Worked Up - Chapter 2

Story by Ripper Equidae on SoFurry

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Cyrillia couldn't concentrate.

This was now the fifth time today her co-worker, a fellow mare, had to nudge her back into the motions of doing checks in the aisles of the small amount of stock in this gas station.

As they shifted older stock to the front, removed anything out-of-date, resupplied and scanned off new items, Cyrillia gave a subtle shiver. A cold, slimy drip made its way out of her panties and down the inside of her leg. She could feel it matting the hairs as it went, before eventually expiring midway down her thigh. Her hazel eyes glanced towards the counter and a keypad-locked door behind it, she knew behind there was the storage room, delivery bay, staffroom and restroom where she had already been a few times this morning.

Pullena, the other mare, had thought nothing of the first couple of visits. The flushed look on Cyrillia's cheeks, her distracted behaviour and further visits back to the staff area had started to fill the younger draft mare with concern though. Plus, when she had sniffled curiously after the grey-furred woman as she went for one of those bathroom breaks, Pullena thought she could smell something off, but wasn't quite sure what...nah, just a trick of the mind.

"Hey girl, are you alright? Feeling ill or something?" she asked her co-worker, pausing as she was about to slide a new box of cereal onto the shelf. Bay coloured ears pricked attentively, waiting for a reply whilst her face gave a genuine look of concern. "I can finish up here and call Sal in if you need to go home."

Cyrillia contained a whimper, biting her lip as another slimy drop came free, catching on the fabric of her panties and smearing back and forth over both the cotton and her labia when she turned to her larger compatriot. She did feel rather warm, though that wasn't a sign of infection nor the cause of her trips to the restroom. Fortunately, she and Pullena had frequently confided in one another and...with a quick peek over the aisles to check for customers, seeing none were nearby, she prepared to do so once again in hushed tones.

"N-no...I'm fine Pull, really. It's just..." she blushed heavily and shifted her gaze to the floor, eyeing up her shoes. " know...and Rip and I kinda...well there wasn't a lot of time before work so..." she trailed off as Pullena's eyes widened and a small blush tinted through her own cheek fur. She remained attentive though, eventually reaching across to hug Cyrillia tight and pat her on the back reassuringly.

"Oh honey, you should've said something! You poor thing...did he...?" she gave a nod further down the aisle, towards the single shelf of condoms. Cyrillia started and turned, frightened that perhaps the Clydesdale had noticed a customer. Her brow furrowed as her mind cleared up what had been meant, smiling with relief and brushing the bangs out from her gaze, she answered with a nod. Pullena chuckled and gave a soft fistbump to the smaller woman's arm.

"You sly girl, on a workday too no less! No wonder you've been visiting the little mare's room." At such frankness, Cyrillia grimaced and folded her ears back a little, not sure whether to be embarassed or relieved at how understanding her colleague and friend was being. Sensing her discomfort, the bigger mare rubbed Cyrillia's arm where she'd fistbumped a few moments ago and offered a sympathetic smile - boys will be boys afterall.

"Tell you what hon, why don't you go take the time and sort yourself out properly? I've got my bag through there, with spare panty liners and some deodorant you can use to mask it. I'll be OK out here...but you gotta promise to give him what-for when you get home! I wouldn't let no stallion make such a mess without cleaning up I tell you, no sir!"

Whether it was the hormones or not, Cyrillia couldn't tell, but the simple kind offer brought tears to her eyes and a sniffle to her nose. Though she was right - how dare that zebra make her feel so awkward all day! She harumphed, yes, she'd show him! Such a rude boy. Pullena reached out and wiped the tears away, rubbing the sniffling snout when she pulled her hand away.

"Hey now, no tears big girl. Go sort yourself, and Ripper when you're home. Then tell me all about it tomorrow." Her tail flicked and her smile broadened, Cyrillia let out a tiny whicker and composed herself with a sniff, now seemingly back to normal.

