The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #9 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories - Streak

Attempting to escape from Raptor's secret lair, Streak finds himself enthralled by an enemy with many, many arms. Now Streak must fight with all his will to defeat an ancient menace who seeks to devour the world and the young hero's mind.

Story and characters (C) Sansenite



15 October 2015

Previously, after investigating a break-in at an industrial warehouse, I was attacked by a clone of myself, identical to me except for his outfit and black fur! I chased him across the city before he led me into an abandoned building, where several more clones managed to detain me for their master: Raptor, the villainous robo-tailed gryphon. However, after he attempted to brainwash me, I managed to escape with the very limits of my strength. Sprinting for freedom, I hid in a diving room to recover. I tried to escape through a moon pool, but that's when I was attacked by an octopus-like creature, leaping out to grab me.

It had a firm grasp on my head, swallowing my skull in its hollow mass. I clawed and pulled to try and remove it, but it wasn't going anywhere, despite my enhanced strength. It was slimy, dripping with salt water and goo, so my paws couldn't get a good grip.

"This was a serious mistake," said Falcon as I wrestled with the thing. "Remove it, quickly! I can feel it worming into your mind!"

The creature's long tentacles snaked down my torso and coiled around my arms and legs. One tentacle wrapped around the crotch of my now-soaked blue leotard and began to rub and caress firmly, inducing pulses of pleasure. I would've grabbed at the tentacles, but I was too busy panicking trying to remove the octopus from around my head. To top it all off, the other octopus creatures had slithered out of the hatch and were latching onto me, using their own tentacles to render assistance in massaging my helpless body. I was already exhausted and weak after my escape, so the molestations of the creatures quickly sapped the rest of my will.

Falling to my knees, my panicked yells soon turned to muffled moans inside the slimy bulk covering my face. Slowly but surely, I felt my heart rate slow and my muscles relax. I was trying to think of a way out of this situation, but not only were the many tentacles holding me still, but my thoughts were growing hazy. I was finding it harder and harder to think, and soon I was barely even struggling anymore. Falcon's voice had gone silent as well.

Inside the creature, I couldn't see anything. I could still breathe though, despite my head being coated in the slime that filled the creature's insides. As my mind went more and more fuzzy and messy, thoughts dislocated and confused, I even found myself gobbling up the slime that filled the confined space, licking it down unthinkingly. It just seemed to taste good, and it felt right. Then something forced its way into my maw. As slimy as everything else, it met little resistance as it filled my mouth, oozing more goo into my throat, but it didn't go deep, leaving me to slurp down the emissions freely.

With the penetration of the appendage in my mouth and the tentacle in my lower areas, the last of my thoughts vanished. Between my legs, my member was fully tenting my tights. The tentacle that was massaging it had slipped under the fabric to pump the sensitive flesh directly, and it felt way too good. My struggles ceased fully and my arms fell to my sides. By now, excluding the octopus on my head, three more of the tentacle creatures had latched onto me, holding tightly with their many arms.

"Mmmnnn..." I moaned, still mindlessly slurping up the slime inside the creature on my head.

Then my paws dropped to the ground and my muscles tensed up. I began crawling, but with unusual animalistic energy. The octopus was in control now. With its tentacles pleasuring me inside my costume, not to mention the other that had just slipped into my rear to press its slimy form against my prostate, the creature was easily keeping any remnant of lucidity and free will from returning to me. I didn't seem to care that my body was moving of its own accord. There wasn't a thought in my head, save for the recognition of the beautiful pleasure that burned through me.

Then I came, fiercely thrusting my hips near the metal floor as I unloaded in my tights. The pleasure across my body only flew to greater heights. I had become a mindless animal of lust as the creature filled me with ecstasy. Throughout the blissful ordeal, I greedily slurped up more slime without a care in the world. However, while my climax reduced in intensity, it never seemed to end.

Something was happening to my body as I continued to cum in my costume. The burning in my arms and legs was gone, likely due to the creature silencing any pain. I felt more energetic and powerful, eager to leap around like a bullet ricocheting off a wall. Though my mind was empty, I felt incredibly primitive, like my movements were driven by instinct, rather than thought. Even the creature controlling me seemed to merely give me objectives, whereas my body was making the decisions.

I moved back to the entrance of the chamber and stood up, but slouched over. I approached the hatchway, turned the wheel, and pulled it open. The clones were standing there, all of them ready for battle. Seeing the creature that had possessed me, they backed away slightly, but their cold expressions remained unchanged. Several of them still held their energy batons, weapons that would sufficiently paralyse my muscles, but the creature in control of my body had other plans.

I dashed forward through the hatch, crashing into the pile of clones and throwing them back. As they fell on their backsides, my slimy captor held me tight as it forced me to grab one of the clones by the neck hole of his leotard, lifting him into the air with less effort than I had ever needed before. The creature controlling me had enhanced my strength, making me stronger than ever before.

Three more clones approached from my left, and I quickly tossed my victim in their direction. I heard them yell as the impact knocked the air out of them.

Then my muscles tensed and froze with waves of fiery energy as a clone behind me slapped a baton against my back, sending a surge of power through the fabric of my leotard and into my lithe, tentacle-gripped body. However, my legs weren't giving out, and as the seconds passed, I was still standing. My muscles continued to burn with electricity, but the baton had ultimately done nothing to hinder me.

I turned on my heels. The mindless clone actually seemed alarmed that the weapon had so little effect on me, hesitating before trying to strike me with it again. Undeterred, I grabbed the weapon, pulled it from his grip, and hit him in the side of the neck. His body convulsed with flowing golden light before freezing in place, letting out a primal moan of pleasure as he quickly tented the red fabric at the crotch of his own leotard beneath his belt. A moment later, he fell over backwards, body straight as a nail as his leotard darkened with his warm cream seeping into his uniform, thrusting ever so slightly before going limp.

