
Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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This story contains a lot of BDSM-related stuffs, including spanking, bondage, orgasm denial, and pain, along with scenes of furless cats and cats getting their furs fall off. It it is not your kind of thing, don't read it.

This is a highly fetishistic story involving several fetishes. It pretty much revolves around the life of a fetish club owner and the unique way of discipline she gives to disobedient slaves. I hope you enjoy it!



Zela Terne is the owner of a club in the middle of a bustling colony full of different cultures. It was a nice establishment where people can dance their worry off, especially in a time where empires fall, and things go sour quick. Oh, and it is also the time where slavery is at its highest, and a time where exploration of desire is getting out of control.

Fortunately for Zela, her club caters to all those things.

The club does not seem special from the outside save for two 'statues' that seems to be writhing in place, but inside is where the fun starts. There seem to be many with different fetishes coming into the club, to fulfill their darkest desires with aliens all around the galaxy. The best part? It's not members-only. Admission is expensive, but it is justifiable given the things happening inside.

Zela herself always come out and show herself already in a skin-tight rubber suit that covers everything, from her head down to her tail. She is a Felinian, a race of cat people who were once warmongers and conquerors. Many strays from the path of domination, and many has fate other than the simple kiss of death. In the end, their fates are even worse. For Zela, that part of business is also her business. She dabbles in it to find 'employees' for her fetish club, mostly as decorations that caters to some.

Still, even with all the rowdiness of the club and the way everyone tries to get a load off, it isn't her scene. The club is simply her means to an end, a way for her to get the credits she needs for her own desires, one that is far from the usual scenes of orgies that seems to always happen on the floors of her club. She does not care about all that, though she cares about her club's condition, and has told her paid employees to keep the usual things to stop getting out of control.

Her desire is pretty much similar to many who comes in her club: bondage. She loves to see people getting tied up, helpless and put inside suits. One of her favorites is a featureless suit where aside from the maw, there's nothing to tell who's within. A gimp that's simply an object of desire. The only color aside from the black suit is red, found in a ball stuffed inside the gimp's mouth and secured with a strap. She likes the look of them, and it's so arousing, especially if it's a male inside it.

Behind the club is her personal home, a place where she can explore her own desire. There is a reason why she keeps her own fetishes to herself, despite of the fact that there are many others with similar fetish down at the club.

It is simply because it isn't her true desire.

As she walks into her own apartment, she is greeted by a Felinian, a female with rosetted fur that is similar to a leopard. She is Zela's servant, a slave who was once a pirate. Zela bought her some years ago and the Felinian has been her personal servant since.

"Hello, Kena," said Zela. "How are you feeling?"

"Never better, mistress," she said. "Is the club well?"

"The club has its own way, but yes, it is well. Finance is good, I hope?"

"Never better."

Kena is Zela's private accountant and assistant, alongside her servant. Zela may have bought slaves from all over, but she never mistreated them, unless they betrayed her trust. Kena herself is grateful for this, as her previous one was not as considerate as Zela is. Of course, as Zela is her mistress, she can do whatever she wants with her, including becoming her lover.

When they have retreated to a room they shared, which is a room in a garden, Kena and Zela make out as they sit on a lone sofa in the middle of the tranquil garden. Kena is the first Felinian Zela has ever told about her secret, as she is also the victim of Zela's secret desire.

"Anything to report?"

"Three tommies got caught stealing while you are away," said Kena. "Wanna do something about it?"

"A little bit of humiliation won't hurt, well, except their pride," said Zela. "Which tommies (note: tommies is the plural term for tommy, a male Felinian)?"

"Hrun, Acos, and Sliv."

Zela sighs. She knows who they are. Aside from being new, they are also very disobedient. It seems that they don't really like their mistress despite of being given a nice place to stay. It does not help, though. Unlike Kena, the three has done stuffs that are shunned upon. While Kena was a pirate who was quite restrained in her ways, the three male Felinians were not. Both Hrun and Acos were ruthless bandits who killed and raped for the sake of it, while Sliv...well, he was a dangerously manipulative con-man who conned people with deadly results.

