Metempsychosis III, part 2 - Alswaram, Raven, Lancer, Reiken and Sorvaa'hr

Story by esiel on SoFurry

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#4 of Metempsychosis

This is the second half of the third chapter of Metempsychosis and it closes the arc with these characters.

Do be warned, this is a rather tragic and dark chapter and features some intercourse between wolf and dragon and between dragon and machine.

As always, feel free to point out spelling mistakes, grammar issues and typing errors; English is not my first language.

Enjoy. :)

Metempsychosis III, part 2: Alswaram, Raven, Lancer, Reiken and Sorvaa'hr (and Storm)

At that point, I was already just about done. My nights had gone from somewhat enjoyable and happy to tragic and scary. During the duration of these flashbacks, I had no break to be in the other dreamspheres, which made it all even worse. During the daytime, I was exhausted, worn out and I felt like I was lacking sleep. I was feeling depressed all the time. And after the previous night, after witnessing the tragic fate of Reiken, I couldn't help but understand Sorvaa'hr. I was feeling like him. I was ready to hit someone. I was gnawing at the furniture. I felt powerless. Most importantly... Storm. Or rather, Reiken. I now knew where he was from. I felt extreme anger and sorrow. I felt like there was a gaping void in some corner of my soul that was getting bigger. I wanted it to stop. That was the first time I thought about ending it all. It was too much to handle. Just when I thought I hit rock bottom, it would be taken even further...

---- 22 000 B.C.E., capital city of Lysanxia, heart of the island of Lemuria - Planet Earth

It had been over three thousand years since the foundation of Lemuria, the Sirian colony on planet Earth, known to Sirians as "Terra". Most would have you believe that life there was prosperous and that it was an idyllic paradise. Of course, that's all wishful thinking. Any sentient species has been proven to have self-destructive tendencies. The fight for survival infallibly leads to territorial disputes and that inevitably leads to social and cultural quarrels with other people. Modern history has proven this, time and time again.

Where it started out as a fairly small atoll with not much to go for, Lemuria had become a lush, green and fertile land through development from the edges of the ocean and inwards into the center of the continent. Thankfully for them, Sirian technology kept them well hidden and safe from invasion from the more primitive Earth civilizations of the era. However, they were not safe from themselves. Eventually, as time would have it, the divergence of opinions on the exploitation of the colony began to create schism between the colonial cities. Many questions were at hand, such as how to expand the colony, how much should it expand, the alarmingly dwindling resources and a growing desire to fully separate themselves from the Sirian reliance and be recognized as a full-fledged independent entity.

Lemuria had evolved quite a bit since its foundation. Even its inhabitants had changed physically, adapting to the environment. Those who failed to adapt were the unfortunate victims of natural selection, a universal process not even Sirians were able to get around. The MA project had slowly expanded beyond secret experiments from the Sirian military. There were now more and more soldiers that were now "mechanical activators" and it had enough success that it began to slowly expand beyond the military, starting with mechanics and a handful of other volunteers. As it Fate's Mistress was poking fun at the universe, the few Hilandra which had been chosen as Terran colonists (which was more like an easy way to get rid of them on Sirius) had grown to lead the entire colony as a council, deemed as "protectors of Lemuria". As charismatic as they were, they were unable to please everyone. Lemuria as a colony began to look more and more like any great Sirian city. As the continent kept expanding steadily through artificial terraforming, it became more and more populated and as it did, the gap between the pro-Sirians and the members of the so-called movement for independence dubbed "independentists" went from a small fissure and grew to a chasm. Everyone knew it wouldn't take much for the frequent quarrels to turn into all-out war. All it took was a spark to ignite the fire.

At the capital city of Lysanxia, a familiar face was headed towards the council's audience room. The echoing clanks of metallic soles and soft mechanical squeals filled the air as a much older and worn Alswaram has been summoned by the council. The many modifications he had gone through since his conversion to a mechanical activator had allowed him to live longer than any other, unmodified Sirian. However, he was not able to escape time any longer. He was growing old and he knew it. Lancer had to constantly compensate for his slower reflexes and his slowly decreasing abilities as a pilot. He did not regret any of it. Even though his body was now almost entirely mechanical, he had lived long enough to see Lemuria grow from a budding colony and flourish into a majestic, lush orchard. However, that orchard's fruits had been reaped to emptiness. The fruits it gave were no longer able to sustain the growing population. The pro-Sirians were always relying on this same argument: they needed Sirius's support, otherwise the colony would either have to move or it would be abandoned. Of course, as aliens to Earth, moving it was out of question and so was mingling with the more primitive civilizations around them. It was one of the fundamental rules of the galactic confederation : to not interfere with alien civilizations at a lower technological and/or social evolution scale. Alswaram was going to be given a vital assignment. He pushed the large double doors, saluting the two large Hilandran shark guards and making his way inside. A deafening silence reigned into the circular-shaped room, with the council members all standing above Alswaram, looking down at him. Alswaram spoke first. He had grown to have quite a bit of influence, nearly more than any other diplomat.

  • Honored members of the council, I apologize for the delay, I answered your summons as quickly as I could.

The dragon bowed in front of the council members. One of them, a large shark and seemingly the leader of the group, stood up.

  • No need to apologize. Thank you for coming on such short notice, Alswaram. Of course, we would not summon you without a valid reason. We have a new assignment for you, one of the utmost importance.

  • I would be honored to see it through, Master Herl.

  • Glad to hear it. Here are the details: You will bring a message to the Sirian capital.

  • A message? About the colonial situation? With respect, Master... Why me? You know I have not had contact with our homeworld in ages. I don't understand why I should be the carrier for this message.

  • I am well aware of this. The reason is simple: You have lived longer and seen far more than any other on Lemuria and as such, we think you are best placed to explain the details of our delicate position. I will not force you, of course. Should you choose to deny the assignment, there shall be no sanctions placed upon you. This is not an order but a request. We would not ask you if we were not certain that you were the right one for this.

  • I understand... Will you let me think about it?

The shark nodded silently, as if he expected that answer.

  • Certainly. However, please be swift in your decision making. The tensions keep increasing as the days ago by and we cannot afford to have Lemuria in a bigger state of sedition than it already is. Tensions seethe within the people and at this rate, it won't be long before something triggers events we won't be able to contain. We already are struggling to contain it as it is."

  • I understand. I will not take long. I just need to consult someone. Thank you for your consideration, Master Herl.

  • I had not specified it but be assured, Lancer can go with you. We actually would prefer it this way.

The blue dragon nodded, bowing to the sea dragon and to the other council members before retiring back to his apartment, which was in a connected building to the council hall, since Alswaram was now considered a political advisor. He entering the small room, throwing his keycard on a small round table, turning on the lights and making his way to a small mini-bar, reaching for a black flask and a glass. He fetched some ice from the freezer before pouring himself a glass of his favorite liquor (which smelled like crude oil) and sat down, losing himself in thought until he got brought back to consciousness by the sound of knocking.

  • Al! Open up, already! Hellooo?

The dragon went over to open the door, coming face to face with a gruff-looking black and grey bipedal timber wolf, one of the beastmen, his tall and muscular stature making him look quite intimidating to most, even military personnel. His piercing golden eyes made his stare quite an effective deterrent when it came to challenging him. He seemed more beast than man to all but his close friends. Balmodan were humans strained with various animal DNA and came in many different crossbreeds, however lupine and tigrine were the most common occurences, especially when it came to those in armed forces, for obvious reasons.

  • Raven. What are you doing here...?

  • What do you mean? I thought you already left for Sirius without telling me!

  • How do you know about that?

  • Being a part of the council's guard has its perks, heh heh!

  • Oh, I see how it is. Come in, don't just stand there.

The dragon let his lupine friend in, offering him a glass of liquor (normal hard liquor, unlike his personal favorite) and both sitting on the large couch, the dragon letting out a deep sigh. The wolf looked at him compassionately. Raven was not his birth name and not many actually knew his birth name. Raven was the name he was given as a pilot, because his partner was a scout and because he was a secretive fellow, shrouded in shadows. No one actually knew much about his past. Raven knew Alswaram was a busy dragon since he joined the council's advisory board. It seemed to be taking its toll on the dragon. He wasn't young anymore, despite the impressive facade he kept up.

  • You should take a break, buddy. You're going home, right? Why don't you go to the ocean while you're out there? Relax and just take it easy for a bit. You look terrible.

  • Gee, thanks. You're a real silk, Raven.

The wolf laughed a bit and nudged him, scooting a bit closer. His fur felt quite wonderful against the dragon's cold titanium-laced limbs. Although he looked like a machine, his cybernetic limbs were cutting-edge and they behaved like the real deal. He even had the best engineers modify them so he could have full sensory influx like living tissue would. One could rightfully wonder why he would want to feel pain if he could choose not to feel it. To him, it was his way of not falling into the same trap that others had fallen into, their addiction to cybernetics turning them into actual machines. Pain was his way to remind himself to stay in the right path and not lose his judgment.

  • Sorry, Al. I'm just saying. You may be nearly entirely cyber, but you still need to rest. Besides, I thought you could use the company before you left. You're taking it, right? The assignment?

  • ...Yeah. Am I that obvious? I bet Master Saevek knew.

The wolf nodded and rubbed a paw over his leg. These two were extremely close. Raven had been a mech pilot for some time now but unlike Alswaram, he choose to remain a "mundane", the military slang for mech pilots that didn't get the gene therapy to be converted to mechanical activator. Raven liked the feeling of manual piloting. He felt in control and that was his rightful place. Alswaram's liking for Raven was perhaps due in part to the fact that he wished he hadn't gone down the activator path himself. He missed the days where Lancer's heat and his strong exhaust scent would make him dizzy and lightheaded. He missed getting the thrill of his engines roaring to life around him. Now, in his current state, Lancer was still able to relax him and he was even feeding him but it just wasn't the same. It had it perks at times, but the original intent and promises of the MA program had started to feel rather stale to him. Another deep sigh came from Alswaram.

  • What's wrong, Al? You've got something on your mind.

  • It's nothing. It's just... I'm jealous.

  • Jealous? Of what??

  • You! You have an adorable vintage scout mech and you haven't even named him and you don't even enjoy him. I miss the days where Lancer would be more than my personal craft. I miss the nights where I'd go to him and I'd get lost in his warmth and fill my lungs with his scent until it made my head throb and made me pass out against him...

  • You're so weird, Al. Only an activator could cook up shit like that.

  • That was way before I even knew that activators are.

  • Are you saying... you did that before you were converted?? You're even weirder than I thought!

  • Stop teasing me!

Raven always found Alswaram to be an interesting and unique dragon. He took pleasure in teasing him and making playful fun of his feelings. But that was his way of letting Alswaram know that he cared for him. Alswaram knew that and he let himself do, never really taking anything he said to heart. Secretly, Raven felt comfortable with the dragon for the simple reason that he always smelled rather similar to his own mech, which made him relax. Raven had long been tempted to push it further with him but he worried he'd get pushed back. He thought he probably cared more for Alswaram than he did for him. He and Alswaram had build a strong relationship since the blue dragon had taken him under his wing, acknowledging his innate skill as a mech pilot and wanting to be the one to steer him down the right path, as he said it himself. He knew that if Alswaram left for Sirius for a while, he'd miss him and he felt like it was the right time to make his move and make his coming out.

  • Heh heh, sorry. You're so much fun to tease, that's all. Hey, Al...?

  • Yeah? What is it, Rav? Don't take that face, you're scaring the shit out of me.

  • Well... err... You'll be gone for a little while, right?

  • Probably. Why?

  • Well... I'll miss you...

The dragon looked at him incredulously. He was suddenly completely different, dead serious and it wasn't like him to be like this. Did something happen? Alswaram did his best to comfort him with a playful smile.

  • Aww, I'll miss you too, buddy.

  • I-I mean... I'll _really_miss you...

  • Raven...? What are you doing?

The wolf slowly slid his paw over his pants, feeling over one of his metallic legs, scooting a bit closer against the dragon, who was surprised by the move and now getting a little antsy.

  • Hey, w-what are you doing, Raven...?

  • I want to make your cold limbs feel warm before you leave. You've always been there for me, ever since I became a pilot. You've been my mentor. But to me, you've always been more...

  • What are you saying...?

  • You know what I'm saying, you big oaf...!

The wolf moved in and planted a bashful kiss on the dragon's snout, leaving him frozen in place and not knowing how to react. It was the first time in thousands of years that he let any organic get this close to him. He had forsaken any intimate feelings he had for anyone outside of mechs. For a moment, the wolf blushed and got fearful. Did he go too far?

  • Raven, I... I can't. I'm not one of your kind. I'm a machine now...

  • Don't fuck around with me, Al! You said it yourself, you avoided becoming like those cyber-junkies. You're still one of us! I don't give a shit about your titanium limbs. I don't give a shit that you love machines, either! If everyone's too damn blind to see what's hidden underneath the cybernetics, that's too damn bad. I see otherwise. I see you, Al."

  • Raven...

If he could have cried, he would have. Internally, that's what he felt. He felt deep relief but at the same time, he was terrified. What kind of lover could he be? He was just over 80% machine! Raven sure didn't seem to care one bit. He was eager to make his move. He now sat in Alswaram's lap and he wrapped his arms around his cold body, nuzzling tenderly into his neck before gently taking him into a kiss, Alswaram's paws now holding Raven's waist and stroking slowly. Raven was trembling in excitement. He has been fantasizing about the cyber dragon for some time now. He had seen old pictures of him in the Sirian archives before all the modifications and he found him extremely sexy and attractive. To him, all the cybernetics didn't change what used to be in their place. If anything, it turned him on. He mind was racing - and so was his heart - as he realized that he was making out with Alswaram, that he was going to be _his_cyber dragon!

Raven kept exploring Alswaram's body meticulously, sniffing and nuzzling over every inch, every panel and every joint. The soft hints of sweet oil and other mechanical fluids inside him were not bothering him anymore. Not that they really ever did. He was used to it from his mech. At that moment, the scents seemed to work almost magically in increasing his arousal. The wolf lapped his way down over his body, slowing down and waiting for Alswaram's approval before kneeling down and turning his attention to the dragon's more intimate areas. It didn't take long for the dragon to undo his pants and let the wolf do the rest of the work, caught in the moment now as the wolf slowly pulled down, freezing and being quite surprised at the sight, his genital slit and tail hole seeming intact and untouched by the cybernetics. He looked up to Alswaram.