Then a swarm of other tentacle creatures emerged from the hatch behind me and slithered onto the clones. One by one, their alarmed yelling went silent as the octopus monsters grabbed their prey, each one positioning itself on a hapless clone. Their tentacles, like those on mine, snaked down their bodies to coil around their limbs and caress their muscles. As their new masters took control, the possessed clones got on all fours; primal, animalistic, and totally devoid of thought. Just like me.

I dropped the baton and ran, on all fours, in the direction of the main control room, retracing my steps. Why? I had no idea. My controller was calling the shots, and I was merely the vessel. I rampaged through the facility for a few minutes before I finally reached my destination. The large metallic door to the control room was closed, likely locked from the inside. Two clones were guarding it, but I effortlessly pushed them both aside and grabbed the door from around the edges, pulling with incredible power.

Several surviving clones approached from behind and my sides to prevent my advance, grabbing me from behind to try and pull me away. Others grabbed my fingers to try and pry my grip from the door. But despite their best efforts, they couldn't restrain me. My strength was significantly greater than theirs now that my body was being enhanced by the creature controlling me, and it didn't take long before the steel doorway began to peel away from its sturdy frame.

A few seconds later, the snapping of metal indicated the hinges had sprung away, and the door came free. I span in place, hitting the clones with the huge metal door and liberating me from their weak clutches.

"What?!" screamed Raptor, standing by the control panel at the opposite end of the room, easily recognisable as a sturdy winged gryphon in his purple leotard and robotic lion tail.

I ran forward, straight for the control stations Raptor stood beside. Mind still blank and empty, I couldn't even think about what my ultimate goal was. Regardless, body obeying the creature that had connected with me, I leapt over the railings and up to Raptor's raised platform, landing right before him.

"You fool!" screamed the gryphon, gritting his teeth with anger and frustration as he prepared his metallic tail for battle. "You had to go release Kanaloa's minions! They were contained, and you ruined everything! Didn't you read the sign?!"

Of course, I wasn't listening. I threw myself at my enemy. Raptor responded with a whip of his mechanical tail, opening the tip to slash me with a razor sharp blade. My body ducked to avoid the strike before jumping up to kick the villain under his beak.

"AAAGH!" he yelled, stumbling back. Growling, he ducked, letting his tail come up over his head to spray a jet of acid in my direction.

I rolled to the side, retaliating with a jump to the air with a kick to come down on Raptor's face. My boot would've shoved his head into the metal floor if he hadn't dodged, but instead, I landed harmlessly beside him.

Using the blade in his tail, Raptor swung the long appendage around again to try and slice through my legs. I jumped again to avoid the attack.

Landing again, I rolled forward before shoving my footpaw into Raptor's stomach. He stumbled back, cradling his belly while his tail produced another weapon. I quickly ran circles around the villain to avoid the hail of rubber bullets he began firing.

Then one of them hit me in the arm, making me lose my balance and fall.

"Gotcha!" said the villain, dashing towards me to throw himself down on my body, pinning me to the ground by my arms. "What a fool. But if I can't have you, no one will. Time to die, Streak!"

Over the villain's shoulder, the tip of his tail emerged, aiming its sharp blade at my octopus-covered head. But just before it shot down to impale me through the skull, I lifted a knee and shoved it against Raptor's side, sliding me out from under him while he toppled over, the blade skidding against the metal floor.

I pressed my advantage and kicked the villain's tail as hard as I could, but while the long device was pushed back, it was undamaged.

"My tail is nearly indestructible, superhero!" Raptor gloated, grinning as he stood up. "You're dead."

He swung his tail around again, but this time he sprayed a thick mist of sedative gas. The same he used to capture and deliver me to Manasa. However, the mist had no effect on me, and I continued to breathe normally inside the body of my dominant controller.

"Come on!" yelled the villain, arrogance turning to frustration. "Just... get on your knees and die!"

I ran at him. He brought his tail down once again to skewer me through the heart, but I bent to avoid the approaching weapon and threw myself straight into the villain, but he brought up his arms to tackle with me. Now we were wrestling.

"Gotcha," he said, grinning.

Behind me, Raptor's extended prehensile tail was about to impale me through the spine. I ducked, pulling the villain down with me. His tail froze in midair moments before the blade could cleave through his skull. A look of total fear and relief appeared on his face.

I slid down under Raptor's legs, coming up behind him. Now there was nothing between me and the levers above the main viewport into the bay. My objective. But Raptor was still a threat, turning to face me.

"Will you die if I ask nice--URGH!"

A clone, possessed by one of the many octopi, had thrown himself into Raptor, knocking him down.

With a moment to spare, my body went ahead with its objective, and I ran for the five long levers by the controls. Without hesitation, I pulled all five of them in turn, grinding loudly with each powerful tug.

"Stop!" yelled Raptor, tackling with the clone. "You'll doom us! You'll open containment and doom us!"

I wasn't even listening. My controller knew what it wanted, forcing me to pull the levers one by one. It didn't take long before all five levers were in a down position, and a deep metallic grinding suddenly rattled somewhere in the distance, through the walls.

"NO!" screamed the villain, legitimately horrified. "What've you done?!"

Filled with rage and fear, Raptor threw the clone away like a piece of meat. Then he charged me, tail at the ready to rip me apart with the shining blade protruding from the open tip.

His attack was cut short. Three more clones, each possessed with a creature that cradled and caressed their leotard-clad bodies, threw themselves onto Raptor.

"Stop!" he yelled, struggling against the onslaught of super-powered drones. "Get off! You obey me!"

With my mission accomplished, I ran back to the diving chamber at best speed, my body unquestioningly obeying the tentacle creature smothering my skull.

After reaching my destination, I dove into the hatch, instantly submerged in the cool water. It was dark, but my many-limbed captor saw for both of us and navigated the darkness perfectly, traversing a rocky underwater tunnel as the bubbles around me cleared after my dive. Though I had no thoughts of my own, it felt good to be submerged in cool water. The clear liquid around me felt refreshing, like a much-needed shower after who knows how long! Not that I ever needed a shower, considering Falcon's powers broke down dirt and grime on my body and costume over time.