"Thanks Pull...I owe you one..." she whispered, leaning over and stretching up on her dainty tippyhooves to give a quick smooch to her best friend, who could've sweatdropped from the kind words and actions. Spinning on heel, she headed to the back room for the sixth time today, stopping off by the staffroom on the way to find the Clydesdale's bag and the much needed relief supplies. Her head was swimming as she fumbled around inside her friends handbag, cheeks felt hot too, though to an observer no blush was obvious. Gods what was wrong with her? Her heat had never been this bad before! She found the deodorant can and liners, holding them in her hands as empty thoughts raced by, making her seem as if she were staring into the ether. Another drip down her leg brought her back to reality, head-shaking and letting out a frustrated snort as her hooves clopped into the restroom. Locking the door behind her, trousers and panties were hastily shucked down to her hocks.

The fur on her thick thighs had matted, clumping together with a few slimetrails leading straight round and up towards her labia. Patches around the mons pubis had been smeared with the oozing concoction and clumped too, looking like a punk rockers hairline. With a sigh she stepped out of the clothing and removed her panties, they were well and truly least until they were next washed. They'd just have to be rinsed and wrung out for now. A big, wet patch showed on both sides of the lacy fabric, with the inside in contact with her marehood showing distinct areas of mixed white and clear fluid. Her silken snoot twitched, a rush of musky sweatiness briefly passing by as it diffused into the air to be sucked away by the meek extractor fan on the wall - at least she had been keeping on top of things so far today, if she hadn't? Well, all the customers would probably be walking out either aroused or disgusted. At least Pullena had said to take all the time she needed.

Armed with the deodorant, panty liners and the thankfully plentiful toilet paper in here, Cyrillia felt confident she could combat the results of a morning romp. Eyes narrowed as another drip plopped from her lips and onto the floor, feeling oddly furious she grabbed some paper and leaned down, wiping it up and tossing the soiled paper into the toilet bowl. Ha! That would show Ripper and her body for being so messy! Now, she was ready to begin. Sitting down on the seat to begin though, caused a large gloop to slip out and splash into the water below, just enough volume for her to feel this time and tinge her thoughts with a small amount of arousal...just how much was in there? Damn zebras...but it had felt so good going in there...and coming back out again...mmm...

Without realising, Cyrillia had closed her eyes and strayed a hand down to her swollen clitoris. Her vagina winked on instinct with the pleasure brought by her fingertips, the other hand sliding along her curves and fondling her breasts, tweaking each nipple in turn and gasping from the sparks it sent right to her spine. The definitive musk of female arousal started to permeate the air, making her nostrils flare and slip another moan out, as she vividly remembered and imagines Ripper's own blending into it like a fine whiskey. Maybe just a little longer in here to take care of the mess wouldn't hurt...

A few hours later, two weary mares finished up their shift and locked up the gas station for the night. Turning the pumps off, cashing up into the safe and setting the alarm before exiting and pulling the shutters, deadlocking as they went. Cyrillia had been in the restroom earlier for about 40 minutes or so, emerging seemingly a little more flushed in the face than when she went in, but at least now cleaner, less oozy and more clear-headed than when she had entered. At least, it had allowed her to finish her shift without much further incident. Before her and Pullena parted ways until their next shift, she'd given the Clydesdale a big hug and squeaked out a thank you. The larger mare had just smiled, patted her friend on the back, and reminded her it was the least she could do and to go home and teach Ripper a lesson in chivalry! They laughed, bid each other goodnight, then headed for their respective cars to drive on home.


At least it was still there, she had joked before leaving that a zebra unattened at home would burn the house down. A grin twitched onto her muzzle. Grabbing her bag and swinging out of the car, pushing the door shut and locking with the remote, she strode confidently for their front door. She passed the oak tree in the yard along the way, noting that a couple of its smaller branches appeared to have snapped - poor tree, she'd have to make sure it was alright later. A couple of the lights appeared to be on inside, good, Ripper was probably in too then. The same naughty zebra that had left her in such a state, and not much time to fix it this morning. How rude. Cyrillia clicked her tongue and flicked her ears forward, an excited and powerful feeling washing over her as she remembered Pullena's advice. With a short but deep breath, the door was pushed open and she went inside, moving to hang her bag in the cloakroom cupboard before calling out to her lover.

"Rip? I'm home!"

Silence responded. Hmph. Probably playing computer games with his headset on again. Fine, she'd at least be patient enough to lecture him and show the error of his ways when he was finished...mmm...yes...he'd certainly be finished alright...