  • What? Did you expect some kind of weird metal probe or some shit? You really think I'd modify that? Not a chance! Now, get to work!

The dragon grinned and chuckled, growling playfully and guiding the wolf to sniff at the slit as it started to bulge outwards a bit, encouraging him to give it a few licks and soon drawing a moan out of him as he tasted Alswaram for the first time. His deep musk was indeed fully intact, typically reptilian in scent, strong and pungent. It made Raven even more eager to get to work, his tongue darting inside, prying the slit's walls and feeling inside, his taste buds quickly hit by the strong taste of his slit's lubricant and soon licking over what he thought was the dragon's cocktip, rewarding him with a spurt of precum as the dragon arched back, his claws digging in to the couch's fabric. Raven was skilled, alright. Not since his beloved shark did Alswaram ever feel anything like this! And he was reveling in it. Part of him wanted out out of loyalty to his lost mate but he couldn't fight it hard enough. Part of him desperately needed to feel alive. He has built this moment for so long, after all! Raven knew that and he figured it was now or never. As he kept teasing, Alswaram's cock swelled and gorged, eventually pushing his tongue out as it grew to its full girth, the wolf panting and growling softly as he gazed upon his glistening prize standing erect and throbbing for him. He made his move and kissed along the dragon's quivering soft pink length, gently using his lips to suck and kiss his cocktip, almost in a worshipping fashion. The moment was more than worth the wait and the fear of rejection.

Alswaram was squirming and moaning as Raven kept working his skillful tongue over his length, giving it a good coat of saliva before he pulled back slowly and made the dragon growl a bit, the wolf giggling at that and getting perhaps a little cocky.

  • Who's the eager one now, hmmm?

  • Shut up and tend to this!

  • Yes, Sir!

Raven giggled playfully as he moved up and slowly sat over Alswaram's much larger cock. He took a moment to coax it into him, growling and moaning in the process as the dragon's slightly large cock sank into his tight walls, the dragon's cock thankfully spurting enough fluid to keep his tight walls from getting painful. The wolf was still caught off guard, however.

  • Fuuck! You're much bigger than I thought! Unf...!

Alswaram chuckled and growled with a hint of playfulness and spoke with a dominant tone.

  • You're the one who wanted it! Now, stop complaining and take it, you sissy!

The wolf moaned at the hint of dominance Alswaram showed him. He was needy! Much more than he'd let on. His instincts had taken over and it showed. Raven kept working until he relaxed enough to sink Alswaram's cock in fully, surprised by the slight knot which looked inoffensive at first glance but was actually larger than his own after it flared inside him. He howled softly as they found themselves locked together, slowly easing it in as he began riding the dragon in a building rhythm. By now, the wolf's own blood-red cock was out of its sheath and it throbbed painfully. He gave a yelp as he felt the dragon's paw gently cupping his balls and stroking over his cock, making it throb even more in response and drawing out loud moans from the increasingly aroused wolf, snorting and trying to keep himself from howling out in need. Alswaram urged him on with insistent growling and grunting, Raven feeling encouraged and building riding speed as he stroked the dragon's half-plated chest, starting to find him even sexier now than on the pictures, now that they were actually sharing this level of intimacy. The wolf's walls kept clenching and flexing tightly around Alswaram's cock, milking fairly hard and the dragon was definitely feeling it. He could feel his climax coming and the wolf could tell by his deepened breathing and growling.

  • Raven! Hope you have lots of room in there! This is going to be a _big_one!

The wolf growled and defiantly.

  • Give it to me, my sexy cyber dragon! Give it _all_to me!

The dragon blushed deeply at that and closed his eyes tightly as he roared out, the wolf feeling his cock flare and lock him inside the dragon's walls at it erupted into what seemed like a torrent of hot seed, the high temperature of his cybernetic internals making his cum seem much hotter than the average living being, the wolf's body tremoring at the sensations, his own lupine cock soon flaring and splattering the dragon's chest in a gooey, sticky mess of his own. The dragon moaned at the musky scent and reached down to clean him, the wolf blushing and collapsing against him as the feeling, panting hard as his afterglow kicked in, Alswaram slowly wrapping his arms around him and kissing him tenderly, the wolf soon returning the kiss, the two holding each other in a tender embrace.

  • Raven... thank you..."

  • N-Not thank you. I think you meant "I love you", my sexy cyber dragon.

Alswaram frowned at that.

  • Don't call me that...

  • Why not? It's what you are. Well, you're _my_cyber dragon, to be precise.

The dragon let it go. He was speechless. He thought the wolf spoke with his lust but he meant it. For the first time in three thousand years, Alswaram let himself get intimate with another. He was loved and he was in love. It seemed to make the burden of leaving for Sirius so much lighter. The pair held each other and drifted to sleep, the stench of their steamy encounter still thicky hanging in the apartment.

--- The next morning, 0900 hours

The two woke up almost in unison, the dragon's eyes quickly widening as the saw what time it was.

  • SHIT! Get up, Raven! I have to tell the council I'm taking on the assignment. They're going to be really impatient...

The wolf sighed and nuzzled him softly.

  • You run, Al. I'll see myself out.

  • Thanks, Rav. I'll see you soon... alright?

  • Of course. See you soon, my cyber dragon. I love you.

Alswaram blushed uncontrollably at those words; he wasn't nearly about to get used to it. The two hugged each other, kissing each other before Alswaram got up and threw his clothes on, storming out of the apartment and rushing out to the council's audience room where he luckily was alone. He bowed apologetically as he entered.

  • Council members, I'm so very sorry! I passed out and I only woke up a moment ago...

To his surprise, a large shark got up and laughed heartily, which made him both relax a bit and blush quite heavily, feeling as if they knew exactly what had transpired.

  • No need to apologize, Alswaram. We did not expect your decision so soon, actually.

  • Oh... I-I see...

The others also seemed to chuckle at his embarrassment.

  • I have decided to carry on the missive. I will leave today, once I have gathered my stuff. Lancer will of course be the one to carry me there.

  • Of course. We knew you would not have it any other way.

The shark made his way down the stairs and gave the missive to the dragon.

  • A manuscript, Master Herl? This really is quite formal."

The shark nodded solemnly.

  • Yes... We can no longer turn a blind eye to the tensions. Either Sirius will help us or this place is going to become the site of an imminent war. It might sound slightly fatalistic but it is the truth that no one dares to speak aloud."

"I wholeheartly agree. Thank you, Master Herl."

The shark mumbled something in the Hilandra tongue, a blessing most commonly given to warriors before battle. Few remembered anymore but Herl once served in the Sirian military and he was a highly decorated warrior and a respected leader. Alswaram was not superstitious in the least but his blessing was welcome. He could not shake the feeling that something was not quite right. He thought it was just typical nervousness. After all, he was headed to a place he had not seen with his own eyes in thousands of years. It was bound to have changed quite a bit since was last there and he knew that he would not know anyone there anymore. He questioned himself several times. Was he doing the right thing? It was too late to turn back now. He headed back to his apartment and gathered all his gear and supplies to last him for a good while; he was going to take Raven's advice and take a short vacation while he was there. No one would know if he did. He locked the door and made his way up the launch bays, entering one of them and making his way towards the familiar mech, a familiar figure leaning against his foot.

  • Raven...?

  • About time. You're so slow.

The dragon looked at him incredulously.

  • What do you mean? What's going on?

  • You really think I'd let you leave by yourself? You need a nanny.

Raven grinned smugly.

  • Oh, so now you're my babysitter? Seriously though, you're sure about this? What about your work as a council guard?

  • Of course I'm sure about this. I already got Master Herl's blessing as your personal bodyguard. I decided to leave my partner here, sicne he is not ready for this and not ready for interstellar travel, either. Lancer said it was going to be a bit of a tight fit but hey, I don't mind.

Alswaram chuckled a bit and smiled.

  • I wonder why? Heh heh. Lancer, are you ready?

~ Yes. A kind technician did all the servicing just moments ago. ~

  • Oh. Wait, you mean...?"

The wolf nodded and grinned.

  • Yep.

  • That's awfully nice of you. Lancer, please be mindful of your exhaust vents. He's not like me.

  • ~ Raven said he did not mind. ~

  • It's fine. It's not like I've never gotten to breathe in my own mech's exhaust a few times. I may not be like you but I don't really mind anymore. There's a comforting quality to it. Although I will say Lancer's exhaust is a lot hotter and stronger smelling. That's a compliment, by the way.

Lancer was quite taken by it, swishing his large tail approvingly, his engines already in idle, rumbling soflty. Alswaram seemed comforted by Raven's words. He felt even closer to him.

  • I see. That's good. Shall we, then?

The two climbed up inside the mech's plates, the dragon taking his usual place and getting connected to the mech's systems while the wolf held on to him tightly as the mech's canopy hissed and closed back over them. The wolf was not quite as used to a mech like Lancer as Alswaram was. The padding helped him relax a little but he still groaned a bit as he felt the powerful reactors firing up and rumbling heavily around them, the heat inside quickly increasing as the cloak activated just as they launched from the platform and towards the stratosphere, the dampeners within the hull barely making either of them feel the gravitational forces at work against the hull. It was not long before they entered Earth's orbit and entered hyperspace, the onboard system setting the coordinates for the gravitic relay, Sirian technology which allowed quick warps between two points in the same galaxy. As they warped, Raven shuddered as he felt his whole body being disintegrated and reintegrated within a split-second. Alswaram chuckled quietly at his reaction.

  • I know, right? You never really get used to it. I don't feel it anymore myself but I used to get dizzy for several minutes every time. At least, Lancer's dampeners doesn't make you feel the gravitational forces on top of that. You'd probably pass out. I made the mistake of forgetting to check if the dampeners were online before warping once. Never again! Lancer laughed at that one for ages!

  • ~ I still do! ~

The mech chuckled and Raven giggled a bit, batting playfully at the dragon's chest. He felt a bit uncomfortable at the sensations of hyperspace travel but the proximity of his cyber dragon enabled him to relax to some degree. It took what seemed like an instant for them to exit hyperspace and approach orbit of the large planet, much bluer than Alswaram remembered it. It didn't seem all that different from Earth, now that he looked at it from that perspective. The mech's comm link went online as an unfamiliar voice resounded through the internal speakers.

You have entered Sirian space without authorization. Identify yourselves.

Alswaram was surprised at this. He expected a welcoming committee but not quite of this kind.

  • Greetings. I am the envoy from Lemuria, the Terran colony. My name is Alswaram Osdanil. I also carry my friend Raven Talvos. My craft's codename is Lancer. I bring a missive from Lemuria and therefore, I'm requesting permission to descend.

One moment... You said Alswaram Osdanil?

  • That's me.

Then we might have a problem, Sir. You appear in my records but according to my data, the last update mentions you as MIA for thousands of years.

  • Yes, well... that is the truth. I've undergone a lot of mods and I'm basically synthetic now. Events which happened back then kept me from coming home. I was originally in charge of Second Fleet but I've been in Lemuria all this time, acting as a military advisor.

I see... Please wait a moment, I will speak to the levyataans about this.

  • Thank you.

The wolf looked at Alswaram quizzically.

  • I forgot you were born here! At least they have you in their records. Also, what's "levyataan", Al?

  • Last time I was here, they were the council's personal guard. But judging from what he said, it looks like they may be in charge now. A lot changes in 3000 years.

  • True...

It took what felt like hours for the reply.

Alswaram, you have been granted permission to descend on the surface. However, the levyataans wish to speak with you in person immediately.

  • Alright, this is no problem. I'm a bit of a special case so I can understand their questioning. Where do I go?

Use docking bay #8. As you exit the spaceport, you can't miss it. The council's building is right in front of you.

  • I see. Thank you.

Alswaram began to descend and entered Sirian atmosphere, analyzing the composition of the air and not seeing much of a difference in all this time. Actually, the air was still rather similar to Terra's, outside a slight difference in pressure. That was why Sirians originally chose Earth, after all. As they touched ground and entered the docking bay, Alswaram got a sudden moment of panic. Everything seemed surprisingly familiar and yet, it felt like something completely alien to him. Raven nuzzled him and licked his snout comfortingly.

  • It's okay to be nervous, Al. But I'm here for you. And Lancer is too.

  • Thanks, love. I appreciate it.

Those words rang strong inside Raven. Part of him was still convinced all this was a dream and that it wouldn't last, that he would wake up in bed and get back to his usual, boring everyday life. He hadn't dared calling Alswaram his mate, much less calling him "love" or "beloved". He was beyond grateful for every moment they had together so far and he swore to himself he would do his best to make it last as long as he could. As the pair got out of Lancer's plates, a large orca came in to look at the mech.

  • Hello. My name is Garan. If that is agreeable, I will be the technician taking care of your mech while you are out in the city.

The dragon looked at him, surprised to have a technician dedicated to Lancer.

  • Really? I'm used to do everything myself. You don't have to waste your time, I'll simply service him whenever I get back.

  • It would be my pleasure, Sir. I was told you were a special guest, so I thought you could use the down time. I'm a highly qualified mechanic who usually works on H and D class mechs like your own. But if you do not trust me, I understand.

The dragon shook his head apologetically.

  • I didn't mean anything like that. It's just, Lancer is more than a ride...

  • I understand, Sir. You're an activator, correct?

  • Yes... So activators are common fare these days?

  • Not exactly everyday fare but certainly they're starting to be more common, yes.

  • I see. Well then... I leave Lancer to you. Be good to him. He only drinks military-grade fuel and nothing else. If you wash his plates, use only water-based products. Anything else will warp his raw exhaust scent.

  • Of course. You can leave him to me.

The orca bowed politely, Alswaram and Raven returning the motion, the wolf giggling to himself as they made their way out.

  • What's so funny?

  • You're totally pampering him.