She took them in because they were quite cheap, knowing very well that the three were dangerous criminals. Rebellious and dangerously violent, they were kept in restrains most of the times they were not doing anything. Zela took a chance and kept them free for a while. She guessed a month before they caused trouble. It is only two weeks. This is the reason why she does not trust tommies.

"Have you put them in the 'special' room?" said Zela.

"I have made the arrangement, mistress. Their fates are in your hands, now."

"Good." She made a mischievous smile. "Good."

She stands up, then walks towards the door while Kena waits. When Zela comes out, she always walks a considerable distance before Kena gets out from the room. No other house servants know that Kena is Zela's lover, after all, to prevent others to accuse her of favoritism and cause everything to fall apart.

However, this time, Zela orders Kena to go with her.

"Come, Kena," she said. "Join me."

Kena is confused by this, but nevertheless, she bows and said, "Yes, mistress."

They walk down the corridor together and to an elevator at the end of the hallway. Zela pushes a button labeled 'B', the basement of the building. She has quite a place to play down there, and tonight, it seems that she has given the chance to do so.

"Have you ever been down in the dungeon, Kena?" asked Zela.

"Oh, yes, mistress, when you...inducted me to the household."

"And you have seen several punishments, yes?"

Kena shakes. She remembered what she experienced the first time she was down there, and subsequent times when she broke the house rules. However, she does not shake because of fear. She shakes of excitement.

"I think you'll be my assistant for tonight," said Zela with a smirk. "I hope you give me one hell of an entertainment."

"I learned from the best, mistress," replied Kena when the elevator door opens.

The basement of the building holds many utility equipment to keep both Zela's house and the club working properly. Many slaves work here as punishment, mostly to fix faulty equipment. Of course, as Zela is a considerate mistress, she does not let them work down there permanently, unlike the unfortunate slaves who are forced to work in a mine without anything on them. She does not wish to be that cruel.

However, the basement is also a hallway that leads to another building closed from the general public, which Zela dubbed 'The Dungeon House'. Like the main club, it is also littered with BDSM-related objects, but it also houses a special place for disobedient slave, and for repeat offenders.

As Zela opens the door to the building, she quickly finds the three problematic slaves. They are restrained, with their legs kept apart by a spreader bar, and their hands held over their head with another spreader, giving them an upright spread-eagled position that exposes everything they have to over. All limbs are not spared, as their tails are all held up and tied to their necks by a collar. To finish it off, all three are ball-gagged, making them all helpless and unable to communicate except with their eyes, which are not blindfolded as per Zela's request.

Each Felinian males comes from different sub-races. Only Hrun is explicitly a black panther, while Acos and Sliv are house cats. Acos is a tabby cat model with dark brown fur and distinctive black stripes all over his skinny body, while Sliv is a Calico cat who is heterochromatic, with one eye green and the other blue. They all seems to be aggressive as they try, in vain, to get out of their restraints. They give out muffled insults and attempts to communicate, but it is practically useless with the big red ball holding their mouths open.

When Zela comes in, however, all their attentions turn to her, and the bickering stops. She is still wearing the tight rubber suit as before, along with a hood that covers all her face. She strokes Hrun first, who can do nothing but glare at her.

"Such a naughty cat," she said with a sultry voice. Her rubbered finger runs down his exposed chest. "And quite a fur. You are quite a specimen, Hrun."

Her hand slowly goes down to where his dick is. But, instead of trying to arouse him, she squeezes his balls, causing him to howl in pain, muffled by the ball gag.

"Naughty tommies like you does not deserve my kindness," she said with a furious glare. "I have taken you in from death, and every time I think you'll appreciate it, you take that trust and throw it away like a fucking trash."

She squeezes Hrun's ball even harder, causing the panther Felinian to howl even louder.

"Silence!" she slapped Hrun's face, causing him to stop. "This pain does not even compare to the pain you cause before you are tied to a pole like an animal that you are."

She then turns her gaze towards Sliv. Unlike the other two, he is not mentally strong, and the sight of Hrun's agony causes him to try and protect his balls, only to realize that the restraints keep his hands away from them. It is unprotected. But, even so, despite his fear his dick goes harder, and this caught Zela's attention.