Cyrillia bit her lip. Calm it girl, it's just the hormones talking...although she certainly planned for that lesson to be taught in the bedroom. Screw whatever plans the stallion had - this was her night now. She was brought out of her inner thoughts by the smell of food - tomato, herbs, vegetable steam and rice, maybe a hint of garlic? Had he...cooked dinner? Not a rare event in and of itself, and it wasn't like he'd not had the time to do so today, indeed he had even said it would be on the table when she got in but they hadn't much ingredients in and certainly no tomatoes. Her curiosity piqued, Cyrillia walked past the staircase and back towards the kitchen and adjoining dining room.

There on the table was a still steaming plate of food, a place set for her with what looked like a glass of red wine nearby. The bottle sat nearby but more shrouded in the darkness, looking expensive even from here. The table was lit by a set of three candles in the centre (it was only a small dining table afterall), flickering cheerfully back at the mare. Where did these come from? There weren't any candles in the house, let alone any matches - Ripper must have bought them, but why? As she pondered, she also noticed that there wasn't a sign of any cooking having been done in the kitchen, not even plates airing dry on the rack by the sink. It was almost as if a ghost had cooked for her.

A small sniff, shuffling steps closer to the table, eyes scanning for movement in the surrounding murky darkness of the room. As Cyrillia drew closer her eyes adjusted to the candlelight and saw that the food appeared to be ratatouille, with a small portion of spiced couscous in a separate bowl. Adorning the table was a sprinkling of what looked like petals, on closer inspection it was just red tissue paper folded into shapes. Cute. Not knowing how long the food had been out for, but seeing the steam still coming from it, the grey mare decided she had better make the most of it. Sitting at the table she tucked in, finding that it was near-enough perfect temperature. Not too hot, but edible and certainly not cold. Her stomach grumbled and she didn't wait another minute to start eating more enthusiastically, slowly relaxing as she ate her meal alone with just the cheery candles for company.

Washing the few dishes and cutlery after her meal, Cyrillia lost herself in thoughts again. The food was hot, meaning Ripper had cooked or served up relatively shortly before she got home, yet no trace of kitchen activity was seen. How had he known to even start? She hadn't sent any message to let him know about her departure from work. Her right ear flicked back and forth as she placed the last items onto the rack and let the water go, gurgling down the drain. More to the point - where was her stallion anyway? She, she just wanted to see where he was, that was all. The food she could work out, but the candles and tissue paper petals? That It made her heart warm and fluttery and her hormonal body throb sure as it occurred this might all be part of his "plans", but it was still unusual to say the least. A cursory glance at the clock on the stove informed her it was nearing 8PM, usually about the time that she snuggled on the couch with the zebra male, but he obviously wasn't downstairs or he'd have heard her come home. Nevermind, she could go annoy him and "snuggle" upstairs instead. On her way back towards the entry hall she blew the candles out, a few of the paper petals skidding along the tablecloth as she did so. Clopping through to the main hall, she stopped by to lock and deadbolt their front door, ensuring they wouldn't have any unexpected guests. The lights were flicked off in the rooms that she'd noted from outside, then the grey mare started to climb up the stairs, alert for any sign of her beau and blending into the shadow of moonlight on the staircase.

At the top her movement halted, the lights weren't on up here but something else was illuminated - something that made her ever more curious and excited. More paper petals, scattered from the top edge of the staircase down the hall and seemingly ending at their bedroom door that sat closed, the trail dotted with tealights to accentuate its presence.

"Rip...what on earth have you been doing today?" she muttered under her breath. Feeling amused, still irritated and a little weary, she ignored a momentary tingle from her pulsing groin as her heat reminded of its presence alongside the brief flash of affection that crossed her mind. He was still such a messy stallion and this was just more to clean up!

Of course, the trail was naturally followed to the bedroom door and although a short distance, it took an age to get there as she paused and kneeled down to blow out each candle in turn. Here at the threshold was a flickering light from underneath, her mind assumed it was more tealights. The door was nudged open, revealing the familiar bedroom she shared with her stallion. There were more cheery candles here as she'd guessed, flickering hello as the draught from the door opening disturbed their burning, enough candles in fact to dimly light the entirety of the room and fill it with the dim smell of burnt wax and cheap vanilla scent. Her eyes quickly flicked and locked to the bed.