My journey through the underwater passageway continued on for a few more minutes. My captor seemed to breathe for me, keeping oxygen cycling in and out of my lungs. Eventually, the tunnel opened into a large aquatic cavern. Many other tunnels seemed to branch off into the unknown, but an especially large tunnel, heading straight down, was beneath me. From below, many more tentacle creatures emerged, latching onto my body and smothering me in their tentacles, caressing and massaging every inch of my body as we began to descend.

I just seemed to be immune to the pressures at this depth, breathing normally as I fell into the darkness, heading for whatever unknown fate the creatures had planned for me. Of course, I wasn't afraid. I wasn't anything. I was just a body now, no longer in control.

After several minutes of descending, we passed by a massive open metal doorway. Two massive metal hatches had parted, permitting us access into the deeper depths. We continued to descend past for another minute before we finally began to level out, travelling horizontally through the submerged tunnels once again.

Then we began to ascend, breaking the surface of the water a few moments later into a large cavern. The glistening waters reflected brilliant blue patterns on the rocky ceiling. Finally, I climbed up onto dry land like a feral creature. Or rather, I climbed onto a rocky outcropping near the edge of the large cavern. Dripping with water, I got myself into a kneeling position. Then we waited.

I sat patiently, never bored, as I slowly dried in the dark cavern. But, at last, my obedience was answered, and a huge fleshy red mass began to emerge from the waters, slowly and lazily. Before me was the hulking mass of an enormous octopus. It was large enough to sit relaxed on the submerged floor of the cave while its head stood well above the water. It moved with immense effort as if it had never shifted an inch in years.

"Well done, my child," said a booming disembodied voice. "I am tired, yet this new source of sustenance shall permit my ascension now that you have freed me. Defend me while I feast."

Then the creature controlling my body uncoiled its tentacles from around me, leaving me to climax freely into my drenched costume. Then the creature slipped off my head, removing the appendage it had stuffed in my maw, and slithered into the waters surrounding the outcropping. Freed from the creature's influence, I fell forward onto my paws, panting and spitting out the fluid I had been force-fed. I was too weak to stand as the burning sensation in my limbs returned to me.

"Welcome back, boy," said Falcon. It was a relief to hear his voice again after the long silence in my head.

Panting, I looked up at this new monster. "Who...?" I asked, stammering. "Who are...?"

"Shhh," said the unseen voice, but it seemed pretty obvious that the massive octopus was telepathically communicating with me. Its stern gaze from two huge white eyes was firmly set on me. "Let me look at you..."

One of the octopus's tentacles moved towards me. Too weak to resist, I could barely do anything as the long, thick tendril coiled around my torso under my arms, lifting me into the air before bringing me closer to my new captor. The monster looked me over. I tried to struggle, pushing at the slimy flesh around me, but to no avail.

"Yes, I sense great virility within you. Not only can I sense that you are frequently milked, but you are unnaturally powerful. In fact, your power seems to slowly grow exponentially, making you an indefinite source of energy. Yes, your virile fluids shall sustain me for thousands of years, my little fox."

"What?! No! Let me go!" I yelled as a sense of immense fear fell over me. The thought of being a prisoner for millennia made me feel sick with horror. I struggled further but was still too weak to do much of anything.

"You must escape!" insisted Falcon. "This could be your end otherwise!"

"Gee, really?" I thought back, sarcastically.

"Thanks to you," continued Kanaloa, "I shall create many new children to help me conquer the world above. In time, my power shall reach heights beyond imagining. I shall become a god once again. Now, relax. Submit to me."

Then the tip of the tentacle wrapped around my ribs slithered down to tease the bulge in my costume before softly rubbing my softening manhood through the wet fabric. I let out a groan of pleasure in response, but I persisted in my struggles.

"No! I won't let you! I--Urgh!"

My words were stifled by the sudden insertion of a particularly small tentacle into my throat. I instantly gagged, reflexes struggling to remove it while it slid deep down inside me. I didn't know what it was doing, but I did realise I was suddenly breathing through it. It was likely feeding me oxygen. I continued to struggle, grabbing at the slimy tendril, but it was too slick and slimy to pull out. Down below, the monster's stimulations only increased their pace.

"This will fill you with a chemical that will vastly increase your body's ability to produce the fluids that I seek from you," said the monster as the tentacles pulled me in closer, still caressing me through my leotard. "Now, I shall make you mine."

Then I was right before the eyes of the octopus again. As it stared into my soul, my eyes began to glaze over white, and every thought in my head vanished, replaced only by silence. Even Falcon seemed to go silent. My brain was simply shut off, devoid of even the slightest hint of sentience. All my attempts at struggling against the tentacles coiled around me came to a swift end as every muscle in my body relaxed, and my legs dangled limply. I stopped gagging on the tentacle in my throat, and I just seemed to submit to my new master's molestations. The burning aches in my arms and legs also disappeared once again.

"Yes. Submit now. Know that I am Kanaloa. Your new god. From now on, you shall forever be mine, little fox. I am everything to you now, and you are my meal. My feast. In exchange for nourishing me, I shall sustain you, and reward you with pleasure you can only dream of. As well as your deepest desires."

The large tentacle around my chest released its grip, and I hung from the tentacle in my throat for a moment, legs dangling as I moaned absent-mindedly, before several smaller tentacles extended from under the large bulk, moving up to wrap around my arms, legs, torso, and neck. I was then pulled beneath the waters, kept breathing by the tentacle in my throat. I was dragged under Kanaloa's bulk where his many tentacles originated, and I entered a small spherical room of flash. The tentacles pulled me down tightly against the fleshy walls from which they extended.

