Kinktober 2018, Day 14 - To Serve a God

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#14 of Kinktober 2018

A wolf devotes himself to the service of a God, and does so not just willingly, but gleefully so.

This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as Day #14 of Kinktober 2018. Today's kink was "Dom/Sub" and the story contains M/M sex and dom/sub content between consenting adults.

To Serve a God

There were some things which, perhaps unsurprisingly, you never learned about a God until you found yourself in a sexual relationship with one. The smell, for example. Every person has their smell, regardless of their gender, their species, their diet, their hygiene habits, that scent which is uniquely theirs in a way that only a lover could truly come to know and appreciate. But the scent of a God with a capital G, it wasn't simply addictive or irresistible, such things were mortal concepts by which a deity was in no way constrained. It was, like so many other things about a God, or in particular so many other things about Anubis himself, divine.

Clutching at the jackal's torso, arms wrapped around his back and fingers clinging to handfuls of his dark fur, every ragged breath that Riddle drew in through his nose sent his mind reeling as he held his face buried in Anubis' chest while he rode the God's thick, vast cock. One moment the divine being he was being fucked by smelled like chocolate and orange, so intense and rich in its scent that Riddle almost wanted to extend his tongue and lick at Anubis like a candy bar. The next he smelled like a sea breeze, cool, salty and fresh, and Riddle wanted nothing more than to throw back his head and feel the spray of the ocean across his bliss-stricken features. And a moment after that... sweat. Hot, heavy sweat not just born of the deity himself, but him too. Born of their wild, forceful fucking as Anubis' hands gripped at his buttocks and lifted him up off the length of the deity's straining cock, only to drag him urgently, hungrily back down almost to the hilt upon it.

"M-my Lord! My God, m-my... Anubis, please! Yes! C-cum in me!"

Riddle howled as he nuzzled and clutched at the jackal's upper body, under no illusions that he was in the slightest control or that he expected Anubis to in any way take his requests on board, but still desperately compelled to cry out anyway. To show the God upon whose cock he was mounted that he wanted this, that he needed this, that with every fibre of his being Riddle craved his God's satisfaction above all other things. Because he did. Truly, sincerely, completely, he wanted nothing more than for Anubis to be satisfied, utterly irrespective of the fact that as an infinite being Anubis was both inherently complete and yet constantly in motion, ever searching, ever working.

Such was the naivety of mortals though, and such was the entire reason he served Anubis as he did. No, perhaps he would never be able to truly and completely satisfy the God he loved and served so loyally. But he would never stop trying, for as long as Anubis let him. And so long as the God knew that, so long as he knew that this was what Riddle had chosen to spend his mortal existence devoted to accomplishing, he would never be able to escape the fundamental knowledge that regardless of his godly omnipotence there existed in this universe at least one soul who had not merely chosen to serve him or worship him like so many others, but to love him too.

Tossing his head back upon his vast stone thrown, Anubis roared as he began to bounce and fuck Riddle harder. The black furred, blue eared wolf howled and thrashed in return, but no matter how roughly and mercilessly the jackal pounded at his ass, there was not a single moment of pain or even the slightest discomfort. The pleasure persisted, it grew more volatile, more rough and wild and frantic, but pleasure was precisely what it remained. Building, surging, cresting just as Anubis' own seemed to be, until finally neither God nor mortal could hold back any longer.

