Zeke The Bio-Suit

Story by Zrathie on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

This a story that Zeke the shark had commissioned for me to write and is my first ordered short story. It's a transformation themed tale where the shark character is transformed into one of my Bio-Suits and goes on a misadventure. It's something different from what you usually see from me.

Comments and feedback are always appreciated even the so-called creepy ones. This is a fetish story after all. I hope you enjoy this and thanks for reading.

Zeke The Bio-Suit

By Zrathie

For the shark named Zeke, he had fallen on hard times. When he saw an ad advertising for test subjects for a new smart clothing project he jumped at the chance. He had been given a full stack of paperwork to read, but he mainly skimmed through it and just signed what he needed to sign. The amount the researchers were offering exceeded his current earnings for a whole year many times over.

To say he was blinded by the dollar signs was an understatement. Now he was nude standing in front of a round tubular looking machine. A fox dressed in a lab coat was standing behind a console he motioned the shark to climb in. Zeke gulped as he stepped inside. He turned to face the open door as he saw the fox pull a leaver on his control console.

As the door closed putting Zeke into darkness, he began to think he should have read what precisely this experiment was for. He had no time more to consider his decisions as the machine had thundered to life. It was loud whatever it was. Zeke waited for whatever it was going to do to him to start.

A few minutes in and the shark was feeling very strange indeed. Zeke's shark skin had taken a much more rubbery texture. He could touch it with his fingers. With no light, he couldn't tell what was happening. He was beginning the breath deeply to calm himself this worked for a point, but soon he was going to find out what this machine was actually doing to him.

Zeke's hands and feet began to feel numb. Suddenly the shark fell forward against the wall of the machine. It was like his feet had gone hollow. He reached down, but his fingers had no dexterity. To his horror, he noticed that his hands were just empty rubber gloves. He bashed the walls of the machine. His feet were the same unable to stand anymore due to his muscles and bones not being there anymore.

"Stop! Turn it off!" he screamed.

There was no reply. Zeke's forearms and lower legs were now hollow, and it was spreading up his limbs. Replacing his muscles and bones with nothing only air. He could still feel his skin only now it was thicker more and rubbery. He flailed around in the darkness as what used to be his arms and legs were just empty rubber sleeves. Whatever this process was it had reached his elbows and knees.

He fell backwards. He didn't even notice his tail until now. It wasn't flesh anymore just hollow rubber. His body shuddered, and Zeke opened his mouth only to find that not only he couldn't scream, but his mouth was opening to a grotesque size. It did stop it was becoming something else. His head was hollow! How was he still alive? He then realised he wasn't breathing and his thundering pulse had stopped completely. It was as if he had no lungs or heart anymore.

Inside his body, he felt hollow and sure enough his chest, torso and abdomen collapsed in on themselves. He could still feel, and he was aware of his new body somehow, but he couldn't move, he had no bones, muscles let alone organs anymore. He had no voice and where his head had been was just a gaping hole in his neck. A new hole was forming it ran down his back his skin or whatever it was now was parting forming a large opening.

A sudden input like a computer command was beamed directly into his mind. He was a bio-suit. He instantly knew what a bio-suit was. A bio-suit was safety clothing to protect its wearers from chemical, biological and nuclear hazards. He could feel his skin had a structure he knew it could sort harmful material but he didn't know how to actually do this because his new body was foreign. He didn't know how this new body worked. He was like a newborn not knowing how to walk.

He had sensors, and they detected the chemical composition of his environment. He had no way to communicate his distress. It was very uncomfortable being in a pile on the floor not to mention terrifying. He could see somehow it was like a camera vision on his chest. He now saw the roof of the machine. A figure came into view. It was the fox he picked up his hollow body. He was much lighter without his organs, muscles and bones.

He was folded over the foxes arm like a piece of laundry. He was doubled over. He was laundry! He could feel the paw pads of the fox grip him and the cotton of his lab coat. His limbs just dangled freely total void of any control on Zeke part. He still had his shark fin, but now it was just rubber. It had a new function, but he had no idea yet. Whatever they had uploaded into his brain or mind was incomplete. He knew what he was and what his role was but not how to work his new body.