There, on his side reading what appeared to be a newspaper, was the zebra she had been missing all night. Eyes scanned his body, as they were often prone to when she saw him in here, they stopped at his crotch. A tight, form-hugging, wet-look pair of boxer shorts moulded perfectly to his bulge and hips. A dangling zip with a small ring on the pull caught her attention, hypnotised her for a second as it wiggled with the male's subtle movement of breath. Her heart leapt, a rush of excitement, adoration and unabided desire crept through, her lustful body knew what those boxers meant. As the rush crashed back, she was acutely aware of her now heavily throbbing nether region, as well as Pullena's words echoing in her head once again, altering her mood in a heartbeat. Ripper spoke, snapping her back to the here and now and away from his crotch.

"Oh, hey honey. How was your day? Food still hot when you got in? I was wondering if I timed it right." The zebra asked, removing his reading glasses and shutting his paper, turning over to place them on the nightstand, thankfully away from any of the sources of flame in the room. Aside from the growing one between the mare's legs of course. Cyrillia's breath caught, her eyes moved with him, she felt a familiar wetness alongside the burning itch between her legs and shifted her stance to compensate. It also served as a reminder of her day as she plodded to her wardrobe, starting to unceremoniously strip off her clothes and dump them into the laundry bag.

"It was...OK...could've been better, I kept getting distracted. The food was hot though, thank went to the store today?" By the time she finished, her top had been removed and trousers were unbuttoned, about to shuck down to her hooves as they had in the restroom earlier. Then she remembered the panty liner, the wetness, unusual deodorant and what had caused them to be there. She bit her lip, knowing Ripper was probably watching her undress. The trousers came down a little slower, and she made sure to bend right over and raise her tail - if he wanted a show, she'd give one, but on her terms!

"Mmhmm, right about lunchtime actually, after I'd finished cleaning the place up here. You were distracted? Something troubling you?" Bless him, the stallion seemed genuinely concerned. He had no idea of the pseudo-fury she was about to unleash as her hormones kicked in and she took her Clydesdale friends words to heart. She snorted, kicked her trousers off and threw them into the laundry leaving just her lacy bra and panties on display. Spinning about to face her stud her arms crossed, hip jutted to the side and tail flicked with irritation.

"Yeah - distracted by the fucking mess you left me in this morning, Mister Just-speaking-of-cleaning-up. Have you get any idea how hard it is, to go to work, stacking shelves which is the most boring job on this planet, whilst you're in heat and there's stud cum dripping every few minutes from your cunt? It's real hard I tell you. You get it easy, you don't have to carry it around with you for hours after. I do. I had to borrow supplies off Pullena to get myself sorted out, have you any idea how embarassing that was? I spent forty...minutes...dealing with the mess and the smell just so I could get through the day, all because you got morning wood and wanted to rut me like the filthy animal you are!"

Cyrillia huffed a bit when she finished, seeing the slightly stunned look on her partners' face and the folded-to-the-side ears. Oh. Had she overdone it? It had felt good to let off the steam and the tirade wasn't as long as it could've been but...oh gosh now she felt terrible, tears welled up and she started to sniffle. She hid herself in her hands and started to sob, not being able to bear looking at the sweet zebra's face - he'd been so kind and romantic making her dinner, setting out the wine and candles and petals and what had she done? She'd come home thinking of doing nothing but be mean to him, even if she'd meant to keep it contained to some playtime, now she'd gone off at him over this? Truly she felt horrible, no doubt her oestrus was amplifying the feeling.

Ripper blinked, noticed the snuffling and how the air in the room changed after her little outburst. He'd been caught off guard by her rant certainly, but recognised now she hadn't meant anything by it, indeed she hadn't even sounded all that angry at him just...frustrated. Without a word he slipped off the bed and sidled up to his mare, slipping arms around her back and tucking her head against his striped chest fur, swaying back and forth to quiet her down. The mock wetsuit boxers gently pressed against her, they couldn't not - the presence brought some extra comfort to the mare though as the feeling was benign and not as urgent as she had felt countless times before.