With a thick pop Anubis' knot sank into his mortal lover, and Riddle's face pressed blankly, blissfully against Anubis' chest as hot streaks of the wolf's cum painted his deity's belly. He couldn't scream. Couldn't howl. Couldn't vocally express his bliss in any way as he felt Anubis' own balls begin to empty into his ass, because quite simply if he had been able to scream even a fraction as loud and as intensely as he would have needed to in order to truly express just a momentary glimpse of how it felt to feel the God you served pump his divine cum into your ass while his cock throbbed and pulsed against your already violently over-stimulated prostate gland, the entire universe would have shattered from the impact. Heaven could not describe what Riddle felt as his God's knot throbbed and Anubis' balls drained themselves into him, because he'd been to heaven, he'd felt eternal paradise, and this was so much more than just heaven. It was... there were no comparisons to be made. It was precisely like being filled with the cum of the one God you not only served with total belief and devotion, but loved and desired with a purity of heart every bit as powerful as Anubis' own divine radiance. It felt precisely and perfectly like itself, and for the time that passed before it ended, be it minutes, hours, weeks or months by mortal terms, Riddle could have asked, begged, and prayed for nothing more.


Of course, serving a God as both devoted attendee and lover at once did present more challenges than merely enduring the potency of Anubis' orgasmic release. Indeed for a God as gleefully eager to use his sexuality in the conducting of his duties as Anubis seemed to be, Riddle found many ways and many opportunities to serve and service the God he adored even outside of their more personal, one-on-one time.

"Please, my Lord. Please, cum..."

Sitting before Anubis upon a bed of beautiful silken sheets, Riddle's feet squeezed and rubbed at Anubis' exposed knot as his hands held a large stone vessel, an earthenware jar etched with hieroglyphic inscriptions. His wide eyes watched Anubis' beautiful face contort with pleasure as the God sat back on the bed with his arms behind himself, supporting his upper body and bearing a blissed out expression, his own eyes heavy lidded. The wolf's footpaws continued to massage and caress Anubis' knot as it swelled larger and thicker, growing ever more sensitive as it responded to that focused barrage of stimulatory sensations. Riddle's toes curled, he whimpered pleadingly to the God once again, and he let slip a strangled yelp of delight when finally Anubis shuddered, snarled, and fluttered his eyelids helplessly as he unloaded a powerful climax into that stone urn, filling it to the brim as Riddle carefully held it in place while still working his beloved deity's knot to the very last drop.

"Y-your humble servants thank you for your bounty, my Lord Anubis."

Much as Riddle wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with the God he served as he watched Anubis sink happily back against the bedding, panting and grinning rather goofily as he did so, the wolf knew that he had a task yet to accomplish. He slid gently to the edge of the bed, not daring to spill one divine drop of that cum he knew from experience was so very, very potent and special to Anubis' followers. Instead he carried the large stone urn to the edge of the room, and after taking one last look back at the bed with a fond smile to the weary, spent deity, Riddle stepped through the stone arch... and disappeared from view.

He stepped out onto the other side of an archway, though not the same archway, many worlds away from where he had been before. Into a chamber of a deep sandstone red, lit by flickering torches and filled with a dozen or so silently praying, kneeling priests. Each of them had their eyes closed, and their bodies were naked, some with their fur marked in painted runes dedicated to Anubis while others had shaved those same runes into their fur itself. What united them all however was that each of them held a cup in their hands, upturned and empty, and that each of them bore a rampant, throbbing erection which even now was trickling pre-cum down over their balls and to the tiled floor below.

One by one, Riddle walked up to the praying priests. He tilted the urn full of Anubis' fresh, hot cum, and poured a portion of it into each of the priests cups until they were full. Only when the urn was empty and the cups were almost overflowing did Riddle return to the archway, but before he stepped back through, he spoke a few words.

"Your God thanks you for your devotion."

In one voice, the priests responded.

"Praise our Lord. Praise Anubis."

Then they lifted their cups to their lips, tilted their heads back, drank down the entire cupful of Anubis' seed... and even as Riddle stepped back through the arch and into Anubis' own dimension, he could hear their howls of pleasure echoing across time and space after him as each and every one of the priests' cocks began to spontaneously and uncontrollably cum.