As I was secured in place, two other victims came into view, all tied to the walls too, fast asleep, and all clad in swimwear. One was a male Border Collie in a high-cut purple bikini speedo. A tentacle had opened up at the tip and smothered his crotch. It seemed to be pulsating, no doubt sucking on him through the fabric of his risqué attire. The other prisoner was a female sea lion in a high-cut red one-piece lifeguard swimsuit. A tentacle had also slid under her outfit, creating a lewd outline under the fabric between her legs and penetrating deep inside her. If I could think, I would've realised that I recognised her.

Like me, they were both fully secured with a tentacle in each of their throats. Unlike me, they both looked thin and malnourished.

It was then that I was approached by four more tentacles. One widened with a little mouth on the end, growing larger as its maw revealed a hundred tiny little tentacles around a cavernous tunnel. Then it slid into one of the leg holes of my leotard and wormed its way up my belly before changing directions, facing down to engulf my hard, upturned member. The long mouth-like tendril then immediately began suckling my sensitive organ, stimulating me with the many little tentacles within.

After that, I felt another tentacle enter a leg hole from behind, which then slid into my rump and penetrated deep inside me, and it didn't stop. It simply kept going, sending waves of pleasure through me as Kanaloa penetrated me completely, becoming a permanent fixture on the fleshy walls within his bulk in a state of perpetual submission, dominated to no end.

Then I came, and I didn't stop. Despite having no free will whatsoever, I moaned instinctively around the tentacle in my throat, softly bucking my hips as an incredible orgasm came upon me. My cum was greedily slurped up by the tentacle over my member, wriggling and writhing under the tight fabric of my leotard as it coaxed my orgasm onward, pleasuring me beyond belief. It all felt so good. The tentacle in my rump having finally stopped moving inside me, and I was all ready to begin the rest of my life, eternally pleasured and empty-minded as Kanaloa fed on me. The others were clearly in the same predicament, but likely weren't going to live as long.

"Mmmm. Delicious. Sleep well, my pet, for you shall never awake again. But you can rest knowing that you are safe and secure within me for the next thousand years."

And sleep I did. I closed my eyes as if on command, and consciousness faded as I was milked without end.


I couldn't feel the water anymore, or the pleasurable throbbing between my legs from the stimulation of the tentacles. I felt warm and safe in a different way. Though I was distinctly aware that I was still wearing my costume, I also felt something soft all around me.

My eyes opened, slowly. I felt tired and lazy, wanting to stay where I was, but I was driven by curiosity to find out what was going on.

"Oh, good morning, sport!" said the voice of my father, instantly drawing me to full wakefulness.

Eyes wide open now, I sat up. I was previously laying spread out on the couch. The couch from my old apartment. The apartment where my parents and I lived before the accident.

"Fell asleep on the couch again? Another long night, huh?" continued my father. A broad-shouldered fox, he stood tall and proud in a fancy suit.

My mouth was agape in confusion, awe, and something resembling heartbreak. "D-Dad...? How...?"

"Morning, sweetie!" said my mother, to me, as she entered the living room from the master bedroom. A vixen in casual clothes, she kissed Dad deeply while adjusting the tie on his suit. Then she pulled away, clapping him on the shoulders. "Good luck out there!"

"Hey, Matt's not the only superhero in this house!" Dad responded, confidently. "I'll see you in a few hours."

As Dad turned to leave, Mum turned back to me and asked "Want me to get you some breakfast, sweetie? You look a bit pale."

"Wait!" I yelled, loudly, as I stood up, not wanting Dad to leave just yet. I needed answers. "How are you alive?!"

Dad was startled, delaying his exit as he turned back to me. "What are you talking about, son? Of course we're alive!"

Mum sat down on the couch, encouraging me to do the same with a paw on my bare arm. Feeling her gentle, heavenly touch soothed me, making me want to comply. "Did you have a nightmare?" she asked.

My heart was racing. After ten years, my parents were suddenly alive, and I was back in our old apartment. How did I get here? Was I dreaming? I pinched myself, but I didn't wake up. I willed myself awake, but nothing happened.

"How can this be real?! It can't be! You died!" I said, moving back to keep my distance from them both. "This is a trick! What have you done?! What's going on?!"

"Matthew, calm down," said Dad, reassuring and soothingly.

"Remember your temper!" said Mum. "Don't forget what happened to the vase!"

"Why can't I hear Falcon?! Where is he?!" I continued to ask, ignoring her, enraged that someone would try to manipulate me like this. "You're dead! Nothing can ever replace them! You can't trick me!"

"Sweetie," said the thing that looked like my Mum, tears starting to build up in her eyes, "please calm down. Everything's okay. We promise."

This had to be some kind of simulation. A fake dream world. As the idea settled in, I remembered the last thing that happened to me. Kanaloa had me in his slimy grip, suspended inside him as he fed on my energy. This had to be some kind torture for his amusement, or an attempt to pacify me.

"I'm not falling for it!" I yelled.

"Matt, it's okay," said Dad. "We'll sort this out. Is it something that happened last night? Did a villain do something to you?"

I couldn't endure this. I needed to get out of this lie. I couldn't stand to see and hear Mum and Dad being so... parental. They were just as I remembered them. Kind, understanding, considerate, and attentive. I wanted to believe this was real, hug my Mum and Dad, and say I didn't know what came over me. I wanted to surrender to the fantasy. But none of this was real. I knew it. I couldn't accept that my parents were alive.

"Stay away from me!" I said as Dad started to approach.

Dad reached out his arms as I backed away towards the window overlooking the city. "Matt, please. Just come here. It's okay. We're here. We'll fix this together, okay?"

My back touched the big window. Looking over my shoulder, I saw it was a beautiful morning, but I didn't allow myself to enjoy it.

"You're dead," I whispered. "We can't fix anything together."

With a shove from my shoulder, I threw myself through the window, shattering the glass with my immense strength. If there was any way to wake up, it was this.

"NOOO!!!" shrieked Mum as her son fell seemingly to his death.

"MATT!!!" screamed Dad as he ran for me, but he wasn't fast enough. I was out of reach long before he got to the shattered window.