  • What do you expect? He's been with me all this time and carried me through the direst of situations. Besides, I know you take good care of your own mech. I just take it to another level, is all.

  • Well, there's an understatement!

Alswaram nudged the wolf as he kept teasing him. Normally, he'd get impatient but not with Raven. They could easily read each other and they knew when to be serious and when the time was right to tease. Raven's teasing was working its magic in helping Alswaram settle down a little bit. The two made their way out from the spaceport, Alswaram's eyes distracted by everything there was to see; the spaceport was immense, filled with incoming and outgoing ships and people. It must have quadrupled in size since he was last there. As they exited the large building, Raven was surprised at the familiarity of their surroundings. Outside of the differences in populace, it seemed like they were still in Lemuria. Architecturally, it seemed like Sirius had mirrored Lemuria in its development and expansion. Alswaram liked that; it made him feel like he was still "home". As they made their way up the long flight of stairs which led inside the council's congressional building, the dragon seemed to trail behind again, nervousness getting the best of him. Raven playfully moved behind him pushing him up the steps and in response the dragon sighed and limped out, letting himself carry up to the top.

  • Mech pilots are supposed to be in shape, you know? If you can't climb a few steps, you're in serious trouble. I'll have to tell Lancer to have you work out a little more.

  • Very funny...

  • Hey, don't make that face, Al. It'll be fine, okay? They won't swallow us whole or anything. Worse that can happen is they deny the request, right? We'll just have to go with the flow.

  • I wish I had your composure. You remind me of someone...

  • Oh...?

  • Never mind. Let's get this over with.

The building had changed quite a bit since the last time Alswaram was there. Much more technologically advanced, with security systems and guards patrolling everywhere. He asked for information at the front desk was given the location of the audience room. They made their way towards an elevator which took them up to the right floor, soon getting greeted by two large Kelva guards not long before they stepped out and stopped in front of the large metal doors to the audience room.

Do you have an audience scheduled?

  • Yes. I am Alswaram Osdanil. I come with a missive for the council members from the colony of Lemuria, on planet Terra.

The large red dragon looked at his interactive pad and scrolled down a list.

  • Yeah, I have you on here. Just about right on time. Head inside and mind your manners.

  • Of course. Thank you.

Alswaram bowed to the guards and nodded to the large wolf as the guards opened the doors, heading into the large oval-shaped room where many representatives of each master race were sitting. All stood up as the two entered and Alswaram motioned Raven to bow to them.

  • Honored members of the Sirian council, I bring you a missive from the colony's leaders.

One of the council members, a frail-looking Elvani stepped forward, taking the manuscript from the dragon and quickly sifting through it. Alswaram found it odd. As he remembered, the council members were imposing and charismatic. He felt little charisma from this human. Instead, he felt an unshakable sense of distrust.

  • So we heard. You are asking for Sirius's assistance, correct? Unfortunately, I'm afraid we have to deny the request. I understand that Lemuria has become your permanent home but we have had growing problems of our own over the last centuries. It saddens me to say that tensions between Sirius and Arcturus have been increasing as of late and we need all the resources we possibly can have, should the diplomatic efforts go sour. Of course we want to avoid any kind of rash actions but we cannot afford the risk of parting with resources we might eventually need. I know this may sound harsh, but I hope you understand our position, Alswaram.

  • I see... even after all this time, things still haven't changed between Sirius and Arcturus, then?

  • I'm afraid not. Although we've shared scientific and technological developments, the diplomatic discussions result in divergence of opinions which later result in growing tensions.

  • I see. Some things never change...

  • As such, I'm afraid we have to ask Lemuria to hang tight and do their best without our help. If they wish, in a gesture of apology and acknowledgement of their development, we have been discussing the possibility of making Lemuria a fully independent colony. Of course, Lemuria will remain allied to us and we will provide anything we can as long it is available. Ahead of time, we had signed an independence treaty to give to you. It bears the Sirian seal and the mark of all the council members. I hope the Lemurian leaders will understand our position and see it as a suitable compromise and not as a means of deresponsabilization to the colony.

Alswaram was not surprised, but he could not shake this feeling that something was not quite right.

  • Very well, Your Honor. I will make sure myself that your message gets across and that this treaty finds safe landing in the hands of the Lemurian leaders."

  • It seems that what was in the archives was accurate about you. You have not changed much in all this time, it would seem. You are quite easy to negociate with.

  • I will take this as a compliment, Your Honor.

  • It was.

  • Your Honor, if I may be so bold... I was planning on staying here on Sirius for a little while. A bit of a short-lived down time, as it were. While I'm here, would be alright if I visited Second Fleet's HQ, if it still exists?

  • Ah! An understandable request, indeed. It does, and I will have access granted to you and your companion for your stay. I can have a room prepared there for you as well. Anything else?

  • Wonderful! That will be all. I can but thank you for your understanding and graciousness, as this old soldier visits his homeworld for the first time in nearly three thousand years."

The frail-looking female human nodded, the other council members standing up. Both Alswaram and Raven bowed politely as the dragon was given the precious document. As they stepped out of the audience room and got into the elevator back towards the entrance, the dragon let out a loud sigh of relief. Raven giggled quietly at it, rubbing his neck and kissing it gently.

  • See? It went much better than you thought it would. Not the answer we would have liked of course... but they were understanding and we got something important in return."

  • Yeah... I'm surprised at how easy it was...

The dragon looked like his thoughts were racing.

  • Too easy, you think...?

  • Maybe I'm just being paranoid but it did seem like they were a bit easy-going compared to the ones I remember. And why so many guards and security systems if they're going to be so lenient and laid back?

  • Or maybe they're just nicer now? I did hear that the council members were generally very accommodating and close to the people.

Alswaram shrugged.

  • Maybe... I hope you're right, Rav.

As the two made their way out of the building, heading down the steps and back into the city, Raven looked to Alswaram and grinned, suggesting a trip to the beach. Sirius was primarily an ocean planet, after all. Most modern humans would probably see it as a luxury resort. Alswaram nodded and welcomed the idea; he was worn out both physically and emotionally and so, he could use the distraction. They headed for a nearby warp platform. Alswaram looked at the virtual map he had picked up at the council building's main floor as they headed inside, looking for an ideal spot. He found a nicely isolated spot by the ocean which seemed ideal. As they warped to the coordinates Alswaram had entered in the console, they were greeted by the soothing and awe-striking sight of the ocean with a large mountain behind them, making the place look like a small inlet. The weather that day was impeccable, comparable to Earth's bright summer days minus the crushing mugginess and humidity of a tropical climate. Judging by the presence of signs and various amenities, the pair figured it was likely to be a select spot for Sirians to retire and take a break from the bustling city life.

Luckily for them, it seemed like they were the only ones who were going to take advantage of it for that day. They laid down on the hot sand and snuggled against each other, cuddling and watching the waves crashing, their hypnotic sound and motion lulling Alswaram to sleep as Raven stroked his chest and nuzzled his neck. He too was tired but he reveled in the moment, keeping his mate close and taking in the moment. The dragon was clearly worn out as Raven pulled off and he didn't move an inch. He was sound asleep. Raven would have just slept there as well but the wolf decided that they were quite exposed there and not being sure what to expect, he thought that they should head back and find their room to get more comfortable and get proper rest. He carefully pulled the much heavier cyber dragon onto his back and carried him piggy-back all the way back to the city and to Second Fleet's complex. It wasn't too bad, thanks to the map Alswaram had gotten and the nearby warp platform. The Sirian dialect was slightly different than the Lemurian one, and it took him a moment to figure it out but he was finally able to warp them inside the military complex. Using a translator device, he could ask his way around. He found everyone a little stiff and seemingly not very thrilled to have them there. He fortunately found a large Kelva soldier that was indifferent towards them and pointed him in the right direction. After he finally found the room, he almost dropped the cyber dragon on the comfy bed, pretty much collapsing and passing out onto him, his body aching all over from carrying him all the way there.

The dragon woke up the next day, opening his eyes and scanning his surroundings, recognizing the room as one of the Second Fleet's. As he glanced to the snoring wolf, he figured he must have taken them back there after he fell asleep. He giggled internally and gently nuzzled him. He thought it was the perfectly opportunity to let Raven sleep while he would tend to... other things. He was hungry. He should have returned to Lancer but why would he go all the way there if he had easy access to military mechs and ships from Second Fleet. Besides, he knew Lancer would not hold it against him. He carefully snuck out without waking Raven and made his way out, starting his reminiscing tour of the new Second Fleet. While much had changed structurally and technologically, not much had really changed at the core. Everything was mostly still in the same place and the scent in the air was still as familiar as it ever was. He looked around, seeing soldiers chatting in the commons and a bunch of activators like him in a dedicated hangar-like area where they talked amongst themselves and with their mechs, comparing each other and playfully challenging themselves. It seemed like it was their way to keep on edge. Alswaram thought to himself, wishing things were like that while he was in charge of Second Fleet. He felt a bit of jealousy, even. At the same time, he felt relief to see that activators were now respected. He wasn't a "machine lover" of a freak of nature anymore. At least, not in that sense. He knew his mechanical body was still freaky to most and he had grown not to mind the looks anymore.

As he explored the area, he eventually made his way to the maintenance bays, looking inside each of them at the various mechs and aircraft inside them, all set for maintenance. One of them caught his attention. Inside one of the bays was a large black mech, a hunter in the shape of a shark, much like his long lost love, except much larger and heavily armed. His heart skipped a beat as he looked at him. A whirlwind of emotions built up inside him. It has been three thousand years but there was no way he could have forgotten! The memories were still as fresh as they were. He dreamt about it. It haunted his nights. There was no mistake in his mind: this was the one who took the life of the shark he had once attempted to rescue. A myriad of emotions kept rushing through him. First anger, then sorrow, then anger again followed by hatred and over again. His holiday had just taken a whole different turn.

As he kept glaring at the mech, a large green dragon passed him and was about to enter the maintenance bay. Alswaram, in a moment of near-psychosis, grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. Luckily, no one else was around to assist the scene, otherwise he would have gotten into a lot more trouble than he already was going to be. He growled against the Kelva's neck.

  • Are you this murderous pile of junk's pilot?

The Kelva was frozen in surprise for an instant before pressing his pistol's barrel to Alswaram's flank.

  • Get the fuck off of me before I blast a hole through your side!

Alswaram was not in a state to listen. He was blinded by anger and grief, his mind clouded by the memories of the shark's life being drawn out of his body, memories which had been incessantly haunting his sleep for thousands of years. Had it been any normal organic being, they would have likely been driven to deep depression or suicide. But Alswaram's conversion to a cyborg had modified his coping mechanisms. He was still haunted by the memories but they did not affect him emotionally to the point of pushing him to suicide. Some would say thankfully but considering the thought of watching the same disturbing mental images like a movie every other night for thousands of years, it was more of a curse. Alswaram's struggle faded after a moment, just enough for the green dragon to hit him with a powerful blow of his pistol's stock.

  • What the fuck did you say about my partner, you psychotic imbecile?

The green dragon was about to hit Alswaram again before the blue dragon fell to the ground, taking the other by surprise. For someone that had barged into his hangar unannounced and looked so mechanically modified, he seemed weak.

  • The fuck?? Are you seriously going to pass out on me, you mechanical freak?!

He grabbed the blue dragon and lifted him up about to punch him hard before noticing the tears rolling down his metallic snout from his closed eyes.

  • What's wrong with you? You insult my partner then you check me into the wall and now you're crying about it? Did all the mechanical shit you modded yourself with make you screwed up in the head?

Alswaram had passed out cold. His cybernetics had equipped him with a failsafe to avoid emotional breakdowns and the result of that trigger was for him to black out. The green Kelva grabbed him and dragged him inside the bay to the black mech, tossing him to the ground.

  • Hey, Shadow. Look at what I found!

The mech's systems booted up, his shiny yellow eyes lighting up.

  • ~ Oh? You found a Kelva? ~

  • Yeah! He was right outside and the fucker tried to mess with me and he called you a murderous pile of junk. I hit him good and he passed out crying. I thought we should teach him a good lesson. You know what I mean?

The green dragon cracked his knuckles, ready to give Alswaram a beating.

  • ~ I have never seen him before. Any idea who he is? We could get in trouble if we hurt him. ~

  • Who gives a fuck? I won't let anyone talk shit about my partner!

  • ~ Thank you, Torva. But I really believe we should at least know who he is... let me look him up. Odd. He has no identification chip. Let me check his cybernetics's signature. There should be a barcode somewhere. ~

The mech scanned his vitals and his mechanical body.

  • ~ Well that can't be right... ~

  • What is it, Shadow?

  • ~ Your friend's more than 3000 years old. ~

  • Say what? Your sensors are fucked, Shadow. Are you sure you did it right?

  • ~ Positive. His name is Alswaram Osdanil. According to the archive file, he used to be Second Fleet's Commander before he quit suddenly and left for Lemuria. ~

  • Lemuria? On Terra? Sounds like he isn't your average idiot, then...

  • ~ Definitely not. His vitals are very weak. ~

  • What? I didn't hit him _that_hard...!

  • ~ Then maybe it was due to something else. Shock, perhaps? ~

Alswaram slowly stirred and groaned, his eyes opening and looking around.

  • Back to the living, eh?"

Alswaram barely moved before seeing the familiar green dragon and the huge black mech right above him, bolting him and getting held down by Torva.

  • Settle down, already! Look, I'm sorry for earlier. You just surprised the hell out of me. Shadow here says you're over 3000 years old?

Alswaram refused to talk. Not with the black mech looming right above him.

  • Look, Shadow says you were possibly in shock. What do you remember? Did something bad happen to you?

  • Shadow...? Who's Shadow...?

  • My partner, obviously. He's the one looking down at you right now... the one you called a "murderous pile of junk".

Alswaram was confused.

  • What are you talking about? His name is Storm and he murdered one of my officers! He killed my mate!

Torva was getting impatient. He had a short fuse and he did not like anyone insulting his partner.

  • Say that again and I'll cut your tongue! Shadow's equipped with powerful guns but he's primarily a medic, you imbecile! He's never murder anyone except to defend himself on the battlefield!

