
Story by The Fire Tiger on SoFurry

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#4 of Experiments

All he has to do is grab you from behind. There's nothing else he needs to do, not because it makes you uncomfortable, but because he understands that you want it that way.

A thing I did in like 40 minutes and I swear if this gets more views wtf

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It only took him a second. One second was all it took for the tiger to immediately grab you from behind, lovingly but slightly forcefully pulling you closer into his embrace. There's nothing you could do about it, as he was strong beyond belief, but did you ever have any intention to object?

You blush brightly as the tiger now grabs on to you tighter, his fur clashing against yours, his heavenly warmth beaming beneath you. All he does is look at you with that same cocky grin you've come to grow accustomed to, but beneath it all you know he cares for you. He does not wish to do you any harm, and that glance is just his way of knowing if you really want him to continue. Of course, you blush a bit brighter. You do want this to go on.

Like the literal cat that he is, the tiger decides to groom your face a little, licking your cheek patiently and slightly chuckling. He likes doing that just to see you squirm, and by second nature, you do just that; your cheeks always were very sensitive after all. You find yourself trying to move your arms up so you could hold his head and tug it downward for a kiss, but they're snugly secured by the tiger's own arms wrapping over you. Besides, it's just not the time to do that. Not when he has you right where he wants you to be.

Then, it begins. His incredible strength shines through, slowly and with ease lifting you up until your bare feet no longer touch the ground. By now you reminded yourself that you were strip naked before all this occured, and so was the tiger. His barbed cock grazes through your back, down to your coccyx and swiping slowly in your butt crack, allowing him to mark you with his warm pre. You cannot help but moan slightly as he does this, hoping to the gods that he just took you already. But, he was still not quite finished teasing you just yet.

As your fur and his fur mesh together, the tiger now lifts you higher and higher, until your head was at a par level with his, allowing you to see his slight blush but otherwise seeing that he was still confident as ever. His face is one you cannot describe. From his stripes to his maw, he was, in your eyes, perfect. The tiger took this chance to deeply kiss you on your cheek, before you decide to move and kiss him for real. Your maws both made contact, and you both took to moaning slightly in between breaths, letting your tongues touch and twist around as the kiss only deepened.

Eventually, the tiger breaks up the kiss, purring loudly and lifting you a little higher. At this point, you slowly lift up your legs and try to brush one of them against his exposed length. He simply chuckles more and lifts you one more inch higher so that you could use your feet instead. He lets you wriggle around your toes, letting that barbed pole of his slip in between and all around your feet and getting them wet with more pre. You couldn't help but moan even more.

You're so lost in lust that you completely ignore the fact that he's lifting you higher. And he doesn't stop. And now he's leaning back with you, letting the both of you fall onto--

...wait. Where's the bed?


The Incineroar successfully managed to suplex you, incredibly slowly, and painfully. Your head hit the carpet beneath you with a loud bang, and you found yourself flipping over until you just laid there, groaning in pain, face down. Obviously, the cocky fire type was all right, laughing like an idiot and standing up, still letting his meat hang.

He then jumps to get behind you, and picks you up until your ass was exposed for him. His hands held your thighs in place as he now licked his lips in pleasure. He couldn't talk, as was the nature of most Pokemon, but in your dazed state, you swore you could almost hear him say:

"Looks like you're mine now, Trainer~"

This would be one long night...


What is wrong with me? There's so much I wanna do It is hurting me. If it's not now, when? I have to let out these thoughts. So, here it goes, then... * * * I'm feeling kinda empty but now I'm okay? When night lurks around I refelct on...

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...finally. It's been so long since I have been here... Nice to be put into a deep slumber and to never be awoken ever again. You know, in some ways it's actually kinda funny how this all happened. I was just here, minding my own damn business, and...

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To whoever it may concern, be it human or otherwise, There's something you should know before I get into all of this. In fact, you should probably know a lot of things. One of which is that this was not written by a human. I am a pure werewolf,...

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