Then began my long fall. I continued to hear Mum's cries of grief up above, and I instantly felt deep regret. Hearing my parents scream and cry for me broke my heart. What if I was wrong? What if some villain had given me false memories of a life where Mum and Dad died? What if I had just destroyed their lives with my reckless decision to leap to my death just to escape a world I thought wasn't real? What if I was really about to die and deprive my cherished Mum and Dad of their son?

Fifteen storeys below, eyes tightly closed, I found out.

Then I heard Mum and Dad crying. Loudly.

I was back in the apartment, lying spread out on the couch again. I sat up instantly, turning to see the silhouette of my parents in front of the window. They were sobbing uncontrollably, with Dad cradling Mum in a weak attempt to comfort her.

"It's okay, Helen," Dad was saying, barely able to speak through his tears. "We'll survive, okay? We'll be alright. We'll be alright."

"No... No... No..." Mum was repeating, delirious with intense grief.

I ran to them, kneeling beside them to put my arms over their shoulders, but my body passed right through them.

"Mum! Dad! I'm okay!" I said, trying to smile. "I'm okay! Look! I'm fine! Your son's okay!"

They didn't respond. They couldn't hear me. I had doomed them and now I couldn't take it back, and I was filled with an intense grief of my own.

"It was real!" I thought to myself in abject horror as I backed away from my grief-stricken parents, wishing more than anything that I could take it back. What bigger mistake could anyone have ever made? "It was real and I died! Now I'm a ghost! I killed myself and now I have to watch Mum and Dad suffer! What have I done?!"

"This is only what you wanted," said the voice of Kanaloa, startling me. "This is your paradise. Your parents are alive and well. They comfort and support you while you continue to be a superhero. Or they did."

Rage overcame me once again. Tears streaming down my face, I screamed at the disembodied voice. "How could you do this?! What kinda monster are you?!"

"I gave you your most coveted life you rejected it. Do you see what happens when you turn your back on happiness? When you deny the gifts of your god? Or the fortunes of life?"

"Fortunes?! Life?!" I yelled with my fists balled in anger, chest heaving with violent desire. "You showed me a lie and then punished me with a nightmare when I didn't fall for it!"

"Yes, it is a lie," said Kanaloa. "Though I am surprised you rejected it so quickly. The other two immediately surrendered themselves to paradise. A paradise you can have too. Say the word and I will undo the grief of your parents. You can live a long life of peace and joy, just as you always wanted."

"No! You don't deserve me! I'll never submit to your lies! No one will ever replace my parents! They're dead, and I'll never believe otherwise!"

"So be it. It is your choice. You will be here for a thousand years, my little thing. Possibly forever. So if you will not settle for paradise, you shall be my entertainment. Let us go exploring some of your memories..."

Then the warm apartment vanished, and an icy chill filled my lithe body as my environment turned dark. My ears were overwhelmed with the loud rushing of huge waves. My arms and legs flailed pathetically in the stormy waters in which I was partially submerged. I was wearing some baggy old clothes. It was night.

"HELP!" I screamed, struggling not to drown. I knew how to swim, but the weight of my clothes was making it difficult to keep afloat, so I tried to remove what I could.

Shining a reassuring spotlight across the waters, a coast guard boat heard my pleas as it approached, heading in my direction through the dark and terrible evening storm. Then I realised the immense familiarity I had with this situation.

"Reach for me!" said a female sea lion lifeguard on the boat, extending a paw down from the edge.

I knew her. The lifeguard entrapped in Kanaloa with me. She wore the exact same high-cut red swimsuit, glistening in the searchlight behind her. Then I knew what would happen next. Unable to extract me from the violent waters, she jumped into the water.

"Hang on!" she yelled over the roar of the storm, tearing away my heavy jacket and shirt, leaving me in only my pants and a vest.

Two other lifeguards on the boat reached for me. Without my heavier clothes weighing me down, I could finally grab hold, and they lifted me onto the boat. I was exhausted and soaked, but I needed to know if my saviour was okay, turning to look back down at her in the water. One of the lifeguards reached for her too, but in an instant, she vanished beneath the waves.

"NORA!" yelled the other lifeguard, a male shark in a high-cut red lifeguard speedo, before jumping into the water after her.

Nearly two minutes passed while the other lifeguard, a male otter also in red trunks, wrapped a warm blanket around me. He urged me to step away from the edge of the boat, but I was terrified that my saviour, the female lifeguard, had lost her life saving me. My fears were confirmed when the male lifeguard emerged from the water, helped up by his associate.

"I... I can't find her..." he said, filled with regret as he buried his face in his hands. The two lifeguards consoled each other. They had lost a good friend.

I remembered this. I remembered when it happened. It was a brutal memory that I never let go of. Now I was reliving it. The night when a courageous woman risked and seemingly gave her life for me. Now she had become the entrapped plaything of Kanaloa. This must have been before the monster's imprisonment.

"This was the first time you met a superhero," said Kanaloa, his voice coming from nowhere, booming and loud as ever. "She wore a swimsuit instead of a costume, but same thing. You were always so grateful to her, but you felt so guilty. But do not fret. Now she endures paradise and pleasure beyond imagining."

"What... What are you doing? What is all this?" I asked, still panting as the two lifeguards, professional and well-trained, turned their professional attention to making sure I was okay, shining a light into my eyes while asking if I had trouble breathing. I remembered them too. They took good care of me.

"This is a part of your story," continued Kanaloa. "This event has helped to shape and drive you. There are many like it, but this one was special. You believed she gave her life for you. Indeed, she gladly would have, as I have learned from analysing her mind. It is fun to see what made you the man you are today."