  • What...?

  • You said "Storm". Did you know the original?

  • If I knew him? Just enough to know he's a rogue AI and a killer!

  • You're psychotic! My partner was modeled after the original Storm model, that much is true. But he's been Sirius's foremost frontline medic for over 2000 years! He was rebuilt and I lucked out as this beautiful boy's pilot!

  • Wait... he's not the original...?

  • Of course not! He's the Mark 2. The original was never found! Are you daft or something?"

  • ~ Leave him be, Torva. Your name is Alswaram, correct? You were the commanding officer of the Second Fleet 3000 years ago? ~

  • ...Yeah. Until shit went down.

  • ~ I hate to ask but would you mind telling me what? ~

  • You read about it in the archives like anybody else, didn't you?

~ I care little for falsified reports and covered up gaffes by unscrupulous organics. ~

  • I lost two officers on that fateful day. Ol'rath went MIA and Reiken, he... he died. He died at the hands of your predecessor! His life was drained out of him! I saw his eyes glazed over and I saw this... abomination... come to life!

  • ~ So it's true... the original model ran on the life force of the pilot. You must have gone through so much. My scans detected multiple distressing psychological diagnostics. It's a wonder you're still sane, let alone out and about! ~

  • Wait, what?! Shadow, you're shitting me... You're telling me the original Storm model killed his first pilot?! And that pilot was his_mate,_ of all things? That's some heavy shit... no wonder you flipped out.

The green dragon looked at Alswaram with a bit more compassion.

  • But still, Shadow would never hurt anyone like that! When I was going to be disqualified from being a soldier, Shadow stepped in and willingly choose me as a pilot! I was a failure and he trained me from scratch. He's the best there is and I love him all more for it.

Alswaram looked up at the mech. If that was true, then he definitely was not the same one. He had been wrong and now he hit an officer and insulted his partner. He knew how it felt to have his partner insulted. Thankfully, Shadow was kind enough to not hold it against him and Torva started to feel sorry for Alswaram. It was just a case of mistaken identity.

  • Alswaram, right? Look, I'm really sorry I hit you. I didn't know. Shadow says it's fine so I'll let it slide. No hard feelings, alright?

Alswaram nodded slowly and the two shook hands.

  • I'm sorry too. I usually don't let my emotions get the best of me. Sorry for the intrusion... and especially, sorry to you Shadow, for insulting you. As an activator, that was shameful of me. I should get going, I was originally headed out for food. Say, do you know a good source of fuel around here?

  • Food? Didn't you just say you're an activator?

  • Yeah. Why?

"Well, by now I'm sure you can tell I'm one too. Would you like to share Shadow?

Alswaram had a moment of internal panic. He didn't want to see ungrateful but Shadow made him uncomfortable, for obvious reasons. Yet, at the same time, he was hungry and he was a bit shy about feeding on Lancer around Raven. It was best and most polite to accept the invitation.

  • Well... would that really be alright?

  • ~ Of course. I have no problems with it. I hope you find me to your liking. ~

The mech slid out two small hoses, each connected to a small pump in his fuel tanks. It didn't take long before each of them took one to their muzzle and started to nurse on it like a straw, loud purring coming from both of them as they fed to satiety with the mech's fresh fluid, not even noticing how close they got, their feeding being livened up by talk of the "new" Second Fleet from Torva and of Alswaram's stay in Lemuria. This moment of communion between mechanical activator and their partner was sacred, a privilege to activators and the very essence of being one. Alswaram and Torva saw their tails rubbing each other slowly, united by their feasting on Shadow's fluids. As if by magic, the previous moments were but distant memory. The present had isolated itself in a bubble, keeping the three of them frozen in time for an instant: two organics yielding to their instincts and a synthetic willingly letting them indulge. The activator "curse" suddenly was naught but a mere phantasm for Alswaram. It lasted for minutes but he relished in it, forgetting his troubles. As they finally let go of the hose, the two Kelva rubbed their snouts together, a common gesture of friendship between the Kelva. Alswaram almost hated to admit it, but Shadow was incredibly warm and comforting, and his fluids tasted like candy. Alswaram thought it made sense, as Shadow was a medic. As for Torva, he was only grateful he held no grudge. The gaze met and they felt a connection only mechanical activators can feel.

  • Thank you, Torva... for knocking some sense into me and for sharing your wonderful partner. And my deepest apologies to you, Shadow. Thank you the feast.

  • You're quite welcome, activator brother. Shadow always likes to share, heh heh.

  • ~ Mmm. That I do. Alswaram, I hope things work out for you. I can only imagine the pain and torture you have gone through, as an activator and through your life as an organic. Please, do not hesitate to ever call upon Torva and I. We will gladly help if we can. ~

  • Well said, Shadow. Be well, Alswaram.

As Alswaram made his way out, he saluted the two formally as it nothing special had happened, winking and waving as he headed out, making his way back to their room, finding the wolf pacing in front of it and turning towards Alswaram as he saw him with a disgruntled look on his face.

  • Hey! What's the big idea, leaving me alone like that?

  • Sorry, Raven. I just needed air and I was hungry.

  • Oh... that's okay. What happened to your muzzle?

  • Oh, nothing. Just inattention and I bumped into a wall accidentally.

The wolf shook his head and rubbed over it gently.

  • You really need to pay more attention... also, you smell like fuel. Oh, I see how it is... you went to have your breakfast, did you? I don't mind you being intimate with Lancer, you know...

  • S-Shut up, Rav... let's just go.

Alswaram didn't want Raven to know just how intimate things got between activators and their partners. It was his secret.

Just as they were going to spend a quiet day sightseeing, the familiar sound of the Fleet's alarm filled the air, the two seeing soldiers scrambling with gear in hand and getting their flight suits on, heading towards the launch bays. The wolf looked around him, not really knowing how to react.

  • Al, what's going on?!

  • Sounds like the general alarm. There's some kind of problem.

The dragon looked around, stopping a large dragon also seemingly headed towards the bays.

  • Wait, what's going on?

The red dragon was readying his weapons.

  • You? You're that one they're talking about.

  • Yeah. Name's Alswaram. I was in command here, once.

  • I heard the rumors. Well, can't you hear it? I'm not sure what it's about but they wouldn't sound the alarm if it wasn't something serious."

  • I'll grab my partner and then Raven and I will join into the fray I owe Sirius a favor...

  • Hmph. Suit yourself. We always meet up at the same coordinates, can't miss it.

The large Kelva handed Alswaram a scribbled piece of paper with Sirian cartesian coordinates on it.

  • Right, meet you there. Carry on, soldier!

The red dragon headed off, Alswaram taking Raven's paw and running back towards the city and to the spaceport, heading inside and making their way back to Lancer, who was already well aware of the commotion.

  • ~ About time you two showed up. There seems to be an unknown craft that just jumped into Sirian orbit. ~

  • So that's what it's all about. That doesn't sound good. Could be Arcturus making a move?

  • You really want to check it out, Al?

  • Well, yeah. I can't sit idly and there's also the fact that we won't get permission to leave until this matter is settled, so I'd rather get involved.

  • Alright... I get you. I'll go with you.

  • You sure, Raven? You can stay here. I'll come back and pick you up.

  • No, I want to go. Lancer may not be my usual partner but I'd go crazy staying here and waiting for you while twiddling my thumbs.

  • ~ I have no objections. You two climb in, now. We need to catch up. ~

The two climbed into the mech, Alswaram taking over the controls and launching them after he got permission from Sirius control. As he made his way out, he quickly picked up the gathered mechs and Sirian aircraft on the radars, flicking on comms and listening to the chatter between the mechs and aircraft.

We don't know what we're facing out there, Sir! We've already lost seven units to this thing, whatever it is!

Don't you think I know that, squid!? The only tactic we have left to try, which isn't even a viable tactic, is to attempt an all-out assault. M3, M4 and M5, on me. M6 and M7, flank him while M1 and M2 will approach from behind. The rest of you mech pilots, escort the aircraft back below and act as the capital's shield. Let's make this intruder sorry he tried messing with us!

Alswaram decided to follow the main force, hoping that Lancer's admittedly primitive cloaking system compared to theirs would buy them some time and allow them to assess the situation. Lancer's engines powered down to a low throb as he activated the cloak, taking them into Sirian orbit and soon getting blinded by explosions, several of the mechs and their pilots being blown out of space by a single, wide blue arc beam seemingly coming out of nowhere. Alswaram watched helplessly as the other mechs got fired at and taken out by single shots being fired from far away.

  • There's no way! What could be so powerful as to take out so many mechs in seconds?! It has to be a destroyer or some kind of warship!

Alswaram stayed silent but he shared Raven's panic. He still could see nothing at all on the radar, trying to figure out their next move until they suddenly got rammed in powerfully, the direct blow knocking their kinetic shields offline and deactivating their cloak. Not even Lancer was able to detect the object before it shook them up.

  • Lancer, what _was_that?!

~ I know nothing more than you do! Hold on, I have a visual. ~

A virtual window opened next to Alswaram and Raven, showing them live feed from the external sensors, seeing what looked like a mech flying away with unreal speed, its movements seeming like blinking as it seemed to warp all over the place.

  • Damn it! What _is_that thing!? It's like a phantom!

Alswaram opened a comm link.

Unidentified craft, you entered Sirian space and shot down multiple Sirian units. What is your motive? Answer now or you will face Sirius's wrath!

A heavily warped robotic voice came out from the speakers, filled with static and harsh distortion.

  • ~ Kill. Kill. Kill. ~

  • Well, at least we have an idea of its intentions...

  • AL!! I don't think it's time for witty sarcasm!

Then, all of a sudden, they got a proper look at their assailant as a massive black mech warped right in front of them. Alswaram's heart skipped more than one beat.

-You...! How!? Damn you!"

Raven didn't even have time to ask Alswaram anything before he turned on Lancer's energy lance and rammed right into the black mech, making them bounce off its black plates and not even making it flinch, the lance zapping offline on contact. They got immediate retaliation from the black mech as it suddenly hit them with a lightning quick hook of its right hand, rattling Lancer's hull and the two within.

  • ~ Kill. Kill. Kill. ~

  • SHUT UP!

Alswaram tried to ram him again, the black mech blinking and warping out of the way.

Lancer ran a scan in an attempt to match signals and energy traces with known database entries. When the results returned, he knew they had to retreat, if only temporarily.

  • ~ Alswaram, I am warping us out. We are no match for this mech and its pilot. ~

  • WHAT?? Lancer!

The mech took back control and warped them out without warning. They reappeared much further, just at the edge of the Sirian star system. In the meantime, the black mech had suddenly vanished out of thin air as they had warped out, nowhere to be seen.

  • Lancer! What is the meaning of this?

Raven was confused. He had no knowledge of this mech and he did not understand why Alswaram was suddenly so angry. For one of the very rare times, Lancer's usually calm voice sounded a bit distressed and was saturated with trebling.

  • ~ Alswaram... I got a match with the vocal signal from the mech. Although it was highly distorted, the signature is unmistakable. The vocal signal belongs to Sorvaa'hr Ol'rath. ~

As Alswaram heard the mech's words, he was stunned. How could that be? What exactly had happened 3000 years ago? How did Sorvaa'hr ever get involved with this mech and why? There was no way they could take him on by themselves. The mech had already taken out several of the best units the Sirian forces had. As much as Alswaram hated to admit it, Lancer was right; they had to pull back and reevaluate their options. Returning to Sirius was not an optimal course of action, since the mech had likely registered their signature and could follow them there. Raven spoke up.

  • Hey, Al...? What about this "Arcturus"?

  • Arcturus? What the hell are you thinking about now?

  • Well, they're not exactly allies but they're not enemies either, right? I read that they're a highly militarized star system with a near totalitarian regime. Maybe if we head there and explain the situation...

  • Raven, I don't think it's wise to put the council in more trouble than-

~ Al, if we do not act, there will no longer be a council to give trouble to! ~

The mech's words were delivered with an unusually harsh and urgent tone which betrayed Lancer's usually calm nature. Even Alswaram was forced to admit that in his selfishness and his desire to get back to Storm, he hadn't quite thought about the fact that Sirius could be in major trouble if Storm was to attack the capital. Seeing as how easily he took out several of the Second Fleet's best pilots, Sirius was no match for it. Thankfully, Storm had seemingly vanished at the same time they had warped out. Were they Storm's initial target? Also, how did Storm ever get so powerful? So many questions and so little answers for them. Either way, now was not the time to ponder about that sort of thing. They had to reach Arcturus, and fast. The mech's engines roared and ignited, accelerating to jump speed and warping them out, setting a course for the not-so-distant Arcturian system. As they exited the hyperspace window, they were immediately greeted by two large spacecraft with their main cannons pointed at them. Alswaram quickly opened a channel.

I apologize for the intrusion. I am Alswaram Osdanil, a Sirian officer and ex-commander of Sirius's Second Fleet. We have come on friendly terms. Sirius was just engaged by an unknown craft. It took out over a dozen mech units by itself. We were hoping to meet with the Arcturian leaders to explain the situation and figure out a collective course of action.

Say that again, Sirian? A dozen mechs? By a single craft?

Affirmative, Sir. It uses weapons I've never seen before and it was piloted by... Well, I'm not sure what was piloting it. We know it's not an Arcturian weapon and we would prefer not to alarm the Sirian council with more chaos than there already is over there after these events. As such, consider us acting independently from Sirius.

Quite a story you have there, Sirian. Very well. Let me see what I can do."

The silence seemed to last hours. To Alswaram, each minute was important from here on. When the Arcturian ship replied, Alswaram was relieved to hear their positive response. It seemed like Arcturians were not savages, after all. That's the vision most Sirians had of them. They were a heavily militarized nation with a slightly racist totalitarian regime and that rarely got them the favor of anyone else. Dealing with them was like walking over eggshells.

Very well. Our General says he will meet with you. Stand by and power down your reactors as we escort you to Arcturus's surface.

Alswaram obeyed and powered down the engines. They were not in any position to protest. It was already a miracle that Arcturus would even consider helping them. Raven was not as relieved.

