Kinktober 2018, Day 12 - A Graduation Gift

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#12 of Kinktober 2018

After graduating from college, Sam receives a long awaited gift from his father. A very meaningful, very personal gift.

This story was written for GMan420 as Day #12 of Kinktober 2018. Today's kink was "Incest" and the story contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a semi-public setting, as well as incestuous fun.

A Graduation Gift

Dressed head to toe in leather; leather boots, leather pants, leather jacket, leather fingerless gloves, Sam and Frank looked quite the pair. The two beefy rhinos would have walked side by side into the bar if they could, but even its double doors weren't wide enough for Sam's sturdy frame and his father's even broader, hulking body at the same time. For that reason Sam went first, and as he entered his father's favourite bar and smelled the rich cigar smoke, the leather, the booze and the sweat heavy in the air, he grunted in excitement. A moment later the door burst open behind him, and a rough hand slapped firmly across the younger rhinoceros' ass as his father pushed him out of the doorway and into the bar itself. Several voices rang out, laughing at the bashful expression on Sam's face, but they were immediately followed up with more welcoming, friendly cries in the two rhinos' direction.

"Hey Frank, this the kid you've been telling us about? Shit, apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?"

Frank laughed and steered Sam towards that loudest and most playful call, to a lion sat upon a bar stood that seemed far too small for his sheer weight and size in all respects. A lion puffing at a thick, chunky cigar with a glass of whisky resting to one side of his free hand, and an ash tray to the other. His other hand meanwhile was on his cock, released from his own black leather pants and throbbing, oozing between his fingers as he slowly pumped it, not showing the slightest embarrassment towards the other patrons, the newcomers, or the bartender cleaning glasses and serving others' drinks close by.

"Hey Clay. Sam, this is Clayton. Good guy, nice cock. Nicer ass if he likes you enough. You chill with him for a minute, I'm gonna go speak to the owner. Make sure the room I booked for us is all set up."

Roughly Frank grabbed his son by the horn standing prominently at the end of his nose, pulled Sam forward and kissed him deeply in front of all the rest of the bar's patrons. For a moment Sam resisted, instinct telling him to keep the relationship between himself and his father secret as they had from the moment it had begun a few years ago. Then he remembered where they were, how many times Frank had told him about this place over course of their time together and how they all knew about him, how no-one judged, no-one would say a word, and how when the time was right Sam would get to go there and see it for himself.

Now that time was here. He had graduated college, moved back home to get a job and more importantly to live with his beloved beefcake of a dad, and as a gift in honour of his successful graduation, as a way of showing Sam how proud he was to have him back full time as both son and lover, Frank had decided it was finally time for him to be introduced to the guys at the bar. Though in actual fact that introduction wasn't meant to come until later. Until after they'd had their own private session first in one of the bar's rather specialist private suites. But as Sam watched his father stroll away towards the rear of the bar, then looked back at Clayton with a bashful smile, the younger rhino was still more than happy to make the acquaintance of one of the men whom his father spoke of so very highly.

His eyes darted down to Clayton's cock once again, and only rose when he heard the lion growl deep in the back of his throat.

"Like what you see?"

He shook his thick, salt-and-pepper mane as he chuckled, and licked his lips as Sam blushed beneath his thick grey skin, nodding feverishly.

"Well then..."

The lion took a deep drag on his cigar, blew a thick plume of smoke out into the rhino's face, and turned on the bar stool so that he was facing Sam directly, cock throbbing and dribbling directly in front of the younger buff, leather clad rhino.

"...get down on your fucking knees, slut, and make me cum before daddy gets back."


When Frank got back from his chat with the bar's owner, he had a key clutched in one hand as the other rubbed at the already swollen front of his leather trousers. He grinned as he saw his son standing at the bar, no longer alone with Clayton but surrounded by three or four laughing, grinning leather clad men every bit as big and burly as himself. Sam had a whisky in one hand, and Frank grinned as he saw a zebra's throbbing cock in the other, the rhino pumping it rapidly up and down for the black and white striped male while they all laughed and chatted, sharing stories about Frank's many long nights here at the bar with them.

"Aww shit... and here was me thinking I'd get to feel your mouth for myself."