I didn't know what to say. I was confused and exhausted. I didn't know what to do. But then a question occurred to me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I was once a god revered and worshipped by thousands. You cannot imagine the glorious kingdom I created on my quest for dominance. For feeding me, I rewarded my slaves and playthings with endless pleasure. So many minions, their lives revolving around me, answered my every whim. Slowly, I grew and flourished, becoming more powerful. Of those slaves who did not feed me, I believed they were happy. They were loyal, and I enjoyed their worship, so I did not feed on them. But then they turned on me, demanding their loved ones back, and I realised they did not truly worship me. If they did, they would not put their families over their god. They attacked me, stole my food from me, and drove me into the ocean to sleep. I had so little to feed on, hiding beneath these waters as I plucked swimmers and sailors from above, but they were so few, and I grew so small and hungry. Those I caught were drained quickly. I was defenceless when I was imprisoned in here."

"That's so sad," I responded sarcastically.

"But you are plump and virile. Your energy is plentiful. In fact, your energy grows indefinitely. With you, I shall grow strong and big, creating many more of my children to control all those who live above. I know now that worship can only come with force, and soon the entire world shall answer to me. Those that I do not feed on shall become vessels for my children, and all shall bathe in infinite pleasure with me as their god. None shall worship me with free will."

"No!" I yelled, standing up, much to the confusion of the memory of the two lifeguards. "I'm gonna stop you! And I'll never submit to you willingly! And I won't play along with these memories for your amusement!"

I heard the monster sigh. "That is a shame. Then I will give you peace. Nothing but peace. No paradise. No fun. No thoughts. You have no need of a mind."

I awoke. Barely. Slowly, the reality of my prison set in. All around me, Kanaloa's tentacles fondled, rubbed, caressed, and masturbated me, all while the two inside me wriggled and writhed against my insides, overwhelming me with ecstasy. Still, I didn't gag on the tentacle in my throat. It all felt so good. My juices flowed freely and without pause into the tendril engulfing my hard member. Of course, I didn't have any energy to resist. Try as I might, the chemicals in my system kept my muscles weak.

Then I felt my mind going numb once again, finding it difficult to piece thoughts together. A moment later and I forgot who I was. I forgot the concept of a superhero. Language itself vanished from my mind. Emotion vanished from me, and soon I was empty. I couldn't form a single thought in my mind. There was only silence. My mind had been swept clean with no concerns, worries, fears or thoughts. It actually felt so good to be at the mercy of another, to not have to think or do anything. I felt so content, but only because I couldn't feel anything else. Not emotionally. I continued to feel orgasm after orgasm as my lord and master stimulated every inch of my body, his tentacles slithering over my lithe frame both over and under my costume.

I had become a vegetable in a leotard, devoid of any character of my own. All free will and agency had been lost, leaving me only as a battery to feed Kanaloa. I might as well have been dead, staring off with empty, soulless eyes into the mass of tentacles and red flash before me, uncaring for the two other victims. But it looked like Kanaloa gave me peace in the end.


Hours must have passed until suddenly I started to become aware again. Amid the limitless bliss, I could hear the faintest sounds of yelling and roaring. I wasn't yet lucid enough to think for myself though, still entranced in Kanaloa's power, but the tiniest tingles of thought lurked at the back of my mind, as well as a faint voice.

"Wake up, boy! Wake up! This is our opportunity!" said the distant voice of Falcon. "Please, wake up! I am not leaving you!"

I became aware of movement. Kanaloa was shifting around a great deal. As my blank eyes began to blink, I saw the two other victims being lightly thrown around against the fleshy walls within Kanaloa's body. Something was going on outside.

"Shhh! Quiet your mind!" commanded Kanaloa, but there was no mistaking the concern and desperation in his telepathic words. "Embrace the pleasure!"

Indeed, as my faculties and thoughts slowly returned and Kanaloa's power wore off, I became distinctly aware of the throbbing pleasure flowing through my body. My nerves were on fire with ecstasy as I felt myself spurting continuously into the tentacle engulfing my length in my costume. The tentacle in my rear writhed against my insides, filling me with a brilliant glow of warm bliss. I somehow felt incredibly comfortable, not wanting to move an inch.

"Do not listen to him, boy!" pleaded Falcon. "Reject the pleasure and embrace the hero you are!"

A minute later, I became aware of who I was once again. I was Streak, the young fox hero who had escaped from the lair of the villainous Raptor and had now been captured by this giant octopus monster. A few seconds later, my mission and purpose in Beacon City returned to me, and then came my determination, along with the blue of my eyes.

"Listen to me, little one," said Kanaloa. "I need you. I need your energy to save us from our attackers. Submit to me and you shall bask in pleasure forevermore."

"Yes, Streak. He needs you," said Falcon. "He cannot hold you and defend himself simultaneously. Only you can decide what happens here. You can be free!"

Still awash with pleasure, I tried moving my arms, struggling in Kanaloa's strong grip. They still stung after my encounter with Raptor, but that didn't stop me. I moved them with all my might, struggling to escape from my imprisonment on the fleshy wall of the chamber within the giant octopus. I felt Kanaloa's tentacles slide deeper inside me as if trying to regain control like some kind of warped finger puppet.

"Submission is pleasure!" insisted Kanaloa as the ecstasy rose. Clearly, he was attempting to pacify me, attempting to discourage me from escape by overwhelming me with pleasure to the point that I would submit and surrender to him. "Please, relax and enjoy the bliss I can give you. I can satisfy any desire you can conjure within your mind. Eternal happiness can still be yours if you just submit to me."

The monster's words weighed heavy on me. I had a responsibility to the people of Beacon City. I had a responsibility to the lifeguard who risked everything to save my life. But more than anything, I wanted a life of peace and happiness. If I surrendered to Kanaloa, I'd never be sad or unhappy again. It would be everything I could ever want. All I had to do was surrender. It would be immensely selfish, but I wasn't strong enough to deny that this is how I felt.

Streak surrenders... (Non-Canon Ending)

It feels so good! I want to escape, but I want to join with Kanaloa more! I want to keep on cumming and experience the intense pleasures further! I want to relax and stop struggling. But most of all, I can't deny that I want to see my parents again. I feel sad when I remember that I've lost them. Yes, I'll submit to Kanaloa.