He was afraid but not in pain. The fox was taking him somewhere but the way he had folded him, he couldn't see where he was going. He could only see his rubbery abdomen and upside down at that. Zeke was draped over a clothing rack. The fox didn't speak to him. Surely the fox knew who he was inside or more precisely that he was still Zeke. Still a person and not a thing!

There, Zeke was left for what felt like hours. His panic and fear were soon replaced by dull boredom. Zeke was beginning to think they had forgotten about him when he detected a presence in the room. He was taken from the rack, and a foot paw was pressed inside his body. He could feel the rubbery pads of a canine's foot paw and lower leg brushing inside his body. The foot paw soon found one of his legs and began to slip itself down inside it. The foot paw found Zeke's hollow foot at the end of his legs.

The next foot paw came down his second pant leg. Slipping inside his hollow rubber leg. The creature pulled Zeke's hollow body over his fur covered one. The former shark now knew the canine was male. Zeke had felt his wearer's sheath, and balls press inside his now sexless crotch. Next, the creature placed his right arm into Zeke's hollow sleeve searching out for his integrated gloves at the end of his sleeves. The canine put his hand paw fingers into each of the fingers of what used to be Zeke's hands.

The canine repeated the process with Zeke's other sleeve and glove. Then a pointed snout was pushed through his head hole for lack of a better term. Zeke's eyes were now at the centre of his chest or at least the sensor that acted as a camera was. Now he could see the room he was in. It looked like a texting chamber, but his view was limited to wherever his wearer's torso was facing.

Zeke felt better that he was off the rack, but he was in the most awkward of hugs with a complete stranger. It was made worse by the fact he was nude inside of him. Zeke could taste his fur all over his body. It was strange, but he could tell this wolf. It was a wolf because his lupine tail had been slipped inside his old one. Zeke's tail had lost its shark-like shape and was now in a general lupine shape moulded for this wolf's use.

"New wearer detected calibrating fit," said Zeke.

It wasn't his choice to speak. He didn't know how in this new body but the wolf had heard this message. Zeke wanted to talk to the wolf again, but he only knew how to speak in his old body. When he had a head, and vocal cords even lungs. Zeke could feel his form shrinking. His was getting smaller overall. He was getting tighter and tighter on the wolf. Zeke could feel his rubber body was changing to suit the wolf's form. All without his doing, all on full automatic.

Zeke's hands were squeezed against the wolf's body and his feet as well. He hugged the wolf closely, and suddenly he felt the slit down his back merge itself closed. He had no idea how to do this the commands must have been done remotely. The wolf was now trapped inside, and Zeke didn't know how to open himself again. His body wrapped around the wolf tightly it was uncomfortably close. He had no control over how tight he would end up, but soon Zeke felt like he was painted on the wolf's body.

The wolf turned and faced a full-length mirror. It was then Zeke could finally see what he had become. His yellow torso, his pale blue body and navy blue sock marking were in the same positions. Even the two navy blue stripes on each of his limbs were there, but it was just a pattern on an outfit. He was a one-piece rubbery garment like a catsuit. The wolf was enclosed with only his head free. The wolf's head was coming out of his neck hole, the only opening. Zeke doubted the wolf could take him off by himself.

His wearer was an arctic wolf with pale blue eyes. His hand paws ran over his form. The rubber squeaked over rubber. Zeke could see and feel every detail. The wolf's blunt claws, his pads, his compress fur and his growing erection. Growing erection! The wolf was getting hard, and Zeke could taste him. His cock was growing engorged. No stop! The wolf must have liked the look of himself coated in rubber.

Zeke had no sex organ of his own anymore. The wolf's canine cock was slowly surging out. Zeke was wrapped all around it he could taste the arctic wolf's cock as it filled out into a condom-like sleeve. The wolf touched himself rubbing Zeke's rubber cock sleeve. Zeke watched on as the wolf pumped his cock and fondled his balls. He could feel the wolf's eagerness to pleasure himself. He was only getting started.