The zebra grinned and playfully shoved Sam as he nodded towards the rhino's approaching father. Sam blushed, and looked rather longingly down at the cock in his hand as though he too was a little reluctant to have to abandon it quite so soon. The other men parted from around the rhino to allow his father access, and as he approached his son Frank couldn't help but notice that all the other men's cocks were exposed too, but only the zebra's remained erect and unsatisfied. Once more he grabbed his son by the horn, and once more he kissed him deeply without a word. His tongue explored Sam's lips, Sam's own tongue, and withdrew only when he was able to snort in amusement and nod approvingly at his son.

"All of them, huh? You swallow it all?"

Sam beamed and nodded. The other men, lion, gator and boar, slapped him on the back with chuckles and murmurs of agreement and satisfaction. The zebra's cock throbbed hungrily, and he shot Frank a curious, pleading look. To his sorrow though, the elder rhino shrugged.

"Sorry Charlie. I need him now. But, hey, you get first crack at that ass after I'm done, okay?"

The zebra, Charlie, snorted in delight and reached down to grab at his own cock with an exuberant squeeze.

"Mmh, fuck yeah, I can live with that. Though... don't expect me to have a full load for him. Fuck knows how many times I'm gonna jerk it between now and then just thinking about stuffing your boy."

Frank grinned, putting an arm around Sam's shoulder and leading him away from the bar. He turned his head back to Charlie, winked, and licked his lips as he watched Clayton slide off the bar stool, drop to his knees and begin to lick and nuzzle at the zebra's hefty balls.

"Not my boy."

Frank called out, loud enough not just for Charlie but the whole bar to hear.

"He's not my boy any more. Him being here, with us? He's my man, now."

Soon they were out of the main body of the bar, and walking along a dimly lit corridor past a series of rooms whose heavy wooden doors were closed, and from within which Sam and Frank could hear the sounds of strong, powerful men utterly surrendering to the bliss of one another's bodies in countless ways. They heard the heavy slap of a paddle against a meaty ass, and the scream of pain and pleasure which followed it. They heard cries of shared orgasmic ecstasy. They heard begging, pleading for relief followed by a teasing, taunting burst of laughter, and then... then they reached a room whose door stood ajar, and into which Frank led his son before closing it behind him, placing the key in its lock and sealing them inside.

The bigger, beefier rhino turned around after locking the door, and found his son already hurrying to the centre of the room and the almost sole feature within its otherwise bare concrete walls.

"O-oh... dad, is this it? Is this the place?"

Sam ran his fingers reverently across the seat of the leather sling hanging from the ceiling on metal chains sturdy enough to bear even his, even his father's weight, perhaps even both of them combined. He closed his eyes, and imagined all the stories his father had told him about this room. About this sling. All the things he'd done here. All the men he'd dominated until they begged him to marry them, to take them as pets, as subs, as dedicated fuck-toys. And all the men which Frank had told no, because as hot as they were and as hard as he'd cum into them... they didn't deserve him. Not as a partner. Not as a master. Not as anything more than a fuck-buddy who might call upon them anywhere, any time to see if their ass was free for a rough reaming.

Frank grinned, and watched as even as he answered Sam scrambled his way up into the sling itself, and began to tug his leather pants not all the way off, just down to his knees, lifting his legs high and showing off his bare ass and rock hard cock to his father's hungry eyes.

"Yeah, this is the place. All the best fucks of my life used to happen in here. Then I caught you jerking off with my jockstrap in your face the day before you went off to college... and since then all my best fucks have been wherever your ass was at the time. But now?"

Frank licked several fingers, striding over to his son, grasping the base of Sam's heavy balls with one hand and lifting them up so he could run his saliva-glistening digits from taint to asshole.

"Now I get to give this place its title back. I get to fuck my son here. My man."

Sam shuddered and grunted as with his legs up and spread in the sling, his father's fingers began to probe and explore his ass.

"O-oh... daddy..."

He was in his twenties. An adult in every sense that counted, and yet still that word... still it made him feel so much smaller than his powerful father. Not younger, but, smaller. Softer. Today though it didn't feel quite right. Here, now, he didn't feel as small and soft as he sometimes did when his father was with him. Being in this place meant something. It meant that he was an adult in a new and very real way, and it meant that just as he was something new and special to his father today, so too was his father something new and every bit as special to him.

The fingers withdrew, and Sam felt warm breath against his buttocks a moment before his father's hot, wet tongue teased between the cheeks of his asshole.

"Oh. O-oohh yes, dad. Yes, lick me. Taste me. Ohh god. Frank, please. P-please, I need... aaaah, I need you to fuck me!"