Some days Riddle would pleasure Anubis for no other reason than because he wanted to see the divine being he loved howling in pleasure. Other days, Riddle would pleasure Anubis to serve some purpose on the jackal God's behalf, whether genuine or contrived in order to give Anubis a reason to spend a brief portion of eternity balls deep inside his most faithful and beloved worshipper. But there were other days, sometimes infrequent and sometimes clustered together, when Riddle's devotion was truly tested. Days when across the universe something happened to put the God in a foul mood; when omnipotence seemed more like a curse as he was forced to allow one of the civilisations under his watch to make another catastrophic choice that would doom millions of innocent lives. And thus days when at their end, Anubis could think of no other way to simply try and forget all his frustrations than to rid his mind of all conscious thought, and replace it with banal, unrelenting ecstasy.

Riddle clawed at the bedding as Anubis mounted him doggystyle and fucked him so long, so hard that by the time the God poured a hot load deep into his ass, Riddle's own body was already shooting blanks thanks to the number of times his well pounded prostate had been driven to orgasm.

Riddle gurgled and gasped, unable to breathe, unable to think as Anubis grabbed him by the back of the head and muzzlefucked him until saliva and cum were dribbling down his chin while he grunted and gasped for air.

The wolf's body lay limp, face down against the bed or the floor or whatever surface upon which he had most recently been flung, utterly exhausted as Anubis fucked him again, and again, and again. The God snarled and growled in utter frustration as each orgasm utterly failed to rid his mind of whatever was troubling it, forcing his eternal, unrelenting body to continue and still seeking to use Riddle to achieve that release and seek out that calm and peace which remained seemingly ever out of reach.

On those darker days, there inevitably came a moment where Riddle lay with the jackal trembling in his arms. Weeping. Sniffling. Seeking the comfort, the warmth of a mortal's embrace despite knowing that due to its very nature it could not last forever, but seeking it nonetheless.

"It... it's not fair..."

The God whispered to the man who loved him so dearly. Who had the power to make him, an omnipotent being, so very happy... so very content, most of the time. But not now. Not on days like this.

"I'm a God. I am all powerful. So why can't I fix this? W-why... why can't I fix them?"

And on those days, as sorrowful, as grim and as filled with both pleasure and pain as they were from start to finish, that was when Riddle found himself most glad to be there for Anubis. To be there as his friend, as his lover, as his divine court pet, and yet beneath the veneer of their vastly mismatched power play, still as equals at heart.

He was glad he was there even though he couldn't fix things any more than Anubis could, because even if he couldn't make things better... he could still show Anubis that no matter his anger, his sorrow, or his frustration, he would never be alone so long as Riddle remained in his service.

"Because, my Lord... if you could fix them, you would have to control them. And you controlled them to such a degree, they would not be able to choose to love you. To worship you. To decide to turn to you in their hour of greatest need with sincere sorrow and repentance of their own accord, willing to face judgement for their misdeeds."

Riddle kissed Anubis gently on the forehead, and ran a finger beneath the jackal's eyes to wipe away his tears.

"And because if you controlled all mortalkind and stole away our ability to love you freely, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be able to dry your tears. To tell you that I do love you freely. And... to ask if you'd like to kiss me again. To fuck me again, just to grant yourself a few moments... a few more sweet, blissful seconds of peace, before you remember all of this again."

Anubis shivered, he sighed, and he pulled himself closer, tighter against the wolf.

"I do not deserve a heart as strong and tender as yours, Riddle."

Riddle chuckled, and kissed the God yet again.

"My Lord... what you believe you deserve or not is utterly irrelevant. You have it. You have me, now and always, at your service. So please... p-please, Anubis. Use me. Use me in any way you can, because if doing so grants you even a fraction of a second of relief from the eternal burdens you bear? You will have given my life more meaning, and my soul more joy than a thousand lifetimes lived without you."

The jackal stared up into the blushing, beaming face of the wolf.

He sighed softly. He kissed Riddle back.

And as normal, just as he always ended up doing in the end, he did precisely as his most beloved mortal begged of him... and kept on doing it, until finally eternity didn't seem quite so endless, and quite so hopeless any longer

By Jeeves

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