The wolf watched himself in the mirror as he pumped his cock. It was getting worse for Zeke he had no choice but to taste the wolf's precum and feel in build up in the cock sleeve. He could feel every detail of the wolf's penis every contour every vain being etched into the former shark's memories. The wolf pumped away oblivions that Zeke was along for the ride.

Zeke knew the wolf was getting close he could taste the sweat on his paw pads and feel the arctic wolf's heart thundering in his chest. Just when Zeke had grown used to the taste of the wolf's pre the inevitable happened. The wolf's knot popped into the open, and he gripped it tightly. Almost painful for Zeke. Then a thick rope of wolf cum rocketed out into Zeke's crotch. His rubber body sealed in the wolf's release. The sticky mess kept growing with each pulse. It was too much, the taste of the wolf's cum all at once.

The wolf had finished, but Zeke could still feel and taste the arctic wolf's release. It was humiliating and degrading, and Zeke was helpless, He was reduced to being clothes now. After several minutes the wolf's knot had deflated, and his penis had returned to his sheath. The musky cum remained trapped inside Zeke body. It didn't seem to phase the wolf. He was walking down a corridor off to do something.

Zeke was just a passenger, the wolf was doing some marginal work tasks. Zeke was relieved that there wasn't any more sex involved. Zeke was relieved alright that was until just a few hours in. Just as the former shark thought it couldn't get any worse, the wolf walked into the men's room of the research centre. He stepped up to a urinal and fumbled with his crotch.

Zeke was horrified the wolf wanted to piss, but his was sealed shut. If the wolf had to go, it would be inside him! He could still taste every drop of the wolf's cum he didn't want to drink his piss. After a few moments, the wolf stepped back and exited the men's room. He let out a dissatisfied grunt. Crisis averted for now, but still, he knew the wolf wanted to pee. It was now a matter of how long he could hold it.

As time wore on the wolf started to show the telltale signs of needing the restroom. He would bounce on his foot paws and grab his crotch. It was about an hour later when it happened. The wolf was up a ladder doing something out of Zeke's field of view when it occurred. The wolf just casually began pissing himself. If Zeke could of, he would have gagged as the disgusting stream poured inside of him. The wolf's piss had a robust male taste, overpowering but there was nothing Zeke could do to stop the flow. The ex-shark was getting drenched. He now realised that's what his fin was for. Zeke was meant to collect his wearer's piss but how would he get the urine up to his fin.

The repulsive flow followed gravity downwards and pooled inside of the wolf's foot paws. It ran between his toes as the wolf shifted his weight. Zeke held him so tightly that the urine was up to his ankles on both of his foot paws. It was made all the worse because of the fact Zeke now knew that he could dispose of this waste up in his fin. Zeke was meant to turn it into biofuel, but the ex-shark didn't how to make his new body do it. That's why he could taste the cum and urine it wasn't meant to be on the wearer's body. The suit was missing the programming that could do it, and Zeke was left to suffer.

His wearer didn't like sitting in a pool of piss ether he had hoped down and made his way through the facility back towards the dressing room all the while pulling at Zeke to remove him. The wolf's piss sloshed as he trudged back. Zeke wanted out more than the wolf he could taste the cum and piss mixed together. He knew it was a function of his new form an incentive for him to treat his wearer's body wastes and keep his wearer's body clean. Zeke's new bio-suit body was like a newborn's he had no idea how to handle his bodily functions and just had to sit in this guy's piss like a soiled nappy.

As the arctic wolf walked into the dressing room. Zeke could see the fox scientist from before.

"How do you get this thing off me?" asked Zeke's wearer.

"What's the matter?" asked the fox.

"I had to pee and couldn't hold it. It's gone everywhere," said the arctic wolf.

"Hmm... your bio-suit was meant to treat your urine in an onboard process. This new shark model is still in the prototype phase. I'll give it the unlock code," said the fox.