"You like it, Sliv?" she said while approaching the Felinian. Sliv thinks that, now that he seems to like it, she will do what she does to Hrun. He starts to panic and shakes his head vigorously while trying to get his hands to his balls, but to no avail. Sliv may have caused pain and suffering in the others, but he never did it personally, though he did not care when others died because of his faulty stuffs. However, he did not anticipate being caught, sold as a slave, bought by Zela, and caused trouble because of his compulsive need to scam others. He does not seem to want to stop.

Zela calmed Sliv by kissing his snout, then scratched his ears. His fear remains, though. So, when he feels a pressure on his balls, he starts to try his best to say sorry to Zela, that he won't do it again, and will gladly follow her orders. Unfortunately, all those comes out as unintelligible. Knowing it is futile, he starts to cry.

"Oh, you poor, poor thing," said Zela while wiping the tear out of the gagged Felinian. "I know you're sorry. Those eyes tell me everything, including the fact that it also symbolizes your dual nature."

Sliv does not understand what she means. He thought that it is about his scammer life, until she whispers the fact in his ears.

"I'll make sure you'll get the worst," she whispered. "If it wasn't for you, the three of you might still be out there."

Oh no, Sliv thought. She figured it out.

Zela has figured that Sliv will be the mastermind. Both Hrun and Acos are the guns, but Sliv is the one who pulls the trigger. With this revelation, Sliv can't do anything but resign himself to his fate. When the mistress has found out who's the mastermind, and has vowed to give him the worst treatment, he is already trapped.

Meanwhile, Kena, who has finished dressing up, walks in and quickly walks to Acos, who gives out a muffled "what the fuck do you want" towards her. She simply answers him by walking around and slaps his exposed butt, causing him to yelp.

"How's ten spanks sounds, mistress," said Kena.

"Give him fifteen with the paddle," said Zela. "I want to see his face."

Acos knows pain as well as the others, as it is all his life. But, the feeling of being helpless as someone abuses him makes him agitated. It does not stop him from letting out a yelp when Kena gives him the spanking he deserves.

The loud sound of spanking rings in the small room as each spank causes Acos to yelp and let out a muffled scream of pain. The others can only watch as the cat starts to cry due to the pain. After the fifteenth spank, his head has slumped, drool dripping down his gag, and his eyes are watery. He gives out a muffled "It hurts", though no one understands it.

"Does it hurt, Acos?" said Kena while caressing the crying Felinian's face. "How does it feel?"

He wants to say something, but of course, he can't.

"I take that as a yes," she said. "That's what you get for breaking mistress's heart."

"Thank you, my lovely assistant," said Zela while she rubs her paddle on Sliv's butt. "Do you think little Sliv here likes it?"

"Well, his dick is fully erect, so why not?"

Sliv likes to see others getting the treatment, but he does not want to get it, too. He still defiantly shakes his head, trying to appeal to his torturers.

"Oh, you don't like it? Fine, then."

He feels the pressure on his butt gone, to his relief. It is suddenly replaced by a slick object being pushed up his anus, causing him to yelp in surprise. It is buried quite deep inside. Kena also walks to him and put something on his already erect penis: a kind of device with a couple of rings held by a single leather strip. One of those rings are put under his balls, while the rest covers his penis and keeping them erect.

"Naughty boy like you needs something far worse than getting spanked," said Zela behind him sultrily. "Of course, you have the idea of the pain, right? Seeing people's suffering does give you a nice reason to jerk off. You love it, and it turns you on."

Zela's hand slowly go down and rub his penis. He moans in pleasure, but then it changes into a feeling of pain as his penis is caught within the device. He tries to think other things, but the ring seems to vibrate and stimulates his penis, causing it to stay erect.

"Feel the pain, Sliv? You'll learn to like it. Now, since you are turned on from your companions getting their asses handed to them, why don't I let you watch? Of course, that thing around your shaft won't let you, though."

Sliv is forced to watch his fellow prisoners getting their body violated by the two dominatrices. They have their balls slapped (lightly), their asses spanked, and their assholes penetrated by dildos, causing them to moan while being stung by the pain all over their body. Sliv himself is also in a world of hurt, when his penis is uncontrollably erect and pushing against the cage. It does not help with something buzzing inside his anus and causing him to be distracted.