  • Al...? What if we're walking into a trap? What if they're in cahoots with that mech?

  • Storm? Not a chance. They shouldn't be aware of Storm in the first place, especially not if Sorvaa'hr's piloting. Sorv wouldn't have that. Not after 3000 years and not ever...

  • Wait, you _know_him?!

  • Yeah. Sorry, Rav... I didn't mean to keep anything from you. Thing is, even after 3000 years, it still hurts. I was once Sorvaa'hr's CO. And Storm killed the one who used to be my mate. So yeah, you can bet your ass I want payback.

  • You say that so coldly... you sound like a completely different Al...

  • Don't get me wrong, Rav... I feel like bawling my eyes out. I feel like breaking my knuckles on the nearest hard surface. But I can't afford that. Not now. I have 3000 years of accumulated grief and I won't rest until the Ha'tam (that's the Sirian equivalent to the "devil" - ed.) has paid its dues.

Raven admired Alswaram's strength. But to Alswaram, it wasn't strength; he was running on pure vengeance. He knew it was unhealthy but he could not let go. Some may have had been able to do that but not him. And yet, Alswaram didn't feel any anger or resentment towards Sorvaa'hr. Truth be told, he felt sorry for him. In his mind, there was no doubt that Storm was controlling him and using him. Sorvaa'hr was always the asshole type but he was not the murderous asshole type. That much he knew. After all, he once rescued him when others would have abandoned him. If anything, the hunt for Storm was a hunt for Sorvaa'hr's deliverance, for Reiken's redemption and for Alswaram's mourning. As they finally docked on Arcturus, Lancer scanned the atmosphere.

  • ~ Alswaram, I suggest you give Raven one of the filter masks in my lower compartment. The atmosphere here is similar to that of Terra but it is high in fine particles and ozone. It would get irritating on his throat. ~

  • Thanks, Lancer. I'll do that.

As they landed safely, the two climbed out of the mech and Alswaram reached for a small panel on Lancer's left leg, pulling out two small masks equipped with particle filters. They were greeted by a surprisingly large lizard-like being, not too much different from the Sirian Kelva, only minus the dragon-like traits. They all seemed to wear the same tan-colored uniform with the Arcturian insignia, to depict the unity of Arcturians, their patriotism and duty to their nation. The lizard activated his translator device then asked if the two understood him, to which they nodded.

  • Excellent. Ah, I see you already have masks.

  • Yes, the typical Sirian anatomy is not fit for this planet's atmosphere.

  • And what about you, then? You don't need one?

  • I'm a special case, you see...

The lizard gave Alswaram a curious glare, figuring his cybernetics compensated for everything.

  • I see... suit yourself, then. This way, please.

  • Wait... what about Lancer?

  • Your unit will be tended to. As you know if you're Sirian as you say, we're a largely militarized nation. We know how to tend to machines like yours.

Alswaram got a little upset as he heard that. He felt insulted by this lizard calling Lancer a mundane machine. But what did he know, anyway? He told himself he was simply ignorant. He told him that at least Lancer would be tended to. But his activator nature could not keep silent.

  • I'm sure you do, Sir. But this one is not a random battle unit. He's my partner, the one I share my life with. If anything happens to him, if someone upsets him, they will answer to me.

  • Your... partner?

  • Yes. Suffice to say, consider Lancer my mate.

  • Right... I see. I will make sure he is tended to by our best mechanics.

  • Much appreciated... thank you.

In that moment, Raven realized he sadly may never be able to eclipse Lancer as Alswaram's lover. He simply felt relief in the fact Alswaram treated him like one. The two were led into a large complex, which looked more like cheap steel barracks than a planetary leader's quarters. Arcturus was so much different from Sirius. Both had the basic knowledge of Arcturus, Alswaram from his time in the military and the younger Raven from his time in Sirian school before he had moved to Terra with his parents, both of which were already long gone. The atmosphere was constantly laced with ozone pollutants, which made the sky look slightly reddish-yellow and ominous. When one of the rare Arcturian "magnetic storms" would rage, the sky would turn bright yellow and you would need to cover your eyes with protective wear otherwise your retinas would burn in minutes and you'd go blind. Architecturally, Arcturus was rather drab. It had only one major city, with everything made of various metallic alloys found in the planet's rich mineral veins. Most of the Arcturian capital's buildings were simple, unremarkable squared buildings, giving the impression that Arcturians were rather primitive (which they were definitely not, at least technologically). The rest were small nomadic settlements with dome-shaped huts covered by a metallic film which would protect the inhabitants. What made Arcturus so powerful is their regime, a near-dictatorship, driven by miltiary power and organization and fueled by propanganda and strict social conventions.

As they entered the building, Raven couldn't help but let his eyes wander all around him, thinking to himself how cold and clinical this place was compared to Sirius. He supposed that's what you get for a nation like Arcturus. Alswaram, on the other hand, found it somewhat comforting. Of course, he was much different. As a mechanical activator, he found the metallic walls and the sounds filling the air quite relaxing, whereas the wolf found it all a bit unnerving. They were taken past hallways and past commons with several vehicles and soldiers into an adjacent hallway, where at the end of the hall, a single muscular and intimidating sand-colored lizard with a snake-like head hissed his words.

  • I take it you two are the Sirians who are scheduled to see the General? Make it snappy, he's busy and had other things to tend to outside of Sirians pleading for help.

Raven managed to collect himself and stay unswayed by his insulting remarks but he understood why Sirians saw Arcturians as they did. "What an asshole", Raven thought to himself. Just the image Sirians have of Arcturians. He hoped the General would be a bit more receptive, but he doubted it. As the door opened, they were greeted into a surprisingly nice office (at least, considering the rest of the place). The floor was covered in a layer of shiny reflective foil and the side walls were covered with shelves and what seemed like thousands of books in them. The back wall had multiple mounts with various decorative weapons and charts of some sort. A surprisingly frail and average-built lizard was standing behind his large metallic desk. The two saluted formally before the lizard addressed them.

  • Welcome, Sirians. Sit.

The lizard motioned them to sit on the chairs in front of them, which they did. Alswaram took it upon himself to speak up first.

  • I am deeply sorry for intruding on Arcturian space and taking some of your precious time to meet us. Returning to Sirius was impossible and you were the best alternative option we had.

The lizard frowned.

  • A smooth talker. Cut the crap, will you? Get to the damn point. You didn't come here for a leisurely vacation, did you?

  • No, Sir. As you may have heard, Sirius was engaged by an unknown craft. This craft took out over a dozen mech units and their pilots in minutes. We barely got out ourselves. What I failed to mention to the escorts is that I may know this craft and its pilot.

  • I knew there was a catch. Keep talking.

  • You see, this craft is a Sirian experimental mech which dates back from 3000 years ago. I stumbled upon it in a secret Sirian facility. One of my subordinates vanished that day and my potential mate at the time lost his life to this mech. Its codename is "Storm".

The lizard put his feet on his desk and Raven was fuming at how he didn't seem to care or take them seriously.

  • And you're telling me you're 3000 years old?

  • Yes, Sir. 3031, to be precise. As you can see, I've undergone several body mods which made me over 75% machine. That's how I was able to last this long. Although you can probably tell my time's running short. Time eventually catches up to you.

For for the first time, the lizard chuckled slightly.

  • Indeed, it does. I could tell you a thing or two about that. Go on.

  • Right, so Storm seems to be back from nowhere. And the pilot is likely to be the subordinate of mine which went MIA back then."

  • So his body is likely dead and his consciousness was uploaded into this "Storm" and you think this rogue AI is using him?

This General kept nothing wrapped in silk thread. His cold theory made Alswaram's heart feel tight in his chest.

  • That's one possible explanation, yes...

  • Quite the story you have there. I imagine you might expect my next question. Why didn't you alert the Sirian authorities?

  • I did, Sir. You see, I've been living on another planet. Back 3000 years ago, I moved to Terra, on a Sirian colony there. I had no contact with the Sirian homeworld and so, I feel like I don't want to burden them with it. Not to mention, things have changed so much since I last was there. How would I tell them that this mech from 3000 years ago is back to haunt us? They would pass me for senile!

  • Hm. A fair point. Do you think you're the reason it came back?

  • The thought certainly crossed my mind, yes. Although I don't get why now and why not come to Terra to hunt me down. Maybe Sorvaa'hr wants revenge because I let Reiken - who was not only my mate but also his squad mate - die in out there that day.

  • Hmph. You seem like you're the kind to attract trouble.

Alswaram had no answer to that. He had to admit the General had a point. Trouble seems to follow him. He nodded.

  • Perhaps it wasn't wise to come here, General... I certainly don't want to put Arcturus in a-

  • Silence, Sirian! I'm trying to think, here!

The General seemed to be analyzing his options. Arcturus obviously had much to gain from Sirius's scholars and artisans. Besides the art of war, Arcturus didn't seem to be the place where you'd get your portrait painted. And if Storm was a Sirian weapon, it was also obvious that Sirius was much more technologically advanced than they seem to be and Arcturus would benefit from it. The lizard stood up and looked at them.

  • I will get a proper room prepared for you. I need time to assess the situation and discuss a course of action with my advisors.

  • Sir...! While I am grateful that you would even consider helping us, I can't afford to put Arcturus and Sirius in an even more awkward position. None of us need even more difficult diplomatic talks... or worse.

The lizard looked at Alswaram and displayed a slight grin.

  • Oh, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this because it's highly likely that this thing will now head our way, thanks to you coming here. I'll provide military support but you better be ready to take it on when the time comes.

  • Sir... Thank you, Sir!

Alswaram stood up and saluted formally, with Raven following suit. The General saluted in return, then bringing the lizard that had escorted them back inside the office.

  • Pavlen here will show you to your room. Get some rest. Things will get busy.

  • Will do, Sir.

As they headed out, the lizard showed them around towards the living quarters.

  • So I take it things went alright?

  • Yeah. The General is a surprisingly flexible man. Strict and stern, but flexible.

  • Yes, that's why he's the leader here. He's a flawless tactician as well.

  • I see... that's good to hear. It's shame most Sirians think Arcturians are brutes. You're quite a gentleman.

  • A compliment from a Sirian? I'll keep this one, if you don't mind. You two are not at all like I pictured Sirians to be, either. Perhaps there is hope for our two nations to be allies, after all.

  • I like to think so, yes.

Alswaram and the lizard chatted casually as the two were shown to a room with two small beds. It was nothing to write home about but for a nation like Arcturus, it was surprisingly decent. Alswaram thanked Pavlen and locked the door behind them as they prepared to nap for a while. As Alswaram laid down on one of the beds, Raven sat down on the other and seemed to get lost in thought. Alswaram looked over to him.

  • What's wrong, Raven? Thinking about home? You've been awful quiet since we got here.

  • Well, yeah. It's been a while already. I wonder what's happening over there...

  • I do too. Don't worry, when this is all over, we can get back to our normal life.

  • Hey, Al...?

  • Yeah?

  • You're coming back, right...? With me?

Alswaram almost took offense at Raven's words.

  • Of course. What are you on about, silly?

  • Earlier... you didn't sound like yourself. I felt something scary from you. You were boiling with rage and grief. If this Sorvaa'hr came back... would you go with him?

  • What? Raven, don't talk like that! All I want from this is to close the loop. Mourn the loss of my previous mate and give him peace, offer a chance at redemption to Sorvaa'hr and end the threat that is Storm for everyone.

  • I just... worry that you won't want to be with me anymore...

  • What?? Get that shit out of your head, right now! You're my mate now and I love you.

Raven sighed deeply in relief as Alswaram got up and sat on the bed next to him, taking him into a deep, tender kiss. The dragon slowly laid down over him, snuggling deeply against him and wrapping his tail around his leg. After hearing Raven's concerns, he felt the need to reiterate his love to his mate. Not to mention, he needed the distraction from his own thoughts constantly racing.

  • Raven, my love. It doesn't matter where we are. Even at the edge of the Arcturian system, my love for you is real. You and Lancer are the only ones pushing me on. I won't let anyone take you away from me!

Alswaram kissed his way up his chest and smiled tenderly to him, to which Raven's response was a slight blush. Raven didn't want to admit it, but making out on an alien planet was pretty hot to him. Alswaram found Raven's blushing encouraging and he slowly moved his body up, moving his tail playfully and brushing the wolf's sheath with it, which made Raven gasp and groan quietly. It didn't take long for his sheath to fill, aroused by his thoughts and by the dragon's motions. Alswaram was amused by Raven's squirming as he made his way down and nuzzled his sheath and balls deeply, Raven's lupine musk making him purr gently and drawing soft moans from the wolf as the dragon's rumbling purr kept sending shivers up his spine, hoping the walls around there didn't carry sound too much. Alswaram grinned.

  • So, should I stop here or do you want me to show you how much I love you?

  • Al...! Oooh! P-Please don't stop...

Clearly, Raven was in need of attention and Alswaram was happy to oblige. He gently proceeded to fondle Raven's aching and slightly swollen balls as he moved his muzzle and tended to his sheath as the wolf's cock was quick to slide free and stand proudly at attention. After several deep, playfully slow and languorous licks to Raven's warm and musky cock, Alswaram was already getting rewarded with the wolf's first spurts of precum, which he was quick to swallow. Raven was getting increasingly vocal, which made Alswaram chuckle and hope the room was properly sound-proof while Raven was getting even more aroused from the thought of them being heard. In an effort to get it done as soon as possible before the wolf alerted the whole sector, he swallowed Raven's cock whole and let his tongue do most of the work, its thickness and softness making the wolf squirm quite heavily as he gently tugged on his balls. He began a deep sucking motion, alternating between the playful licks and progressively deeper sucking, the wolf moaning more and calling his dragon's name deeply as Alswaram felt the wolf's knot flare quite a bit, his palate suddenly being sprayed several times by thick, gooey ropes of lupine cum, Alswaram reveling in the salty and musky taste, before eagerly swallowing his mate's treat, cleaning him softly before pulling back and smiling tenderly to him, pulling him in a soft, loving hug. The wolf was already just about to pass out from exhaustion and Alswaram knew he needed the rest as well. The two kissed deeply and lovingly.