The fox took out his phone and tapped the screen a few times. Zeke could feel a command come down into his body. He began to grow loose on the wolf's body, and the slit on his back opened up again. The piss shifted pooling around the wolf's foot paws. Why did he have to feel and taste it? It was revolting if he had a stomach to puke with he would have long ago.

The wolf was glad to be stripping out. He wiggled and pulled his arms and then his tail out from Zeke's new rubber body. Next, the wolf pulled his foot paws free. He flopped Zeke on the floor as if he was a used condom. Perhaps he was right thought Zeke he had got spunked inside of and then pissed in. He wasn't seen as a person anymore.

A little later, Zeke was picked up and carried out of the room. Was it that fox? Zeke couldn't see. His body was doubled over itself all he could see was his glossy rubberised body and a glimpse of the floor. Suddenly he was subjected to a new horror. His body was being turned inside out. Zeke wished he could vomit or pass out but he couldn't. Zeke could feel his 'skin' being rolled inside out. At the very least the piss that had collected inside him was flowing out.

He felt his body being placed on a rack and then water was blasted over his inside-out body. Zeke welcomed this at least the sour taste of the wolf's piss was being cleaned off his body. He was blasted with water jets, and every inch of his body was thoroughly cleaned. The water jets stopped, and Zeke found himself left hung out to dry.

Zeke could feel the water droplets drip from his body as he was left in the darkness of wherever he had been hung up. He was slowly getting used to being inside out but not completely. The sensation was just too alien for his mind to adjust to. It must have been a few hours later before he was moved again. He was dry now. Was he going to be put on someone else?

Zeke was carried into another room. He was then turned right side out, and he could see again. He was back in the first room the one he had been transformed in. There was the same machine alright, the one that had done this to him. Zeke hoped they were changing him back. The same scientist fox looked down at him and smiled.

"Zeke we need to work on your functionality in our next test. We're going to revert you back until for now," said the fox scientist.

Zeke saw his body being placed back inside the machine. His vision plunged back into darkness, and the door cycled shut. The device made a loud noise and began its operation. After what he reasoned was a few minutes his torso started to feel heavy. He was kind of inflating like a balloon. He could feel his neck opening morph and form a gaping mouth.

With time his head returned to a less gross shape. He was becoming a shark again. Suddenly his heart thundered to life, and he gasped for breath. He could feel his heart roaring in his chest anew as he gasped for breath. He soon caught his breath, but he was just a torso and head on the floor of the machine. He could turn his neck, but that was about it. He tested his tongue and licked over sharp shark teeth.

It was satisfying not to taste with his whole body anymore. He swore aloud. Being able to speak again was good too. He was going to tell that fox just what it had been like to taste cum and piss in vivid detail. He opened and closed his eyes. He couldn't know if his vision was back because he was still in pitch darkness. At his shoulders and hips, nubs of flesh began to sprout. It must be his limbs growing back again.

His limbs began to fill the hollow rubbery arm sleeves and legs. His limbs grew back to his knees and elbows. He could roll over now, and that's just what he did. His growing shark tail was uncomfortable to sit on. More and more his limbs returned up to his wrists and ankles now. It didn't take much longer for his hands and feet to grow back. Fingers and toes returning to his body.

Zeke tested his limbs and splayed open his hands and wiggled his toes. He stood up as it was getting less roomy in the machine now that he was almost whole. His shark tail the last part of him to become stable again. He swished it back and forth. Now his skin was becoming less rubbery, and more like the shark flesh, he was used to. He checked down to his crotch and found his manhood was back. Zeke let out a gasp of relief that they hadn't forgotten to return that to him.

The noisy machine stopped, and the door cycled open. Zeke staggered out. It took a few moments to adjust to his old body again. He saw the fox scientist tap a few commands into his mobile phone. Suddenly Zeke stood at attention. He tried to speak but found he had been silenced. He still under the scientist's control!

"It worked! Now, don't panic Zeke. You have signed over your body to us for six months yet. Don't get too used to your shark form again we will be changing you back into your bio-suit form until we work out the kinks in your functionality," said the fox scientist a sly vulpine smile forming on his muzzle.