact, she couldn't focus enough to command that power. He was probably a statue in that cathedral, under the curse she laid. As Elrin tore the last human's body in two with his teeth, Cyn sighed.

"Elrin, we need to go back to Drangual. I... need to retrieve something." She said, thinking deeply of what she would do once she got there.

"Yes... master." Elrin said, lowering his back. Climbing onto his back, Cyn looked ahead, awaiting the time she would see the human again.


"Will, wake up!" Ryan's voice cried, causing Will to jump out of his tent. As Will scrambled out of the tent, he was shocked by what he saw; Elrin flew overhead, swiftly heading back to Drangual.

"Was that seriously who I thought it was?" Will asked, watching the dragon land in the town off in the distance.

"I know that smell anywhere. That's definitely Elrin." Ryan said, looking at Drangual in the distance.

"We have to hurry! Maybe Cyn is with him!" Will cried, grabbing his stuff, and running after them.

"Wait!" Ryan cried, transforming into his human form in a flash of fire. "We need a plan!"

"You go all pyro on Elrin, and I'll do something to try and regain Cyn's memory. That sounds good. Let's go!" Will yelled, still running.

"This guy is crazier than me." Ryan said, chasing after him. "Guess he isn't as plain as I thought."


"Where is he?" Cyn asked as her and Elrin searched the cathedral. Everyone was still petrified in stone, but Will and Ryan were both gone. Sniffing the spot where Will had laid, she growled. "He survived the curse! How?"

"Master, the Aryandyne is gone, as well." Elrin growled, looking around.

"Cyn!" Will's voice cried, causing Cyn and Elrin to turn, as Will ran into the cathedral, looking as heroic and dashing as ever, sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried to catch his breath.

"Will! You're okay!" Cyn happily chimed, much to Will's surprise. She had the same cheerful eyes that he fell in love with.

"Cyn... I've been looking for you." Will said, looking at her. "I've come to save you."

"I'm afraid I don't need saved." She said, her eyes turning cold. "I just need you!"

"What are you talking about?" Will said, looking at her.

"The master wishes to keep you with her." Elrin said, bowing. "Master, should I take him out. I can knock him unconscious, and make it easier to transport him.

"Will you come willingly?" Cyn asked, looking at Will.

"I am going to free MY Cyn from you!" Will said, looking at her. "Go ahead! Send Elrin after me! I will take him out if I have to!"

"Really?" Cyn said, looking back at Elrin. "So, do you think you can beat Will without damaging him to badly?"

"It shall be done, master." The dragon said, stepping between he and Will.

"Will!" Ryan cried, running into the cathedral.

"Stay back, Ryan! This is my fight!" Will cried, drawing his sword out.

"Will..." Ryan muttered, lowering his head. "You better know what you are doing."aughe

"You really think you can beat a dragon?" Elrin mocked, looking at the young human swordsmen.

"If it means I can save Cyn, I'll do anything!" Will said confidently, bracing for whatever the dragon might throw at him. Sure enough, Elrin followed suit by spewing fire at him. Swiftly, Will leapt out of range, and, as the fire died down, charged at the dragon, sword ready to strike.

"You can't win!" Elrin laughed, swinging a mighty claw at Will, who suddenly dropped to the ground, as the claws flew overhead. As Elrin's paw went over his head, Will leapt forth, jabbing the dragon in the chest with his fist. As the dragon cringed from the pain, and brought his head down, Will nailed him in the head with the hilt of his sword. Elrin staggered back, and collapsed, a not on his head where Will hit him.

"Unbelievable!" Cyn cried, looking at Will, who turned his attention to her.

"He actually did it? He's definitely not messing around!" Ryan said, amazed.

"I said I would do anything to save you... Even defeat Elrin." Will said, stepping toward her.

"Hmm... I guess it's true. You really aren't going to go down." Cyn said, smiling.

"Cyn! If you are in there, it's me! Will! The guy you fell in love with! The first person to ever treat you with kindness! Your life mate!" Will cried, his eyes welling up with tears. "Please, Cyn, just snap out of it! You can break the hold this power has on your mind!"

"If you truly believe that, then please, come closer. I dare you." Cyn said, grinning evilly. "The reason I wanted to find you was so that you could satisfy my body's urges. However, if you wish to continue to oppose what I truly want, then throw your life at my feet and die!"

"You once said that you wanted to bare my children. That was your greatest wish." Will said, his eyes welling up with tears. "I'm sorry, Cyn, but I can't be with you if you act like this."