Over the hours that followed, Frank did everything his son asked him to, and Sam did everything his father commanded him to with equal relish. The room echoed with the thick slapping sounds of thigh against buttock, and Sam's bellowing cries as his father fucked him hard in the ass not just once, but over and over again with as little recuperation time as they could each bear in between. Within the unzipped, open front of his leather jacket Sam's bare barrel chest and rounded belly were streaked with his own cum, and even his face bore the marks of his own ecstasy after Frank hammered his prostate so deliciously that orgasm after hands free orgasm couldn't help but overwhelm him. The sling's metal chains rattled and shook as Frank used them to their limit, applying every trick in the book to let him fuck his son harder, faster and deeper with every stroke, and the whole room was hot and heavy with the scent of rough, wild, unabashedly carnal sex.

Sweat dripped down Frank's grey skin as an hour or so into their fuckfest he cast aside the last of his own leather clothing, bowing down over his son's trembling body and taking Sam's cock into his muzzle while one hand roughly squeezed and rolled the younger rhino's ample balls between his fingers. The floor beneath the swing was darkened with droplets of perspiration, cum and saliva after a couple of hours, Sam trembling, shuddering, panting as once again his father bellowed and unloaded deep inside him. By the time the third hour dawned the room was so hot, the air so thick with the scent of sweat and leather and cum that as father and son rubbed their cocks together and doubly painted Sam's chest anew they could barely breath, and as Frank tried to kiss his son in the wake of that latest potent peak, he swore he felt his son's body fall limp for a few moments, Sam falling faint in the combination of extreme heat, over-stimulation and the simple lack of enough oxygen.

By the time they were spent, more than four and a half hours had passed. The leather sling lay abandoned, and in a heap on the concrete, not caring how cool and how hard it was, father and son lay belly to belly, cock to cock, horn to horn, embracing as they moaned to one another.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, son. Of the life you've made for yourself. The life you've chosen to share with me."

"O-oh, dad. Frank. I love you."

They were still lying there, still recovering, resting, revelling in one another, when a gentle knock came at the door. Frank grunted, but rose to his feet and stormed over to the door. He unlocked it, peered through a small gap in the door frame after pulling it open, only to smirk and snort with laughter as his frustration at being interrupted turned to delight.

"Well, thanks. I'll tell him."

Frank returned from the door clutching a freshly snipped cigar in between his teeth, and a luxurious silver lighter with the bar's crest upon its side in his hands. He lit the cigar, took a deep drag from it as he sat down beside Sam, only to remove the glowing cigar from his muzzle and offer it to the younger rhino.

Sam's eyes widened, and though he had thought himself spent he swore he felt his cock twitch, so intense was the surprise, the wonder of being offered a cigar by his father. Of all the gifts that he'd received from Frank over the years, leading up to this, to being invited into what had been his father's private, personal hang-out for as long as Sam had known, he had never once expected to see his father offering him a cigar. Though they'd never really spoken about it, that was a mark of almost undeniable dominance between them. Something that, no matter what else they found themselves equals in, marked Frank as more than his son in their relationship.

And yet here he was, cigar in hand, offering it to Sam.

And there Sam was, reaching out, hand trembling, taking it from his father.

"The owner sends his regards. His congratulations on your graduation."

Frank grinned as Sam sucked on the cigar, the younger rhino's eyes bulging and his lungs rejecting the sudden violent influx of hot smoke, coughing violently. He reached over and patted his son on the back, and even as he did so, slipped the silver lighter into Sam's hand at the same time.

"Now. You hang onto that lighter. You hang onto it just like I hung onto the one he gave me when I was your age."

He reached over to his discarded leather pants close by, pulled them over, and from within one pocket drew forth a somewhat worn and faded, but identical silver lighter.

"He gave me this the first day I fucked him. And... well, I guess he thought it'd be a fitting gift for today, for you, too."

Frank watched his son's eyes widen, and he grinned from ear to ear as Sam inhaled on the cigar, held the smoke for a few moments, and successfully released it in a deep, ragged puff.

"Smoke away, son. Relax a little, smoke it down, and get ready. Because, after you fuck me, I'm gonna open up that door... and for the rest of the night every man I've ever known and fucked in this place is gonna want to have a turn at either end of us. And after that? When they're spent and we're covered in their cum... I'm gonna take you home, take you into my bed, and fuck you one last time before we pass out. And then tomorrow... fuck, Sam. Tomorrow? We start the rest of our lives together, and hope that every day is just as much of a gift as today."

By Jeeves

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