"Ssssh sweet mare...hush's OK...sweetie I know you didn't mean it." He shushed again gently, planting a kiss behind one of her ears which flicked in acknowledgment whilst she let out all the frustration and hormonal angst, wetting the striped fur of his body with her tears. As her crying reduced down to an occasional whimper and a big sniff, her grey muzzle lifted and met his eyes.

"Rip...I'm sorry I wasn't even that bad I...I'm sorry. I'm so horrible to you..." She sniffled, tucking her head back in against his chest out of shame.

"No, Cy, it's OK. It probably was a little cruel to give you that mess this morning, and you had an awful time at work because of it. Now you've come home and I tried to be all romantic and it was just a little much alright? I should be the one apologising, I know what you're like this time of the month." A smile played across his striped face as he let out an amused breath or two. Giving one final rub to her back, a hand slipped away and came to her face, rubbing the fur dry around her hazelnut eyes and pretty cheeks. Pointed ears splayed, eyelashes fluttered and her mouth tweaked up into a small smirk, instantly feeling a thousand times better than a few mere moments ago. How could she stay mad at her stallion when he could be such a gentleman at times? Excusing the occasional time-constrained morning romp.

"Now, come on. You're probably tired, had a long day. Come to bed and have some sleep, tomorrow's another day and I promise..." he trailed, fully letting the mare go as he clopped back around to his side of the bed and clambered under the sheets, reaching over to unfold her half invitingly. "No morning antics tomorrow. Unless you want to, of course."

Cheeky zeeb. Cyrillia laughed and rubbed her muzzle, dissipating the remaining dampness of her tears and settled her weary, confused and emotionally drained body down into the bed. The two of them soon snuggled up in the flickering candlelight as if it were a normal evening. Fortunately a few of the tealights had already expired and the last few were on their way out, no need to disrupt their closeness to put the remainder out.

"I always want to Rip, you know that." She teased, snuffling quietly at his cheek and planting a kiss to the surface. Already she could feel her returning happiness twisting into something else, something her body had craved again all day that had taken her on such a rollercoaster of emotion. Now she was about to go climb to the top and go down the big drop again - in more ways than one.

A short while later, when the last tealights had gone out, some faint giggling could be heard from the bedroom. A zipper undid, a hook unclipped. A few gasps, a rumble of dominance, moans (both male and female). They slowly worked up to be louder and louder, until they were audible to the oak tree outside once again, aided by the window being open and allowing a cool breeze to blow through.

There weren't any clear figures to be seen this time, but it didn't matter, there was plenty of audio and the occasional glimpse as the curtain flapped. No, this did not matter to the pubescent paperboy that had climbed the mighty oak tree this morning, and was now present on its branches again - branches that he had accidentally snapped in his haste this morning, upon hearing and seeing some of the action. A faint tease of the primal smell of sex drifted out as the breeze helped the room air out, dissipating just past the paperboys snout so only he, Ripper and Cyrillia would ever be aware of it, fuelling his own hormonal lusts. Knotted cock in hand, his lupine eyes kept darting between the bedroom window and the sidewalk, powered by the thrill of lust and the prospect of being caught.

"Ohhh...ohhh Rip yess...right there...right there baby...yesss oh my god I'm gonna...yes, yesssss I'm cummiiiiing!"

Both a mattress and an oak tree were soon watered for the second time that day.

Worked Up - Chapter 1

_"Aaah...haaah...yes! Yes, right there! Ohhh baby I'm gonna...aah...aaaaah babe I'm gonna...noooo don't pull out!"_ Just your average Wednesday morning in a quiet suburb. Or perhaps not. These were not the usual kinds of sounds to be leaking from...

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Attraction - Magnetism

Ripper didn't make eye contact with a single person on his way down to the arrivals area for port nine. He didn't break focus at all as he walked quickly, hooves thumping lightly on the carpeted metal of the station flooring; arrivals deck was about 5...

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Attraction - Gravity

"Doctor?" Ripper was snapped out of his partial daydream by one of his veterinary nurses, a young vixen by the name of Jessica. He cleared his throat out of embarrassment and met her concerned, attentive gaze. She hadn't said anything...yet... but she...

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