The many tentacles in front of me move in my direction, completely smothering me, caressing every single inch of my over-sensitive body as orgasm after orgasm consumes me. I want to surrender to the pleasure so much! It feels so good! I need it! I need it more than anything!

So I cease my struggles. I stop pulling at my fleshy restraints and moan into the tentacle in my throat as I give up, allowing Kanaloa to use me.

"Streak, no! Do not give up!" Falcon urges, his voice now growing quieter and quieter.

"Yes, good boy," says Kanaloa. "I know what is best for you, and clearly you are smart enough to realise that."

My arms and legs spread out, the tentacles enthral me, pleasuring me all over as the two inside me push deeper and deeper as Kanaloa asserts his control over me. My eyes glaze over once again as my mind goes blank. It feels incredible to finally surrender for the first time and to just give in to the pleasure as I'm milked harder and harder. All my resistance is gone now, and it will never return.

Falcon's voice fades into nothingness, replaced only by the words of Kanaloa. "Yes, sleep..." he says, soothingly. It's as if his words are a lullaby as I drift into paradise. "Sleep... Sleep..."

I do. My eyes close and consciousness leaves me for the last time, never to know this world again.


Then I wake up on the family couch again, so warm and snug. So relaxed. I stretch my legs out and soak in the warm morning sunlight on my bare arms and legs as it streams in through the window, still wearing my tight leotard.

"Oh, good morning, sport!" says the voice of my father, once again drawing me instantly to full wakefulness.

I sit up, slowly, as I rub the sleep from my eyes, stretching my arms and legs once again as I sigh with relief and contentment. "Morning, Dad."

"Fell asleep on the couch again? Another long night, huh?"

"Something like that."

"Morning, sweetie!" says my mother, to me, as she enters the living room from the master bedroom, just like the first time. Then she kisses Dad deeply while adjusting the tie on his suit. Then she pulls away, clapping him on the shoulders. "Good luck out there!"

"Hey, Matt's not the only superhero in this house!" Dad responds, confidently. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Wait!" I yell, loudly.

I leap up from the couch with acrobatic efficiency and run to my Mum and Dad, embracing them in my arms. They're both startled, but happy.

"I love you both!" I say as I bury my head between them, filled with relief.

"We love you too, pal!" says Dad with a laugh. "You okay, though?"

"Yeah. Just happy. Looking forward to the day."

I have no idea what's going on in the real world. I don't care. Each new day here is incredible. I fight crime, but I never suffer. It's fun. The world feels like a beautiful place. All the supervillains go down easily, and it's so much fun kicking butt, but there's just enough challenge to keep things interesting. When I come home, my parents are always there for me, asking me how the day went, and I eagerly tell them everything before stuffing my face with dinner. The world never changes and there are no politics or controversy. Everything is right.

It looks like I need to sleep in this world, but that's okay because I sleep in a warm bed every night. In my dreams, I occasionally see vivid flashes of red tentacles massaging and caressing me while holding me tight, along with a constant stream of orgasmic pleasure, but I ignore that and forget about it when I wake up, ready for a new day. Perhaps one day Kanaloa will show me the world he has created, revealing what his many offspring have accomplished and what Beacon City has become. Perhaps then I may deny my perpetual happiness, or I may eagerly return to it. No, I would never deny this happiness. Then again, is any of that even real? Was there ever another world? Or was this the real world all along?

Either way, this is the only world that matters. Here, everything is perfect and warm. Here, I have nothing to worry about and I am happy. This is the real world for me. That is all I need to know. The only thing missing is Falcon, but that's okay. He was just a mentor. I have my parents right here.

Streak resists! (Canon Ending)

"Yeah," I thought, "I do wanna stay here. I wanna sleep in this paradise forever if it means a peaceful, happy life. Even if it's a lie."

"But you will not," said Falcon.

"No, I will not. I've got a duty to my city. I owe people. I owe my life to this lifeguard. I can't let her down. I can't let her rest down here for eternity. I'm gonna save her. I'm gonna save everyone from you, Kanaloa! I'm gonna stop you!"

I sensed the uncommon feeling of pride from Falcon. "That's my boy," he said.

Overwhelmed with determination, a burst of energy filled me once again. As power filled my muscles, I struggled with all my might, pulling at the tentacles that held my arms against the walls. They held me tight, and the tentacle in my rear only pushed deeper inside me, but I did not relent. Under attack after being imprisoned down here so long, Kanaloa was weakened. I knew it. This would be my chance. A new motivation came over me as I pulled the tentacles over my arms away from the wall.

"No! Don't!" urged the octopus monster. "You belong here with me! Submit and receive everlasting pleasure and happiness!"

Everlasting pleasure and happiness weren't good enough. It wasn't what mattered.

Finally, my arms broke free from the tentacles holding them against the fleshy walls. The tentacle in my throat continued to fill me with its intoxicating chemical, and I felt my fluids pumping ceaselessly into the tentacle engulfing my length. My hips still softly humped as I continued to cum for my captor, but the pleasure sweeping across my body wasn't holding me back. I fought off the desire to embrace it and continued to tear myself away from the wall, and soon the tentacles wrapped around my stomach weren't strong enough to sustain me.

As I exercised formidable exertion in the darkened space, I noticed swirling patterns of blue light appearing over my body once again. Sheer willpower was giving me the strength to overcome this trial.

Pulling an arm free, I then grabbed the tentacle snaked inside the back of my leotard and began to pull it out. It was difficult to maintain a grip on the slimy appendages, but I dug my fingers deep and was soon sliding the fleshy tendril free. A few seconds later and I had removed it completely, making me moan into the tentacle in my throat as the pressure on my prostate vanished. Then I removed the tentacle encapsulating my member under the fabric inside my costume, leaving me to ejaculate furiously into the open water. Still ignoring my tremendous climax, I gripped the slimy tentacle in my maw and tore it out, gagging briefly before holding my breath.

