On The Razors Edge

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#23 of Legend of the Tiger Clan

Because of her condition Xani would be spending the rest of the journey in the medical wing with Sparky keeping an eye on her and helping her recover, Shayde and the others however were more focused on the shadow knights after their first encounter and with Angels help they began studying the weapons and armor collected from the first knight that was defeated.

"Anything Angel?"

"It's just a regular set of armor and weapons. no enchantments at all, my guess is that the spell was broken at the moment the body was destroyed."

"Well all I got out of the armor was this weird crest."

Zeng tossed a polished piece of the armor onto the table, the crest depicted the symbol of a serpent with venom dripping from its fangs, Angel looked through all the books on the nobles of the land as well as secret organizations but found nothing until they noticed Saline staring at the crest in horror.

"Your majesty?"


Saline nearly fell to her knees as Abby caught her and sat her down on the table noticing she was in some kind of trance until Zeng snapped her out of it.

"Mother what is it?"

"The Fearsome Four...."

"The who?"

"Long ago; Before I was pregnant with you Zeng there existed four badits who were considered the greatest fighters of all time, they were known as "The Fearsome Four" and they possessed the most deadliest weapons ever made. The Renbatou, The Razor Shield, The Wings of Death and The Soul Reaver....one day I was kidnapped by them and they ordered that unless someone was able to defeat all of them in three days I would be executed but noone would take the challenge until....your father."

It was no surprise to Zeng that his father made heroic deeds such as this but this one stood above them all.

"When your father challenged them they were defeated and as proof he presented to the council their four crests, that is one of them and soon after they were executed....sentenced to be tortured to death."

"Of course it all makes sense now!!"

As soon as Angel realized how these mercanaries came to be the undead the others were keen on listening.

"According to legend shadow dragons were the founders of necromancy and other forms of dark magic and because of that the first kings of gaia ordered them to be hunted down and since Kairos is the last of his kind he must've found them wandering in the spirit world and offered them a deal."

"Serve him and live forever."

Abby had just finished Angels explanation before the lookout spotted the next temple, all around stalagmites pointed up to a small platform at the top making it look like some kind of arena. Kerric then notiched the symbol of the earth gem on the stairs meaning it was his and Abby's turn, as they made their way to the top Kerric spotted a small body shaped figure appearing and soon the saw the second shadow knight,

He was a bull who had both his horns torn off and his right eye burnt out, the scars from those wounds still showed and both Abby and Angel began feeling pretty sick, as for Kerric and Zeng all they could focus on was the two broad shields he carried as Kerric and Abby drew their weapons ready to fight.

"Let's get this over with-OOF!! what the?!?"

Zeng was suddenly blasted back by the same magical barrier that blocked him and Kerric during Shaydes duel, Angel attempted to break through but her magic had no effect as the shadow knight laughed at her attempts.

"This enchantment can only be broken when the caster dies and there are none who are a match for SIr Bonecrusher of the shadow knights!!!"

He didn't waste any time attacking first as he charged at Kerric who seemed to be dodging the attacks with ease since the shields were heavy and slow even for an opponent so huge but as he came in for a thrust his sword was parried and in one quick move he felt a gut wrenching pain in his chest as he leaped back screaming in pain for a short moment.


"Damn! that really hurts!"

"The Razor Shield is a tricky weapon. Like all other shields it's used as a perfect defense but if you two of em like I do one can also be used to rip your opponent to shreds but since you reacted quickly the blade only got a foot deep. Usually my opponents would be in two or three pieces by now."


Using her acrobatic skills Abby weaved and flipped pass the shields while landing a few stab wounds here and there while Kerric kept the knight distracted with an ongoing flurry of attacks making Bonecrusher infuriated.


In his rage the knight spun a full 360 degrees slicing at Kerrics chest, leaving another fatal wound while Abby was knocked onto the floor. As Kerrick laid there bleeding and exhausted the knight stood over him with a sinister smile on his face.

"Say goodbye-AAAGH!!! what?!?"

"Keep your disgusting hands of my mate!!"

Bonecrusher turned around to see Abby who had just stabbed him in his heart with both her gauntlet knives even though she was bleeding from her lip and forehead, soon the knight began to feel his body turn to mist as he tried to hang on to what little life force he had left.

"Master please! I can do better I-"

Before he could say his last word his entire body vanished and his armor and weapons fell to the ground with a loud clang allowing Kerric to place the gem on the pedastal with ease and like the one before a beacon of light shot out clearing away the dark clouds while in his prison he last two knights chuckled to each other as they watched the group from a seeing stone.

"Well that was shorter than I expected. So Frostfang which one are you taking on?"

"The boy...I want that sword of his."

The End.

The Fangs of Terror

With the coming eclipse Zeng and his comrades journied to black pillar where the four pedestals awaited, while the ship made its way through the volcanic region everyone checked their weapons and supplies while Saline and Linda sent messages to their...

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On To Black Pillar!

After another day in recovery Zeng was back on his feet and his mothers got him back on training, for two days straight they forced him to go through hours of weapons training and carry numerous heavy objects including themselves. Shayde and the others...

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Darkness Approaches

The crowd grew silent due to the fact that they all bet on the dragon while the others rushed into the ring to help Zeng. Shayde was first on the scene as he used his bandana to clean off the blood and dirt off the wounds while Angel prepared a healing...

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