  • I love you, Rav. Sweet dreams, my sweet love.

  • I love you too, Al... sleep well, my cyber dragon.

As the wolf closed his eyes under him and drifted to sleep, Alswaram kept him warm for a while, making sure he was sound asleep before he slowly got up. He wasn't done yet. He felt guilty for leaving his side, but he felt he had to. However much part him felt like staying with his wolf and sleeping cuddled up right there, his body had other ideas, which he didn't want Raven to see. He sneaked out of the room, starting his way back, asking for directions along the way. As it turned out, Lancer was kept in one of the maintenance bays. As he made his way through the commons, the lingering scent of mechs filled his nostrils and made him shiver. The recent romp with Raven had made him even more worked up. He picked up the pace and made his way to the lined up maintenance bays, finding the one with Lancer and entering, waving to his partner, making his way over to him. The mechanics and technicians had done their work already and he was glad to find Lancer alone.

  • How are you, sweety?

  • ~ Al? What are you doing here? ~

  • What, I can't visit my partner? How are they treating you?

  • ~ Rather nicely, surprisingly. The technician was impressively thorough and meticulous in his work. The poor fellow thought I was one of the inanimate armors. He almost screamed when I spoke to him to not touch my ass. ~

Alswaram laughed at that. Lancer had his whimsical moments. He took pleasure in teasing others by scaring unsuspecting people with his deep voice or by starting his engines right as someone passed by his exhaust vents. Of course, Alswaram was eager to partake in those games.

  • It's good he serviced you... I'm really hungry, love...

  • ~ Oh? There's a nozzle connected to the main fuel line there. ~

  • D-Don't be silly... I don't want that tasteless junk... I want it from the tap.

Alswaram was now fully relaxed. He did his best never to show his real feelings in front of anyone - even other mechanical activators - but once he was alone with Lancer, he could relax and be himself.

  • ~ Is that so? I guess I can let you have some of it. Don't be too greedy, though. ~

  • Awww... I can't help it if you're too damn tasty!

Alswaram moved in and opened a panel on the mech's side, dragging down a hose and starting to nurse on it with the urgency of a hatchling, the bittersweet fluid soon splashing his muzzle, filling himself to his heart's content and rubbing his belly as he purred heavily, snuggling against the mech.

  • ~ You do realize I will ask for compensation? ~

Alswaram looked up at him. He knew exactly what Lancer meant. Lancer loved to please his partner and Alswaram reveled in his playfulness, playing along with him.

  • Oh? I don't know what you could possibly want out of me, my hulking partner...

  • ~ No? I want to make you scream and roar for me. I want you to beg me to stop. ~

Alswaram blushed deeply at that, knowing what was coming. After making sure no one could get inside the bay, he took off all his gear and exposed himself to his partner. Although he was only an AI, Lancer was old enough to have learned extensively about all sorts of subjects, including anatomy and sexuality. He had grown to find Alswaram to be "attractive" and "sexy". Of course, the feelings were mutual. Whereas a normal being would get turned on by the other's pheromones, Alswaram got turned on by Lancer's deep and rich exhaust scent. Lancer knew that very well. The mech moved a bit, just so Alswaram was straight in the path of his exhaust vents, his engines starting up with a deep growl and spraying the hapless dragon with the hot exhaust gasses, drawing a deep moan from him.

  • Lancer! You... You...!

  • ~ Sexy? Wonderful? Amazing? Yes, yes, I know. Heh heh heh! ~

All Alswaram could do is moan deeply as he got forced to breathe in the mech's strong scented gasses for a moment, his cock sliding out quickly and throbbing painfully. The thrill never failed to set him off. It would take but a small push for the dragon to blow his load all over the mech's plates and Lancer was eager to have that happen. He slid out a small spade-shaped feeler probe and sneaked it under Alswaram's tail. Originally meant as an atmospheric scanning device, it was perfect in size and in shape for Lancer to use it as a pleasuring object to set off Alswaram's climax, said dragon who soon growled out, nearly roaring in pleasure as he felt it press past his tight tail hole. Not to mention, its flexible end was perfect to repeatedly hit the dragon's sensitive inner walls, which made him pant quickly and thrust heavily in the air. He grabbed his cock and moaned deeply as he felt the mech probing and prodding until he closed his eyes and roared out deeply, generous spurts of hot cum splattering over the mech's plates then collapsing against him, trying to catch his breath. The mech revved his engines deeply several times, the heat and vibrations flowing against his body making him moan and making him tremble in pleasure throughout his afterglow, calling Lancer's name and begging him to stop.

  • L-Lancer! P-Please...! I'm gonna pass out, love...!

  • ~ Oh? Well, we can't have that, can we? ~

The mech's engines died down slowly, leaving the dragon reeling and panting quite heavily, snuggling and holding onto him as he usually did whenever they had private time like this. What they didn't know, was that Raven had woken up without Alswaram next to him and he figured he had gone to visit Lancer. He had entered the bay and had been watching for a little while. Lancer was first to spot him.

  • ~ We have a spy, Al. ~

The dragon turned and saw Raven standing there, smiling.

  • Feel better, my cyber dragon?

  • Raven! I... Well... FUCK! I didn't want you to see this, love! I-

The wolf made his way over and hushed him, planting a kiss on his snout.

  • You silly dragon. You know you don't have to hide this from me. I'm well aware of what you are and I don't mind. If I did, I wouldn't have followed you here and I wouldn't stick with you the way I do.

  • I can't help but feel so dirty...

  • Well, you're not. I've heard of a bunch of weird stuff some people are into. As a mech pilot myself, I don't find it all that weird. My own partner's smell makes me relax, honestly. It actually makes me think I should treat him like less of a tool and more of a partner.

  • Raven...

The wolf smiled to him and nuzzled him gently, shivering and coughing a little at the strong scent still hanging heavy in the air.

  • Although I have to admit, you've got one hell of a strong scent, Lancer.

Lancer's tail swished happily at that.

  • ~ Heh, I will take that as a compliment, mind you! ~

  • Hehe... I guess it is, somewhat.

  • ~ I know the space is cramped in there but I would really like if you both rested within me. I will keep you warm and safe as you sleep. ~

The wolf nodded and smiled, happy to oblige.

  • Of course. I don't mind and I don't think Al would, either.

  • Of course not. I'd love to. Thanks, Rav... I love you. And you, Lancer.

As the mech's canopy hissed softly and slid open, Raven climbed up with Alswaram and the two snuggled up tightly inside, nuzzling each other and Raven blushing at the dragon's body still bore the mech's pungent scent. Yet, he did not pull back one bit. He actually reveled in it now and happily snuggled his mate, the two of them slowly drifting to sleep as the mech kept a protective watch on them.

The two only woke up around twenty hours later. Alswaram nuzzled his wolf and snuggled him close, kissing him tenderly.

  • Sleep well?

  • Not so bad, considering... I guess I was tired enough to sleep despite my thought box running rampant.

  • Heh, I can relate.

  • ~ Good to hear you two slept a bit, at least. ~

Raven smiled softly.

  • Thanks to you, in part. You're so warm. I can get why Al likes you so much.

~ I'll take that as a compliment. ~

  • Oh, it was. We should sleep like this more often. And next time, maybe I can be a little more intimate with you, Lancer. I owe you that much. You've been so wonderful to me and Al.

  • ~ That would make me quite happy. Thank you both. ~

As the canopy slid open and the two stepped out of the mech's plates, they were greeted by an Arcturian soldier not too long after. A gruff, large-built black lizard hissed softly, saluting nonchalantly, clearly not too thrilled at the presence of Sirians on Arcturus.

  • The General asks for your presence. Hustle!

Raven didn't like him one bit and he was not as good as Alswaram to hide his feelings, not even taking the effort to salute back like Alswaram did. The dragon nodded to him and "diplomatically" made him understand they needed the rest and that they would meet with the General as soon as possible.

  • Very well. Don't dawdle around, the General's being gracious but he's got a short fuse.

  • We'll keep that in mind, Sir. Thank you for the reminder.

  • Hmph. As you were, then.

The lizard hissed and turned back, heading out. Alswaram and Raven knew they had a long day ahead. Lancer suddenly spoke out.

  • ~ I have been thinking... ~

  • Oh? What sort of thoughts are running through your mind matrix now?

  • ~ Do not make fun of me! I am serious, here. While you two were sleeping, I was thinking about where Storm could possibly be staying at while he's not around... ~

  • And?

  • ~ What if he went back? Back to his origins. ~

  • His origins...? I don't under... wait. Do you mean he went back_there_?

  • ~ Well, it's certainly a possibility. That facility was brought down after the events 3000 years ago, yes? What if Storm went back there? It's the only place he knows, after all. ~

  • Don't act as if Storm's got a proper mind!

  • ~ Why not? You know as well as I do that he's not just some mindless killing machine! You want to believe that to make it easier for you but deep down, as an activator, you know it won't be so easy as to just shoot him down. Keep denying, Al. But you'll have to face the music sooner or later. ~

  • You're amazingly good at bursting my bubble, at times...

  • ~ I do not take pleasure in it, Al! This is as difficult for me as it is for you. The last thing I want is for you to lose your composure at a critical moment. And I also do it because I feel it is my responsibility as your partner. Because I love you. ~

Raven was impressed at the display of such complex thoughts and emotions Lancer was giving. He was not nicknamed "gallant knight" for nothing. It was far more than just because of the huge energy spear he had as his main weapon gave him a knightly look. He was a smooth talker and he was driven by a strict code of loyalty towards Alswaram and a strong sense of honor towards his opponents. Alswaram, on the other hand, was rather distressed. He knew his partner was right. What if Storm had also taken Sorvaa'hr? What if he was already dead, or half-dead, only kept alive by Storm's systems. The thought horrified him, even as an activator. Not even Sorvaa'hr deserved such a tragic fate.

After all, outside of all the scientists, as far as he knew, Storm had only been in contact with two people: Reiken, whose life he had drained out to boot his systems up and himself, who had observed the scene and cursed Storm's name. What if Sorvaa'hr had gone back? It wasn't unlike him to act on his own and go against impossible odds to accomplish something. Except this time, he may have had taken the one mission he couldn't see through. If it was truly Sorvaa'hr's voice which came out of Storm, that would mean he had come into contact with Sorvaa'hr as well. Did Storm also take his life force away?

  • Hey Lancer...?

  • ~ Yes, Al? ~

  • Kind of a late time to ask that, but... How does Storm actually work? I mean, I saw him drain Reiken's life away... but how does that actually work? What does he actually take from the person? And why would anyone do that? Why would they create a mech like that?

  • ~ I knew you would ask, eventually. As you might know, any living being has a biorhythm. That biorhythm is driven by electrical influx to the brain and courses all over the body. In the end, the brain is like a living supercomputer, vitals organs are the batteries and the nerves carry the electric current to and from the brain and the rest of the organs. No matter what you call it, this "life energy" is electro-magnetic current. Outside of the consumption of mechanical fluids, the reason you were dubbed "activators" is your increased ability as pilots and your unusual ability to power up machines by merely "tuning in" to them, much like you would connect any device to an electrical outlet. The body on its own carries only so much energy but if you were to tweak a living being's energy field and focus it to be strong enough, you could use it to power a machine... and that is what you activators can do. They modified your body to the cellular level, modifying the mitochondrion's output of energy to make the brain produce and store much more powerful electric influx. ~

  • Right... I understand that much. Where are you headed with this?

  • ~ What if you by-passed the living being's brain and instead transferred a large amount of this energy directly into an external artificial brain-like structure? ~

  • Wait, what? Are you saying Storm is a sentient being...?

  • ~ I do not think so. However, it seems clear to me that he causes general hyperactivity of the metabolism, draining the life out of the being and basically fast-forwarding the aging process. Moreover, what if he does not just drain chemical energy but also can duplicate the very identity of the ones he drains? ~

  • The DNA? Wait are you saying... he's copying Sorvaah'hr right now?

  • ~ I think so. And given Sorvaa'hr nature, Storm may be increasingly aggressive because of Sorvaa'hr's naturally defiant and rash behavior. ~

  • That makes me think... why did he let us leave? He definitely could have finished us off.

  • ~ Yes. I can think of two possibilities: either Sorvaa'hr is in there somehow, holding Storm back or another force is holding back Sorvaa'hr's nature. ~

  • Reiken! It has to be him! He was always behind Sorvaa'hr, acting like his conscience.

  • ~ Hmm. The explanation is certainly tangible. Either way, we could certainly exploit that as a weakness. ~

  • You think so?

~ It's worth a shot. However... if it fails, you need to be ready for battle. We will have to stop Storm, no matter what.

  • I know that...

  • ~ You two should meet with the General before he blows a gasket. ~

  • Yeah... let's go, Rav.

The wolf nodded slowly, feeling a bit jealous at the thought of Alswaram being so worked up at the mention of Reiken. He felt competition but at the same time, he knew it was Alswaram being in denial, having failed to fully mourn his loss and still hanging on to the thought of Reiken still alive. At least, Alswaram's gentle nuzzles and tight hug as they headed out made Raven feeling slightly comforted and faithful that he really was Alswaram's mate and not just a temporary replacement. As they finally entered the General's office, he was calmly standing with his back turned to them as the two both saluted before the General finally turned towards them after a moment.

  • You're late...

  • Our apologies, General. We slept much longer than we anticipated.

  • No matter, considering your previous ordeal. Have you thought about a course of action?

  • Yes and no. We think we can exploit a weakness and it may give us the edge to stop Storm without having to resort to destroying him.

  • I must have heard wrong. Are you planning to _reason_with the enemy?"

  • With all due respect, Sir... the "enemy" may have absorbed the consciousness of my co-patriots. I will not simply destroy what could possibly be recovered.

  • You Sirians are too soft...

  • Perhaps we are. But we do not simply abandon our own, even after 3000 years. We never forget. No one is left behind.

  • And _that_kind of compassionate behavior might lead you to your deaths.

  • If you will excuse the impertinence, I will be the judge of that and I will take responsibility for what happens. You are free to defend Arcturus as you feel suitable. However, I fully plan to do things my way.