The whole thing goes on for hours. By the end of the session, all three males are exhausted and unable to react. They are tired from the constant spanking, violation, and denial. They are even docile enough for the two dominatrices to pull them down from their restraints, put their hands behind their backs, and lead them to a shower.

"Well, it seems that you have learned your lessons," said Zela. She personally ungags the three of them. "Are you going to try and do it again?"

"N-no," said Hrun weakly.


"No...mistress," he said while lowering his head.


"No, mistress."


"No, mistress."

"Good. Now, take a shower."

They were still restrained, however, which confuses them. That is when the water starts pouring down and everything becomes clear for them. It is not just water, but also a special liquid that caused all the fur on their bodies to fall apart. They want to struggle, but they are too exhausted to do anything and just accept it as their precious fur goes down the drain.

Before long, all three of them are nothing but furless cats. They were each identified by their kind of breed, but after the shower, there are nothing to differentiate them except their eyes and build. Every one of them have cream-colored skins, smooth to touch, and wrinkly in appearance.

"Like I said. I don't like those who betrayed my trust. I regard them as sinful, and they need to be cleansed. It is symbolic, isn't it. Your sins have been cleansed, and so does the filth that is your fur."

They do not reply. Zela knows they are embarassed. Always the considerate mistress, she kisses each of them in the snout and scratches their necks, causing them to purr.

"Feels good, doesn't it? It is liberating, is it not?" said Zela. She then kisses them on the forehead. "You'll get used to the sensation in no time, and I also understand that you don't want to be seen like this. I know it's not for everyone. That is why I give you a proposal. You will all be my personal servants until your fur grows back. In return, I expect full submission from all three of you. But, if you're caught stealing or breaking any other rules, I'll simply throw you out in the streets for everyone to see."

The thought of the humiliation causes them to quickly accept the proposal, one which Zela smiles.

"I'm glad you accept it. Now, there are robes my assistant will provide to you. Be good boys and get dressed, alright? She'll help you out."

The three nodded, knowing they have lost. They all get their restraints off as they walk out of the room to another. As Sliv tries to walk out, however, he is stopped by Zela, while Kena closed the door behind her.

"Y-yes, mistress?" said Sliv, nervous. He has been shivering from the sudden cold due to the lack of fur and is trying to cover his body.

"I am not done with you yet," said Zela in all seriousness.


Without warning, she puts a collar around Sliv's neck. He never feels the leather directly on his skin, but now that he has, it feels...weird, somehow. There is a leash in front of it, one that Zela uses to guide Sliv to another room. He is then fitted with yet another set of cuffs. Zela then closes the door behind him.

Sliv is nervous. Is it because he's the mastermind behind that attempt? What will his mistress do to him? The idea of getting a personal torture from his mistress causes his hurting penis to become erect once more, one that he tries to cover from Zela. He seems to be embarassed by this, looking away as Zela walks closer to him.

To his surprise, Zela embraces him and starts caressing his naked body, to which he moans. This new sensation is so weird, yet so...stimulating. He has never felt like this before, not when he still has his fur.

"Hrun and Acos can be my personal servant, but I have a different idea for you, Sliv," said Zela while she kisses Sliv's neck, causing him to moan. "From your reaction back in that room, I can see that you are very willing to ask for forgiveness, are you not?"

"Y-yes, ah...yes, I am, mistress," said Sliv among the moans. "I-I'm sorry."

"Even if you are, I bet you'll end up back in that room, and end up getting your fur off again. I may enjoy your suffering, Sliv, but I cannot bring myself to hurt you psychologically. Still, as you're the brains, you are getting the worst punishment by getting denied painfully."

Sliv does not dare to reply.

"Is it hurt, dear tommy?"

"Y-yes, mistress. It hurts."

"Yes, but now...it's going to get even worse."

She then produces a ring that slides down Sliv's cock. The Felinian is afraid that it's going to hurt him, but it isn't. Zela then take both of Sliv's hands and secures it behind his back.

"On the bed," commanded Zela. Sliv obliges and do so.

"Lay on your back," she said. Sliv once again does so.

Sliv has no idea what comes next. He does not realize that his personal treatment by Zela is something far worse than his two companions, who are relieving themselves while being helped by Kena. Sliv has no idea what the cock ring does, at least until Zela starts the real torture.