"Fine. Leave before I kill you." Cyn said, growling.

"You can't. I know that in my heart. You can threaten me all you want, but I know you can't kill me." Will said, stepping closer to her.

"Get back, Will!" Cyn growled, stepping away from him. Suddenly, a dark energy surged through the room, causing Will to slide back. "This spell will shatter all the petrified people in the town. If you want to stop me, you either must submit to my will, or kill me!" Cyn laughed, as Will sat, stunned.

"Will! You're going to have to decide what to do right here! We can't throw away that many lives!" Ryan cried, as Will hesitantly stood before Cyn.

"Cyn... I have decided what I must do." Will said, raising his sword. "Cyn... I now know that we can't live happily together... and that tears me apart."

"Go ahead, human! Strike me down! I dare you!" Cyn cackled evilly."

"I am not killing you Cyn. I'm saving you." Will said, pointing the sword to his stomach.

"Will! Don't!" Cyn cried, panicked.

"Will! Think about what you're doing!" Ryan yelled.

"Cyn, fight back." Will said, Bracing himself. "Beat the darkness... or I will take my own life right here!"

"Stop, human!" Cyn cried.

"Cyn... I knew seeing me in danger would snap you out of it!" Will said happily.

"I know not of what you speak!" Cyn growled, feeling frustrated. Meanwhile, Elrin slowly rose to his feet, shaking his head. Looking up, he saw Will, and instinctively rushed at him. Just then, Cyn's eyes snapped back to normal. The dark energy faded from the area. "Will?" She said, as Will slowly pulled the sword away. Suddenly, Elrin slammed into Will's back. As Will hit the ground, the sword pierced through his stomach, much to the horror of Cyn and Ryan.

"WILL!!!" Cyn cried as Will fell to the floor, a pool of blood forming around him.

"I... didn't realize..." Elrin stuttered when he realized what he had done. "I'm sorry master."

"Will..." Ryan stuttered, running to the scene.

"Cyn..." Will gasped.

"I'm here." Cyn cried, standing in the blood of her lover, nuzzling her cheek to his.

"I... save you... didn't I?" Will gasped, as Cyn affectionately rubbed her cheek to his.

"It's me... Will... I'm back." She whispered, as Will looked into her eyes.

"Will, you can't die now! You just saved her!" Ryan cried, taking his hand.

"Cyn....... Please... undo the curse you put on everyone." Will gasped.

"I will. I promise." Cyn said, comforting him. With a wave of her paw, the people of the town suddenly came to life, and began walking amongst the town, as if nothing ever happened. The people in the cathedral all came to life, screaming as if they were under attack. When they realized that they were no longer under attack, they all turned back toward and Will, seeing what happened.

"Get away from him you monster!" Several men yelled to Cyn.

"This is a misunderstanding!" Ryan cried, stepping between them. "Please! We need somebody with white magic!"

"Cyn..." Will gasped, touching her face gently. "No matter what happens... you must survive. Ryan... take care of her for me."

"I can't do that!" Ryan said, looking at him, tears rolling down his face. "That's your job!"

"Please... help her... since I can't." He said, gasping again. Weakly, he strained to say, "Cyn... you are beautiful...... and..... no matter what...... happens...... you must keep going...... or I could never forgive myself. I...... love you....." With that, he collapsed on the floor, eyes open, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Will..." Cyn said, completely emotionless. Nudging him a couple time, she collapsed in the pool of blood, uncontrollably sobbing. "Will... if only I had gotten control of myself sooner!"

"Elrin, remove the powers from her if you value your life." Ryan said, looking at the dragon that sat stunned. "We don't want her going wild again."

"Your right." Elrin said, looking at Cyn. "After all... if I don't, I'm dead. I was the one that caused all this." With that, he began focusing. Just then, as the energy began to flow freely from Cyn, and returned to Elrin, a blue streak dashed across the cathedral, and tackled Elrin to the ground, tearing his throat out. As the power sought to find a new host, it flooded into the blue beast that had killed Elrin instantly.

"What the hell?" Ryan stuttered in sheer disbelief.

"Hello, my blue skinned beauty!" The beast said, turning toward Cyn. As she looked up from Will's body, sheer horror beyond belief struck her. On top of Elrin's dead body stood a familiar face; the male Arcane Drake that had tried to mate with her before her and Will admitted their love for each other.