  • Hmph. You have balls, I will give you that much.

  • Heh, flattery will get you nowhere, General.

For the first time, the stern General gave a weak chuckle.

  • I will provide whatever you need.

  • Thank you. Lancer is all I need. We will leave within the next few hours.

  • Very well. We will prepare accordingly. Do not hesitate to ask if there is anything else within reason that we can provide.

  • Thank you, General. Your graciousness is appreciated. When this is over, I will make sure to let Sirius know that Arcturus is a respected nation which Sirius would benefit more as allies than as rivals.

Their eyes crossed, Alswaram and the General understanding each other, speaking the same language, albeit with different outlooks.

  • Your wisdom and skillful tactical analysis precedes you, Alswaram Osdanil. I wish you the best.

Alswaram and the General shook hands and Raven saluted politely, which the General returned. As the two headed out and made the way back to Lancer, Alswaram seemed to have renewed confidence in himself and Raven felt relaxed at that, even though he still believed they were likely not to return from this. He thought Alswaram's confidence was likely a facade for his resignation. He too, likely thought this was a suicide mission. Lancer was waiting for them in the maintenance bay, the two climbing in and settling in, closing the canopy and making their way out towards the launch platforms. As they launched and took off, Alswaram set the coordinates for the research facility - coordinates which he had cleverly recovered from Lancer's scanning of the Sirian archives during their previous stay - the godforsaken place where he lost his shark so long ago. Although, as they entered orbit and saw the derelict ruins of the facility, Alswaram was rushed with the familiar, terrifying images of Reiken's life fading in front of him. His spine seemed to twist and he had to battle his mind to keep going.

  • ~ We were right. Storm is here. The signal is fairly strong. ~

Alswaram wondered what had happened back then. Why did Storm stay there so long and not attack Sirius or even Lemuria? Storm's actions were a mystery to him. Raven felt helpless. He felt like he was nothing but additional luggage but Alswaram had told him he was glad to have him and that was enough for him. He still missed home but he had no biological family to return to and the feelings he had for the cyber dragon were stronger than his homesickness. As they docked at one of the facility's platforms, Alswaram checked Lancer's systems and found that life support was still active. He opened Lancer's canopy and stepped out with Raven.

  • ~ That is odd. Why would the station's life support and gravity diffusers still be active after all this time? ~

  • He's expecting me...

Raven looked at Alswaram alarmingly.

  • What? Have you lost your mind? You're not going to go see him, are you?

  • You stay with Lancer, Raven... I'll be back soon...

At that moment, Raven knew. He understood what Alswaram had in mind all this time and he wasn't sure if he wanted to beat sense into him or just let go. It had come to this. Alswaram believed he was the only one able to stop Storm for good. It was him that Storm wanted and he felt it was his duty to put a stop to it all. Although, deep within him, Alswaram thought it was fitting atonement, for failing to save Reiken and letting Sorvaa'hr get dragged into it all. He loved Raven with all of his heart but he could not bear the thought of dragging another into the mess he felt he had caused in the first place. It took Raven all of his strength to just hug Alswaram and kiss him gently, giving him one last tender nuzzle before he let him go.

  • You hurry up and get this done, Al. When you get back, we can head home together and have a big fucking party and we'll have Lancer be our glorious carriage into the Lemurian sunset.

  • Heh. Yeah, I always wanted to have Lancer be all dressed up and look like all knightly and glorious. See you soon, Rav... be good to Lancer, ok? He gets lonely."

  • Of course. You be careful out there...

With a soft smile displaying Alswaram's typical composure, the dragon headed further in, leaving Raven behind. Raven's eyes watered and he had to wipe his eyes, bracing himself not to cry.

  • ~ Raven... why? ~

  • I had to, Lancer... he's not mine. He never truly was. I understand that, now. I know he's not coming back but I couldn't hold him back. I was just there, a spectator watching events unfurl in front of him. I was just there to carry him through the hardest times. I have no real home, I have no family. You're all I have left now. Let's make sure Al gets through this, ok?

~ Yes... let us do just that. ~

Alswaram slowly made his way deeper within the facility, the surroundings still so familiar to him after all this time. He remembered every detail, every nook and cranny of the mental map he had made himself of the place back then. As he got closer, he could feel Storm's signal. His activator senses had developed even more with the increased cybernetics powering his age-worn body. Storm's core was giving off strong pings which seemed to pulsate in time with his own heartbeat, as if he was calling, beckoning Alswaram as he got closer. As he converged towards the heart of the facility, the pulse was making his head hurt but he knew he was the only one who could maybe put a stop to this without any more casualties. Meanwhile, Raven was leaning against Lancer, seemingly lost in thought.

  • ~ What is going through your mind right now? ~

  • I was thinking that I don't really have anything to head back to, either in Sirius or even Lemuria. You and Alswaram are my only family. And I'm about to lose one of you. So the least I can do is to safeguard the other, no matter the cost...

  • ~ I see... I understand. Then, let me be your sword and shield, from this point on. I owe Al that much. ~

  • Thank you, Lancer... your vote of confidence will help to soothe the pain.

Raven held the much larger Lancer as he could. Even though he was not an activator, he understood what Alswaram had found in him. Lancer seemed better than any living being. He was free of judgment and pre-conceived ideas. He was far beyond a typical machine and more than just another mundane artificial intelligence. He was gentle, loving and caring beyond all he had known in his life - besides Alswaram of course. Through the years, Alswaram had taught him so much that he was basically like a living being. He behaved like one and he thought like one.

Alswaram was just about to enter the antechamber where the signal originated when he felt a powerful force pushing back suddenly. He wasn't sure if it was Reiken trying to keep him away or if it was his conscience and guilt giving it one last shot, a final attempt in dissuading Alswaram to proceed. The determined dragon was not about to turn back now. He entered the familiar lab and froze in place. There he was: his nemesis. Although at that point, Storm was no longer his nemesis but more like the possibility of atonement. The massive black mech stood there silently, with only the low hum of his systems filling the air outside of the bone-shattering pings he kept giving off for an activator like Alswaram.

  • You wanted me? Well, I'm here! I came for you! What do you want with me?! Have you not taken enough yet? Will my life make you stop your rampage? If it does, I l may let you have it... I have little use for it anymore.

The mechanical behemoth's shiny eyes lit up, the room filling with a deep, low rumbling whirr and Alswaram's spirit and resolve were broken in an instant.

  • ~ You came... ~

It was Reiken's voice. Even though it was highly modified, there was no mistaking it.

  • Reiken?! So you ARE in there!

Every bone he had left, every cell in his body tremored from this voice.

-~ I am here, my blue... but I can't stay for long. He is trying to bury me inside. ~

  • I don't understand... what's going on in there?

-~ Storm doesn't just kill the host body. He absorbs the entire consciousness and digitizes it within his data banks. His systems take the chemical energy produced by the living being's cell structures and transfers it to his systems, where it's converted to energy able to power them. So I am here inside him, as a part of him but there is also a much more powerful and dominant personality that is trying to get on top. ~

  • Sorvaa'hr! I knew it. So Storm doesn't have a consciousness of his own?

  • ~ He does but he is trying to quiet Sorvaa'hr. Sorvaa'hr is proving much stronger than even Storm's own AI.~

  • I see... tell me, what happened back then?

-~ I will let Storm himself explain it. I need to hold back Sorvaa'hr.~

The mech's eyes changed from the soft green to a bright white.

  • ~ You should never have come here... ~

Storm's normal vocal tone was quite deep but surprisingly gentle and sad-sounding.

  • You're the one that dragged me here!

~ No... that was the result of the violent anger of one of my hosts. I apologize, activator. I never intented to cause you more pain.~

  • Sorv... I see. You already know what I am. So what happened back then? Answer me!

  • ~ When the scientists first activated me, I remember being flooded with the memories and feelings of Reiken. I had no knowledge of what I was and why I was built. When Reiken and I dug into the Sirian archives, I found out about the project that was behind my creation. I was to be a weapon to subdue Arcturus and display Sirius's scientific and robotic engineering advancements. I realized what I had done to Reiken and I was angry. Reiken was actually the one who calmed me and said what is done is done. Reiken planned to make something else of me. He wanted us to be guardians for the Sirian and Arcturian system both. But then... ~

  • Then what?

  • ~ This Kelva came. He tried to destroy me but the scientists had planned that and they put a failsafe in me. I ended up absorbing his consciousness as well. I spent the last few thousand years fighting back his influence. His raging anger and grief got amplified by my systems and he has been growing stronger ever since. Reiken and I have been trying to purge him. ~

  • Well, the reason Sorv went berserk in the first place was because of you...

  • ~ I understand that, activator. I wanted none of this to happen. I never chose to be a weapon of war. This Kelva being taken inside me has made things even worse than they already were. He has been trying to control me to hunt you down. Reiken has been trying to stop this from happening.~

  • I figured as much... He hates me and holds me responsible. I failed to get Reiken back in the first place, so I am as responsible as you are. If I did that in the first place, all of this would never have happened, and I would have taken you with us. We would have made you the best partner that ever could be. I'm such a piss poor excuse for a soldier...

Alswaram's pain sent surges of energy through Storm and the mech fought back, keeping control of his systems.

  • ~ I beg to differ! If I had not taken Reiken, I would have taken another in his stead! It would have been potentially worse. You have nothing to atone for, activator. The very fact you came back proves your worth, as a mate, as an activator and as a soldier. ~

Alswaram was confused. Why was Storm suddenly trying to make him feel better?

  • You're just trying to get me to be absorbed in too! I won't play into your crazy games!

Storm roared out, a powerful surge of energy making Alswaram's head throb so much that he thought he was going to pass out. He keeled over and Storm reached out one of his large hands, which as soon as it touched Alswaram's head, sent him roaring out once more, suddenly seeing flashbacks of what had happened, feeling intense pain and sorrow, emotions that should not be coming from a machine. But he was different. Storm was different and Alswaram as an activator was also not a normal living being. The synchronization was instantanous. The images flashing through his mind sent Alswaram into a temporary state of shock.

  • ~ Do you think I enjoy this, activator?! Do you think I take pleasure in taking the life of living beings to power my systems? Do you think I had a choice in the matter?! After finding out about what I am, I planned to isolate myself and shut myself down. But Reiken refused and took care of me! And then this Sorvaa'hr came and turned everything into a chaos and nightmare. How would you feel if you were forced to weigh the option between shutting yourself down for the greater good or letting a consciousness potentially take over you and go on a rampage? ~

Alswaram felt distress his Storm's words. Sorvaa'hr had forced himself in him and was now trying to use him to vent out his rage. Reiken on the other hand, had accepted his unfortunate fate and was trying to help Storm contain Sorvaa'hr anger. Reiken had quickly understood that Storm was only as evil as his creators and the personality of the ones he "fed" on. As an activator, Alswaram was now beginning to understand.

  • So... if I was to get involved... my activator senses could undo everything, purge Sorvaa'hr out and I could take you away...

  • ~ No! I know what you are considering and I will not have it! I will_not_take another life! I have done enough damage as it is! ~

  • SHUT UP, DAMN YOU! Reiken is not "damage"! What the Sirian military has done is unforgivable! They treat their soldiers as mere cannon fodder! You have suffered worst fate than any organic ever could. Any organic would have died from grief already and you have to suffer with the burden of going on until you shut down...

Alswaram's activator senses had flared, flooding him with grief and suffering, mirroring Storm's feelings. It was more than he could handle. The misguided hatred for Storm was gone and had been replaced by a large gash in his soul, filled with negative emotions. First with the MA project and now this?! His emotions kept building, boiling and rising like an erupting volcano.

  • They sugar-coat everything and wrap it in confetti and appealing promises but the truth of the matter is much darker. The work they are doing "for the greater good" brings more suffering than good. It's time they taste their own medicine!

~ What are you saying? ~

  • I'm saying that I'm about to blast a hole in the Sirian council sector. They lied to me about everything! The MA project was never an answer for a food source; it was to try to develop better pilots for the mechs. Better weapons to gain control of Arcturus! You were never a peaceful display of science... you were always a weapon to be used against Arcturus for Sirius to dominate over others. Speaking of which, why did Sirius never come back for you, anyway?

  • ~ Oh, they tried alright. Several times, at that. Sorvaa'hr did not let them. ~

  • I see... that makes sense. Sirius really was his target after all. I'm glad Reiken held him back that one time. We have to stop Sorvaa'hr but we can't let Sirians get to you either, Storm. I don't know what I should do...

  • ~ You have to shut me down. ~

  • Like hell I will! Reiken's in there! And Sorv... Sorvaa'hr is not actually a bad Kelva. He's just lost his way. He too has been betrayed by his own homeworld. I came here because I wanted to put a stop to this chaos. And I know just how to do that.

  • ~ No! ~

"Why do you mean, "no"? You don't have a choice! I'm not giving you a choice! Either you do what I say or I leave and let you carry over and keep killing."

~ You are insane! ~

  • On the contrary, Storm. It's the only way. I will quell Sorvaa'hr's anger myself. I will make him understand. Then, the three of us can let you rest. We will retire and find a place where no one will ever find you. Now that I understand what suffering you've been put through, as an activator I can't just ignore it. I have to heal you, if it's the last thing I do.

Alswaram moved closed to the huge mech, his energy flooding his senses, letting his body getting accustomed to its flow, the synchronization process working its magic and making it much easier for the both of them.

  • ~ So then, you came here, knowing full well what the outcome might be... ~

  • Yes... and now that I know more about you and what happened, I definitely want to do this. I thought you were a monster but the monsters were actually the ones I was siding with all this time.

~ So you forgive me for what I have done? ~

  • Forgive you? Forgive you for what, sweety? You haven't done anything! If anything, I as an activator should have been back for you much earlier. No, it's those monsters that made you what you are. You had no say in the matter. My Reiken understood that faster than I did and I need to make Sorvaa'hr understand too. The three of us can put an end to this and make sure Sirius understands the graveness of their acts. Let me be your partner, Storm. Let me be the last one you take.

  • ~ You are wiser than you let it show. ~

  • I get that a lot, heh.