Zela produces some kind of perfume that she sprays over Sliv's bound body. The mist is cool on his furless skin, but that's not all. The moment he takes a breath and smell the rosy smell of the perfume, he feels his body rising in temperature, and his breathing becomes faster. His cock has suddenly become very erect and he starts humping the air uncontrollably.

"Aphrodisiac," said Zela as she laid on top of Sliv. "Tell me, Sliv. You're a smart tommy, right? That cock ring is a special toy that directly controls the neural pathway that controls the flow of blood around your cock. But, it can also inhibit any attempt at ejaculation, essentially blocking everything off. Now, you have taken the aphrodisiac, and you're humping the air like an animal in heat, but, the cock ring blocks the ejaculation. What do you think's gonna happen?"

In the midst of the potent aphrodisiac, Sliv somehow realizes what he's getting into. He wants to answer, but he is so in heat that he cannot say anything but moan when his furless body is kissed by Zela.

"Now, Sliv," said Zela over him. "I'll rub your cock, pleasure myself with it, kiss you and keep you horny, but whatever happens. You will never cum. Not even once."

"A-ah, mistress..."

"Don't argue, you sorry thing," said Zela. "You're nothing but an object of pleasure, you understand. You think you'll get out after this? Oh, no. Let me tell you something, Sliv. Your friends, Hrun and Acos, are getting their desires met by my lovely assistant in a room just beside the shower. Do you hear me? They get to cum. You? You'll just be in a perpetual state of bliss, frustrated as fuck, as you fuck me with that cock of yours. But, you will never cum."

Sliv can't think straight anymore. He's far too horny and far too frustrated to even reply.

"Now, pleasure me, pillow tom," said Zela. "Make me cum."

And thus, the room is full of moan and shouts, plea for release and frustration. He cannot do anything as Zela's moan of pleasure rings throughout the room and scream of ecstasy as she cums so many times over Sliv. The whole ordeal in the punishment room, and then this, takes too much of Sliv's energy to the point where he falls unconscious, still unable to relieve himself.

Zela, similarly exhausted, slumps to the bed, writhing and recovering from all the ejaculations. She then notices Sliv's unconscious body, then kisses him.

"I hope you're ready," said Zela. "Until your fur grows back, you'll be my personal fuck toy. I'm sure that you'll break sooner or later. When that happens, you will regret the time when you betray my trust and think why you did what you did. It's far too late now, Sliv."

Zela then lets Sliv get a good rest, caressing his bruised body, and let him sleep. Zela almost feels bad for doing this to the former Calico Felinian, but she does not tolerate theft. At least Sliv gets a good privilege and stays in safety in Zela's bedroom.

The whole ordeal makes Zela herself exhausted, and after making Sliv comfortable, she goes to sleep.


The female Felinian wakes up a couple of hours later. She turns and still sees Sliv asleep, though his raging erection has died down. Smiling, she kisses Sliv, uncuffs his hands, and slip the cock ring out. She then replaces it with a chastity cage before pulling up a blanket on his otherwise naked body. She does not want him to get cold, given how his body is all skins now.

Walking out of the room and locking the door behind her (after making sure that he knows where the go when he wakes up), she meets with Kena, who has finished with Hrun and Acos. They have been put in bondage again, gagged and blindfolded, for the two to escort. As promised, they are wearing their robes to cover their furless bodies.

"Ready to go?" said Kena while pulling Hrun with her leash.


Before long, they are already back in Zela's personal floor, where the two are then ungagged and their blindfolds are off. Kena gives them a job to clean some stuffs, and they oblige, leaving the two alone in the garden bedroom.

Kena locks the door behind her and starts undressing. She takes off her corset and hood.

"Is he okay? Sliv, I mean?" said Kena.

"He'll be fine. You'll get to play with him later," said Zela while she takes off her gloves. As she does so, however, she said, "Still...I feel like the moral of this household is still off."

"Don't worry. These three has learned their lessons. They won't be bothering you anymore."

"You're right," said Zela. "I'm glad you're here with me, Kena."

Zela then pulls off the hood covering her face, showing Kena her face after a while. Zela has never taken off the hood when she's out in the club or doing some dominatrix work and will only take it off when she's alone in her room or with Kena, for a very good reason.