My next objective was clear. I swam across the pulsating flesh chamber for the other two victims, kicking at stray tentacles as they tried to snatch me. One coiled around my thigh before the tip rubbed rapidly against the throbbing bulge in my costume, drawing a few more spurts of my cream into the water, but I quickly managed to pull the slimy appendage free from my bare leg. Then I reached the lifeguard, grabbing the tentacles restraining her and pulling them away while saving the one in her throat for last. As I pulled the tentacle out the front of her swimsuit, her juices flowed freely into the water.

When she was freed except for the tentacle in her throat, I went for the Border collie, stripping him of the tentacles that restrained him, including the one entrenched in his skimpy speedo. With both freed, I swiftly removed the tentacles in their throats, grabbed them both in each arm, and swam down with them, heading out under Kanaloa's bulk with the aim of escape.

As I emerged with the two freed victims, noticed that we were now in a large area of open water. Kanaloa was ascending upwards towards the surface of Beacon Bay, and Raptor's abominable clones, clad in scuba gear, were locked in combat with the monster's many tentacles and possessed thralls, fighting furiously with harpoons and bladed weapons. Several of the clones had fallen in their attack, having been entranced by Kanaloa as he struggled to restrain them with his little minions. Raptor was there too, leading the charge. Clad in a diving suit resembling his usual costume, he was making sure the beast never got the upper hand.

Amid the chaos, I swam straight up as fast as I could. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Raptor and the clones for providing the opportunity I needed to escape, but it made sense that not even Raptor wanted Kanaloa to reach the surface. Thankfully, it looked like the winged villain and his army were succeeding in driving the weakened monster back down into the depths with their harpoons. Without me feeding him, Kanaloa would be defeated, and Raptor's forces were too focused on the intense battle to even notice me.

Though it was dark, I saw the shimmer of moonlight reflecting on the surface above. I swam harder, desperate to escape with the two swimmers before they could drown. I swam with everything I had. All around me, I could hear clones crying out in pleasure as their many-armed captors brought them to climax in their suits.

I broke the surface! Lifting the heads of my two saves above the water, I took a deep breath, hugely relieved, but my job wasn't done yet. It was apparently night, but I could make out the shore of one of the city's beaches, not far, and I quickly swam in that direction. I felt the cool night air chilling the soaking fur on my head, but the cold didn't bother me, as usual. It barely took a minute to reach dry land. Before I knew it, I was dragging myself up the sandy beach, muscles on fire as I carried the two swimmers in my arms. As I fell to my knees, the last of the blue glow on my body finally vanished.

Then I saw someone running out to me. It was a male dolphin wearing a high-cut red speedo. Another lifeguard!

"Lay them down with heads facing the water!" he yelled, sprinting nearer. "Turn their heads to the side!"

I did as he said and laid both the victims down on the sand with their heads facing towards the bay, in a downhill position. Water began to drain from their throats.

"They're not breathing!" I said, panic in my voice.

The dolphin knelt beside the male victim. "I need you to do exactly as I say, okay?"

I nodded.

"Check her pulse for ten seconds."

I put an ear to her mouth, then chest, for ten seconds. I shook my head, heart racing with fear and anticipation.

"I need you to do CPR," he responded. "Put your paw on her chest and put your other paw over it. Then do thirty chest compressions at about a hundred per minute, pressing down about two inches and letting her chest rise completely before each press. Don't press on her ribs!"

He'd already started CPR with the male victim. I did my best to copy his movements, doing exactly as instructed. I pressed down on the otter lifeguard's chest, two inches, then let her chest rise back up before going again. I did my best to keep it at a rate of a hundred compressions per minute."

"Check her breathing!" yelled the guy, checking the male victim's breathing himself.

I checked again. "Nothing!"

The male victim began choking and coughing up water. I was relieved to see him alive, but I wasn't out of the woods yet. The male lifeguard told me to move aside and he began giving mouth-to-mouth on the remaining victim. I sat back on the sand, my chest heaving with anxiousness. I watched him tilt her head back, lifting her chin, before covering her nose and connecting his mouth with hers. I heard him give two one-second breaths, his eyes watching her chest rise with each puff. Then he started compressions again where I left off.

I went to the male victim, making sure he was okay. He was shaken and confused, choking up a little water sometimes, but he seemed to be fine. Now all I could do was wait, heart still racing as I silently begged her to wake up.

My wishes were granted. She started breathing again, choking up more water. The dolphin turned her onto her side to help get it all out.

"YES!" I yelled, throwing a fist in the air as intense relief fell over me.

Half a minute passed as we let both victims calm down, plagued by headaches and burning chests. Thankfully, the male lifeguard called an ambulance. Then he took the male victim from my care while I went to support the female.

"Hey," I said, smiling warmly down at her as she lay, shivering on the wet evening shores. With a thought, I momentarily did what I hadn't done for a long, long time: I turned my fur back to normal, switching my all-white pelt to my old red fox fur. "Remember me?"

The thin but alive Border Collie was looking up, breathing rapidly. She squinted at me for a while before smiling.

"You..." she started, slowly. "You made it..."

"I did!" I responded with a laugh of relief and happiness.

"You saved me!"

I chuckled. "And you saved me. Technically twice. People like you gave me a lot of strength back there. Thanks."

Then I keeled over, exhausted and stressed-out. I lay back in the sand, incredibly satisfied with my work that night.

After a while, I turned to the male lifeguard. "Thank you. I don't think I could've saved them without you."

"My pleasure, man," he responded. "But you're the reason they're alive. You're a real hero."

A real hero?

"Be proud, Streak," said Falcon. "I know I am. Well done. Sleep now and let me heal your body. You have earned a rest."

"A real... hero..." I murmured as I dozed off, Falcon inducing unconsciousness as I drifted away into the sweet embrace of sleep, still soaking wet, and glad it was the clones dealing with Kanaloa instead of me.

"Well done, my friend."

I was a real hero.