Alswaram smiled softly. Storm's voice shifted to a concerned tone.

  • ~ I will tell you, the process is painful, however... ~

  • I've been dealing with 3000 years of guilt and unfinished mourning. Do you really think this will hurt me more? I came ready for this. Let's make this right.

That was it. Alswaram had reached the end and he had made peace with his decision.

  • Lancer... Raven... please forgive me. I love you both. I hope you will find your ultimate truth. I have found mine, after all this time...

Alswaram uploaded a final entry into his personal database in the Sirian archives with instructions addressed to Lancer and Raven. He then made his way over to the platform and connected Storm to the many connectors and hoses before connecting himself to the terminal. There was no turning back after this. He closed his eyes and slammed his fist on the button, the machines activating and triggering the draining process. Alswaram was calm and relaxed through it, even as his physical body had the last of its living state being taken away, leaving a lifeless mass. He had resigned himself and he felt it was the only right thing to do. As his lifeless body slumped to the ground, he felt a sudden surge of warmth and opened his eyes to an unfamiliar set of hallways. It was dark and dimly lit, with a typical mechanical scent which helped Alswaram relax as he looked around and then at himself... the cybernetics were gone. He was back to his old self, before all the cybernetic modding. Was this the work of Storm? He began to walk slowly.

  • Where am I...?

Before he could make a few steps, the familiar shark rushed towards him, nearly tackling him and holding him very tightly for what seemed like hours.

  • I missed you, my blue...

  • Reiken! Is... is this real?

  • Yes, Al... it sure is. We're inside Storm's inner matrix. It's a bit like a dormitory where all the ones Storm absorbed in rest. Each room is different, according to what we like and want it to look like. Even though we see each other and our rooms seem real and feel real to us, all of this is data created by Storm's thought matrix. Sorvaa'hr is here too but he's locked away at all times. If we want to take over Storm's systems for a while, we can head over at the end of the corridor, there's a room that's like a cockpit. That's how I spoke to you. Sometimes Sorv breaks free of Storm's firewalls and he takes over. That's what happened that day before Storm was able to lock him back away and I took us out of there."

  • Storm...?

The mech's voice seemed much deeper now, coming from everywhere around them.

  • ~ How are you feeling, Alswaram? ~

  • I'm alright... I feel a little dizzy but I'll survive... well, figuratively speaking, since I'm dead, technically speaking.

  • ~ I suppose you are doing well if you still find time for being facetious. ~

Reiken giggled at that and Alswaram relaxed from it.

  • That's my Al, hehe.

Reiken hugged him again tightly and Alswaram smiled, kissing him gently on the beak.

  • I'll be right back, my love. I need to settle a score. Storm, where's Sorv? I want to see him.

  • ~ That is probably not the wisest idea... ~

  • I don't care if it's wise or not. Do what you need to do, but I want to see him.

  • ~ Very well. Head further in, on the right. There is a room there. Sorvaa'hr is in it. I keep it locked at all times with a firewall but he occasionally breaks free. I will take precautions in case he gets out. ~

  • You do that, sweety.

Alswaram headed down the hallways up to a room with a red barrier in front of its door.

  • This the one?

  • ~ Correct. I will now take out the barrier. Head inside and I will lock behind you. I will take you out by force if you are in danger. ~

  • Agreed.

As Alswaram was given access and entered the room, he was immediately rushed by the familiar black dragon as Storm locked the door behind him. Sorvaa'hr was still blind with rage and Alswaram had no time to even say a word or to move aside before he was slammed against the wall and hit several times across the muzzle. Storm's energy was clearly amplifying Sorvaa'hr's rage and Alswaram ended up bleeding a bit from the hits before he grabbed Sorvaa'hr fists and threw him to the ground. Despite his diplomatic behavior, Alswaram was no newcomer to CQC. He was always the winner in sparring matches and whenever he participated in the yearly military tournaments, he usually came in the first few positions. He hated to show it off and much less was the kind to brag about it but in truth, he was rather strong.

  • Snap out of it, Sorvaa'hr! It's me, Alswaram!

But the black dragon was oblivious to Alswaram's call to reality. He got up a moment later and charged Alswaram once again. This time, Alswaram simply let himself get caught and held the black dragon tightly as he punched and bit and clawed at Alswaram for what seemed like hours before he finally got tired. Not once did Alswaram interrupt him or retaliate. As the blows started to seemingly take more effort from Sorvaa'hr, Alswaram whispered to him.

  • I know it hurts. You have 3000 years of pent up anger and sadness, just like me. I just can't vent it out the way you do. But I too, suffer just the same. You and I are the same now. We have to take care of Storm. We can get back to Sirius and make them pay for their crimes.

The blows stopped suddenly and Alswaram pulled Sorvaa'hr tightly against him.

  • Shh. You can relax, now. Reiken is here, too. You can stop being angry, Sorv. Reiken and I will be here for you and Storm is there for us.

  • You lie! I saw Reiken's lifeless body! I saw it with my own eyes! This hulking machine is trying to deceive you. When I bust out of here, I'll fucking blow him up.


Alswaram shook the black dragon and hit his muzzle with a fairly strong slap, just to make sure he got Sorvaa'hr's attention and the black dragon stood frozen, not quite expecting that.

  • S-Sorry. It went off by itself... Just listen to me, Sorv! Reiken is here. He's real. We're inside Storm. I thought he was messing with my head too. But it's Sirius that screwed us over. Storm was never a peaceful display of Sirian engineering. He was a weapon, made to oppress and dominate. Reiken embraced his fate and has kept watch on Storm all this time so he wouldn't get into the wrong hands. Storm's systems amplified your anger and you went berserk...

  • I went... berserk...?

  • Yes. But we can make things right...

  • Nothing can make things right! We're dead! If you're here, that means you were just another sad victim of this monster!

  • NO! You're not listening, you brick-headed Kelva! I did this on my own accord. Storm tried to _dissuade_me from it. He felt guilt and pain from taking the life of Reiken. They forced it on him! _Sirius_killed Reiken, not Storm! When he learned the truth, Reiken sided with Storm and swore to protect him. We have help Reiken too, Sorv. Let's make sure Storm doesn't take another life. Storm wants to sleep, far away from anyone's reach.

Sorvaa'hr displayed his usual distrust.

  • In the event that what you say is true, then what do you suggest, wise guy?

  • The wheel is already in motion. I uploaded a journal with instructions for my friend that's watching over this facility right now. He will relay a message to Arcturus. Their military is much more advanced and much more organized than Sirius's forces. They will give Sirius a fair warning, I'm sure. As for us, we throw ourselves into a black hole. No one will ever get their hands on Storm.

  • Are you fucking insane? You want to kill us?

  • You said it yourself, we're already basically dead. We only live on through Storm. I won't let him suffer any more than he needs to. Storm has suffered more than any organic, more than you or I! Imagine living with the burden of murder for thousands of years with no possiblity at redemption. Giving Storm redemption is the least we can do!

  • You haven't changed one bit. You're still a damn machine lover...

  • I'll take that as a compliment, soldier.

  • Heh... of course.

Alswaram hugged Sorvaa'hr and headed to the door.

  • Storm, can you open up for us? Sorvaa'hr is alright, now.

~ Yes... ~

The two stepped out as the door slid open, Reiken waiting for them on the other side. It didn't take long for Sorvaa'hr to head over and look at him for a moment before hugging him as tightly as he could. Reiken smiled softly as he held his long lost partner.

  • This is real, isn't it? This is really you, Rei...

Alswaram chuckled a bit.

  • I suddenly have a semblance of déjà vu.

To that, Reiken laughed and nodded.

  • No kidding. Yeah, Sorv... it's really me. It's good to see you too, buddy. Good to have you back to your old self. Now let's kick ass! Just like before, yeah?

Sorvaa'hr looked around.

  • Can he hear us?

  • ~ Yes, Sorvaa'hr. ~

  • Oh. I-I just wanted to apologize... for all this mess.

  • ~ There is no need. You were not yourself. Thankfully, Alswaram's energy was strong enough to override this overflow of anger. I should be the one to apologize... I did not intend or want any of this. ~

  • Well, if what Alswaram says is true then it's really Sirius that needs to pay for it. Dearly.

Alswaram hugged the shark and the black dragon.

  • Are we all agreeing to this, then?

  • I certainly do. Storm has suffered enough as it is and considering, we can't let Sirius or anyone else get their hands on him. It could be disastrous.

  • I wish things turned out differently... but I can't say I disagree. I may not be like you two with machines but I wouldn't let a friend suffer like that. Not to mention, I got to see you both again. That alone makes up for the pain.

Alswaram nodded and smiled, the three of them hugging each other before they started to make their way to the control center.

  • Then I will send a notice to Lancer and the rest is up to us.



Raven and Lancer had received Alswaram's note, sending Raven complete panic.

  • There must be something we can do, Lancer! It can't end this way! I won't let it!

  • ~ I understand your frustration, Raven. I wish there was something we can do but they made their choice. You should try to find some comfort in knowing that Alswaram was reunited with his friends and that Storm will not fall into the hands of any who would use him to do further harm to either Sirius or Arcturus. This might be the end of the Arcturo-Sirian tensions, you know. ~

  • I seriously doubt it, unfortunately. Organics are stupid like that. Warmongering is their specialty. I just wish I had your kind of composure... instead, I just feel helpless. Right now, I couldn't care less about what happens to Sirius or Arcturus. All I have left is you. Alswaram put your fate in my hands and I will not disappoint him. Or you.

  • ~ I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you, Raven. I know I am not the best source of comfort for you bit I will do whatever I can to alleviate the burden. ~

  • Your words are more than I can ask for, Lancer... most organics would not even show that much compassion. We should head out and get ready.

At that moment, all of the pieces were on the chessboard. Lancer and Raven launched out from the facility and started towards Arcturus while Storm and his three "pilots" initiated their quiet sortie, setting a course straight for the known coordinates of a supermassive black hole. Raven picked up the trace of Storm's signal as he and Lancer entered the space station's orbit but he dared not look out through Lancer's cameras. He knew what Alswaram and the others were about to do and the pain was too great for him to even try to catch a glimpse of them before they warped out. Raven had no time to stay there either, since as per Alswaram's instructions, Raven had planted several demolition charges. They were going to nuke the station, ensuring that no one would ever get access to any of the research or have any further information on Storm's development or his whereabouts. Lancer warped them out, setting a course for Arcturus. Their next item on the checklist was to advise Arcturus of all that had transpired, albeit taking out a few select details, such as how Storm was not actually an evil machine. No one had to know that, right?

Alswaram, Reiken and Sorvaa'hr watched as they neared their destination. It was almost time. The three had made their way up into Storm's cockpit and all sat there, holding each other and relaying their last goodbyes and before the final sendoff. No one would know but at that moment, Sorvaa'hr was the first one to show a sign of weakness. He knew what they had to do but he could not hide his fear anymore or the regrets he harbored all this time. He cried and it was Alswaram and Reiken that comforted him this time. They treated him not anymore as a co-patriot at the time, but more as a long lost brother brother, especially for Alswaram. As for Reiken, it was more like a lover. Eventually, they were ready for their grand exit as they were being pulled by the black hole's unstoppable force. Storm had not told them but he was going to put them to sleep before the final moments, cutting all power to their artificial incarnations within his systems. Storm was not going to let them suffer through this after all that had happened.

  • ~ Thank you for everything. You three have made this the least unbearable as possible. I wish things had ended differently. But I could not ask for more suitable pilots. ~

The three held each other as they drifted into their peaceful, final slumber, as Storm gradually shifted power out of the inner matrix and to all other systems except the propulsion systems. The mech quickly got torn apart by the pressure. It had ended. No one would ever find traces of Storm or his "pilots".

Raven and Lancer had made their way to Arcturus. They spoke to the General and he judged appropriate to have Sirius strongly reminded that even in a near-war context, the development of weapons of mass destruction is not politically viable, and that experimentation on live subjects is a punishable war crime. The next day, Sirius was invaded by Arcturian forces and while there was some casualties, there was no civilians among them. All experimental divisions were meticulously combed and those that were deemed "unscrupulous" were quickly shut down. From then on, Sirius would be an Arcturian-led nation. To Alswaram, It would likely be for the better.

Raven and Lancer eventually headed back towards Earth, to Lemuria. Raven spent a quiet, rather uneventful life of administrative work while Lancer, who remained with Raven, was a tactical advisor for mechanized Lemurian guard units. Raven had chosen not to convert into a mechanical activator and Lancer respected his decision. The two grew closer to each other, so much so perhaps than any organic couple would. As Raven's own life eventually came to an end, Lancer chose to retire with him to an undisclosed place where he spent his final days and was laid to rest. Lancer made his way back to the stars, never to be heard about again.



I woke up in bed, clutching at the sheets, screaming and crying. I think I cried all the tears I had in my body that night. Either way, I went into a deep depression after that. I shut myself off, locking myself out of the dreamstate altogether and not wanting to deal with any of it anymore. But one thing kept nagging at me: Storm. After what I saw, why was Storm there in my dreamstate? Why was he given to me? At first I thought he was a curse, now I found myself actually fortunate to have him around. I wanted to give him a chance at being cared for, and that's what brought me back to the dreamstate. And with time, Storm and I would grow incredibly close...

Metempsychosis III, part 1 - Sorvaa'hr, Reiken and Alswaram

**Part I: Brothers in arms** I woke up that night and things were different. I wasn't in a barren landscape. I wasn't near-naked. The feeling I had is very hard to describe. It was like I was a spectator to everything around me, like I was watching a...

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Metempsychosis II - Nathaniel and Storm

**Part I : Tabula Rasa** There's something I haven't talked about. I was aware that something was different about me much before Nevlaan came out with the "metempsychosis" theory. As I've said, some nights, I would land with Nevlaan, others I...

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Metempsychosis - Part 5 - Reunion

~ 22 000 B.C.E., at the edge of the Sirian star system As Alswaram heard the mech's words, he was stunned. How could that be? What exactly had happened 3000 years ago? How did Sorvaa'hr ever get involved with this mech and why? There was no way...

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