Unlike the three slaves she just punished, Zela is a furless Felinian genetically, a Sphynx cat model with webbed hands and paws. She has issues with being seen as a furless Felinian despite of their subrace not being shunned upon. But, despite all that, she secretly likes it, and she likes seeing a similarly furless Felinian, shaved or genetically.

The feeling of fur is so foreign to her as she is all skin. It gives her a good feel of the tightness of rubber, and she loves every moment in it. Even then, she wants someone to let her know that it's alright to be furless, though she is not ready to show her body, not if she wants others to still respect her. Her private fetishes can also be a curse.

Kena stumbled upon her naked body accidentally, but instead of spreading the fact, she comforted Zela, and that was when they became lovers. Kena was the first person Zela divulged on her true appearance, and she did not mind. In fact, she likes furless chicks.

Kena helps Zela unzips her suit, all the while kissing her. They like to tease each other about it privately and love the fact that they can talk to each other about their past without getting interrupted by everyone. They do not talk about that most of the time, especially during intimate times.

They make out without anything on them, and they walk to the bed and lay down without a strand of clothing on them. Zela's furless body makes her far more naked than Kena.

"So...what's your plan? Are you going to expand the club?"

"I might. The colony needs their desires, and the police wants to test their project G. Where else to test it than in my club?"

"I think they are as dirty as you are," teased Kena.

"Hey, it's what they like. Not my...oh!"

Zela looks down and see that her hands are cuffed. Instead of being mad, however, she makes a very flirty expression and said, "Still got energy left?"

"How about you?"

"Well, I might need a little reminder about it," said Zela. "So, what's the game tonight, mistress?"

Suddenly, Kena produces a ring gag, which she fits on Zela. She can still talk, but it is unintelligible. Zela then lays on top of her with her clitoris directly in front of the furless Felinian's face. Her legs hold Zela's bound hands on top of her head.

"Be a good little slave and lick my pussy," commanded Kena. Zela does not hesitate to do so. She is then given an incentive when Kena starts fingering her, causing her to moan inside Kena, causing it to vibrate and cause Kena herself to start moaning.

"Oh, I need that," said Kena. "Give me more, slave."

This is another secret that Zela has not divulge to the other except Kena: she's actually a sub. She is a switch when she needs to, only showing her dominant side in the club and when punishing misbehaving slaves. Secretly, however, she likes to be dominated, being make helpless as her body's being played on. She likes to imagine her naked, furless body being super sensitive and a slight touch on it will cause her to moan uncontrollably. She likes the sensation of direct skin contact.

Kena herself is surprised by Zela's revelation, but it helps their relationship to stay strong for years. She may be legally her mistress, but for Kena, Zela's a good lover to support her lonely and distressing life. Her life as a pirate gives her a good deal of being a dominant female, though like Zela, she's secretly a switch, too.

Kena feels her first ejaculation for the day, moaning as it releases into Zela's mouth. Zela also cums despite of getting it all off with Sliv. Of course, it does not stay long. They are already exhausted by the night's ordeal, and they becomes exhausted after only a small session.

Kena then takes off Zela's ring gag but keep the cuffs on. The leopard Felinian looks at her lover with keen interest, caressing her furless face as they make out. Then, as they start to sleep, they look at each other eyes once more.

"I love you," whispered Zela.

"I love you, too."

They embraced each other as they drift to sleep, among the stars and the bustling night of the colony's night entertainment. They need the rest, and they gets it.

Tomorrow is a new day, and they are ready to face it together.

Wind of Change Epilogue

The Reunion It was summer in the lands of the Oriental draconians, and life went on, with its ups and downs to everyone. Schools out, and children played in beaches and young adults going on a space trip to planets beyond the Sol System, to see...

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Wind of Change: Chapter 46

The Final Farewell Three months had passed... The Federation had finally put an end to the returning historical problems by the Solids, and in turn, they gained many insights and facts for the history books. Many unexplained mysteries were...

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Wind of Change: Chapter 43

Sustained Reality Minutes passed... Things seemed to freeze, as if time itself stopped. No one dared to know what happened, as everyone seemed to close or shield their eyes. Lunera, however, was curious. Surely, but sure, he opened his...

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